The Signal, 1926-5-6, Page 7tit,
County and District
%rletlen 1IuRmaa, of Crrdlton, w•sli, lits wife diad in. 1900. He
.1 April 14th hi ills sixty-fourth leaves one attn. lir. W. J. Milne, of
r. Myth.
'Che Ktueardlnr Reelect-Itelxotter R. Gracie, pastor of the RAyth and
at tea that the C.K.R. wIll-o1Mestl# tnt,nre eseanyterian I•0UV'44 atkma.
the I)law•1 til-ehctrk ears on the KIu• was at London last week attending the
cardiae-Pelow'rsten brawls cowmen- meeting of the Ny11011 1,1 Hamllton
c11,g this mouth. and 14114)08.
Mhr 1411bella Mcl'be,oi, passed
away 11 Tiirube'rry townahlp on Rule
day, April 2511i. at the age of sixty-
three years. She had lived with her
brother, Alexander Mcl'herson, on the
7th concessionu'`Turnbcrry, for
Many years.
Mary Au11 t'ampbell wife of Georg..
R. Tuner. )(orris township. pasted
Mrs. K. MacLeod has returned home
froth New York City. where she spent
the winter.
Jahn Murray. who masa the winter I
hl CalUurula, he. returned home.
ietekUIIW bu•Intsei place* will 111• I
away April 24th lu her seveuty• serve . the Weekly half-hul11iry .m
fseveitb year. Besides her h.usiwud. Thursday. ,•umineudnK; his week mutt
raw leaves two ems. William, In Brit- realtiuulnc until the end of Septemle•r.
•ash Columbia.and htiibert. on the A1/411.4•W(I1e, who vent the 11111411
homestead. and elle daughter. Mrs. year in Western ('auathi, has returned
aohrrt Cuultl'v of East Waw4u01h. home.
The former Methodist church build,
hug al Kitimat. witch wails purclisw'd
Secently by I►r. Moir of Hensel'. 111 he -
big tont down and for material is 1w- Mr. and Mrs. -A. 11. rrawhtrd Nr -
tag fakeer to Hensel!, where 1►r.'Muir-i rived home last week from Florida.
Intends to um. It in meeting nu midi- where they spent the winter.
tlop'to his oat* building. Robbie, wren -year-old sou of Mr.
rGilbert Jarrett. of Kippeu, met with awl Mrs. Donakl (tae, one with a lie -
a bad aa*fdent one day last week. As II Petr ae•idemt while riding on the back
he was drawing manure to the field t*oweof a coal •Wagon. hl *owe way lie
the chain 011 thistoneINMt broke and, was caught letw,t•i the hind wheel
ha tell over .a a pit•hfork, w'hleh 1 and the lox and was kids, .111 and
Mitered biro Wily about two bud bra bruited. Th'e wound nu els ley, ne•-
hetnaatety no vital spot was reached. a sodtated twenty -ebur Ntitcbrn•
aid It is hoped that 4114' injury v.111 The Smith of William }:Itneltt 111•-
501 swore nerkwat currel on Tuesday n4.rulpg, April
The death of oendrew T. aeon. of 1 27t1t after s ref? short Illness. Tlir
1114renceaeld. 4wepri'ed egg April 24tH at , , e6 who was In his sixty -faith
ime 1 afty els ywa► Ho ors' pN.R is survived by his wife, three
rn In Btu1•etk4d mud was a, lifelong: daughters and too rens.
sliWt of this p1s4e. Isle 1* survive) I The soft -tall gape w111 be played
red 15
Sy bib siotber, Ids wife std flue agates In Wingham this year. six
•Ch118ruA all at home. The deceased! twangs will compete fur the Advent -
was a sou of the late William t4cntt, I Tlnw•. isopey, which was aim last
4 plater/tr. merchant of liruceSeld, sad I resew, by the Western Foundry team.
for many Tent carried on iushier.
ebere la mita and • produce and gen-
oital merchandise. •
Blyth ewe -haute are obaeriTdr
Two Women Owe Health
to Lydia E. P'inkhaat's
Vegetable Compound
St. Adolphe, Manitoba.- "I was
weak and had great pains during
my periods so that
1 could not sweep
the floor. The
pains were in the
right side and ex-
tended to the left
and then d o w a-
wards. 1t seemed
u it the body was
heavy and upside
down. It is far
these troubles I
took the Vegeta-
ble Compound. I
saw about it a paper and one wo-
man prevailed on sae to take it. It
has helped me in every way, the
pains are less, and 1 have more appe-
tite. It is apleasure to recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable (bas -
pound to other women. -LRA Dm.
bonus, St. Adolphe, Manitoba.
