The Signal, 1926-6-3, Page 1• i June WedJings Wedding Stationery in correct Corm can be had from T,he Signal at rea- sonable prices. Call and see samples. S ENTN INTO YEAR NO. 22 \' be GODERICH, ONTARIO', WILL CELEBRATE DOMINION DAY IN GODERICH Grand Tattoo in Evening to Be Outstanding Feature of the Program Go.lerich is to bare a 1)omiulOn Day lrk•bration. The Mayor's call for public meeting last Friday night did not meet with a hearty response, only eleven persm5 leiag peewee : Mayor •Maelvwru. In -puts Reeve ho- mer, Councillors Turner and Sproul, J. A. Robertson. A. Maunders, W. 11. Robertson, 1.. I. Knox. W. Grindrod, H. E:. Jenner sad T. Pritchard. How- ever, some preliminary work was done. and another meeting. with a better attendance. nes held on Tues- day night. and preparations for the celebration are now well under way. Officers of the crlebratflsa commit tee are: Honorary prestideat. lir. Wil - Ham Campbell; president, Major Mac - Ewan ; viec-prestide'd. G. L. Parsons: secretary. T. Pritchard: treasurer. F. Woolkomire. AddltJuuul mtmb•rs of executive -R. Stonebouse. R. C. Pastllthwaite. P. J. IrO,' R D. Crot1. C. -K. launders. Chia. Shack. 14. 0. Sturdy; u. W. Black, ,Q.re W. Y. ' Robertson. �o�Re Moser. (;saneiUor Tartlet. 47samei ve Sproul. J. A. Robertson. IT. E. Jenner. W. Grindrod. A. Saunders, L. L. Knox. The great feature of tbe day's pro gram w111 be a tattoo, to be beki at Agricultural Park In the evening, with seven or eight lands taking part. and concluding with a grand pyrotechnie display. This la expected to provide one best mustiest programs ever BAPTISTS OBSERVE THEIR ANNIVERSARY Sermons and Lecture he Dr. McCrimmon el Termite Te Address (toad Patrolmen The nnu crrsary' se•rvlcrs of the i Jar. Irwin • r the 1'rorinclal H igh- G.slerleh tangs 1)rtarttu.•nt will address a meet- Raptir[ church on Sunda} were among the most successful fu Ing of the patrolmen mf. (xlrrkb The News the history of the congregation. The wet/eller of the day, Dr. A. L. Me:- Crime/on. LLD.. of McMaster Univer- sity. wan heard with great interest and appreciation, especially at the evening servll•e the church being crowded. 1)r. Mrt'rlmumte. morning sermon was tatted on the words from John 10:10: "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly." fir tainted nut that Christ was both transcendent and imminent: that Christianity was not a mere intellectual formulation. but an experience. affecting every phase of the life nt men and women. Theo - 1t. 11 r wall not n•IlgiH n , the further her People get into eontrover*J Over in- tellectual concept Ions of Chelotlanity, the more they are likely. to lone the spirit of ('tirirttanity. t'brlatianity was for everyone. of -every eeadtttnn cad in every rlrrnmstanee. Theer'enitls sermon was strouglY' evangelical, ■ logical and torretut preaemtatl i SIR tbe claims a! Christ upon the lives of men. ic Slxcial muswas rendered by the choir. The soloists were Mrs. F. C. Elliott and Mr. B. C. Belches. sad Yrs. Elliott. Mrs. C. IL Humber. Mr. Bel- cher and Mr. H. Yew sang inwquar- tette. On Monday evening there was a 1' large audience to hear Dr. McCrim- mon's lecture. "His Royal' bnees. Man." Tltls was a blending of humor. pbtlosopby. anecdote and Inspiration. and was listened to with rapt atten- tion from beginning to end. At its heard in (%oderkeh- conclusion the meal pnstnr, Ret. F. C. The morning of I)onintun Day will. I Elliott. expreeud the Relight and air � re u usual. be devoted chiefly to tbe pre•elatlom of the- c., Ig Ration In chi' ekildren. In addition to the usual visit from Dr. IleCrimmon. children's games. there *19 he asps Mrs. Gashm sang two* appsoprixn• ..ectal features, of, which details Till sank bt- given 'Isirel' rmltteas have been appointed to a[etaste for eo S la antemeitles Mt - tr" township nt Hoimesvilir on Wednes- day. June 9. at 14 p.m. Gmdetieh Minstrels at W Itglsaas Premier g In its issue of Last week The Willg- ham Advotol-Timr had the follow- (►nH6n. Howard