HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-28, Page 8Good News for. Homemakers Atoig-N0440.it W UP AND SMILE I Front Grocery Our Prices , Are. Lower Free We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery Monarch Raspberry JAM 24 oi. 39c stoyeivs FANCY CORN 1-§, oz. = 2 for 31c TIP-TOP CHOICE PEAS • . 20.oz. - 2'for 39c Benson's Choice 28 oz. 'TOMATOES 2 / 55c Stokely's Fancy 4S oz. .Tomato JUICE - 35c 2 Pkgs. Kraft. DINNER 29c Baker's Dot 13 oz. CHOCOLATE .. 49c ;Baker's Unsweetened 8 oz, CHOCOLATE .. 55c Iliobinhood C.hoeolate 11161/5 'oz. Angel Food MIX 59c (25e coupon) Always Fresh Betty Crocker 14 oz. Date Bar MIX . 37c Betty Crocker 15' oz. COOKIE MIX .. 37c Monarch - 4 to 6 servings (Pineapple or Cherry) Fruit COBBLER 31c Fresh Cello 20 OZ. CARROTS 2 for 21c New Crop Naval, 288's doz. ORANGES 35c Florida Sweet & truicy, 250's dOz. ORANGES 33c 21,28,5,12,19 rft•ir7kim11 l4M$1.0i111011411,411 . • . •••.••••••.4.1i,••••11 0.1•01,1141., .... f. 414,il•p04111111. ..... mm111,1.1).11 .... I.!••!Ifim ....... 21 jewel - Regular wind $23.50 I Both gold 25 jewel - Automatic $40.00 .1 filled -voDDENts JEWELLERY :I. Clinton, Ont. FEATURING w nun, 'N TUMBLE DRYING 4 • for Past Uniform Drying S SAFE LOW HEAT and 7 ail .AIR FLOW 111011-LIIMIT swrrai TURNS. OFF IN CASE OE EXCESSIVE HEAT - • LOW HEAT THERMOSTAT SAFETY for ALL FABRICS All Appliances are ti Guaranteed & Serviced ti $179695 Regular $229.95 Pre-Christmas SPECIAL -This Christmas Give a .BENDIX. CLOTHES. DRYER With cheery breakfast, your gang of sleepyheads will wake up and ::mile] Yes, knowing -what's ahead in the kitchen makes alarm clocks almost un- necessary. Start the day out rightwith a peppy thirst"quencher glasses of garden- flavored V-S, either steaming het or frosty cold, Whichever way, it's lively flavor will open up eyes and put a smile on faces, V-S juice supplies good quotas of vitamins A and C; both valuable for keeping folks "in the pink". Garnish, with scalloped' lemon slices, or serve plain, All hands will clamour for sec- onds. • Follow with a fluffy omelet, crisp bacon slices, easy hot cinnamon bis- cuits and your favorite beydage, With n little "plan ahead", the smart home- maker can make an attractive ' taste- stimulating breakfast that's ft. .1 and good as "it should be" for the most important-meat of the day, MENU. V-8 Alec Hot cinnamon .biscuits Fluffy omelet with bacon slices Coffee, Tea or Milk- FRENCH OMELET 2 eggs 2 tablespoons milk or cream• Dash. salt ' Dash pepper • 2 leaspoo/Ps batter Beat eggs until fluffy. Beat in milk or cream and salt and pepper. Melt butter in small skillet. f3our in egg mixture. Cook sloWly, over low heat. As the omelet begins to set, lift slightly with a soattfla to let uncooked portion flow underneath.' As soon as all. of mixture is set, fold; serve immediately. Makes 1 serving. VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Go CNR-the sure, the comfortable way. No matter where you're going, wh4ther you're travelling solo or with your family-you can make your plans now! Snow-filled skies or icy roads will make no differeke-you'll get where you want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute,of youritnr urp.e your holiday fun plans-by 'making your CNR reservation now! Check too, the money-saving features of our Family. Fare Plan. Ask about CNR. Gift Certificates,,i4eil for holiday. giving! Every year, mart fir going visiting over the holidays, go ;Vire people who &r:.' • ." anee-Tbinea* •WeditteSAIal. P- 12 1900' 'rt'e; Oddities 49.13hg. couples living is eat Arranged a tiniet double. tag. In: a Village church. While Anttp the ceremony the two. tiittarttbala were• injured yin .eel- :eperation :being :RAW •etieh th.e.Y. ;insisted .on being firgt. and the joint eeremony Place -While they lay on the Operating tables, • 0:4 Q 4 Q. A.Humanian peasant was "mar-. ger in 1010: to the letterbox in t. which, his dead financee had post- ed her last.letter to him six. weeks • earlier, A :',yegr later a builder erecting a house applied to the post office for perrniaSkin to remove it, as. it was, "In the way." The postmaster •.refuSed,„ saying: "The box. is sacred." . ; Three young ex-servicemen wanted to marry a pretty ,Arneri- among Hthe Nigerians and Mr. Cairns followed; illustrating his address.' with, beautiful alides,, Batt? Mr, and, Mrs, Cairns gave most tereSting accounts of their work, Mrs. Currie expressed the thanks and appreciation of the Auxiliaries to Rev. and Mrs. Cairns for tom, ing and.. addressing their mooting, After the meeting 'Was closed. lovely lunch .was served and a. pleasant social time was enjoyed, • . YOU CAN :$04.