HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-28, Page 4MOM FOR ,SALE (0D BUM' for sale by the quar- ter. Beef killed under license 'front the Department of Health, Choice Hereford yearlings, RAY- VARD ACKERT), Holy roc) phone 24-30, Ripley. 16rrb 'SAVH ON home furnishings now at Smitty's in Hanover, 7th Annie vereary Sale. $10,00 off the .regular price on all name brim& mattresses; 20% off regular Price of broadloom. Save from $00,00 to $120.00 oki (JIMMY bed--room. and chesterfield suites. 8% etz, ft. Norge, deluxe refriger. atom tog. $299 for only 8199.00 at Sreitty'e Shopping Centre, Ltd., Hanover. Free delivery, 14,21,281) et A Completely New Kind of TV Antenna CBANNLL if AS TEN,FL,„, Revolutionary "Travelling Wave" design stops "snow," "ghosts," and interference / Now, you can have picture quality never before possible' in this area, Channel Master is first to bring you an antenna with the powerful "7ravellihg Wave" principle, for best re' •ception, The "Travelling Wave" reinforces your picture, signalt electronically, and 'moots .all interference and unwanted signals. Channel Master's new T.W will improVe TV reception on all channels (2.1 3), on the some set you're 'now using, Over S times stranger than any other entennol ,Lasts years longerl Reconunended for COLOR TV MeGIL IL RADIO and TELEVISION, amo sionirom mtirizmilo WE SEW' Phone Vitinghatik Hullo Folks! Following, Passing and Bright. Lights In the past we've talked a hit about safety, speed lawn and the testing of cars. But, as the old saying goes, the most im- portant part of a car is the nut behind the wheel. BOd driving I've always felt, comes more-from not knoWing the rulee 'than- from outright cussedness. For driving on the open highway the thre&things that worry us most, I think, are how closely should you follow'? 'How much room should you allow to pass? How can you defend yourself' from bright lights? When the driving is good, the weather clear arid' the highway fairly, straight, the best rule is to allow one car length between you and the fellow up ,aheacl for every 10 miles an hour of speed. At 50 miles an hour, therefore, you should be at least five car lengths behind. At 60 Miles• an hour it takes at least,/(1,1,„,, seconds to pass another ear and you Should have at least 600 feet of clear, straight road ahead: Keep in mind that for safe passing you need the length of two football fields, a long,. long' way. (rd sooner be driving it than running' it). The rule on headlight, glare is better known: keep your eyes, on the right hand side of the road. That keeps you on the road and helps to keep the light out of your eyes. LORNE McDONALD And, of course, every nut in the car - ex- cept the one behind the, wheel - should be thor- oughly tight. A sound, reliable car is not only a big step towards cars safety in itself, it gives you, as the owner, a peace of mind the brings happier, safer 'driving. That's why the on ouir lase( car lot' are tested, tightened and tried, before they're ever shown to you. Next week's colUmn has a sure fire cure for dogs that chase earsy, See you then, C~OLS f &-_\y&ICL4W .1".4" :1 49 '""141.‘ ,01;:41:1;,&:: 5/9LES gERV/GY • . BUSINESS and DIRECTORY PROFESSIONAL A. H. IlicTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR „and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter-Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-64 P.m, or by appointment.. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. .Mrs. Viola H. Homuth OPTOMETRISTS PIIONFI 116 Harriston, Ontario RONALD 6, McC . ANN Public Accountant Offloo"Royal Bank Bldg, Residences pattenbin'Y it'beriee ii61 it 155 CLINTON ONTARIO CRAWFORD HETHERINGTON Banisters, Solicitors, Etc. • Wingham, Phloem 48 W. H. CRAWFORD, (K. R. S. 11E.THERINGTON, J. W. BUSHFIEID, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, isTotary, 004 • ,Money to Loan Office.