HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-12-05, Page 1;
•"! ""'" •44,1.0
•••4,`•;•• :••
With which is entaissmated the (414slie Vidette and Wroxster News \
• •
o), rho ree••trew
18 EQUALS $800,0e—lit. Per .1aSt
iSane we parried a pictirre of. KM-
ette'Club members hanthulf„,_0V0r
OnCjitic, fnt ;200 to Mr& I; .49170Y,
superintendent o ,the Wingham
Garland Hnapita, It may not, have
been made qt.dte . cleat •that the
ilpq was only a," pertien of the
ney that the eighteen Kinette
Club meMbera raised for the hospi-
tal, In all, the girls , have raised
$800 toward the cost of rfarnishing
a room at the hospital during the,
past year. Something to be Very,
proud of Indeed.
.Q. -
.'STA ft" BOARDER -4,440d At
Monday everting's, coencil meeting
about, he welfare of a 'pig Which,
the town has been supporting until
its ovine/is lopnd, Chief,,: 'Platt
said., that it was doing. yr' Well
• "and should soon be ' ready tp eat.
Several counail member. irnmcd,
. ,
lately decided it was, time for a
municipal banquet. .
' • 0 O.- 0
WRONG MAN—We.... inern th.
hri've 'Mir troubles with •not -nine-
tieth; in TurnbertY Township: Last
week this paper -told you that W.
J. Willits was • paminat54 as a
scheel trustee.. 'Ihe nominee ,was
actually Harold Elliott.
O.:- 0 -'
TI-IANKS--The Cluti, has
asked The Advance -Times to ex -
'Press thanks to the many peeple of
' the .town who se generbusly sup:
Ported .the annualsale of peanuts
on Monday eViening. All' frinds re-
ceived go to aid in the eonstructio'n
of a new building which, will
house a. crippledchildren's. treat• :.
ment 'centre at London. '" • '
About, 50 couples ,a,re expected to
attend the 99th' Battery's annual
ruilliet Which is to ,be 'held in the
ltel Brunswick.next Monday err-
ing. Special gueatS. Inelpde
tho Rev. And Mr,s. H L Parker,
• Col. M. EL Oliver, 'Listowel and
Major T. W; Platt,.Winghatn. Vol-
'. lowing the, hannifet'the annilal
jray parade will be held in the Ar -
morales. ' • .
•• BEADS THE) • HOARD -- Mr,
' Jean Newman. Toto, tan
daughter of a ,fornier` Wingham
Taetchairt D. IA; Gcirclon,. headed the,
Boar 'of Control Toronte.. She
, • -
13atry,Wenger, left, publisher presents The AdvauCe'-"Tiine's TrOphy to the captain. of- the 'Belmore team,
Murray Mulvey, The presentation took place at:a b arajPet .f6, mernbera .of -the Irldustrial. League" which.
was held in the. queens Hotel,. Wingham, OnFriday n ight," " ': ' . - . ' ,, ' :- • . e • •• ,
. . , .
lathfLyornanqdp °r- '- z
4NO4WM**14'i • •
• Nfr., WiWain E.
• LatIghlin, ot Lircan, wish', to an-
Ireunce ,the engagementof their
daughter Hese Mre to 13tuee
William , 'son .of Mt: and Mrs,
George. Anger, . trig am. The
'Wedding Will take Place in,Wing-
, Dec. '15th.- • „ F54'
A' danee,arid draw -Will be „held
'Wroxeter.Cointriunity Hail, Fri-
day,r, rrDeeernber-• 7th. Sangster's
,Orchestra, let pr4.e,' 10 lb. turkey,
2nd duck; 3rd ehielten, 4th box of
choctilates, ,'Admiasiery. 50e Lunth.
counter: SponsOred" by the Wrox-
eter Jr. Athletic 'Clair.. .1 1-21,287h
Eettles have stated to pante in
io The Advance -Times office is the
Onristrnas coloring contest whiph
Was started in Wit welt'a Issue
of the paper,
The contest is open to all yortng.,
atera upeight year Of age, and
Prizes Will be Awarded in •two
cIassea; , children lap to..d inentd-
ing six years gf age,.and. tho3e who .
