HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-05, Page 74,vor vv t
1,htulagif atiovrip
'bog Vezcandir 4,14P'11.9
Coungii ,Orailf$ —
(000tomeg ,trom page tone);
!over a three,Year period. T
authorizing the Increase, which
haik .At4Y ria
tke *14), in *0 community,. • r
y of a ,f10•919 eniberailn wg be peroatt to use the itinls with- ;had taken the resperaribility of out .ohario at allytin,,w, The owl
;action the potincil approved.
Accrarata for the, month, 40 read
by Chairman Elmer Wilkinson of
the finance committee were peas,
"Hat'VeY Niergarthi
qokre Neirgarth and
ii , 1' Tyrnberry entertained
'it franie on Saturday everllOg
a' honour of the former% nephew,
arold R. and Mrs, Meada, ,both
tathlate's of IvIotidy Usti,
ute Chicaga Ili,, in hen& of their
relent' marriage at 'Evart, WOO*
gan ;
A Very ,enjoyable. evening Was
spent and Mr, Meade IthoWed POI-
Oured nravingt pictures' of their
Wedding' and. boneyineon, Marilyn
and Harold were asked to come
forward and Moil Stapleton read
an apiropriate address, after
Which the young, couple were bee,
ented with, gifts.. The hostesses,
assisted by others, served a very
dainty and bounteous lunch,'
Those' present were all Harold'a
aunts, uncles and cousins Mr. and
Mr's. Chas. ,Aitken, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Aitken and family, of Kia-
cardine; 'Mt. and Mts. Jas, Mc-
;Burney, Mr. and Mrs. John -Stokes
land family, of near Wroxeter; Mr:
Roy Callaway, of Elora; Mr, and
• Mrs, Edwin Chandler and family,
of, Wingliam; Mrs, Irinia Jenkins,
Mr.,:and Mrs, IIarvey- jciakins and
family, • Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Stapleton, Guelda; '~tilma~ Glenn,
Lloyd,'-and Linda of Turnberry;.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton. and
,Cheryl Ann' of La Prairie, Que.;
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Niergarth and
• family of Kitchener •and Hareld's
parente; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Meads,
of Toronto.
bar of the 107...board, 1 a -PEP
said, that aff..Alettiratitar ofi -.4413fq: an ay...splendid.; wockor. nantfonian$ in his capacity as chairman of the Essit
street eamipittee. „mild 1'41 '441'• all would be happy to have taw kr:gi
continue but understood• that' his
:reasons for retirement were va
Mr. Alexander, in reply; *Poke
council would Aliso undertake to
train; nperiatera for the projectors
whit ere aVatiable4
Mr. Gorbutt will /approach the
local library 'hoard-t0 ascertain the
Possibility of storing the films in
the Public library,
, S,. ftethetington• was re-aP^
pontou the reptesenta-
Darlene Joan daughter-of Mr. ancfMrs,,Glitdaryn Campbell
and Robert Milton Hopper, son of Mr, and Mrs. 'Robert •P:.:Hoisper, all,
of Wingham, were married Friday evening.=PhottiliY"Hanamerten.'
. Friday evening - at 8 o'clock
wedding vows were exchanged by
Darlene Jean 'Campbell and Robert
Milton, Hopper 'at the honie of ;the
bride's parents, with • Rev, Ale's-
ander Nimmo officiating. ; The
bride is the daughter of Mr., and
Mrs, :Oladwam Campbell and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Rdbeit D. Hopper, all of' Wingham.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a' white ballerina-
length strapless satin goarri with
net skirt; and lace, .bodice topped
with a lace jacket. A cap of
daisies held • her finger-tip veil:
She wore pearl accessories' and
white brocaded pumps, Her cor-
sagewwas red rose buds.
The'. maid a honor. was Sue. Yeo,
wearing a geld net over satin
gown' with a velvet strapless bodice
and/ net' stele, Her accessories
Were similar to the bride's arid her
corsage was White mums. '
The best man was. Fred Hopper,
a brotheeof the groom.
After a, buffet luncheon the
young couple left on a honeymoon.
the' bride wearing a black .and
white checked Suit, black 'accessor-
ies and, a powder blue coat. Mr,
and Mrs. Hopper will reside in '
•lefti is presented with the proceeds of a benefit ball game biBruce McDcinald, on .behalf 91
the,member teams of the Industrial League, at the banquet ,held in the Queens. Hotel on Friday evening:,
kerb was injured in a, gable held early 'in the season and •the gift Was made to Offset :rote of the heavy •
expenses for • hospitalization which he has had to meet,
Counciller Alexander, chair, man ,of the streets• PcMIrlitteq re
forted that, the , grader bad• re,
ritilretra iriew••cluteh during the past
month, and that new blades had.
been purchased for, the Palate Mita
chine, Ws committee is hoping ler a continuation of the milder
weather since it has .a great beat-,
ing on snow removal 'costs. •
;,* the. recreation" department
ynnicillot W, B. Conron reported
On the details of -the installation ,
Of a tow furnace .at the arena, It.