anno tag The (:csA•rk•h people who pat on the a(brrmvativeem Ib •minetrei show on W'eeinesda7 nigh ns June the very small audience a really \Peleeshy' lb k s Mr 1*erg""^^ Hospital grad be held in the a'hnrsda, even berta Beckett. Suedden. of nurses who w good show, with several new song and witty Jokes on Weal people. a few 1 of whish might have been better left 1 unuttered. of OBITUARY ('HILTON a o�x SALES BOOKS. Do you use Counter Check Books .? THE SIGNAL can supply these in all regular sizes and at the closest prices. GIVE 1'S A CALL. DAY, JUNE 3, f THE SIGNAL PRINTINtl CO., LIMITED, Publishers. the Town of Nunley then ex,relse5 *111 pm oaths 'Tetnld!� en Juni 17. Miwil- htleld. mud M ltd. are the two dnate. M Bayleld plea), Premier of els to attend and Western ([utario Mehl et itayfield In addition to .'apet.d that some p�SO111AL MENTION( Mr. John Rowier..of Detroit. spent the week -end in town. Te Organize Ladies' Bowling Cies lira. X. Rae -bier is •visiting, with her (laughter at Sarnia. 1 meeting atilt to held on Saturday, June :rib. at 7 o'clock. in the club Mrs. J. D. Stewart, of Introit, la house. Picea' strew: for the reorgan- ization 111 n ladles' bowling club. All ntererted are requested to lie premise Grain Beat Arrivals 'Th tenoning steamers di-churged corgis•• at the Goaterk•h I-let:stor the, later w. : itricollhx•, 1'24.0(x1 Lets. oi. wheat. 1: (1110 hut. of oats and :1)+.00111 bus. of ser fling.: W. 11. Matthews.' 141.(1x► hos. ,rominent Federa4 1'onse-restive will t •„ , t I wheat. s• prrarnL ry five The troop W .omnnml•d he I !Hiss MacFarlane a very Ane Int nt latines5 men of the Many Vhwara himsite Staten Godear riaars u • town and we believe they Monday was DP''urttiou Day in alae }•arcane. now of T11 many motorists at 002.442 to learn that goal progress in her mus and has been mets sful_ in year eaaminatlono for the Bachelor degree at the Unlve _Toronto. Mine MacFarlane Is alt under Dr. Ernest MacMillan. known to many Signal readers. a took the year's work in six months. wheat and 8G.l1(MI bu,C (•.I ernes. 101,0011 Inns. Of lag M. B. ('ours i s Eelna Mae - n t u. 11 i l l IN' • Ie nuking I -nutlet. her find - Musical Ity of ying ell d should have been greeted with a touch united state. larger house. The !Some Club of Detroit and other Wingham bare reason to 1e dlaeour- der took advaa" aged in their undertaking. as they visit their frienAI will be considerably out on their eon- I many came to rr^ exert. A few of the members and their Kid and on Its wives treated the visitors to a inti Notre esea In the council chamber after the show. ' of wileb tad border. C.. I. shoot The Huron County Rife League Drnggiote will hold 115 annual match at the Gott- Tb. annual des erieh ranges on Thursday. June 17.I Retail Druggist* ennlmencing at 9 a.m. The shooting j counties of Ifo'' will be at 200 and 5013 -yard ranges. , was beidat II and there will be serer oboes to ecure j Mr. J. A. Ca and one ,Ightimg shot ,(not eonver- elected prsolder' tiblc). Auy petters of sight allowed I Wigle, by the O.R.A. or L.R.A. may be used, pointed to the position to be prone witbout rest. the council of Each association entering the eompe- Pharmacy. Minn w111 be required to furnish one register keeper. without pay, and its:, Motorcycle furnish one reliable marker. The A serious aiming mark- will bre done away with. the corner of C at-e•near the the holiday to O*4ariu.'A great ch for the week - ay evening the with altos, man,' from across the Cementite' bet meeting of the ssoeiauon for the Rein's and Grey r un Thursday last. of 4:olerteh. was and Mr. E. R. ioderdch. was ap- the district on Ontario College of Coupe ('.tilde 1 occurred at la road and Nrl- and all shooters are to nee the same son street on aeaday evening. ammunition. which will be 'available when a Moto/write driven by Mr. eon the grounds. Mr. J. Webster, of NAgri! , of Abbot* and a Ford coupe, Posen, of town, ie aqd child. who t tui e*r of the rows out and