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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-05, Page 6
Department Store 41 Te mleinan Cleaners MacLean 42 Coal -Company Foxton"s Dairy 43, Sunoco Service 'Station . Bert Arinstrong B-A Service Station. Snyder',4'.* - Potato.Chins Smiles 011. Chuckles Lhnited ••fgate.,,z04,17,40;41,7,4 n SAC -'";g04-r4UW:i0414-14M-f4M-WialgifiaMA-W4040geoMlfiCUIEM-404‘04004 , Dunlop's Shoe Store- Vance's Drug. Store 1. chrome Smoker . . Ladies' silk Night Gown pipit, size 32 ... ...... Men's Lambs wool Pullover v-neck, any color, size • R, A. Currie & Sons Armitage Dry Cleaners. The. Wingham Bargain Store Welwoo,d's Variety Store • Radio and TV ` The •Advanee-'1?imes d ADVANCE B1DS-May be phoned in any 4, time after 7.30 p.m. V;=- .7A-7thAINFAIPS,,,CIA,00t07.M.10,10,1%*01,10.10,-e 'PHONE WINGHAM 158 2. SAY "RADIO AUCTION" 3. :WHEN CONNECTED GIVE 2. Your Bid $ SPECIAL PRIZES For those Whose' bids are being read at the time an alarm` sounds. Fairyland ' A A Store for Tiny 'PotsLt41' Campbell and Gorhutt Pitcher's Service Station Holmdel° Creamery McKee Brothers Harvesting, Equip't.' Laidlaw Turkey Farm Cecil Walpole Contractor Warren n01.19e Len Bok Supertest Agent Walden TranSport Garnet Farrier Bluevalo Creamery 1ViacIntyre's Bakery Adams' Hairdressing 1 gal. pel.manent Frank Caskatiette/ el Antl-Fseeze. a'Ira Service Station '51 Groceries Credit for 10,00 Red Front Grocery 9 GSW Model 40 0 Stainton fie G Electric Kettle 0•VO Hardware 5G 46 45 Men's or Ladies' Watch Bracelet 5.95 ' tins Holly Fancy Peas 5.50 4.7 Men's wool jersey zipper 5.95 Overshoes Fiesta, Coloured Tide Side* 1 °AO 'Brophy Bros. 48 walls,"'not installed Tire Service. 4 n 100 lb. bag of Canada. Beef Maker ... .. .........• 4 00 •'Packers • Crom"pton Jewellery Alexander's Hardware Heoghan's Hardness Shop 3.00. Lockridge Butcher Shop Spa,rky Weiler • er: 7 'en Huron tely Motets ....... .. ..... . 10.00 . Dry Cleaners Carson 0 9 0 Wallace Turkey . Farth 8t,Hatchery. • r pe Clialphinn'a Store a au . :WhitOchtitch 1 pair Wabasso muslin A Sheets 81x100" 9 1 Pr. Log Rollers. Shoes, 3 'Loather Hold .all it 4 1 pr. Flannelette Blankets 5' Credit note for 'Dry Cleaning g %-ton of U Stove. Coal ............. 8 7 20 quart Milk Tickets ` 4 Wax Washes for car 9 Spark Plugs 10 Henri Spotlik,dit 11 Auto Rug . ... .. , . ............ ..... 17 16 15 14 13 12 case of of Oranges .. . . .... 1 -- 3 year Subscription Chronic Step Stool, White and Black 98 lb. hag 5-Liilies , All-ptirpos6 .. Credit Note for Clothing 48 tins of Tomato Soup .„ 0 1 China Lenin, 1 0 White floral design, ".. ......... 