HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-12, Page 7WINOUANi, WEI)*ESPAY, pi p1t71 8 12. 4956
Marlene 4artileigml, the 4-yearold
daughter of Mn and Mrs,. iloSs
4arnieson, all on. Wednesday 'last
and suffered 4,Iaeoratetl face. She
was taken to the Wingham Gen-
ere' Hospital, where three stitches
had to be inserted: TIM child was
later allOWed herne.
The Rev. Clareece Washington,
lAicknow, fell on the ice
and 'suffered a painful hip injirry
;ast Wednesday. He was admitted•
to, the Wingham General HON-
tae for X-ray, NO bones were
broken Kid hii was allowed to go
hen*, s.
Sectt, 9.4, daughter of Mr.,
and Mss. Arnold Seat, R.R, 3,
Teeswater; was treated 'far an el-
bOW injury at the Wingliarn Gen-
oral .Hespital on ThursdaY• She
had slipped ared fallen at' school,
A. sling was applied and ehe was
allowed to return to seheOl. '
Percy/ ala.rit injured his left
ankle pn. Friday. Wingbam
General Hospital a walking cast
was applied and Mr: Clark was
sble to,• return home..
Ray White, RR, 5,. Brussels, was
heiping to° change a tire on Sat-
urd,ay When he was struck on the
foot by a heavy .bar. No hones
were broken but he was treated for
the injury at rthe'Wirigham General
aospltal and allowed to go home.
Early winter snowfall has made, a particular beauty spot at the home of 3/Ir. and Mrs. Gs W. Tiffin, just
north, of the McKenzie bridge, 'A most attractive, home at any season, it is transformed here by a cloak•ef
white, *.?"%rithi'41"4."*.i"
4! sports Presented at the Deem-
ber that*IPW Of the Ladles'
tatY to Wingham General Hospital,
showed that Anneh work, had heeli
avo9t0Phalled by the sewing groups
during Novernber. ArticieS to the
Aumber• of ,p39 had been made,
including Sheets, pillow covers,•
adult gowns etc.. In addition, the
mending was kept tip to .date. This
alone taiteS •the attention of two
„sewing grollPP•
The report from the tuck shop
showed that it •had been in opera-
tion for a' year .and was praviag
1", worth while enterprise- Dona.
thins were received , toward the
fund to Purchase a picture which
will hang in, the hospital waiting
room to commemerate the fiftieth
anniversary of the auxiliary.
Plans were made for the annual
meeting to be held le the council
chamber on Friday, January 4th.
The report of the nominating!
'Committee was presented by Mrs.
J, W. Melbbbon and, the follow-
ing offibere were elected for 1957;
President, Mrs, W, A. Crawford;
vice-pree„ Mrs, Norman Keating;
ree,-see,, Mrs. .0, H. Hinde, eorree,,
Pecs Mrs, W, J. Greer; treasurer,
Mrs. Don Naeinith; buying com-
mittee, Mrs. F. Blakely, Mrs. G, N.
Underwood; sewing committee,
Mrs. G.. Godkin,. Mrs. Chas. Lloyd;
cutting committee, Mrs, A, Peeb-
les; social committee, Mrs. J. W.
McKibben; Marathon Bridge com-
mittee, Mrs, W. A. McKibben, Mrs.
Bert Porter; Tuck Shop, •Mrs, Jim
The regular mating of the U'n-
ited' 'Young reople"a Wes nerd on
Monday e'veriing, okui rge of
Margaret Meehan, The lneeting
was opened with the 'sing-song, led
by Muriel rowdy, followed by the
worship servic4, opening with the
carol '":ft Came Upon a Midnight
Porno Vanstorie led in .gayer
followed, by the Scripture taken
from Luke 2, -verses 1,20. There
were g few thoughts to remember
given by Margaret ,Meehan, The;
efferthg was received all sang
`!A•s. of GiedneSS ,Man of Old," 'This
Was folly red by a poem and the
topic, All joined, le.the,Bible study,
The buSineiS • was discussed by
Helen Haines, Ferne Vamitont
read the ecerettirY'a rePert, and, re-
creation' 'was • in charge of Merle
Gowdy and 'Mader*: Moffat, (Joe.
ing with the einging of "Taps."
