HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-19, Page 6e Can Now Offer You --- Registered No. 1 Garry and Rodney OATS December Delivery $1.75 bus. January & February Delivery $1.80 bus. March & April Delivery . , - $1.85 bus' These prices are albless 170 for cash Net 30 days owson & Howson Limited Wingliam Blyth Cargill WhfikreiMr/W41404110(41.1.04 ' •114f..4.141,W.141',04%,114.04.TillfaiLV: rodamation Hovvick TOwnship Pursuant to a resolution of the Howick Township Council I hereby proclaim Wednesday, Dec 26, 1956 8 BOXING DAY ii A Public Holiday k•tt in the Township of Howick H. Gowdy, Reeve '411/01•klow•sVzitVrim-t4-wzmem74.-'r;•--7724,,vrzm.-,im20-71tw70 -20 r•44,,0 -:•iKYt4rp Y WASN'T FED RIG HOWICK FARMERS MEET IN hORRIE GORRIE-Howick Federation of Agriculture and Howick Hog Transportation Division held a meeting on Wednesday afternoon in the Gorrie community hall. El- mer Harding outlined the reasons for an "open market" campaign in the County of Huron and for the Township of Howick. The com- mittee appointed for the township were Gordon Angst, chairman, Geo, Ashton and Glad, Edgar. R, A. Hergott, from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture address- ed the meeting and outlined transportation problems. He leci the question and discussion period. The object of the meeting was to get producers to direct the hogs to the open market. The meeting was chaired by Robt, Connell, president of the Howick Federation. It was very informative, with about 75 in at- tendance. Mrs. Fred Mahood Funeral Wednesday GORRIE-Annie Maude Mahood, widow of the late Fred Mahood, passed away early Monday morn- ing in the Wingham General Hos- pital in her 78th year. She was a daughter of the late Wm, Pritchard and Agnes Fee. She had lived on the 14th conces- sion of Howick and in London.' She was a member of the United Church. ,Surviving are six sons: Warren, Duluth, Minnesota; Cecil, Tees= water; Lionel, Howick; Fred, Mount Albert, Ont.; Heber, Cape- town, New Brunswick and Leland of London; three daughters, Mrs. R. (Agnes) Riddols, Listowel; Mrs, Helen. Hedrick, Toronto; Mrs. Lois Maguire, London; two broth- erg, S. J. Pritchard and Stewart Pritchard, Harriston. The body is at the Edgar funeral home until' Wednesday, when ser- vice will be held there at 1,30 p.m. The Rev. H. West of Belmore will officiate. Interment will be in Woodland Cemetery, London. Gordo Couple 47. Years, Married qoRRIR.-- Mr. MA'S, Leenard. Apttan spent, the,weelt at the helm of Mr,. and Mrs. Poh. .nuttari, Goderick who 'accompanied them on "Sunday the home of Mr, and. Mrs;. Itussell Buttati,. -where a sur- prise awaited thelar Their family and of their granclehildren bad gathered to celebrate i with them their - 47th wedding .anniversarY, We extend our best wishes to this highly re spected couple, Anglican Church GORRIE---The 4 Christmas corn- nennion service w),II be on .Sunday next, December 23rd .'There. will be • special music by tlf!4.• -Choir,: - On Friday. evening, December 21. the annual Chrislmrls tree and', party for •the -.children will, be held in the 1.4.OrL, ball, commencing at s o'clock, There will he a short Pro- gram, "HAND-SPAN" controls mike any woodcutting job', EASIER SAFER! piss limpet Irisca air aliat As Illustrated Step Table - - $29.95 444 TV Swivel Chair $36,95 Lamp - - $24.95 TABLELAMPS from $ 6.95 (0‘044:,140colviourigo4r4ogagirigr444,w‘ocuzirawifook..f.gomog-orgargricog,-mclargoice.,-moas4E,410 Wonderful for Her on Christmas Morning. HOSTESS CHAIRS filOiri $12.9 STEP TABLES - from $14.95 END TABLES from ,4.91 COFFEE TABLES - from $12.9.5 202§Ti-NE-V241r Bluevale Milling Co. - BLUEVALE, ONT. X Use Advance.Times Classifieds for Results. .....41.ozwzro.14-11rompow.