HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-12, Page 13HOME IVO) ' SORES tka9 *OP, rajmx, 014,1 pap.—LLS`,K4Eli; 'TONI $4(1,--I-0,r4Wit-1 WINGH OV,(). YS. • Setimgoeur);, 9.35; Kerr, (Baler), 12.20„e' Penalties, Wain, Tobriah, StrOthera, Itrie(jhtel, Wain, (minor . misconduet) Sertnigeenr son, Wingham Canadian Legion - thit .1; Orlin 43.31:94t.. The PF,REECT GIFT Women's Moccasins ..'$2,98 RIPONS for women. Pt gilds 0,48 and $2.911 01111111a) MigerindUct0 being:. banded Ont. Wingham reeelYed 10 of: itbe. penalties Including Ithe `COndneta, WIT11'0HffAM—GOLII, Storey; tier fence, .Carter, Struthers, Pk:0, BainR forwards, Campbell, Lee',' TOdgkinsen, TqYfOgle, Wain, Lott, MeKee, • Graham, 11.,IPZERTON—Gettl, Mohr; de, fenee, Serinigeour, Melrose, Gerder, Knetilitel; forWaids,„Denstedt, Man, •'Hoffman). I<IPTtOri '.'Hair1)114011+ Casehe, 'Kerr, ROPP. 'First Period , ;Wain, 9.20; Toirrian„, (Kipffer), 11¢;21;, Bale (Tatman);. 11,2g ; (Lott),. 11,27; Wain Penalties', MeK4',' (2' .plits, yritseoti- diict), Bain.' Second ''teri d• liodgkinson„ 5.25; :'Beit`t ' 9.45; TIOdgkirtsen, 17.10; - Penaitles„ to, Knechtel, „ CaSe14, 1.,140tiginaon, Knechtel: Tolinan;;Strnthers. )" • Third ' Klpffer. (Denstedt), 0.35; ,,Knech- tel •• Mirifferl, 6,47; Paler (Cascho, —central prole Ciriadlitii -Phatea' Transported ,to: Abu Suweir in "flyitig boxcar" above, Major', I. R. Green of Ottawa helPS. blinSelt to food iii a field kitchen' Set up b\r, the Canadian contingent to the United Nations Emergency Foree."...NeWly arrived Canadian soldiers, totalling 15 officers:and 130 men, are deserilied as "mostly technical experta" ,Who will handle signal, engineering and medical assignments for the U,N.,' command, :under fellow-Canadian Maj.-Gen, E. L. Burns, Some 4,500 officers and men have been Accepted, from eight of the 23 nations which have offered military units to LINEF, The provislOnal. . target of the 'force is 6,000 men. ' • Use the Classified Column: for Quick PHONE: 181 WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN 1-t +Newt' 'it) Str 6kAMOMA itY l.I5WAKTS ii MAXE, suge: SHE OF.Snrr MISS '• o ):the 164.00 .0i00 BEDROOM SUITE `$93:00 2 pc: Kroehler c S.. l6FIAIR .;$211):,00 FRAMEDt.'PICTURES $7 00 ' HussOcks Occasional Calpet's in wall to wrah'l, • A „very Large Selection of FLOOR and TABLE LAMPS 530/00. tour. gift itemstrom -the two large showrooms tn, 31:11dMay. , '..--f)ELIVF*Y IN-. SOUTHERN • ONTARIO 12 months to pay tradeAnS .aecqPted , 'The gpitfira,a went driwit to defeat .to the l'AilVerten DoiiiiniOn ;loyal* 7$ 'fOr 'the See- rind straight.. Coach Vie Lough- woes boys had the euge of.the ay for. the'll !st two periods with . ilvorton coining -to 140 in the third period. •! • • the :arid; bl. the first p•ary0d , the 01 01304. .wos: leftOir*,Sf.tiV4*1 ".Gerd • secil,cd,',iat, tee: with Tol# movet, boi. • Tht. Spitfires had ' tWO;geal' lead at the " end of the .second af- qi pnttad two for' W.inghani ,and:Bater .sepr,CO : for the oPpoO:On.• • ." rt• In .the ;third.period :M.Uverton went ,on.: Spree - ;With Kip et;htei, .Eliers • and.., Kerr, each 'scoring.;' The game was. rug, ge-d with .11.penalties and two ten - Bob Elothl ;SO-red the lone .fillOra geol. Willgliarif went into the third frame with a One-goal lead) on 11-4 eount only to have Elora tie things up with 20 seconds to ,go when they pulled their goal ten- der, Arden Montgomery, Tn the tefrminute, overtime per- iod ITeelis his second goal of the, game and Sehwerid follow- ed with his" Second counter . and then with a third. Bruce Lott of 'Wingham and Quinne of Elora both, received ma- jar penalties for fighting in, the second and George Wayne of the toeals Was sent off fora ten-mill- ute misconduct. WINGHAM— Goal, Storey; de fence, Carter, Struthers, Duffy, Graham; forwards, IV,tiirrity, kinson, Campbell, Wayne,", Lott, Sain, Fryfogle, Lee, McKee, Gard- ner. ELORA—Goal, Keeting; defence, Ridley, Dieirenson, Sehwendt, Cos- in; forwards, Quinne, Fres, er Weise, Montgomery, AtkinsOn, Landoni Bonnie, Flood. First. Period Keens (Ouitune) 1.10; Duffy (Bath), 6.35 ; Waise (Schwendt). 