are seven and eight years Old. This
week's paper' carries, a picture of
the -prizes which will be presented
to he Winners as well as the cup,
rent, Week's pictures ready to be
In order to qualify for the Prizes'
the contestants must have submit-
ted.all: ten Pictures which wifl have
been printed in The, Advance -
Times by the time the contest
closes. lf you did not complete,
last Week'S" pictures and no longer
haVe copy of the paper at home,
tber@ are still a. few available at
The" Advance -Times- office. Hut
pleape,.don't delay, 'They. won't last
09 12P.
Full,details.and rules of the -con-
;test are contained in the contest
sect. of the paper this week If
you are not familiar with the rules
get mother or dad to, explain them
te 'you and get busy with the ,cray-
.• Pupils, of Glennanan„ are bolding
theit Christmas rconeert on Wed-
nesday,,Decembet 12' at 8,15. Dance
'„••, to .follow. Sartg@tees .orchestra:
Everyone"weledme." .Admission,
; •
adults '50c children 25e.' F5b
•• • - • '
• The Ladies' Aid' of, St, Andrew's
Fresbyterian Chrtreh is•holding, its
artralat Christmas .tea, and 'bazaar
in the chn.reh on Saturday,' Decern-
..., bet 8th at 6 ,O,Irt. There wili be
featured . 'articles "sUitable for
'Christmas giftS, , norteltles, , and
• ''herne=xtrade baling .table, Every-
one Welcome. , F5b
• AND DANCE . • •
A Christinas conceit arid 'dance
will b'hod . Bluevalo" Coinmuic-
• itr .1.1A11, TtiesdaY; Decernber llth,
at 8.80. :Ladies' in the community
• please. bring, Much. ,Daboe wtlI
follovv. 'Musk. Supplied by Sang-
, ster'S orchestra, Admission' adults
50c, childiert 25o•1 . F5*
•01'. you% BIO
Nfltitland ItAdge
held on vveotiesday, Detember 5th'
at 8 p.0t lfl the tkidt44110ves nal!,
The WhliseriN aunt' iff SC /aloes'
Anglican ,Church, VVfoxeter; will
helda. hattittrlind Act', tin Saturday
afterhOiini Deeernber 8th i -at
hi WrOxoto eMbbtlubity hii
, Panty WOrkf knitted
aPrdria, heinie baking,, fikh p�hd
touch ttnd take. Ilareelwill be
.fenturod, 'Tea 141) he *Jived.
Potdtiaber tp• held in
Ohrillith0 tofl tt'ariti -dined by
thp, Ach‘reh beinnflinity 'ha%
bedifbiota. ' bring
clh 1��i Mfg Me,
rtite 4 .
Lion, Wilf French, 'Dr.. Crawford and Norm' 'WWeed;,pictured with their president Whitney , Grose;
second from left before they set out on Monday :e,V,eiring'„With, other members of the Wingharn
Club on their annual peanut drive. All receipts; fr OM theproject will be turned 'over to aid the 'bifild•
ing of 'a treatment centre for crippled children at •LOnlinn. ••• . ' • .
Presented to Belmore\Team
The Burn. of. $45.02 was the total going .for atiethet year," Mr,
4 suggestiott;:`,....liy"..; 'Herb
that each team -in the league
should pay $5 entry :fee,' was
diseassed, but"no' 0061 'agreement
was reached.' was; however,
agreed that this -idea, for raising
leagee, funds shortiehe,eOnsidered.
In redognition of ''.'ark Gard-
ner's. ,faithfid, work at the ball
park he was presented with a
pair of snow bedta;4Winter jacket
and a cheque 'Itorni the league.
The presentationa 'Were, made by
Ken Dickson, manager, of the Bei -
more club and bje[Vie. Lorighlean.
