HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-28, Page 6M Warren L. Stevenson Real Estate and BusinesS" Broker REAL ESTATE . Western Ontario's Fastest crowing Real Estate WANTED Agent in Winghani and District We advertise in all leading newspapers and radio. Have agents covering Western Ontario. WANTED - Farms - Homes - Businesses Small Holdings Properties of all descriptions "Borrow with confidence from HFC" More Canadians recommend Household Finance tad any other consumer finance company because they have found that HFC puts forth a special effort to help therm solve their money problems. Whether they desire advies or a dash loan, highly trained staff is ready to nerve them, If a•loan is needed for a good purposes tiey may borrow up to $1000 in one day,, with tip to 24 months torepay. So, if you have money problems, visit 11'C'-the first and most recommended in its field. SAMPLE•Taiitt I. CASH YOU RECEIVE $10.75 3011.141 510,611 756,66 MONTHLP PAYMENTS $16:00 24.00 2P'.00 40.00 HOMIER or MONTHS 12 15 04 24 Y4 may borrow with confidence front tin 1-411X44g04014-04. .--fikfl edge4WK-04-431: segfog Mifik$4,10040414-C.C1i6-04K-IfiCro*WWX144.1kgagOM:M.,‘-,'I pIiMIKU*0444V-fgliC140104001 movement, I am sure, marks a servatlon Year' in the Boy Scout rt‘,:uzgaraf4rogoopecoormigiwomictrAhNMOKIfig "The designati4. of 1956 as 'Con- ;-7.111111111111111(111111111111111011101111111(1111f11,1111111111111111111111111 011111111110111111011100111 giant step forward in the %Inert- ; • SHOPPING NEWS tion of the youth of this land, and their elders, toe, 'In the' badic •prin- ciple of wise use of all our renew" 10- able natural resources," Ithe mini 4ers ald, from Welwood's "Weare dependent for existence on the natural life around WS. There is an interdependence. in all nature, too, which ,alone- can guarantee 'coexistence. Soils' and water, forests and the wildlife liv- ing in them, all arc dependent on one another. So it is most encour- aging to us in the Department and tp myself, personally, as, minister, to see such basic truths recogniz- ed and acted upon by the Scouts through the, designation of four Conservation', Badges for them," the minister stated, • "I •understand that We Cons:er- yation Year theme- is spreading and. that world scouting will have conservation as the' international theme in 1957. That will bring the YOUth of some silty countries into a fuller understanding of comer; nation and, I trust, do much to bring ,about a letter world-cer- tainly • with greater 'economic se- curity." shopping dollars go furth0. GIFT SUGGESTIONS . Fine Sanforized Dress SHIRTS . , . $2.9 DRESS 'GLOVES, warmly lined . $2.98 pr. Lifetime SLIPS $2,98 'Floral pattern BATH TOWELS . $1,39 ea. -R CLOTHS 35c ea. •. Chenille BED SPREADS $5.95 ea Chinaware, Figurines, Pictures, GlassWare, Kitchenware BUDGIE BIRDS . , .... 4618 (from Martz lYfountain strain) BIRD and CAGE 1 $11.50 • I A.R. 8, LISTOWEL I Phone 1042 I nveistora ' ssyniciliccite, .01 CANADA, LIMI(E0 NEAD OfFIC:W!lilliPEG, OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIS da*---ar,-49-Fro-or- Is money a. $5;000 hole in your. tk, • pocket? Small sums can easily "burn holes" < in your pocket and these "losses" can add up ' tb a small fortune. How much better to put aside your small change and let it grow. An Investors Syndicate plan. Will help you. Call or write: John W. Waines I Thos. A. Jardin Phone 147 WINGIIAlti, ONT. • , ' Clulstnias Cards, Gift- Wrap, Decorations, Tree Lights, Tags, ' Seals and- Boxed Cards on display now. I , is I Strong steel SLEI9HS $3.59 to $4.98* Tots' TOBOGGAN •. , .. $2.98, DOLL PRAMS . $4.98,' $8,95, $1:5.00 'Lovely big' DOLLS, ,$4.98 to $7.95 ; " (Rubber bodies and Sayan bait.) Baking. Sets, Doll. Furnitnie, Table & Chair Sets rokinole. $4 .49 ea. ,Books, Games, Construction Toys, Electrical Toys - something here for.every age group YOU'LL FIND PRICES RIGIFIT AT' WELWOOD'S popular variety store prices, to make your Christmas • Hundreds -of Trucks',-, Tractors, Friction Toys,'? for boys. • TOPLAND is open, featuring hundreds of Toys for Girls and Boys of all ages. Select yours this week - use the convenient LAY-AWAY PLAN . . pick your `gifts now, pay a small de, posit (as low as 10%) the, Want% whenever