Found Great Rebel
Toronto,Ont. -" I am at the Change
of Lite with hot flashes, dizziness
weakness aid nervousness. 1 had
' bead noises and war short of breath.
1 was this way about six months when
1 read about Lillis E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound in the newspapers.
1 have taken eight bottles so far and
found great robot"-Mr■.R.J.SAL-
MON, 112 Lawlor Ave., Toronto, Ont.
tier [wrrlltl, Yr. mud Mrs. Currie. 111
Vu May ll Rev. Mr. ('srr. of West
Lora', wilt ,xeup7 the pelpii lu 1'111
vin t'ultel church.
Mrs, stalker, of Toronto, ora a
11041, .r two about th, lw'Ighlierhu,N4.
1.011114 one• more as a buyer of stock.
"Aad whet." he lugelrea. iu creches
Mid casual 'hidden, at the eel of a
leuglhy talk cif the yflkige• and Its
IN1.albilltlea of nhrrp'anti ,•abuse -elm
1•lsitor for, a couple of wet * with bre might that place belong to jure alOnit
u r
br th r Mr. Will Taylor• the road here- -the Owewe w'hr•'
Rev. 1'.-('uwmival' ]bra. /'118115114 they've gut 111141 a 101 of t•leyral 1
and M14• Gordon on intruded the linnet wires? l:e,tl•IIt11u a plate..1 .•*144'•1 Y"
reeshytertel we•liuga at ('14114.1 last "('.'vert Lodge•" 1144141 t1w' Ia,4Ymdy.
w -Covert lodge, you Meant mister':
wce11ti4 ut the \V. M.S. of eah•111 there --1ook it a while back- eighteen
United ,•hureh was held 1,11 Widnes- anoints ago. 1 should say• load ways.
day, April 21st. at the hem.. of Mrs. when .1 soy -11 foreign 4erltI,wll1. ho•,
Peter Clark, s goodly number of mew- l it't Enithels Statue way hes Aim/fi-
bers bring present, end the preside,( wale eau. and e stye German. It's a
Mrs. ('uwming. occupying the chair. queer uapu"-Fro1N•ulu'. Iwa•tur Fr.-
Mrs. Gordan and Mrs. Robinson bonus. lie toils himself. though he
\\'.Nuts were ameotaled c4•lega4es to .100.111 do no doctoring, out Ise!"
the 1'resbjterial convention at (lin- "Hunting44.51t't" suggested Jiwwte.
tun. In r(.11411 4 40 the roll call many "Nice 'country 'for hunting. Gil.. 1
ietere•sting items on "Korea" were should sur.
read. 5!1-44. Gordon,4a1•e 11 NWT .111 The landlady laughed.
11 Bible character. "Saul." wIdle .1he• ''Iluulingf" sit e•xelalmwl. -Nay.
W M.44 N.411%g.7'It'
mounds. \h there's 11 foreign gentleman lives
topic en. Ihr dye •'Prager." 111)14 taken not likely' He's a student all for
1 c Mrs. W. I. Miller. An inr.rl•stluK lanky and piper* 1141 Nw•h•Ilkee--t 1)•y
feature ..f the me rllu4 was th.• pars- say hes lhuusnnllN 11144111 tho111i11d. of
1•Iltation .f a Ilfemell.•r-1111• Berne- IN.•.k+ 111 thin I s•. liesl,k•s. he.. 1111
rete 40 -H11. ('lark. the "Ickes( member old man. No -he took- (nett hour•
of the $&w tclty. •\ 1lllt,ble add res- when old Col '1 R'arrineh•r ,set. :uta
we4 read Jt; 1114s M. 1'. itutherfurd. 1 he brought all these here book. and
11e141 1 111' presentation WON made lby • 4441 I,•ra awl instrument. and. thing... mid
Mrs. Gordon..Sirs, ('lark, completely , there he mleays Is --rarely K,Ns out or
taken by 'surprise. express.' her keen Ili. own ) ruuud$. Int them telegraph
appreciation of this gift of her fel- f wires' --no wonder you notice, then1.