(10 IT Coated fabric wall coverings„ popular for durability in kitchens, °are Pow available in 21 new solid colors as well as in wallpaper de- signs, The „material can be scrub- bed. 04101fWAYS, AND 1kIT WATS: When trAv011Pg far From •home in our -tar;. ton. I'am'callinK'for luncheon; ,A, small. ana,elg noon, And :another sine' aimeSt 'eternally' Intinchin*.„ ' .444, I'm pager to tr'y' Someone else's nince pie, And, other folks' 'lettuce looks greener; Hut back home to stay, " I quickly display A radically/ 'different demeanor, I see with a shook That it's noon t'4 the clock, (I'd have thought it was ten without looking,) If luncheon is late, I don't mind the wait, It's a ease of not what,?pt who's cobking! ,.Got ahead of the this year and start now to clean your silver in antinipatiOn of the Christmas and New, Xpar's festivities.,, Use Polythene bags to store the silver- untll ready for use. Squeeze Put as Impel; air as j assaalide from .tha l i bags and twist the top txlgati.tight- ly, then fasten with."a, rubOt tlAii4 l 3., This keeps your sliver from tarn, ishing while last minute •details ti are being looked after. , can girl who thorn, equally well- TheY were $31 keen riflemen, so she undertook to marry the winner Of a shooting °contest In which each Mart Must fire only one Shot, Two scored a, bull's ° eye. The third was so nervous that he. :miss- e4 the target altogether, 'Turning to him, the girl said without hesi- tation.: "Alt right, I'll roam yen,' And she did! The only girl who ever heard her marriage 'banns anneenced on the radio. Was Patricia Bilton, of nendon. This tools plgoa during a broadcast. from a British warship • in which her future husband was one of the ship's company. ,.' 0 The bride of a British ..dress' designer was married carrying a • bouquet of ripe tomatoes, It wi4 explained that ;.t was the only bouquet she could, think of which blended perfectly with dress. 1114 511104) • 4'. t/w._ iiiii .......... yngllqu ...... LATEST WATCHES from Switzerland LOWEST JEWELLER, PRICES Commercial, Industrial, Home & Perm Wiring Motor Re-wind and Repair — Phone 414 • %Ingham, SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 'OFFERED. ON ALL APPLIANCES FOR EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Shop Party for a Better Choice and Save by using ,our Christmas Lay- Away Plan. Burke Electric yyyt MISSIONARIES VISIT GOFORTH AUXILIARY civilized countries. But minor ,thia- mine "ills" are probably more com- mon than we think. Dr. Russell M. Wilder of the ,United States Public Health Services, a world-renown- ed authority on nutrition and pub- The. regular meeting of the Go- forth Evening Auxiliary of St. °An- drew/a Presbyterian Church was held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday evening, NoveMber. 20. The president, Mrs. R. Arbuckle, opened 'the meeting with the call to worship and the opening hymn, "Take My Life arid Let It Be". MrS. A. Mowhray read the perip- tare and comments were given by Mrs", L. Palmer and Mrs. G. Per- rott. Mrs. W. Lott led in prayer. Mrs, C. }Litz favored the group with a lovely solo. The offering was taken and offertory prayer given by -Mrs, C. Perrott and the hymn "0 Worship the King" was sung. °. Mrs. Collar introduced the spec- ial guests of the evening, Rev. and Mrs. Cairns, who are Missionaries serving in Nigeria. Mrs. Cairns gave a very interesting ttlir on their work there and slides were shown by Mr. Cairns which, to- gether with his explanations, were Most informative. Mrs. W. Hilbert extended a.vote of thanks to Mr, and Mrs. Cairns on behalf of the group, The hymn "Prom Greenland's Icy Moun- tains?' was sung and Mrs. G. Ter- vitt closed the meeting with pray- er. A social time folloWed. It's smart to know the score on the B vitamins, When any One of the three essentials B' vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin or niacin, is low or% lacking in daily diets, re- sults can.be' startling. Take thiamine, for instance. Per- haps you've heard of it as vitamin EL It's most invariant where good digestion and healthy appetites arc concerned, If it's missed in child- ren's daily meals, resulting poor appetites Can 'affect normal growth and development. GroyintiPs