-4.ims- Bel .Aini ELECTRIC RAZORS $26.95 VALUE FOR • wri4;,1:cf4ritteadarAgt1,41Wg04.14.-U'Z,' 11 Proctor Automatic 0 . G.S.W. lit , . q. Regular $19.95 • TOASTER 10 Regular . 1225 M .ELECTRIC KETTLES 0 $ $146,95 H L . - A - $7.95 A $ 1 9;95 $39.95.' , Attstoniatic.......TOASTERS _$21.95 $17,50. KETTLES tc atiogrimeo.life4ugoogologrwrglia*004,14.-4,01004wAio.croolocgori $9.95 -CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING. SETS, OUTDOOR SETS (Mtiltiple; wirin 15 lights . $5.89 anct 6:95 7, lights $3.80 INDOOR 'SETS' (multiple' 15 lights lights 41.75 .4'4400'4g grztrtt*404•00‘***04•0•4***10‘•0•***00 34•4**4 oat * '**************** 7. . . Virig-.10-icH-*tigoa.zoitogoaogiraoatta•Kagaaam ‘70,03410nipar,AANotZlit0A•70,,A0.0 6 ;t4PAMMORAPNWOMaratalltt Famous 9E Electrical APPLIANCES. FRYING PANS FLOOR POLISHERS A $4.59 tt es General Electric Swivel Top VACUUM. CLEANERS, 1$ 50 !ACL140401g040‘..14,14,114•MOCSMACAMit4leAM*4 SUNBEAM qualitu Products Sunbeam Mimi/aster $49.95 Sunbearn Frying Pan t, '$24 50 with Pyrex cover ..... Sunbeam Junior $19:95 Mixmaster 6 ilo rtfgrA441,%Maptgairlariraigrigio r with Juicer . „ Genera l Electric FOOD :MIXERS Regular $23.95 $15.95 CHRIStMAS STAND hi •:ill half miss*Will tilki Milt to SI 341_ truck dal tk serlisfiseWien romaseo nail owe** lirodsh "FP: A I • ...The gift that makes life brighter! I ti 1. 09400401/41" Wed$0.41.ift Dec' "1900 Mrs, Robert :Elastic ,•fIRISIMAS,SktOR IN WINGHAM AIA.01J4A1P1414140110411,14411111111140A.90,1441.00144.11! ettAllAAA.MIARAA:Akel leAtImek.Ae. et lieflie446A41,1tAle t 4.„18,5112,30 INwygM,q!!#!,"),Iy,NNI!44411.IIL14411,A , $$ teleAlAISAMIA,A104114141e11.1401tAlltli/A441104AteeeMAIAilltIAMIAAAAAIIAlele1414044, WATCHES from Switzerland 449WEST JEWEIAER PRICES Regular wind '$23.50 I Both gold Automatic $40,00 filled. MEN'S' JEWELLERY Clinton, Ont.' IS 0 Feed a pig a balanced ration like SHUR-GAIN ,Hog Finisher and you not only save feeding Costa but produce, a lean carcass that qualifies for top grade. st 'See tis about the prOfitable SHUR-GAIN hog feeding program that will put Mort of yOUt hogs ..itt t6Aop grades, moo. most IT MAKES Feed a pig straight corn) and you can that cuts profits at SHUR-GAIN A DIFFERENCE! grain (especially wheat and soon roll on undesirable fat niarket time. BUT • Considering the market value and the difference in premluin there is a spread of A2.50 or better between A grade hogs and, B./ hogs. The way you feed your hogs, can often determine whether you get the benefits of this spread or note g C.G.I.T. Vesper • Service Held GORRIE-The National Christ- .; mas Vesper Service of the Cana- j dian Girls in Training at the Un- ited Church on. Sunday evening it. was impressive and one to be re- A, membered, The church was dimly ,[lit by colored Christmas tree lights pi and the two lovely lighted Christ- i& mas trees at the front of the '‘ church. The C.G.I.T. formed the choir and sang two voluntaries with Faye Edgar at the organ. Corinne Rhame played a violin solo "Star of the East." Margie Hastie was in 'charge of the service, Sandra Edgar read the Christmas story from Luke 2;8-20, and from Matthew 2:1-12. Mra, W. J. V.'Buchanan read a Christmas stery The candle lighting service was a highlight, Following the girls went carol singing and later were entertained by the W.M.S. • Leaders of the C.G.I.T. this year are Mrs, Bob Edgar and Mrs, Tom O'Krafka, Shower Held For Newlyweds Woman's Association e.tects Scripture, Mrs, Dunbar and Mrt Glad Edgar gave. Christmas read, Chnroh was held at the' rbome. Mrs, Andy Edgar on the ,,1,8th read the Christmas story from th. ings, followed by earol singing, lng the • W•A,• of the . 