19. Pyrex Casserole 21 Brief Case nor " Mtsle Case 2 3 Sdipri5e. package 24 1 Baby's Blanket 26 -25 1 gallon White Pittsburgh Paint, 4" nylon brush 2 gallons permanent. V Anti-Freeze . ........... 27 6 lbs. Butter 4.00 28, Double Water Bowl 12.95 1 - 10 lb. Oven Ready 5 30 29 .„., ........ ...... ..... . Turkey 30 Credit Note . 10.00 qi a Ta.ble ;.amp 19.00 - 0 2 Gallons of 7.50 32., Prestone • ... .... .....,7., 00 Credit Note for 1 0.00 %I 0 Trucking 0 A 1 tine-up' job •• 7.00 ..ov on 1?lano ..... 0 t 5 lbs. Butter, ,8.00 ad 5 lbs, CheeSe, 5 doz, Eggs .0d 41/..; lbs..of ChiistinaS 3.50 ou Cake 0 ,7 1 Zotos • . 10 minute 10 00 0 I Cold VVaVe . ...... „,.......... ....... gn 1 Gal. Whiterose ,.,. Ull permanent .Anti-Freeze 3.75 61 1 Ronson Lighter ^ -6.50 . . 62 1 Case Peerless HD Motor Oil (6 gat) ......,........ .... . 9.30 Credit for64 Cleaning 1 box of 36 U.-/ Turkey Pies ; ,)ociaastoe rghtisydir's, . 67 3.00 .18sTr'tt:dpCachkdacSoleige8 68 3.00 70 , Surprise Package • ' 800 , . .... , , 1. Dopneyer peep. -29 95 i 'A Fry Cooker -...,:-.., ........ • ,.. , ...... 73 Toilet Seat, (mother of pearl) 10 lbs. Butter and 74 6 ,doz Eggs ..... ,.,„ ..... .„,,, , . 7 C Windshield Washer - to ,5(i 0 Dodge or Plymouth .. ... ,. - 10•00 76 1 case mixed large Orange , .- - & lime, 1 case large ginger- 10 00 ale, 1 case pepsi-cola .... . . _ • , ' Living room chair, Brown., Freize from Modern 'trend laf 0O'Holm group ,„ .. 9 42,.. Toilet Seat, any ,colour 12 00 I 0 mother of pearl 2 gallons ' Anti-Freeze Turn Signals 52, 53, 54 . 79: 80 Meteor or Ford :1 1 gal. Outside Pairit C.I.L. i gal. Supertest Anti-Freeze _6 gals., in 'citS.Super Duty. Motor. 'Oft '1,4" Mall Electric Dull Oval, ,ycllow Bath Mat Set .... • . . „„ 4.9 0. Wooden 3 - 98 Rocking Horse ..,,, . . .... .. . , • , Ladies' Naturalizes Shoes 1295. 'in ,your style and size • 2 boxes Cadbtury's. • .3 00 Chocolates „„ .............. ..... , • 6' gals. in qts. HeaVy ' .8. 20 Duty ';'1VIotor ... .. .,...., ........ . 1 gal,` Supertest . • . Shurohe Anti-Freeze T 3.75 1 First Aid Ktt. • . 5.75. Six pr: ,men's , Stretchie .Nylons ... 11,oxiOn Cornet; 3d Camera and 1795 Flash Outfit complete • Six Theatre Passes 1 Wrought Tron 17 V TV. Stool ini 0 14-ton Hard 102 101 100 99 U0 Nut Coal „ ... ....... Airv'W 'Compass for , Cat, Boat; or Plane „ 2 tins Tarrip'ff AUto Polish ..... .... Potted ..Plant er Cut Flowers 1 Christmas Cake .. . ..... 103 '811'egunele otrti•Ing 10.00 Dr, Russell Walkerton Burke Electric Hamilton Beverages Cunninghani Motors uekey Beverages,' 'Exeter 'Fry .