re- r.hakingup. They ndra hospital. St Helen:, will be in charge of abs drives by Mr. range otlkyrs. which he will appoint tamed. •Yrs• on the day of the shoot. were MI* ' motatgclelt Purity Flour !S• -SI. C• C. II esived a Winning their first game of the fes- were y ft tor- son• the Western Commie ills e Flour M to be. tad to.eheat• d ye tit Pr Wheel ChM e eat • o ' ' o Club by 20 8. Webster at trhortetop last Thursday orening. a very inter- mesh ties eighty appointed to hours. t/ql. The newelwps•r despalcl, and'MacDonald at first played a good wring report was given by Mrs. Red - `ether the men of eighty years and was 55 foiiuws: game. each tallying four ran5.t The dila. delegate tc the convention of the •ever to occupy Bark In the morning Cobonrg. May 27. -The funeral took Home and ttehool Club Federation rade which will open the proceed first tax innings were black fur the pa place here this morning. with serf--. ant ('flub, hut they rallied In the lately held at Toronto. A short pro foga of the day. at St• wife of '1'a ertrch, of tors. Chit- ninth, scoring dz, but failed to stn. gram was given by the teachers of the A merchant in each hick was inn, w•Ife 0f Robert S, Chilton, form- The teams: id school anti by pupae of Mile Vesta chosen to arrange for the decoration eels t Purity vocal bre by h S,13bEriebe I t anise B Pa Elliott of C COUNTY COUNCIL NOW IN SESSION AT COURT HOUSE visiting friends in town. Many Applications for Position Mr. George Mcleod. of Detroit seas of Valuator for Equalization hl town for the week -rut!. allt t lana Murray. of Detroit. was of Assessment a visitor In town this neck. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Malluuge visited j friends at Sarnia on Sunday. The Jhne session of the comity ' Mts Hattie Young 1.11 town. last council opened at the court bouts• on week for Harbor Beach. Mich. Tuesday afternoon, with all the mew - Mr. Jack Mblevitt, of Detroit. slant hers, present. the eis•k-rud with fricudr in town. Warden McKibbon in addre*ing the Mies Adelaide Nairn has r,turteil 1 council congratulated the members On from a visit of 'several months at Tot- I the fact that they were meeting watt onto. •. ; no vacancies, although sums us-mis.rs Mislteen Fellows, of lk•troit. had eufered revere leases and to theta Mist. E ' spent the week -rout with relative. in `the sympathy o 1 town. tended. The county officials and nth - Mr. and Mrs. George Mace:wan and Mittees had been faithful in rarxlidg daughter spent the week -end at Wing- out the wishes of the council Ansi eke j ham. I work assigned them. The coalmines Mr. Tom ('alt. of the Cniver,ky of compoeret of Mr. McEwen and himself fthe council was et- TOroutu, la limn, for the summer va- cation.. Miss Reynold- alas returned front an ,cfi•e 'nett 114--ft-Semite-sr- 4 Toronto. Mr. and ]Ire. Harold W. Liebig. of Rev. W. H. Moss Going West The New Outlook. speaking df the! resignation of Rev. W. H. Moss from; rets his charge as pastor of the United. 01511 Mont church at Sparta. says: "Rev. W. Ii. Mose created disappointment among Miss hie congregation when he '10[91441j was the them of hl5 intention to ok eWest- dean this ern field at the a nz,,in.sConi er nee., Mr• and M as Warden had attended tile good roads; convetetios but owing 50 Mr. McEwen's being .-ailed home by the depth of his mother Ibe repot could not be as perfect as might otherwise be expected. He 1 the Warden 1 had tetrolt. spent the week -end With relit- I attended all the sessions and noted the e•s in town. . chief items of Interest. which could r. and Mrs. .las. Donaldson have he available at a later stage it d.sirdtl. ed from a week's trip on the The committee appointed to meet with r Fairmont. going as far as a committee of Bruce county council had curried ont Instructions and Mr. Itoberham, who acted as seezet* 3. would •report on this. The good roads commission• had made it Geo - melt czamination of the road system Mole, were week -end and were busy completing' the mai- 1 mates and making -very effort to keep d14 ye, TJeblg. ot'reic levy at n two -milt into. They telt week-etad with I that th, maintenance of what Ire mad- e Met)trmld, of Flint, Web.. est of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Vi- Ilenry Halstead and Mr. )toss Ina gifted young man with 1 datl$ltter, of kits of !pep and initiative..