HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-19, Page 4g
ing ar Mans.
J* 01 1111001110$ ey
isTsfAs 'rnEs for sale.
1-:'.'t5A;ders, take!) now, Apply )3111
71' 4tridge, Phone 458. 5:1249b
CAN NOW OIMBR you Regi -
*teed. No, 1. Garry and RodneY
.,040, December delivery, $1,34 a
tvaa1, Jalattary - February deli-
verY,. '489 bus.; Mara April.,
•fieliverVo $1.95 bes, These prices
are All les e 1% for cash. Net 00
• days liewsort &lieWion, LiMitdd,
Wingiunn, Blyth and Cargill.
BLACK 'PERSIAN lamb fur oat
in excellent condition, for sale,
Phone 502112, 19b
Look for the RED SEAL Cedar
Chests at R, A. Currie & Sons
Furniture, •12h
53 DODGE, SEDAN for sale, good
condition, will sell reasonable,
Apply ..to I-Iarold Edgar, Luck -
•now. 19*
LEE'S USED furniture,. 0-pieee
walnut dining roern suite, lcitch-
en chairs, dressers, •bed, end
tebles, 7 ft, Crosley Shelvador
frig„ dining room table and
buffets; also other articles. Buy
and sell. Phone 185:' 19b
PIANO in. rosewobd cabinet, 3 -
Piece chesterfield suite kitcheh
• range? heavy •duty electric ern-
; erf, 8 -inch. bench saw for sale,
• Thesearticles are all in good
condition and cheap for quick
cash „sale, •Contact Fred Saw-
• yer, Lot 4, 'on Bristol Terrace,
north of McKenzie bridge.' 191'
PUREBRED TOR.K hog for sale.
Apply -Harold Finlay, phone 15r2
Belrnore. ' 19*
4 DURHAM COWS for • sale, 1
fresh in 2 weeks, 3 to freshen in
January„ Apply to Mrs. Gordon
• Beeman, phone 745312. • 19*,
REGISTERED Holstein bull, ser-
viceable age, accredited, for sale,
• reasonable. Apply Thos Hayden,
Gorrie. •1.011
your farm •promptly for sanitary
disposal. $2.00 Service .charge for
• each ,call. Telephone collect: Pal-
merston 123W; Durham 398 or
Wirigharn 378, GORDON YOUNG
TWO BULDING LOTS for sale• on
Carling Terrace, each size 1326.
• Reasonably.prieed, Apply to Bob
VanDuyn, phone 599. •28rrb.
9 -ROOMED BRICKhouse for sale
or ret,in Wingham. Call 229,
,• APARTMENT for rent, on Main
• Street, possession December 15th.
Phone- 668. • 19b
DUPLEX on Centre Street for
rent, good size,. with furnace,
Possession Jen. 1st. Apply to
Box 109 .Advence,Tirries. 19*
To. AMBITIOUS persons we are
• offering the chatiee to establish
his own husiness. Income $50, to
$75. Et week. Interesting work
• right in your serroundings.
Write for free catalogue' and ,de-
tails to FAMILEk, Dept. 3,
Station C Montreal. 191)
IF YOU: ARE ambitious, you can
• Make •good with •a Rai"vleigh
business in Huron County. We
help you get started, No exper-
ience needed to etart. Write
Rawleigh's Dept. L-453-2, Mont-
real, F.Q. •19b
NUFeeING HOME, pleasant sura
• toundinge, home cooked mea
tray service. $30 'per week"
• Phone Goderieh 1593 or use Box
•629 Goderich for full partieulars.
• 12,19,26h
/neared for all risk eoverage
•or infortriatiali Plaatie 293, Stew-
art Secitt, Wingliarri, gerb
RTEWART A.'SCOTT can now wive
,you 15% on your car err truck hi-
Yeatly or slit •intriithe
policies are tiVallable, Special
rides for farmers. or farther
IriferMation phone 23, Witighana.
