HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-6-3, Page 4• ♦—Thursday. June 3rd." 11196. anti at MOTHS Sapho liquid for moths. It destroys thein: kills eggs= larva, protects gouda and is stainless. Prieed 40o and lac Larvex for woollens, at $1,O0 W. . carry it complete stock of F ly'x, Flyto' . Flit, Blaekflag, Sapho Flyox, Sapho Powder, Ftyofau, tn;ti FIyn- aide. These are for flies and insects. Campbells Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich THE GODERICH vaittOt..Xt ME SIGNAL • it.. GODkr&ICB. ONT. r t3JEN.1[i1.LER li N};NMII DER. June 2.—Mhw Mary slued wax ,taken to the (o derieh hos- pltat on Satunky afternoon last and opp perated on ter ueudlcltla that night. Mb. la doing as well as can be expect ed. Mr. W. 3. 'Mein. of ,Toronto, will , speak In the interests of.hatario pro- flibition in the United church next I Sunday morning. Mr. Poulter will peewit etu•h hs the evenlug. ST. AUGUSTINE ST. Al;Gi':5TINE. June 1.—Mr. li CO.; Robinson, of Dr sit, visited his stater, Mrs. I. 'Redmond, ou Monday. Mies Mary Graves is visiting In e;uderleb at present. Mr. A. E. Johnston was in Stratford this week. I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyle were iu Goderich on Thursday. I Mr. Will Reid, of Aahfeld spent iTuesday at Mason Me.11ister's. Mrs. W. McDonald. Mrs. Stafford and son. Michael, of Goderich, called on friends on Smalley. Dependable Used Cars {,r ,alt. at THE CLINTON GARAGE sale has been carefully ap- praised. thoroughly recondi- tioned and warranted O. K. at time of /lei/very, except only a few very cheap cars sold "As 1y" See our list this week and the ample Good Values offered. Ask for 1. E. RODWELL Salesman in Charge W. J. CHISHOLM, Dodge Brothers Dealer 70 York St. London, Ont. Whether you're a newly-wed I Or a married person of years' I Try a want :1d. ka The Stguat. standing. Even if you're not married at ata_... ••••••••••••• You know that sometimes the kitchen --range gets _so contrary That you can't cook a thing tit to eat on it- lb's very probably the fault of the fuel You're using. the Heat Folks furnish you The proper diet fore your range. >� Then watch your cooking im- prove. —CALI. THE— fou Good Clean Coal J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 Goderich Oil Stoves 1'e are agents for the I'erfec- tion and Puritan Oil Stoves. If you are thinking of buying drop in and see tufo- -. ..- Trade in the olds one on a new one. This is your store, use it. GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TOWNSHIP, June 1.— , Miss E. R. Davidson is spending a few week. at Hamilton with her sla- ter. Mrs. E. Anderson. Miss E. N. Sowent)y and friend, of TIwdford, spent the week -end here. Miss B. Cox spent a few days the past week at the borne of Mr. and aura. R. Davidson. Union Y.P.S. are looking forward to a pleasant time next Feltner even- ing, when they go to Leeburn to present "Valley Farm." elected to the trustee board of Union wheel au Wednesday evening of this week, when a special meeting was held to 911 the vacancy op the board cauwd by the death of the late J. B. Orr. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, NSHIP, May 31. —Wedding bells are ringing. Mrs. Richard Ryan, of Godericly visited with her sister. Mrs. Jnr*. Fee - gen. for a few dare last week. Mr. Edward Hardy. 6th rune,:s-ion, met with what might have been a serious accident. ,His team ran away wltb a load of bags, and while trying tq stop theni he slipped and fell. the wagon hurting him ear 1tadfe- that n doctor bad to be called. For- tunately no bones were broken. Rev. R. H. and Mrs. Moss. of Spar- ta. Calle} un a number of their friends here recently. Mr. Wm. Waiter, of Goderich, has been calling on a few of his old neigh- bors in thele, parts. Montgomery—Allan.