low-mentiwrs. At the 41,1.4• of the for everybody dew's. They soy. he.
meeting refreshments were `•ervwl 111141 keep• a telegraph online in the house.
a pleslcaut 44 .• 4.1111 tinwa. ,ujoy4d, "Saves trouble. no doubt." observed
Jimmie. -No bother clout brlughlg
WHITECHURCII tlegraws from the lost•ottlee." -
-Well. of course. we havt•i'l 11 4,1.'-
'VIIITI ('H1'114'H. May 3 -5114- crypt enter lu this plaee."11,1.4 the
bene 'More grill 1114, week•w11 with-Inndlnity. "It's too swill. 441111 4e4•.
relatives In but -know. grams hove to he brought n couple of
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. 1•'ra1wr and mile,. taut ma 1 ,,,,,y. thla I'N•tur
Louisa. of 1\'inghaw, stent 141n41ay }'r,IM•nlas. he 14)1,4 hi, amt what yell
most ..t whom Mu in Western esti- with Mr. and Mrs. I .. S.nyler• Might eau right- Into td. 000- ...1m.
oda. Miss Reis Hamilton. tcaelur la .\111 telephone, too -they my he .tun
1'11 Srrforlh (:ole ,111)1 4u4l)ril flub S S. N.. 14.. spent the weekend with talk to peopleinA1111•rletl 1vit11om
held its manual meeting April ::hid . tel t f iia "
Sud ele•11,1 either. for the year. Th'
golf course *111 be still further ha-
lo -eve.' during the ,om111114 wrtelll.
CLINTON •\t .\ssuluptiuu ,lurch, 41 Mit. ..ii
Apl'll 2it4. the marriage was selene
.Invited hired of Katherine 1.. Eckert. dough -
tinfoil Milk 1'rwlueta. I 1 ter .f 1Ir. 111141 Mrs. C'..1, Eokevt. anti
Kae pan•beaed from s. N. ('loiprr owl ince. sol of )IsJ,lr
L.n1.n1 51,e 1
old Mn4on1 hank bulking, formerly It. S. 141y. e,f tte•afurtb.
i"'m Tr3T F the (ttnton tyub and 51 .'. Jelin \1e•11 Newell tawny April
wetly half -Holiday a 1 we*d•y f Jseicsoo M[g . t m• Tia laterlor will n u
afternoon, commencing this weds• 1 he altered to suit; the "requirements ,,f{'rtrtt at the Nge eft eighty ,resins. She
The village ken one of its earliest' the evmpSUy. i had INv11 a resident ef-Seaforth for
residents lu the death of Robert J 1'. K.•1lough. w•ho Any,. lanl re.v. tiftr-five years. Her husband 1111441
Y11aa w occurred 1iu Tuesday of , timber had • been assl1tant agrk•ultitt. forty-six Fars nem. Mit do- 14 sur -
last w he deaeased was burn in' a1 representative for Huron county. 1'11'11 by two wale. Jelin, wit11 whom
*Beotlnn lNtt and rata,• to lwaada IMS Iween sgtpolnt4J aselrtaul to Air node leer Inane. and George. of
- 1 that 11!4 1 mwrnn44l bis St rntGlyd
at an
nos ihe:faml y - Braes county 15111 1•n , rn• fent.
J.,ynh »r +rr++} Years u tiled
• tit' • 111. Forty -ger years ago 4 work at Walkerton last week. D. A.I
l u f 'Se•aferth Weil at Louden
be rrtnr to Myth and for taint. :result .Wdv,.w, who has been attending the: ,1 Ticr..h11 ..f last week. after an
her easter at IMtroll. getting mi o . chair.
hod -nutted 1(1 the further end of the
)Miss Olive Terrill. It.N.. returned Jimmie drank (1R his ale. pr.nlist.l
t.. return later for his horse'. anti
walked 4,111.' Ile wax hent nn obtain -
'l'llll Ma) B, 11120•-4
Shoes last longer
when you shine. them with "Nugget''.