' Mrs, ',thorriten: 'Of Bbleval4, is
visiting with! het 'daughter, Mrs. H.
Jefferson and 14M:fly:.
IVre. Les .-Deacon •.of. Coronach,
Sash,, visited With •friends here
during the weekend; , .
The Sunday, School Fare holding
their anneal Christmas concert in
the church on Friday evening,
December 21st. , '
W,M,S. and WA,
Name Officers
and W.A. met op. Thursday After,
noon at the home of Rev, and Mrs,
glitz, Auburn with 10 hitilert Pre,
sent: Mrs. ErneSt SnOwden led the '
WM,S. meeting,'which :opened by
singing hymn no, 0, Mrs. it
Woods read the 'vegan, followed
with prayer by the leader, Mrs.
Christmas. th jef'feso
Jefferson gave
hyeanin wasreadlllg''
*4, 'Gordon Naylor read a 'poem
'"The Jeia of Home", Donna Cham-
ney gave a recitation, t Minutes of
the November meeting Were ap,,
proved as read and the offering'
w,as received by Jean; Hardy. Mrs,
Chas. Jefferson read the chapter
In the Study book.
, Mr. Hilts presided for the elec.
tion, of officers, which resulted as
follows: Preps Mrs, 'Wm. Hardy; ,
1st vice, Mrs. 'Chas. Jefferson; 2nd
vice, Mrs, • Sam Thompson;. see,-
treas., Mrs. Stuart Chamney; 'miss
sionary monthly see,, Mrs. #1,
Jefferson; Christian, stewardship
sec., Mrs,, R. Chareney; citizenship
and temperances Mrs...Morley. John-,
sten; supt, of,, heralds, Mrs. S,
Thompson; supply comm., Mrs, H.
Woods and. Mrs, E, Snowden; or-
ganists, Mrs. J. R. Thompson' and
Mrs, H. Jefferson; press thee., Mts.
R. Chamney. The meeting closed
in the usual manner.
Mrs. H. Jefferson preeidecl for
the W.A. meeting. Hymn 50 was
sung, followed by, all repeating the
,Lord's Prayer, Psalm 704 was teed
in unison. Mrs. ,'S: Chamney read'
a poem "A Little. Child's Faith,"
Minutes of the previous meeting'
were read and the treasurer's •re-
portsiven, •
Officers elected included: Pres.,
Mrs, H. Jefferson; sec,-treas., Mrs.
E. Robinson; treasurer of flower•
fund, Mrs. Gordon Naylor, •
Hymn 62 was sung in elcising.
Lunch was served by the hostess,
assisted by Mrs. S. Chamney and'
Mrs. C. Jefferson.
The Christmas hipvting * of tin,
Woman.', MISeletlary, ,SOeletX • of
.t,'i.ngt,w4frii United cherch Iheld
lton Tue,sday ,Urider the leadership
.5Of Xis, A. J, Fox. The singing of
'Christmas carols, led by rt: choir
Of W.WS. members, IntersPerSed
with suitable passages of Scripture
read by Mrs.. Lloyd Hingston sand
prayer by. Mrs. P. pewees, covered •
the devotional part of the meeting'.
Mrs, Ross Hamilton Was, guest
soloist, And, as well es. taking sedo,
parts ip the' parole, shoe sang, "Oh
ejej-loly Night". A Olieletmas story .
by Mrs. Fox wae much en-
joyed. '
The businesp was conducted by
the' piteident, 'Mrs. Rotriston.• It
Was decided to hold the JarlOarY
meeting on January Oth; 'instead
of on New Year's Day.
The supply , committee, under
the convenorship, of Mrs, N, U'n-
Laughlin and Mrs,, F. R,. Howson,
• had a display of articles which 'had
been prepared during the fall and
which were being shipped at once..