Herb . Fuller, . W.bb suffered a
badly fractured leg .dtiring„ one of '
the ball garnea earlY in the ,suint
mer,* was Presented With' the pre-
ceeds Of • a benefit 'genic to assist
to some degree With'hiS expenses
in convection with -the
arnorint-,of: cas,h taken in by the
Industrial League last season.. It.
represents thegate receipts for. the
Icague'S bah! ganiee. It also repre-
sents what Vic Loughlean, presi-
dent Ofthe league, called:. "One of
the best, and certainly the friendli-
est seasons of ball for a long,, long ,
time." '
Vic Was 'giving a rundown on the
Industrial League's .'first season ,at
a banCfract for the players from the
Six teams in the' league, held in the'
Queens Hotel, in Wingham,' on
Friday night. • .
More than thirty players attend-
ed .the• banquet, -which was high-
lighted' by the, presentation: of The
Advance -Times trophy to, the Bel -
incite team which, topped the
league this Season and also took
top 'honours in the 'W.O.A.A."Jertiol-
'Barry Wenger, publisher of the
Wirigham newspaper, 'making , the
presentation to the' captain of the
Belmore Club, MurrayMulveY,
said that the trophy he Was pre,
senting was first presented Many
Years., age. and that the HelmOre
hOYs Were the first team: to ,hold
the trophy since it was Won by
l3eigtave back in 1952. , The trophy
had not been. Competed fol' since
that thane until this year. He ;also
Said that therr was,, plenty" of recut
On the base of the cup to accomo-,
date the names of winning teams
for many "yeara to cane, ,He later'
presented a $10.90 donation to the
Industrial League to help defray
the cost of operating the league
during the past season
Vid ilTioughlean ' was re-eleeted.
Chairman of , the 'league, 1V1ark,
Oarcliner will 'act as sodrctary and
the Managers of the tearli Will
Make tip,the bttlande of the eXeorl-
In preserftfrig ,the State.
?tient, Ltaughlean 9aid that
$45,02 had been', taken In,
the park for tight grifteS
Was the biggest ekpericliturc, •
"Out of our total ,drawings Wo
will be able , turn over to the
P.ecreation Conheit, •the' Ann", of
01,2ti, which I feel will keeP,Ithings:
London Man ' ' •
, •
Hurtin .,'Accident
.0n .Monday,.. a London ritaniAl-
fred, Ericson Was admitted. to ;the
Wingham General' Hospital after
he had.been. iejured a"cartztru`ck
collision on Highway 87, about.two
miles west of Wroxeter,
, The Ericsop car came into col-
lision with a truck driven by Gor-
don Sanderson, of R.R. 1; Bluevale.
Represent WDHS
At Fingal Banquet
Robert Campbell and Bruce
Lott represented Wingham 'District
High School at the fourth: annual
-All-Star banquet sponsored jointly
by the University of Western On-
tario and The London Free Press
held 'on Thursday night of ' last
week in the Fingal hall.
Of the 300 guests Who represent, -
ed schools with WOSSA football
teams, the boys from Wingham
were the ones who travelled farth-
est to be on hand for the banquet.
Zone ,COrthinander
Guest -of A.'.0)ciliaiy
• , •
Zone Commander ,I4uella hall
of Blyth, was gudst Speaker at the
regular meeting' of., the Ladies'
Auxiliary to the. Legton Branch,
180, Comrade Hall'.
Mrs, Harry' 'Bid-W.:xi@ -St„, with
life inembership pin, In recognition
of her service to the Amalie* fori
the past twenty Years, • • r
Ptesident, MT'S. 8 Forsyth Was
in charge Of the brisineSS; Opening
the meeting With, the. usual cere-
mony., The •secrettirY, Mr@, '
Gainey, read .$110 , toll! „call and
Minutes. The treasurers .,Mrs.
Dawson gave her report.
It was decided .to.Ifilie charge of
the Wok shop at, the, hospital for
one month, Ten members volun- •
tooted td, be on Ue 'i�'ai,;assooia
tio t� aptintOr Vie vitt: Ouides hi
Winglia.m., • • ",'
The Auxiliary catered to the
Spertsnieres. 'CIO;bancPret On
Monday, Dedernbat *rd.,
080 hundred deflate Wag donated
tothe local brain:hi; The Christ-.
bias ;WO for.tbe children Will -be
held on Deeernlier Plat, at the
towe hall. .,
12411Altr' • the tritish alse
Fifteen dollar@ WP "'donated to
The regular Meeting. 'o the 815.00 to the:0110 Mena,.
