HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-6-3, Page 3• t
Save Your Money
Our clubbing rate for Ths Signal and
The Toronto Star $6.75
You save 26 cents and the Dost of Bending a
money order. A similar saving on other
The Signal
Your Office Stationery
Now is •,good time for you to look through
your stocI of Office Stationery and place
your order for new supplies. We can meet
any competition in quality and price.
The Signal
When You Have a Sale
YOU need not worry over your Sales Notes.
This Bank will be glad to supply blank
forms and look after the notes for you
We will notify the buyers of your stock to
pay their notes at our office, and will deposit
the payments to your account.
The Royal Bank
of Canada
MISS MARGARET WILSON MISS TOM AT PARIS• fifte tr minuted its au attempt to cross. (}EOBQL11i BAY—LAKE tug English couple from South Africa.
Tory have been ou a trip nut tally
gut L'Irn.ley Lrditor Throws Much !'old
t.aterleh (1r1 Sitars in Shakespearean THEGREAT WARD annual the world. but all over 14r Water Upon It
Play at Stratford Normal Schutt'OF lurid, including New Zraloud and In u recent home The )tea.Punl Mir
(Stratford Beacon -Herald. May. 21) Amarxlix. We have great hal UI r,.r na recerd the lalitdjng of a slw.rt
1'lrylag before a (a(Imclty house ■t comparing experiences. They gu to rail+vu) blur from G.ro'Kf:w 11*) ue
city hall last night, the Normal School City of Beautiful Vistas, Con- Norway mud Sweden In Juue. I.n►.• Huruu.
students presented Shakespeare's
geared Street Traffic, and
May 11th.—T4s weather herr !las rnilwxy from lldxfurd h. 'Churu-
People • 1141'* what Mr. Mautlllul would call bur)
up the lhnccr \alley h, Flrslwr
"Tau Gentlemen of Verona.- In such , Cottrteotu ,Yew. ,hues,. moist. unpleasant wen -
a skilful and delightful manner that 1 V tun, and rcrus. thr.•n h Ihlrhnw u,
rhrr.' aunday w•as an rxcltiug sauna Lake Huron would Ia• u vxlatiu line
they completely won the hearts of the j lug in this vicinity. It was Jeannt' tut 1'eutr$I Ve.trru 4lutxrio. It
audtenee. The play. nue of y'hakt Mist* Tom's lmpr+>+,ou. of F'rauce.
s •ere'. most pleasing and nnuslag I ' tl Atr I)a)' amt •' ben statue is in the would alma up a tot of new ....awry.
p where she was an aru.y unrse Ill the said give valuable .,o, 0. to market.
eangledw, a stony
us 11 prugre+s'o u 1'Ircr .dr lilull at the slut of our
tangled love storey that kept the house Ureas War. are Inten•tiux, u+ all her', street, just a few yards from our .tour. Ices Impassible of ae.rdw The Cau-
bubbling over with delight. letters have Iry u. 1'uowiI :.r.- ec- A. rrrly ua rlgtit s.m. wr h.•ur.t the rdlau National ita{Iways might elm well
Mies Margaret lVllwaa. as "3ylvia, (tr•cle from tar tarsal :'•n, r- r1., 'Bed ,rumble of gnu crrrlrgew as n r.i !meat to investigate this propoath and e. -
Phe charming daughter 41f the Duke of from her by her parcel.'-. Mr. and Mrs. of arttllery drot•e past to lay their .4. tahttsh mart, a III.•, w41c11 nunid in,,
.ferings of flowers at the lass.- of her tar from one critic -.n, It would he(lIsplaylug brant). charm, and . F.Tues: statue. At lutt•rvaIs various cowls- wubj4r•t t.r no cr,m(a•titinn from a truck '
talent. starred in the rule lit lewdllg, J .
lady. Lorraine Casey as "1'tuteuw, a r_ ahrutt+ux, .lpril soh. 1!rlek played {.•. airs arrlvetl lthe M.rsclllais4ighway, aw sherd 1. 'u,, wch auiwulr'
Gentleman of Verona,' erowut11 hint- fill'.' haw often these lust flew 1 pllerrt tiwir wnstth and departed. .It
in that Iwrt of tile. tutwtry. \l'h„a it !1
ten represeutatives of college*, ..10.'. w,uld aim1 do. to devrlup 11a• great
'self with glut)'. by his natural acting I weeks has.• 1 114114Willd y411 could be and p,Ilticul urgaulzatloua gathered Beaver Valley, which hien agricultural
ability. William Johnson iu the part with us seeing this gorgeous .ounest. a. neer the statue u. Ihr p.dlc4 would ands .rf great promise. but handlculr
of Vak*.' *1 t tSylcia's toyer, Won t4r cannot dtr'id(. whi., 1 like hest. t permit. Then the trouble began. 1*41 b)' u lack of mise. urtatiun le:tii•
xpplausc of the house by his reel act Italy or Switzerland
1'11. aria i 1” I IAA v..ar there had been several dtir- tie..'