.Wlaa /Mind that repairs to the old
furnace would run over 1200 ,arid ,:a.
new "one at .3480:99 bud been con-
sidered a better purchase.. The
inatallgion of the new furnace has
been craripleted. :He ,also stated
that,. 'a ',thorough examination of
other' equipment at the arena in,
cheated that 'needed repairs will
not 'high as expected.
courraillor Conron also reported
,on the,annual meeting Of the re‘
'creation council, stating that al-
thraigh notice had been sent out
to all interesed groups in town, the•
attendance was disappointing. In-
terest,' .'hoWever, we's keen and
thoe- is .ft fine spirit of co-opera-
tion • ,
Cenron said that recreation
activities .this icor had been ear-
pied iont to date without applying
,to' the -town for the grant which
was" included in this y,ear's eati-
,MateS, :At •this , point, however,
theredreation coancil has exhaust-
ed,its available funds. and request
was therefOre':made lot' a grant,
9f" $1,00040. He, said that last
years 'grant was $1500:00; but that
the recreation council felt it could
get by on the , smallet figure,
Payment of ° the $1000.00 grant
was authorized, on motion of Coun-
cillors Canton' and Gerbutt, •
Reporting for the industrial
committee Bail Hamilton said he
will 'attend a dinfier 'meeting of
the -Mid:Western Development As-
seelation at; Clinton on :Wednes-
day' evening of:this week.
Councillor: Jack Gorbatt outlined
tee tentative plans Which have
been' made for the establishment
of .13, film council library here, The
paypese., of the film council is to
plate a library .of films. in' Wing- , .
,,Mrs. Harold Pym, of 'Wing:.
ham injured her hack when she
fell' Monday al Jost Week. After
a feW days •treatment in' Wing-
/ ham General. Hospital, she return-
ed home and her condition is re-
ported satisfactory. '
Wayne Farrier; 11,year...old son
f Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier,
f Whitechurch, fell and fractured,
his left ankle •while alaying. He
was taken to the, Wingham Gen-
Brat Hospital last. Thuraday- where-
a cast was applied before he was
allowed home, ; •
• Mrs. William Webster, RA,
Lucknow-, Was admitted to the'
Wirigham• General Hospital last
Thursday, after having'fallen and
fractured her right rankle A, cast.
Was applied and she was detained,
in the hospital. Her condition Was'
deperibed yestetclaY 'ai"patiSfactbry".
tlgtetlitarear-old Bill-MacIntyre,
son 'of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Mac-
Intyre, of iWingliam, 'fractured
bone in his right hand On Friday
and was tteated in the Wingham
General 'cast for hisinjury '
After a cast had been applied he
was allowed home. ,
Mrs.: H. L. Parker, wife of Rev.
H. L..Parker„of the Anglican
Church, Wingham, fell vglite skat-
ing and fractured a, finger on her
left hand. A ea,sti Was applied at
f ie Wingham General' Hospital
nd she was allowed home.'
•:,t1111, HOTLINES..
Qrl Thursday the 'executive -of :the
Wingham :Figure Skating Club met
at the barge of 'the , president, R.
to ,...disc400 ..plane 4141.o
Preblenik, .expressed regret that
many • of • • the • more advanced
skaters' had,; left ,ttawn for school
or work, and hoped' that all -who
remained, would join agalala,;thai
near future,
'It was unanimous that tlie ,,eklb
Would also'Welcome many More•
new members, It was felt, that the
organisation had 'provided first-
class instruction by securing Rosa
Smith and ."Shorty" Brooks as pro-
fessionals and is prepared to en-
Toll about one hundred skaters.,
The cost of $10.00 and $12.00
averages about 50 eents per Week
per pupil and the regularity' of
instruction and practice is very
beneficial to the child. It 'would
be, ,,,a real recreational loss if the
club were unable to• centinue.
to lack of revenue and it was' de-
cided to appeal to individuals and
service club's to help by stimulat-'
ing interest through donations or.