Ladies! Ahoditary to Wingham Oen.' teat Pitnd in oldbh•
'oral llospital will he hold, in the, Nohdoatiorig Were! Xeedived and
eharnbar:dir Midday aftet.. Will be voted. 04.0 rieXt Meet-
attan, Decer1ther"1„, at tilted ordock. ing, The otteding 6140 and a sec- •
.• • . . .5b al hour, f0llowet4, •
.More. than, fifty couples attended
the first annual banquet and dance
t N
• ' •
Tragic Hunting
'The strike whiCh was Started
here last, week by the ,National Un-
ion of Public Service Employees
Was terminated Friday morning.
For three days the office of the
Public Commission on
John Street was picketed by El-
wYri ChamneY, an erePloYee, S.
Holloway, a farmer employee and
the union organizer, On
day evening sympathizers *ern
outside Points were broright'in to
assist the local pickets, but . the
Strike was brought to a. halt that
evening and Mr. ;Charnney return -
,ed to work the 'following day,
The ocal Public Utilities Cern-
inisaion made no settlement with
the union.' '•
. ,
Parrott, ferrtler, reeve of
Merris Township, was rettirned te
office in MendaY's election by a.
majority of 248 votes, •fle waa op-
posed' by William Elaton, who has
been a member •of the Morris
Council for the past five years,
The successful candidate polled
429 vote; with 1.$1 for his oPPeri-
The election was for reeve only;
but a second nomination meeting
Will be held on Friday .of this week
to receive nominations for one
council seat which was left unfilled
at the first 'meeting, Nominations_
will also 'be taken forschoolboard
which was' also left incomplete. ,
Recreation Council Receives
$1000.00 Grant from Town
The last regular meeting of the
Wingham tOWn council, for the
year was held on Monday evening
with Mayor. R, E. McKinney pre-
siding, Tbe,Session all but match -
of the Wingham Sportsmen's As- ed the previous one for brevity, all
sociation. which 'was,, held in the business " being. concluded 'in an.
Canadian 'Legion Horne on Mon- hour. -. ' ,
day night, • , ' Included in the correspondence
„.R. W, Hurnmell, ,district' forester was a letter from the Wingham
for the Department 'of Lands and Public Utilities Commission which
Forests, was the guest speaker, indicated that the town will not
Hp was intreduced by the, presi- be requested to rebate the' usual
dent of the association, Slim Bou- water surplus to the PUC' this
cher and paid tribute to all sports- year.
nien's club when he told the gath-
Oring how ranch co-operation in Correspondence between the De
nartment of highways and
:eonseritation they have been giv- • the
.ing to game wardens and other
Lands and,Forests officials.
"Even in the ,shert time your
-own club bas been in existence, the
members have done a .great. 1leai
to aid the Department and Td like
co-opration'y�U haw iven,' said,
the speaker. -..-
Toasts were proposed by. William'
MacDonald, of Lucknow and A.
Nethery, Of Wirrgharn. Mrs. Ross
Wormworth and Don Hildebrand,
Wingharn, replied to the toasts.
The " association president; Slim
Boucher; reviewed" the work done
since' the association, was formed
in April of this year and urged
members to 'attend regularly so
that the club 'could continue its
work. I .
Prize winners in the fishing
competitien were announced and
the prizes presented. The first
prize for black bass went to Er-
nie King for the fish he caught
in Rice Lake. Mr. King received
a motor rug donated by Edighof-
fees. Department Store. The sec-
ond prize was won by Gordon
Beadle; Auburn, who was present-
ed with a bath mat set donated by
the Walker Store.
The first prize for pike' went to
Jack MacKinnon of Teeswater,
who won a TV lamp donated by
McGill's Radio Service.