It waterproofs and protects the leather.
"Nugget" Tan Polish preserves the
original colour of tan shoes.
Shoe Polish
Moak -Ton -Toney Red -Dark Brown
and White (Noniron) for light cobra.
turn out to, 1.4' trumps 411 the lest
se*N4e. 11e know that Lady $,•ray,•
WON .41111) where within 410• preeinet..
u( 1'ov eat 1.'.4114,•. but he• 11111 uo1 k11u4
that Mrs. t1'rl hetiNlln 81'1• 11116 there t.•
keep her eulupauy. Well. %%her, %
544.45• two vivre'" there would 144• net.
e11(ef. and -- '
Jimmie Nlelltlrl)'. he'l'l 114• 1,1',:,411
'Erolemilla:•• 1,.• wintered. ''Flo
Itenine! lirthe very deo-- --
'rhe I.l-...Ince el ...teething oil the
Intek of Ills hello' Muds hie aar4 and
tiro. I1.- f.11.•I hiuw if '..uktn down
the 4.:141. 1 of o' reieli •r• and 111'hind
111.• r,-v,terr -food n targ1•. gi-I01-ret-
11re.l man.
CC,. to• ',.minted.
and made hluw•It extr•u„ly -ball IN• __-- -
hind his shelter of rht.beiendr••n- .4•
another whitlow' of the 1 -' npp•+er,.1
.u.• of the strangest tlgur,- lie had
ever knee or dtt•atut or ole tiger.
4,r a slightly bnlll. Spate 11)1111 whey-,'
11,1141 ,e44•mel to be nitiie r.s. large l..
his body': %hese oltlt, (lair ...sailed
vastly to ll%0110ns fur m',•n 111,
large 10.1,4: whose foe, 111114• a.. II.0
of a torp.... '1- lighted. op by 11 pair
of hark. burning eye.: 1% 111.1.1. hl.l,l-. d.•11dor. ,41h•un11wL were ever
11.111 11) *1•)411.",' ge.tleulation ; how.
thin. 11011y 1iMahe. tIla u wv•1u.1 111 jerk
rather 1/1111 h1 move, were• vita hr11 111
wuub1• hloe•k totaled by a gre•nt bla•k
Ionclo nod 1 huge b1aek-ulubrer'•
This exit-mu.rdl:wry' Iigure wired nn
hliperiuu. 11111141 I. the 144(1 111.11,, 4.1 110
011 Saturday ',after spending a mouth
with relatives at Toronto ane[ Bramp-
ton. h+g ,ome• sort .1r avers. to the house who had the lower of life and doth.
Mr. \Vine llulmes of Port Arthur. Is whlth unw shrRaKel Lnrel nod [rally Thry :old the stole'' figure lankiest.
visiting with his mousier.- Mr. Jus. ;ferny' 11 lad the mysteries. hldlrldIIat Ilnd Jimmie drew a long breath and
Holmes. I known to the natives as !ho•lor Fro- Mraigiiiiin) hlm.rlf.
Mr. end Mrs. Wesley Leggett au.l 114'11114, In141 Ida brain .%vas landed In
lemur.•: 41u•y ca mai sight of the lees
fuer of :nithurity..:no' they
run --:e, 141114•,4 might 11,1 to ,1 111114141'
eltlklrru. of Rhe aale, nwlit Sunda)--] 11lvetl11n11_ means. crease.. win -mese
with her brother, Mr. Ru1.1. M.whray Whereby hlN nte'1il7,nr. Might ass l•nr-
Mrs. Jas. 11 •Rohins.I :1101 Frances. ri.d out.. As espr'llmitiary to further
of \Viugham. and Mrs. %Viii. itc, roft. 4N411110ns. h• 1v11Ike.' thr.uglr.the cil-
Sir. and Mrs. J. 1). Iiersruft, Florence lig. 4(1441 tones) • up :1 nerr.w has•
and Ernst spent Saturday anti Mrs.witch led t.. 11'. tap of n low hill. ttrnn
It.•e•reft's 'parents. -Mr. and Mr.. .\n- the ridge of whlrh It res ryesstble 1"
drew 51. Kirk. of rleaf,rth• 1 look duan inset the h.lis.• 111111 Its 1111,
Mrs. Haggltt. of Myth. stent' last mediate surront1lings. There V) tin no.