= be an suqultdtlon to the \\'est." Prior to going to Sparta, where he has leen for a year. Mr. Muter was in charge• of the thnnh at Brnmilier. Presentation to W. C. Bnagk Federal Department of Pnblie Works) Lengidge. o[ Detroit, were - i t Airing the pot week. at Toronto. was git<en a dinner a ille�e Mr and rs. Harvey Dewe Detroit. vi ed relatives in t thtring tl.e week. Mrs. 1 . Glrv4n has return from n 1,4011'5 visit with her broth and friends alajilrr Mr. Walter 1. Brough. C. E.. of the •t visitors in town, -31r. and Mrs. Detroit, spent th relatives in tower MT. Anil Mrs. Era daughter are helitktying . their former home. Donald and d Mr. r. Do Murray) r_have must be kept np to a goal s Riley a64 lord. evert if new work Ilse t0 welt. t Itrunlfurd-i Thc. ayiadattu.,nr of _aalna ual WAld i he before them and he Iwped. tiiW1 tt' Donald sure thut the most capable igen av ,il- town able would be selected. '114' Holed the fact that one of the members of Me n 1 last ,.•- Mr. R tiertw n tad of council. � ' fleeted as the Liberal itarty'wee.tbkgte in North Huron, and eouctu4ed,hls tid- e. dress by urging the hearty co-oppetr- es ` ion of the meta ' re • the 'wfltk King Edward hotel. Toronto. on Thurs- day evening last. by members of the staff of the Department and,a,few of bis business associates. Mr., 'trough is retiring from the Department after twenty-eight years of service. at Tor - wtfeb. dnitabl' Inscribed. pre- sented to Mr. Brough. J. 31. Wilson. district engineer. presided. Messages of regret were receival from Hon. Dr. King. Minister of Public Works. Mr. J. R. Gunter. Deputy Minister. and others who were unable to he prekent. J ' Misses Laura and Valerie Jefetl 1 From and Mr. Jack Clifford. of Detroit. were I tabun gi w.wk•rnri'visafnra In town. lutiv. gra Mr. Hugh Bat -elder. o1 Ludington. I orate scat VIch.. Js visiting at the home of his I lows: rubor mother. Mrs. X. Mettler. seat.• eels United States Coated ala Mr. Harold Manley, of Detrptt- ! Thee.• gr osteo °' Flour -Weir 2b, Vac na �\atmuu's class, also numbers ,pent the Werk -end nt the hmmr of his' accommodation 0f the eight blteks on the mare, and. precious to that chief of the Con- lb, aiallouRli If, Toung e. Flahif' Vise D. Dell and Mr. t son• parents, Mr. and Mer. W. T. Murney. Mr. (trough is the brother Mrs. the Schee l% ,cIeatesl for this purpsree being menu 1'o r(ntert of $ruse. Carrick rf, Duckworth D• The Club has arrangements wider; 1). Ma-o.11ald of town. Vicars. J. A. Campbell. Geo. Mac- q•aahingtou, P,C, Yrs. t>eilton teas Miss's e't.' 1l and 'ki'Maisie itIt t, of an e•yuivalent, Vicar. F .11..Wood. A. el . Geo. Fred. Webster as. way fur the annual garden lusty. date lretroft, situ! for weelk.ud with their' n daughter td the late llen[1ce and Y. (•. G-Westbrooke c. Halt 11. of which will 1)e announced later. eDIngo•' Haynes at Stratford Pectus W. itrydete.. Cl Prairie. M. Robins. J. J. )!'Ewen and Mary Ilooly 01 San Fr.ncIaeo. az - parent•, al r. a0ot step. 1'. Slain, N. i half of it r. J. W. Jnw1.tt. Re Sharman. Prldham cf. MacDonald rf. McEw'an "Dingo" Hhttctw•s, former' Galeriele gate street. tuaudlu: payment of 50 Reg. lived abroad for several yMra with Ib, Lander 3b, Nairn 2b. Cook• as. B. Lest Polite an the Job h t'. la+il star. Is b"1"1"1“.. -"we- at Mr,,, T. -O'Neil, ut West ant -- her mother and stcpfn:here F', L. Sanderson p. ,, I Last Saturday ,•veuing while walk Snatfnrd, his nets tension baring tae, -t . 91W:r.•*i-t.•r tttif tui-furalali 1 Iter. T. f Hussey, of Klnknra, visited+ NEXT WEEK 18 Zimmerman. American Vice -Consul- !}core by Innings: ing around the Square Chin of Pollee lifted by the O.B..