HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-28, Page 1. -••• e• j,k. • 1>,4. '••> With, which is emeligameteci the cionie Vidette Wroxeter New* • WINGIfAMI ONTARAQ.VVEPNESVAlt, NOVEMBER 45, 4956 ,•• "ANDIvivir DO YOU.W ANT FOR' CHISTMASr ALONG THE MAIN DRAG • Mrs. W. W. Gum rat thriiws the first rock of the 'season when meinbers of the Wingham Ladies' Curling Club hit the ice on, Friday. Watching are Mrs .;` H. Carmichael, H, Crawford, pr6sidenl of the club, Mrs. E, Fisher, Mrs. W. Lockridge, krs,'414. Edwards, Mrs, M, 'Rae and Mrs. T. A. Currie. Thirty-six ladies were presellt at the opening game the' iinniber included eight from Walkerton, At a lunch Wore the game the prizes for, the' last' setiso,h' Were presented. 'Santa asks the $64,000 queStion as the youngsters file' past him in the Wingham town hall on Saturday. Answers•, ranged' from skates ,,to real aeroplanes, and SUrita' said he'd 'see what he could do around December 25th, LADIES' CURLING , SEASON STARTS CHEQUE POR $200 DONATED' The Ulhatte 'dub, with a rmembership of 'only 18, raised the Sum Of 06ii" last yeet to assist the hospital, Lin `Thuraday 'evening Mrs. /edit Lloyd, on behalf of the Club' handed oVer.a.#00'theatine to, the' itiOef tendency Mrs, t. Morrey. Accompanying' Mrs, Lloyd were several other mothers tit .the hiebi tose .piet' Are 'Mrs. AMOS A. Currie, Mrs, jack Bateson and Jelin Ctirrie, 'The' rind-WWII! t>10 tit:" tost of ltiraiialrin a rtiOra 'al the • ha '"; 07 The Peden tan POOP FQR THE FIGURE-- Figure skating classes are to be held every Tuesday evening in the areas from 4,30 until 10,00 with a half-hour interval from 6.30 until NOP 7 p,m, The instructors for the classes are Ross Smith and Harold Brooks. Last year, 83 pupils en- rolled in the three sections tor figure skating, Junior, Intermed- iate and Senior. This year' it is t hoped that even more p4ople will ;take advantage of the classes. Enrolment was held last night, Practice ,session will be held Sat- iirday Mornings 'from: 9 until 12. Recreation : Council , Gives Full eport *Annual. Meeting . Only One New Councillor as Wingham Acclaims All Seats to '8.30 P.M. in the absence of W. A. Galbraith, who was ill, Nomi- nations Were as follows: For mayor--R, I1. McKinney (re.. turned' by acclamation). For reeve--Roy Adair, (returned by acclamation).. For deputy reeve—.1:oe Herr (re- turned by acclamation). For coUneil—Imer Wilkinson; *Wien: Burman, Earl Hamilton,' Jack Gorbtitt, William Conron returned by ."acelanlation) and Warren Callan and Barry Wenger; W. Callan was elected by arcelszn- ation to fill the seat left vacant by Jack Alexand6r, the only mem- ber of this ye,ar'a council who will not return in 1957; For public school hoard-:-Scott 'Reid, Bob Cai'bert, David Murray and Alton Adams (all returned for two year terms by acclamation). For public utilities COMMission rn -- D. Miller (returned by acclaa Lion):, - John. Rains, Chairo'ut • Following nominations at 8,30 .fohn W. Hanna was asked to take the ,chair for the period devoted ():Tease, turn to page eleven) NEW .OFFICERS—Last night the Wingham Branch of the. Cana- dian Legion held the monthly meeting in the Legion. Home, and elected the officers for the coming rear. Time did not permit us to include the names of those elected" but next week's paper will carry the list. • " 0 - 0,- 0 LOCAL GOLFERS "TEA" About thirty members of the Wingham Ladies! Golf . Club sat down to their annual banquet last night. 'During the evening the Me- Kinney Trophy was presented to the, top lady golfer, Mrs, Dorothy Conron, Mrs. Nona. Elliott, who was runner-up also received a . prize. Mrs. W. B, McCool, who has the honor of being' the only mem- ber of the Ladies' Club to make a hole in one, received a special prize for her accomplishment. - 0 - 0 HOCKEY DAYS HERE AGAIN —ToMorrow night at' 8.30 at the Wingham Arena, sees Milyerton and Wingham on ice for the first game of the 'hockey season, With both teams . jast itching to get going- the Math proMia;es to be a good one and should attract a big following of fans, Before the game flk'parade 'heWkled llie•Bagitia",e Pipe; Band and the Lions Club Band, will Match through town to the Arena. • r, '23 MORE DAYS÷Theteare only 23 more shopping days left until Christmas. Lookitig along Wing- ham's main drag, these nightS when the window ,lights from the" stores shine out 'on the snow it seems even nearer. incidently, the store Windows centkin an excellent array of presents, which,' unlike the snow, are Melting pretty quickly., The reminder to shop early ter Christmas is 'good advice. 