There, were blankets, quilts and'
Used clothing for Overseas Relief,
as well as quantities of Children's
clothing, toys and' Chriatmas gifts
which will go to Hazelton,
Mrs. G. N. Underwood presented
the report of the perninating
mittep and 'the felleveleg Officers
were named for '1907r • •
Past pros Mrs. W, J, Roulstons:
president, Mrs: Colin Finglands-
vice-presidente, Mrs. II:McLaugh-
lin Mrs.. E, $. Lewis, Mrs. G. N.
Underwood; treasurer, Mrs.' L.
Hingston; rec. •secs 'Mrs, Chas.
Hopper corres. see., Mrs, B, Creiks
shank; treaSs of Expense Fund,
' Mrs. F. R. •Hostrion; literature Pees
Mrs. Bert Armstrong; christian:
stewardship, Mrs. F. Gowaos; com-
munity friendship, Mrs. J. H,
CraWford; envelOpe see., Mrs. 'A, J.
FOX, Mrs. Geo., Ross; 'Associate
Helpers' see., Mrs. R, A. Spotton,
Mrs. W. J. Browe; social convener,
r s. J. J, Kerr, drs. Jas. Halliday;
convener of Communion, 'Mrs. W.
ii'. Burgman; temperance secs Mrs,
Wm. Field; pianiet; Mrs.. W. W.
Currie; leaders of Baby Band,
' Mrs, S. Beattie, Mrs. A, .0. Ben-.
nett, Mrs. Harold Kerr; leader of
•' Mission Band; Mrs. D,
D. Rosenhagen, Mrs. Jim *Harrill-
tee; auriltor, Mrs.' W. VanWyek.
At the close Of the meeting luriph
was served and a social hour en-
, •
Grand Lodge honours were • ex.
tended to Carl Smith, •Grand Mae-
The meeting was conducted by — ter of Ontario West and to John
es Hammond of the Orange •In- Mrs. W. A. Crawford. surance Department at the North
Huron L.0,t, County annual meet-
C.G.I.T. Will Repeat
Myth held in yth on Tuesday,
bee. 4th. A $25 donation was
Vesper Service spoke at a former service,
voted to be sent ,'to Rev. Adams,
The members of the Wingliam The credential committee, report-
C.G.I.T. conducted the national ed 51 present at the meeting. •Lis-
Christmas vesper Service in the towel was chosen as the place to
United Church on Sunday evening, celebrate, the 13th of July., It was
It Is a service which has become decided to engage a Martfn Luther
a symbol of the national strength' film for three or four showings in
and unity of • the C.G.I.T. move- January throughout the county.
ment. Groups everywhere, in all On motions by Past County 'Mas-
ten prOvinces will take part in this ter T. L. McInnes and John Nett,
rededication to the ideal and pur. all effiees were filled by accla-
poses of the movement. Dressed matron. The county officers are
in the white middies and navy
'skirts of the uniform, the
girls sang the familiar' Christmas
hymns and joined in the readings
and prayers.
The service was opened with, the•
rocessipnal 'hymn, "Silent Night"
as' follows, County master Walter
Scott, 162 Belgrave; county deputy
ana.ster,. Wm.,Campbell, 7,67 Gerrie;
county chaplain, Robt. Hibbert,,
'642 FordWit14;; county rec.: Sep'n,
Ross Erririgton 324 Dungannon
county firt. see'Y, Milo se ore
old Webster, 324 Dungannon; court
ty= marshal, Gordon 'Carter, 963,
Blyth; .county lecturers, ''.IIarveY
Hunkings, -863 Lonclesboto •and
lvfelvin ,Steep, 324. Dungannon;
county auditors, George Beillie and
RoyS$Oble, 968 Blyth.
Grand Master, Carl Smith, 'after
installing the of-qeers, gave ,a ,very
challenging and 'informative talk.
John Hammond reported that Or-
ange insurance has increased .25%
over l other• years', and now Stands
6th ie position, Other speakers in-
cluded T. CoPvell, Co., Master of
South. Huron.; Oliver Jaques, of
Exeter; Oharlee Stewart of„ Clin-.
ton;11E4r1 Hamilton of Wingham
and Wallace Bell of Blythecolmty
Lodge, ,of . North Huron will meet
in Dungannon for their spring
pies out of 20 graded No. 1—
'''was 'a 'fair indication 'that this
township World' not hgve to take
a back seatii' said, the fieltiman.