Ing. Julia, played by arises Thetwa 1 more gnnui, but the• •orut r .le so lSI. IA.. ) 1 This proposal does not cotuwtI'l it
Sett chplearming
all eih her smart and i1 Switzerland
and the 1^ 1e1 I at,•, rat.cf.tt rest (adofmmunieta,.o the Wlf to The ('twat.•) EUIPrprlsl•. *lik'11
mow! ca8rming veinier. Frank tie- ;ewitu•rlunrl is a mw -L more va r•usivr authorities had made a ruling That bluntly states that '•a railway across
Cartney as •tS)Ivia's father and t'evilabet.- country in which 1UI to live; most [hhlaa three! the crow,M could not gather ill the '
Grey and Brut..• ft•.•el ait•afor'F to s11m1
IdeFathlin tooth-
- proved
r ve}rio.- rival actnr'. 44 tnultuean I tittle. cost twice
hwuch much
hi Italy. Tha, a I *ware. The public were Irate. They bars, on l.ak(• Itureu w'uUldu't pay fen
you might .,,_... 1. .o.• lord of tow paler line. dud were YtUV• Ihr gra ase of t1. •ear whtrta nut 414
drawnonly ro a gourd of soldiers with profits. It tl4,Utu only be *Dottie'
drawn ba).met+. They dlrttheel at the money timer for t!rc C.N.It- and a com-
pollce with their vanes and 4a►ured p,ny that it closing +wall stations to
At our table here. we sit wttli a charm- HURON LINE PROPOSED
Geo. Williams
Dealer in
Fire, Lite. Aecident. AUtom.'
bile. and General Insurance
Olsce, North Street. ).'hone :::
Petroleum Corporation
Preferred Shares
Visualize the growth and develop-
ment of Supertest Petroleum Corp-
oration, Limited, whir:: in 1923 had
but three gasoline Service Stations
and today has sixty-seven besides
numerous storage depots.
This business deals in a basic pro
duct—trades for cash—and operat, •.
365 days a year.
Because of the rapid increase in the
Company's business. and its extension
plans, a limited amount of First
Preferred Stock is being offered fog
sale. This carries a cumulative divi=
dend of 1'`;; per annum, as well as a
50'0 bonus of Common Stock. en-
abling purchasers to parti:ipate in the
further growth _ i the Company. This
issue presents an opportunity to in-
vest in a proven business, with estab-
lished earnings.
Royal Bank Building,
Toronto. Ont.
Metropolitan Battling,•
Toronto. Ont. a••
The play deals aIth two gentiennai I frugal soul•
In the town of Verona, named Valeu- i All the Kw'lse resorts have what
tine and Proteus, who were frh•uds 1 they call a Kuraral and each hotel
Luis -Proteus tell in love with a lads.guest Is taxed for it, support at a
named -Julia. The story. filled with I paltry rate of ten eci.ts a day. Tiny
wholesome humor. had a pleasing ro- I' are large. t'e utlfnl buildings art In
matter that centres abrin $)IV1., the splendid garden,. tool 4'1,11r11l*. a. •
daughter of the Duke of Milan. The tea room op41.4 114110.•, dance
hilarious romplicrtions that arise ns
the result of :4ylvia's many lovers
proved an amuslug allot. Lenitive. ser-
vant to 1'roteurtl played by Frank
Hanna. highly amused everyone. The i noun was held 1* rh. kron cher of Soot wad aro.
had n•a you paid for! tlalatethatwilr. .Tar later b• -as ler—eontinuathn of the L,1'.lt. from Ihtr- E k Farm. and houses and
resit urZlta Mat was'vf itlslr merit. i c Montreux i you h l• 4••11 ce tree: 1 r f one warning at Notre Dame au .- Tots In Goderich and . ii•inity.
architecture t but the manage
course if you ham to Southampton, that eighty creta for two very nlld I tent nu ouldfirt. Gothic
..naw su badly that it was peeressry save the keeping of agent.. is not like -
to remove them to ho,••pitale in au am- ly to embark on any crows -country
Whiner. IV.' 1110 box -seats uu nut• enterprise. All the branch line rail- —
balcuny. four storeys up. ways. that operant. in Grey or (truce '
Paris Is. to use a hacktwyed i11> - have their southern terminus, 111 such ;The Armstrong Real Estate
uu a c•it of beautiful. vistas. Balt` large centres as London. liamtlton or I.