\..t. He tisk rt I of lot 1. !Loy -Held eortce,sio part I their nsNhcr. airs. Mnn Hauser .tor•: township. for county ill/ GREYHOUND WEEK general at Bertin. When Mr. 41414441- WZ. F. V -2 1 1 0 6 2 3 0 1=20 pnl.tletirwaite set hi f lets n 'the }} was appointed Consul at Toronto in - 3d. C C.- 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 6= 9 R rah d th 1'rr5to11 uD,c plu) is I } unr' Ryui ettnl )tau \tory • for ales Big Holiday' Event for Goderieb arid 100.i. they came to Cohourg to mak,' Umpires -C. Archer at plate. 1'. District nese st (land 1 thele summer home. and inlet lir. Turner on bases Next week will is' "Greyhound ; Chilton took up permanent residence wek."' and hundreds of . people in , here. Uistfnetloa fat ,lab e d Girl and the country for many i MIsB NBI.I,LF. 41I3�i() Tile many trientine !n l:oieHch and G„el rich mil. around are preparing to enjoy' The death of Mls* . Nellie Munro, AehAeld of Minn Bernar line O'Lough- the ;smeller holiday event of the sum- which nco•urr l at her home on Sun. h mer seeaenti. day evening. is the ranee of regret he Deputy Minista•t of Eelu- g a statement of tate Leals-- n to rural piddle and sep- not. in the enmity. ale fi11� bloc owls. 3:,075.45; 5ep- ,,,t , '1.79;• total, $2.1(kt.27 ant. are or equipmcut and lotion and he council under els .let Is' (Mired to rats" The big, safe. ep•etly' and comfort-' an►ong a wide cirele of relaticw and able steamer wilt arrive at Gohertch ' friends. miss Mnnri s illness was a barbor on Monotony anti in the evening' brief one. as she wax h her usual will take out the "moonlight" ex -1 health np to n week lef,ir her death. enrsiun on the lake. under the napless I IOW seas a native of Goderteh. a of the Women's Ho'lntal Auxiliary 0f daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oralerk9i. Flnsel's orchestra will bei Janie* Munro. and had lived here all on board and will play for the dancing I her life. She is survived be one 51, - In the (:rryhnnnd's flue new ballroom. ter. Mrs. .1. Story of town. and six On Tuesday morning. at 9.90, the brothers': William. of Wood -teen, S. ill leave for Detroit. re- Dakota) James. of .s,wsnmin. Sask.: Greyhound had- a Detroit car flying a United 1t514e flag. The Chief went over to where the vehicle was parked and politely Informed the driver that be must carry a Canadian nag h St and Stripes This ton.. Hu Ite- ylleld. de' a Nina of n. Go •ctrl rpnses. • tot In -Battledore --game-- _ ea ing int, week.of ros.d»x as sutzx2 [t! Bards an r Mr., grate/ pttt: - _ in hie old position behind the bat. and ity:iu. .-f itttroit,,spent the neck end i helped win the genie for his team. Re at the home of their parents. �\Ir: and I From the Deputy Provhh1Rnl Set're - lasting the game. The Strafford lien- mi.,. 1'. J. Ryas. ' mw. ett.el.:clug..a- role' of the Act ahoy, the ora •• con -Herald says.• lU• )icn.n ata[[ne fess Itusten the owner refs*' �_ttQ _'Slue (lecturing ••Haynes. proves a t g h•tatalt•. ,uot.•r ahk4 sonnet_ that a flag could not be pttrchase.liln I He made a 'wicked' cut at the bali { Port N,t1rta sitln airs Wm.-4111H..kt'rt'nut�"nrs ipi +rY 1++i1'Ic for w' leonue aUAttttm. i {' torr of Mr. and ]its. Joseph town. This excuse did not go w.and prove.! hr and a doubt that he� mninteunn a 01 Indigents admitted to lin. daughterJ Walnut sansei, over the weekend. hosolets, with the rtlRtt P, tted to (►111 Shelia, will be interested to know the Chief and he ordered the driver to can hit, On two, fine. 1111" he drove' Mr. Fred Weston and sister. Mr-. i 1 the bill right to n riue. but in sash in- M. Iinrt.•'. of Detroit. motored over' esus batt of the amount paid from the that she hen Nat returned from a tour go over to one of the stores and buy township In which the indigent per of s(1vernl cities of Eastern United ting, which the n,.ln dJIt though evi 5tanee f' 1(r•st..a outfielder was In null ,pen. isnn.hrt' with their latr.