The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-12, Page 55
Give . her„a HoSiery. Wardrobe of Walker:
Stares 'beautiful nylons different
stockings fardifferentoccasions ; sheer'
te>,(tUredi luxUriouSly. fashioned . ,`.the
- hosiery 4;t .Worrian., lovet isr,her
stocking ,at Christmas*
In fashions newest,colorsi.
Walking Sheers
, \ \\‘, ..; \ ".•:',,
• ,, ,,,,,,, \,, „, \ ,,,,,, \+\„ \ \z„,
gauge pO'clenier . Pct' r-1 j cr
bees Sheer§
$1 gauge 15 denier Pair" 1;19'
Evening Sheers
Oauge 15 denier" Pciir 1:19'
\ • t.uxurif Sheen
456 gauge- 12 denier
Seamless Mesh
roes 91.,,13
2-for 2.25
2 for 2.50 '
2. for 2.09
Z for 2.69;
2-for 3.00
Here'li'aw outstanding value in Nylon hosiery.
wanted features whatever the occasion —
.4! Stunning fine dark seams
Ankle,flattering panel heels,
.40' Two costume'complimenting i shades
RbSEBEIGE,-- a warm tenet° go with pinks and mauve.
BEIGE TAUPE a neutral tone to go with anything,
roportioned leg lengths 30-31, 30-33, 30-34, 31-36, 31-36.
sr.9--A:.914morous.but :popctical gift '010 4044et
. for'yourielf
so Guaranteed first quality 'dress slrieer's
51 douge,, 15 'denier
• Proportioned lengths r.:
.13readca'st over g0.tor9:00.0.M4
,„Tues'dayi, aetemberl $ tti Monday, Dideinber- 244
rFk from SimpsontsTaronto .Store where' for•
the32nd ,conseCutive year cestOmers and sta ff
will again sing these lovely.• old-rofrains...,
Thorncile. • week-end with 11/1r. and Mrs, Ross , .
Mr. and' Mrs.. Joe 'Morgan and Robinson :.and Keith arid with
family; .Ail,sa Craig, visited' on Sun-
day with and.Mrs. Wre: Kelly).
Mr. , and' Mrs, "Harold 1Cantelon
anti 'rattily of Galt' spent-the -week-,
end .Wiltle Mr. 'and Mr* Harry Mc-
quIrp. !.
Mr, and 'Mrs. 1.1oYd..Anderson
arid Mr.' and Mrs: Leslie .Shaw, all
over of London,
, the week-
end with; "Mr. arid firs. -John
Anderson, ' ' ' .. , • . . Club 20 'Meets
M. Charlie` pro'cter oil Oakville, • _, AVECrub spent .tjw, wox_g,hi.,i, with, hio pal,;., BELGR— met20 at the
ents, Mr: .and -Mrs., Stewart Proe-:' home ..of .-M1'... k and Mrs. Keneth
enjoyable evening was spent 'Mr. :arid , Mrs.; Len'.CoYn'e and ing progressive euchre with high family, of Windsor"visited, over the prizes being won by, Mrs. ,George
Johnston and George Michie.
Consolation prizes went to• Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse and George
Johnston. A lunch Was served.
Bodmin Farm. Fortun .met at the'
home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Wilkinson, on Monday evening
with an 'attendance of twenty
adults and seven children. After
listening ' to the radio broadcast
this group decided not to, have any
discussion as they felt the subject
was one 'they did not know enough
• Films were, shown, one on; the
Rhyal Canadian *emitted
musical e ride and the other about
the' negre situation at ,Dresden.
Progressive euchre was played
wilt the high prizes going to Mrs.
Ted Fear and George Baeon. Con-
solation prizes went to 'Mrs. Cora
McGill and Carl Procter.
The :next mtieting will he held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
other relatives in the district.
Mr. Bert Bradburn .of Luccur is
spending a few , weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. McCrea.
`MISS Annie McNichol, ;spent the
week-end with relatives at Walton.
Ruth. Andersen, , St. Thomas;
visited over the "Week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson,
Wheeler on' Thursday evening. 'An
in Beige White and lee Pink
Upholstered in beautiful iong-wearing covers $26.50
In eidours of Beige, Ited, Chocolate Brown,vi 0 flE
Geia and Coral. Priced from iiiii iii . i 1 ODoUi..,
GORRIE--The.Wornitri's Mission-
ary Society. of the 'Gorrie United
'Church met at the home Of• Mrs,
•ElWart Whitfield on Thursday eve,'
• . The • Meeting opened With. the
singing -of 'the carols ."811ent Night"
andr"Little Town of Bethlehem",
Mrs. Lorne Welker 'read the
Christmas Scripture . story . and
:Mrs. H. 'HUesteri led iii prayer.
Mrs,. Gerald Galbraith gave a read-
ing "The Lost by
David . Hutton. . This ig another •
version of !"The. Other Wise'
and relates to- how we' lose sight
of the. star when we do things- hot
favorable iii the sight of a loving
rather, -
Mrs, Glad Edgar, president* took
charge of the business And Mrs.