• aotrrAny SEWAOE
13Aptle tanite, cesep00114 tellera,
•'ebbe Putriped end -cleaned; quielt
•tereide, all work guaranteed,
• APPkv, 1,6ul5 Make, phone 42r8,
Ihrlifiacla". • •15reb
•ASsoelation "Where better Mills
"Fee artifieial •
eta1nat1ott information or Ser-
.tce from .#111 brettele •ef •eittle,
etre . eke• Waterloo Cattle
4:saeo1ation at OlintOn
401 r 1tdrn&y ItOttgbe
tas. so% WS.
try the best for •spareribs and
saurkrout on Wednesday, Priclay
owl Saturday evenings, Com-
merelal Hotel, Forinese,e Cd1.2/57.
'IF YOU ARE planning a buileing
project this summer, we are in
4 Position, to give you first class
service for you' cement. Work.
House basements and floors,
barn walls and floors (completed
In (Me pour, Contact Maxis
Christensen, phote 11r7, Blyth.
•Before you buy ask about our
Low, Cost Financing Service with
complete Insurance Coverage,
f:lione 293 Wingham
We wish to extend our very
sincere thanks to' our neighbours
and friends of the community for
the many acts of kinclnees shown
us in the past months. Your will-
ingness to help in so many ways
has been deeply appreciated and
will never be forgotten. We take
• this opportunity q Wish every one
the Compliments of the Season.—
Rutherford and Gert. Reavie and
We wish to acknowledge with
sincere thanks the many acts of
•kindhess shown. us during our
recent •bereavement, the
No. 119, the Town Council,' and St.
Andrew's Church, especially Rev.
A. Nimmo, Mr. S. J. Walker and
the neighbors. Kindnesses like
these are not soon forgotten.—Mrs.
Haney and Dorene. 19b
..Members of the Wingham con-
gregation of Jehovah's 'witnesses
wish to take this opportunity to
express their appreciation to all
who in any way co-operated with
the new world society to make
their circuit assembly, ,heicl this
past week -end, a success. 19*
I wish to take this opportunity
of expressing Toy' sincere thanks
•and appreciation to all my friends
and, neighbors who se,nt me cards,
• flowers, fruits, cigarettes and visit-
ed me during my recent hospital-
ization in Wingham Hospital.
Special thanks to Rev. M. D. Mc-
Nabb, Maitland Lodge No. 119,
Turnberry Council, Dr. W. A. Me -
Ribbon and Mrs. Morrey and her
staff of nurses.—George Galloway.
I wish to thank all those Who
sent cards, letters, treats and
visited me while 'I was a patient
in Wingharn Hospital. n Special
thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon,
and the nursing staff.—Mrs. Or-
ville Tiffin. • 19b
We wish to take.this opportunity
of expressing our sincere thanks
and appreciation to all -those who
helped in any way in rescuing -our
son last Tuesday. Special thanks
to Mr, Elwyn Chamney, Jerry
Barrett and the 'ClaiR men. These
kind deeds will never be forgothen.
—Fed and 1rne Ohm 19b
I wish to •thank all •those who
supported tne Monday -at the polls,
A• Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to all—Albert Bacon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Leder wish
to thank Mr, Elwyn, Chanute. and
Mr: Jerry Barrett, Dr. W.A..
Crawford and Iar. A, 33, Meat-tar-
chy and all those who helped in the
rescue of our son Stratton on
December 11th. 19b
I wish to thank you for your
seppert at the polls last Monday.
Compliments- of the season,—Clar-
enee Yuill. 19b
is my Sincere Season's Greeting
to each and eVeryone of thy friends
and neighbors.