The Mutual Life
assurance Company
F.tablus.d 1869
!Lail uffii..
N atcrl Ontario
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
East Strut. Phone 250
Goderich, Ontario.
Try a Want Ad. in The 4IgnaL
rule, r
II and r masse mons Th 41 d 9) el S and Insurance Agency
tw.. c•oneerts a day front 4 tt, ii and 11 I ciall) the virtu from the Tuileries to ,Tun,wto where they have cumufrtlon\
to 11. perfectly arch -pi ort•be,tra. t the Arc .h' Triomphe. The city, though with the leading centres in caned.,
1144• concert we went to 'this atter- i not hoary w'Ith apt us is !tome. teems and the United States. It iR •alit so Lite (Sun Life). Accident and Auto-
' of the 1 with historical interest. We .pills many years ago .ince Ex -Mayor mobilo Insurance
1 .ting the
You can "listen in" all
summer; why wait till fall,
when you can get such good
value in Radio Sets now?
Flannel Trousers
Two dozen all -wool Eng-
lish Flannel Trousers. Less
than half price. Well made
in cream or white with
silver grey stripe.
lievolar 1. .'l) 1'i {'11111
$3.45 and $3.95
walls. with the
went of ■ errm(anv that is earning I A large number of properties listed
hens with d' the (forty reit. would , as nue could
f >=ttpportlntt attfiee. '"twelve per cent. for Ftr whsrehnivlev" to ulcer from. Many of them very
have covered' the ram.• tear In Itaring, ere a couldn't ser any profit
iven several tows durinR ,are all of the 13th trntnr} s aJuli to wDurhato building tgh {cheap and easy terms for payment.
Opera is g - brarieb 4n(
the season. for rchi,h a charge Is ltlawn. having been built 111 1_ lin iu ) ltentinek, J. W. ARMSTRONG,
made. Another
11 tohdstra 1 .,ti plays
prome ) Sainte Chapelle 4 Louts iX: 14 a de f bright e. worn ug townships to 1 port cm Lake llurou. 1 Real Estate and Insurance Agency,
morning with the sunshine .creaming through 1t this railway acre built the auto I
made. i that marvellous. glass is like being In- truck traffic over the good roads would r. 0. Box 89,
Godexlel> Oat
Ore morning we took the railway rob the railway company ut a tut, of
up one of the taoaatai14 and when It , eerie
r some which
jewel. The (' irr-
rrachtr} Its a moans we gut out and 1 gerlr In which Marie Antoinette ,i.te• war its hwlght caRla.e in the +i,rit111 sura -
the snow' -blue. it I imprint ntsi is also ill the ueighl'or- mer and fall mouths. it was Mtly hist
uud nue We sates a thn•e-torr truck deli
. -
climbed on up to Uanl. ., fur we have strut y
war cantos. w OaeY *•' many flowers eying huu•••1WI1) effects from Kitchen -
week in file meadows aYdhat hldght. They afterutam iu the Louvre, as the w'.•a-
(her is ton, cull) to tarry long In such er to C11.14.7. -
weregay with bttnr g•utlau, cuwrlip4.'
