HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-19, Page 5F/Yi%AlLY GIFT SUGGESTIONS from WELWOOD'S. YOU CAN DEPEND ON When kithioya fail to - vc roolny411 mots acids --• , =- DODDS ', and wastes, .linok- .disturbod.rott often; tide, tired foaling, KID NI EY :-.- Kidney Pills stinttt. rollow.t Dodd's <, i PILLS __-=; feel bettor-sleet) beller,w6rIt hater. Int!" kidneys t o I ';',:":',1:::::.:":".7.4.:' .norn,nI ditty. 'iran clot Dadd'e at any dreg, BLOM Yell Can *end on Dodd'o. 0.4,g0i4A4-04:--At Av;ards Preserited .114&tillt-e&tfAtittn0 TCANADA TRUST COIN N1 THE HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION Guaranteed for '9ne year by the makers. . . . beautifully fashioned. to .sio." with this seeson's houettes . superbly tailored to bring you .a gift she'll be pra0c1 to wear. • • k. LOVELINES by Gay-Lure in.' washable "Celanese" crepe, 'a beciutifully • • fashioned slip that's smooth fitting- under .ming fashions . . . comes with c scented.saChet for .your lingerie..drawer. • Bias cut with•straight back . won't ride up. 0. Embroidered bras, limed bodice. IP . White. , . • Fashioned for 'perfect fit with straight cut frcnt and sidei and bias cut back. . • Nylon faggotted and reinforced scants.. • Nylon and Acetate lace trim. 'Lifetime" by Fantasy in Jovely white multi-. filament crepe . . now with a new .feature Average Or Tall lengths. comas THEME AT w.mis mir MilL,MORJO---The WoMen1 Mts- Sionar) SoOlety of KPAX Pres4.- terian Morel; met In till School room Of the church ox ',1,141400a/ afternoon, with the president. Mts. R. Afcgague in okarp. •Vie weet- In opened with a; call to worship and singing "0 Come All Ya Faith= tut". Mrs, Wm. Darling- read the liste7dYs,", "atite°I7wtiPhrtich o f Mr's. eA:11h1;h1; led in prayer. verses l'fQrloini"nthWeasmaens714704 wPrito1,,1 phecio,s of Isaiah. Mrs,. g, Dickson reported. on the Children's Work Conference. held at Langside October, The conveners reported on the year now ending. Mrs, A, 7effray reported sending out 19 cards, Mrs. E, Zinn has distributed missionary Jotters to the Home Helpers and Mrs. Darling is now'sending Sun- day ,School supplies and Christian literature to Western Canada. Mrs, Q. Appleby reported for the nominating committee as follows: President, Mrs, R. Mai:ague; first vice-president, Mrs, D, McPher- son; secretary, Mrs, A. Mundell; treasure; Mrs. R. Dickson; ex- pense fund, Mrs, H, Ballagh; liter- ature and library, Mrs. Wm, Dad- ling; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Wm. Curie; supply, Mrs, G, MacAdana; pianist, Mrs. Crude; assistant pian- ist, Miss J, Inglis. Puther nomi- nations will be accepted at the January meeting. The treasurer re- ported that the missionary object- ive for the year had been reached The ladies agreed to complete the allocation for Armagh, ittitrilnrve enough money for a life member- Ship from the expense fund. Mrs, R, reviewed the De- cember issue of the Glad Tiding% highlighting many items of seas- onal interest. Mrs. D. McPherson read Paul's description of God's fellow workmen, Mrs, Zinn, assisted by Mrs. R, Inglis and Mrs. k. Dick- son presented a general view of the study book. Contrasting 'Chris- tier and non-Christian countries, she stressed the need to expand our mission efforts, the heart and ,life blood of Christianity. Mrs. MO- Kague closed the meeting with prayer. A mall Qoposlt WW holdYour ,Gift for <Later Pet vromsmx-moroosow4.04-4-4matorvcoucammim.slosingomemee, Iv/tat:LA.. 44,4. #0. *CHAIRS $26.95 (In variety at covers and cOlotirs) OCCASIONAL CHAIRS for as little as $18.75 PLATFORM ROCKERS for as little as $39.00 illustrated) RED. SEAL CEDAR CHEST tray nail arliwe'r 1Vt1lnnl finish :CHESTS ARE ALSO 'AVAILABLE IN LIGHT FINISHES Tawny Oak Cork Mahogany C. The .fornOtis. •".291'. by. Mol(ydlaire; fashioned in White•cario6o,crepe, a:luxury blend of Acetate and Vistote, ProportiOned sizes for Shart k ayerage or tall. Ateit4cAtimettedifkt • • There's still a trootlaeletition of gifts for everyone a.t WAWOOd'S . cupric your list .with these ihiS Week. • . .:romAND — '.Irrueks, Trains, Electric Toys, . -Slatea, Books, Gaines, Dolls, Doll Ponta, Itotikes, Constritetion Sets, Fine Tool SiAlt, Guns, Sleighsj,HoritS, !fobs . . te iticiithnt Wily a • ., feW of the liondredSof toys: • Wien like the popular variety store priOOSb too., 14IR HER Slips, lace triirti lovely ,for gifts ...... „10.08 to $3.98 Late Cloths, imported,fine cloths ....... „„ $5,95 ea.. Wool-Nylon Bed SPreafiN. $8.95 ea. phennille Spread's, dolibie bed size $5.95 eit. Soft fleecy Bath Towels 0.90 to ¶1,59 ton . PYJAMAS find GOWNS .