APelicatidae for the position of
caretaker in eaeh of the Morrie
Sehoolit will be reetiVed until 3anti-
ail,' 10, 1951, ene year el:Intl-ads
With duties eon -unending Pebruary
,1, 1957, List of fltftiee mity be Oh -
tabled from any rilerilber 'of the
Hoard.. Applicants 1)lease state
salary expetted.No applieittidli
rieettearily accepted,
RalphShaw' Secretary',
• Hluevalc,,biat,
'Box Holders' Names
No Given Out
11 *gutty *tun* ,stit viiie*Er
to ollitailge the name trit- addresei
E ot any „0411,tetilatr *ONO awl
A•dioanteaTirrata No* Nit/Ohisr,1
lifileinas An not wok .14 to th3f4i
3: latotitilittok fr
.KITTENS and Cats, good .hoxrie,
wanted for these healthy pets.
No charge. Anyone wantipg one
write BOX 198 Adeenee-Times.
SCOTT—In Wingham General
Hoepital, on Tuesday, December
18th, 19e6, Wm, Scott, aged 85,
of Englehart. The funeral in
R. A. Currie •& Sops funeral
borne, Mr. Wilfred Arthur of
Wingham 1,s' a nephew,
Belmore W.M.S.
Met on Thursday
• BELMORE—On ri`hursday, the
Belmore 'United' Church WKS.
meeting was held at the home ef
Mrs. Norman Newans, 20 ladies
being present. Mrs, Deubledee was
Hymn 49 was sung and a beauti-
ful candle lighting service was con-
ducted. Hymn 1.1 was -then sung,
"0 Ceme All Ye Faithful") and two
Christmas carols "Joy to the
Werld, the Lord Is Come", and
• "Infant Holy,.Infant Lowly", after
which four ladies led in prayer.
Mrs. Wilfred Johann read' a poem
"Of Such Was the World", and
Rev, and Mrs. West sang a duet,
"The First Nowell", which , was
very much enjoyed,
Mrs. Sohn Rutherford read the
story of one of the much loved
Christmas carols, "Silent Night",
Mrs. Doubledee gave a, reading
"Mankind Are the Children of
God." A letter of thanks was read
by Mrs. Earl Prager for used
stamps which she had sent to a
mission field. Mrs. Farrell also read
a letter of thanks from Dr, and
Mrs. R. B. Palmer for a .parcel
which they had received from the
W.M.S. .
Mrs Roy Rutherford who has
been a faithful sec,-treas. for 23
years was presented with a Bible.
Mrs. L. Metcalfe -will be the new
sec,-treas. for 1957. Roll call was a
verse on a Christmas card. Hymn
132, "Come Thou Long Expected
Jesus", was sung and all joined in
repeating the Mizpab, benediction,
• Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harding
and Miss Esther Harding visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Earnest Park at Grand Valley.
• Mr. Jack Foster ef Toronto was
a visitor over • the week -end with
his mother, Mrs. Ruby•Foster..
You are reminded of the United
Church Christmas concert to be
held on Friday night, December
215t in the Sunday School rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wallace
of Hamilton spent a, couple of days
last weelewith Mr. and Mrs. Aitch-
eson Wallace. ,
. Week -end and Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Forester
were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tomlin
of Detroit, IVIich„ and Miss Edith'
Howes of lia,rriston.
• Mrs. Isobel Hutchison left this
week for Cleveland, Ohio, where
she will spend the winter with her
son, Dr, James Hutchison.
• The many friends of Mrs. Win-
nie Rumple will be pleased to hear
she has returned home from, Lon-
don, much improved in .health.
• Mr. Simon , Bork and his sister,
Mrs, A. Anstorf,. left last week to
spend Christmas in DenmArle.
mer. and Mrs. Winiam Blake
moved their household effect to
Walkerton this week.
Forclwich will have an inter-
mediate hockey team this year and
will play in a group with Clifford,
Gorrie, Teelotdale, Trowbridge and
Drayton. The first heme, game of
the season .will be played here on
January 2 against Gorrie, .
Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Elitabeth,
Jim, and • little Leslie Campbell
vieited on Sunday in Toronto`avith
Mrs. Bob Campbell.
Mr. Ian Pittendreigh of London
visited over the week -end with his
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis of Ac-
ton visited one day last week with
the latter's sister, Mrs. Ab. Gal-
Mr, and Mre. John Tudan and
•little daughter spent one :day last
week in Toronto.
