HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-28, Page 9mil
1957 •
A. D. ...)MITH
C9Oncillor ,Turnberry
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Bible Society
Appoints Officers.
GORRIE—The annual meeting
of the Bible Society was held in
the 'United Church on Monday
evening, The Rev. W. V. Duch-
anan presided for the election of
Officers, when Cecil Grainger was
returned as president and Tom
Edgar, as secretary-treasurer, The
following were appointed 'as can.
A solo "Hark I Hear My Naine"
was beautifully rendered by Miss
Betty Collar. Following the sing-
ing of the hymn, "We Have Heard
the Joyful Sound", Mrs. Cairns,
missionary on furlough from Af-
rica spoke of her work there as a
nurse and gave a very challenging
message. Mr. Cairns then showed
pictures of their work and describ-
ed them very effectively.
The hymn "My Jesus, I Love III
Thee" was sung and Mrs. Har-
court dismissed the meetly in
Missionary Speaks
At iThankoffering
The Baptist Young Wompn:s
Mission Circle held their fall
Thankoffering meeting in the
church on Thursday evening with
the president, Mrs. Merrill Can-
telon in charge.
The hymn'"There's a Call Comes
Ringing," was sung to open the
meeting and ' the president led in
prayer. The Scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. Bruce MacLean, fol-
lowing which Miss Betty Collar
and Mrs. Frank Collar led in
with Old aeglialiitallePO at. getmore
arid ,Gien.arrafM, mr, %icor left
Cilenannan station"als years ago
the west,
—Miss Marion Simpson spent .
the week-end With Mr, and Mrs.
Wed Manners of Qwen So4nd,
--Mrs. W. Metric, Toronto, is
spending this weer with her sister,
Mrs. Fred Crump, Diagonal Rood.
Percy Baker, Alliance
Alberta, visited with his ...sister,
Mrs, Hazel Hickey last Week,
1:14 Cons. 1, 2 and 8, Mrs, Glad Ed- 0
gar, Mrs, Clarence Snarling; Cons,
4 and 5, Mrs. Irving 'Toner, Mrs,
Archie. Miller; Cons, 6 and 1, Mrs.
Earl King, Mrs. R. strong;
Cons, s and 2, Mrs. Harold Robin* t4t
son, Mrs. Harry Rhturie; Cons'. 10 li4/1
and 11, Mrs. Gerold Galbraith, Mrs..
Motley Bell; 'tons, 12 and 18, Mrs,,
Clarence Stokes, Mrs, Dellherf
Clew Cons, U and 15i MO. Meg'
Many Thanks I would like to take this opportunity to say a
sincere "thank you" to the ratepayers of the
Township of Flowrek in my return to council
It is gratifying to feel that the citizens of How-
ick have been satisfied with the efforts I have
made to serve faithfully in those tasks and duties
.which are the responsibility of a councillor. I
, will spare no effort to' represent you in the best
possible way.
Harvey -McMichael
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Th Yo`u!
May I extend my sincere appreciation for' my
return to the `council of the Township of Turn-,
berry by acclamation. I feel that the ratepayers of- the; township have thereby indicated their
confidence in'the service which I 'have been privi-
leged to give.
The year 1957 will 'no doubt bring its own par-
ticular Problems, but you may rest assured that
I will continue to'represent you as well as' can
possibly be done.
Heil) Foxston
TIMIMT11.1•111'04./M1' •11411111101•••1•1••••11-111011-11411••1141•6111.1111.0411•11111011,4.0.x.,1111111111.41.1••1.011111m1111111•••••••••••111/011.11.1,1111.00/111•11410•1
.Ratepayers •Turnberry
I am indeed pleased that you have seen fit to
Teturn me to your council by acclamation. Rep-
resenting you on the council has been most in-
teresting and I am keenly aware of the honor. I
you have extended to me in this regard.
I shall make every effort to see that the business
handled in 1957 is carefully considered and dealt
with in your best interests.
