HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-05, Page 5Insure your holiday fun plans—by making -your CNTII, reservation nowl Check too, the money-saving features of our tam4y rare man. Ask about CNR Gift Certificates, ideal for holiday giving! acma4 eta comPitt CHAIRS LIKE THESE MAKE IDEAL GIFTS l!:01'inrwt,,."Mtf‘tIlni"4-41r4Iii`4"4"%tatMfaltriac410',,,!0-'4FaVirlirai41‘i'ZificUilliitteinfiatzie.Miezrz•ear.4.1,cr.cw..40,0ze- PATHE1? OCCASIONAL CHAIR Upholstered IA beautiful long-wearing coverN $26.50 in•Beige, White and Ice Pink OTIIER OCCASIONAL CHAIRS In colours OT Beige, Red, Chocolate Brown, $18.95 Gold and Coral, .Priced from - See the Tela-Rtna Revolving ROCKER ABOVE: PLATFORM. ,ROCKER Upholstered in a conlirlialtion lloUgh) Nogoliido Leatherette nod biab oath) Wool Preize ,$56.50 011-1ER RO f<E,R,S rincprilo $32.95 'Amexr..ettotgr.4.1,mvoletit MOTHER otocesove,-.44.-404=g4zwem riguisvx FURNITURE /We t rrAmo.twoztrztregogocrsg A SinAtt, DtPOSrt Witt- HOLD VOITO Gov $13xottoN UNTIL CittastIOALS es*ovVVIMMIAtrolOt., ice •!4.. VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? •.!amirafte "One of a great gift selection for Children" for toys dal Girls. Sizes 3 to'6x. A practical gift that will thrill youngsters ... they're dressy, worm protection . . . jeans of 9 oz, "Sanforized" khaki, blue or grey denim . • . with, double knees . . . lined with heavy "Sanforized" flannelette in striped or check patterns . skirts ,• come in the some fine heavy flannelette with .double elbows . . both by "Hollywood" a name you know for quality, he would be able to see and under- stand how foolish he is: TAKE PRECAUTIONS In spite of this, which will make • init:iles'14*13; •deeeratfaX, but 09. pyrarno eFtroAgH rotrtolY .k; ` who first thing to keels .; when buying a tree, 4,40.,:y: sure it is fresh; .rub Ye w% over the needles, if they co'. too easily, clan% bey, Rapp 0, oinrow.p;ig for tner, to s icing p;evet a Its Always spray with firepitojk .140, • friloarte:jaism, room. take tliP .)e0 Hove to make a tree ints0.0, space, 'tow to show the tree to. fir, advantage, how to choose this /rig,,V tree holder, and safety rules' pr 'feature. eVentfire, are also cxnlaine4 the PAIRKIINVir rit01111.411',1tiC The following verse, written by a lariner's wife was taken from r01, jtist 1Qwa pate'11w:0:f those. country. Whol*kcastrie from way out iii thi4 T .0 154'11131 woe .and make a plea For all the other boobs like the. We work likes heck, six days a week AneV'Nrehek.n. we're done we like :to, si, : .1 To our, home town to buy our eati And meet our neighbours on the, streets; We :caret take off no working day ,• And if •we do there's heck. to pay; You folks in town don't .'du that' Way., You do your buying. every day; .' To hog the streets 0 farmers'. And 3r iitggliiiiiattt:'a whyI don't think Xs You've .got our cars parked on the Before we folks sit down 'to' eat; Then we must slop hogs and feed • . the sows; 'Coax all t:he juice, from bossy cows; , Pick up the eggs, coop up the hen; Shavmeenoff the whiskers (it we're Crantit• up thefliiiver,, give her juice, Then start for town . :but what's he ,it may be spotted from the air by The streets are lined far up and searchers, Conserve your ammuni dawn - tien arid fire three shots at. Spaced th cats 011t5 who in. Every year, more and more people who are, going visiting over the holidays, go for the • ...,y(56 ....santt.' ,. WINGHAM BRANCH, 41- STRUTHERS 'Manager HIGH , SCHOOL Highlights the joy of having, one close friend who shares your innermost thoughts and` feelings, •and of hav- ing, several friends who do not know you so Well. 'He also misses the joy of sharing with, people. Sharing not only their material belongings but also their joys and the person hard to talk to- and to get along with, we Sheuld 'try to' "spread a little sunshine" and make him smile. We should en- deavor to give him something to smile about, We could begin by merely' saying, "Hello," We have all seen one of these human sphin- xes so let's dO our part in building a better world and try to get rid of those unhappy cou • ntenances. How about it? Are' You willing to try? This old world needs more smiles! Let's prove "smile and the world smiles with you" a true statement. ,by Deanne Allan XIIA S=D W k B possible to slice the number of traffic fatalities 'in half," If Ca- nadians, said the Conference, will stay'out -of accidents far a week, then repeat that pattern in the months to come, Safe-Driving Week, December 1st to 7th, would he a Success, Urging all Canadians to take every precaution and care in, driv- ing and walking on highwayS, Prime Minister St. Laurent said, "The mounting number of'injuries to Canadians and the increasing toll of Canadian lives through accidents on the highways and streets make it, essential to enlist the co-operatiOn of every citizen in this country to improve driving safety". Hen, Antoine RiVerd, Minister of Transport and Corrimunication in the Province Of Quebec, who is chair/ruin of the Canadian High- Way Safety Conference, eallS attention to the forecast that, if 'current trends continue uncheck- ed, /5 people Will die as a result bf traffic accidents on Canadian highways the first week in Deeent- her. "It is up to every individual in Canada, 'to stop this slaughter," 'said Mr. Rivard, "not alone