better still, by aponsering some
child or children, whose parents
find It difficult\ or impossible, to,
single out one member 'of !the
'This membership ientitleil the
skater to practice front nine to
twelve on. Saturday :morning under;
the supervision of H.; ;l3rooks ,
(hours subject to change) ,and; on •
Tuesdays they may use the ice :be,"
tween 4.30 and 10.30, except ftralt
6.30 to 7 p.m, During this time
Mr. Smith, will give one 'half.hour
of instruction on ice figures, to'
four separate groups, oneltelf.
hour of 'free skating and one hbur
of danciag,, with private lessons at
extreeflatge AS, they.are' arranged;
Shorty 'Brookg will assist and also
give private lessons,
However, an'area •of the ice is
available for practice most of: ,the
time. Parents are asked to im-
press: the .fact that figure; skate§
are dangerous to others and there
muSt be no chasing while .on the
lee. itif It' was understoed 'ere was
some confusion regarding the.
grouping names. These are only a-
means of dividing into four gtoups.
for" classes nnd" are no Indication:
of progress or ability and -a child'
who' attends, the afternoon,:greuP
for figure instruction receives as,
Much as the one who attenda;`,
the evening. , In, feet, he may: ben-,
efit 'from being able "to practises,
his,'lesson while still- fresh 'in' Ida
mind and after a short recess lot::
supper. - • " —
New IS • the latest `important tiMe,
to enroll as What" the child' is;
tatight before carnival.rontineS he-,
gin will deterraine his pitits-in'the
carnival and- one ShOuld 'decide •
to try to pass lests, it is essential,
to begin now.- -;
'Christmas: Story ,
To Live. Toronto'
United Church in' Big ."Rapids;,,
Michigan, War!, the/ scene of the
wedding pt. ailisa: Marilyn MoLaeh-
lan daughter . Mr: ,and 'Mrs.
George McLachlan of Evart, Mich.,
to Mr. Harold" Rose 'Meads, son of
*r. and. Mrs., Relit; Meside„ of Tor. . , oino.'The'cereraony.was performed,
by :Rev,'701Iyer.‘,P,arlah and Rev,
Robeit Cole, both' of ' Chiettici.
. Candelabra :anti, cathedral ;bask-
ets of white, and bronae chrysan-
therninais : :decorated the church.
Mks Ernest Baker;' aganist of
Toronto,. • aceempanied • Mrs. Sol
Wolfe of: Evart' -when She sang
"We Are -the.' Lord's", and' .4"Lord •
Bless This:'Iiour. • , ••• ,
The'bride entered.the. sanctuary
on the'lirm Of her father, goWned
in blue satin designed With a fitted
bodice' and 'bouffant skirt df lace,
featuring' :.panels . of ,tulle. which
fell ;into a' cathedral ' tritin„ "Her
headdress was a iparl,.tiata With
fingertip length "veil; She parried a:
cascade, bouquet Of white chrySan-
themUMS: and:,`, Pranpons .tied with
lace used hi,, hcr. mother'a bouquet
-28.,yeara<-ago.: •
Attending she, br}de •aa• Matrori•
of honor .was ,Mrs :,Latirence' Res-,
eribeiger, sister , the ' 'bride of,
Breckenridge.; She Wore a dress of
cotillion .blue . tryStalette , with a
contrasting panel 'ht powder blue
.around the scooped : neckline, and a
large bow head
dreas 'was fashioned of embroiaer-
ed net' and Perirls with a-short ,veil
and she carried cascade of
bronze pompons: : -
The bridesmaids Were Mts: Jas.
McLachlan, iiitaiara-law of the
bride and'alipS^MarjOrie Brumfield
of Lasage, W. grayna
andA .headdresaek,;; were - identical
styles with thitt;Of,,:the ;Matron of
tOnor,, poWderi, bine, with cotit.
lion, 'The'y, carried • cascade. bou
nuets of hroriae pompons; ,Flower
girls were ;Dianne„,and. Kathleen
Bosenbetger.-".rileteri• the,,- bride.
Their floor-length dresses of maize
and gold were the .same id'design
as the other atfendanta, They
Carried miniature ' bouquets of
bronze pompons. ' ' '
The groom Chose his beat
man Lawrence Manner' of ChicagO!
Seating...the gifeati' were Clare
Robinson, 'biother4ii-law of, the
bridegroOnt'and Georgh and Names
McLachlan, brothers of the :bride
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs:
McLachlan wore a dress of. aqua
Belmore of the team members were unable to be present at the trophy pre- players, top team in the Industrial League, are Seen here
sentatiOn. Manager and coach of the team IS Ken Dickson; who is having a look at The Advance-Times trophy , Which they received on
Friday evening at a banquet in the Queens Hotel, Wingham. Three. , second from the right the picture. • t '
sion Band held itg4:Chtiattitas- meet-
ing on , Monday, -Deoetnber t 3rd.