•n1-. I to.l nil' In for the portal en three `tate,. She sum scut as delegate dearly much aselatt his will. The fr(Hlt of it. H�. fanned ,new: drew lir. and lies, .lobo \\'Seton. Itenn,tt one bane on halts anti got -a Int in the aired. I tno11ths within the fire mouths next front i'revide 41' h'5oital. Detroit, Chief 'Wood by w•lle the man the sloe to ndrnlpeimi. whores she is in her third year of the Union Jack to his car above the satisfying ninth inning suite. Haynes Mr, ;dost Nrs, ll. J. Fair...1 Ihtrott ',Hot- „licxtiuu+ for the weedier' of venilo g, t.. the National nl Nurse + Con- rStaraepos and Stripe-. The police here threw three men 0111 :tttentlring to Iform,t•ia •,1 '(iellerich s. ntnlmince the • 11 reported Meal 5three He throw" the 15111 eI,gII ,rt„ , e.1 their daughter. Lilliansnooty high cons(nlde !rola It. P. Me - Deo) held' o of the United States, which 1e re steel pevrtai like cases o%er the Michael. 11.11. 2. Swathed). and F. e- hekf only every Ace years. This year week -end. straight and true• to the liaise. The M., tri M. Francis McCormick Joyce,B. I Fita,immnns. Clinton. w5 and fa tuft% of la+eed nt IIte 1155 0(55100 of the Leg- . tmllxl nureles met 1n Atlantic City. N.J.. funs took a liking to his style.- u( 1hs. It . From the tlighwaJ Department of from May 13th to 23x4. This atf,pdnt- Water and Light ('.s,unMsit)n airs. 10 1'. Phillips. ..f East 'trees I Ontario Ovine a -Notelet -tit of the mens he without precedent. as It Is the At the *petit:; 'ot the water And w n a tarulugThflrall(,F. Thla g1Tes ra-•DAThi. of town; (George. ,•f Stratford, fat flute In the history of that hotpi- light commie -leo on Tllurslay caraonist5 two days in the city -ion Ed.. of Clinton. and F're.l. o nrnnTn.. tai that a• pupil nurse has been sent apptleattrms ter +--eetrie range- service their friends' and take in thdgbts, All except William and James were to thie eenventlout. Two weeks prev- were passed as :.•llowa: lboo. West - and at The 10* rotes It is Lull) that here for the funeral. which took place town Mfstr teLonghlln went as their hrooke. Trefalle street J. W. posse, --•-r.--• sal should Sebes loselhl,f �`- at noon to MlaiitiJld. - .delegate_to._tltAitit;hlgaet.11lets purses' Victoria street . .II*Y. Powell, Napier :ot J eT eterF. , Rec. R. 5'. VeDennid con- eoucentiun held at (lend Rapids. slecei: 7rthn` ar . ducted aloe eery Ices end the pall- With about forty nurses from differ- Laing, Elgin ac,ulre. It was derided HffeTthc Chapter gratefully accepted. band til, siasom. He has mien n 1 b•nrere were the four brothers. David, elft hoepitale of the city. Miss O'Lough- that an extra slit depoait b• regnirnd Further plans ser• mode for the ba• siticnl Willi the, Aftcraft Ellrnitnn•I Edwnrd, George and Fried. 'The fat- lin spent. on the return tri a day from tenants with electric range ser' sass and dance 10 be held nt also }'a. ('umlpnuy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Graf spent the oral wax largely attended. and the fol- sightseeing in each of the cites of vice. Mr.' J. A elkwrenc,'x applies. vilion 'nn Frt.tay, August 13th. Six Mr. Morr1- Swan11on wets np from In nddit0h New Tnrk, Washington. Baltimore tion for elestrit Beater w•ryfer Io wit nankeens historical and legeeilary Detroit torsi the week -end on 11 viii pk•litre4 torn 1.111111(111 for the ehtldretra to hie pemntnl hem.• and w:o. aeeont room. The Ahuneek Chapter has asked pante.( by two friouol5, Mr. I.ohv;trrt the Maple I•.itt Chapter to pre5thht Cline .111 Mr. Th,mns '1'rlopies. hath the nurses nt the hospital with two !winoptets out the ()tension of the gradu- ation on June 1701. Tile t'.hapter le Also preseltitg tb• .Colleglnte with Rne-s+lael'e "Landscape with Wind - get away. PERSONAL MENTION Th.. last regular lncetitee of the 044c )<Iter n icar;r oat--'ktlutatiun hy. Xtejui.4 Prot 11.1 kJ! 1:111111.1'11 the 1.onn/y orf. Su- 14111 ori the rnt►Rrtrr 1411, t a i TI til apse-fe-at tog til„ „:,s at fh,stast ts_instsire i .t> f, I f-;��' v 5 Wf,P 1' a \lflys: (:rapt. r. 1.1).1).F,.. en sitars 1st „in the 1.odt,nti,o, of the Women's institrit.. Teed ,iiuount of +tat,tueut t117U975.44 public library,. Miss Sa4keld .kindly Sir. w. 1. Smith, of Veafor.l or i. d aliment t tt,ytuent,$170.36 11,extel• tle..)11 thir!i Ion for nie (e 1p ,„g L -nth* Sntnrdny night. and ye ri. tr ad- I weld /latent • and ton nn Tnes.ktc, July Yth.