week with her turrets. -Mee :1-(4 May., tpil}t. cin uL • theetenino l Im anal 11,
v1 w. :11Wa)•1 1-xeeptin41 tlN• 111111.111,1
i 1111n4w•r of telegraph :11Mi telephone
! wire's. He -aw the S.hlv.' ,uach81n.
1111.1 footman chatting t.. shut ins
.r.bably the Froh•ul11' 1,4114•1111/1441 alt
d.14r of a • sathilis'cone : he len%
ones u 1 ue i Al' Eluersou•
he tel (' dol has "
eonAAteyrll the 4'8 51'rdal 40 Agricu'tnrnl h"' • at
end) ration. He had hr•n lu poor
afterwards (aerobe; le hast % arae returuw1 to Ida former lost beet• as' ..1...
assistant to lle'prrsentatil•e Rtothers., health fur it ung11)er of years. Ile is
1►r. W. l:uua is uwey un a trip 1 surv'iv.•44 t)' itis wife, uwu wins 11111
' , two daughters. John Joy9,t. 51.1'.1'.
Mr, read Male. W. T. 111 -Neil snit Mie. ft'r North Herm). is n brother.
Ilene O'Neil nem -let last week from R_ _-_
Orlando. Florida. wher.7Mr. and 11 EXETER__
teNell had been for Ile last two
•x,le r will holen le rare 11111.4 1411
-- --
yeses. loa 2nti.
\1 the per'JMge .f the 1lltare, 1 \1."'411 retry. .inn
Last Baby:s Ord . n Tablets Keep rip. .14 4111 144r•urrerl int Victoria boss
YOnr Children Well •turf United Omni.1:1.dht Tuesday. pitia'undon. nu April 2.11 h. ef. •lust -ph •
April '_7th, Leuonl. daughter of M .I .Uoy. 114.1 tiAprII ll years. .pl
Little ebiltren very trtlekly get ant and Mr... Ite.rge linen of Hnnelt
• of *1Nlw'torte 11 •ley prolnl511 treatment they t.wnehip. was unite) in nulrria:) 11)1 dkre1Ne,l was a n11ti1, of* Set Mei.
an u
on just as qu4.•kly Ie• "et William It. Pearson. Ode., ..n .f Item township owl IN'el al 111141
right again. Most of their inanities jamb, fear -1)u .4 (loberirh tuw118I11p. 4'1,i -eland for some years. Sine he
arise In the first place front the stem- The ceremony was performed by Rev. returned hr ins beim engaged. 1. 8
act or Novels: that le why a Knottdrover. He was acts nwlrrie(k The. 1
J'. J. M'orh0n.r. Mr." mei Mrs. l'lsr-i
cleaning -Hut Is the oral thing liar win will reside ht f;,wI,'ri,h 4,w'uslnili., r nni111. were bnuglt '10 }Neter for ,
scribed 'by tlw drx euro Formerly car A4 a united Meting of the former I interment.
Nies. Warts.nnil Mhsn }:1111 \\'+Ire.'
ter oil wean the 111111.111111111111.111111u,..',1 1,e ler congregations .f Wesley MrthaHat have left fsr \111nrtIn kiln jEr. {
Ude st,tiut.;. 1444111;•11.414411_lialty'a Own r -1YQ1i11teraaltytetbw..thlltti'1►p"• Were,. whit tae iNeen-iltere fttr• SOUND i
Tablets 1k1 the sante murk. but with-
. Out Irnutth• 1. 4411- - t or dMerem-
fort to 1)
one. t'hthlren take ,(Mir
Bat '• s happily because 14N.k
11e4t'y taste and Neonate
after -patine fellow their
apeeitic for chlidb09d
vomit 111S. constipattlon, colic,
wtblug pafue. etc.. there is no -
nal hahy'ro Own Tablets.
d" arm and always• do
is are mold bF medt-
by' mail at 2.i ents a
tr. N*Illiamu Medicine
art week, it wax decided that
r hnreh vital) lir used fur all
services, that the i'r.'.kyterian
!.raise 111• nerd by the 11111)
c*1ng14 irtion, and that Ilan'. .1. F.