3 - 0 • 0 BRIGHT LIGHTS—Colored lights on Christmas trees aloxig the main drag and on the. two big trees in front. of the tows .hall are adding to the charm of the ChristMaS shopping expedition. The. Business Association and town employees deserve a pat on the back for the fine appearance of the. Shopping; area. - '- STORES OPEN;--By the war, Wingham stores will be open each Wednesday afternoon until Christ- mas for your convehience. U. - o • HARD ON THE RIBS—Bill Mc- Cool is moving somewhat gingerly being decorated, as he is, with se eral broken ribs. „Fixing a broken door. in the 'high Wind last Wed- nesday he -was tossed against the .side of hie car. Ef.)011,111E PARTV M. WROXET'Elt Wroxeter Women% Institute will hold a progressive euchre party on. Thursday, NoveMber 29th, at 8,16 In the' Cornmunity Halli Nov- elty prize,s, Admission 25 cents. Ladies please bring lunch. Come apt hrht5 your frielids. 02813 DANCE IN BELGItAVild Community Dance will be held In the Forester's Hall, BelgraVe, on Friday, November 30, at 8.30. Pro- greasiVe euchre and lost heir will be .playetl, Sponsored by the Bel- grave WI, and the Foresters, Ad- mission. 60c, children without tally cards free. Ladies please bring lunch. ENGAGEMENT, Mr, and Mrs. GladWyn, A. Camp- bell of Wingham wish to announce the trigageinerit of their (Mir daughter, Darlene doom to Robert Milton, second .eldest son, of M. and Mrs. Robt, Hopper, 'Wingham, The marriage to take place, ov- ember 30th, Ir2841 ANNUAL HANOI/ET , The fact that lesS than it quar- tet' of the service' eltibs and other organizations Whiell were notified, attended the ittereation Council meeting held , 'OW Winghait town hall Wednesday evening Was regretted by the...Chairman of 'the Friends PreSent council, Bill Conran, who said that the annual Meeting should at least see one representative from each of theSe various organizations in attendance. At the meeting Mack Corbutt Weenie the council's new chair- man, Handing over the chair, Mr. Conran said that it had been a great pleasure 'and privilege for him to serve as the council's chairman but because of a number of factors, he felt that it was time for him to relinquish the po- sition, He introduced the new chairman, Who, in a brief speech, 'said he hoped, he would be capable Of filling Mr. Corirores place. ' A vote of thanks to Bill Con- ton Was proposed by Vie .tpugh- leen, '(Please tarn to Page :Polar) ADVANCE-TIMES OPENS COLORING CONTEST This week The Advance-TirneS is opening a coloring contest for yetingsters eight years of age and under, The pictures are 'aimr0P- tiate to 'the true meaning of Christmas, each with s,,,Bible verse as recorded by St. Luke and 'St. M,altheW, There are ten pietures depicting "the NatiVity, from ,the time Mary and Joseph went to Judea until they departed with the /aunt Jesus to BMA. The finished pictures will be judged in two age groups. One will be made up of children ages seven and eight, While the other Will be for 'children six years and' under, One prize will he awarded to the winner in each group. If the win- ner of the older class is a boy, he will receive, a pair of C.C.M. boots and skates and if the winner is a girl, she will be given a 24" doll. A boy winner in the younger group will receive a leather, Gene Autry western set, but if the prize goes to a girl it will be a set of 4 china doll's dishes. Store books will be awarded to ten runners-up, five in each class. To qualify for the prize in either' group the contestant must subthit all ten pictures. Two pictures will appear in each edition of the paper between now and December 24 and. the contest; ends Friday, December 28 at noon. Be sure to enter the contest now, Mail your entries to The Advance- Times each week and you may receive -one of the prizes the first week in January. WAROEN HONORED AT ANNUAL DINNER . IN COUNTY TOWN John 'V. Fischer, reeve of tine Township of Turnberry and War- den of the County of Huron during 1056, was honored last Wednesday, evening,' the occasion being the annual warden's banquet. 