�a rTt wl r pay 'b1,-, nrnlT" }il' 1144' f:aterl,h ' Road ronetru,t tot . a• 1t t/1 ('than Improvement 13.670 1'urehnee of gravel' pits week end at Formosa. Mr. John Wallace. of the University of Toronto. le home for vacation. Mr. Chap. M. Humber, of the i'ni- versity of Toronto. is spending the summer vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiker. of Stratford, spent the work -end with friends in town. . Mrs. E. 9. Acheson and Hiss Brownell. of Toronto. spent n few days in town during the week. 1)r. S. P. Campeau and Mre. ('am- pean. of Detroit. vieltes the former's brother, Rev. Father Canteen's over the week -end. Messrs. Jack anti .tilert Rates. of Detroit. spent the weekend In town. Mrs. F. Homier and eon Frank. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Rauhaus*er. of De- troit, clefted at the home of Mr C. H. Humber this week. F)rne.t Barker. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Barker, of town, has recently been awarded several Underwood and Remington wedeln for speed and ac- curacy to typewriting.. Mr. Barker 1s a sentient at the Clinton School of Commer ee. The United Fanner. of North no- rm will hold their simnel meeting end a mestere-the con?Mttlot lit the town hall, Wingham. on Friday tired- norn. inn. 11(11, at 1.30 p.m. A large attendsn.r of electmw. tseb men and Indies. le re(uated. towing iron 11ut 11t ,man. to the brothers, were present to pay and Pittsburg, arriving in Detroit on apartments 08 Hamilton 511'11 the last tribute: Mr. Carl Campion, May 260,, passed, also a emitter of tipplieatintts Toronto; Mr'. Geo. Munro. lir. George for electric lighting and the following Mauro, Jr.. Mrs. T. Simpson. Mr. CHURCH NOTES applications for' water service: Dr. H. Henry Teandte, )Ir. Toni story. strath IL. $with, for his dowelling on Wright ford: Mr. Robert Fltasimmnns. Mr. Jo-! Rey. J. Paquette. late of Tilbury, is street, and Col. 1'..H. Wog. for his scph Copp. Clinton. now In charge of, the St. Augustine dwelling on Elgin avenue. 111ee re - Catholic parish. succeeding Rev. r. A. quest of the town Cannel' flint a street McCardie, now d Ashfield. light De baot4tk»t at the corner of El- It in expected that the new assn -I; din 1104 Bennett 5sets *as referred BRIEFS Knox church garden party Ju*I elate pastor of the Baptixt chnrch will, to the engineer foes report. 16th. Reserve the date. 1 be here for nett n Y. .,.... Mr. T. 11. Mitchell has sold his cot- morning and evening and at Zion in I Another Pigeon Flight tags at Menonetnng Park to 1)r. Dewar the afternoon. I Yeeterdny m. ruing .phont twenty of Windsor. Rev. R. C. KeDermid is attending five homing pigeons belonging to Dr. A. N. Atkinann, chiropractor. `the Presbyterian General Assembly at members of tine Godertch Homing will be ont of town from Mnnday'.May ' Montreal. and in his absence Rev. Club were relented at Kitchener. The Met. to Monday. Jame ith. inclusive. (•pone Hill will preach in Knox church weather wap nntavorahle for flying The - Huron county public school on Sunday morning. and Mr. Booth. and the time node on the homeward promotion examination. will be 41.11 of the China Inland Mission, in the flight wax not as good so it would on Fdiday. June 25, and Mond5J. evening. otherwise hoer tett. The birds were Jame 28. I released nt )(Rottener at 0 &slack and Mr. Alex. Henderson, white working neckband se Jolly hies Dtowaad the leader, errata home in the fol - at n maehine at H. J. Fisher's. Hamid- Fort Wil•Ilam, Orli.. May 2R.-411. J. lowing orde•: hed had his right hand thumb James. aged nineteen, of Threat°, a OArc wner N4t(te 11.30 ive N1(t 11.80 R1 I LSR R2 12.92 80 12.42 97 12.60 104 1.06 160 LM ••.7779 1-16 OMR i.IM1 N7T72 1.418 emu ea, r severely' bruised. 