HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-12, Page 2- • the Baptists of that community. The church was erected in 1900 and was used until a few years ago, although latterly only for summer servicea, THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET IT . is,;tinie of year we 'usually de- votela; little. space to the buy-at,home thetne. This ',particular, Christmas season is no exception : and there ,are4 'f.1(-52t,e,itS'Of reasons 'Why the advice sthind ,a'S, tever :wai, • The be possible reason is that We ' no: longer live in anage Of bargains. Yotfh en't heard of 'a real, old -fash- : bargin in, years, And bY "bar- gains , tve, Mean What you think we sething.for nothing, There just .ain't no sech animal.. Production ;delivery and sales costs have reached att,a11-.tirne high,. so ,the best you can ,hope..for iS to get gotid, honest Value .fOr :Your mOney. Your. best guarantee of good value is., provided by the merchant you ,know .tand deal wtth reulrJy, He must , • , „ deal honestly with you because you ' are not one of fifty thousand bnyers- croing past his door each honr. , he should hand you. a raw deal you - are - •KO.hig to be right back , on hi door- step' on the morning of December 27 with the OffendincT purchase in one hand and the othe';one stretched right out .for your money back, Our mer- chants don't throw away their custom- ers. They need them too Much: Certainly there will be many in this community Who will send their j-.1..rd, won dollars out of town for the attrac- ' tive article in a highly-colored catra rogue., And a good half of -these same buyers will either return the goods at , the first opportunity or wish they had done So. Buy ,it in Winghatn and see what you're 'going to give for Christ-, mas. Dr„ onald Misener of the Univet- sity of Western Ontario has come up With sonic good advice. People, he says, should become more selective and not worry them- m Selves over every problem which coes ; Most thalsOrt haVe a habit of Wor- , Tying about everything under the SUM One of the worries is to get the list of Worries in proper order, putting first things first and So down the line. . Take the average person on the ay. triage day, On Waking, it is ,riattiral ivorty about the weather, Is it too cod „ too wet* i too hot, too dry? At he .Vilitghittit, Advance4Intet pubtfithio at vi*Etiini..Onititlei Watitee ItrOth-t* W. BiroWenpr, teutor i., Audit Iiiiitatat , Of 43 ”Se4ofldCIs.s. ;Matti 1!0,14 tie'n'tet. • 111e1W0te oevoge • orig4allif**CofogrEe'Amszoodiromitrardogisg-sieggto • , I. 11.1! WEEKLY SPECIALS--- ,- Finest Quality ',HIGH TEST COD LIVER OIL *c now 79c - W oeg.2. #0, $1.50 $1.39 LIKA. :DRUG STORE - , . , . .. Age4ity, ,tfir • PliEgontrooN . _ . ' Onliiito, , fiudinti, DRIlnOIST . 4-4011Piet'P' &Per • i•trii Revlon . Phane 18 Anillial^liealth '. 'Cloaiutties . VVINGIIAll i benartinetit $.6010.04100terolftS'OliZiniZAtOMMI0,0•01,1•07UPA • . . • 0tIt't• ebut,(f) r • ,p • SU:641-AND _RICE Ono of 43t4heslit,parstnIrustrating,: frightening but faseinating hobbles. tXpet1,111„,:0;14i00:actzillInge.st.ne -qtf.:4z0.4 in we- You knovir' the kind mean. They ' ash you questions, you ans- wer "yes or r10,0 and you are anta, mustically efaSSitied 11a, an phamiocrer, or 4 law bum. At. least I am. Every time I see a 'new quiz, hope flutters fresh in' my breast, like a deve tied by tufo leg, ''This: time," 4 think, "by gollies, going to get .4 ,pa s,.matit." I sit down • with • pencil, Carefully hat the point and' do rny best 'to con- sider each one 'as honestly. as Pos-' aibie, As a, matter „Of, faeti 111st !shed one in 4 ina,spiZind, The head- ybiogli'l. says: doll:les:us.bYal5ntldts.°Alfnlowesrilel oar lot of Wti'mef el.,,1 ,X.ii ,3,04.,u1;ushtaavneswzaevreedd "yes" right away. WS the way the silly 't3hings are worded. First question asks: Did you tell your wife,,,,at least once thi s weeft,!:',V.yoil isWeeth cart?" Now, is.n!taiiiit'ridieelous? Maybe, some yoilhg Adiot ,,who,^ has been'. married itOr'''.1aW Weeks told .hiS• 'wife that' this tiht I'll picK, you 20 .