The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-28, Page 7• • Y • P U Meeting
The meeting of the Young
People's Union of Wingham United
Church was held on Monday even-
, ing under the, leadership of Muriel
Gowdy. Business was conducted by
Bob Campbell, The'secretary's re-
port was read by Ferne Nanstone.
Gwen,Howe was in charge of the
worship service which opened with
the singing of a hymn, followed
by the Scripture reading by Bob
Campbell. Gwen Howe led in
prayer; after which thb offering,
was taken' and a hymn was sung.
Gwen Howe had charge of the
topic, "Youth Partners United with
Christ". Dorothy ' Chamney took
the Bible study, followed by the
recreation• period in charge of
).Marjorie Moffat.. The meeting
closed with Taps.
Men billet. learn to
;' trost, respect and ep-operate with
the press 'as an initial setp in de-
,' veloping good community role-
tions, Ire, G. Needles, 'president of
Goodrich; Canada, :Limited,
'told the annual 'meeting . of the
Stratford, Chamber of., CoMmerce
•last 'Week. .
He said , that newspapers, radio
• and TV are the nerve centregyef
community thought and are entit=
led to the support of business and
'community leaders. "The prees is
determined to present both sides
Of any .situation With complete'
• 'objectivity in th6 neevs..eolitheri but
ler too often spokesmen. retreat
behind, that, deplorable reply of
"no comment," It seems that :niftily
arc reluctant to recognize that the
reporter is seeking • the truth,
• wants to tell the ctOry to the• pub-
lic, and mutt 'depend upon us to
hell). :him,"
Me, Needles urged btiSinettinon
to give every ,possible aid te•
' Otter* and to take the press into
eterifidende, Re 'cautioned against
, confusing, advettiting with news.
"The sales ttery.belnilgairi the ad.
itertieing colUim..but any news
story Is treated on the basis of its .
het**, 'Value'
The iniportande . of newspaper
deadliness, and the 'speed , which ,is
riseessiary- in 'replying to. a re port-
nes. llitestion. Were Other Met of
preei relations outlined: by . the
eiteaker. •
The regolar meeting of; the
Lions Club was held Friday at the
Hotel BtunsWick With Lion Pre'si-
dent Whitney:''Grose in , the chair.
Tailtwister, was Lion Bob Hether-
ingttin and. LicirlH.. V. Pym presid-
ed at thapiertli.
A set of •glaggee 'was raffled and
won by Lion George Howtion. A
collection Wag laken among the
members or the club for the Hun-
garian Relief 'Fund which.. will be
forwarded tlireegh*,Lions Inter-
national, amounting to, around
A lengthy cliecussion took place
regarding Lione sponsorship of the
Midget hockey team. It was de-
cided 'to spensor the Midgets to
the extent of ;150.00 plus trans-
Following the meeting the mem-
bers of the club prepared the en-
veloPes for the annual Christmas
Seal fund for the, Tuberculosis As-
sociation. • The meeting closed
with the Lions song and roar.
The teatoi0 •• hockey schedule'
has just beep announced and is as
follows: MilVerton at • Wingham,
NOV. 29th; .Wingham at Miiverton,
Dee, 4th; - Elora : at ,Wingham,
Dec. 7th; Blois, at Wingham, Dec:
10th; Mt., Forest at Wingham,
Dec. 13th 4 Winglitini, at Listowel,
Dec, 14th; TavlstOck at Wingham,
Dee. 17th; Witiglittin at Phillips-
bu rg, Dee. 1.9t6;. TaVistoek at
Wingham, Dee,' 21st; Phlllipsbutg
at Wingifanf, Dees 27th; Winghtuti
at Elora, Jan. 2fid; Mt, FOrest at
Wingham,, Jan,' .4; Listowel at
Wingham, 110,m-.7th; Wingham at
Palmerston, ;slate,. 9th; Pairinereton
at Wirigharit, Jan, 11th; Wingliam
at Mt. Porcat, Jan', 14th; Wingham
at jari, 18th; Ifilver.
ton at ArinehaM 21st;
towel at Wingham, Jan, 23rd;
Winghain. it „taViiitock, dart. 28th;
Wingbaiii, at Jan, 28th;
PhilliPtimilr at '4Winghain,. Jan.
