The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-05, Page 14Miss Berth4 MitekaY "44 "1146%Vt 4141. MaeKity !,4t 44414 IDOL, Nair,
* rimy. • etlor ,of
„_-# ,Slaa Gale Meredith of
Alnit 'Mml
44, 1t etior,
.rs. • 44#0.
.4040: at-
tn. Nio' 'est
Ridley .apent ,a, couple ' wow at the home of
nnd Mre. Cecil Lynn at
. • .
0414. Xte, Boyden Devitt
it one day laSt .Week 14 Kiteh.
Roy SiMingna. and Mrs.
m. *oknern spent SeVeral' days
.t week with Mr. and Mrs. DoVg- wildfaag 'ill, 'Toronto.
the tripods ..or gio. Mary Byrd
• Will be Sorry to learn she is eon-
Med to Wirigharn Hospital with
..Vieumonia .and pleurisy, We hope •
.!she has a speedy return to health,
1 frtit. Francis. Smith, and son, of
Toronto, Mr, and Mrs-Cecil Lynn
We .nos4ay D c :fitit,
and Kareit ,spent
the woelt,end with. Mrs, 'Dural:Wk. ley
Ma and Mrs. Don Lonnahury.and
:lames Grant of St. getharinea,
spout the week-enel with Mr. and.
Mrs, Ross .17olg.
Mr, Bernald King of :Hanover
spent the weeit.end with his VAr-eA
Mr, and Mrs. Dick Aldrich of
Gait visited' Bore ever the week-
Mr. and Ma's, Stan Bride and
Bonny spent 'Saturday in
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Stewart of •
Listowel visited op Sunday with.
Mr. and Mrs. Jam, es.Vittle.
Mr. and Mrs, Marc Arrnstrong
visited on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Davidson.
The many friends. of Mrs, Ron
Reed (Beatrice lia.rgrave) will be
sorry - to. hear that at present She
is confined. to Listowel Hospital
suffering' from. pleurisy. We wish
for her a speedy rccovery.-
word was received here last
week by relatives in the commun.-
14uchre Winners,
rommcw-rone tables of pro-
gressive onehre Wire in play on
Tuesday night in the conurinnity
hall; The winners were: Nigh
iady„ Miss Minnie MeglIwaini. low
lady, Alclyth Rest; high, gent, Wm,
Xek?lwain; low gent Roy CAadelge,
ity that M. and. WS. Steve
chart had been. in a ear accident,
Mrs, Butchart..•is confined to the
hospital,. the extent of her injuries.
AS yet not known. One passenger
in the .other: car was killed,
Members. of the Vordwien W.I.
are reminded of the Christmas
meeting, which will he held in the
community ball, Tuesday, Mew-
1')er 11, one week earlier, Members
are reminded to bring a gift for
the :•Salvation Army,
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Wall of.
Galt spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Rert Moore. Sunday yisits tors -at the earne ,:borne. were, -Mr..
and Mrs, jack Brigker, Mary -Lou
and John, of Kitchener4.
Miss ' ,Alice Ntigat, .St. 'Cath-
arines visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs,. Lindsay .Galbraith,
Mr. and Mrs. .Arnold Carlaw and
Allapa of Dawn Mills visited ,aver
the week-end with, Mr, and .. Mrs Mel Allan.. •
Mr. and Mrs. 14yle. Simmons and
Arm and Miss Nancy .Sothern visit-
ed on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Wildfang in Toronto. ,
An excellent method of having
an adequate insurance estate
for the man With a young
k I.
Canada Life
FORDWICI-1---The girls of the
00,11, met at the home of Phyllia
In the abS'enee of the pre-
Sklent, the 1st vice, Ruth 4ibberd
presided:, The meeting Opened_ with
the national anthem, Lord"s, prayer,
purpose anti answer.
Minutes of the last meeting
were read by Patsy Harris, The
worship service wag taken by Jean
C4rear and Wil1; Winkel, Mrs. .0,
Carswell and Mrs, H. Pollock were
in charge of the study hook and
were assisted by Ruth lwmple and
Bonnie Inglis, .
It was =i sided to held We
Christmas meeting on December
10th a the home of 'Mrs. Anson
Demeriing. Each member is to
take a gift and a pot luck supper
will be served, The vesper service
will be held, on Sunday, December
The remainder ,,og the evening
was spent in contests, games and
a sing song of carols led by Eliza
both Patterson, Ltinch was served
by Siefert and Valma Eurig.
The meeting closed with Taps.