„„ .... *246 to 0.95 Levelly lace trine APRONS 89e to $1,00 • CHINAWARF1 'GLASSWARE PICTURES WKITCHENWARE AND MANY clow ns • • • Fon Broadcloth. DRESS ,SIIIRTS, nicely made, tatnfOr. hod, available in White and in 'cOletles „,„. ..... ... $2;98 ca. TIES i10e to 5(00 DRESS HOSE „„ 89e to $I46 SPORT SHIRTS $2.05 eft. PZIAMAS $3:98 to $4,60 pr. 11,,filtold4o'Sivoltiot'sf Seb, Beitai Cuff and Clip Sets, Weaken lied- Leather Gloves, Haridlteirelilefs,, r Tools, and Many more. ' Gift ▪ Wapping mitiplies., Troc -Oroanonts anti Lights, Chriatittar4 Cards and Srttttliie5, Stahel open Vied„ Thor‘ 'Sate, and, 'WS VARIETY STORE wow 40-70104010' • Hiars 'Of Christmas Customs BIJEVALE—The Y.P.U. meet- ing, in the United Church • on Sun- day evening had a Christmas at- mosphere. Joyce Hoffman, presi- dent, presided. Douglas Fischer and his committee conducted the study period. Miss Joan Vogt spoke on customs of celebrating ChristmaS in New Zealand, eon- trasted with customs in Canada. Poems were read by Rpss Peru:odic and "Ross, Nicholson, BLUEVALE Jack Horton who has been in training at the R,C.M.P, centre in Regina, has been moved to Ottawa where he joins the Governor-Gen.= era's Troop A, .• MisseS Ethel' and Florence Beat- tie, of Seacirth, visited their cous- in' Mrs. R, F. Carniss last week. Dr. and Mr9*, Arthur Shaw, of Toronto, vis,ited Mrs. Arthur' Shaw, last week. Mrs. Harry Elliott spent the week=end in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A/Taster of Toronto and Mrs, Will Stewart,e of Grand Valley, visited Mrs. W; Johnston on Tuesday. PERSONAL PENSION POLICIES ASSURE COMFORTABLE RETIREMENT Consult FRANK C HOPPER —Representative-- Cana& Life WINGHAM, ONT. To Mission Band. The Missitm Band Met in the United. Church on Tuesday after- noon, Shirley Johnston presided and Anne Peacock, read the minu- tes, Marie Johnston gave a' fine' re- port of the year's finances, show- ing,,a good balance in the treasury and the amount sent to headquar- ters. Mrs, Johnston gave the pray- er for missionaries and Susan Sel- las read the Scripture—the story of .the first Christmas. Marlene Nicholson and Mary Craig took the offering. 'Birthday greetihgs were sung for Grace fathers," Gerald' ;Brewer, Shirley JOhnston and Anne Pea- cock, following officers were elected for 1957: President, Nancy Taylor; vice-pros„ Billy Hethering- ton; secretary, Shirley Johnston; assistant, Mary Craig; treasurer, Ann Peacock; , 'press secretary, Betty.. Hetherington; ,W orld Friends'' secretary, Patsy Taylor; pianist, Kathleen Craig; peace sec- retaries, Susan Sellers and Relth Johnston; book monitors, Fred Brewer and Bob Mothers. Awards 'Were given for 'regular attendance, to Anne Peacock, Rose Marie Nie.'holson, Betty Hethering- ton, Billy Hetherington, Shirley Johnstori,. Nancy Taylor,. Grace Mather's, Ruth Mathers,T,loyd Pea- cock, Marie Johnston, Yvonne Johnston, Terry Johnston, . At the conclusion of the meet- ing the children were given a ChristmaS treat by the. leaders, Mrs. W. J. Johnston arid Miss Margaret' Curtis. A cantata, will be Presented by r..110 choir in the Presbyterian Church ,next Sunday evening and there will be a children's service in the 'United Chureh, W.I. ACCEPTS GIFTS FOR CHILDREN'S AID BLUEVALE—The ,Women's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs. Jos. Horton on. December 13th and was condueted .by the president, Miss' Ruby DIAL The roll Call was answered by presenting gifts to be sent to the Children's Aid at Goderich; An of- fering was taken to provide Good Cheer boxes for shut-ins. Mrs. Harry Elliott' reported that the job of putting in heavy wiring in the community hall was com- pleted. Mrs, Elliott, Mrs. Jos. Hor- ton and Mrs. Alex Corrigan were appointed a committee to buy a suitable stove. Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mrs. W. S. Peacock were ask- ed to buy more cups for the hall. Mrs, Carl Johnston and Miss Ruby Duff gave reports of the Huron County rally held at Cron- brook recently. Mrs. W. J. Johnston, 'speaking on the motto "The glory of life is to love, to :give, to serve, not to be loved nor to get nor'to be served," said love includes gratitude, rever- ence and loyalty to those we love. Our giving should be especially to those in need. Christmas giving was started by the three'wise men. Giving and serving need not. be in relation to money only but Should be in thoughtfulness and' companionship. Mrs. Stanley Darling showed examples of table centres for a Christmas table, ,describing mat- erials used. Mrs. Alex Corrigan directed the' group singing of Christmas carols. Refreshments were Served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Eldred Nichol, Mrs. Harry Elliott, Miss n„ Duff. Santa: Appears at School Concerti' BLUEVALE—The annnal Christ- mas concert of Bluevale School directed by the teneher, Miss Gallaher, and the music supervisor, Mrs. Nora Moffatt, Was held on Thursday evening and was a fine success, Warden John Fischer was chair- man and introduced eprogram of choruses, recitations, plays, piapo selections, Prom the tiniest to the senior pupils, each one had a part and the large audience enjoyed them all, The juniors gave rhythm band selections• and the Muffin bailee. The seniors gave two arems- ing plays and several ehorUSOS. Little Erenda Grtibbe WAS Pleasing in juvenile dance ritlniber.. One of the prettiest ritbribets was a drill by the« seven .girls, "The Alice Blur Gown", their costumes blue and pink, a trellis with pink roses providing the setting, TO, the strains of the chorus, "Hare Caries Santa ClatiS," the good saint himself ^ appeared, In jtiViitI MOO, he delighted the child• von arid appealed to the grown ups. Such a lovely tree and bright decorations on the Walls Made a pleasing background. After the concert the audience enjoyed refreshment% followed by a dente, FIRST CLASS *WATCH REPAIRS AT' MODERATE PRICES' Owing` to lack of space, am compelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Lodated MASON'S STORE, t4t.t Va n es ro. s 140OUSTICON 224 North front Sarnia, vaitlaiwileirtkiejOikaiiitiliwit4iiiirOmwitoiptiioilt41•••••0110000**, (avir, tot, tarp OlP E HAVE vont Ain c,,,Ittavgn,nioroittp 'CIIIItISTMA Mr, Hazel! Will personally attend to your Problem., SEX;h~IIE NEW EYE GLASS IIEARINO AID FOR 190 Batteries and. cords for alt Makes Aids, FRIDAY' DECENI.13ER 21 = 2 to 5 p.m, , SMOKERS CEDAR' CHESTS CLOTEES HAMPERS SPACE SAVERS ' TV SWIVEL ROCKERS TABLE LAMPS Arborite TABLE SET, walnut' or light oak Steptable $21.00 Coffee Table $16.00 TABLE LAMPS as illustrated , $7.95 • iwoi :-44-.z.goir,s,z,g%7zm,xtfzf .-..m,,tztfzr,rfo.,,z.%%zoimtt Here is your Christmas Check List 'from our very larde stock— HASSOCKS f HALL TREES V OCCASIONAL CHAIRS END4TABLES , HOSTESS CHAIRS PLATFORM ROCKIDES• CARD TABLES BRIDGE SETS, IPLOOR LAMPS As illustrated Walnut End Table: $26.2.5 Walnut, with glass top or Sepia Brown• with Deco-lite •tops. • REPRODUCTIONS. KIDDIES' ROCKErts ItlaNIDERGARTEN SETS COFFEE TABLES STEP TABLES • CHROME SETS CHESTERFIELD SUITES MAGAZINE TABLES TOSS •CUSIDONS 1‘1ARSITALL MATTRESSES COFFEE TABLES Deilcraft :."a'''artilaVeitr4W,Iiiratf,T.ci4".141careirdntrZWTaV."414.1,caUCtIrZtrOaariaaVatgejle4tirigege.tr'.40:0Var.V.rtrittfir' eattitee Seg. d FURNITURE 40: ge.4- 41 i0e4 4te?.' r ‘40; .10; tl'T .101r 4 for 'al and 5 yeats . (.33/4(Y0 for Old end :two years on Debentures • and Guaranteed Trust Certificates Head Office London, Ont. District Representatives, eitAi'vroon Cs nrpormotorrom, WINOMAM 3. W., IittSurr111.1),, WINIVIAM •