convenient Chrome High Chairs = $11.95 Rocking Chairs = = $3.95 up Child's Table & Chairs $8.95 nit Doll Vush Carts = $2.95 up Doll Prams. $8.95 up (Actual" Picture) The fflugharft, AdV4Ilef71•INOPPeg WedistOOT, Net% 2$, ling mris 11 clAgKE o Ipitspg ow:01119N entered tthe lteeP 'from greWing any Older?" y ,4114 •4414:. Wye beard a "sure thing," replied the elleiniSt., those Wencher drags. Can "Do yett prefer arsenic Or rat Vitti Ore Me something that will poison?" Cvntennial SitQwn to•.!Oathering vonpw1.04-42-ut v.vgolqw.,. In- stitute held its November •ineeting in the community ball, This was the annual- family night and .1mm. here with -their husbands and fam- ilies numbering -1$8. sat down to a bountiful The refl. call. was answered by the husbands with "What Mahe* A Good Wife?" The majority agreed' that belonging •to the Wo- men's InstIttrte and keeping their families well fed were important: ‘'faeters, After the dishes Were 'finished, the men helping to elear-the tables, :slides were. shown. of the Howicit Centennial, The. members• ,en)oyetl seeing what rthey looked.. like 9n" Several gamee .0 euchre were played to end my' pleasant evening. . • - MUST AWAKEN TO MISSION TASK IN ORDER TO REACH ALL MINISTER -HONORS. =VS AT RALLY At the WWI* of the Mit ,certatii More than 40 fIlliereat 05.3 per cant of Pitilaclik'S 4Ind 44400 are PAW ;,ps WAS native-born, by the Palladian mining in, NMA'ED 'PRESIDENT FORDWICH-The Ladles Aux* Wary to Powielt Legion met In the meeting, President, Mrs. 'Mary Legion rooms for the November Moore was in the chair, Mrs, Mary McCann rod the minutes. A donation of $10.00 was made to the veterans at Westminster Hos- pital for the Christnias Tree Ftinct The club also donated $10.00 to buy baby clothes for a bale, which the ladies are packing for Korea. Kt's, Emma Williamson was named convener for this. Money plates for the year were handed in, also money from the iiallowe'en dance. A letter from one of the mem- bers, who is eopfined to a London Hospital, was read.. The mystery box, won by Mrs. Ross Dole' .was donated by Helen Clarke. Mrs. Nellie Allan conducted the election of officers for 1957, the results, being as follows; President, Mrs. Blythe Clarke; vice-presidents, gay Madill and Audrene Templeman; secretary, Mary 'McCann; treasurer, Helen R.R. 2, SLIGO ROAD Phone 325 Clarke; sergeant at arms, Mar- Mount Forest garet Horsburg; pianist, Annie Pittendreigh; soldiers boxes, Mrs, Ross Doig, Alvaretta Wallace and Visit our head office - Quarter mile off No. 0 highway, next Serena Austin; good cheer, Mary Moore; Mrs. X. O'Krafka and Helen Clarke; auditors, Reta New- Area Representative - John hall, ton, Kay Madill; press reporters, Mary -Moore and Jean "Sothern; lunch committee, Mary McCann; phone 116, Lucknow conveners, Jean Sothern, and Sor- ens, Austin. 1111 111,1111111111•11111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111119111111111111191191111111111111111111111111111111111, MI - II flP7- SMIRK-IP' 11110.4 : L-71 THEY RE FEELING JUST LI-1 THEY'VE WINTERIZED, 'AND ARE THEY. SNUG cis oaf We have a complete stock of Insulation Batts, Rock Wool, Micafil, at very low. prices. i STORM WINDOWS - Made5to-order 1 i• 1 COMBINATION DOORS 1 1 BUILDER'S HARDWARE PLYWOODS MALL TOOLS i-fAk101-r? POCOC/<",adotAceit..s-, irjeta.s.t_ • • to Little New York Restaurant at Itloont Forest. A WEE BIT SMUG - • , = • Siefert-Cober F 0 RD W IC H-On Saturday November 24, a quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Cober, when their eld- est daughter, -Grace Ellen, became r the bride of Lorne Irwin Siefert, • youngest son of Mr. and Mrs." Lorne Siefert, all of Fordwich. V Shower Held for Allison McCann FORDWICH-Miss Allison • Mc- Cann was pleasantly surprised on Friday night when about 20 girls gathered at the. home of „ Miss Louise Browne and presente,d the bride-to-be with a miscellaneous shower. Games and contests were enjoy- ed during the evening. Allison thanked the girls and lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by her mother; one man tells another " Grandfather of, the bride, Bishop Alvin Winger of the Brethren in Christ Church of Gormley per- formed the ceremony. The young couple will reside in Fordwich, Walter Page was at one