HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-28, Page 11 mwmr,14,111,. lit 01, Th u rsday nig'had a1 Arena the first g is to be played between Wingham. Try 'to be th „. co, .343di on, Pick The S4rs LORRAINE FOREMAN and from New York City THE. WALLACE, BROTHERS ' Sweet ; sonooth, and .gaw 1 The Bel Air Sport Coupe natty by fisher, of tourse, with, all $haf means In extra fineness of construction, materials and details. (0) 'plete :Selection of . ERS1.0VERSHOES. AT LOWEST PRICES t• ilfe She pop Oba PM of WEDNESDAY, sii)VENIflEtt 28 :CHANNEL 8 10 to 11 ,trini HUME CRONYN AND ELAINE GRAND STARRING * CELESTE HOLM * 'TITO COBB; / '*'• PERCY FAITH ( * LARRY ADLER 1 11-,PILAR LoRENGAR _ * PETER. SELLERS * HAMILTON TRIO' „, and DON GILLIET Presented by CHRYSLER. OF CANADA and icour. local -dealert PLYMOUTH • DODGE • DE sor0 • CHRYSLER • IMPERIAL J. D. Thomas, Toronto, (seated), president of the World Plowing Association at this year'4, World . Match at 'Shillingford, England, is shown as he rode in the parade of plowmen; Next to •him is Russell Beilhartz, Bruce Station, Ontario, Canadian team manager. Best plac- ,ed Canadian in the competitions was Robert Timbers, Stouffvillo, Ontario, who' came fourth, Canadian Is Fourth Jan was Prevailed upon toaccept the acclamation and Mr. Wenger withdrew in his favour, Speaks for 1;.ablie School Scott Reid, chairman of the pj.ib- lie School board,'cited the statistics of increasing school population to show that the •addition to the Scheel which is now under con- struction had "Peeorne .a necessity, Action, he, said, was Commenced I last spring, but that formalities and red tape had •consumed the intervening time, Since building operations were started this fall progress, he Said, has been excel- lent and With a. break in the wea- ther the other walls will soon be coMPleted, He said that the board was well Pleased with their choice of both architect and contractor, E. S. Copeland, 'speantng from the floor, moved a vote of thanks to' the men in public office who have: given their time during the A's that new V8 in 'the '57 Chevrolet. It's as quiet as a contented cat and as smooth as cream . and it's cat-quick in -response when you call for action Russell Beilhartz of Bruce Station, Ontario; Canadian team manager at World Plowing Match, Shillingford, England, gives a Young admirer his autograph, while Mrs. Beilhartz looks on. Best Canadian in con- test fdr the Esso Golden Plow Was Robert Timbers, $touffville, Ontario, who placed fourth. ..eraf•Pg:1:1*I' • IRS mest Molitor crrIcicNT tNaiNts IN 'roomful) Wingham Nomination (Continued from Page One) to the remarks of candidates for office. Mr. Hanna voiced his re- gret at the small representation of taxpayers at the meeting and went on to say that a lot has been ac- complished in Wingham during the past year, Taxes he said are hound to rise with the addition of new public buildings. He also stat- ed that he believed that the town's affairs had been well and capably managed. ' Mayor R, E. McKinney also spoke with regret of the small crowd which had turned out and said that be, thought it was time the public became more interested in civic problems. The mayor said that he had worked with an excel- lent council during the past year and he regretted the loss of Coun- cillor Jack Alexander, who haS done a very fine job as street com- missiOner. Mayor McRinney spoke • <If his great satisfaction in the progress which has been shown in tho com- munity this year with the estab- , lishment of two new inclustribs, Berry Door Co,, Ltd., and CI NX- TV and the construction of a new building by C, Lloyd. & Son. The mayor also said that he could promise no reduction in taxes, ranch as he and members of the council would like to ;clo so. Re also spoke of the` phssibility that a'town manager may be nee- eSsary before too long to take over some of the detail work Which is at present being handled by the . eouticillors, • Report frOhi Cothity CletWell Reeve Roy Adair confined his remarks to a brief report of the situation at Huron County Council of Which he represeits the town of Wirightun along with deputy reeve ,roe Kerr. Among other things he wanted out that the rebate to the town on street work has been • creased from 30 "to 40%, The new County court hottae has been com- pleted at a cost of $706,000,00, a large proportion 6f which WS al- ready 'been paid. , DeWitt returned As pub4 lie Utilities Commissioner, said that all departments at 'the 15,tLC. had kseen o, completely successful s year; ouitpt7oliith ft, ilivacirrpoly ditrea uteeinsctl coniarge Part to the establishrti,ent of new industry in the Own,. The de,ben. tura debt la being steadily Teamed mat To Avoid Anaemia Foods that are rich in iron, such, as liver, kidney, beef, eggs, whele grain =eels, raisins and dried apricots, help to keep the blood in good rich condition, To prevent anaemia 'these foods should have a prominent place in• the daily diet. '.1,11111„ !!!!“,11.10101).1)ii in on rylno alto 418tOkfflan C. presents direct front Country Hoedown T.V. Show and Grand Award Winner $(1,000.) Bodmin 'Farm Forum. Discusses Soil Bank Pedmin: kit-i-ra-4'orinrrinet at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John. Nixon with attendance of adults and D. children, this week, After ,listening to the broadcast on the topic,, "The Soil-Bank idea", it was stated that it was used in the 'United States and they wonder- ed` if it should be practised in Canada. This group thought that it should be. all over Canada hut especially in the 'Western proVin- eea and in Old Canada. They thoUght that there are lands that should be properly manned and managed Into reforestation• lots. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Procter and Mr. and. Mrs. Ted Fear were pant- ed delegate$ to the annual meeting of the Huron County Farm Forntn which is to, be held at Blyth, on December 7th.. Progressive euchre was played, the top Prises g,ohig to Mrs. a A. Coultes and Carl Procter and the consolation prizes were won by Lorna Bolt and Richard Procter. The next- meeting will he held at the home of :Mr, and Mrs, Ted Fear, Officers.' Lave . Long Memories Last May, a conservation officer of the Ontario Department ,of Lands and Forests at Port Arthur, apprehended a man in the act 'of stoning a beaver. The beaver was so badly injured that 'it had to he destroyed, Circumstances at, the time pre- vented the officer from setting a date for a court appearance and the man disappeared. Shortly after the opening of • the moose season, the same officei spotted his man in a hunting party and, five months after the act, he was fined in magistrate's court for illegal killing of the beaver. Mat yea to look after die to „ husinem tlo agkAd that lie ,tat a. fine job bad been done by ckli oort.;,- verned. Beforp he closed the nmetini chairman John Fianna.' vote of appreciation to all the town employees, whose work is $1) important in the smooth furrotiotr- ing Of a modern municipality, • „. 110 Out Peering into' his driving mirryn the driver of a lorry noticed. that) his vehicle 'was on fire. into the side of the road he hastily SuMMoned the fire brigade, • 'Firemen from Melbourne, Aus- tralia, soon had the blaze under, control and :managed save the lead which, ironhIally cilough, watt a delivery of patent fire extin- guishers. 111111111111111 llllllllllll 1111i111.1111.111 lllll l 1111111111i:I lllll 11111 No household tabby sitting in a sunny window ever purred more softly than Chevy's new V8 engine.'It's so , kitten-quiet and cream-smooth that you'can scarcely even tell when It:s.idling.,. But when you nudge the accelerator, yon know it's there, all right! It pours out the kind of velvety• action that helps you be a surer, safer driver. Its right-now response keeps you out of highway emu: gencies. It overpowers, steep hills With such' ease they seem like level 'landscape. This new Chevrolet V8 is available in a wide selection of high-compression horse- powers ranging up to 2451* With 283 cu- bic inches of displacement, this beautifully designed V8 is a new, bigger and better edition Of —the engines that have put Chevrolet at the, top of the performance ladder. It's sassy, sure — but as tame to your touch' as a purring pussycat. Come try the smoothest V8 you ever put a toe to, and all the good things that go with it. Like new Turboglide — the first -and only triple-turbine automatic drive (an extra-cost option), And Chevy's own • special sweet and solid way of going. *210-14, version also available at 'extra sort. Alto Ramie( feel injection engines with ep to 283 b.p. Save time and escape boring queues by mailing greeting cards and gifts EARLY. Remember — DECEMBER 17 is 'the final date for mailing to ensure local delivery by Christmas. Ask your • Post Office for final dates for Christmas mail to distant points. Be sure you address clearly, correctly, com- pletely. Print address, and return address too, both outside and inside parcels. Wrap and tie securely. Make sure yea affix correct postag,e, and mail often through the day. Send greeting cards FIRST CLASS MAIL. They'll be eligible. for trans- - port by air, and yon may enclose a !written • message. - *JERE'S A VP= Buy,postage stamps NOW, and ovoid last.niloate rusk MAIL EARLY arid OFTEN gePEED 1 /4")&12 it 4/t 5.7+Pb.mc ANADA„ POST OFFICE N* wino shit Como ire pmetke moriato 014 V 3/410.10fr: WC*: \ CHEVROLET' and. will be completely retired in a few years, Councillor Elmer Wilkinson, as chairman of the finance commit- tee, pointed out the tremendous 'change there has been in 'public spending in the past twenty years. However, in spite bf sharply in- creased' costs, he congratulates the various committees of the council on keeping theirs down as much as possible. Councillor Burgman said that a great deal of improvement has been undertaken and completed at the cemetery. A new section has been opened which provides for an additional 175 lots. In conclusion he remarked on the fine co-opera-. tion which -has been forthcoming at all times from the staff of maintenance men at the cemetery and said that credit for the fine condition of the place was due to their efforts. Councillor Ila,railton, as chair- man of the industrial committee said that all had been gratified by the establishment of new industry in the town during the year and that at present the committee is corresponding with representatives of another industry which is 1i-1- ton:star in locating here. So far the interchange has been, of a con- fidential nature. Councillor Jack Garbutt, who has headed the fire and band com- mittee said that the band is looked after by a committee of the Lions Club and that all had been. quiet as far as the fire department was consented, There had been no large or costly fires in the town during the past twelve Months. Councillor Conron 'dealt chiefly with ,the recreational cannel), of which he has been chairman, „Ile referred the ratepayers to a full report of the annual meeting arid the financial statement of the recreation council which appears in this issue of Tho Advanee- Times, N'ea) Candidates Barry Wenger and Warren Cal' Ian had both been nominated to till the vacant council scat, The fortrier 'said that he had no desire 'to become a tnerobev of the counoil this year, but that he Would do so if it waS rteceSararY to prevent the calling of a second nomination meeting, Warran Callan voiced the name .and said that he would serve the town in this capacity if needed. k"0110Whig the Meeting ,Mr. Daly AO