#1.irt Men .at .randorti,.• avinsde,sifwetti:7f t.hem;a4tc.1 ,th, at to a'. wife this ,week, it was somebody, • Second , Cipestien: „. When She dressed up fill, you, ,do yeci notice' It and tell lier,„1`Yok leek heaatae Ft.11 to ine'R the': fl,fst l)Ittee women ,don.*:.'d,reak.', ifp.'• for their, husbands, they dress up for othei. women, In the second place, that foolish remark implies that 'while she looks goal to 'me; she might . not look so hot to others. In .the third, an' eraPhatie "wow!" and a. well-executed leer means' a lot': more' to heuNat time like that, than such Grade 8 sentiments. ' Third, question; When you come home from work, do you ask heii "What kip(' ,ef a. day did' have?" Answer': I do not. IV; ,afraid she'll. tell me. Besides, want to tell het hOW tough things were for me today. That's three queSticips. There •ate Six in this quiz. sneak a Peek at. the bottom. It says: Each qUestion Should be answered "YES". I aria now batting ,000 I quit, §I am a, dull husband. 13ht get a lemon ! to a LolIebrigida pria, not cia dull as,,. the claine-. (and It iribst have been a dame) wile. compeeed.these ques-: Lewie maigen gvet hPadired youralgo cum Alfted TerlOYSPle Wrote a Viateting .0.9110,0t on the Reaslarl Maasaare the people of Poland who haci 400 in loatirreetiefl against the taT0101 .0 tOle of the Tsar. Reading that. poem irl the Aight or rather ,the stygian gloom of Martyred guasary, one improzed With the 40 that CcitureUrilat riders ,of -4140Sia today are no different from Abair 4001 ancestors. Tennyson describes! nuasla as "that over- grown barbarian of the East" who .tonsgteases his ample' Wand to some new eroWn." "How long," he crieS, "than the ley-hearted Mus- covite oppreSs that region?" while Britain and the rest of Europe -.4aled and look on "when we should :aid the right—A matter to be wept With tears ef blood," • , For centuries Poland and Hun- goy Were the battle groOrids. of elashea between the Eest -and West, Previcnia tO annexing l'oland ,the Russians entered, that tionntry 'on ysirjons.,"preteta and when they :took '1 .'it0eeesion they instittited de n ationalizi ng the petipie,,I In' 186a, :the see ret Polish .'govetnnient'.1tdported that 50,000 :pen had :becri: slain, and 100,000 yxiled to •Sibe*-rici. Two years latet itn iristirrectibn of POlish exiles in Siberia' Was 7'rothlessly suppressed .9- • with 'wholesale executienS, Suez' Canal Wia4 -11n. 140 , teted 'by the tc.renaiu,. That, International Sabetage Va011...t11 haVe been Undertalt8.11 O ea assarance nol ..0iipaiwt to no mice and arras' f the • afritlatN, Urtion, VIrtaally, put ,tha Cansi ander the control of Moseow and it was follevved by- SoVilt. , lion of heavy atinaillefita,„ planed and Po1ssian technielana hit() fly,, • ri d, and Eg,ypt. reality, Soviet Rusala had. already invaded ' Egypt before "Britain/ and Prance Sent ao expedition to protect their vital intereste 01 the free.dom of that seaway, tlilon the WIT lives of their people doperiaea. When the United States ham herself in a aiMilar poaltion in: th e Far East„ with her, .troops, ac,, cupation 'of japan and Worraocif, wasnington did 110t hesitate to sk.. Mead that ',the D'hited. Nittioa sod an-array9nto. •Xorefi ' to. 'protaa their. military. :lifeline, ;which threatened by the raids: of' •(„Id Mindat ferces lofe the splitheta part • Of the, peninsula,,' 13rin had no immediate Interest • in the „fight Tor,Sputli 1;.oroo, but she arid the Commonwealth natieris enteiv • it in loyalty to the`.gaited. Nation's' arid espeeially ta. with the -United S'tatea. Th§:i Kda, can War -was adveeated by. P c- dent Trunian wea otgaribaid and commanded.by -Ainerican foriir C$ , It Was finally •ealled. off th ;1, It will ,b seen • that Whatever stalemate, not by.'the4Jnited Ndt.. 