1M1/11..1/••••••••1.11.1111••11.1••••••••••••IT1.11 4111111•01/..11.111•1•111110•1,11•141.11.1006111110•1111111•1•111110•1101/11•11.1•1••11•1•11.11•1111.0.1111111•11.1••••111=111.,
W. Jack R 1 illits
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Thank You !
May I express' to the electors of, the Township
of Turnberry my very sincere appreciation of
the honor they have bestowed upon me in my
return to the reeveship by acclamation.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of
serving you in the past, not only as reeve of the
township, but also during the `past year as
Warden of the County of Huron.
I shall devo0 every effort to serving you to the
best of my ability during the corning year.
John V. Fischer
TII.liaiiitTainitT•iiikTm•Tearil14111111101.111,1111•111#11.11/11.1.11 111 1(111111•1111111•11.1111•11111#Pp1M/11/111••11111411111111.1•1111414111•41111111I.
Electors of Morris Township
I nerve offered myself as a' candidate for the
reeveship of the TownshiP. of Morris and'ask
your support at the polls on election day.
During the time I 1)ave served as a councillor I
have made every effort to study the problems'
twhieh face our Municipality and can assure you
that in the event of my election as reeve no
effort will be spalted to provide the most care-
ful type of )00,1 government, as well as strong
representation at 'county council.
Your support will lie sincerely appreciated.
Wilikam Els
• Mel Allen
Sincere .."Thanks
I would like to express my appreciation of the
confidence the people pf Wingham have placed
in me as a member of the town council.
It has been a distinct pleasuye to serve the rate-
payers of the town-in previous years and I will
spare no effort to which will further the inter-
ests of sound municipal government, during the
, year 1957.
W. F. Burgrnan
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electors of- Win ha
Having been returned ,as deputy reeve of the
Town of Wingham by ' acclamition, I would
like to extend my thanks to ,all the ratepayers
who have expressed their trust in me. 1
It has been iny•privilege to 'serve you as coun- .1
cillor and deputy reeve for several years and I I
have devoted my best efforts to the interests' of I
the town. I will endeavor to continue, this ser- I
vice on your •behalf during the coming year.
Joe Kerr
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Thank You
i May I say how much I appreciate the confidence
placed in me by the ratepa,,yers of Howick 'Town- !
ship who returned me to the council by acclam- 1
I ation. The honor of serving you for another
year is sincerely appreciated.
I will not spare any effort to represent you faith-
fully on the 4957 council and to strive for the
best possible year in the history of the muni- I
cipality. .
Ivan Haskins
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May I express my sincere appreciation for
the acclarriation which was accorded me on Fri-
day evening. ,
be a pleasure to serve you again as a
'member of the Wingham Town Council. The
decisions which will be faced in the next twelve
months are important to all in this community
and I can promise that they will receive my most
earnest consideration.
. TO
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Sincere Appreciation
The confidence disPlayed by the electors of the
Township of HOwick in returning me as reeve
by. acclamation is an honor that I do sincerely
appreciate. My thanks to each of you.
Having served on County Council for several
'years, I have decided to seek the wardenship in I
1957, and if ejected I will strive not only to
represent you faithfully on county council but
also to bring what honor I may to our townghip.
Harry Gowocly
him W. nanna leaves la-
ter this week to spend vacation
In Miami, viarlda.
'Ord Mrs, xl A. Magee of
Hanover spent Friday afternoon
with AfrEb Robert Wenger;,
H, L, Parl5gr. is attending
the annual Clergy 1Confeliwlce
which is being held at Chatham,.
Percy Baker and his.
Mrs, Hazel. Hickey visited
WROXETER.—.The fourth Hirron
County Rally for the Women's In-
stitute was held in dranbrook
community hall on Monday of
last week with 'an attendance of
over 100. The East Huron exe-
cutive was in charge of the pro-
gram and Mrs. Andrew Simpson,
president, presided with Mrs, Cros-
by Sotheran as secretary.'