Hogg formerly minister ,.1 Willis
c feral- be_Invited tie poster.
1 off%.
"You Can Get Strong,
,)[111 NScll lust as 1 Dili
by Using 44
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Dlreeter and
All tells promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 3.55w
Hamilton Street. Goderlcb
Brophey Bros.
trrders carefully attended to
at all hours. night or day
1various evidences .I1 11•113114.1 Iv life {
, aloin the h.uts': [M.•a'rplwlihl4, wh..' L
i over he was. whatever d:. might 181•,'
• i 8111. ...ninety not - 11 hermit. 'There
was. in fact. a good deal of autumn, u
ahem ('neem .1*44141•. mot Jluuli • re- }I
.r,gt 11541 thin it uaiaht not la• easy t11
I ;:et illt...•l.w.r tench with it.
From a 411411.0 1111.11 14 1111 411e-r111g1-
he examined the hon•.:• and its
{ :Tonne1N with a 1'1.•44 ..f gni1111141 an
Mrsine•. if not It daylight at any 1
rate In night. The hens.• itself -.toed
Iat nit. tail .f 1 11141.• lawn. Iwo .ides
of w'Weh etre e114.1"or1 1., thick pats-
fattens. H. g,Irdees mud .tables were
{ 111 the rear mid had. .epar:u1- e•utrmn-
I ce.. The yew hedge 11 1.14•11' shell .R
_.. -- -. 1 t he• whole leave freed' rhe` rannit
n tn- r
lisle. Mise. Wares. who wen. on rhe -- - t. the rite . f the gdnnt:r* Ilnd
local .+Intl of 411' Blink of t'omal5nw. THE ANNEXATION SOCIETY
_--AW'lll_d111"4 it:11f1in to Jimmlr shalt
1. thing transferred tote Whot,or it .utinu.r) Ynlm iafi Rs it he .IlpgNrl wlthhr the wleket-gate
from which he had lir•( vi.•lveal the
11011Se. 11, -'could 11111k.• hip wliy threl1Kh
shrubberies stet behl„1 hedges
,anti h•-- ,81st*.- class _Li.lhe•_Ere''cli-
w•ldows whiel opwuerl .nt lot ill the
gr4lnud-fl.N.r rooms. There would. lie
a vast risk In stteli 11 V.vinre. 1111
,1..ltI.I, but he 81,14 determined to hake
it: knew his 4011ld, ..uuehow. what
Sernye and his -neo-medic' were doing
there. and what their business 4.1111
With this mysterious dweller in the
wilds who kept. a Is•rfeet battery of
wires upon his roof.
As be crept down from the ridge
Jimmie heard a 11e11 ring in the stn -
d. --yard of ('.cert bodge. Ile 1".ken
through n 1.011ve111e11t gall 111 the hedge
And 11aw• tit• Seely,. tom -beton and
footman and the 41)4111 81011/ whufn they
F 11uIL Item. Nllkit4 . an11mter lei.urely
1 aeresl to a Intek lot ranee. .\nY
gionc11tg at his 4,-nt,il. 111• saw' that It
1,•114 .Inst. 01144 O'clock.