'Ootninliniirn has done in adopting ions hut. at thelieheat of, President Eisenhower. , • Soviet RosSia .arined and 'trained the., N'oi-th Karedj., troops and Chinese "yr:ilea:dere fa., she has been doing in . Syria and Egypt in preparation for extend,. lug the iron curtaitt over the Neiir East, Arid it will require. more tlii a lioeige-podge pollee force . to suede Nasser from continuing asla eat'a pave' for the 'advancement Of Russian barbarisre, 13atbariatt 1e neVtlev - EARNEST PUBLIC SERVANTS •iming the editorial columns of outing weeklies we have been ,tottitOrgSted.'in the comments of many .0.4Jtors About the lack of any sort or piablie reports by representatives of school boards, Many of the papers are outspoken in their criticism of school bottrds, both, Public and secondary, for, failing to send repreSentatives to nom- ination meetings to provide direct in- forMation to the ratepayers on the expenditure of public funds. •The Clinton News-Record contin- nes by pointing out that the lack of representation from the board, of the high school in that town is Ample evi- dence of the fact that appointed boards, as opposed to those which are elected, are not desirable. The editor States flatly that any public board' which is empowered to spend large sitms of.moneY m provided by the tax- PaYer. ,shoubl be •open to the Will of the-voter. Under the present set-up the taxpayer has practically no voice in .the seleetion of the board's ,member- ship. • ' l• * the case'. of the pubjic, school Oar,d. the voters of the town ofVing- • A NEW NATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY . ) ntiient fr011i the Atneridart pre sS "Ott the contrary, Canada during- verribet 29 editorial page carried some "Mr. Pearson-, refused to join wth 'comOlit"ht6:0-rOljarrks.al4ollt the C ''' ' the United ,5tates in moves which he - nadiaii'N.i.nis ter 'foi'X*ternatAffairs,, ,_ toonfAt hastY. And he felt :the' 'United :Lesteril, PearSort,- The Monitor said: States was wrong in vdting against `fNO StateSlaign •-tire' blow of - has . measures 3,-‘-rilial 'inight haVe won tin - taken mOre,tonSytent more. construe- anitnotis approVal, including Britain's, tiVe, mori-e6nfige011S..p,art iri: the pre - c sent.'crisiS than Mr. P inOr recen earson. , , "Canada's- role — which tothe Ca- "In taking' the position - Canada nadiatts critiCie as that of 'chore boy' has not only well served the UN but for the, United States -.- may become the Corintionwealth of Nations." an iSStie. in the Canadian ;electijoriS in One day, we ,fegl sure, all tine,. according to Ottawa reports. ,,4"O 'the alliance members and many other it should he said . right no* from 'the ' governments will be thanking the solidi side Of the border that Canada present leaders of, Canada for their TWENTY-FIVE YEAR$ AGO' The regelat :monthly meeting of the town council was a short ses-' sion on Tueaday evening all mem- „ bets were present With Mayor GOOD A.DVICE Fells in the their. The minutes the last Meeting Were read and ,(1Cincardine News) • approved. this season of the year lijely, one of the first two conditions will prevail, so it is necessary to worry if last year's goloshes are still serviceable and if so, where can they.;,be found. A companion worry at this season is the status of the fuel bin. Ts it almoSt empty.? Then one can worry that the break- fast being eaten won't agree with the digestive tract and hasten off to la- bour, worrying that arrival will not be made on time. •, • Multiply this by the nifinber of rou- tine actions in the day„ and there is hardly time left to include in , he cata- logue of worries such filings as the local municipal political situation, ton- &dons. in the i-Ttion whatligobig on in the international spite and whe- ther your ticket will win Saturday night's hockey pool or - 'The warranty tlia the picture tube will expire before