-Meyer Meek, Wittgluiti WELLINGTON FIRE Insilratiee Con/pail Est. 10140 An all Canadian company WhiOti hal; faithfully served its p01103' haltiertr for °Vet' a tenttitY: Head Office ._;Toronto H. C, MraeLetni Itteuratice AseneY Wingham' , McINTOSH & WAIWO CHARTERED .ACCOUNTANTS • BELL TELEPHONE BUILDING .• • Tlie legleile.l• Wefleeetley, Ne.V. •'48;, LEE'S USED FURNITURE, Buy • and eel', Phone 185. • l4rrb 'WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum- bago, when RUMACAPS will help you to' welcome relief, Ask \your Druggist. 28b LADIES' BLUE STATION Wagon coat size 16, for sale, good as new. Phone 36r2, Wroxeter, 28* 12 CORDS of furnace wood for sale, Phone 529J1, 28* PIANO, Morris, in good condition for sale. Phone Wroxeter 51r2, 23" CHOICE OVEN-READY Turkeys,. order now for Christmas. For sale at the Gorrie Cold Storage ' Plant, or phone Brussels 21r9. 28b GOOD USED .TOYS including dell's pram for, sale. Apply Mrs. W, leraliek, phone Wroxeter 1r2. 28* BLUE ORYSTALETTE DRESS, only work once, 2 pleated skirts, all weather coat, navy blue, all size 10-12; green nylon taffeta dress, blue taffeta dress, size 12- 14, for sale. Phone Mrs. B. Thompson, 553w after 5 o'clock. 28'' WHITE ENAMEL COOK STOVE for sale, reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Cliff Logan, Belgrave. 28b U,EBEC 'HEATER and stove used •one winter for sale. Also spring filled mattress and springs. Phone 138R. 28b BLUE GABARDINE bunting bag With fur trimmed hood, like new, for sale. Phone' 402,13. GENERAL ELECTRIC washing machine, like new, used only a few times, for sale, Also a China Cabinet. Phone 675W. 28b PAIR OF 6 foot Skiis with poles, women's skii boots' to fit, size 5, for sale) Both in good condition. Phone 384M, Wingliam. 28b GREY SUNSHINE Baby Buggy for sale, excellent condition. Phone 177. 28b 2 HAND SLEIGHS, look like new, one eristom made for sale. Apply to AleX Crawford. 28b TAN COLORED COCKER Span- iel for sale, 6 months old. Phone 64234, • 28* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 13 PIGS weaned three weeks for Sale. Apply Harold Casemore, phone 510W3. , 28b 19 PIG-S, ready to wean, for sale. Apply to Geo. Maher, White- church, phone 747w11. 28h 3 DURHAM -HEIFERS to freshen within a month. Apply to Harry Gowdy, phone 8r7, Wroxeter,, 28h A PUREBRED ROAN Shorthorn belt ealf„. 10 Months old, for sale, This is a choice, animal, priced at VA. James. Forster, .A.R. 1, Luclinevv, phone 4342, 28* SEVERAL YOUNG COWS to freshen iri December and Janu- ary, some to freshen in spring,,, for sale; also team of Clyde hawses, good size.• Apply to Albert Walters, phone 76231, 281) POULTRY FOR SALE 150 LEGHORN' PULLETS for sale, Paying; Phone 608.14, 28*. WANTED SAWDUST BVIINFHS wanted. Apply to L. Woolneett, phone 231H. 28* CASH for organs With stools, in fair condition. Write James Wiecierbeld, Now Hamburg, Ontario:, 28:54 9N111; ELFCTRX0 TRAIN set wanted, Apply to Xanville Ham- inetton, phone •199. 28b STRAYED CAL I? STRAYED to Lot 39, Turin berry Township, Owner May: liraVe Adige by petit-Ong ownership• and pitying ,otponitaii, *Aga Orathiffei plionn BtUMela 44r7, 01.1.13° LOST RED' STEER with a little roan malking lest. Weighs about 700 lbs. Missing about two weeks, In- formation to Melvin Taylor, Bei- grave, Phone 624W12. 28h VALUABLE CHROME HUBCAP lost on Saturday. Reward, Merk- ley Meters. 28* CHILD'S BROWN FUR backed Mitt lost in Lyceum. Theatre on Saturday. Phone 703,11. 28'b RHINESTONE NECKLACE lost in Wingham on SaturAy. Finder please phone J512W11. Reward. 28b FEMALE IIIELP WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY, steno- grapher, preferably experienced in shorthand and typing. Apply in own handwriting stating qualifications and salary expect- ed to Box 98, Wingham Advance- Times. 28b TWO STEADY GIRLS wanted. Apply Rapp's Bakery. 