Names Officers
BELGRA.VE—The December
meeting of the Ladies' Guild of
Trinity Anglican Church was held
on ThUrsday • afternoon, at the
home of Mrs. Lawrence Vannan,
The president, Mrs, Vannan, was;
in charge of the meeting and open-
ed with prayer. Scripture was read
by Mrs. Clark Johnston and the
minutes, were read, by Mrs, Clare
VanCamp in the absence of the
secretary, Mrs, R, Procter, The
business discussion was mainly
making plans for the bazaar and,
tea. The holiday bells •were receiv-
At the close of the meeting the
election of officers for the new
year wa.s,held • with. Rev, B, de
Vries in charge. The new officers
are President, Mrs. Alex Nethery;
first vice-president, Mrs. Clark
'Johnston; second vice-president;
Mrs. Clare,„ VanCamp; secretary,
Mrs. ,Richard Procter; treasurer,,
Mrs. Cooper Nethery, •
Lunch was served by the hostes8
assisted by Mrs. Clare VariCada,
and Mrs. Richard Procter.' f.
Mrs, Thompson Tells
Or Trip to Europe
ST. fit I4M.4---Pndovied with
good MOMOry and the factilty of
telling her interesting ,storY well,
Mrs, L, O, ThOMPOOn Of LuehliOW
shared With lecal.,Aadies her recent
trip overseas at the Community
lfail on Friday night under the
of the Women's Institute,
her, story and the beautiful pie,
Wires she, showed began at I.ouck-
now,te the British Isles, Pleigiunf,
Germany', Switzerland, Italy arid
Mrs,' Thompson was: introduced
by Mrs,. Andrew Catint,and, thank-
ed by, Mrs, B. W, Rice; who also,
presented, her with, a. gift. During'
an intertnission Mrs, Will goner-
fora played a Diane ,solo and UMW
FOrater and Barbour fav-
oured with vocal Kapp.
:After lunch dancing was enjoyed.
to Triasio by the Wraiths and Don
Cameron :with NITS, Scott at
The ladies are reminded of the
Christmas, meeting of the W. I,
this (Thursday) afternoon at' 2
o'clock in the community hall, Roll
call, an, exchange of gifts and
My Childhood Memories of Christ-
Mrs. Will Webster is a patient
in the Wingham General Hospital
as the result of a fall in her home
on Wednesday, when she tripped,
fracturing a bone in her ankle,
Music for dancing Was supplied
by Bruce's Orchestra. Lunch' was
Mr. and Airs. ROssell Kelly :and
family of Cooksville spent the
week-end with his ,parents; Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Kelly.
David Armatrong has returned
to his home after being a patient
for the past two weeks in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong
and family of ir horndale spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
David Armstrong and other rela-
tives in this district.
'Ruth Ann Medi is a patient in
the Wingha.rn General HOspital.
' Mr: and Mrs, Lewis Stonehouse
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Maitland Edgar and family
at Clinton.
Itt /AM/WE—NOW Hours at the'
:Belgrave Libra.* will be hi the'
afternoon 'Starting 'on
Saturday, December 8th Members
please rementber this change,
You Darr` only reach ,a,tew People
for 50'.eents—tlietnitiltntiin Pride
Of an Att ICIassified 44 -byWrit-
ing letters, Why net reeeh'•thetis.
antis tor the tonne amountl,PhOho
Chickens for regular games
Turkeys for special and draw prizes
6games for $1.00, and 4 specials 25c each
P HON E 55
Thiirs.; Fri., Sat., Dee. 6-7-S
"The Lone Ranger"
Clayton Moore Moult's Granville
This is a real treat, for' the dyed
in the wool western fans.
Mon, Toes., Wed. Dec. 10-11-12
"I Died a Thousand
"Tinies" -
Jack Paktum!, Shelley Winters
This story deals with the ro=
mantle and criminal adventures
of ,are leased convict who of
course pays for.his crime in the
-Ensemble .
of golden-sheathed
purse 'perfume with
matching cologne, gift boxed
4.75 the 'set
Partuni EXiraardinairel luxuridusly's
boxed' in .the 'French, fcishioni. one quarter ounce, 6.50
•' ',y • B. Bath Pali,' cler -iti•KI,.. •
*colorful' 'S wool ballet puff 4.50 ,::KA
C. Quartette jr.': four 'colognes „gold
nd white filigree, gift box 3.75"the set-'4, • .•
33ELGRAvEF-t-The regular week.:
ly euchre was held, on Wednesday,;
evening in the community centre
here. There were - four tables in
play, and high prizes were won by
Miss *Annie McNichol and Fred
Cook. ConsolatiOn prizes went to
Mrs. Albert Nethery and Albert
giftM: MC`f Z417-4 ifir Cf7q4K 44.1. •e-‘4 eiks`MC: K—Aka t eal 1 4'114
Bodmin Farm Forum;
piscusse Efficiency'
BirAnAvE---13odmin Farm
Forum met at the home of Mr. and
Mils. Ted Fear with an attend-
ance of 24 adults "and 9 children. -=
After listening to the', broadcast on,
the topip 'What Price Effidiency?"
this group thought that here was,
a need for increased efficiency in
Canadian agriculure beeauSe of too
much producution and they didn't,
think, that there are too, many
farmers in this community as the
ones have to work. to", Many
Names were drawn for the,
Christmas meeting. It was moved,
and seconded by Mrs„ Stanley
Cook and Mrs. Cora McGill that
the group have films next week.
