HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-12, Page 14:444i Vsl'i4 I.:,
• AbeXit . 4 60610ilt on ThendaY af
ternoon; • Elwyn QbattlOY,- .11 044
Jeiry Barrett, 'two PJJ.C..-workers,
react:red two five:1 /4•Year-old 1103,4
from drow,ning.
The/ children, David Ohm, son .
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm, 'amid.
Stratton Loder, son ,of Mr, and
Mrs, Wilson` Ialtier, had been play-
ing on .the .ice above the: liowson
mill darn, and when it bnoke . the.
children fell through. They had
been told. to get off th.e ice by the
P.U.C. loon. Luckily the taps
their eyed thg elhildren when
the .accident hapOened. and hn-
mectiately went to the rescue,
Mr, Barrett said he had to break
through the ice and begin ,Swim-
ming. The water in which the
children were floundering Was
about ten 'feet deep, ,he paid.
Each • man went" fbr a boy and
Mr. Barrett said he had to'dive
well under to reach the little boy
he rescued.
, .. . .. "
A . P, Sm ith,, postmaster at Bluevale, thin' Week epee ed. 'the new building ,whieh, he, has erected, to serve
as a.Post ,offieeifor the community, Situated ,just across the street from the building which has served
the community 'for r,i,m y 'years, the' now stracmic fs,neatand Law., tt\ in appearance.
Meeting'for their annual banquet; vice-prey.,- Robert Allan, Bruce:
'and election of officers at Landes-
bora last Tuesday evening, the
members, of the Huron County Soil
and Crop Improvement Association
fonnd that.' they had :to replace
Virtually:the 'entire executive.
Members of wAnolotal,
trtlii,gon Monfja.y eYening, 416,4
h•Ife filin .on Iltbi,:a111400C
0fti$;;" . • 1 •
Vialrikan.t.rdt the ...board, Spot
.explained that recent sqpn-
Etiffc testa ,have :stiown . that some
ours..ailiauiate and excites. while
triers soothe and - reigx, Colour
layS important Part lh
,oigfiertienney and-atMoaphmeroeralT
and t see
lirbat could be. done with colour lie
itig:estgsptemd. ''.tha,t, the, bgard sit in
'ith the teaching staff and watch
orothe use of colour iri the
"'WO may iot 7,sollie,*Sed celonr•
pas: for: our. schOol, addition. front
AbO feel that the teacn-
slionld :see the fibs too; snice
Weir. Miggeations would be useful
AO the bearr" Mr. geld salcl.
Before the, meeting hoard mem-
'MOS, examined, school desks and
ther items of school 'furniture ,for
,th.e new four-room addition; .and
•during the meeting the-, building
:eennittee' was asked' to' consider
the.. purchase of school' furniture.
§eyeral ..brochures 'from sehool4
•eqaipment 'firms :were. examined
.and Prices. eorhpared,:
47 !WOO**
liAppY HOLIDAY4=ar'bhristMa3.
holidays for public' sehool
Yee begin on, Friday, December
The school opens Up agaia on Jam-,
nary 3rd, N 0 - 0 - 9
NO PAY—Paynaaster. Capt. J. L
Stephens was called out, of town:
on Monday night, the evening of
the 99th Battery's annual pay par-
ade, with the result that the Bat-
tery members had to wait 366.days.
for their, pay this year, However
payment was made Tuesday even-
ing and according to 'army officials
there were no ceinPlaints!
0 0 0
Battery childrenW Christmas party
is to•be held on Monday evening hi
the ArniOories at 7 o'clock, About
60 Children are exPacte'd to attend
'The evening of fun and treats,
0 - 0
:THE FINAL BLOW,-1.-Some un-
feeling,.creature in the Departmen
of Transport at Ottawa has haled
Norm Welwood for• the cost of
meals 'consumed by he and two
friends while, they were visiting at
Indian House, Labrador, • earlier
this fall. After all the nice things
he said about those People!
• SANTA IN ATOM AGE-:--Is. Sae-.
ta 'still the popular figare he was?
Recently we iheard a ,youngster'
with 'a jet pistol 'in his hand. ask
'Why the Old man was. wearing the
led dressing gown!
itetifing „this yeay was Piesident
Richard Procter, 'of the Belgrave
district, who has 'served on'the ex-
ecutive' since the ,association was
organized.,ten years 'ago, 'and has.
:devoted every effort to the bifild-,
ling of a•strong crop improvement
group in the county. Tee will be,
succeeded by W. J. Turnbull, of
RR. 2, Brdsasels. The remaining,
:Members, of 'the ,b6drd are.. .1st
• . . •
Mr.' and, Mrs, Cia,rence Mmtin of
Walton wish to announce; the-en-
gagement of their' daughter; •Erlaa.
'Margaret to,Willlain.