E, 'Carson, gave- the financial re,
,port. The allocation- for the' year
hits been well tkeeedett A letter
was 'read' Ire* Miss -Alice -Edgar
r?f Catliatines,, bringing' greet-
ings and the. president spoke. words
Of aPPreelittiert for the help 'she
• Was. given aria trio interest shown
In the WIC% • • • •
Mrs. V, ilitalitteith Thetelleet the
1011,owing tuna orio ,for .fhot ),e0
Signals Help Others,
Always Help You
It'g difficult for the average per-
son.,to realize that thousands of
dollars in daMaged property,
months of grief and pain from in-
juries, too frequently the finality.
of death, have already resulted
from the mistaken belief that di-
rection signals, either hand-given
or mechanical, on an automobile
areembarrassing , concessions to
the comfort of everybody but the
person supposed to use them. The
motorist who rages when the driver
ahead makes a turn without sig-
nalling is so often the same motor-
ist who refuses to give the man
behind the benefit of a signal. Let
him, he' thinks, guess, Or maybe
it's just a little to lunch effort to .
run the window down and' stick
out' an arm, or to flick the little.
lever" on the steering column.
This driver seldoth remembers
or believes that failure to signal
a turn or other movement by-hand
or flicker-light can--send a truck
or car crashing into him from the
rear, And so often it is the ap-
proaching vehicle in back, advanc-
ing at a .considerable speed, that
could be amply warned by so little
effort. '
The Canadian Highway ' Safety
Conference reminds you that it's
not' a nice feeling - to see a big
black shape zooming. at you' 'Titan
the side, seconds before Screaming
'tire's and screaming voices prelude
a grinding crash, a shower of
splintered.. glass, and a writhing
Sea of twisted metal` will you in
GEIGER-MANN-,-Rev. W. .7. V.
Buchanan performed the wed-
ding ceremony' on Tuesday, De-
eember 4 at '2 p.m. when MisS
Ethel Mann; of ListoWel, became
the bride of Graham Geiger, al-
so.of. Listttil. They Were Mar-
ried at the United Church par-
Sonage in Gerrie,
1957; Past, pros,, Mrs. Irving Ton-
er; pros,, Mrs.' Glad Edgar; first,
vice-pi'e's, MI'S. V, fitiehantin; sec-
ond vice-pros., Mrs. Gerald Gal-
braith; • rec.-see., ACM Margaret
bane; asSt, rec. see,, Mrs, A, Ste-
phens; envelope sec., Mrs. T. Ed.
gar; coresponding See., Mrs. T.
MeInhee; Press Sec., Mr* H, Per-
guson; asst, press sec.,, Mrs, .0.
Ernwn; treas„ Mrs. E. Carson;
citizenship see-, Mrs. W, Trinible;
stewardship,' Mrs. H. Hamilton;
Missionary Monthly, Miss M, Dane;
Associate "Members, Mrs. a itobih.
ton; toninumity friendship, Mrs.
E, Whitfield and Mrs. C. Iliadic;
literature, see. Mrs. Irving Tenet;
goPP1Y see,, Mrs, L. Walker Mrs.
Streng, Mrs. C. Grainger; Mrs.
6.11plii; pianist, Mrs, 1414, Whitley;
asOit,, Mrs, Hattie.
The Meeting Closed( With the ben,
edietion by Ow president. old &Oh.
ty refreshments seeved by the hest.
*es end cotianattee #rii 400.
C's.CNtrop:b11a4441:olliirn6wstbeed::::CUIP.IirfY;;:*::: °
fered by Mss.,
Rtgebiti, Mrs, t010
Mitchell ectl. Mrs. J. ):1011.4
Mrs, Wm. Heiaderson#:
message on "Tile Inta,rnaticrefri '
TSPOil:It:le"grtelt4e lt
birth r::: mt"h 11,'1114141:
life, in Him dwelleth all thc. ifyi)01 •
retiS of the Godhead ;P4NlltS4
Christmas is Heaven's invasion
eerairutihis,m. divinAe boligmhtte.clairriteert of 'an;.Mr.t.
minded celebration of : Christmas`:
will not. suffice iii 4irries
good-will is eclipsed by ,b0terniiia
and' ,hate. Let us be "sure
Christ is not outside the circle •,,of
OrlhIrliSsttlYiarria: "f 6Y -Aght''
was read by Mrs. H, Aitchison.
.mooting, the
business portion; of
the offertory piavir
was offered by .Miss Mabel Walsh,
Annual repnrts presented by the
secretaries showed 13:ratifying prp,-
gress during the past; year, Tile
meeting was brought' to' a close
With prayer hy. Mrs. T, C. King.