28* MALE HELP WANTED HELP ' WANTED. Responsible man or senior student to deliver during Christmas week. Must knew town and have chauffeur's license. Apply Lewis Flowers, Francis Street, ° 28b FIREMAN WANTED for Wing- ham Pire Department. Please apply by letter to Sic Cowan. 28b FOR SALE OR RENT WHITE-FRAME house for 'sale. All conveniences, furnace, cup- boards, bath and shower, avail- able now. For rent or sale. Rea- sonable. Apply to Box 91, Ad- vance-Times. 14b WHITE FRAME HOUSE now suitable for two apartments for sale or rent, with all conven- iences, furnace, cupboards, bath and shower. Immediate posses- sion. Reasonable: Apply to Box 91, Advance-Times. 28b 9-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for sale or rent in Wingham. Call 229. 28b THREE BEDROOM HOUSE at north end of Winghani for sale or rent; bath and furnace, built- in cupboards, laundry tubs, Pos- session December 15th, Phone Goderich 1061 or apply at Box 97 Advance-Times. 28 :6* FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent. Phone 329. Private entrance. 214' 4-ROOM apartment for rent. Ap- ply to Mrs. Geo. Hall, phone 308M., 14b TWO' FURNISHED ROOMS and bath suitable for two business Men or girls for rent, reason- able. Apply to Box '99, Advance- Times. 28b. SELF-CONTAINED lower duplex With stove and refrigerator, suit- able for one or two. Phone 98. 28b 6-ROOMED APARTMENT with 3-piece bath for rent, Apply to Mrs. Grover, phone 166. "28b DISTRICT MANAGER The oldest and largest complete Liquid Fertilizer Co. is expand- ing and has openings for men who can help enlarge and train our Sales force selling,.direct to farm- ers. Product nationally adver- tised. We e are building faetories in strategic locations, This in- dustry is practically new with unlimited possibilities. Fertilizer experience valuable, but not ab- solutely necessary. This position requires a. self- starter. Only' results count. The man we want is employed but not quite Satisfied with hie /Joe- eibility for advancement, Im- mediate earning possibilities of $10,000 to $12,000 per year and more. Men selected will be sent to our molt office and plant for coin- plate training at our expense and given personal help and super- vision during starting period. All correspondence strictly eon, fidentiiii. Write giving full pare Mentors,. experience, Persona( in- terview, "I‘la-Chtirs° Plant Peed Company (Canada) Ltd„ Box 84, London, Ont. 21,286 oftwaimm,,,,owouw.mhi.0,6,,,wwww•mailmoi. Box Holders' Names Not Given Out zits le Aridly whist mor to diVolgis. the Marie or odritemai any advnttistur using *III I AdVatiteArtnieS Mat rifeatie tie net; tusk W ter thief IlintOkination, Liii0i000iirnidtirooritiirilt0004Mrnittikatiramomii0 REAL ESTAWA 7-ROOM house on Bristol Terrace for sale. Apply to John Shinn, phone 265, 21b TWO BULDING LOTS for sale on Carling Terraee, each size 132x66, Reasonably priced, Apply to Bob VanDuyn, phone 599. 28rth SALES HELP WANTED. JOIN A PROGRESSIVE company with 250 guaranteed products. No dull season with our line. The best way to make interest- ing money and establish YOUR OWN business. Write for details and free catalogue. FAMILEX,' Dept. P., Station C., Montreal, 28b Write Rawleigh's Dept. .1-453- 163, Montreal, P.Q. 28b • GENERAL MACHINIST AND MECHANIC Qualified man who has had trade training or experience or both, on lathe, milling machine and sur- face and cylindrical grinders, and who can make parts from drawings using hand tools and the above machines, Forty hour week, all benefit plans, eight paid holidays, and two weeks vacation, Write or phone collect to: J, G. MacArthur NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY 'Walkerton, Ontario 21:28b WANTED ORGANIST and Choir Leader for Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, For further particulars write George Elliott, Sec.-Treas., Brussels, Ontario. 