Jenkins, •of Borden' Jep...
kins.: of. Wilightthl. the late;
Mrs. '• The ,Wedding to
take '-'plaae: the.:1atter;liett,of1--
help and,
this time :heard
ance of the
them bring
shore. • Mg, .dhamnex,•4.5y 4 the 1141
reached the. '00.z
had to. tRe taken,'hotne, otter .h 4awanawds
Teit9ef,6'thh:cil;711:taiL.,:lkee41° Fes 4he
Wlqglai :,General .
of rs. 1:}-1BOSMplt6:1r6YliaStOlc."-ryilligttletl,,449ky
said that the , children were 0,0:.
right and. would probably be' able •
to leave the;bospital seMetitne
evening. or Aoday,
Mr. Chamney told soon ;after
the rescue 'that he noticed, the lade
on' the ice 'and' yell'ed;nt
thotight• I'd': better
after them, just :*e
should give: ..I. walyedi*down r intoa
hollow 'arid.:for a second the boys
were lost frorn my 'view, When: I
reached• the top of the 'hollow,.there
was no -,sign. of ran back ,
and ' got 'the 749'4400er .4:Oro tt*:;:,,
truck and ;Jerry ':and werit";to:
the children's aid; r The ice
only about ; an :,lneh.':',thiek!
cracked' t414 ,brokereke
, really !
NLppehed. We Worked .our: way I to
the boys as, oiody as we coultt .
Sonic 'Ot;the
:ireplaeing.:tini,bers' at the l'
helped to :get, all.to;..the shore
Mr. Chamney is •6: non-swimmer;:-:.
I:wacisli, es ata:riv.blioksheedrlticit tert1at Bob'.wnayn
Metal; Fabricating WOrkni. '114
phoned Dr. Crawford,, 'and"'that:t,he
the hospital. -
field; 2nd. vice-pres., Delbert Gei-
ger, -Zurich; Sec.7treas„,,,Arthfir.
BOlton i Clinten; zone rePresenta.-
tiVe- to Ontario Association, H: G,
Strang; Hensall. , Directors for the coming, year
will: be John Tayier, East; Wawa-
nosh; `Delbert Geiger, Hay Thwn-
Ship; Anson McKinley, Stanley
ToWnship;' Alan ,Walper,, ,Stephen:
ToWrinhip;" 'Harry Dougall,
bowie, :Township; Robert Allan,.
,11!Up,Itersmith; Normap Alexander,
Hallett; Robert J. Ttirnholl, Grey;
Fred Dotibledee, Clarence'
Shaw, Turnberry; 'Ralph,. Foster,
Ashfield;"Bell Granby, Morris'; Tom
Webster; -West Wawanosh; Geoige
Wfleatley, ,Walter. .For.
bee, Goderich Township; William
Clarke, Colborne,
Iir recognition, of the outstand-
ing service Which Rieliard Preeter ,
;has rendered to .the,, association;
Over the past, ten years he,wasr.pie,
*crated' 'past
(Please turn to page seven)
. 1 ,
Mrs., Smith is -pictured as she sorts the. early 'Christ nias mail arriving at the new pest office in Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith served in the older *building -17: r.--1.7'..irdais.: '' '• , , ', 1 Awards Won b 0.A.C. CadetS
was the first • postmaster. That
was - five years nfter:.the ,earliest
settlers; came to' Bluevale.. '
In those days carried
by stage,' two or, three:limes Week-
and there Was no
until , the . 'railway.; eerie' through
.in the early seVentieS.: • ,
• horse
Now ,. we have revert:ed.-4o • stage
again for Mail thilepokation,,,,bilt,
motor 4p6wer: replaced
power and •the comes every
day: How times do change
OLD TIME ',TANI:494Np . .
A real old-tyme donde • at the ,
BrUsaeli, •Town. Hall ..61i." Stitarday,
night, December 15: Every, third
dance Will be a si.iiire. Malec:
The MisSes Phyllis and Marguer,
ite Johns were hostesses at a
bower for Miss Marjorie Herd, of.
London, who is being married on
Decembe'r 29 in Eaton Memorial
Chapel;. Toronto,'A group, of Wing-
ham friends presented the' bride-
elect with an electric mixer and
toaster.. Marjorie expressed her
aPpreciation in a verygracious and
plea'sing manner.
The principal's reportwaS read
',and showed . that a total of 443
pupils, attended during November.
11D.f this tit:mber, 236 were, boys And
207'% ,„One. :new ..boy: was en-
:rolled, during- November. •
Scott Reid-,said. he had been
.'asked 'by Par:rents' if 'there would be • . • , %Medical inspection for children , , .
;who began• scnoor this year, 'arid
/if s9; :Whew Would •it be ,held. He
;had also been raced what grades
ywould receive;; the polio vacein-
at ion.
Mr: Beattie ,s it. he, was, unable
to• give the board an answer: to
but that he 'would leolt into the
matter for them.,
The school Christmas holiday
will ' begin 'on Friday December
21sf, school will resume onTerm-, ary 3rd. , •
Members discussed a school
dental examination to be held- at
the schoOl in the future and , de-
cided to get in touch with the
town dentists. Normally the school
nurse examines the pupils' teeth
and issues a card which is taken
to the dentist. It was felt thati if,
the dentists could, visit the school
it. would ^be more satisfactory to
all concerned.