30th; Wine** at *ft. Forest, Feb.
1st; kahaietiteli at Wingham,
Feb, 4thl Y,Vi,latfhitin at' Milvertofl,
Feb, 6th; Witigharit at IiistoWel,
Feb. 8th;. Wititiltath tivistook
Feb, 11th; 'Whilthath at
In spite of tt heavy snowstorm, more than ,100 ehildren waited at
Winbharn Stetion nit Saturday to give a, welcome to Santa, who aerriv.
ed just after 2 p.m, Santa took time err to say he was happy to be
here but he told the children• that he would have to hurry, since he
VMS headed. for the' town hall, where he would arise/et Mete Mteetions
And see that they all got a gift. He is pictured 'here just as he got
off the train with a' group of happy children who' were waiting for
by Willie Broom
:A•celeMatiens seethed to Ise 1:49.
rule 91 the day as „rkir,l !Munici-
palities In this area held oomin-
ation meetings On Friday.'
In .Turnberry Township Reeve
John V, Fischer wag returned by
acclemation, as were "tile members
of the 1000 eellncil, A, D. Smith,
W. H. Herb Foxton and
trustees. Were ,returned in the
same way; Bert Holmes, T. Ed.
ward Powell 'and Eldon iCirton,
A, 11, Smith Was' nominated for
the reeveship 'but 'Withdrew in` fa-
was also nominated , as a school
vox. of 'Mr, Fischer. W. J. Willits
trustee but qualified for the coun-
cil instead.
Reeve Harry. Gowdy, was re-
turned by acclamation in Howick
Township and acclamations were
accorded the deputy reeve, Arthur
Gibson :and the members 'of the
council, Mel. Allen, Ivan Haskins
and Harvey McMichael. Acelarna-
tio'ns alsh filled the school boards.
In East Howicit the board will be
composed of Clerence Harris, Gor-
dons, Angst and. Stewart Douglas,
and in West Howick; 'Clark Ren-
wick, Fred 'boubledee and Morley.
Election In Morris
Morris Township: will not only
see 'an election; but a second nom-
ination. Meeting will be necessary
since Bailie Farrott, ,this year's
reeve, will be opposed by William
Efetozi, who has 'been ia member of
the council for the past five years.
Elected to.' council,' by acclamation`
were':Waltet• §hOtreed, Ross Dun-
can and Stewart Prrieter. A sec-
ond emnination Will be, required to
fill' the remaining .council seat,
East Waveeriosit Township turn-
ed in a complete aeclamation, 're-
turning Reeva Orval Taylor and
Councillors john Buchanan, Or-
ville McGowan, Clarence Hanna
and Aldon Pardon. School trus-
tees will bp Itoy'Pattison, Clarence
Chamney and Jaines 'R. Coultes.
All posts in ,Ciilross Township
were filled by acclamation as fol-
lows: reeve, Michael 'Fischer;
council, John Colvin, Archie Mc-
Kinnon, Earl Dickigon, Milford
Campbell; - •
IV/NOIIA,N, ONTARIO, VVED MetWAY, 10,410,0110E1;
„ .
Two •Itten, Grant Wall, of II-R.
I101yrtred and W, Eckenswiller al.,
go of Holyreod, Were admitted to
the WI/Wheel General Hospital on
Wednesday of last week, Offering
from Injuries received When the
truck le wind; they were riding
left the road en the 8th concession
of Culrese, Grant, who is 27,SO-
fered skull Injuries and fractured
Tina, which collapsed •his left lung.
His condition was. described es
fair yesterday. Ecicenswiller was
X-rayed on Tuesday' and allowed
to go home, He suffered neck in-
juriee and, fractured bones in the
left hand..
Lawrence Wingharn, fell
last Tuesday and fractured his
right ankle as well as suffering
paieful injuries to his foot. After
treatment at the hospital he was
allowed hemp, , • ,
Robt. MeDorild, R.R. 2, Bluevale,
received injurieg when a portion of
the snowploughleg equipment fell
on his left foot. He is employed
by the Huron County roads depart-
, ment. He was taken to the hos-
pital where it was found that toes
bad been fractured. He is still in
hospital and his condition is des-
cribed as satisfactory.
