HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-14, Page 16flat pkg. '•75c ,lh, flat pkg. 59c • % lb. PURE PORK SAUSAGE { BREAKFAST BACON Mei( BACON EVERYDAY LOW PRICES DROUGHT TO You, AGAIN THIS YEAR EV K(4y.ee. CIGARETTES • if-777 fe, r f 11P4e 0 (Z) s*.0 °. J.PYre TweiVei. The. Wingham Advadicerairnet4 Wednesday, Nov, O., 1900 •1••• •4•t".•••;S:• SATURDAY AT 12 NOON CKNX-TV CHANNEL 8 Pro,4ram will feature highlight$ f cocci: Fustern Semi-Finals and Finals Western Semi-Finals and Finals lust year's Grey cup classic a •••••••rsow•nn........."......44^••••• GROCERIES IGA INSTANT. COFFEE , G. OZ.* Reg. - $1.39 2 uz.• Reg. 56C: 49c MA ASSORTED JAMS 9 °z' 3r for ,59c BEEHIVE SYRUP - 2 ms. 29c MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT tabs. 39c TABLERITE MEATS BLADE ROAST BEEF blade removed 41c BONELESS; POT' ROAST 39c 111). 43t cello • .• Always Fresh Mrs, M4cNavgbon is institute Speaker The regular Meeting of Wing- ham W.i, WAS held in .the couiiail chambers 'OA Thursday. Mrs., K. lYfeLaughlin presided, and Mrs,. Henry read the minutes and eri-r- reapOndenee, Plans, were made to attend the Tiuron County Women's Institute: Rally to, be held in Cranbrook on Monday, November 19th. Mrs. R, Powell, delegate to Lon- don Area Convention, gave her re, port, Mrs. Leslie Fortune spoke on the motto "Do your best for the organization yoU belong to and re-, joice with those who do better," She gave the members some ex- cellent suggestions on how to help the organization and drew their attention to some things: they don't do. Mrs, beating Presided at the piano fora sing song. Mrs. D. S. macNaughton of Wreketer was guest speaker and had as her theme, "Building• for P(ome and Country," Her, address was most inspiring. Mrs. Mc- Laughlin thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift. The roll call was "Whet I Like or Dislike about the' Institute," A committee was . appointed to see about getting a piano for the coun- cil chamber. The ladies were favor- ed with two vocal duets by the Misses Patricia and Dianne Doyen daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Deyell. The meeting closed with the singing of a verse of •0 Canada and the National Anthem, and a Social half hour. • Surprise Shower For Muriel Simmons In the Canavan Legion hall on Wednesday a surprise shower was held in honor of Miss Muriel Sim- mons. 1VIuriel's many friends pre- sented , her with an electric fry, Pan, a clothes hamper, electric tea. kettle, electric clock and a' pair of pillow cases. Contests, and, quiz .games were enjoyed by all, followed, by, ,a dainty, lunch. The hostesses were Misses Isobel McCall, Theresa Bondi, Vel- ma Redman,'Hilda Paulitzki, Eileen Wray and Mrs: Douglas Nesbitt. in the venal 1110.nAerA Mrs. N., iflobsInspn presided for the ys,A. meeting Whicb, 'began by reading. „O§Aim, 1IT „in tiaison„ follv,ved by prayer, minutes of the previous meeting Were read and the treasurer's report giyoh, P,r-' ion 4FAISP4Mg reeerVed, the offers" .ing' for the flower fund. Ivtra„ Chainney read a poci ."The .Gospel ,According to. You." Another. bypr was Ong .closing. T.,unct, was served by the •hest.osa. assisted by. Mrs.7ig.r7ardy and - • Mrs. -00001 N4, DONNYBROOK YOUR BEST WINTER TIRE BUY FOR LIGHT TRUCKS GOOD EAR SUBUI11.13ANI FOR. TRUCKS (GRIP TRW , klormitr Wingham 4esiclent 'asses. gngene McDonald, Sa; retirgq engineer,, who had worged at the Fry and l3lackhall plant in 'Wing- ham. for 26 'years, died, suddenly in Stratford last 'week after A- heart attack, MV. McDonald . moved from Wingham ListOw:el lzi 1944. He Was a member of the Wingham Raptist Church, • His wife, the Former Martha lif bwain, Of Whigham, died in 00, Ide „s survived by one daughter, Mrs, „Totrn A.'Wilson,. of bist.oWel, and one brother, Lorne McDonald, Port William, The Rev. M, V. Putman of 1.910x Fresbyterialf Church, conducted the service. The burial was in Wingham Cemetery, What this country needs is a nickel' that's 'good for five cents' worth, • Relieo- That Titedfie4iiii, b*.coRgEcTINqthoso.., FOOT .:TRQOBLESH SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suffering from Foot Ailment, TUESDAY, Nov. 27 all day WEDNESDAY (morning) Nov,28 ..,:CALLAN SHOES Phone 12 Wingh&m WE DELIVER. • Wriert r.:4; Mrs. Olive Allen of Clinton and Mrs. W. T, 'Craig were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs, H, Chain- Miss Louise Jefferson was home from. Stratford Teachers' College over the week-end, Louise was practice teaching at •Cuelph last week. Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Mills of Code- rich were Sufiday visitors with friends in this vicinity, Mr, and 'Mrs. G, 'A. MaoLaugh- lin of Detroit visited over the week-end at, the home of .her brother, Mr. Clarence Chamney and other ,relativos,• . • Here's tile, our' winter tire you on depend. on " to cut n delays ott used by shOw7clogged roads. Let us prove it today! t ;181 AU Nf,VER LOW 'YOUR HORN , Church SOcieties 'Met on Tuesday DONNYEII1001C—The 'November meeting of the W.M.S. and 'W.A.' was held on ,TuesdaY;afternoon , at the home of,Mrs, B, Robinson with, 13 ladies present, The W.M.S. program was in ,eharge of ,Mrs. Chas. Jefferson, Hymn, no.:• 523. was sung in opening. and Mrs. R. Chamney read the Seripture lesabri from the 4th ehapter•of Ephesians; Prayers were 'read by Mrs.': C. Jefferson, Mis&Ilazel:Stamper and Mrs. Morley Johnson, followed by all repeating , the'Lord's prayar., Psalm no. 734 .was respoiy- • sively ;and ,hymn 556 ,was sung,, Minutes of the October tneeting,, Which was held at the home of Mrs. J. C. Robinsen,„ Wirigham were approved as 'read' and 'an invitation from Mrs. (Rev„) Hilts to hold the December meeting at the manse, Auburn Was Accepted. The offering was received, by Jeanette Johnston. Mrs. J. ht. Thompson• and Mrs. Tern Arm- strong favoured with a duet. Mrs. Wm. Hardy gave a reading, "Op- portunities". The chapter in the study book "Looking at South- Bast Asia", was read .by Mrs., Stuart Chamney. Hymn, no. 500 • wag , sung and the meeting closed , An - Ohio harbcr w nliobtly in., Pro,cl when nto own ante hacked into WM. For full detailS, JOSt- crawl ,into his chair, pessi'mist's a.n.vine to .**.iintftgA Langning At your troubles Wool, prevent them from haytntit. last laugh, • • • . , „••••••.-44 4•6:-: : •4•44.•.4,44'444 ., "'""'""),""`"""g•-`5•',V.—... ,•• • : . ....••••"74,,,MAMVIVre.§7:wi....,:i:KiiitiiiMi,irigiirMC....,•:' • ' ,k,,..,:;: ... :SP. -"'"...'::,:::•:•:4..:;:ii,4:k,:iiii*k.,:iiii.i•.i:i.n.;.....,,,,,,........,, . , . :.... . ., . ' '. ..., . .. .. ..,.;,.....„.,..44it.kz,c,:...,,,,,,,,,,,,,A, • 444,444444,44,,444.41,40,44444,44”,....„,„. „...............* ...!.::,:ip.,;.:...:;:,,,,,,... • .:..r:*::::•:, ,k.:.::::••:,...,:,,,,,,,,,,....:„.w.,:.,..., WPk'gRialifiliO'' '.1...r . :::::•., Cy ..?:;..' • :.:•:•:::fkr • • 1",*444 • •••• • • • '4. •• • -L.:, at' id on Debentures and Guaranteed Trust Certificates i-for . r r • • • and years, :,'(‘ or otie....ond two years. Tile distinctive Rambler is, the. one motor car in its class' designed and built for those to whom quality of construc7 tion, safety, comfort and economy of operation are the most important considerations.. The 1957 Rambler is powered by either a 190 1.1,P. V.8 or the Typhoon 6-cylinder Overhead Valve engine, These excellent motors pros,ide you With the choice",of THESE 'NASH AND MtttKLEY MOTORS,I WINGHAM, Ont. - outstanding' performance with good economy, in the case of the Y-8, or, good performance with outstanding economy in the case of the Typhoon 6, You are cordially invited to inspect the complete line of . 1957 'Rambler models, and to test-drive 'the. model you prefer,. This fine motor car is on, view,now,ati. • • • IlUIPSON DEALERS • SMITH MOTORS, MAIN St CLIFFORD, Ont. . . „ Heart Office London, Ont. District Iteoedestratives smaittioci r WA" Vilt0 'wk .S•44,444. .` • -•••• •••• • 4.4 V.4* -41)444••:4ig41'..44:tbto,44. ••