HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-14, Page 10OW CURTAIN CRASHER We confess a 'sneaking respect for one resourceful gentleman who fooled the Commies—albeit by morally dubious meant. Seems he would load his hollow aluminum artificial leg with can- dy, coffee and nylons in West Berlin, then whisk over the bor- der into East Berlin in his motorized wheel chair. He made a neat profit — until the border 14endarmes ultimately caught up with him. ' More and mom businesses--4 from artificial limbs to shipbuild., ing similarly find aluminum a valuable aid to sales and pro- fits. Further major expansion of Alcan's Smelters in both Quebec and B.C. is aimed to satisfy the continued increasing demand for the light metal. ALUMINUM. CAMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) See It Tonight A TRULY EXCITING TV EVENT! "OUR MR. SUN" Produced and directed by Prank Capta, Academy Award-winner,Stardng Eddie Albert and Dr. frank Baxter. See this inspiring story of the sun. Authentic science, presented with excitement, humor, drama! On CI<NX TV Channel 8 and the Cad mihvOik w 0 to ill — Tonight THE IILL TRIPIONE COMPANY 00 CANADA Watch CEJMAX 1 • , wes;:svb.,4Nsx:vm:iatk,:VOrkkcv.:..4:. • ••••4k.a.k...., .............................. * V-8 POWER" FOR EVERY MODEL * RUGGED, ECONOMICAL 6'i * NEW BIGGER CAPACITIES *'NEW CHROME-SWEEP GRILLE AND HOODED HEADLIGHTS *NEW FULL-VISIBILITY COMFORT CABS . • • Av . • ..... . . • • law5,440M,804,MM:437.e.d ziff,m. • 4 'N",-•t• 11 YY Il nk11, Extra-rugged construction for tough jobs, choice of 19 wheelbases Now you can have V-8 power in every Fargo model . . Chrysler-engineered high-compression engines that give you top performance . . . extra power on regular gas. Or, you may choose Fargo's famous rugged L-head 6-cylinder engine. With either you get these big Fargo pluses— Smart new Forward Look styling .. . new cab comfort with increased visibility... greater safety with constant- speed electric windshield wipers . . new, bigger payload 'capacities . . and dozens of rugged, additional, features make these new Fargo trucks your best choice. Look over the new, complete Fargo line. You'll agree, these are the finest-performing Fargo trucks ever built, Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited V-8 or 6 power Big, powerful V-8 high-compression engines for every Fargo model. Advanced dome-shaped design of, combustion chambers helps prevent power-robbing carbon deposits. Fuel burns more completely ... you get full power on regular gas, Im- proved-design 6's also available. New payload capacities Popular Fargo Express models haul heavier cargoes, because of balanced weight distribution. Fargo models range from .5,000 to 46,000 lbs. 'G.V:VV.,. up to 65,000 lbs. G.C.VV. Choose yours now. New cab comfort Long or short hauls are easier, more comfortable in a Fargo truck. Even the scat-back adjusts to the most comfortable driving angle. Cool, long-wearing upholstery combines beauty with duty. Full wrap-around windshield and new full-width' wrap-around rear 'Window (optional) provide control-tower visibility. Push-button driving Proved-in-use push-button auto- male transmission makes driving. easier than ever, Available on %- ton, models; you just push a button and the shifting is automatic .Mech- anically foolproof and trouble-free„, only Chrysler-built trucks have it. Enjoy it now. FAFitqo. TRUCKS built io fit your job Exclusive alligator hood 'ogene to 00°f Choice of Power-Dome Or 'famous 1.-Heaci poWerl, , Ruggedly dellgOlid tor severest Ogeretleig rergo C.0,0. Models take longer feedlots, bigger payloads I /1 SHOWER OF STA kso. Thursdays 'overChart' ne 1 8 'TaeoWtughan) AdVince-ThthleS) WeOnlasitsin NON'. 