George Galloway R.R, .1, Wing-
ham, while employed by the Town-
ship'of Turnberry laying drain tiles
near Bluevale, received Severe fa-
cial lacerations and head injuries
when the crane lifting the tiles
slipped and struck :him on the
head. ,Mr. Galloway was •rushed
to the. Wingham General Hospital
for treatment, where his condi-
tion is now satisfactory: The ac-
cident occurred on. Tuesday of last
James P, McGlynn of R.R. 2,
Wingham, wag injured when he
fell at a dance last Wedneeday
evening. He was treated for a
fractured left ankle grid disloca-
tion of the left foot. He is in bos-
Pital. and his condition is said to be
Heather McDowell, the four-
year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray McDowell, Belgrave,
fell on FridaY and suffered pain-
ful injuries to• her left arm. The,
child was x-rayed at the Wingham
General •Hospital, a ,sling was ap-
7:;plierli and she was allowed to ge
This condition, it is said, is not
serious, and two or three well-
placed floods, will' iron, out the
0 - 0 0
The highlight of the Wingham
Social Season took place on Friday
afternoon, 'Thirty-four ladies at-
tended the luneheon, including
eight from Walkerton, and at least
16 prospective new members, De-
spite the ravages • of Brownie's
food, a number of the ladies were
able to take, part in the curling
and the new members received
capable instruction fiont Louise
and Ella, It is rumoured that
after Lou gets another lesson and
plays one or two games, she and
Pierre will be practically unbeat-
able in the mixed Bonspiels. Sev-
eral of the other new ladies show-
ed rare form.
• 0 - 0 - 0
Bill Bain and Gord MacKayihave
the ice-making equipment running
'like a Sewing machine, The town
has, made overtures for their ser-
vices at the arena, but it was
pointed out they were needed full
time at the Club,
0 - 0 - 0
Saturday night ended this week
with a bang—thirty two taking
part in the mixed bonspiel, includ-
ing ten welcome guests from Tees.
water, it Was like old home week
again, curling with Brussels mem-
bers and others who had not been
seen during the summer months.
After the curling, sandwiches and
coffee Were served and prizes
were handed out to the winning
rinks, „skipped by Harley, Frank
and Wilf
,Coming Events
Friday, November 30th, at 2 p.m.
Ladies' Curling; 'Saturday, Decem-
ber 1st, 8 p.m., „Mixed curling;
Wednesday; December 5th, Ladies'
Boriepiel; Wednesday, December.
12th, Western Foundry Bonspiel.
E.—Confidential' note to ladies.
For Christmas give' your husband
sI membership card in the Wings
hem Curling Club. You at least
will know where he is three
nights a, week,"
iranotary Contributions:
Wingham Tennis Club '
Figtiee P.ifating .•04:)
Wingharn Kinsmen Club
Wingbam Liona Club .................... • ... ......
Wingham Kinetto Club
Belerlee. ..,/an. 1, /050; Batik, $732.7.3; petty cash, PLOT •• ..... ;;1; '73409'
Grants from. Municipality (Province). „ .. .. 41-;4M1.4 1,22.12
riecelpts from Activities
Hockey 1,132,05
Ball a 18143
'.Overage on Summer Pregr • 1;273,15 ,
otisrvAmt I, tom to NovoutEitt gt, Iwo
20.00 1,420,67
"Summer Program, M, MacKenzie ....... .... .. .. 100.00
Assistante, 51.0
Beeebell — ... .. 90,Q0.
Hockey •- • •20,00
Figure !Skating 64018
'OpeLraitaibniglitg; IlVra4suthrteenricaenc41
5.00 '
72.00 .