vault -like pities.* as European art gal The Enterpriw• giv.•• the Meaford
pluk and 'w•hke daisies, t. uo . ops. Wiles. They have a splendid collec-
tion proposal .r final kick by declaring that
At 1ea tact, fur-et•mar 1!! stn•- of Cbi>ltrse porcelain which wq l- "Mr henry Thornton is to., busy de -
M aTbd e Ido(ft u so far uR and joyt•.1 hwwrus.•ty. feeling ourselves vlslnr way" and 'mean. to cut down
the brats mere dots upon it. Another connulswrurw a•
now. 1 operating expelrwP* to balance his
afternoon we spent at the Castle 4.f \Ve t.a,l' advantage of the only sate railway budget to consider :illy cro,'e'-
('hllkrn. Immortalized by itvrun's
to day we 1141ve bail to walk ill 1 11 4411101ry wildcat scheme. -
poem on the 11 w1i.onmerloorf Francis
Rut+ ,h• Roulugu.•. Lt is glflt1' the
Boatyard, a 'r 11 Iuveliest (xlrk 1 know. and afl'r so
Duke of Savoy for aux years 114 the much rain a. green as the F:nlernld
('astir of (Tritton. • The cell itt 4014.1, -
Isle• cerin the tat
Blue Water Highway Cigars
High-grade Imported Tobacco
5 and lOc. lines
"Boost the Highway"
James Lloyd & Son
trunks are covered
he vent' these years Id Iwlow the with Ikhen. The t111wludrndruns and
irvrl of the carter and fright fully horse -thus -mute are in full bloom.
chill, even on a warm April after,'. 'n• Then:i a 'rather small zoo. Many of
It is amazing that he eouI.1 survivethe animals are pressed into servtee
evt'n oar w'intrr then. mach 11i9 for the aulusetutitt of the children.
ndtd' . 541)1.-
414 u._
r wire l castle
{Vi• less 4hltdren ridtag ct*mols uud
mreMPvr1 castle uud iw fnrulshe.t to ,•1, d,auts. ,,facts .Upportiug tflem-
the (wrtu0• of the thirteenth Ceunlry. selves iu suultli carriages drawn 11y
The t,,w4-r dates from *400 A.1).. but the
t4mas of gwxts.
matte pr.+pre-tt(rtlt alr,ltt 121110 A.1).1'4e latlu rice; cujo)tu,.nt ,,f life Is
,Hare just dome lack from a walk so mutat more apparent, and naive than
„I, Ow start.'- d1 Cauldron. and haw ands. }aver,e-*441----wunde•r_al•rttg 9
well 11. Is flame,' The ricer roars owde'il thoroagllfar( with their, arms
wast i10/111 lig/1111 ai itie atl(m- uaround each other's WATT-TillNAttttty
thirty feet wide ..111 Its mc.st'Llu(es 11,uncouse•i,al. of the pas,ing (1111111X.
I ft
1Luuse•wh•es wuu.ler home from the•
market will' their neighbors gestleu-
luting vehemently with their lung
loaves of bread. You hay tresis by
the yard here.
one night We wrnl 14, a revue at
the ('al,ffuo de farts with till' SII 111•11.11.
(aur South African friends). (Keynes
are not'exnetly elevating in any coun-
try. May 2tui, try'. but hl Paris they are le)uad
words. There was an cteellenl baI-
Arrived her. :r 2.45 p.m, and It was let, b1t the emit u11e+ were quite the
quite thrilling t.' get back to I'ari sketchiest i have Peer seen. The late
again 114 11n ming on the Rm- di, .Lnth.rny Comstlw•k, win used to guard s
P3 ramble exact i! terms from in+ ivt
the murals or tees York, ,,.,t.ld lav,
gins. where 11-,.1 10 PLAY when 1 was
had all of than in jail after their first
herr during b' treat war. In tart• appearance. along with the manage-
aubako,;; 1 can
oointo thy• 1114411. .