The following officers ter. 196.7
were installed by Rev. A,- Nimmo:
Hon. pros., Mrs, W. .7. Hender-
son; past press, Mrs. H. Aitchison;
president, Mrs. Alexander Nimmo;
1st. vice-Ares., _Miss C. Gilkinson;
2nd. vice-Pres., Mrs, , Burchill;
3rd. :vice-pros., Miss A.. lVfite1011;
4th vice-Pres.,. Mrs., L.....FOrtrntia;
.46erpta rYr.,
treasurei., Mrs.N.•
lib, secs., Mrs. D, Rae, Mis's
Mitchell; Glad Tidings sec4,..Mrs,4.
McKagile.; press Sec.;- Mls. T. 'A,
Currie; "supply gee., Mrs: W. Ring!,
rose; social derynittee,.MrS.'H4-V-
P.S'exn iSgMuies: piGanis, 6tr)(111,1rIli.s11.1 N.VMMI:.5P.,(471,;* M
assistant 'pianist, Miss K:: Pringle;
Home Herders :Mrs: E. 1.K.
Harrison, Miss WilSOn;,welcorrie
and welfare Mrs. T. C. King, Mis.
J. Mitchell, Mrs. E.. McLean, Mit.
R. Galbraith, Mrs. H. V. Pym, MiSs
C. Gilkinson, Mrs. H. Gilmour;
auditors, Mrs. G. Godkin, Miss M.'
L. Currie; Happy, Gleaners Mission
Band, Mrs. L. Phillips, . 'Mrs,. A.
Mowray, Mrs. W. Hilb.erti'Mrs.
S. Gauley; Explorer* Mrs. W. Cor.
gram, Mrs. S. Scutt, Mrs. P. Clark;
Marion 'Williamson Girls, Mrs. "il.
Lloyd, -Miss Mary Cleland; naming-
Ting committee, Miss Christine
,Isbister, Mrs. T. A. Currie.- •
The Northwest Passage was firit
sailed both Ways in a single sea-
son by the RCIVIP schnoner "St.
R,och", in 1944.
Afany,peeile'never seem to.get a good
night's rt. They turn and tois:-blame it
on 4ieireS'.4hen it may be.theirlidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
acid's...from:the blood. If they, fill and
impurities• slay in the, system—disturbed.
restate/1; follows. if you don't rest well
et and uire Doild's•Kidney Pills. 'Dodd's
• kidneys "SO" that you can rest
batter—and,feel better. 136
du are cordially invited
. join in •singin
BELfiRAVE., . ,
Mr. and Mrs. C.' R Couites :and.
Mrs." Kenneth Wheeler Visited on
Sunda it Mr.: 'Fred Riec1,--whe
is a patient in the.Clinten• General
' , '
Visitors on, Sunclay.with Mr. arid
Mrs. Robert Grasby were-Mr.- and
Mrs. Harold Roberts"; • Mrs. "Hilda
Roberts, Mr. and Mks. Arnold 'Gib-
'son and Mr. and ,Mrs. -Victor 'Gib-
son, all of LiStowel.' , .
-Mr. David Armstrong is spending
two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs;
Cecil'Armstrong ' and :katnify at
The season of enchantment
come'' again,
When can fo that mystic
realm .return,
Where 'childhood's" dreams immor
tally, ,remain,. • .;
Anci.,friendly fires- of hOrne" for-
ever burn.„
An old, ,ald story, yet the flight” of
Its magic and its beauty cannot
The torch of" knowle'dge flares and
disappear's, ,
Serene above the East still
shines the Star!
Come, let us ,gather for a little
while ,
Here in the sacred, circle of its"
Where all our phantom' cares we
may • beguile,
Building again the palace of our
happy 'child shall lead us in the
The child we used to-ba on Christ.:
nos :tt)ay • ... • ..
Of Seven Wonders
.The latest Book of • ,,Knowledge,"-,
Annual reveals that ..a: German
archaeologist may he able'. to re-
construct to some extent one of
the ancient "seven wonders". of the
World that was believed have
perished utterly.
Recently Dr. - Emil Kimze was
digging in the remains of,, the
ivorkshop of Pfirdi-as; "foremost
Greek sculptor 'who created, , the
famons 40-foot statue Of Zeus, the
Statue described in flowing\ terms
by many ancient travellers. He
found not only Phidias's chisels
and hammers, but also" ,the 2400-
year-old meld.' of the statue: Thus
he hopes> to reveal whet -parts, of
the statue looked alike, ,although
he may not be able to rernodel it
in its entirety.
LATEST WATCHES from Switzerlan
21 jewel - Regular wind $23.50 Both "gol
25 jewel - Automatic .. $40.00:1 filled
,ClintOn, Ont.
•41411 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 41! 411'01 Ilia, ii, of.:Ai iar1ltoti7.1,ign”lif
Upholstered effinhination a.0 tough,
Nogairido Leatherette and high griale
Wool Preize
vtactio irttOM
VI/11.1 101.3)
oirr sibtitotiox