NIrs. WellingtOn Hargrave wits
a visitor with Mr. and Mrs, Ala
Wray in Toronto on 'Saturday,
Mr: Mervyn Wallace left on Sun-
day for Islington Where he will be
employed for the next few weeks.
SIMMERIvIAKER—In the ; Wing-
hatn General HoStatal 011 Friday,
Deeeniber 14, 1956', to 'Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Sleaniermaker, a Son.
Woman Passes
Mrs, Joehua, Hirst, a teen -tee ed..;
eident of Whighanl, died at the
Tdeohto General Hospital Thurs-
day Of last week. Mr, and Mrs.
Hirst resided on Frances St. for
several Years when the former was
employed at the Gunsonola plant.
She is ,stirvived by her husband
and two daughters, Mrs, I.
(Mary) Hadley arid. Mrs, r),. (Har -
bora) Scovell. •
Service was held in "Toronto on,
Saturday aftertriaori„
No parts hilsellig tir damaged .
CLINTON' %%Von tottriltit
musk moms
Father Passes
• In Chicago
R, Hulta lather •of IVfre. /et:
MePhail, Winghana, passed away at
his home in Chicago on Settirdey,
Mr. Helts, who had suffered from
a serious heart •condition for SeV-
eral years, was -taken dangerously
ill two weeks ago,- Mra. MOPhall
spent several days with her fathe
er, returning' to Wingham last
Week. She bete gone back to Chi-
cago to attend the funeral, which
was held on Tuesday,
Mr. Halts is survived by big
wife and three daughters, Mrs.
Robert •(Margaret) • Harder and
WS. Stewart (Ellen) Carter, both
of Chicago and Mrs. M., (Mary)
McPhail, Wingham.
Mrs. W. Armstrong
Former Resident
Martha Mabel Armstrong, wife
of William A, Armstrong and a feta.
mer resident of Wingham, died at
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on
She is survived by two sons,
Fred E. Welch and Percy Q. Welch,
both of London; seven step -child-
ren, Wilson Armstrong, Nobleton;
Alfeed, Cecil and Rusdell Armstrong
Port Colborne; Joseph Armstrong,
Lucknow; Mrs. Gordon Bailey,
London and IVIrs. Joseph Austin of
The funeral was held at Lucknow
on Monday afternoon with inter-
ment in Greenhill cemetery.
Mr, and ,Mrs. Armstrong resid-
ed in Viringliaan for several year,
in the home now occupied as the
nurses' residence. They moved froth
here to London,
Local Woman's
Father Passes
E. Lewis Abbott, 70, of London;
and the father of Mrs. Jack Alex-
ander, Wingham, died suddenly in
his car last'week. The death"took
place. pear Mount Elgin, south of
Ingersoll, and was attributed to a
heart attack. .
Mr. Abbott had farmed near Till-
sonburg until 26 year ago, when he'
opened a milk delivery- business in '
London. Recently he hadbeen
employed by the Department of
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer • Margaret Elizabeth Taylor;
three daughters, Mrs. Jack (Lu-
cille) Alexanaer, Wingham; Mrs.
Fred (Beatrice) Cox and 'Mrs.
Charles (Elva) ' Clark, both of*
London. There are eight grand-
children and five sisters.
Funeral service was held • on
Saturday •N•witit. interment in Ayl-
mer cemetery.
Pot.Luck Supper
Field by
FORDWICH—The C.G.I.T. held
the Christmas meeting at the home
of Mrs. Anson Demerling, begin-
ning with a pot -luck sepper at
seven o'cleck.
Following the supper Elizabeth
Fattersere led the girls • in carol
singing. Special practice was held
for the vesper service, which was
held on December 16. The remain-
der of the evening was spent in
playing games and several conteste
were. enjoyed. They also had an
exchange of Christmas gifts, .
