HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-19, Page 10We hitvq $very tool erful: seleetie- f SrearVeit''' Amen; Sdoldarvi's• newer MOS= tries is the wort •of . y9412 a chrig.rocts UM.. 44004; Inc?"'• than a million have been 4(44 to Canasta by • air—hitt ;they wilt' not have. grown sufficiently °for use before the Christmas festivities of 3.9604 in all, some 20,009,990 young trees are raised each year at West faTctlifs /1'tirseries, Forfar., cc't- .44.0i4r";4441'. A4-'41c .4%kr0414":4'.' Editors Nate; • • , . This biweekly' article attics will e(intairi interestijii444 • • *bout h9api!ale and is vubliakd as a pU1.)110."set.*0 hy•tbigi newsPaPer '-e9,00174100,3111.01 the OntArKft '1.toopitto_ MO% dation. • ' .1 • • ' " ' " . • . . "Since' the end of Virrirld • nabs Lbw, *odd.. .#1OSPital, an-: there has hew a.'• great influ* • Of. huntigrants into , Ontario front' pi:Any-parts of the world. This In; crease In Population has resnif In. a prolicirfiona44 14reitse in -44 Mirth rate M.W;i94-1/411 ‘n,01 riAtIlaS Meeting vivoiamelt Tha- December leeting of The Buds of Promise 'sion Band, United Church, was d in the church- hall' on Tees- . y, afternoon, The main feature Was a film "The. Raggedy Elf", • *he_ Wit 'by Rey.*r..-J. V. Buchanan. irrealdelit_ Helen • Magee presided. 'and opened ,the meeting with the- Won '"away in a Manger", follow- e4 by prayer by _ the president. 'Sharon. Elliott chose for the Scrip- tare • lesson the Christmas •storY found St. • Matthew's .Cospel, chapter .2 verses 1-11. Mrs, Mervyn .Grainger led' in meditation and -prayer. "Silent /Night, Holy- plight" was sung by - the .children. A, Christmas. play "Where the Toads. Meet", was enjoyed, lire- rented with the followipg cast, Lieone Charnbers, Connie. Clark, Brian Elliott, Wayne Sanderson..• The ;!toll. • call • was answered by naming•.a faiourite hymn, MM. hers •brOught in 'their mite .'boxes.` ACM-JaineS,..-4401ericon t he study fjnal • °limiter . 9f the study book entitled "MerrY. Christmas!' 'from the • "soy with the-. Bust Walic.'.., , tneeting closed with the Mizpah benediction: • •A treat was given to the 'children by their 'leaders. ' Ite4111! s l t toy • ad K. Sunday.. h held oil •$-ungay • Peaf•• DeeenilT 23rd, followtng the tegulaceluvr. sorvice. Alt are . troqt to be present' for this spec at, •;i: vice. The Tuesday Starlight .grenp. of Wreketer United 0111#011.'will. hold the Decamher .,meeting -in the church/halt-Om evening of Decent, her 27th at, 8 Gift's. will be exchanged; Members -are re- minded the Holiday Stars will be turned, in at this Meeting, - ln reporti the battler 'et the Women's GuIld, of St. Janice' Ans. llcan Church . last week •'three ' names were omitted, Mrs. Victoria. Brothers, who • WAS' in - charge Of the plant and , tench and take meat, et; will out s,Orp : 47. • 1":,, of .the .004t.stotit WT. invited send. •414tk )S- Pi" the rinlutintio.r.414 0 supper. .drba...tax tro 4 fi..effiriam Of the .Siottoy. ..44V90 .; preciate any: liimationa vol made candy' to-...tbo- for the . Children, and twee a :donations be'loft,at,.0.-ie';100 .39 6 . stdre not , later , than ''Tlinrs.. ay w. 13bi6 - noon. •• • -• - • ,• • gr.. and ISOP. Ocitgrge Galbraith Ctit lett a end pr (I ur h re eh e esol COMS ;and ROAMOEES .CHOG0 lb- $1.25 & up; vorozg..*Tx=galrit McKibbons WINGHAM 3.944, for example. a , tct4 ot'. 3.$7,592, babies 'were born in tarlo. 'X'hafidlowing year this num- ber- had increased to 140,503. One hospital alone, over a 1.3.rutontli period, recorded more than '5,0(10 births. •SInce about 98 per cent • of all' babies born in Ontario now' coign, 14 Theatre ...,, shows each ni9.14 ,First .at 7.15 Thurs.; Fri., Sat., Dee.: 20-4=',g, Dan '0Herliky fumes Ir ernandei: . • in' "The Adventures o Robson Crusoe" Mon., Tues., litic. 