the tube does. „ So harken to Dr, Misendlis advice and be selective* • has looked like anything but a chore bor to Aniericatl4. about Canada's place itt world affairs the Middle East crisis has asserted is aiwki4" itite0s t i fig. • The influential - a position of outstanding,leadership in Christiait'Science.nonitor on its No- the United Nations . . . part the free world's most danger- otts crisis 'since World War, ham are much more fortund,tes Not only do the board members appear at the nomination meeting, but we have beard one Member Of the, board state publicly that he thought it was time the 'public school board's mein hers were permitted to speak earlier in the evening, before the crowd has started to thin out, • Our public schoOl board has laced the unpleasant duty of requesting funds for additions to the school twice within four years, The added respon- sibilities which fall upon conscientious members of the board when: new con- struction is under way have totalled many extra hours of deliberation and countless interruptions to .the work which each man is normally engagred. We have been very favorably im pressed with the honest manner in which the public school board haS sought to place its needs. before the community. Such open discussion of public problems is the very essence of sound municipal reasoning.' Never in the history of civic affairs has any- thing been gained by secret discussions and behind-the-door decisions. FORTY YEARS A Tee regular' meeting of the- Lit4 erary Society was held in the Bigh School Assembly. Hall on Thursday, December 7th. The chair was oá-' copied by Miss Heloise RenneclYI, 1st. vice-president, who conducted the meeting in a very commea44; able vveYnnd'shoWect herself- wotl thy of th postion, ,After the lug of the minutes the followiri e tel prograristhe "-was' 'rendered: duet, Miss -Gladys McCallum ,an Miss -Janet MeEee; violin solo by Edna James and a reeitation -by§ Angus MacKay, The Wingham Musical SocietY held a• very encouraging: 'meeting M the council Oha,nibei on•ThuraH day, evening •lait, tpwitrds. tweaty -members were present and, it was decided to give ,a Series Oi! concerts in the New Year.' The Society will accept engagements for any worthy and ammediate, cause. It was also decided to go. Out carol singing on Christmas Eve. • Anniversary •serVices Will be held, in St. Andrew's Presbyterian' Church on Stinclak, December The Rev. J. A. McGillivray, pastor' of „KT1OX • Church, Guelph, will: preach at both services. . Mrs. Campbell of Goderich, and to,,metly of wingharn, received,' word lag 'week, horn her husband, that a 'draft' Of 20a Hurons was to', be sent to the front at °frac- The, Hurons are ranked as one of the; hest drilled battalions that have gone overseas. 0 - - 0 - SIXTY IIIDARS-AGO •" 3„7, Flannigan has the machinery in place and will open up a Nixon manufactory. a. James McAlpine, who has been living in Mt. Forest for sometime, has moved baeic to 6rarn again, Jacob Halliday, of Hartiston, has moved ihto fawn and- will oecupy T. L. jobb's tealderiee on Diagonal Road. Mr, D. Sutherland had disposed of his hardware and stove bush-1 nese to Messrs. Paulen and Reony of Dashwoocl, Ontario, • Mr A. M. Rush, of Brantford; Teti from the roof of Peter Me- Eweres barn In Turnberry, on Tuesday of last week, and fracter- , ed his leg. Mr: Rush had just fin- ished putting up a windmill on the. ham and had gone up to slibW Mr. MeEwen hoW to oil It when he lost hi s• balance with the Wove re7 0 - 0 - 0 •••‘•. , rrv didates.. ; • .. - . '6 - 0 . Or ' • Itteittitit ifitilAilt1 .400 1 The BOWieit 'Ohateir, loeitt'd .dit ..the second, tine test, has been, tofu, ' dow and, the Material. removed, id' Fettroll Where, it Will be used •Ift. the ..dOlitittliatiOn. a et. -edifice .foe • For the Second nine in Its his- ,SoCicity POSterOPP:a ..postage sten* toty the tithed states has pictured The 13titialil,:,ane