An .addreisof welcome was giv-
en by Mayor A. E. McKinney, Af-
ter the banquet. dancing to the
music of Slim Boucher and hia
boys was enjoyed.,
The pupils of S.S, 7,. Morris will
present * their annual Christmas
Tree on Friday evening, Decem-
ber 7, at. 830. Everyone welcome,
• F54'
town was read, relative to 'the er-
ection of traffic signal lights 'at
the corner of Victoria and Jose-
phine Streets. Before, the De-
partment would authorize -the in-
stallation of tne lights a man was
sent to count the traffic , at the
corner, and since that time nothing
further., has been. heard from
Queen's Park, '
Bailer Insurance Increased
For ;several months the .council
has been corresponding With. one
of its insuring companies in con-
nection with increased" property.
damage and public liability cover-
age on the town hall boilers. The
mayor reported that he .and Conn -
calor. Wilkinson lta:d interviewed
the representative of the company
and found' that the coverage could
be increased from sio,oao to $25,000
for; arr additional' preniturh.of V.fi0
APlease turo- to page seveni,:,
. Mr. and Mrs: 'Bob' Carted; of.
CKNX,' attended the National Live-
stock Expesition Chicage over
the week -end -of ,November 23. The
big fair, which is classed with the
"Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, so
far as size and quality of exhibits
is concerned, saw a number, of
Canadian showmen reach ,the win-
ner's circle. Bob interviewed a
number of thee winners. for the
Canadian Broadcasting Corpora-
tion, as Well as filming parts of
the show for CKNX, and for the
CBC _program, "Country Calendar".
At the same time, the annual
coefereece,.of the National Asso-
ciation of Radio and Television
Farm Directors was held at the
Conrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago.
Bob was one of ,five members of
a panel diseussion which reviewed
the problems 'and challenges in-
volved . in producing farm televi-
sion productions, "Focus on the
Farm", filmed at CKNX, and
shown to the delegates, received
a good deal of discussion.
Another feathre of the meeting
was the fact that Bob Carbert was
chosen chairman of the Canadian
Region of the National. Associa-
tion. he succeeds John Brashaw,
at this post. He also continues as
a director of the Canadian Farm
Writers' Association (Eastern Sec-
tion) and of the Canadian Farm
Writers' National, group. He is also
a member of the resolutions com-
mittee of the Canadian Associa-
tion. t
,GORRIV,--Fraser ithrax4e
,Mr, and .Mr.8.. Jona 1.41g
roriveo, lra
Iinocrft`thhhee 01!Inc9C:i.:ciseliorti:tv,11'.h.0a2fp p 0,11'1 fie:a' 1130:4I;Tr, .:"
tict home Pf PeWItt
14, • 'were out bunttng, when
gun aecidentally discharged, •-•
John,was called,zi.):;cleroet tQllf picociTy'divinc'1,54
cef4i7,4rof °W°ic:17rg4'hraliiP,
The, youth" Was POrn near 'Gerrie',
Former pastor of the 'United
Church here, Rev. L. H. Currie
and MrS,. Currie this vtieek mark
the 50th anniversary of their mar-
riage. Residing in Dundas, the
couple plan to be at home to their
friends on Wednesday afternoon
and evening.
Born at Collingwood, Mr. Currie
attended the Toronto University
and Knox College, graduating in
3.906. He was ordained to the min-
istry on November 9 the 'same
year and received a call to St.
James' Church af Forest. He also
held pastorates at Grimsby, To-
ronto, Wingham, Comber and Mea -
ford. In 1951 he was appointed
assistant minister of St. Pard's
Church in Dundas.
Mr. Currie is the' youngest of
four brothera, all' now retired, who
between them have given a total
of 210 years of service lo the
Mrs. Currie was born in Toron-
to, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Aleson .at Whose home the
wedding was performed by the
Rev. Dr. A. M. Currie and the
Rev. Alexander Esler of Cookes
Church, Toronto, where Mr. Ale -
son was an elder and treasurer
for more than 40 years.
Rev, and Mrs, Currie haVe one
son, Major Currie, a gra.du
ate of the Ontario Agricultural
College and the University of To-
ronto, who now lives in Toronto.