8,40; Fryfogle, 9.35; Schwendt (Aeo- lis), 15,15, Penaltiest Dickenson', Second HodgItinson (Lee), 5.00; Flodd (CoSin, Ridley), 5,12; Fryfogle, 7.50; Cour,' phell ( 0. r oh m ) , 1402, Penal- 'ties, Wayne, ,Walsc, Lott (Majnr) Quinne (major), I3aln, enson, ffeelis. Third Period MontgomerY (Quilme), 19,40. • penalties, Wayne (minor and Mis- conduct), Vanden!. Overtime (Landont), 1.1Q; SchWendt. (Ridley), ,2.20; Schwendt (5icken- son) 9.02. Penalties, Struthers, Lan- .. don'. EL. 01(1 TEAM TRIMS ,IN.IOURTI The. Wingham Spitfires suffered their fourth straight defeat when Elora Rocks "rocked" ever them by the score of 9-1. • In the first period the Elora- club Mitaltated and outshot 'the do-, eats, to come out on top of a 5-1 lead. Bob Flodd paced the Flora • boys with two goals with Casten, Atkinson andg {Schwendt. scoring the other three goals for the op- position. 'George. Wain scored the lone goal for. Wingharn. The second frame was scoreless with Wingham taking most of• the play, The Spitfires were held by the sensational work of Ellora's goal tender, Bill Keating. - In the third period Elora -started' to roll . again„ ,with Flodd scoring his thii::t1 marker of the garde and Schwendt and Atkinson coming in for their ,second goals of the. en- counter. Bunnie scored the other Elora goal. WINGHAIVT—Goal, Storey; def- ence, Bain, Carter, Graham, Stru- thers; 'forwards, Lott, Wain, Lee, Cominercial League The- second game of the second series Wag. -played on '.Tuesday night. Standing ,as follows: Blowers, 12; Rockets, 9; Wild- Cats, 9;- Rock 'n Rollers, 7; Strik- ers,•5; Blue Bombers, 0. Ladies' high single, Mrs. H. Taylor, 239; men's high single, '0. R.apson, 254; ladies' high triple, H, Taylor, 549; men's high triple, 0. Ranson, 'M.' Team high score, Blowers 2076. 0 - 0 ,- Win at Walkerton • Two carloads of Winghain bowl- ers went, to Walkerton two weeks age) Saturday to compete in a bowling tournament. Miss Mary Louise Vlach won high triple, a salad boWl, Mrs, Carl Lott won high single, a travelling clock, and Ken Saxton won high triplei for the men, for which} the prize wri's a flash 'camera. , 'Ladies' Wednesday Night League During the past three weelts the Top Dogs lapped up another nine points, gaining four points cacti on November 21st and 28th, and, eking out On one point last, week, when the Collies- rallied to heat the Spiniels three to' one. This was quite a victory for the Collies as one point is the only small score earned by the Spaniels since Octo- ber 13rd, the first night of bowling for flue season-, Now if the rest of us pups can 'get 0, nose in, the Spaniels will be howling with path by the time the New Year arrives) IridiVidual honors for the high triple during the three weeks aft shared by Muriel Grurinnett and Kilda Brown with triples of 640, white Ruth Lott topped the high single with 280. On December .12th arrangements have been made for chicken roll) The results of this roll will aliPear Ellis eolnitin next week , -'0 ,-0 • tlohls W Club Veneer. room, 2731; Shipping room 2925; Ntheluite shop 2341; Office, 23021 The Doors, 1906. sigh single, Park Campbell, 245; high triple, Fred Ohm, 939. ' 0 0 - 0 Ladles' 'TinitsdaY Mrs, C, Lott, 1909; Mrs, A. Ad. hms, 1444; Mrs, 3, Maellutyre, 1889; 138(); Mrs. 11, spr'y, 1164; Ivtl.s. G. Cameron, 