& Blackball Limited. Plumbing Kerr Construction Crossett Motors Beaver Lumber Co.:, Ltd. A. Lunn Supertest Petroleum Suportest Petroleum Wingham Sawmill Co.,' Ltd. Walker Stores Limited -Stedman Sttirei Callan Shoe Store Lee's. Restaurant Supertest , Petroleum Supertest Petroleum MekibbOna Prug 'Store Hanna Co. Ltd. Cameron's Billiards . Hamnierttin Studio Lyceum Theatre Wingham • , Metal Fabricating. Wingham Ant° !Wieekers Winghant 1 Auto Wreckers Lewis Florist§ Canada Bread • Toast Master Eimer, Poyton 1 Bushel , Northern Spys 1-..:case Marvelube 11.1otor Oil Len Crawford Motors Canadian Tire Corporation Wingham :v`ruit Market The.Advance-Times Walker's Home VurniShings FloWson. and HeWien'Ireedi Carmichael's Dry Goods Angus Grocery. The Wallpaper Shop Machan's Plumbing Deyell Meat Market 14.95 6.00 6.50 10.00 13.25 4.40 6.00 5.70 10.50 -5.95 4.50 9.00 14.95 • 5.45 10.00 6.00 8.95 . 5.95 56 Si -3 year Subscription 57 1,,,osnuribe,.. 58 ,EWrought Iron d Table • Winghain and ra 3.00 3.00 8.50 5-•50 Bteson's 'Dairy 1,3 50 Eph Parish, 2.50 3.00 5.00 6.50 .104 1 inner eontrolBpot Light 9 a 9 41 , geritio'Y to fit almost any ear LeVf4• , Motors. t-ggiock44.4r-urogutiovtuvez• ze,o4.1.0gurzookurulguweiviowtwurgoicog*rozw.loricoiag-ms-Amtveziociow000.to.g.tge.rt.curommtur.or‘e004o•mookogicemAgutookirtoksotimuscrotioorgsgis,itiotogiguiticelagifooue4.-uunoicooirromo.cocivw.ge.gistfo*soemeagiu $ 2.00 9 Queen's Grill . ..........$ 5,00 17 Bowling Alley , . , $ 2.00 itP4,444044iirOgioctue0401kaaiiaarasa ..$ 5.00 10 Gurney "Glove Works 18 Wingham Barbe'rs' Assoc. 0040zogooigogroggoice40,004'grougglgoro" 1 Earl's Men's Wear 2 Rapp's Bakery ,.... 0.1 3 Isabel's, Beauty Shop. 4 4 A. B. Mitchell, Butcher 5 G. A. 6 Spottan't Memoriali 7 I.G.A. Store - ..foioa400. .10.AWM*1010,004144,00,00A. 8 Mason's Book Store onfoloos******.Oknot000knoloome..momtozolooda,o104.400.4tolak*****404 .$10.00' FURTHER CASH ,...$10.00 .11 Win g ham Body, Shop „ . . . .'. . $10.00 19 Eatonoi order coffie , , , . , p 0,00 , DONATIQN'S WILL B $ 3.00 ' 12 Western Foundry , .. , . , . , .'.$ 5.00 , 20 Robert Hopper - Royal T ..$ 5.00 ki,,,, ACKNOWLEDGED ,,,.$ 5.00 , 13 Formosa Spring Brewery ,...$25.00 ' , . - $ 2.00 14 floteU,Brunswick , •. - . ,.. , , . , 5.00 _ 21,. Percy Clark - Pia g :$ to.0 , !I DURING AUCTfON, .$ $.00 15 i Orvis -. BA Service Station $ 2.00 22 Gordon L. Davich,Pri , .. $ 2.00 $ 3.00 16 C, Lloyd & Son . , . . .1.• 14 . . : . , . $10.00 23 A. C.' Adams, Feed Store . ,, . , $ 5.00 ms,aooiaaiaaaoao*,aootiaaaaaiiaaya 00444-amaiwkaoagataa,toktwautoaatoorOataguiroatomak*tar***44*,10,0*-#04,1,1,0,-,1,010hisitot000kociogoe*****000‘.****01x**-46114otow-mitigionic A--