during the first week in December, which IS being Observed as Safe-Driving Week in Canada, but all during the Year,' •• Canada's Safe-Driving Week co- incides with the beginning of a year-long "tack 'The Attack On Traffic Accidents" campaign in the Vnited Statea, In Canada, proVin:4 einl Safety leagues and govern- ment atithorities, police forces fed- eral, provinelal and intinielnal, and practically every earn/Mt/ft froth coast to coast are joining in the ormitation and promotion of gate,,briviritg Week front Deem. bet ll e t 7th: WHEN IN THE WOODS Don't get lost while hunting this fall —.but if you do,, use your head! That's the advice of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests •which ferqoently has to hunt for lost persons, during the hunting and fishing seasons. , The greatest danger, rangers, :say, is fear which • sometimes sends hunters running aimlessly through the woods until they are exhausted and drop, perhaps to perish from over-exertion or exposure, fOr nights-pare cold in the ,north noti`r. Before you venture ' out in any area, study a map of the surround- ing country, if possible, to see where major streams and lakes lie. Get 'an idea of the direction of the topography. Study the hills and valleys. Plan in advance the dir- ectien to travel and hit something you cannot fail to recognize. If you don't carry a map 'With you, make a rough sketch and pin it in a pocket or place it in your wallet, old timers adeise. ;3koti, arc, certain you. are lost and cannot tell direction at all', stay right where you are and build a. fire. In two days', at the, most, someone will probably find you and a two-day fast doesn't Usually kill anyone. Make a shelter of some kind, no matter how crude, but try to locate it in an open space, so that can he, heard miles away, "As 'soon as you realize you are lost, sit down, 'light .a smoke, and think! An hour so spent may save your life! woormnr G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 To see the "rubes" stagger up• the , street With-- butter jars and eggs and . cream But, :say, it takes a lot of steam 'To in; :that stuff Six blocks Or more. You walk until your feet get sore,. Your shoulders ache, you're seeing:: 'red, You wiSh that you were home in bed . , . It's our tOwn too, SO pIeriSe he We Want to spend our nickels there; nave watched us long enough tn see•-•-• We need- a parking 'place; by geet • Whatever you Want, saving is the surest way to get it Add regtt/otiyt9 your savings a ceptint and ya telt ymirbalancegroW. Call in today at ow nearest branch and open rare a"ecottnt We'll gladly help you, , TIIE-MAN WITO NEVER : do CNR—thesure,thecomfortableway. No matter where you're gOing, whether you're travelling solo or with your SMILES • famity--you can make your plans now!. Snow-filled skies ‘‘smile and the world smiles Or icy roads will make no, difference—yoU'll get where with you; weep and . you weep yOU Want to go, and you'll enjoy every: relaxing,tranute of alone." This is. probably one' of the Most widely known of all quota- tions, It ,IS also very true and ap- plicable to almost everyone. It would lead' a person to wonder if the man who never smiles realizes just how important a "smile is. (It, has., been said that of every- thing, you wear, a smile matters, tile most, Surely this proves, its iinportance!) He apparently does- n't, for no one wants' to be alone except. for short periods of time, When a per'son is alone, he misses almoSt everything which makeS' life" worthWhile. The same applies to the man who never smiles. He misses all the joy of friendship; • He is really an ignorant person or • CANADIAN BANK'-OF 'COMMERCE: MORE 'MAN '7$ ilRANCHES ACROSS CANADA tO SeRVE. YOU sorrowa. Also, he misses the feeling ee Be of. belonging, for who wants to in- Midnight Friday elude someone who never says a happy word? Yes indeed, the than Saturday was the first day of who never smiles does /hiss a lot. • Canada's national Safe-Driving But perhaps this man is to be Week, pitied too. He likely feels that he Canadians — both motorists and has some reason for appearing and pedestrians — are asked to work acting so unhappy. Maybe he has individually to eliminate or drasti- lost some dear, friend, or perhaps tally . reduce traffic accidents, he is starting up in, business and The Canadian Highway Safety Conference, sponsor of Safe-Driv-• things are not going too well. If he ing Week, has the supped and co- ls a teenager, he may even be in operation of Prime Minister St. the midst of writing exams! What- Laurenh the' Premiers of all the ever his reason is, he should real- provinces, and many corporations, ize that others are in the same industries and associations in this aituation. On u the other hand, if effort to out highway accidents to this man never. smiles he would the absolute minimum„, find something to complain about "HighWay hazards and human even if he had, to invent something. nature," says Canadian Highway Because of •this, he should be pitied. Safety Conference," will always be with us, so elimination of traf- fic accidents will be a little too much to expect, But with every Canadian, acting On his own, work- ing with us it is altogether • town; intervals. One of 'the handiest tools • Who seem to think it's quite a a hunter can carry is a Whistle: It treat •