21:284' TEACHER WANTED East Wawanosh Township School Board require one qualified Pro- testant Teacher to begin January 1957,*at Union School No. 7, 5 miles west of Belgrave on County road, school has all modern convenien- ces. Music Supervisor, enrolment of 29, information may he had or applications made to C. P. Chamney, R.R. 1, Belgrave, phone Wingham 400w3, or C. H. Wade, Secretary, Belgraye, phone Brussels 72r8. 28:5:12b MISCELLANEOUS FOR REPAIRS to all makes of TV and radio call Dunkin Television and Radio, Teeswater phone 27 or Wingham 70311. 19rrb 1S YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For,information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farhriers, • For 'further infortnation Phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, main service, all work ' guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrh 7VATERLOO OATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or Ser. ...vice from all breeds of cattle, -phone c. the Waterloo Cattle Breedirig Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 or Mildmay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available top quality at low eost.v 25rrb NOTICE TO HOME 'BUILDERS IF YOU ARE planning a building project this summer, we are 'in. a position to give you first class service for your cement work House basements and Mors,• barn walls and' hem's (completed In one pour. Centact Mads Christensen, phone 11r7,' rrb FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cost rinanting SerViee With adinplete :Insurance Coverage, STEWART A, SCOTT Oho* 293 Whipthant Zrrh vnynt, WAVOilt 01.50 No yintts missing tit damaged MINTON WATCH MitVitt Clinton,, rrb 4106 Nephew Dies ManitobaIn John Roby, Wingham, received word of the death of his nephew, Huren. Beelyn Rush, 64, who pass- ed away at his .home in Neepawa, Man., on November *h. He was born at. Gorrie and retired only last year after .serving as a CNR trainman. Surviving are his. wife, four daughters and four,sistors, Mrs, .E, Howard, Mrs, E. Thompson, Mrs. 0, Docking end . Miss . Florence Rush and one brother, Roy Rush, Burial took place at '.1leepawa, Municipal Notice Morris Township An election will be held on -Dec- ember 3, 1956 to elect• a reeve to serve the Townghip of Morris dur-. 5 p.m. Poll No. 1-School House $.S, No. 1; poll No, 2, School House No. 9; poll No. 3-School House S.S. No. 5; poll No. 4, Morris Twp, Hall; poll No, 5-School House No. 7; poll No, 6-School House ,No, 10, Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 28b Municipal Nolice. Morris Township I hereby 'given notice that nomi- nation of one councillor and one school trustee to serve the Twp, of Morris during 1957 will be held in the Morris Twp. Hall from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. December 7th, 1956, If demanded a poll will be open on Monday, December 17, 1956, Geo, C. Martin, Clerk. 28:5b IN MEMORIAM LOTT-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Walter Lott, who passed away Novem- ber 27th, 1954, God knows how much we miss.him Never shall his memory fade Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where he is laid. -Lovingly remembered by wife and family. 28* TENDERS FOR CARETAKERS Tenders for caretakers will be received by the Undersigned up to December 14, 1956 for the fellow-, ing Schools in Turnberry Town- ship School Area: No, 2, Kirton's; No. 3, Glenannan; No, 4, Bluevale; No. 5, Gilmour's; No. 6, Holmes"; No, 9 Powell's; No. 11 Lower Town School. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex Corrigan Sec.-Treas. Bluevale, Ont., R.R.1. 