who don't choose thiamine-rich foods Will probably notice nervous sump-• toms first,. They'll be extra tired, less stable emotionally and, as a result, less efficient. Of coarse other factors can produce, these symptoms too, but scientific stud- ies have shown lack of thiamine to be a common canoe: Several CA.SCS of B1 'deficiency usually end up with berberi--the disease in which sore tramped muscles, clumsiness, weight loss and often death from heart failure are dreaded symptoms, Twenty or more years ago, beriberi was com- mon in countries where refined cereals were the main staple of diet. Today, thanks to research and improved methods of food rirothic' tion -especially the enrichment Of flour and bread With m ine and other H vitairlins--advan. 'chaos of the diaeatte are rare in lic health says, "I have experimen- tal proo'f that deficiency of this vitamin (thiamine), a degree of deficiency so mild as to defy de- tection by the doctor, may provoke disturbances that are tremendous- ly significant. Courage and emot7' ional stability, with other 'qualitieS of character, deteriorate in, thia- mine deficiency before nerves to the arms and legs are affected in any way," These, along with fatigue, poor appetite and slower growth in children, are/all factors whose total effect can seriously alter health and working effi- ciency. Protection against these ills is easy to buy at a trifling cost. Foods rich in thiamine include pork, peas and beans, peanuts and whole grain or /enriched cereals and breads., The most common and the most economical of these, the rnah3r varieties of enriched white or whole wheat bakery foods, are fortunately within the reach of every Canadian family that fam- ily's surest insurance against thia- mine skimping and its effects on health and happiness. United Societies See African Films The Junior Auxiliary and the Evening Amptiliary of the. Wing- ham, -United Church met together on Wednesday evening • of last week in the Sunday Sdhool room for their November meeting, with the members of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the W,M,S, as their guests, 'to hear Bev. and Mrs, Cairns of Nigeria, Africa speak, Miss Alice Heard and Mrs. James Currie, assisted by Mrs. Murray Stainton and Mrs. Lorne MacDonald, eCaiducted a lovely devotional period. The Meeting Was opened by sing. ing a hymn whieh was followed by a prayer by Miss Heard and the Lord's prayer In unison, Miss Heard then read 'an' article on Peace. The Scripture, taken from various, parts Of the Bibld Was read by Mrs. Maenonald. Miss McGregor read an appropriate article entitled ""Colour Which dealt with, 'racial hatred. Stainton then offered a prayer. Mrs. Geo, Guest., accompanied b Mrs. Iteith McLaughlin on the piano sang beautifully "God Make' Me Bind;"' Mrs, Prank Collar introduced the guest speakers of the evening. rev. and I'Vf.rs. Cairns, who for the past 20 rears have been missionar- les in Nigeria, Africa and are spending their furlough in Canada, With their,. children, Wpb are at- tending school in Cellingweed. Mrs. Cairns spoke first telling about her Work as a trained turn 7 S1ZES 'TO CHOOSE FROM AEROPACK .. ... 884.95 WEEKEND ..... „ 24.95 TRAIN CASE .... 22.50 OVERNIGHT :„ 22.50 Fitted VANITY 27.50 PULLMAN 26" „ 34.95 PULLMAN 24" „ 29,93 (not illustrated) • detail calculated to give lker' new 'airplane baggage , brilliant new trend in styling! Give her th6 best in •modern MeBrine 'Starlire' . a In 3 fashionable easy,wash, seuti-resiStant Duralite lours sparkling with metallic fleas- .Luxurious harmony-. tone interiors . . Every pleasure. See it at OTHER PRICES TO CHOOSE FROM Ladies' Matched Twin Sets; Aeropack & Overnight Case $21450 Men's Luggage ()hailstones $10.95 and pp ' Berkley 'nags $10.95 •-,r4.74 s . BeCause No Other Medium Brings The People The Full Story ! People buy newspapers because they want ALL ' the news. That means MORE 'than local, national and international affairs. It'-also means the news of what's going on in local businesses. Where can readers get the services and goods they want' at the best bargain? Only the 'newspaper carries the full story — avail- able to read, any time! Mr. Advertiser, remember — people WANT advertising, people WELCOME advertising — PEOPLE RESPOND TO NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING! RESULTS STARTLING WHEN B1 \IIISSINfi WALKER HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 106 VVinghan-1