'rho din- ner was' held at Knox Presbyterian Chlirch in Goderich 'and Warden and 'Mrs. Phicher were presented with a lounging chair in recogni- tion of Mr. Fischer's service to the county, Guest speaker at the' hamlet; was Dr. 0, E. Hall, President of the tiniverSity of Western. 'Ontario, The. 260 persons Who attended Woto welcomed to the taint by Mayor J. B. lItickina of Ooderich. Mrs, Joe Berl:, wife of Deputy Itoorm Herr of Wirigharn, gracious- ly replied to the 'Waal to the la- dies. Among others Who spoke was Reeve 'Orval Taylor Of East WaWanOsli •TOWnShitL ,Tohh W.Hernia, M.P.13, Tor 'HU- rot-Heade, eitpressed the felielta.- Hens of they Gallatin gbVermteht to 'the warden Mid the Aitken 'Colin- ty • What *Is likely an all-time low in attendance was set at the muni- cipal nomination meeting in the Wingham town hall on Friday night, Other than members of the epuneil, school board and, publie utilities Commission there were 16 or 37 ratepayers 'on hand. .1. W. Buslifield, the town solicitor, re- eelved the norninations front 7.39 PEANUT DRIVE ON MONDAY EVENING Next Monday evening, colt:me:ie. hag at 6.30 the members of the Wingham Lions Club will open their annual Planters Peariut blitz, In past years local householders have received the callers very fa- vorably and their co-operation has accounted for a considerable share of the funds° which the club has available for child welfare• work. It is hoped that this same good Spirit will prevail again this year. The entire proceeds of the drive on IVIondaY night will be forward- ed to a committee of service clubs In London, who have undertaken the task, of raising money ,for the erection of a Crippled Children's Treatment Cleave. Crippled child- ren in this Western Cntario area are now able to attend summer camp and receive many other bene- fits through the good offiees of the Ontario Society for Q01)0.94. Children, which is supported' fo- cally by, the Lions Club., However, it has now been found that there is no ar.fecluate accommodation -for the youngsters who require treat- ment, and the London Committee is' sparking the drive to •provide the funds needed'. - This year the Lions will have available 50c containers of peanuts, 50c jars of peanut butter and 51.25 party . pa,cks. • Many folks buy the peanuts with an eye to the holiday season which as not too far away and for this reason the Lions time their drive for early December. They will sinee'rely appreciate your assistance in this worthy pro- ject. • Will Celebrate Golden Wedding On December 5th the Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Currie, formerly of Wingham, now residing at 31. Prin- cess 'Street, I/uncles, Ontario, will be at home to their friends at the above residence from 3 to 5 and from 7.30 to 930 p.m, to share with others the 'celebration of their fiftieth wedding 'anniversary. Mr. Currie came to Wingham as the minister of the United Church July 1st, 1932. The Natinnal •Orr Service Employees, whtChlitek* organizing 'the employees of R.4 lie utilities commissions ii;k% area, called a, strike Of the *m40 ees of the local :PUOr on •. morning. :Picket!, bearing . pattPiled the eyed injreet 'Of thik Commission's office at ANC Josephine Streets, 'The union has offered do •gfait anent, to The, Advance-Timer. .4..0.;••• cording to a repOrt• in, The don Free :Frees the -Olen .claims that the strike :the result of re-. luetance on, the part of the mission to. 'recognize the 'WOO right•to act as, a bargaining agent; Aceordini to the -report: the: ow. ion that an employee with over two ,and half years'. perienee -has, been recently: let ::go and a 'new' •ehaplOyee 'hired: The union contends that a new ploYee was required to: agree not to join the: anion aS a condition of employment, The Conimission denies that any Such condition was required of the new employee and haS alaio.stated .chat the •Coininissien his .nOsiF re- fused, to, negotiate with' a:union' which has ,,been certified by the Ontario Labour relations bosid. A paid advertisement on page five of 'this .