WorenWOrtir, vitt -Picalcient ef the ViTinghabit Sportsmen's Association, on left; pletlire‘d in diactisSieh
With R• W, Donald arid A'Nethety, at the associations first atintlar banquet Which
Was ,beld ill the Legion* Iloluek, Wifigharri, 08 'Monday
-kr ,
and. attended the 'Gerrie nubile „.•
school. He had 'been employed in
Londop and was to have started
work tri' Toronto. on ,Monday, t
Be,sides hiS parents, he is ,sur-,-
vived by three brothers, Mervin
with the C,anadian Na.vy, Nova •'•
Scotia; RockY and' Mor;IS at
home; two., sisters,* Connie add, •
Darlene at home; his' granciPar-
ents, Mr. -.end Mrs, Howard Cowan, t'
Funeral 'service, will be held At ,
the, Edgar, funeral home at /30 . '
en -Nedriesslay afternoon, %Inter',
inert' in Cottle 'Ceriretery.
An inquest into the accidentwilt
-3?eJn.gba$$own bs,il
on Friday ,of thirf. week: ••; . •
•• Provincial -poll-stable -1- S.:4MS L,
conducted,' the inveStigatfoft,' , , ••• ^ I" 1
Jarhes Dennehy, Coderich lawyer
and teeently elected reeve of that
town, was the guest speaker at a
meeting of the Huron County
Publishers' Association held in
Clinton on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Donnelly had been asked to
head a forum disctission On the re,
porting of •couriell and other Meet-
ings. His remarks proved vain -
able guide as he dealt .With the
responsibility of municipal repro.
Sentatives to eo-operate in the pub,
lication of business 'Widen Is trail -
sated in the public interest. Ile
also spoke of the discretion. which
must be exercised by the reporte,r
When Matters which. properly be-
long itt the realm ok onlinitted
work are under diadusSion, Or lit
Cases Whet6 the council is dealing
With Matter@ which ars incomplete
at the thno,of diseussion.
Officers elected at the meeting
were A. Y, IVIeLean, of The Sea-
fOrth, Raton Dxpositor, president;
Laurie 'Colquirottii,. Clititen New -
Record vied -president and tarry
Wenger,Wingbein Advaridejtirriet,,
sootetaty4teitrairtet. Mt. MeLeart
andededs ,Itohert, Si:rabbi:At,. of The
Eketer ThileS-Advobate, who pre,
Sided .tit 'the gathaing.
A fife whieh' brc;ke -•oy.it about
3.30 a.m..Tuesday in ,the British
Exchange HOtel.ih 'Goderieh is be-
lieved to have, claimed "thelives
of at least three ,persons; with' an-
other two listed as missing. .; „-
his.i nThethheeh hoe pfwi.nith:rra thatthe
t!ohme hpf teho6ot er Fie :tit stated_ ;
old building, 'created on 'the cotnet
of South Street and „The %Square..
Two guests were awakened by the
smoke at about the same time ,
and both. turned in 'alarms 'and
immediately started 'to awakeb
occupants 'of ;• the rooms. One
guest was overcome by smoke and
had to be carried frem the burn. }
Thie of three persons
were recovered, Tuesday forenoon
but another two were still mias.
ing at that time and may be
added to the list of fatalities. id
entity of the -dead and missing
could not be determined but it it
thought they may have been sailors
who were registered at the hotel,.
The hotel owner said that there
was no evidence of fire when he
was aropsed at 2, a.m. to register
a late arrival. •
Fire defrartments froth both
Godericlx and Clinton fought the
blaze and offered protection to ad-
jacent home8 and business build,
ings. OccUpants of nearby striid»
tures and the beildinga' contents ,
were removed to ',safety when it
was feared that the fire Would en-
gulf the entire block,
,p-41ammertah Photo
*110 last *eek accepted
With tim 'Ainger Sewing Machine.:
Co., as Witighthri agerit, Ile, was
forme4y :empioyed 18 tho ahipplog
room: at dhitoyd & S6n. 4S rettdOt
of• toWit, „` Stt, Vanes:hip MoVed
here rAidkflOW six years ago.