One 'out of every five 'samples fair.
tit in the.survey wtre rejected 'be- _
canse of • weed seeds,. Northers
'Ontario, .the Thander,'Eay district
'produced 71 per cent, No.' '1 grade,
Sudbury percent, Maeitoulin,
percent," 1m ,quoted.
In' the Huron! Coimiar.': survey,
ono' out of every five samples of
Cereal 'samples 'were reject:0d, GO.
.percent were No. while 24 per
cent'Were rejected because of weed
seeds. Wild buckwheat weed seed
Was found in '97 percent of the
cereal sample .seeds. Under the
plant-cleaned • Ciass, 70 percent
registered No. 1, while 27 percent
went rejected. 'In !the farm groWn
peed class, 35 percent were re-
jected, while thoSe purchased from
dealers rated .60 percent No. 1 'mid
ten percent Were rejected:
Mr. Kingsbury teed the farmer
that • 1:hies-Pk& Yearrssforteset'Olttrs'ese k •
five farmers" he Htiroe ,COUnty, did
not know what grade. 'Need their
were planting:.
His remarks were hacked ley •
those of the .agricultural represens
tativee of the county, G; W. Mont-
gomery Who said "it is sad
situation Which' :unfortunately.
exists all across' Ontario. Farmers
are negligent in the matter of se-
lecting good seed'. The old slogan—
"sow the best and feed the rest,
can still be applied,"
Guest, epertker .frir the event, Dr.
H. L. L Pattereon Director of 'the ,
Farm Ecoeconies Branch of the
Ontario Department of Agriettle '
ture, gave a summary Of the Mae-
het outlook.' for 1957. "We can ex-
pect• a slow level upswing in prices
for another 12 years," said Dr.
Patterson, •adding that this how-
ever will not apply to all com-
-(Continued from page one)
pin. The presentation was made
and words of appreciation were
expressed by Harry Sturdy of Clin-
M.P. Speaks
One of the speakers at the meet-
ing was Elston Cardiff, M.P. for
Huron who Said that farmers are
the only group in Canada.whd are
holding the line and supporting
other groups, "If you are net` get-
ting Your fair share of national in-
come then someone else is. This is
a rural constituency—all in the
county depends on the farmers. if
the farmers get their fair share
they are the best spenders we've
Drill Samples Scored
Farmers of the county were
sharply critized by 0, H. Kings• -
bury, of the Field Crops Branch
dr the Ontario Department of Ag-
ricultilre when he said that if they
thou ht. that the County of Huron
,was any garden of Eden, that they
were mistaken.
"You produce more hay; grain
and livestock prodacts in. Huron
County," he stated, "than 'any
other comity his the province, yet
in a recent seed drill survey, only
one-half of all sample taken rated
No. 1 seed, If you can excel in so
many respects, there is no reason
for Your seeds for not being ,good
—good seeds produce good crops.
"In the results of the survey,
which was conducted by the Field
Crops Branch, with samples col-
lected by' the Huron County Soil
and Crop' Improvement Associa-
tion in all 16 townships, Mr. Kings-
bury reported there were 41 ,seeds
he, had never heard of. A. total
of '279 samples from approximately
five percent of the .5,700 farmers
were 'obtained, for the survey.
Hullett Township, with .16 sa:rn- With' a firrn•hand-shake Santa welcomed this little, ate corner, 4-year-
old Erie Mick, of dVlolesWorili, to the Gorrie community hall on Satur-
day where ,several hundred ,children met Santa', saw a and had
an all-round good time, singing.
Hears Lt, Goodridge
The Presbyterian Young People,
met in the Church on Mondey
evening' for their Christmas meet-
:Jag. Young People :from Bylavale,,
'The meeting opened ,by singing
several Christmas carols. The call,
to worship and invocation _prayer
were' given by Mary 'Scott,' The
Scripture reading, Idaiah '‘ 9: 2-7,
and the meditation were read
by, Gail Shaw. Elizabeth McKits-,
ney led fn prayer and 1'Silent
Night" was sung. The, offering was
received and the offertory prayer
was .given.