'UMW vige. and. Mrs, L. Vogsn . offered prayer, Mrs, 'W, V. p.ucharoxi,n, p.amoor moo, , theWorfillip .set a e. Mgs, Gordon• Edgar, • president, had charge. of the business, A po t luck supper was arranged Or th e annual meeting of the church . to . be held. January 9, Election of' of Mors was .. conducted Mr S. Buchanan, 'The), are as fellOWSt. President, Mrs, l'VfcInnes' ; vice-president, Mrs, Lionel John .stop; rec.-sec,, Mrs, A. . Heibein assist,-sec„, Mrs, Lorne Walker fin.-see., Mrs, • Fred Oyndlnaii; treas., Mrs, Allan Byndman; par- sonage,N committee, Mrs. We S Strong, Mrs. C, Mrs,- J. g4„, wards, Mrs. A. Adams; pianists, Mrs, Karoid • Kyndman, Mrs. Ke n flowers .and cheer, Mrs, W,, Trimble; guest . speaker, .Mrs, H. Robinson, Mu, C. Grainger; ..press sec., Mrs. George Brown; nomin ating comm., Mrs, Gordon Edgar, Mrs, B. Carson, Mrs. Ferguson program comm., Mrs. B. Farrish Mrs, C, Grainger, Mrs. Ft: Adams,. Mrs.. Manfred' Irwin; auditors, Mrs., Gerald Galbraith and Mrs, A..Tay- ler. . . Mrs.. Glad Edgar conducted a contest which was greatly enjoyed,, The meeting closed with the ping- ing of. "Away in a Manger". Lune h was served and a social hour spent. Mrs. Norman Charles Dies in London GORRIE-A resident of the Howick-Wallace boundary, Mrs, Norman Charles, died Sunday In Victoria Hospital, London, follow- ing a brain operation. She was in her 57th year. She was born in Gainsborough, Sask,„ the former Jennie Henry. She was married October 3rd, 1936 at Birch River, Manitoba, to Nor- man CharleS, who survives her, also two brothers and two sisters in the West. They came to Ontario in .1947. Thebody is resting at the Edgar funeral home until Thursday when service will be held at 2 p.m. Inter- ment will be in Gorrie Cemetery. NEE Mr. and Mrs. Allan. UnderWood, Wingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes Underwood on Sunday. We extend congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Clifford Hallman, the for- mer Esther Behrns, who were mar- ried on. Saturday, December 15 at the United Church parsonage by the Rev. W, J, V. Buchanan. The January meeting of the Gorrie mra„ will be held one week later than the regular date. It will be held at the 'home of Mrs. Andy Edgar on, Tuesday. evening, Janu- ary 8th at 8.30, Roll call, "How to Educate One's Self", Following the installation of of.• ficers by Mrs, Wm. Wilson at the December meeting of the Gorrie L,O.B.A, on Monday evening, De- cember 10, the ladies held their Christmas party, when an exchange of gifts and refreshments were highlights of the evening. Miss Kate Hazelwood of Wrox- eter spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wade last week. At the L.O.L. euchre on Wed- nesday evening of 'last week Mrs. Mabel Stewart won the ladies' prize for highest score and Art Stephens the prize for the gents. Mr. George Beattie won two tur- keys at the annual Christmas tur- key draw of the Pal Mocha Shrine Club. W, E: Whitfield and Ken Hastie won a turkey each, S,S. No. 18 held their annual Christmas concert on Friday eve- ning, featuring a visit from Santa, Mrs. S. Donaldson is teacher, BRENDA MAcLENNAN MISSION BAND PRES, (Late for last week) The Christmas party for the Mission Band of the United 0-with Was held in the Sunday School zoom with an attendance of 47. • The opening hymn, "Away In a Manager" Was sung folloWed by a prayer