A Motion that Dr. W. A. McKib-
bon be re-appointed to, the, High
School Board, was made by Herb.
Fuller, and carried. '
—Mrs. E, Bond left on Sunday
to spend the winter months with-
relatives in Yypsilante,
—Miss Ruth Showers Reg. N., of
Sarnia and Miss •Verna Showers of
London spent the week-end at
F12 their home. '
:BLUEVALE-70n December' 10th,
Aluevale's • new post office :.vvaS
vein 'tb' the Public. It Was 'built
by the postmaster; 'A, D. Smith, on
Queen Street, in -the 'EMS-Moss sec
Jon, It is neat and well .planned
for' the efficient ' landling' of the_
! .• . '
This is Ali& first Bluevale post
affiee to have a separate building,
previously the post office 'has
'been in the three stores in tarn
`merehant usually. having
Marge .of the mails. The first,
F3luavale post office'was opened .in
1869 and John. Messerr merchant,
•After deliberating for .tWo'hourt
On 'Friday • afternoon ,a coroner':
jury returned a verdict, of aceideri-,
tal death as the result of the Shoot-
ing!, of Fraser Abram,' son OUMF.,
and Mrs. John. ,Abram of.Gorrie.
•-•46:,,Year-Oid died' O'n
• Sunday afternoon, Deceniher • 2,
'when a .22 calibre rifle; cairied
a' hunting' companion, 14-year-old
Robert. Templeraan, discharged
The bullet attack the Abram boy
in the ' cheat, causing almost in-
' stint death. The' two were aceom-
pained by .,bonald:Feel. • •
The inquest , was conducted by
County Coroner •Dr. ,F.
son of :Clinton and ameng the wit-
resei 'heard were Coroner Dr. W
Crawford, of Wingham, Dr
John Forde of Fordwich and Bo!
bert Templemati. Crown Attorney.
H. Glen Hayes of, Goderich acted
for the crown, .
The jury, composed of Miltop
Preis.% Lorne Seifert, EWart Mc-
' Kercher;' James Danbar. and • no-
bert Connell, Strongly condemned
the one Of „firearms by yOuths whd
are not old enough to handle them'
With proPer care; and placed the
respongibility in this regard on the
Shoolders of parents. : ' • '
No direct blame for the fatal ac=
cident was placed upon the' boy
whose rifle, caused the death,'
, The sympathy of the entire cOm
hionity extended to the.iidatives
of the lad, who lost, his,
Well as tO•the Tenitilernan
Mr,. end Mrs. 'Oeorgp:. William
Herd-. announce the engitgenient of
their 'daughter,. Marjorie Maribn,
to William Ernest Cooke, son Of
. and MrS. ;William Lawrence
Cooke.: The marriage' Will , take
place On December 29th at two
&clock in Timothy Eaton Memo.;
vial Chapel, Toronto; Ontaii6.
The Proficiency Prize, awarded annually to the cadet of the Ontario Agricultural and Veterinary'; College
Canadian OfficerP' Training Corps who receives the most outstanding report at the conclusion of the
first year C.O.T.C. training, was won jointly by offider, •cadet G. J. Harvey, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs,
England, and officer cadet S. Hiseler, of Wirigham, Ontario: Shovm here being presented with the
prize by Major W. C. Altai of the Dept. of Entomology, and. officer commanding the,course, are :left
right; ,C)fficer Cadet S. R. 1-liseler; Officer Cadet a J. Harvey; and Major W, Dept.:, of
Public Relations; V.A.C., Guelph:
At the request, of a number of citizens 1 hereby
SANTA, CO 611Nlii
All , children in the .cointaunity,
e invited• to meet Santa Clans at.:
e WrOxeter Community *lab on
December 22nd at ,30 .for'
treats and, piCturea, Sponisored
the btipilieSeilien of Wroxeter. Thc:
Stores' will be oPen evenings, Dec.
16 to 'Christmas, btit c1060 ,15ca, 26,
135,xing OOP, :• ' '
Mr. slid Mrs. Charles Hiateliferd,;
W1110E011 Ontario, annentrite the
engagement of their. datighter,.•
Oweridoli•be Margaret,' to Lieut,
Leonard Rayner 1i Idri d,g e,
ei),, WE), $60 of Mr, and Mrs.'
Gilbert Eldridge, Tortmto, Ontario,
The marriage Will take place pn,
' December 22rid, 1156, In St:
Presbyteriandreves Chtirdif, :F1'2b
cortx4/14 DAT4Ok
'Vier ;ft ob4ardh
oherit Sia.‘ " 4 i holding
ettiboi . 1404"
zototio,4: • t
° for the tow0 of Wingliarn
• and i :ht rehy 1l upon dill idod Citizens to tAssetove the tootle,
God Save the Queen t McKinney,,,Mtiyop , ritattYi:W) r rid; 611., 146 io4d Mitt ahritial heutquest, held Iri the MAO eh **day ocrilitg.
OiNd' totiVOLP the: Battery's :t,oat 106 people .atteride4 the: dihrket,.
• " .4 +' "'S