1 deekhand on the steamer Jolly Ines, 1. Don't forget the moonlight exenraton was drowned this afternoon. ,non of 2. on the steamer Greyhonnd on MemoMJ ter 1 o'clock, while the boat wax being JI. evening. Jnne 7. 1 ix under the 11115- hrnught np In the dock on the Rath- 4. piers of the Women'. Honpltal An's tnlatignle River. Joliet' had Jumped 5. diary. ' to the rock with the line and appar 6. The esthete, Women's League will entl; sllppt'i into the river between 7. hold a keine-made taking *ale anti the boat end the docielt. It waw an R. afternoon tea in the vacant store. hent before the body was reenvered 9 corner of Meat street and the Squares. The atetrosn foetid en hint wee AW) 10 `en Returdav afternoon. Time 12. It Keewatin street. Toronto. 11. P. Johnston P. Johnston W. Plthlxdo W. P1thheln G. Resratrl G. Beaeom R. AIoKa y W. P9Miad0 A. Aitken P. Johnston W. Baker of Detroit."Total 5143,1►r.;.37 Mr. Thornes Cox nnnnmces the wh.-, lntf gran: gageme'ut of his prunes -et daughter. Ent Mar torte, to Francis' Herbert 450.00 itridge lon.)rte•tiot 4.4,41.40 Msintennnee and repair 6R.:)06.418 • Mneitim•ry :1.90l.3:- - -..tet • ,(n0 per rens.,.. 71.950.09 Orser. of 'Toronto, .on of lir. and lire, j 2. Expenditure made prior to M11np- . cion of revised a) -stem • mill." The menden' to look Otter, 1V. -t. (►rs.•r. Dungannon ; the mar- Road e(aeltructiup ..=111,4041iI; placing flnwrrs nn the menu:mid for ringr M take pante to Jtdy. o, a recti tlutt - 4,404J16 the month of .tune end mewl to visit Mra. s(arah Murray end pons, ell. Bridge, nnc(h tt* tee the hospital 1 I a 1 July are lieut. Foci Kenneth end Daae Banti , pelt 10 '99tATo W'nru l,. of Teeewotir. spent Sunday with their Tota) =Se,88l38� i June n. 1 .. ails. Etta Sault- and Miss Ann Mrs. Thos H,rar-.imi4iuRh r , __.__ I ' - - grandmother. Mrs. Esther Murray, at Amount V grunt One of the Finest Cars In Teem the home of Mr. and Mrs.'Thos. Jewell. I(10 per teal.).... 10312.141 Mr T 11. Mitchell. manager of the Colborne. - 3. F.v etr(t• lh' road tmpettntandP�tS' Dominion Road Vnehlnery Co.. Ltd.. Mr. and Mrs. Kett. F. (lark, of rnntPttMtlb n i 1:v pnrrhasrR a beautiful *IX -cylinder Amount Of grant ( 0 Nash sedan •Inst week from Harker Per sent.), R h >, Pontiac. Mich., motored to Southern', ton on Fyltnnlay and returned on Mon- day. vleft lag Mrs. Clarks people there. On the way they made a short stay In Goderich to see ,Mt, Clark's Iter. Dr. W. F. Clark. Mr, J. T. Goldthorpe. of Gold- thorpe. that.. wax In town for the weekend. he genas o eethosiaam for the north country and ass the xwlbilittes nt development there are almost uniimit:Gold thorpe --named after our former townsman --la only a small hamlet, as yet, but he predict, it will occupy w larger place on the map before many Fear*. _r , t20 , Infir... sv ell el11 01 , Thin ear 'stands Tota greet. .36$.134., t F 't slat by itself• with gs hotlbeauy. and Appliehtlim of calf Collegiate lnsti- ..a*1* top ,tr low -swung el bra es,w• and Tbte boatfd 1111' growl tier Enron enmity moles driving ting wheel nsi more w oneich fat ld- pupil• t,41f20;'TDe detb Noted title he makes .Tsafer and Nanom- had Rent- m r*Ny-ppditit l tSt that nn- fold In TMs la the ANasi ser t ceps. nn - mold in (:olerich, and we hope that T i 1 J T. I f it td de�lPhlaw Mimi CoWpRi 11*an not Mr. Mitchell will get pleasure and WO .regard 10 tog puD h.4 meekest no tehjtttet h'oMmunl - Inn good service from Int We use. which we J 110 td in the tl:tattetr'' ' are Mr. an he will. are all wish ApN6*Tti( fat Ilse ptttaelatl of tel tug Nr. and Men. Mitchell much hues tinter in.t441 ,,'watts .ot'thelPrfgWed Diettenets in their new home, wh it how valnatlon of the a.ariemble property In Diet been r Leh Is and thou new the cnnnty: John Gnveniock. Fgmods Naph ear, which IR the Art to drive 11t1 the new floor of the garage. ' (Cottinuerl on peg, R) ,.t r'Pews. • .5