The next meeting will be held
on January • 6th at the home of
Mar g• Johnton, ston, hen the worship
service will be conducted by Marie
Brown and Anna IVIariekEspensen,
•A vote of thanks was.rnevecl to
Mrs. Demerling for the use Of her
home 'for the party. The meeting
closed with Taps.
Au.tiliary Se:nds
:Unitarian Bale
PORDWICH—The Ladies' Auxi-
liary to Howick Legion held its
December meeting on Monday
everting of hist week in the Legion
rooms with the • president, Mrs.
Mary Moore in the chair.
The bale for the 'Unitarian Ser-
vice was discussed and it was de-
cided to haye the haby cloths and
blankets sent right away and the
larger one later.
Committees Were namecl to Oriel
Christmas boxes to Westininster
Hospltal and also to the boys in
the service. It was Voted to haw
fEtn for the hall. •
The mystery box Was won by
Mrs, Jams Vittie and &Mated by
Mrs. Rosa Doig. Mrs. vvilliarri Aus.
tin conducted the Installation of
officers for :1957 and the lin?' presi-
dent, "Mrs, Vern Clarke, closed the
• ,
Euchre Winners
BELORAVE—The regular pro-
gressiVe euchre party was held in
'the eorkuntirlity tetitre Wednee-
clay evening, There were five tables -
in play With high prizes being won
by Mrs, a Procter and Albert
Vincent, Consolation prizes went
to Mrs. Pred Cook and Mi'. Stat-;
ty COok, The next party Will be.
held On Wedfiesday. January 2.
.the toriiniereisl rishIng Sottisen
of 10546 -oh Great ,Slave Lake in.
the Northweat Territories produe-
ed more than / poolittg of
fish with Marketed Value 14
nearly 2 Etillikatilollati,
McKINNON--In Wingham General
Hospital, on Wednesday, Decern-
bey 12, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs.
Fraser MeKinnen, RR, 6, Luelc-
now a dallelter.
KILLER -1n Wingliern General
Hospital, oa Wednesday, Deem -
her 12th, 1956, to Mr.. and Mrs.
Harry Miller, Teeswater,
(laughter, Baby oxpired pecern-
ber 13th, -
DARLINo--xn Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, Decem-
ber 13t1•4• 1956, to ,Mr, and Mrs.
George Darling, R,R. 4, :Wing -
ham, a on,
STEINBACK—In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, ,on Thursday, De
comber 13th, 1956, to Mr, and
• Mrs, Karl Steinback, •Teeswater,
a son.
General Hospital, on Friday,
December 14th, 1956, to Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Simmorrnaker, Ford-,
avich, a, son.
BOHMIDT—In Wingham General
Hospital, on • Saturday, Decem-
ber 15th, 1906, to Mr. and IVIrs.
Raymond Schmidt, Bluevale, a
BLACK—In Wingham ' General
Hospital, on Monday; December
17th, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Keith
Black, R.R, 2, Lneknow, a son.
SHROFSHALL—In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Monday, Decem-
ber 17th, 1956, to Ur. and Mr.
Fred Shropshall, Wingham, a
• BELGRAVE—The regular and
• annual meeting of the Evening
Auxiliary of the Women's Mission-
ary Society of Mimi United Church
was held an Tuesday evening of
ilast week at the home oeMrs. Jas.
I The president, Mrs. Ross Ander-
son was in charge and opened the
meeting with a reading, "Keepin
Faith witla the 'Spirit of Cfiris
'naas", followed by prayer. The
hymn "Silent Night" was sung.
The Toll call was answered by
25 members and there were „:two
visitors present. Minutes of the -last
meeting were read by Mrs. Ross
Robinson and the treasurer's „re-
port was 'read by Mrs. Cameron
Walsh. Visits to the siek were re-.
.cocid. ,
A: letter Was read from Miss
H. Black of the Belle Coale hospi-
tal in B.C., thanking the group for
itS gift of money to help buy •a
hospital stretcher. A letter of,
thahks was read from Mrs. W. J.
Moores of Thames Road.