2145, THEATRE CLOSED': Wed., Thurs.,.Eri., Si Dec. 26-27-2449*, ' Deborah. Kerr . XIA: ki.iiitho "THE%Misit AND-, "' 787,000, or more, blvtlre.vioir4,4i.ettr. in, hospitaia atu OrtlithOt Mantlis. •►)iir piigri?Ork.hu.bles look a. Wretit. dk*V=1411t0'!ito.'that: care hod- Pine. 4pg tn'tha 1)1,1 trz* Ala-,ArOqklul:P foittA: ;.. : - aTbe 000000•,k :0040 pf 0,010.F' '.1)9401.04.11f.witompw, 01,4 2 hitt"' liOspltdi; autir !gins are. well **Ware tilt . conoloOit iffgliott•e,A# .001614piP: 1$401•4 '11 -404 en14 eau -; te .,Of- • great tencerk : b91.1.11f4 = ••••• ' • 'used )19431#,Als-44. :Ontgricr 'to:make posi,' goo ;3a4ntift4atiAli of,: -tiowociip.: okkoli•of , these. tend Priibehly :the• most. e0p0.12tr. methodo."of.• Identification 'f,lie,•tigie,•of namebeads. in meek, ittee13,.4risticts"'or.linkleta; .tleviee:' is- the, achiesive:''JiaelSqq. 115. matter 'Whey InotlititIOli;:sb-. almost innne4latelr'100VdbeOle.. Birth to 'that";:p4'.0p:or,445e;• 4114;$4jilg?•instil ut`io *013t4'41i1.0tPrirkfgv: WIA/143.01):cit.4.4:1i1FA: phatioekailli* 4A :144 .f• t/ils' . 'IS • ig4:4'.1;$1.11iii'., VrettrcXr$'/X•takin..f.nci 0)1041:lea* of .error elinxintited•JO' Vitus 'ensure u,,reel sense: vfv.Settliit5t:' for,.'41,e'patientland froPAOM ,ft.anv. ebhoerned.' • :, .1,1;6 Iiietooioloofoopoka. .rogio `Item „the, Iltforti‘...!Pole',Ints: a recorded-101f. ichliierature..40•.07.,i'flogrobs 71=a :A tec*qecl low 44.1458 degl'a.es,.bert4, • WBOXETER •• Two • lovely Christinas trees . and- soft candle light gave *.snitable:.S etting ,fer- the Christimia ,tesfneir ' service, Of The Canadian' Girlie' in Training held in- the United Church on sun- day ;evening: Ann -!Douglas was organist and the ,members' enter- ed the,-church wearing; their:•hibe' and white -11111torias carrying candlest and tool[' their vnlaees• in - the - gatharine MacDonald, president, presided.; 7 Helen Magee read the Seriptitie—lesson, the Christman ,Luke't Gospel:. .Gykren. 'Gibson' reaa a poeine "A Christina.S.Traye0 by S, Cirshrnan, Mrs. oCorge OW; son told the strir-A 'Beautiful •In the Child", by Rebecca 1Vrernllet9t,v'rePekketl the ;Purpose` Which' WO* sYnabolikeel'hy the light, ing of';1,10‘pe " • . . •v•-•• • .. • Tivitic`•;:talang:liftrtitiKer6 DOnnie Iseretgavet, Wye! and Bee; nice Gvainger, The their.,sing two •earolitAlpfant'Obly.,...%and ':10. Holy The•;-eongreiration joined ; ,with them'in the following; 0,04 "silerit;ivithe, "0 Little .Town of Bethlehem", .'"Hark: the .:Herald' Angehr Nki...'With Gladness".: and •"11.ey,to .„ of During the'Amin& ,e • c, last barol::-.MoTrigefgi the • O.O.I.T:1 marchfe'd; from" theChnieln'ettelv in urn Jighting:their Candle` f romi•., ••*thrFe*CjapiOr -0ea.Ot the atfarr "' ev.." ‘,.1r; B elfainte. SpOice...:Wei of a preelatiew-th tilt UntP.' -Glenn ,MeMleli rGaIl er :who -"arranged .tne. licAY451rwitt Today and. Tomorrow "HAM a ,HoPt.opilikno: e •have serving You at Christ mas for more citne in aiici See our Large. Selmtion of. OUR PHONE NUMBER, It 17i. ?ror -0.0.70-10m AM-if4M-Ai ;Built on the-bedrock of faith; the: spirit of ChrfStinas--9o0dtuil! tO 'all men --is the guiding force as mankind .seeks the path toward lasting peace on earth. At, this Christnias.time let' us once again affirm our faith in inciakind,. , • and let us rededicate ourselves to the great, task of perpituciting ' • a better toorld—q . (odd & reflecting the faith that is Chr(etmatt... .:with its eternal message of Peace on Forth, POOdatill to Men,: •. 