Interest on Overdraft
Playgroundswings — 0
Buildings &
fence 465.44 480,44
Bank $ 552,53
Petty. cash 4. .f • ... • 1,57
, $4;765,24
began with a call to Worithip and
the C,GJ.T, hymn, The study of
the Women of the Bible was con.'
tinued Gild the stories 'of Elizabeth,
Esther and lehobod Weed told 'by
Mrs, W, Tiffin and discussed
by the.groups,-Joan Colvie,
lyn Chamney and Rita Hrooit read
tile statics in the Bible from Luke
Here it something new for fin-
ishing unpainted fulteitrire, Instead
of giving ft e 'send coat of paint,
Just brush paint on lightly 'then
tub it off immediately with a soft;
lint-IMO cloth. Do about One
sqtiarefoot at a tiene. This leaves•
a hint of the eoler yet 'enhances
the grain Of the Wood, 8ffective
results , are achieved when black
paint is used in this manner,
Curling commenced on Monday,
No‘romliec 19th, and during the
entire week the club was a hive of
activity. The pre-Christmas Reund
Robin schedule is in full swing. On
Monday and Wednesday rinks
skipped by Frank McCormick and
HarleY Crawford attended the Kit-
chener.Bonspiel. Frank picked, off
the consolation prim.
0 - 0 - 0
Now that the stove has gone,' a
move is. under way to provide the
club-room with 'cuspidors, but this
was spiked when T.A.C. said the
Foundry would be glad to supply,
free, of charge, three over-sized
ash-trays. •
0' 0 - 0
The Berry Door Company is
being severely criticized for grab-
bing the services of our ice-maker,
Casey. The club is feeling this un-
fair competition, hut there does
not seem to be any answer, since
it is rumored that the larger Com-
pany Offered a slight remuneration
for Casey's work, which of course
is beyond the capacity of our club.
Casey's loss is felt all the more be-
cause his capable assistant, Fras-
er, has been hospitalized: Fraser
Is receiving a lot of get-well cards
from the Curlers, and our .presi-
dent, Doe is trying to use his great
skill to see that Fraser is soon
back at the job.
0 - 0 - 0
All. summer •and ,fall, mainten-
ance chairman Bob Hetherington,
and hie chain gang, worked- like
beavers to put No. 4 sheet in re-
pair. After one week's curling, it
now appears that this sheet is in
perfect condition, but the -reinein
ing ices ere higher and the rocks
eel s. the MAIL
Showers Held at
Community Hall
WROXETER—Sangsters orches-
tra provided music for two show-
ers in Wroxeter Community Hall
during the week, On Wednesday
night Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Struthers
(Rose Mary Adams) of Bethune
Were the guests ' of honor. Alma
McMichael read a witty address
In verse, Shirley McMichael and
Wilma Johnston presented the
couple With A gift of money
On Friday evening Mn and Mrs.
Jim Wylie (revile Cooke) were,
presented. With a gift of money,
Ben Johnston of Getrie read the
Address and Ron McMichael, made
the presentation, Jim, on behalf of
himself and his bride, expressed
appreciation, The ladies served te-
JIM and Mrs, Wylie have biked
up residence on Highway 8'7, near
the yillageof dorrie,
Miss Ruth Proctob a'nd' Miss
Marilyn Johnston, student teachers
of Stratford Teachers' College,
spent last week at. No, 2 Turn-
berry; with Mrs. Wilson Thornton.
This is their first week of rural
Mrs. Arthur. Thompson is still a
patient in VictOria Hospital, f.:in-
don, having undergone surgery
there. Mrs. Thompson's many
friends hope she will soon 'im-
Mr. Arthur Gibson, deputy reeve
of •Howick Township, had the hort-
our of presenting a lounging chair
to Warden John•Pischer of Blue-
vale at the warden's dinner last
week in, Goderich, Two hundred
and fifty were in attendance from
the county.
Mrs. W. E, Weir accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green *and
family to Termite. for the week-
end; where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Weir.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McGillivray
of Paisley and Mrs. W. q. Gibson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
George Gibson, Wroxeter South,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H; Wylie and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wylie spent the
week-end in Toronto and' on, Sun-
day attended the baptismal service
for Mary Anne, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Bradley, which
took 'place,' in Cosbourne' United
Church, Toronto. ,A reception was
held at the home, 597 O'Connor
Drive, following the service. Guests
included Mr. and Mrs, Bradley of
Kincardine, grandparents; Miss.