by Mrs. bon Rosenhagen. The Mission Band. purpose Was re- cited and the trea,Surer's report given by Brenda Conron, The of- fering was received andi the offer- tory prayer given by Beverley Cunningham. Lynda Green, the temperance secretary, gave ari interesting re- citation On temperance. Mrs, Jim Ilamilton read the Scripture, after which Mrs. D, Miller told the story of the "First ChriStmas". Brenda Conron and Helen Carbert- each played a selection of Christmas 8atels and Vane Itosenhagen,. Jane Day and Ruth Ann Hamilton sang a trio, "Oh Conte All Ye Faith- ful". • The closing hymn was "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem", Each child received a- bag of Chr‘stniaa candy lea The following are the new ()the. ers for 1957:. President, Brenda MacLennan; 1St Vice, Lynda Green', seoretary, Sally Crawford; treasurer, Brenda, Conron; temperance see., *Mien Carbert; Peace seeretary, Judy Callan; World Friends secretary,,. Cathy Roderic, hyriiirt book MOM. tors, Terry lVloridey,‘ David Mad- ttac offertory Monitors, itch Vo. Nan arid. Paul Tiffin,, Dies, in 50th.. Year Pamed ,away in, the. Oarretherla nursing, home, Lue)giuw, on ,aat,+ arday evening after a It ngknY illness in her 90th. seal. She was a daughter of the late Mr.- and Mrs, AWN, Smith Pt .Gorrie And - had spent most of her life in this community. ger •11.0.4hand, the late Robt. Hastie, predeceased her several years ago. She was an •active .worker in'the Presbyterian •Church until union and since that was 1a .member of the Gorrie United Church, Surviving are four sons, Xen, rietb, Howielt; Jelin, Banning, gall- fernia; -Alga and Walker of Tor- onto and one damghter, Mrs.. Mil- ton Smith (Jessie) .ef.'$tonffvill.Q. There are nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral service was at the Ed- gar funeral home on Tuesday at, 2,30 p.m., with Bey. W, J. V. Buchanan in charge,' Interment in the. Wroxeter Cemetery, White Gift Service • At United Church GORRIE--The White Gift ser- vice of the Gorrie United Church was 'held at 11,15 a.m. on Sunday morning, The Sunday School Children, in a processional led by the choir singing a Christmas car- ol, came and offered their White sacks to be placed on the lighted Christmas trees, ' The :Rev, W, J. V. .Buchanan in his talk said that like nary we hang .keep things We loVe In our hearts, It is in helping- we find the right meaning of ChriatitiO,S. GbRMr;and Mrs: , Wm Werner - (nee', Ann Prince) were, beiriorect alarge..gathqring Ift the: Gorrie 'cornmunity hall . on • Friday -evening, when they Were. preStilted with WO, including a= studio' otnieh, 'fleet and table lamp and address and Bruce Itteller made Mrs, 'bow' Thorntott read the the 'presentation', •Sanitstat'a Drell Magri!` supplied Mosier ,for daneint, • On-Off Toggle Switch 6 Fad. . i start Throttle Button • NW*. pressure Chain Oiler • Atm. sized, instant anion Triggs/ / • Fingertip Choke Control, \ New power-packed COB Chain Saw is loaded with fen* tures that cut operating tim• and cost in half! Easpba . Cling, fast-cutting ..-. . xi . through toughest wood in I onds. Cuts in any position even upside down! Desi ., : by woodsmen tot woodame Kulk-714.24,14.-Aa=4.1400,z.V.V....%141..siAmak:Asozwmf,s..1.;..,..m..7-4%;4:-...,...ways4.14,4.4r,sur.igt.‘Agolf.ig-ifkuisig-- COBRA is first choir,* with profession woodcutters' W ,. demand s, heavy-diny prcniu ii don saw. Come in' soon an amazing COBRA , PHONE 106 WINGHAM BEAUTIFUL CEDAR CHESTS by Heirloom, Boshart, Lane S. J. WALKER HOME FURNISHING From • $49 50 and up bill612061•16 teurCetalr"14,414,14:74,4, aS 4'