—The wedding took place quietly at the parsonage of Victoria street United church,. God- erich, in Thursday. May 20th, of Mtar loin Allan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aiden Alltis, of this township, to Mr. Harold Montgomery. of Goderich township. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. S. Jefferson. The l bride's young friends in (Ioderlch I tendered her a kitchen shower a few evenings prior to the wedding. Her neighbors and friends at home here RELIABLE AND COMFORT- I ABLE FOOTWEAR Blackstone's Furniture for the Working -wan, the School Gid Exchange and School Boy, at reasonable prices. Partnere will save money by buying our epeetally built Shoes for farm work. 1 •• l/ • • e e.... • M Tile Ma it -order Honaee cannot give l you a better shoe at the same price. Let me convince you as I hare proved j It to others. My aim 1. td satisfy In rynallty and price. tl Rrodnl,e.0 ..( Gesleriet Have You Changed Your Oil Yet? TLIa should be done at Iea,t every 8O0 mile.. Make use of our Free Crank Carse service this year. IIRITLSH MOTOR GAS VEEDOL OII. PEERLESS OAS NEW PROCESS .11"TOLENE F. R. MILLER Service Station Corner Elgin Ave. and Victoria Street. To practise real economy is to buy the best only, and keep in good repair. It will pay in comfort, and money saved. to inspect your Shoes and bring them In for repairs and new Rubber Heels. Special for the Housewife: A smell stun will sharpen your old llclssorw and make them as good ar new. Bring them In. The East Street Shoe Repair Shop WM. AHL, Prop. Ogpsulta Knox Churns (WWI& i IRI5H LINEN Special Values in Table Damask Linen Towels Oyster Linen . Embroidery Linen Table Linen Sets and Colored Dress' Linen Also all sizes in hand -done cut work on Irish Linen The Cash Store F. E. HIBBERT T----. Quality Merchandise at Moderate Prices l prtwntcd her with a oabate parlor table as a token tier esteem in which she Is held. '1'tie following ad- (ttt$ts also was mtedes Dear Viola. 0, your friends and neighbors', hive ggaatthberedhere tonight to sttuw in a slash measure tbe es- teem wa hole for you. Maur of ur hart• kvuwu 3013 Crum childhood. We hate •sway■ tuugt! yyu both wllllug uud faithful In any work you under- took to do, both to (burets and social life. Your wtnulne trays and ready .mile have matte y, is many friends, ' As a small token of remembrance, we ask you to accept this gbh and hope Soo may be stare[ many year* of happiness/1. and that Gaga richest blessings may be alwsys yours. ( Slimed lL of n frteadai Mrs. K.behalf Mitebetk,your ZloYrs[ Jno. Fragau. PAZ/MOUNT PARAMOUNT, Jove 1—Dr. and Mrs. A, E. Barnby, of Hamilton, mo- tored up anti spent t l,e 24th at Ms old home at Lothian. Mr. tau McRae „f Lochalsh who recently graduated from Osgtode Law TOWNSHIP pOIINCIL School and who has vitae been called to tate bar, 1s spell/111g a short vaca- GODE$LCH TOWNSHIPtion at his home ileo. The township council met on May A number from .l-hlteid attended 26 as a court of revision. Richard the Liberal cooveu..,,u at WiugIlaw Bond. Mason Sterling and .Miert on Tuesday of last ,reek. Bond were lowered $100 each, while Mrs. Whyte, of He -trio, returned to John Mulholland was charged POO ed - her home last week ..fuer an extended ditlonal for bulginess asaeesment• visit with her dau,. der. Mrs'. }timer Geo. Ftewett and Morris [Switzer Vanish, of Courey'. Corners. asked for reductions, bat no action Mho Irene Moor, of Whitechurch. was taken. Len. McGee. i'.tobt. arcs the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jack Smith. Cliff Lobb G. 0. Rturd)'. T. 31. Henderson, last week. Womb' and Mason Sterling returned 31r. and Mrs. Andy Hamilton and their dog tags and these were ortlerd Irene, of Heotryw, event the week -end cancelled from the roll. There were with friends in Paramount. more property changes than usual r. -'µ+'rd--- iia