28:5b DEADSTOCK WANTED' DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone collect: Pal- merston 123W; Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, , rrb PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical chimney cieaneri TO ELIMINATE SOOT AND SCALE FROM YOUR STOVES AND PIPES, For Use • In oil, coal and wood fired • units FOR SALE AT , Machan Hardware . IVINGHAM ]McDougal 's Grocery' LOWER WINGIIAM McKercher's General Store immEsTowN Bruce Chamber Hardware VVROXETER 26:31.0rir NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE 'ESTATE Oil' * MARGARET BROWN BIRTHS BLACK. In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, Nevem- her 22nd, 1956, to Mr, and 11/Irs• William Black, Belgrave, a daughter, SIMPSON-In Wingliam General Hospital, on Thursday, Novem- ber 22nd,, to Mr, and Mrs, Don- ald Simpson, Kintail, a son, MeBURNEY.--In Wingliarn Gen- eral H?spital, on Thupday, Nov- ember 22nd, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. John MeBurney, R,R, 1, Wingham, a son. KRELLER-In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, November 25th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Kroner, R.R. 1, Wroxeter, a 'son. WILSON-In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, November 27th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wilson, Summerville, a son. ZINN-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, November 27, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Zinn, R.R. 1, Dungannon, a son, GROVES-In Houston General Hospital, on November 15th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, Mac T. Groves, Houston, Texas, a daughter. Mrs. J. T. Boardman Died in Pt. Huron Mrs, Margaret E. Boardman, 82, wife of John T. Boardman, died November 17 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Clifford, Port; Huron, after a long illness, She was born May 18, 1874, in Orford, Lancashire, England, She and Mr. Boardman were,, married September 14, 1899. The couple 'lived in Wingham, Ontario, for 11 years where she was connected with the SalvatiOn Army; and moved to Port Huron on May 13, 1923. She, is survived by her husband, four daughters, Mrs. Margaret Taylor, London, Ont.; Mrs. Ellen Wedge, Croswell; Mrs. Sr. Major Elibzabetli Williams, Minot, N. D.; and 'Mrs. Clifford, Port Huron; a. son, 'John Boardman, Jr., Port Huron, 10 grandcchildren . and eight great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Salvation Army Citadel, Port Huron. Brigadier Byam Young- man assisted by Major George Williams, Port Huron, officiated. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Gardens. Mrs. ;William Craig Buried Friday Services for Mri. William Craig, 81, who died in the Cummings nursing home, 131yth, were con- ducted on Friday in the Tasker memorial chapel by the Rev.A. W. Watson, 'and interment made .in Blyth Union CeMetery. Pallbear- ers were John Phelan, Alfred Pierce, John and William Craig, Michael „Healy and John Kelly. She was the former Elizabeth Ledgerwood, and lived in Morris TownShIP all her life! Her husband , , died DI years ago. Surviving are three sons, Earl, Goderieh; Bert, AubUrn and Ber- ,nard, at home. REPOUT ON REG, COUNCIL AT ANNUAL M11414;TINtil (Continued from page One.) Charlie Peerott, Secretaryetreas. lirer, read the minutes of the last an,autii meeting and the last regu- lar meeting, which were adopted las read. Vie Loughlean, recreation ;direc- tor, reported on ball And hockey activities during the year, He outlined the rise in attendance in the figure-skating classes and the dancing school, Vic made Special mention of the Industrial League Which bad, been recently formed, and said that it was one of the most successful leagues to operate here for many years. Presentation of a trophy to the league's top team, Delmore, is to be made at the banquet ivhich, is to be held in the Queens Hotel on Friday even- ing, November 30th, he said, He also announced that he wes going to donate a trophy to be competed for by the newly formed church hockey league, "This Year it looks as if the churches of the town are going to' take a considerable interest in the hockey teams and I feel' this is a very important step in the right direction, not