time editor of the World's Work and, like all editors, was obliged to re- fuse a great many stories. A lady once wrote him: "Sir: Last week you sent back a story of mine. I know that you did not read the story, for as a test I had pasted together pages 18, 19 and 20, and the story came back with these pages still ,pasted and so I know you are a fraud and turn down stories without reading same." Mr. Page wrote back: "Madame: At breakfast when I open an egg I don't have to eat the whole egg to discover it is bad," HOUSEHOLD FINANCE, Secifistd, MandilOw 3411Villain Wont, *cecina floti4 phoinel 1501 GObliitlCH/Of4t WOULDN'T THIS JAR TOU-SEWER? This is a jar-type, unglazed sewer pipe used by a lotigodead Cavil ra- floe.ftwas unearthed in Par th reins, 2100 years after installa- tion, still in perfect condition vitrified clay lasts, And today's vitriOed clay pipe, re. gardless of the type of Waste, ground condition or climate, is the only pipe to enStire service to the cod of tithe. It will not de- teriorate in.any Way, eVeit tinder the demanding cOdditions found in incident Sanitary Sewers. For seri/lee at "Permanent 'as the Pyramids", specify. Vitrified Clay Pipe. Canada Vitrified • ...PRODUCTS 'Ilr1)*. • 11110/4ASf ONTAltko • 1-1951 Ford Tractor, completely overhauled, complete with plough. All above units completely vinterized, oil, grease and permanent type anti-freeze. HURON MOTORS Ltd. Winghon VOID) W, MONARCH Phone 237 , , USED CARS, TRUCKS TRACTORS FORDIVICH Ford Custom Coach with radio Ex- ceptionally good shape Dodge Coach - mechanically perfect Ford 2-Tone Coach - clean as a whip Ford 2-Tone Coach - newly painted Ford Custom Sedan automatic - a beauty Meteor Sedan very low mileage Ford Custom Coach one owner car Consul Sedan - dteap transportation Pontiac Sedan - a snap World of Electrons Opened iCentury Ago December 18th is a Centenary of great note in the world of science and indeed in the wider world too, for on that day in 1857 was born the man who first discovered the existence and nature of electrons. He was Sir Joseph J. Thomson of Cambridge University, whose spec- ulations and discoveries are dis- cussed in the Book of Knowledge. His researches, set off a series of further discoveries and investiga- tions that are still going on. One of Thomson's students was a young New ' Zealander, Ernest Rutherford, ,who afterwards be- came equally famous, He has a special interest for Canadians in that he served for a time as Pro- fessor of Physics at McGill Uni- versity, Rutherford and " another great scientific figure, Frederick Soddy, were pioneers in the field of radioactivity. Both were knight- ed for their -"services to science BLMOK.F..-- A capacity crowd fined :oehnoro PresbYterian Church on Monday afternoon of last week when Miss Agnes GOMA IIIISelell-- ary on furlough front Nigeria, ad, dressed the afternoon Auxiliaries of Maitland Presbyterial, Mrs, MapAuley, Afternoon Awe- Mary secretary for the Presbyter- ial, opened the meeting with the call to Worship and the singing of Psalm "0 $end Thy Light Forth". Mrs, Wm, Spiel's of Brussels read Psalm 103 and presented a pro, found• meditation on this spiritual gem, after which Mrs, Jardine led in prayer. Mrs, K, c. ;Press extended hearty welcome to all on behalf of the Behrfore society. Mrs. A. Mac- IntYre, of Smith Kinloss, intro. duced the guest speaker, In a brief outline of the history of the Nigerian mission, Miss Gol- lan told of the pioneers, Mary SleSsor and Hope Wade]. The fierce, cannibalistic natives have been altered and have now no hos- tility to white people, but still •live in fear and ignorance. Today's leaders in Nigeria" were educated in mission pehools and thiiugh all are net Christian, 'this influence is apparent in their attitudes. How- ever, medical work on the field is backward as fear of the witch doctor keeps many pick people out • of hospitals,-, The missionaries' aim in this field is to strengthen the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Nigeria at its centre, to help the Women's Guilds, to organize youth groups, and to conduct leadership , training courses. There is still need for trained personnel-ministers, nurses, doctors and secondary school teachers. At home women and men Must