year And_..Mete_ (sections' hsd to underwent an operation for append#- be made also. Mr. Pellatt, repre een a- (itis in Kincardine hospital. We hope rive of the Globe Indea►aity Co.. ad - for a speedy reeevery. ttreswd the council re insurance for Mr. Finlay Oook, of Ashfield, visited the protecting of the municipality in with friends in Paramount during the the event of accident for which the week. township might be liable. The coon - Niro Ada Pickering. of Detroit. Mi decided to insure eubject to cam - visited with Bleeds in Paramount (vitiation at the next meeting In July. :uud Ln(know last week. The following accounts were paid: Jas. A McMillen. assessor. $85, post- age. $4.60; Chas. Tyner, damage to plow, 1,5; Sam Emmerson, superin- tendent, 2L3.50. Council then ad- journed to meet on Monday, July 5. at 1.30 p w. On Friday council madVTtoer of inspection of all bridges and culverts in the township and decided ht build the bridge between lots 15 and 16. con- cession L; also the hrldge on conceit - pion 4 opposite lot 83, and as sewn sat Me Wm. Meyers has returned to plans can be procured will advertise for tenders Detroit after a few week, at his Urine per enbic yard cement here. work, the coo ntractor to remove rid }Cin bei structure and to leave the road pew - Mich., Ce visit -.rs farm Detroit Mich., over Decoration Dav, May 30th in(tuded Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vogt an son. Mr. and Mrs. A. River, Misses Margaret Long, Pee .Foley and Ene Sullivan. Messrs. ('al. Tom and Leon Joy. Geordy Drennan. Len O'Lnugh Ian. PMI Long and Lewrenee Amain. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Boye, Messrs. Bd, Clinton male quartette will alms a„ist at both serviees. Mr. and Mrs. aeeburg, of Denver, OW.. are visitItg the latter', muther,t Mrs. ltd. Pewter. A load of ladies of the Women's lu- stltttte atteudrai the district meeting held at Wingham uu Wedntstkay of thea ween. After the regular .(rvler os Suoday In Erskine church, au ordination ser- vice took place, when the following ettters•elect were ordained: Messrs. D. Murray, P'. Rosa, It. McAllister suet J. Bennett. Elders R. McClure and 1Vni CuuueU, of d.ucknow Presbyterian church, assisted In the ordination service. At the close of the service at Er- skine Presbyterian church un Sunda). Rev. C. H. McDonald presented to the congregation, in behalf of Mr. Robert Davidson, a beautiful individual emu- munlon set, Mr. Davidson's donation Is In memory of Ills parents, who were lifelong members of Erskine church. The gift 1r* highly appreciated by the congregation. KLNOMIRIDGE KINGSRItIDt31E, .lune 1.—Listen: Can't you bear the werni tied(Jng belle? Rev. Father Ford. of Wtodelee, and Iter. T. Homey, .,f Kinknra, visited friemis here during they week. Mr. Mike Dalton is home for vaca- tion from .kesnmption College, Sand- wielt, Ont. rsmc. d R. G. THOMPSON. Clerk. - Don't forget the Sennett apd Robt. d t'Ne111, of Jackson Mich., motored up to spend) the bol tiny with friends hare. Mrs. .7. Phelan and family„ of Clod- erich, visited at sive atone of the lady' brother, Mr. Thos. Sullivan, on Sun day. Everyone present at the parish hal on Monday last enjoyed the dance Im nsenselc. Kingshrldge Girt H.pared,—_Th many friend" of Miss Bernardino Cr Loughlin will be glad to hear of he having been chosen as delegate frntn Providence ho'pital, Detroit, to th National Nitrate.' Convention of th [tilted States. which 1s held only every fire yt•ars. Eight thousand nurses ,from the different States were oriel! I, to attend the convention held Mix year at Atlantic City. N.J. from May lath to May 23rd. MISS O'Loughlin was accompanied by Miss Coyle, R.N., seer'etary-treasurer of Providence Alumnae, and on their re- turn to Detroit with thirtt,etght nurse. from other bospitala 1n the city they spent a day is each of the follow- ing cities: New York, Washington. Baltimore and Pittsburg. Always a favorite In King -bridge clrrlea. the knowledge of B,•rnsed(ne's crowning sueen's gives ns' treat pleasure and we h(arp)y congratulate her. a Barn Dance oe / Friday Evening, June 4th, at Garfield MtcMichael'a, first farm east of Goderich on Huron Road, I where air. Reynolds held the Patriotic! e Dance a few yearn ago. ✓ Music by Hogg Bros: Five•pieee Orchestra e e Admfssion 50e Couple;2Extra Lady Homemade Lunch. Refreshments. Dancing space. 