Mrs. Harold Vincent read the
nominating ciimmittee's report of
the riew officers for 1957 as fol-
lows: President, Mrs. Elsa Ander-
son; 'first vice-president, Mrs. Gor-
don Bosnian; second vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Harold Vincent; secre-
tary and press reporter, Mrs. Ralph
McCrea; -assistant, Mrs. Clarence
Hanna; treasurer, Mrs. Robert
Grasby; Atsociate - Helpers, Mrs.
Cameron Walsh; Christian stewardship, Mrs.' Albert Bieman; com-
munity friendship, Mrs, NorMan
Cook; Christian citizenship, Mrs,
Tames R.' Coultes; literatare, Mrs.
Gordon Bosman; supply, Mrs
ewis Stonehouse; pianiet, Mrs
George Johnston; group leaders
illage, Mrs. Leslie Bolt; 9th line,:
IVIrs, Jack Taylor; 4 and 5 line,
Mrs. Floyd Cartipbell; highway,
rs. Cameron Walsh; auditor,
is. Gordon Bosman and Mrs.
arold Vincent.
The following are the helpers for
he group leader: Leader, Mrs.
eslie Bolt With Mrs. J. R. Coul-
ee, larrs, Sam Fletch, Mrs. Ross
obihson, Me. Ralph McCrea,
re, Clarence Ranna, Mrs, Lewis
tonehouse, Leader, Mrs. Jack
aylor with Mr. Clifford Logan,
rs: Albert tfenian, IVIrs. Wilfred
eater:Mrs, Harold Vincent, Mrs,
Orden Bosnian, Mrs, Gorden.Pen‘
elly, Leader, Mrs. Floyd Camp -
ell With Mrs. Tad . Fear, Mr.
eorge Michie, 'Ars. Clarence
uill, Mrs. Robert Grasby, Mrs.
arner Nicholson, Mrs. Edgar
ightman •Leadew, Mt% Cameron
alth with leIrs. Norniari COokt
rs. Ken Barbour, Mre, Ross An.
rson, Mrs. Harold Watish; Mrs,
eorge, Solarleteti, Mrs. James
aiSh, 'The installation of the rieVe
fieers Will take place in January
the regular meeting to be at
e home of Mrs, N'orman took,
Ivirs, ;George Miehle gave a Te -
rt. of the cook book fund,
The *worship service was in
arge of Ws, dliford Logan's
oup, and opened with a Christ
as story, "The Pint Gifts" read
Mrs, Harold Virieent, 'The re
Milder of the service was a
mile lighting eerenniny with
rs„ Logan as leader,. assisted by
et. Jack Taylor, Mrs, Oaincron
alsh, Mrs, Ralph MeCteli, Mrs.
Mon tosmati, Mit Harold
dent and Mrs, Albert Bleman, This
Service ;was elosed with tWo carols,
"joy tO the World" 11,nd' "infant
itedy" follfted by prayer,
A film strip about.Thu?life was
,ehinen, Mrs, Harald Virteelit WM-
deleted a tonth.01
ot. 4 Jana WO'
t -
" 0111,..1,110, 411111 iildi
til It e Ir
Elf T ItICERS . •
.0440RAVE---The regUllae and
anneal Meeting et „the Wetriaa'e
MieakinarY. Society and the We-
/WA'S Associatien wee held op
WednesdaY afternoon in the
chnrch haSernent. •
Mrs, Edgar WightM4n, president
of the W.M,S„ .opened that reed,
irlg with a hYnlny f011Owed ' bY
Prayer. Minutes of :the lael; meet',
ing Was read by Mrs„Eati Ander-
ZandaialltY1 Mtliree,40e7070Cf"aerfi°nr,tlIT.
Jess, Wheeler reported there he'd
been fifteell'herne and twelve hoe-
pital yisits to the siek and shet-
A •card of thanks was read from
Ntrs, Chria Nethery and 41$0
letter from, Dr, J, Mooney.
It Was •decided to end Mrs.