Feteige - Bible the Bible on a postage stamp. • society cOpeii3tes closely' with /ssued on Labour baS', 19513, as a the nationarBible. SoeittY there sPeCial commemorative stereo, it • depieta the 'labourers appreciation , suglosted 1041410*i of the design for the stamp ovas Acts, • 1710441 sahdhy, Lilac 10.4u moodey, taken front, a Mattel in the new 8;146; vvethiociay, Rotilatia, 1211- liFL-0/6 'headquattets httildiag • - •— zI• Thursday. Cot', 18443' Washington, This giant rims- , • die Mutat fifty-one feet high arid aa•Yr rhiliPPlan0 4:14g; Saturday, seventeen feet wide ,pletures a Hebrews Worker With a pith, hammer and hod CVO his Shoulder, with an atrii about hia wife, She Is seated arid 10 teadilig tO their young aOrt from whet the artist's title tleseribes as "The took of Llfe, thean nothing other itt 6 Bible, The (moral aheriVa) the ihie to he the one sure and certain guide We have in life", Vile only *the .6ch Stamp is, shed hi the ItS.k. in 104 shows' Wohlintion taking the lit**leitttal tratli. With his hand on the Bible, floently 'BritZli, Used st Mrs. Eric Elliott, Toronto 9, Ont. Advanee-Thries, I Wirigham, Out. - • , Deat Sir: - Enclosed find $3.60 for year's subscription to your paper. I would miss it very much for there is al- ways something ,of inteest in the old` home town., Yours truly, - Leona Xert. 0 7 0 - 0 Ripley, December 5, 1956 The: WinglicOn. Advance-Times, Dear Sir: am enclosing three dollars for renewal of our paper, Thank 'ye,iti very much for sending the paper each week. We do look hamar& eapli week to the Wingharn paper. We wish you all a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. Thank you once again for your kindness, Mrs, Doris Sinith, Ripley, Ontario 83 Wilton Crescent, Ottawa, Ont. tions„ • . Editor, Another quiz in the same maga-, - sine 'proved beyood doubt that I- Wingham, Ont. am "highly -over-sensitive and . perhaps in need of guidanee."'• t Dear Sir: There are dertainly, times when You will find enclosed $3.00 in need -guidance, but I know, so the payment of my subscription to your paper for 1957. repeated assurances of -.the Old . Lady, that •Iim- as- fienSitiVC PO: I -find the•paper-qoite' a help in' old rubber boot. ' • keeping me in touch :With: events And that's ,the way the, quizaes in -my hpme town over the years. Your editorial page is also very, go with me. Read„ one on alcohol- interesting The item ' a week ago, 'ism ahd,. I 411s6°v-er 11* Tli°cIeSt "Where Army Discipline Would glass berOre thither will haVe me on skid row very shortly. Try one Help"; seems particularly , timely on cigarettes. arid leatn my lungs so far a's our city is concerned., are coated with a half-Inch of tar, Yours sincerely, A •spottesmatt tot Oeotle. Meaty, tecet Of the ArloCif).said Advance-Times, The local post office has inform- ed The Advance-Times that the public here are much pleased with the Airgraph mail service to the hays overseas, A large' number of these letters have already been sent from here. Mr. R4 Yuill, who was Cf.N,R. station agent at Belgrave for twenty years prior to the station being closed and who has since been - agent at Paisley, has been appointed to a similiar position at Thedford, He and Mrs. Yttin and their daughter left this week for Thedforcl, At the December meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion $10 was voted to the Red Shield Fund and arrangements were. made to have bundles sent to Eng- land.„ BOX 473 I t Sec e Ciaada Sock 71. The • Bible Todau '1 • PP r el By Aev, Cr, iv, Parson, BA. • Measles/ all reports it looks at If the district hai' been' atthakett With Inet181e0 of, 0:0(161106 proportions; saVIOriday of th14. Week'the jUnlor roolici Of TeaffWeitef Pubild School saw a slim .0400. 