50127 Good Maple Floor • • DUNGANNON DUNGANNON June 2.—Mr. and Mrs'. Elmer Sim kleton, of Detroit, spent the week'n4 with Mrs, Wm. Shackleton, Mrs. Wm. ai,,ttat and children, of Edmonton. are ,-.sting Mrs. Mofratt's father. Mr. Henn Jones. Mr. Lin Ander-,n, of Detroit, spent the weelt-end «.'b his parents, Mr. and Mr*. Geo. .lrdersnn. Rev. J. Peters and Mr. Thos. Sto- therm attended tfh London Conference of the United Church held at Strad• ford. }rev. E. Hap preached In the United cbnreh lass Sunday evening, Mr. Peters being at Conference. ,Air. and Mrs. Joint Ryan and Mar- garet and Mr. and Yrs. R. A. McKen- ale spent Sunday at London, Mr. anti Mrs. ,;. Y. McKenzie and Malcolm spent Sunday et Clinton. The Wept Waa.aosh Fire !utter- ance Co. met in Mr. T. O. Allen's of- fice on Tnesday u1 this week. Mr. and Mrs, a. J. Crawford are now comfnrtnhty settled In their new home. Mr. C. Alcoa bas moved into Mr. Crewfnrd'e bene. Mrs. R. ileetest* lett on Monday with a party from Lecknew and Kin- rerdllue to ntterwl aka Presbyterian As- sembly held at Montreal. They are making the trip by motor. Mr. ennxnerfelt, tester of tbe Stand- ard Bank, In an ,y od bis holidays. Mr. Raison, of Tomato, is mipplyktg for him, Annlrerssry eerelcea Will asp held in the Preithytertan eberrb en Rnnday, lase IE, In the etterwooe at a o'clock and In the evening at 2.80. The speaker for the ear will be Rev. A. Macfarlan., of Clinton. alpeeelal mnak will be turnitehwt by the choir. Mme aur-Ar� HARRISON'S HOME—MADE Orangeade and Lemonade 5c a Glass Millinery Ismap. Just t•e,'eived new and un. osual %' smart models in the latest styles for summer wear. We now have these on display. Yon are eordially invited to inspect our stock. Miss Maar-war KINGSTONST. Shingles B. C. XXXxx and XXX Shingles. Car of N. B. Shingles just arrived, Johns -Manville Asbe's'tos Shingles, Rollo} Roof- ing. .t,ttestos Roof Covering. Galvanized Ridgerow Nall., etc. Get Priem Before lou Buy R. STANDISH East St. Phone 369W Used Cars for Sale 1 Overland Six De Luxe Se- I den, nearly new. 2 Studebaker Tourings. 1 Mast, -r Six McLaughlin Touring. Nash Advanced Six Roadster. , All in first tLase condition. BARBER BROS, NAStt DEALERS Ba7deld Road Goderleh �tM Complexions CLEARED Th. skin of youth 1s yours. All unslghtly blemishes re moved by dissolving the mask Of COSMOS BEAUTY CLAY Take advantage of our gen- erous trial offer and have a tear. marble -smooth akin, aglow with ks natural beau- ty. Prices. 3kg.. sinal 1, it Aigt. Cosmo. Laboratory Corporation, - Th. Strand Bldg_ Tsrsalr A Sirs: Pietas- went me email 'beg nt Como. Beanty t�►Y'at ,,•ur.speetal price oe Name A ddreas z., Only ot:e bot to each per - San. 1 E. U. Cleveland BAKER Phone 114 West Street The Home of Good Things High-class Bread, Cakes and Pastry We specialize in WEDDING CAKES Phone 114 and have our rig call. Spring Coats and Suits OW is your opportunity to buy a light weight --Coat for almost, half the regular price. Every Coat is reduced for (quick clearance, About 20 Coats to choose from Saturday, June 5th We. are featuring a sale of ladies' and misses' Silk Blouses for half-price, See Our Window Display for These Values Buying Connection With TheS.A.GRyC0 • Meaford THREE LARGE DRY GOODS STORES Listowel Telephone 56