Iledwit Bartline• .gift at Christ-
mas Wile, The following •committee
Was named to Make up Christm'as
boxes for the mernbers who are
shUt-ins: Mre. James IYfichie, Mrs,
Herb Wheeler, Mrs. jesse Wheeler
and Mrs. Carl Peter
Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler read the
nominating eenimittee's report of
the new officers for 1957 a,s• fol-
lows: President, Mrs. Edgar Wig-
htman; •first vice-president, Mre,
Walter Seett; zecond vice-presi-
dent Mrs. George Michie; nere-
tary, Mrs. Earl Anderson; assist-
ant secretary, Mrs. Leslie Bolt;
literature secretary Mrs. Herb
Wheeler; treeserer, Mrs. Ge.org'e
Martin; auditors, Mrs, Williard
Armstrong and Mrs, Earl Ander-
son; pianist, lVfrs. , 3, •M. Coultes:
Baby Band .superintendent, Mrs.
R. H. Omiltes; assistant, Mrs. A. E.
Coultes; Missionary Monthly sec-
retary, Mrs. 3. C. Procter; Assoc-
iate IVretribee Mrs. Albert Vincent;
supply, Mrs. L. Hopper; Christian
stewardship, Mrs, Stanley Cook;
community friendship, Mrs. Jesse
Wlieeler; Christian culture, Mrs.
James Michie;Mission Band sup-
erintendent Mrs. Gordon Bosnian;
assistant, Mrs. a Vincent.
The Jahuary meeting is to be in
charge of Mrs. Earl Anderson's
The devotional service was in
charge of Mrs. C. Xrug's group and
was opened with- a Christmas story
read by Mrs, Edgar Wiglitrnan, fol-
lowed by a hymn. Mrs, Geofge
Martin read the Scripture from
Luke 211.40. Mrs. Wightman read
a story "Something that Might
Have Been" and a poem "In the
Carpenter Shop", followed by pray-
A candle lighting service was
held, the theme being His Con-
stant Lamp", with' Mrs. Carl
Procter as leader, assisted by Mrs,
Lyle Hopper, Mrs. Cecil Charnney,
IVIrs. 3, Anderson, Mrs. Stanley
Omit; Mrs. Wm. Kelly and Mrs.
erb Wheeler. This service was
Closed With twb carols.
W.& Meeting
The W.A. meeting was in charge
of Mrs. George Michie, president.
The theme was "The Ever Present
God." The Scripture, Psalm 139
was read by Mrs. K. Wheeler, The
Meditation was read by Mrs. G.
,Michie followed by prayer and the
carol "Silent Wight". ,
• A stor, Christmas Is for
Grown -Ups" was read by Mrs.
Stanley Cook followed by prayer
by Mrs. Michie,
• Minutes were 'read by Mrs. W.
Armstreng and the treasurer's re-
port read by Vim J, M. Coultes
showed 31092.13 on hand.,
Mrs. Michie expressed a.word of
thanks from the ladies of Trinity
Anglican phurch for' use of the
basernent or their bazaar.
It was decided to have groups
again this year with the following
leaders: 6th line, Mrs. Borden
SOU and Mrs. Jarries Walsh; 9th
line; Mrs. Wilfred Walker and Mrs.
Gordon Pengelly; 2nd and 3rd
line, not named yet; 4th line, Mrs.
Stanley .Cook and Mrs. Leslie Bolt;
5th line, Mrs. Earl Anderson and
Mrs. Robert Graeby; nerth village,
Mrs. A. 'Vincent and Mrs. G. Cook;
south village, Mrs. Lyle I -kipper
•and•IVIrs. Fred Cook.
The folloWing were named a
committee to make 'inquiries mid
purchase a vacuum eleither for the
church; Mr, and Mrs. A, • Conj.
tes and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott.