Mrs. L: -Phillips chaired the , meet-
ing. and Mrs. ,.B. Conan' presided
the.rpiario: The _children :.enjoyed
singing .,a,, grouP -of, iweil-loiied
carols daritig:_tae serviee:; Brian
Clarke and Relied Canapbeli, read
the Christmas,' `story: in "Matthew,'
chapter 2: ,
'Special prayers •^were given ,by
Rae - Gurney,• Donald• Rae • and
Jayne' Baker, The offertory ushers
were Terry Gardiner and Brian
Miss X. Pringle was guest speak-
er and enthralled the children With.
the beloired story of the birthday
of the Christ ,Child, portrayed by
flannelgraph, using many, back-
grounds and, .all the figures involv-
ed in the story.
,Peggy .Rae • presented. Miss,
Pringle with, a small gift, of •ap-
preciation from the, children, Fifty-
one children were present at this
meeting.' Eath 'child was presented
With a Christmas treat bag before
leaving. .
A special meeting of 'the Wing-
ham Community Players was held
on Monday evening in the terra:
cil. chamber and although atten-
dance: was low many decisions
were' reached. -The first was that
owing to the club not being in Op=
eration this fall it would'be too
difficult ',in just' one' week to
ganize •a number of ',skits for pre-
sentition • at' the ,Goderich Little
Theatre's -ChriStrria,s Party. It :was
decided :that the! secretary write
an explanatory letter to Godericla
declining •their friendly invitation:
The •resalts of the" election .of of-
ficerii for'. the 1966-57 season were
as follows:, President, Ruby Saint;
Vice-president, Mary Louise Flitch;
Secretary, Joyce Langridge; treas-
urer, Mary Anne McKibben.
Mts. Langridge will direct a lane-
act play 'for the Drama Festival,
which is to be held in the Lake
Huron Zone in Mardi. A, casting
meeting fel. this play will be held
ori.january 16th. More details of,
this meeting will 'appear in The
Advance-Times before that .date.
Plans were also discussed fOr' a
possible three-act .play to be pro-
duced in the late, spring.. This will
depend on the number of', new
members the club can recruit this
season,. . lace With .brown and acres-
. ones and a OYMbidium orchid
corsage, The gtoOrital Mother wore
a brown and, gold dreap 'with aVo- Connie MacIntyre d i • ca, o green sect sor ps and a cym
• bidium orchid tersage; ,- Married in Wingha '' . , I Following hie', ceremony the
' ' " ' • bridal party anCliaientsi'greeted ; Beneath.'.rar, atehWay decorated' ,. • .. • • , ., .•,,,,.• social parents" "greeted . tneir guests in ,tpe rooms, or With white mums, at the home of
her Parente, .: Conriie;Gail McIntyre the eheteh, when', retriarks, Were
and Gerald. Nelson Getrie Were tin- heard from' the° best;' man, Lher-
itecl in Marriage on Wednesday, once Mansef arid ' the grOOM,
November 21st, at 3 p,'in, The bride Mrs. Wolfe sang . ogetVants, for
is the daughter of Mr.' and Mrs.,' Jesus" and i'Lerve. Aral; Trust", Mr.
J. C. McIntyre and the ' groom Is and Mrs, John Rogers, aunt 'arid
the soli, Of Mr. and MrS. Harry uncle of the btide Were .Master and Gerrie; all of Wingham, Rev, „D. J. f • -•• 4,, m istress o , gersinoniss, As'si'sting MacRae offiebited. ' about the ft:Ionia Were Mrs Glen' The bride given In Marriage 0' •
het hither,, looked lovely In a , white, Rohdy, Mrs. WO; • .1tettrig, Mrs.
flOet.length 'gown With lace hod-,Jack Pettk 'MO.! Clare Robinson
lee, long lily.point., sleeves and. full ,of Toronto aritt,Mistr, ptite,
satin' skirt with applitine& net' of, Chicago: •
Overskirt, A pearl-trimmed tiara ' For their wetiding,, trip In l‘TorH
held her finger-tip Veil and she them Michigak, MO, Meads.. Were carried bouquet of white Manes a hraWit. suit With hi•Otkin and tat-
tinelSe accessories 'a co sage
Of yellow MUMS and gardenias,
' The'' couple • will „reside Tor'-
bate. .
United Y.P.U.