first _ r,,.irni tt:r,+ tom. ?he -3, 9i--Ara_niar,„ aaplrse,t4 v,4seri 1}w -k r.,iiit
Is just Balt a Plock sway. As slam as with the Italians. They are s,
as we washed ti.• •Fust of our junrney kits! and 101rI(•(11114 and will walk n
Off we wen! t' 11 ,•npelmeyer's for tea. pluck or two with you to show you
It was j11,4 11, . i •sled us hr 1!417. the pair way. or 111 help you in any 'lit
cakes as good - the people just as „,•flit). Directions In Paris are con -
amusing. I len, • Arch would, have fusing: the streets. like many modern
liked to hi,' 11'e1' 400. He was with women. change their names at -free-
me the Inst time I tend there. The quent intervals. For Instnnee, the
women all i.arkea o swanky. French Ked des 1'11, 4iltes after a few bliwks
women are ant 11• ■ Mor pretty. but ',monies 11'd 14 " 1111Han, We have W-
illeydo achieve an effect w•hkh Is ye*"111 a map and consult 11 at
quite :4111111111g• Iever)' street carder, W,• "IIIA' Cards ..h
Today's 1Ier,t i b most 1a•s11lu1Mlc I for the ulwr,t41R ut the new .%meri.ati
about the 41141 +11.18, lu 1:,i Ion,F. khospital at Nenill)• built by sld,w•rip
would IN' a 4t ' dlaapp(lIntmwlt 11'„ tl,to commemorate the relief work
Die to M• S11 114'11' t:ngland for 1 API -111111 floe I ,pone b) theold hospital during the
Uwe and not 1a• .inlr to AMover. wear. It was it very Interesting eere-
.At the Melee el Thus. e'.wtk k ?tun 1 , won)', with rpeetiwo by the President
found waitlna 11".eleven nice tat 111- of Franc'. Marshall Foch antrXiii ia'
tern. Oh. how- I did enjoy them. I a.g.lor Herrick. of United States. The
May 0t11.-11 1- truly pathetic t01 building is quite the Inst word hl hos-
nee the "franc' ,leellne so. If"' It fa' pital.. 'felt was -served on She lawn -
twilit(' 10 go (11' 1v;q the -mark" went. All the .tmericaos In farts • were
Mae 0th.—Ye.r'tday Hobin and 1 there. it sccmed.
Fjpve• not yet been at Versailles, hill
one nerds 11 clear .Iny and stfn1hIrr'-
tor that trip. Have you been having
the same wretched weathetJJ Amer -
American money. ka' After living in North China we
compete., conete., in Paris streets 1* lkel chraltr/ it we do not have atm
*Imply awful a, the inane remit*. shame. (hilly.
Grins veru two, It is to winch as {• •alas ptrtkr fn Britain is over and
your life 1+ 14'1•h to 4111rs a 5(1,14. we hope to cross ?he ('Fain." m, the
Robin won't let m♦ go out alone, even 18tH or 10th 0f Mxy.
to pow a lett. r `the IR ante t would
never return ilia city Its laid out When a man wants an open , nr
Ilke Waa.hingt, ' snit sit or more and has wire wants a swhin. the argn
streets converge in • Mee. At such ment nsunlly ends in a closed incldeut.
points you may 1111111e to spend ten or .- Sault Star.
ranging from torn to 1. .
heights sheer edit- of granite c.rvered
with Ile h'-''- F:u_lish ley and Iovel)
Sowers. Trees cres wherever 1111.y
("add Owl a fl.•41.01.1• The air was
1114)1st Al 111 the :pray (moo tate! nuw-
erohw waterfall- It 1,1911114141 alnlust
Itw redilde that .a• '1 a small volume of
water could 1111v' • nt Ruth a defile.
J. W. C;raigie .
Rad Estate teed Iawraace
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
You carry fire insurance on your
home but no Insurance on your
lit.. Your home eau watt/ lsa
duptleated but your life cannot
be restored to your family.
Be consistent and carry adequate
Life Insurance.
H. R.' LONG,
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
t'nllmlted Quantity of
at 83 per single cord. delivered.
-.,CO.„ LIMITED. 81.1
(Foot of AnglasPhone ea St. Pho
several beautiful red brick houses,
Including two bungalows, modern In
every r.speet. Fo,ir nice frame cm_
rages. modern, priced at 8120, $130(1,
821(K) and '2:ioo. :l number of 7 and
S room fr:ime houses. from $11*00 nth.
some real good bargains at the present
time. -11 you intend bung t me In
and give m1 an opportunity
Ing you the places 1 have for sale.
P. J. RYAN •
Real Estate and insurance. 'Phone 450.
tank a ride (luau the Champs Elysw's
in a fiacrc. Am sure we had the only
horse extant 11, Parts, OurIf)Ply
long ride coat ne twenty tents
F. Carey & Son
A number OF-gtxd
Houses for Sale
or Rent
well located and
15 shares of Goderich
Elevator stock.
A very small block of A.
W. Chase's stock left. This
to a keen investor offers
a most attractive buy.
Insurance and
Bond Brokers
Nest `street,, Goderich,
Jntario. Phone 230.
W. J. Powell
Auto, Life, Sick and
Accident Insurance.
Phone 29::
Nelson Street. East
We own and offer
$25,000.00 -
Northern Power Corporation, Limited 61/2
cent. Fifteen -year Sinking Fund Collateral Trust
Bonds. Price: Fax Interest to yield 61/2 per cent.
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Building • - • Goderich, Ont.