-Serrating' dlnrm r hear." 'Sell
411.5• erinmils-there'll be nobody
There was nobody about, certainly'.
lit the road which ran i iongelk• the
ye4-hedti,•. Jimmie looked ftp and
dew!. Its length as he slaunterod
silting: there Nn. 11111 11 •0111 In sight
when he-IIlge11 through the wi,kel-
irate and behind n 111x; .•lump 4,f ley. -r -
green!. N111,11 .4".41 Ina 11141111f1'iy 111
front of it. There be p:tesed to pros
[m4•t and to ...insider. From 11..
wiekel-ante a path leo' 11 144) be'''nd.
tho- yes -4,441)1•: at 11 little d14tala • 11
hrntlrhnl off It110 the p1M11t:1t1.n-
Nltirh berth/rel the lawn. Pat lis.
load -vet. were things t., is. strictly
avoided. 4411118' they wet• also things
rii keep 141 eye .n. lost they .hnnld Is•
treader' be the en.•n1y. Awl Jlmnitr
4r..,e•nily 1N•g,n to else lila way
aeras the 411mtlta1lelt. fr"m. shrill. f1)
,hent. k/ting further and further
from 4).*' 11h acrd yet 11te.r.nehiu*
the h1411 at n loin! neer the house.
He tall Prat Berne oi, to th1• iglus' of
the tett and .4r.pprosl down behind n
Cron mate. mf evergr. n% when ? f
-14, two la,144" / merge fr.lm •
the Fr'noll 111141.1. atoll begin to pe
.1'Prism for . ti' wbk•k ren before it:
In , them hr rt.r•ngl)lr•,rl,, tdlely Sera?'
I11d Mr' Wythenaht4e.
Jimmie's heart thin4%1l ml(h111R n.
1he 1.14-41111 111111 the lady of Wilton l'rl•'-
1'r'nt. Herr, at any fate. wan tnnw-
thing tsllglhle, something that might
FOR ONLY - • -
(Seven Three Cent Stamm" wa7) ds)
i will mad you. by mail. poet paid. a
(like illustration) stamped with Your Name and Address.
DON'T DELAYI WRITE TO-DAYI Sorely Your Keys are Worth
Twenty -One Cents.
branch' either. nod its pnscne, made Alwmi,
\ pretty wedding eek phut• u. sae cap Inure tightly
541-4))) ,•t(•t:1,K. April Nth. when 511111 1.1111 hi- thiu11114 1
1 lu utl t C f 1111. Into .lout 111, brews. This iodated lem.e.
.leme•ro ('r.rr•h: t44rame the bride of Offs i•n1h'eAl; _'e+►relalrl.rat t.+wlt+tu 1)`f
SIr.AF11RTH Walter ite'artne. Of Iere.l61. TIo• cent'- 11441 Wit 11 a . 1e . i
m0ny was 1N•rf.rmel by Rev. E. Slum- telegraph and telephone wires. Start -
lord fu the prew'nle ..1 nlout thirty ' iue f n .1111141t1 111 tied lu nue 1)4
the VI 111.•4. the wires stretched across
the ,rnrdl•ua•111441 11111.10 t(1 the rend "11
which- Jimmie steel --the Meuse. it
watt evideet. was in dire•t enmmutl-
fini11u with 1'ari14uN trunk lines. out
Mrs. 4'hmrk•. Sone, a fernier resi-
dent of 'Se..forth. died at Vancouver
on April 114tH, in her seventy -fi'e'f
year. She leaves, besides her hue -
hand. the wlu. 111441 four dnnghters.
p D - - ve Attention
Ada Pine Brown, wife of Thomas
Bissett. :ir.1 eontssstoh .f 1'sberue,
tiled on Friday. April 2:11). Ire her
-i'tty-sixth year. after a short illness.
She had lived for over fifty year. In
Exeter and vicinity. Resides her hus-
band, she 1.-11 111.4 1110 111 fighters wed
*1414' 5111.
merely /for telegrnphie` but for tele-
I,hmu. /pllrl>%tick
Fr' n n N'b het -gut,• a-hlrt 4,14.11.111
the /Yea t-hedge..4initnle: raw the car -
tinge drive up to the trent their. 11.
.\ "bandit" has robbed a cafeteria saws r man-scrvent ree11e its 041. -
alai httei the Iu11Wc. .\
of $2,4NN4. Probably ate there Nod got Paints. "'it., tai
1)114 to helpine__htnleeet_-Kau Frau- few• miutur- later. the same roan
L pal„ fro,,C 4he' Rigg.(: -and 4•r lik•ntl
del., 11WIrl.iS - • gree sumo order to the ,ual1mna.