Mary Scott introduced the
guest speaker, Lieutenant Gadd-
ridge of the Salvation Army.
Lieutenant Good ridge revealed
again' the real meaning of Christ-
mas. Rev. A, Nimmo thanked him
for the wonderful message he had
"Hark the Herald Angels Sing"
was sung, and Helen Ford pro-
nounced the benediction. Lunch
was served.
Next Monday evening, December
17th, the Young People" will meet
in St. Andrew's Presbyterian.
church, 7.30 p.m. to go out carol
Held in''Wingham . This wek-end the 'Wine:lain
congregation of Jehovah's Wit-
nessee wilt be playing host to dole,
gates from, 13 eliffereet'• congrc-
gations in this part .Of Ontario.
They have reserved the spacious
ingharn Dtstriet: High ,Sohoet
ditorium for; this l'obeissiee, and
are looking• for argued , flee hun
dred, delegates, to attend,
TheRurpor4 of thiesassembly As
for' 'Bible' sinstraction "arid" counsel
in harelony with the theme 'of the
assembly, "Happy ,People serving
a HAPPY god". , •
Of interest' to the delegates, and
all people:Who Wish to see 'it, will
be: the showing of the "T.he
Happiness of the Nees World SO-
eiety", on Saturday evening.. " this
film has been. favourably received
in 'manly parts of the world:
The assembly tvill `feature, talks,
demonstrations, and 'discussions,
to help, all in sattendanCe; more
effectively apply Bible &tinsel, tel
their daily, lives.
The „highlight of the assembly'
will `be': the widely advertised lee-.
tures, "What Will Armageddon
Mean "lo Yotr, to be' gieen„Suri-
day' afternoon at 3 p.tn. J. 'IL
Nathan,' a, capable and widely
traveled ,representative of the
Watchtower Bible Tract,: Society
will deli-Ser. this 'timely discourse.
White Gift Sunday will be ob-.
eerved,itt the morningseerVice next
Sueciair in the ' Clibech.
Gifta of TR/thing, toys, foodand.
"id money are requeeted. 'These
.be sent to the Shel• l
tee in Ghtlertch.•
Patsy Foran 'has been a patient,
in the „Witighanvi Ilespitaf when'
she tinderWeet operation *for
in-groivingbell - on her forehead:
. .
C.W.L. Prepares for,
Children's Party
The 'Christmas meeting- of the,
Catholic •Women's"League Was held,
in the paelsii hall with seventeen-
members preierit: The vice-presi-
dent, Mrs, George Skino, opened
the meeting With the League pray-
ers. The minutes of the last meet-
ing and the'treasurer's report was
adopted as road.
Mrs, Shinn expressed her, ap-
preciation 'to the members who
helped at"the tuck shop during the
month Of •NoVernbee. The Members
were, timed to gather on Friday
night at g' o'clock to back the bags
of candy for the,chlldren's party,
trolleying the , basine,se. period
thp women exchanged gifts and' a
social 'completed the evening-.
The, reit4thers of the 'Whi-ghgisi'l'
4stt Club gathated, ,at the ,
home of i Vt,r.S. t4i.ly on W0400414';
December' to hold 'their first
meeting of the &Aeon, Mrs. POWell
and Mrs. dny were in charge"'
During the evening the ,eftleers
for the coming season Were. Snstall-
ed.' Preigidthit of the Club SelbY
uwsma ftty Ann Lis It is the
retail' Ma IctiirY IOU ffat is
eie !NO*. ' • ,
The new 'PO et' At
saisseitral Pelee
Jess, the hog, wins' the title of trend Champion at the.dirmat
Western Livestock cShow la Xtli Ahgoies tot,,„Sobilii_Mattin Ott );
wilt Clatk, 19-year:old students at 'Ratio State `ouage, -
lit1401,P0, top 00441*Avold 1•41!)44,41.,, , In0
-On Tuesday,'' NoVomber 20th, a
seven-year-old boy who spoke not
a word "of English, clinibeci off all
aeroplane itt Maltou .Airport, end
Wee mighty happy to see Mr. Wal-
ter Sturm of Wiarton waiting for
him. • ,
The little'chait, whose name is
Frank, had flown by himself from'
Nurnberg,. Germany, to Malton,
Last spring, when Mrs. Annie
Sturm Was paying a visit to her
family Geri-tinny, she inatle*ar-
rangemente .to adopt Frank, who.