1151, High. single, ,Mrs. F. Madill, 202, 30 PUREBREDS' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16thi,40'3,0 .p•m. at the Glanworth Sales Arena, Z144 Kfaile5 south of Glanworth, 31/4 miles north of St.: Thomas • Acot1.4,:orron, BLOOD TESTED- nod vAc„UNie.egn -The.,entire herd °WOO hy ,Shore Bros., pins Weil consigliniepts. Alf toe t •yrs. old and :under; in K900 1k1Sture coRibtiolL All Rgodolier Cattle with gook Pinallies reprtsepte d. Ono ma.. daughter of Prospectinere. The 3 yr, old herd -sire, a prize winning top breeding sop of Priiiee Bandolier 1, front a daughter. of Eitoonnere c?,•0„ 7 young (tows with calves at foot 1447 retA•eit: intlahee hred .o.00 (men betters, alnAng- , and prospect; for 411 steers. Send for Catalog-0o. Don.Shoff rs buitcom ,Brown Bob ,ShoxexAttotionee LOIN FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND DEC. IS): rickets good gOing and returning scone Saturday. only. EXCURSION FARES HANOVER Sc30 tog %teaggooteall Chickens .for regular games Turkeysloy special and draw prizes kootsitn*sosgtongnmos AbMISSION 10ono* for $.1_00: •a1 *pedals, Includes: • Alight. FLOOR LAMPS coinplete $11.80 CEDAR CH ESTS $49.00 ROCKERS . . $42.00 bb's MIRRORS• at 15% Discount • USED PLANO - $139.00 qiich walmit '$•595.00 THIS WhlEIC AT TIIE, ARENA WEDNESDAY, Dee, 112th-- 3.06-5,09—Public Skating 6.30-7,04--Junior Practice Skating TIEURSDAY, Dec. 13-- 6:39-8.06—Baniam PraCtice 8.341..-41unick; hockey Dame FRIDAY, Dec, 14 7.00 - and 8.30--Bantain and Midget hockey. Whighain vs. SATURDAY, Dec. 'ii.0042.11117-Figure skating—Publie skating -8,t10-1.0.00—Public skating. Bodgkinson, Campbell, Murray, Pryfogle. ELORA—Goal, Klueting; defence, `Dieltenson, Schwendt, 'Cos- ten; forwards, Irolocld, Atkinson, Montgomery, Bunnie, 'Haled, Lan- (tont and Young. First Period Cosin, (Israll); 5.02; Flodd (Co- sin)„ 8.00; Atkinson 8.40;. Wain, (Bain), 14.00; Schwendt, 14.35; Florid (,Schwendt), 18.41. Penalties Montgomery. • Second Pcrjed No. score. Penititiosi-Wain, Mont- gomery, Atkinson, . Third Period , Atkinson; 3,04; .Sehwendt, 6.00; Flodd (Dickenson), 8.07; Bunnie, (Montgomery), 15.00. Penalties, KodgItinson, Montgomery, Wain Landeni, Thrall, Struthers, I-lore's the one winter tire yott can depend an to cut:down delays caused by snow.clogged roads. Let Its.prove it. today! The Elora RockS 'defeated the Winghain Spitfires 8=G in ten MIA- uites of overtime lAst Friday night, in%the Wingham. arena. The loss was-;the ,:third in row for the .the 'fikst, period Elora was Jeaclenmthe' SOS tuy,a count of 3-2. Mad ;'.Heelis 'eneriedthe scoring fer Elorawith Waage .and Schwentlt mooring 'the other two Diem,. goals, `Dilffy and Barry Fryfogle notebed. the two for Wingham. • Iii the' second period gen opened the scoring fOr the kiehl's :kith Barry ,Fryfogle scoring hil.,second counter, pf the game and Campbell driVing bailie-the second, %4101Mig‘i '4SkrigAkif44140' ONTARIO 1040,0004.04/VIVNik-riMei-Mo'.404,0M010400.--NWierirA • THAt'S WANTS M 70 TONE Il•I AUNT" aAtQw,5 COOKINO es'il7Atv BUT WI-15.1e8 Ott) ‘,..TUNICIT*. I7iSAOPV.AR The Ootineil Of -the NorthWeat Territories eopsista oe nine Mein hers; five atre'rombinted, tear Are elected, The Courson is preSided rover by the ConunlitilliOnel: of the Northwest TerriCerics. 0"1.,;tY # tjll hila bath' tiretitlittii Nero Ate Wills 4 010:i 'Mad kilikkiC: . Ithitt • ,• ALLENFORD $1.75 J BRUSSELS 0111ESLEY 'CLINTON 'ELORA 4.30 II-AftlitiSTON 3.115 .• SOUTHAMPTON 5.00 INGERSOLL 3.10 • • • • 4,75 jirrowNiat sSTARRANTIA00•170. rEnous 4'7: KINCARDINE i185 gTRATIIIGOIT Mt, GEORGETOWN 1202:45 • ,L,.'1%;_,S117411:!;'; 1,"1:1IALiNTEI(11.11f,N 1.00 GOT/ERICH , 5.05 1)-A-CSLEY '5.20 WYOMING- GUELPH ' 1.90 OWEN SOUND 4.75 BRAMPTON