151.11A4 tin hand. Other ciaSset `:,arere depleted to leaser extehtei- as Were eittirdis schools thre41061.1t the lifes, Ali abilebteeS Andre- hot victito of tUe. if nu-mot 014,, combed "td1 ciiàit Ago L tts Water • ' lung caneer is imminent, and Im not tong for this .wottd. • '' When I honestly answer a quizz On what kind of 'a father I' irk it turns out 'I have about. as nitieh parental ,sense as •a.inele muskel- lorige, , and my. !kids' •W,re.. destined for the, juvenile courts. Do I veil.: tore a whiia, at a qiiiiz on how at- tractive I are .to 'women, it is re- \reales] that I have the-same effect, on them as a plate Of cold tripe: .. When „ii..".,:Otiiia.,..qtreties•me on my' handiriesiartinOd the bouto„the score Sheivi'thaVi Should be hying in a Or&-ei.kild when it's headed, What ba.,.'1"p-U. Children'!" Know About Sek r;• . fin ....still-tined.' "I've never its160. theiri/ ''.,' "' . 'After. anSwser.ing, a Jot, pf,..quiszes conscie,ritooslY, I've come 'to the con clusionf that . the., ratiestions are loaded, and-, thaellre only' person alio - eourel.'get, a 'paaalog ' grade would be' air litter imbecile ' Or a barefaced ..ilar.:.• Say, here's one that looks kind of interesting., Band me that' pen- cil, Mother,. Let'a 'see. Pita. QUO'S- Moro When Djoi You step l3eatiiig Your Wife? !:. ' • . - t - 1 • , Nasser. and Moscow to complete 'oviet-,dominatiori' of the Middle HanOVer Post. " . • ' leefa*Pielegailleardeitee*Mai-K4=-Zaclegf4FaZliMitfiZar,Zaitasiei.;' Western industrial ideas, it has alone. nettling to civilize the fornt hf , • goveromeat, The , "overgrown hritharlin of the East" is still .a.vcia of, -more -. territory and ilomination. The "icy-hearted MS- koyite".ia still in possession of the kremlin as barbaric and brutal as ver. And worse still, the aegrad- r,ing .virus of Communism IS •apreacting Soviet savagery, "Evil lissociationa -corrupt hood t man- 'hers," and the close corinivaxice of i'tesident Nasser 'with Moscow has licsuiteon.,iii§ Lo ng soviet Metal Lockot arid hoe'. now. adopted age.; :4id RuOiaii ruthlessness In the seia-, Fall on Victim AF, of private property and mass Miss FJairie Pester- had the ria- lleportationS. Nasser has been fortune to have three 'metal leek': iVeli-sehooled io the ;Satanic tech-, hiques' and the-brutality of Stalin.e. UM. • Br/ ain and.* France were fully Wware a the conspiracy between , (All'OLICAN) talingbaWt Third Sunday in Advent 8.30 a.m.L-4.-Toly Communion 11.00 a.m.--Morn ing I:rawer & Senn on 2,30 p.m.----Church School. pork.--,V,vening Prayer tt; Sermon St ;J* ' %Ved., Dec, 1.2t1i4.30 p.m.—Board of Manages'-, prii, bee, 14th—Ch118611Ag PartY, 6900 p.m.-t-Church School Supper, P,30 p,M,--Corgregational Covert '(Please bring' White (ifts i'O-itris party) Auv Vance's Drug Store ‘eve ple!e Re,47‘el ers fall • orp her at,' the , lIanovt. High School on Wednesday whip on her way to the cafeteria, mi,'' Foster -.was taken to hospital X-rays • and inter- returned, ho where she is Wider ohsetvntion.jL .„ A communication was teeth/ea' from Mt, 'Forest asking the toWn 10 joift With theta In tequestilig the C,N,B. and .O.P.R. to ittintove • their triad and passenger terViee,, It was decided to concur with Mt. Yorest in their reiltingt. The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's ,PreShyteriaii Church Will hold a sale of homemade baking and .tea in the beeenterit t)f .t141t;, :Church on Saturday afternoon. • ..Hartiatori now boitstS it Weather' prophet who may build 1.1P atePU- tolled to rival that Of the iatelVti, Bowts.. Ufa .name is jack head and he 'predicts that there' 116 , an -unfailing hiclieation that there will be .deop SIM* this winter, Be elairria th the tritialtrat houses are higher than usual •whielt Melina deep snow during the Whiter and high Water during the ;spring, The Wingliain Citiedava Ban& Wish to thank the Mayor and Mem- bers of the newty eleeted totincii for the generous treatiterit teeelta, ed MOOdaY evening when the flo us 'The ridt,,k tit Life' can' band serenaded the Sucteasful .„ „ . „ ti , • T4t' •