was ,an orphan. The arrangeneents
Culminated in his arrival last Week
arid he 'will make his borne with
his new parent's, who came here
from Germany, a few years ago. ,
..Vranit , has ifires.dz started to
school in .Grade 1, and ;judging 'by .
Other New 'Canadian children Who
eoirlineneecl ,school here with no:
knowledge •Of English, it Won't be
long until he has 'Mastered the
lainguage....-Wlartori Rehm
choir loft: Mary Lou .MOffai called
the congregation to worship and
the. choir ,sang the invo-
cation. The Christinas. story from
the, Scriptures was read by .Elea-
nore Goy and Sue Nasmith,
Eleanore also read ,"A Christmas
Frasier" by R. S. Cushman.
The ,C.G.I.T. chair was conducted
by W. B•Cortron and Mrs.' W. W.'
Currie was organist. The 'choir's
rendition of "What Child Is This?"
and "While- Shepherds' Watched"-
added much to the service of wor-
The 'offerings' received at all,
Christmas vesper services support
'the work of 'the National C.G.I.T.
Comniittee of the Canadian- Coun-
cil of Chutches.
The story,: "Beautiful Is the
Child", ,which was told by Mrs. G.
W. Tiffin, was written• by Rebec-
ca Caudill and adapted especially
for .this• service. .
The climax came with the light-
ing of three candles to symbolize
the meaning of the C.G1,T, pur-
pose, which the girls repeated in
unison. The candle lighters were
Sharon Lewis, Marilyn Chamney,
and Sandra MacLennan. During
the recessional hymn, "Joy to the
World", each girl had her candle
lit from <the central flame and
they formed two ,lighted circles in
the darkened churCh.
Rev. Ds J. MacRae, who had
welcomed, the C.G.I.T, and their
supporters to the`thuret earlier,
pronounced the benedlction.
Following this service the mem-
bers gathered, in the Sunday School
morn in reCheistrnes setting. Carols
were sung and Mrs. A, D. Me-
lVturchy 'read the story, A"The
Littlest:, Angel". Mrs. W. Caslick
preeented chevrons to the girls
who had earned them, which were
donated by thd Young Wernares
Auxiliary Hof the W.M.S. Miss*Janet
Thomson 'conducted Bible (stile.
and Mrs. G, W, Tiffin directed
guessing ' Ohne, After a lunch,
served 'by the girls the evening
closed' with taps.
Sunday' eVening at 7 in St. An.:
drew's Presbyterian Chureh the
girls 'will repeat their vesper ser.,
vice in part. The candle lighter's
will be Markin Farrier,..ioan Col»
vin and Jean Gurney, The ,story
will be taken from the narrative
poem. "The. First to Kneel", by o,
Newell: The public is again
Invited to 'attend and •take patt.
In spite of inclement weathy
conditions, the A, I. Brown bins
struetiefi 0.,OirrilSany is Making very
good , progress on Teeswater's' neW
post Mee building. A week ago
exeitVitting started,. and by .Eriday
everything was i.i readiness for
the pairing of the first etnient
leotings, Monday irribtriling work.
Men Weft on the Job ceiniteneing
the What of .e eminent block fettle-
*Mita Ohms on Saturday, when he caMe to ti)t
Ildreb. filled the hall for the occasion and also
0k:with some ,of the Children bef+ rep the show,
i 'OAtOtto er't dorrie ariti distriet iln:leyed a . vfsit
ea: -- httlil t titstrilnit0 gifts, veer it Mindy '
faltlitte rentelritas ,tit the plottle Sante, i