ST. HELENS who lit .mi.• .1riive 111• hers,a roan.
1 S 1111x. _+, at Allyl! MOP -yard at the end presumably
1 the warde n
t the corn.; t. what wn
r_m-s]N t -]II- Q the wardens.
Fax. Ill N 1,14*Tiun- t. was -
ever the week-1•tsl with her nude% lug that Lord
l 4.,,flvsuairily*.
t i y*. we one
Mr ii'. .1. Humphrey. 4 going to la.' 1
Mr. ,11111 5114. Ihlrr.w are vh4tin4 in at theing • iseli.1ir1 11 1mnlll l*u,, 111 o4 . vil-
1•nek I
Mr.. 01111 Mrs, Hyde and. fnmlly Inge Ihr.inggn lchirgi he hod just passed
visited ,l heir • frienuh at Kincardine he went bsek to it, pit up ills horse,
during the week. e . Milt 4444114 into the hollow called for a
Sunday Scheel lily will be elis•rt•rr1 Khlss of afe Atoll 1 nouthfnl of dread
inMrJrin lilnh111ll .111 1'hillips isdvi•itiing with iuo'nt chew....
eadieltly thehls laiella ly 14 st refresh-
Y ke New 0014* 0. •10,e4 t -e t440 ,' air Nth 1ao- aria and iron..
trifle over seven pounds per hoed and
trought well over a $100.00 or a total
of almost $000.00 from the flock of
only 50 ewes.
Such a harvest, however, is not
poskihre without a return by the
nwner. He must lay the foundation
by securing's desirable ram and must
have good basic value in the breed of
sheep he is raising.
While then are more than 1.575,-
000 shearable sheep in Canada, only
apptbsimataly 29,000 are pure-bred
Annually the number of pure-bred
sheep increase in proportion to the
total number of sheep, whieh is a
favorable ind[dtiotl for a eetlthrtaanee
Ilty for year, to conn. The
o realism' that only on
build a peretaneatly
in sleep raising.
goes on, progressive farm-
ing a higher valuation on
of sheep they raise and
y are given. It is gener-
that a beep raiser se-
per ear -the iambs
1 •A11 • idation1 .oirit
rice fn lamp
to t con-
rtaken pro-
eing ,paid for
be 'ever)
r '.he stock,
y la
the w. , 1s harvests
ons and 11117, thio rev-
ed at . season WW1
Dm Overage farmer.
1 911111 when farm
kept farmers
ice, 80 ewe,
'Melt when mar-
,. The woe)
-- s
study of brands most m11tt-
exst[w nditlods rad most
wtplm of feeding /lad
es carries with it a large
alts obtained. 'rear
geed attention
THAT strength is powerless
against infection if the small-
est cut or scratch is neglected I
• THAT blood -poison means pain -
disablement -loss of work.
THAT Zam-Buk kills and excludes
poisonous disease germs.
TH T, ides Ming highly antiseptic,
Z wises
Sas always M depended rpm
so moths pais and grow new skin.
TlgAT aglatty
n ever
equal Za -R1tk for obis trembles
$m -B uls.
ac a Tm•o.9illat Slot
•y *were&
Just say "Kellogg's"
to your grocer!
RIPE hearts of golden corn!
Toasted to delicious crispness!
Every day Kellogg's Corn
Flakes are a flavor -feast for
more than 10,000,000 people.
Kellogg!, are the original
corn flakes. Never tough -
thick or leathery. Always
crunchy -crisp and marvel-
,,- palely flavored.
Serve Kellogg's for lunc$a--
For the kiddies' evening meal.
With milk or cream, fresh or
preserved fruit.
See how fine and fit they
make you feel! Light and
easily digested.
Sold by all grocers. Served
at, all hotels and restaurants.
14"Oven-Ifireall ALWAYS
N K,fl. g'. IvdMwla/
Mr.r-...Iso' ,wat/4e
Imitations cannot bring roll
such wender•flayes -Ma
crisp, crunchy flakes. The
gseeiws cora flakes Mire the
signature of eh, otislaster
aw tbs pashas*.