only for sport in the town but for the youngsters and the churches too," said, Mr. Loughlean. Miss Marlene McKenzie's report Of the Sillioner progranl shorWed that swimming Wah the main ao- tiVity, More than 100. children 'lied. registered. for the, swimming at Teeswater,. In the report it Was: stated that • the Wingham` :swininters, had made a very good showing in their tests, This year two pupils, Shirley Armstrong and parry Faller, gain, ed• senior baliSes. The report also stated that this year's swimming grpuPS. were 'the'lleiSeat: on reeordl It was Also reported that too. many Children ,did not realize .or apprec- iate! the opportunity they' Were being. given in rbeing taught to swim, - Miss McKenzie Intimated that she had had many calls from par- ents about their Children's. swim,: ming tests and. she wanted to Make. public the answers to eertain Mops. „.. 1, Some children .werer pot able to take tests as the instructors did-. not think they . were ready for them, many children have trouble in doing certain strokes and for testing all strokes must be correct, 2,. The senior test cannot be taken until the pupil is 13 years old,. 3, No serious accidents happened at the Teeswater pool during last summer, Miss McKenzie's ' report also stated that • the wading pool in Wingliam was .well attended on the warm days- and • that Irene Saint capably looked , .after the pool, assisted by Miss Meleenzie. Every Wednesday Morning - der, ing the summer months, about 40 boys were • at ,the park for ball, The boys -are definitely interested' in this spert- and the report re. coinifielatled that whotild be coal tinned, A report 'of the figure,,,shak, classes, given by Mrs, Seine.' which it wastcodl stated,, gaining k tihne es re F larity and nanibe,rs followed, Bill Cenron mentioned th'e . film service which Huron County were considering. He said that this ser- vice, Which was of great interest to many of •the organizations in town, could also he of •importance to the council because films on hockey, swimming, ball and' other sporting thought activities, h tcoautl. a repro- could bleorb t ain o: ssratattoivethoef tm4eeetcouncil fliii0911.1""wboes being held in Clintonlast Week, Because of the poorly represen- tation at the meeting, it was de- cided to send out invitations to the various organizations, asking thinn to meet sometime ilJanuary, is Oil' 11 411 LEE'S TAXI Day and Night Service PHONE 185 mm am ea as G. ALAN WILLIAMS , Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 FO4 SALT WANTED-Reliable man as dealer in Huron County, Experience not necessary. A fine opportunitY to step into old profitable' business , where Rawleigh Products have ing 1957. Polls will be open. at the following places frail 9 a.m, fill been sold for years. Big profits.. Products furnished on credit, ALL PEtZSONS haying claims against the estate of the above 'mentioned late. of the Village of Fordwieh, hi the County of Huron, Seamstress, who died. On the thirty-first day of C)atober, 1956, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on dr. 'before the first day of December, 1956, After thittAate the exedutot will prodded to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then htiVe had notice, DATED at Wingham this 8th day of November, 1956. CHAWP(AD IlEttlgRINOTON Wingham,Of,'tarlo SOliciterfl for the' Executor , MUNDY'S Free Delivery - Phone 82 Quality, and Service 'sinee 1915 FROM ENGLAND Peak Freans and Huntley and Palmer BISCUITS In beautiful gift tin' 79c to $1.75 .each Everything for your Christmas Baking Raisins, Nuts, Peel, Cherries, Etc. Siave On These Week-End Specials . Johnson's GLO-COAT (Red Band) Quart tin 95c, Pint tin 57c •••••••••••;•.•••••••••••••••• • 10.111%7/1 Cooked SPAGHETTI 15 oz. tin 2 for 31c QUAKER MUFFETS 2 pkgs. for 3k Pink CaMay SOAP regular bar 3 bars for 29c CHEERIO PORK ffind BEANS 20 oz. tin 2 for 29c