Use Fire Chief Chemical
chimney .cieaners
Vol- Use In
oil, coal and wood fired,
von SALE' AT
• Machan Harclwate
• • wtoliAm
McDouiall's dioeery
Lowrin *maw/
General Sot*
Bruce Chamber' Hardware
Mlat, Lyle HoPeer 4ittati linkttle
.00MM1.1104 %sport of the
new offleere far UV 44' ,folleatte
F1at president, Mrs., Miehie;
prosidenr, gra, Xenneth W"healer;
firtit vice preeldent„ NI:rs,. Carl
Procter; second • vhnt president,
gra. Albert .Coultes; seeretary,.
X's, Cecil Chomney; assistant,
Mrs. Berden Seett; tree:Serer,
,Coultes; pianist, Mrs, J•. .
Coultes; .assistarit* Mrs, Herb.
Wheeler; press • reporter, Mrs.'
Ralph McCrea; ranting of emu,
Mrs, Harry Coll; flower oommit-
tee for -sprays, Mrs. George Jordan
and Mrs, T. Anderson; flower COM.
inittee for .eluireli„. •Mrs, Harold •
procter and Mrs. GOrdon Higgins;
manse committee, lYfrs. Ander-
son and Mrs. Wheolort auditors,
Mrs, Harry McGuire and miss
Edith Proeter,
Mrs, aeorgaMiellie expressed
word of.appreeiation to all Who
had helped her during ber term
as president.
The beeedietiOn 010Sed the Meet.
41111. NM IN MIre
1 . PHONE 185
•,.. mi . .. - so No sour
Patrick St., Wingharo
Phone 770
Day and Night Service
To all '010
• supported 111 •
•polls On O.
I will strive
best at all times*
•&Merry, Chriotiiias
• nappy New Year
to all.
Gordon 'Wilkinson.
_ AO: Alititior,
r "
h k•t)
A rondine preenutiOn:
to,ensure your contin-
ued good hath,
For hee literature Writ.
MPS, MMUS CU110111t1
%Ingham, Ont.
Seceetary of Wingliani anti
t'iet branch of Canadian
• Caneer Soeled
Hullo Folks!'
• 'Fantastic' Car Deals
There have really been Sonic fantastic deals cooked up lately
to sell ears. •
just imagine: ears for $1,25 a weele'then reduced to 95 cente
a week! ••
This is what happened, I'm told, in Jacksonville, Fla. *Mien
some of the sharper operatorA got in a fre,e-fOr-all (or almost'
free) mood, •.
' One firm offered cars for sale, with good trade-ins, at $1.25 a
week. Then another outfit beat him out by offering cars for
95 cents a week:
It souacled fine, until you read the fine print.
Then you sa* that after 12 months of these next -
to -nothing payreents the entire balance came due.
That had to be paid off in another 12 months''
The' customer still bail to pay for the car and
that although it sounds' a littlet ie` still true
, • •
They still had to pay for it someWaY.
Of anyone around here-, I think we've been the
leaders in making the oWnership of a car a
realizable.:goal for the largest number of people.
But when you start to fool the people yOU're
doing no one any good.
'You, do a. reareervice, T think, .witen you offer
the lowest REAL prices on cars, with financing
LORNE eleDONALD terms to make it a sensible pay-as-you-go
Our boys often shop around themeolves and we know that
our customers, when they add up all tharthey paid for their car,
get the best bargains*,
Ca POSSE twi Al TO 2 01 W
eeecaei e_ we 5 9
LE,.9 d 86EY/CE
• .1
• 6'767
1561) Y agsr'
.„ E •
WE nAvE A comPLIErrt umir(i OP is
7" Heavy Duty Mall electric Saw ONLY $69.95 I
% Heavy Duty Mall electric brill ONLY $39.9,5
Mtn Portable electric Sander ONLY, $99.50 .07.
-Model SI M
, y =
We tiaVe Mali famous line OHAIN SAWS :
Popular model ap. 24" Bar ONLY $269.00 g
COME 114 Attti SPX Orli LIIVE OP Iiitttinaigf HARDWARE -0-
Asir for Norm Or IturotI