Progressive euchre 'was played
with high prizes won by Mrs. Carl
Procter and. Howard Wilkinson
and consolation prizes by MiS.
Howard Wilkinson arid Richard
Procter. '
The next meeting is to be at the
home of Mr, and Mrs; Howard Wil-.
kinson. Lunch was served.
United Y.P.U.
Plans Hayride
IDLG4AVE—The regular meet-
ing of the Belgrave
held on Sunday evening. After the
roll call President Eleanor Walih
cOndudted the worship service,
During the business period plans
were ,Halle for a hayride on Dee-
' ember 12th, Names •were also ex-
changed for Chriritrnas, gifts. Bill
Conitea led the Bible study after
which the meeting. closed with
Speaks on India •
AT. Iig1444,4ving 'Whit she
termed 'NAB.1302140ts. ,V'ie'w"Of In.
dia, Miss Rertha.,maaNay ,pi" ben,
don, In her very 'plenaing; Manner,
000404 her listeners at the all- ocorge Sagnoer$ (4 ;Blake aod Mrs, neal autumn Thenheffolhg Of the •jos, Nelsen /?1' 10,ckett's, and a W.M,S, in the United;' Church' 01 duet by Mrs, Alex Robertson and Molloy evening. miss macKay, Mrs. Gordon MePurneY of •'Rrick
Oliureh, Who was intreduead 0' Miss NY,
Rutherford and thanked by' Mrs.. At Op conclusion pleasant
F, Green? spent the Past year as social hour was enjoyed',
• .
Ml vaolgo Tye iotther lootiota.! Irmo M oo e 14 ladia with MallY , behigitot color slides,
Mrs, Miller, We iiresident,
welcomed the guests, who lotovid:
by fy7;13g144.:ATAIA1:)44:;$:74irPrIgs , .
Meeting ta
Each ThkirsdaY evet
Prayer Mooting a
`Am •IrOgOil4r40.40400.44:04141,04$4041404004040:410***W106110i
MAKE ...yot*.ctmlsTyto .
adio and *Electric
Serping yoil since 1935
60:10404, • .0c-N-70202';-2;4"k*AN-PiVIO-V-7e-210-V-,
•W?e`10(e'.4404PAK-IPM-0444: . fr -.4-WAKAZAM-fig-AM-ifiCAM
Say Merry Christmas with gifts from Edighoffers^ your
Friendly Christmas Shopping-Store.
In cottons, quitted satins,
Darella washable Tartans
and embOssed,, nylons
HANDBAGS $3.98 to' $1.2.95
Smart and New, in leathers and plastic: calf.
Colorful. SCARVES .. 98c' to 3.95
• • A 'wry attractive. selection.'.
Costume Jewellery . $1,00 up
Sheer HOSE,— , :.. 89c to $1.95
BeaUtiful and in popular brands - 1st quality,
Famous Kitten SWEATERS
Soft luxurious Orlon ire. ,the' most Beautiful ,• -, shades you could 'wish foir' Slips, 'Gowns, Pajamas, cARDiGA?T§, , 448.95
LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS $7.95 GlOves, Handkerchiefs, Etc,. silo= SLEEVE PULLOVERS OM —
Xigig**-4FiglfiCeo4MATigKarAMIsir4-04:4144M14,00:SUW-r4i 4ITiMigki***4i9084-fltgiONik-AMSECIscUice
:,1' A grand` array of new ideas and deSigns.
.Chonse a lovely blouse ifronit
our. fine selection, so many
styles and all, so •very', pretty,
Coltens, TerrYlene, & Tricot.
Smart. new designs in
ire tWorte!ie: styles
Belts and Jewellery
for it reat:man*s gift
from $1..00 up
1101'414ecninte a smart
Terryierie SHIRT
A terrific display"of smart'
$1.00, 0;50 &$2.00'.
Very ,attractive shades
patterns in,
Nylon, all Wool or
lambs ,wool
from $1.00 up
A Fine Selection of
from $3.95 op
Mai Wg';$(700EST
$11.711tiltbAX OWE'S, 4A0KtICS; DRESgilqi;ir ClOWN$f
BILTMOHE RATSiGitt Vertitittikis Mailable)
Good Crowd for
Cards, Dancing
EELGRAVEL-A card party and
dance was held in the Foresters'
Hall on Friday evening, A large-
crowd, was in attendance' for this
event, Sponsored by the Belgrave
Women's Institute and the Bel- •
grave Foresters. There were 16
tables of progressive euchre. with
high' prizes going to Mrs. George
Michie and Louis Stonehouse, Con-
solatiOn prizes went to •Lorna Bolt
andAlmond Jamieson:
There , were 4 • tables . of Lost
Heir, with high prizes going -to
Mrs. Stewart Proctor and Donald
Procter. Consolation prizes went
to George Cook and Mrs, Clifford
your it to Winghtttie $14,