Leslie Lake was pianist and ac-
companied Mrs. Cousins of Brus-
sels who led community singing.
In the morning session four dis-
cussion groups were led by Mrs.
,Wardlaw of Ethel, Mrs. Norman
Keating of Wingham, Mrs. Ken-
neth Johns, Etceter and Mrs. Des
jardines of Grand Bend, on the
following subjects, "HoW can W.I.
'members assist the committee set
up by the government to study the
problem of sex preyerts?" "How'
can traffic regulations and the en-
forcement of them be improved?"
"Racial Discrimination — what
does it mean to us." The appoint-
ed secretaries brought to the meet-
ing the findings of the various
Guest speaker for the morning
was Mrs. E. V. Thompson, who
spoke on the chosen theme of the
rally, "Opportunity and Service
Begin in the Home." Mrs, Thomp-
son, who is vice-chaiman of
Guelph area, as well as Confer-
ence and :holiday secretary for
F.W.I.O., urged members to take
advantage of these opportunities,
for further education as well as
relaxation and fun. Mrs. Thomp-
Pon was' introduced by Mrs. Stan-
ley Bride, ,immediate past presi-
dent for East Enron.
At noon a box lunch was enjoyed
with Cranbrook ladies providing
The afternoon speaker was Mrs.
1., D. Hendry of Galt, who also
spoke on the theme, but from the
national and international level,
Mrs. Hendry went with the dele-
gates when they attended A;C.W.W
at Copenhagen. , She hap . also
visited -United Nations. The speak-
er was introduced, by Mrs. D. S.
highlight of the meeting was
the awarding of the first County
W.I. scholarship. The winner was
Miss Mary Whyte of Seaforth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Whyte. The scholarship is for
4-H club work. The winner must
show' outstanding progress, ;devel-
opment and leadership qualities
and carry out a high calibre of
club work, Last year Miss Whyte
graduated from, a diploma course
at MacDonald Institute. She has
completed eight homemaking club
projects and is actively interested
in community activities. At present
she is a student at 'Stratford Tea-
cher's College. The award was
presented by Mrs. Stanley. Bride,
who spoke words of congratula-
tion and good wishes.
A panel discussion on radio and
television evaluation was conduct-
ed by Wroxeter W. I. Those faking
part were Mrs. , John Lane, Mrs.
'Wm. Mair, Mrs, Allen Munro, Mrs.
Frank Earls and Mrs. D. S. Mac
Naughton, ASsistant Women's
editor of CKNX-TV Miss Betty
Geisler, was present and movies
were taken of some of the activi-
A guest of honor was Mrs. Wall-
oper area, chairman, of 'London,
who spoke briefly. MrS. 4t, J. Mc-
Kellar, Kincardine, F.W.I.O. board
director for Bruce and East Hur-
on, was present and brought greet-
ings from F.W.T.O.
At the close of the meeting flow-
ers were presented to the guest
sneakers, Through the courteay of
the. Cranbrook branch afternoon
tea was served,
Thank You !
gay I extend my thanks to the
electors bt .iliewitir Township
Who Saw 'to return IiI0 to the
Connell, by acchunittiOin '
It has been an limit* to
serve you and I will toW
thine to do my beat for
.he citizens of the town.
ship throughout t h e
coming ,year.
Arthur Gibson
To the citizens of the Town of 1AT4Ighatn
for the eonficlenee you have pLacpd in me
for giving me an acclamation as Reeve
for they ear 1957.
Wishing you all prosperity and the
compliments of the season.
To Wingham Ratepayers
I do appreciate my return to town council by
acclamation .as a token of. the fact that my ef-
forts on your behalf have met with approval.
Please accept my sincere thanks for your sup-
port in this regard.