1-4 r*tinas:Par. ° l4ReocTE:ic...--.. .TI C Dokiribpt in"ting. VI, thee.: Woman's .Miiiip/r4.' ary ..SocietY;.17nited.::Chidell,..s..Wits' betd in' "the :ciiiir* hall..'on:;.F.rklay,'. , afternoon.. Thie.Jitieetint..*44...itt•-: ranged ••••bY-iiitK.:',Itee..•..,Edger-,and - took. th4. foinf',0f-.;4,eatridlellithflng*. '143/ice ;, led 1)Ylgtill';;:Veoirgo,-.'dili- .. So*, :Others :felting .P.irt-Nirer5- ., ..t.t.'4. Tin*/:7,141.0....'S.titait ° At 0: gtanr.E9.06,•.broc. Jail Band r . nP Xfa:qieth.-;Ritttersekt,'4 X E!ge.g. 7*-Alsis IX: nizeiV :Ivr ..46 •1•141tOlsianglitell4..... Ts' Koh Edgar ee aeyre&i* chepteiv7.6 • tir• stedY.•boaki: ' • , .. :rte. efs• the' varidak con net, .: .-• :Vat told', Of ta.Y444,'.'egt PrOkrokt *ifit tbe!iill9Catioi)•reaehett.., ,S, Herb Pattersen •teitorted.'.'..fbr'. • colsfminlity. trlotfriship. eomplitt6e; - The neeretat'y ,--tOitt -:•of a bale , of. 44.1, articles valued Itt 4350.00 and •' lotivarited to. NOrthern:: Ontario ' to Inisiibtflleld, , • ' ;:. -, • • - • ra.: Janen..VsandersOn .gaye•- report --of the nominating commit- t Offtcergs IfOr.,' 1957 are' 01: .161-: ' .1 , :. past - president, . Mrs. .V.-0-..- )Vi elslaughtonr,Preeident,- Mrs: Ken. Edgar;'•first ;3iice, Mrs. `'Jim Sander:: t so . second' . vice, : Mrs. .PreMk• is; . recording sec.,. Mrs. X.$"1/c • -W Bo; essiStanti• Mrs. 1ff Thfull; • tr -surer, Mrs:- Allen Mun roe, Asia,. tat treas., Mrs..7Sittart-!ilig.ggIner „pr ss sec., 'Mrs.' D. S.- Arkeentiggh.'• Ti to ; pianist,' "Mrs: ' Jerifer•tgigr, 1 P • asSistant,''Mrs. Mervyn" ',Grainger; . prograinale bommittee,AticlNisites• Sti derson, Mrs. •Frank..Etiria,Mri.... .'St art .Higgins;' good -9t eer. •Oolin•-: :. int tee, Mrs. Meyyn12itlii101.-;;Mra; .. H 'b 'PatteriOn: Vail Citi,•: Balla' leafier, Mr's; M, •Grailiger,..:.'llaSiSt. itadts, Mrs. . Lloyd • -.Mateo; .„.Mrs. Ja • es Sanderson entl.:141rS.; Wu. E ' ar'• Baby! `Band...-suPprintchd- en , f ; Mrs, Gilbert Howes;, Aliblstalit; ' Nees. tltirod _bat/feral'. itiinkiriating co • mittee, Mrs. Sr Sanderatire'Srs, Htltb Patterson,. • • .,:. ' ,,,, •• .. t thb, . • oldie . of. tlid '.theeting eu Per .was . SciAred,•• :K. •Clikipitmas -;.ca rile tenterod thr.nthiefengl . snip 'rib a place eardi„ *ere' ,,Made: by M James. Sandetistin.' - • - • .15° 141111 34-1*-antlf111 btjares to choose frOnk:114egefi,:Ortain ;to bathe riglikntile for 'Beautiful siltce*yingir; tift the lteaseit's popular Shades, Stretch..or Regular liior 1'UICED FROM 89 ct0 $1:95 So 'right foe. gifts are our selection of, gloves in vrnoVrah- ries, .or kid In: all popular shades rIt10ED 98C tO: ;DRESS 'SHIRTS . A territie--AleictiOn, ni:•Wiaites,. Cliecks or 'Plain Shades and feattiring."ShirduStP shirts in Whites and 'Pastel Toil* stint the glittering; pattern. 45 Regular or. li'reitch mats. Priced' S to TERRY LENS SHIRTS fair easy la4nderiog slued .nci. (reign • ' — • • • • - • • LLOVE ity -,; saiiiisoi,A, seloction:,..*.f .'1diiiven v .0,400.4t, Botany. wool' and *ool$6'95 With Orion. krigle .0,AJAMAS Smart new patterns in ihtnnelettes Tit. nil, the very popular • -POLOjAMAS. lirieed at nail $5.9 1F• ys and- girls' riesih% 800 scl bols in the finked 141hgdcfrii Will tin .year •be -Mending Christmas gr'Ctings• raid' eta to the crews of y.al est f,600 merchant thipS,..tleeP So trawlers and Weather ships ughont the world. This is- part of he work.of the British Ship A tion*.,r Society it! * London. •P nded frr yg A, 'Which arranges -Id.' hoofs Ite,.Taddpt" vessels...and. ' in todeli with, mitigters iitha the i•ear, fn W 60er Tvilkgr.-fiqtteY WisY 140 toraCALUII:OiMMicit-OrogirOgeiOdairitaittiMIVS4 4*,