-issue of .The ,A,dvanne-Tirnea• outlines the , coomostoo, stated stand in the /111!4teg.r. • SANTA ARKVES IN MIDR:01,STOR Heavy snow kept' the number of' . nelolilnod,ren who awaited the arrival.. at„Winghantistation. to about 100 on Saturday . after. o Nevertheless, ,downtown, about 1;000 spectatOrs 'watched the par- ade from, vvindows. and dOorWaya and cheered wildly as t,is.ts. and his elves ri.ding a sleigh, ,.moved down Jesephine Street to the town hall. • • At the' town hall Santa and his retinue fort. children •W e, hzi ft, easecirteclothfti.ted..h4rand the ot talk with, the old felldwr ht. com- f Nearly 2,060 bags of canclY'were distributed to the , alldren • as ' they passed Oat of the town hell after seeing $.anta and headed for the Lyceum Theatre for a• free show. A visit to the *Ingham General Hospital to .pass out, gifts to the- patients there complaed Santa's busy Christmas pre-view •day, The Wingham tusinest Associ- ation sponsored the 'visit and mem- bers of the SerViee clubs, in town assisted in giving out the bergs Of candy, CHRISTMAS CONCERT The pupil's of Gilmour'S $ehodl Will present a Christmas concert. on Wednesday, December 5th,' at 8.15 O'clodk, Ladies please bring lunch. Every9ne welcon"ie. F384' THEATRE GROUP' TO SECT ON MONDAY Several enquiries, , have 'been made' 'by the people of this area about' time 'future plans of the Wingharn Community Players, This is how the •• matter stands. There, ar,q only. handful of. r13.4.4 :- core members of the 'club and' for, the last few productions they have had to assume, a heavy share of .the responsibilities` of putting' on a play. It has therefore been de- cided not to produce any plays .until after Christmas* this season, For the information of interest- ed persons there will° be a pro- duction of the famous old play "Gaslight" by the Goderich Little Theatre on November 29th. Anyone who would like to see this play is asked to contact either Ruby' Saint or Joyde Langridge. A meeting of the club is called for Monday, December 3rd at eight o'clock in the evening at the town hall. An election of officerS for this year, will be -held and plans will be made for Wingham's con- tribution to the entertainment side of the Goderich. L.T.'s annual Christmas party. , The Wingham members have been asked to pre- pare a few skits and everyone is welcome and ideas will be invited. This IS the third year in succession that Wingham has 'had an invita- tion and. judging from the good times had previously, it will be well worth attending. GORRIE BAZAAR The Guild of St, Martha of the Gorrie Anglican, Church will serve afternoon tea on Saturday, Decem- ber 1st, starting at 3 p.m. Christ- mas gifts, aprons, , home baking for sale. F285 •,,A CANDLELIGHT TEA Aly1,1) BMW SALE ' The :Tuesday Starlight group 'of the Wroxeter United Chtiteh are holding an evening' eandlelight tea and bake sale air Friday, N'overri- 30tit to .10 p.tri. Christ, ntas goodies plus a candy centre by the group, Be sure to bring your Menfolk, . P2128b DAN&;,AVD DRAW L,!;,rt'Ji WROXETER ri dance' and draw will be held rrrir rr, :1Vtaketer COMintinity Frt. December /tilt Sairigateefi rOttheStra, 1st prIte, lb, turkey, dilek, rstd 'ellieken, 4th beat tit eheeeleteS, Adtniedlon Ltineh .eannter. $tirrionatired,rby the •WrOX, eter, dr,. 'Athletic Oink " r),1,1kli1 A number cf frieedS and neigh.' hors dropped in to ;surprise Mr. Wingham Sportsmen's Amide- and„ Mrs- 4.14ithieSoll last Fri- Lion annual banquet will be held (tar night, before;tlieir removal to in the Legion.Home on Monday their new Mahe`FraticeS Street, Deceinber Srd., at, 7 o'clotk, Oureat theY were 000h.t6C*Ith tri'llte Speakers will he present. Dance fleet will ” follow. Everyone welcome. Cards ProVitied? entertainment Tiekets available at Prank Co,s,. kr the evening Which was eon., katette Service StatiOn, .V2Ab eluded With ilrAbiligOiris lunch.