awaken to the mist sion task that Christian faith, edu- cation and medical aid' may be available to all. Mrs. G. Appleby of Belmore sang, "0 Rest in the Lord". Mrs. McClure of Molesworth thanked the speaker for her inspiring ad- dress: Mrs. Henderson, Presby- terial president, asked for a tan- gible expression of thanksgiving for the blessings enjoyed in Cana- da. The hymn, "Send Thou, 0 Lord, to Every Place Swift Messengers" and prayer by Mrs. Reid of Luck- now, concluded this' part of the meeting. When all had adjourned to the church school room for an hour of informal fellowship, Miss Gollan showed slides taken on the field which graphically portrayed her work. The Belrnore ladies served tea. .ontariols Minister of Lands and *'vreSta, the Hon, Clam D. maple- derant, paid tribute to the Pay 4eatit movement for its work :der-: ink "Conservation year" at a .stir- ring egret/tot:4Y at the Royal Winter Fair Iii Toronto recently, he spoke at the presentation, in the Depart- nienes display section, of conseP•,' vation mot badges won by some 59 menihers .of the Toronto Metro- poll tah' Region lig. Scouts' Assoc- iation, CHILDREN'S LAMPS $6.95 okopogoogot.w..o4.....*.*.o.ikoe*ioogo'oik.o..K,No0.• S. WALKEI, HOME FURNISHINGS PHONE 106 WINCH* Atolisfoopte,401,04olovtort eikoo FOLDING METAL SETS $12.95 , Decorated Zips, and Rea Trainee. ettial Plottire milapflanilliatioalill11.11.1111roolistomitilltuitatimmifiatismoms004 W. R. HAMILTO OPTOMETRIST li Thoroughness Ability Time tested Phone 37 fol. appointment • taiV-, lant Metal stand with met(il horse suspended Mt lour heavy springs, y • 1 HOBBY HORSE $24.95 Mr, and Mrs, Earl Baker and family of London visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Baker. Miss Phyllis Keith of 'Stratford Teachers' College is this week practice teaching in the Wroxeter Public School. Mrs. Ruby Forester of .Toronto, visited over the week-end at her home here. . , Mr, Peter Chiomey of Port Col- borne visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Alex Keith, Mr. , and Mrs. Fred Siefert of Galt attended the Cober-Siefert wedding in Fordwich on Saturday. Mrs. Millie Burns and Mr. Alfred' Jones of Guelph, visited over the week-end With Mr. and Mri. Wil- liam Sothern, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Nuhu and children of Gowanstown visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haase and family of Winthrop visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement, Mrs. Emma Williamson is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson at Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs, Art Wells .and little son of •London, visited on Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton. Mr. Edward Doig left on Monday for Smooth Rock, where he will be employed for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling and Mr. and Mrs. Val Schinhein of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schinbein at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Bird and daughter of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Rev. -and Mrs. J. H. Hird. Mr. and Mrs. Art ForeSeer IS visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tomlin at Detroit, Michigan. Mr. Jack Foster of Toronto, vis- ited over the week-end -with his mother, Mrs, Ruby Foster'. Miss Helen Knight of Teachers' College, Stratford is practfde tea-* thing this week at the Fordwieh school. - Mr. Melvin Batters of Eatonia, Sask., is visiting for the winter months with his cousins, Misses Letitia and Louise Matthews. Mrs. Fred Demerling spent several days last week visiting friends in VVoodsteck and London. Miss Edith Goggin moved her household goods last week to the apartment over Harvey IVIeDer- mitt's store. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bateman (Joan Hainstock) on the birth of a daughter at Myers Nursing Home in Brussels. Mrs. Geo. Holland underwent a minor operation in the Palmerston Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wade of Beigrave visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Wade and Miss Beatrice. and medicine. 1-1955 4-1955 1-1954 1-1954 1-1953 1-1953 1-1953 1-1951 1-1950 olIMINUMPOIRIPM"M•Nowmenergemmenow.......... "lulu mum iimiiirnowommoomiai ioninimmollai