It bus been a pleasure to serve the town and in my capacity as
chairman of the industrial committee I have been happy to see
the development of new industry here. The efforts, of this
committee will be continued and increased during the coming
Earl Hamilton
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The compliment which has been extended to
me in my acclaniation as mayor of the Town o
Wingham is deeply appreciated. I have striven
to give my very best efforts for the welfare of,
our fine community in the years I. have been a ,
councillor and mayor, and it is a gratification to
find that my service has met with your dpproval.
As in ,the past, I can promise that no trouble
will be spared on my part to serve the. people of
'this community faithfully in every way.
lulnlo~o~.w~.mnm.mllmulnml•ln~nlnlnla~n ..
llllllll lllll 1 lllll 11111111 lllll 1 lllll 11119111111111 lllllllll 1111111111 llllllllllllll 11 lllllllll lllll 11111111111111111111 l 1 llllllllllll 11.
To the Electors of Morris Township
Ladies and Gentlemen,.
I have again been asked to stand for re-
election as Reeve of Morris Township for 1957.
I deem it an honour to have served as Coati-
cillor for six years and three years as Reeve. I
feel with this experience I am well qualified to
give the Township good service.
I respectfully solicit your vote and influ-
ence- on Dec. 3rd and if elected I shall do my
utmost to work for the best interest of the
Township 'and its citizens
Yours sincerely,
Bailie Parrott
i l lll Int ll lll IIIt111t I11111.11I II tf Il1111111111111111f11t11111111111111 llllllll lllll
East flawanosh Ratepayers .1
0, We appreciate the confidence placed in
us by 'your acclamation, electing us to
represent you for 1957 and will continue
0 to serve in the best interest of the town.
Harold Albert, Crump of Wing-
ham, son of M.P. Fred Crump of
Wingham and the late Mr. Crump,
and Muriel Ellen Simmons, Wing-
ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Simmons, Wroxeter, were
married at the Presbyterian manse
on Saturday, November 24th. Rev.
A. Nimmo performed the double-
ring ceremony.
The attendants were the bride's
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Timm, Wingham., The
bride wore a wood rose' suit with
navy accessories. Her sister wore
a brown suit with brown and
green accessories.
A wedding dinner was held at
the home of the bride's parents.
After a honeymoon `to Toronto,
Niagara Falls and Buffalo they
will reside in Wingham,
Kinettes Donate
To Christmas Fund
The regular meeting of the
Wingham Kinette Club was held
on Monday evening at the home of
Mrs, John C,urrie. Two guests,
MrS. Bruce MacDonald , and Mrs.
Bill Connell, were welcomed to the
meeting by the President, Mrs.
Jack Lloyd, The treasurer, Mrs.
Jim Currie, was asked to make out
the cheque to the Salvation Army
for $25,00 which is the annual
Christmas donation from the Kin-
ette Club.
Mrs. Welwood was welcomed and
proved very interesting and en-
tertaining as she read each meth-
bees tea cup. A gift In apprecia-
tion was presented by M'rs. Len
The next meeting, which ,will be
the Christmas meeting, and ex-
change of gifts, will be held on
December 10 at, the home of Mrs,
Jim Currie, After a delicious
lunch• served by the hostess, the
meeting was adjourned by the' pre-'
In Appreciatiqn
The confi4enee of the ratepayers of the Town-
ship of flowielc shown in my return to council
by :acclamation is sincerely Appreciated, It has
been a pleasure to serve the best interests of the
township and I look forward with confidence to
the coming year.
I would like to assure you that I will put forth
every effort to represent you faithfully.
'oor; Gerrie, northeast, Mrs,
POMO;Stewart,. Mrs. Gordon Un-
derfkOodl Gerrie northwest, .
Fred Kradraan; ogrria aavweast,
Miss Maargaret pane, Mrs. ;Nor-
man Wade; oorrie southwest,,
Mr, Otallaaan thatOfec
eery apd,49neetora fob
(arta in the PaSt, Thate
small. attendance at the megfAi.
is hoped that the canvas
WO, Gordon Akar, Mrs, flaraid completed before December 19ttk'