The The regular meeting'. of the
Wingham United Church Young
People's was held on „Moriday, at
'8 p.m. The meeting opened, with a
sing-song )0 Dorothy Cham-'
Stewardship • convener, Deteert
Burden, conduCted , the Werahip
service. After , the' , singing of a
hymn, Helen Haines led in Prayer,
The Scripture Masan was 'read by
Itene The - offering Was
taken and a talk On stewardship
Was eaten by Doreen Burden, fol-
loWed by rite:yet
Afterjhe, singing of, a hymn the
raisineas was conducted •'by Helen
Hainwt The minutes Of; the Wit
regular" and 'executive meetings
were tead,by,Perao Valistorie. The.
roll was 'called and , note of
thanks and a cheque for five
dollars "from the I4itdies'
Was, aeltnoWledged.. Helen' Haines
thanked everyone fora their gifts
to the Indians „ , , •
Neat Week , a film; be
shown. ' • ; ;
Following prayer • were
formed arid it Ilibloy hula was ,en-
joyed .by all Recreation , the
gym was conducted - by ; "Marge.
Frattori. lite: Meath* eloped 'With'
-11Vit,Percy C, Bilker of Alliance,
Alta., spent a few Weeks with his
Mother, Mrs. .T. Baker who was
ill at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, W. .Let,. In Listowel and
visiting 'brothers and -Slaters.
• -Mr, John Stephens might last.
Week-end at the home• tit Mk PO-
entt Mt. and' ,j1libert
hen's at Contiose 4m;• MO, Step
hens and thet, i.d,ree Who bad,
blew viiiting- that Awe "weeks
ket ohorit.Oly 11 ,00 'husband
vo 4104
, 41"
girl in each: of two clames, as Well, aa to the Virnier4411).
pictures to • be colored in this issue, of the. .ptiggti, )"Act
' ,;--Mr. and Mrs. *alibi 'kWh,
van, ItewlY*eds, !Of '• Niagara' Falls,
visited ,Ori, Sunday, lit the home of .
het uncle itarl,tihnep.Mr. 'and Mrs. . „ ,. ..
Hugh' Sinnameni , Minnie Stteet, . + - ' . ,' • ' . - • - - :
slid. all -Malted With, Att,•and Mr& Ali ready for. the winners" of The AdVance-Tirnes eihdritsottribirs etibloeyriritgt
Pilinvt itiNmititio, br Lwow. , inti.(wit„ Timae are the pfitet which will be ,toOdt
i.,' i‘ ..,, , . ,, ,. • , , ; ; t*
. "rttlt t x.yr , 4 ' •
' 'Jahn ; Pattison was re-elected
president of the Wingham Branch
af, the Canadian' Legion at the
annual 'elections oh Tuesday even-
" ing 100 Other. officers elected'
• were: Firat vice-president, Lloyd
Carter;. 'second vice-president,.
Frank Ilenwick;,, treas., 'Bob.
Chettleburgh;financial sec., Jack
Sturdy; recording sec., L. Arm-
. 'strong; Sergeant-at-arms, Geotge
:Brooks; trustees, Lloyd Ellacott,
Ted English .and . John Currie. The
clectiens were cOndected by W.
The president said he was prbud
of the inemberS' response to the
Many activities . recently :under-,
taken by the branch.
"About four or, hare years ago a
Meeting was held and apparently
the office of third vice-pretrident•
couldn't be filled• because at that
time thorn' were not enough pre-
; gent. J feel we. have come a long
.way sincethen. and Nifty; We have
a good :active brariell and: X trust
it Will continue that way," the
President' said. "
He thanked the ednitadea'; for
.• to the ••'Oak^ and
aid, he had' a number of ideas
Which he.avoidd like to see de-
li:L:100R 'Among theta was the
forniation of a band, .01ther• a pipe
band 'or i4 brass band. • A Mena.
bet was asked explore the
possibilities and to find out if
there was the necessary talent
available in , the branch to hint a
band and to repott back to the , Centred With red roses,
committee on. .his findings j et a I As maid of hOnot, Miss Febrile
later date..• .Getrie, sister of the groom, woke a
'Two apPlieatiorati for Member:al street-length dress of blue Crystal:
ship were accepted from John ette With matching headdress,
laeltion and Dr. Shat messy, ; carrying a hoUqUet of pitik,,inunia.
It was announced that the Gerald McIntyre, of London,
Christmas party fOr .the children brether of the bride, Was best man.
of Legion •and members Pot the Wedding trip to Ottawa,.
*dad Ve held. in the toivil hall on the bride, Were Week Wadi dress,
Deedriihei 1:9th It
pria. ItoPped with.' jacket' of grey!, black
tiat tiatrabiii on; the cenotaph are and gold StriPea. Matehinghat,,and
Atilt hg Eby a gloVes and a muskrat jaeket, Mr.
;• .M000 and Mrs. Gerrie Will reside its
trail* t