Mary Bradley and a great great
aunt of the baby, Mrs. Marie Saph
of Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs, Bradley was
the former Frances Wylie of.
Miss Donna McLean of London
spent the wek-end with her pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean.
Mr. Roy Gowdy, who has been
at patient in Wingham General
Hospital has imprOved some dur-
ing the past few days. His many
friends hope he may continue to
• Mrs. R. D. Hendry of Galt and
Mrs. E. V. Thompson of Guelph,
who. were guests of Mrs. D. S.
MacNaughton following the Huron
County Rally on' Monday last, were
guests of Miss Margaret Brophy
on CKNX-TV on Tuesday after-
Miss Marguerite Ford of Stouf-
fville was home for the week-end.
The December meeting of the
Wroxeter WI, will be held in the
community hall, on the afternoon
Of December 5th at 2.30, The sing-
ing of Christmas carols will "be a
feature of the meeting, Mrs. Frank
Russell of Gorrie will be the guest
speaker and her subject "The Spir-
it of Christmas". A contest will be
held on homemade Christmas deco-
rations and there will be an ex-
change of gifts, value fifty cents.
Roll call, a Christmas thought in,
verse and a donation to cheer
boxes. Hostesses will be Mrs. H.
Adams, Miss K. Hazelwood and
Mrs. Wm, Taylor,
150 Guests Attend
Masonic Banquet
w4oxerEin — rarest Lodge ' A.F. & 4.M, held Its annual turkey
dinner and ladies' night on Thurs-
day •evening with 100 attending,
Head table ,guests were introduced
by the Master of the lodge, John.
MecLean, Attending from 141S-
twice were Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Mill.
man •and Mr, and Mrs. Thopme
Variance of London, Mr, and Mrs,
W. VanWyek of Wingham,.
Introduced by Thomas Burke,
Mr, Millman entertained with
humorous stories and piano eelee-
dons, He also accompanied eom+
munity singing led by Gilbert
Mr. VanWyelt replied to a toast
to grand Lodge, Gordon. Gibson
proposed a toast to •the ladies and
Mrs, D. S. Maellaughtem respend.
ed. Les Douglas moved a vote of
thahkg to members of the Wo-
man's Association of th'e United
Church, who catered. Mrs. Stanley
Gallaher replied.
Program; •
Hockey 1,722.38
Ball - 451.24
Figure Skating - ice time 173,25
.Sumree'r Program A . 20,15
Zone Membership ,. 10.00
Broom Ball 13.50
O.R.A, Convention — o ' 25,00
Making light work of some 2,000 bags of candy are these willing
workers 'who spent Friday evening filling bags for the Christmas
candy treat the following day. Nearest camera from left to right
C.G.I.t Members
Make Tray Cards
The WhIghain C.G.I. , began
their meeting ori. l‘l'evernber 20,
With sing-song, using the new
spig-books donated by'the "Will"
Workers." The worship service
In charge of "operation candy" oh Friday evening was Ed Edigheffeet
who has organized the filling of candy. bap for the Childreres treat for
the, past three years, He is seen here :really getting doWn to the job.
The event was sponsored by the Wingharn .BughieSs AssociatiOn
president, Harry MerkleAwasi in there bagging too,
are: Lois" Baker, Barbara Merrick, Mary, Helen sMetinald, Harold
Remington, Beth Darling and Mrs. M. Nesbitt.
Yert.t's trey eards for the 'pationt
'at - the lioSpttal; • • •
• Good, Ventiletitel will. help:i
avert fatigue. During •the
the . bedree.iti Windo'W thottid• 114.`„
open, r•siti, that there is a good titti
ettlation •-al.f, with*. rie !hitiPtiet: to
health, •ssieepi • • ••
and Exodue, The devotienal eerviee
closed with a hymn and prayer..
The thanks of the Salvation
Army was extended to the girls for
serving at 'the banquet last Fri.
day. „
Voilowing the business session
Mime Theinseri ls• and Mrs, Tiffin't
groom made Christmas and New
'1 '6,,y
lir No "