1,4). •St, St eplie09' , s W.A; Ratnage,Smith Hears of Indians was riding on the Ab011irglt tarsi on Saturday. It -marked the fif time she had had a' Wipe 1)..to4ep; the, .same. arm over the OA Sew years, She is propessing .ably,---Ooderiell Signal-Star, t. SOO., Mrs, Dave Walker, of Teeswa- ter, visited a few dayS recently with Mr, and Mrs, George Ashton. Mrs. Isobel Hutchison returned home recently after spending some time with her son, Dr, James Hut- chison in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. William Foote and Terry of Paris visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs, Pearl. Patterson and E1iza- 13eth visited one day last week with Mrs. George Wipp in Galt. Baptismal rites were performed on Sunday morning in Trinity An- glican Church for Gordon Bruce, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sothern, Mr: and Mrs. Jim Sutton and. Mr. Harvey Sutton, of Kitchener visited friends in the community on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Baker and family, of London, visited over the week-end with 1Vir. wand: Mrs, George Baker, Mr. and Mrs, Goosep Winkle spent Saturday in Kitchener. Mr. and. Mrs. Orville Guy of Mit- chell spent Saturday With Mr. and Mrs, Henry Howe, Miss Marianne Dolg, Mr. Harvey Bride of Scarboro and Mr. Ed- ward beig, of Hamilton visited over the week-end with Mr. nand Mrs. Harold Doig. , Mr. Ian Pittendreigh of London visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sothern. Mrs. Joe Bennett and Mrs. Bruce Bennett of Gorrie visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs, W. Sothern, Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto spent the. week-end at her• home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hargrave visit- ed -on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Hood on the sixth of Wal- lace. Mr. and Mrs, Stan Bride visited friends in Toronto over the week- end and attended the Royal Win- ter Fair. Mrs. Winnie Rumple left Sunday for London, where she will 'undergo special treatment for a few weeks, Messrs. Arnold and Donald Doig spent one day last week in To- ronto. Mr, Bruce Williamson of Lon- don visited over the weekk-end with his mother, Mrs. Emma•Wil- liamson. • GORRIH- Mrs. F. R. Russell dis- cussed the chapter from the study boo; "Indians Face the New Age" at the October meeting of the W.A„ of St, Stephen's Church at the home of Mrs. John Dinsmore. She quoted Kingsley 's "All but God is •changing day by day', and said, "The life of the Indian chang- ed with the corning of the white man to America. The Indian lied lived an independent life, but he soon became dependent on the government by the treaty system which was designed to help the Indian, but is now a detriment, The Indian must, be encouraged to think that he is able to compete With the white man." Mrs, George Beattie brought a message on "Wisdom,", the theme for the meeting. The president, Mrs, Harry King, presided, Mrs. Q. "Underwood read the Scripture and Mrs, Beattie gave the firtan- -eke], report of the recent elnirch supper. Mrs, Russell closed, with the .Litany and. benediction. Mrs, Gordon Underwood assisted the, hostess in serving refreshments. St. Martha's Glary Plans Bazaar, GCRRIE—The regular monthly meeting of the Guild of St. Mar- tha, of St. Stephen's Church, was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Earle King with fif- teen present: After the devotion- al period, plans were rnacle*for the annual bazaar on December 1st and for the next meeting, The December meeting will con- clude the years work with the bringing in of the proceeds from the travelling basket and each member's talent money. The tra- velling apron was opened and the contents counted with the result that three moore hymnals are to be purchased ,immediately for the choir. A nominating committee was appointed to bring in a slate of of- ficers for the next year at the De- cember meeting. Roll call was ans- wered by an idea for the bazaar, The meeting was closed with a prayer by the Rev. F. E. Russell. A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Lorne Madill and Mrs. Mac Newton. GONE Mr. Roy Gowdy, who is a patient in Wingham General Hospital, is slightly improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McKercher of Rosetown, Sask., spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Strong and visited other friends. Mr. Albert O'Krafka and Mr. Henry O'Krafka of Hespeler and Mr. Robert Slater, of Kitchener, visited Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Claus'O'Krafka, Mrs.' W. W. Strong spent a couple of days last week with Miss Patricia Strong at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Behrns, Palmerston, visited &Vey with Mrs. Etta Day. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Flynn 'and Connie are on two weeks' vaca- tion with friends at Peterborough and Rochester,. N.Y. Mr. Jack Mitchell, Brussels, spent Sunctay with Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Goirdy. I, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison and children, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison. Mr, and Mrs. Bob liar- rison Jr., of Guelph, spent the week-end at the same home. Miss -Betty Wylie and Mr. James Wylie, Toronto, visited over the week-end with their mother, Mrs. John Wylie. Mrs. John Wylie re- turned with them and will spend the winter months there. Mrs. Percy., Cohner, Torcinto, spent Wednesday with Mr. 'and Mrs, Ernest King. Mr. J. G. Mills of Port Nelson, spent the week-end with his son, Dr. F. O. Mills and Mrs. Mills. Little Ann Nuhrt returned Thurs- day froin Wingham General Hos- pital and is Making a good recov- ery following an. appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs, Frank King, Mr, and Mrs. W. King spent the week- end with Dr. and Mrs, Wendell Gott, Toren°. Mr. Art Ernwin, Mrs. Week) Mr.. and -Mrs, Lester Falconer and Gary of Tteeswater, Mr, and Mrs. Lang- than Vogari, Molesworth were Sun- day guests at the holne of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hyndman, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Miller, San- drit and Elaine visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G, C, Moffat, Whighatri, Mr, and Mrs, CASs Thompson, of Harristori, spent Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs: Allan Hyndman, Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Wilstm and Woodrow of Ails& Craig called on Mrs, Harry Pergilson on Monday evening. Miss Mary Thornton returned to ilathilton on Thursday after cell. vateSeing. at her home fellowing an appendig, ope'rat'ion, Birth Itincarditte tiespitid, on gunday, Xovember, fix, JltlGd;, to :Mr, and Mrs. Yad'it Weaton, daughter; Orange Lodge., Elects Officers 0013M14---Ciorrie L.O.L. elected the following officers at Its No, veinber meeting on Monday even- ing .of' last weep; Master,. Stanley Iit1Y sl Deputy Master, Allan Watson; Pecratarz Gordon Underwood: Financial Sec- rotary, , John Dinsmore; Chaplain, T, McInnes; Treasurer, Ray- mond Lecturers, Justin Will and Wallace Moreland; Marshall,. Norman Wade, Harry King, Lyle Watson and Lionel Mahood received the Royal Blue degree. Skin ,Care,Subject of Denlonstration GoRRIB -- Mrs, Clarence Spa* Mg opened her home for the No- vember meeting of the, Gorrie W,L on Tuesday evening. -The press- dent, MM Gladstone "Vdgar„ was in the chair. .The roll call was -ans- wered by naming an eld-fashion. ed home remedy, The motto, "Cheerfulness and content are great 'beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks" was prepared, by Mrs, Ceeil Wilson and read.. by Mrs. Strong.. The secretary-treasurer gave the financial report of the banquet for. the milk .pittlucers, Mrs. Glad Ed- gar and Mrs. Willard Pent are .the committee to arrange for tiansp talon to the Huron county W.17. rally 'et .Cranbrenk on November 1.9th, Anyone desiring to attend is asked : ,contaret either of these ladles. Donations for Christmas cheer will be received at the De- ember Meeting. - highlight of the -evening was a demonstration on care of the skin by Mrs. William Sothern of Ford, wich. Refreshments were served by Mrs, Norman Gedeke, Mrs. Her- Old Keil and .:the hostess, ,Bert ,Kempater, who was organ. 1st for five years at Victoria Street United Church, -Goderich, has been appointed to a similar -posiz tion at the First Presbyterian. Church, ‘Scaforth, His duties will commence on. December let. .nlir DI* AlIC F4C14))1-Yea.r.,Old jennifet,t Par- Sena, daughter of . Mr% WO, Mrs. Mrs, • George Parsons, suffered a broken belle in ;her wrist wimp she felt from a horse on, which she ORDNICIF 44.4. Mrs. Alex Keith and. PhYllia gelth• visited '4uriday' • 10.. Kitotione'r with Mr. and, Mrs. Aftegitt Keith, The latter remained. VA will, teach ,school this week" in itchener, GORRIE,--A• wedding of inter- 'est to Gorrie residents Was solem- pized at Mount liamilton United Church, RaMiltoe.. on 'Saturday; INOverriber. 3', when James Coler- idge, son of Pr, and.. Mrs. Q. Q. Ramage, Vineland,. formerly .0 U.A and Mrs, Art Mitelieli were Gorrie, was. united in marriage. gaa$,S at the 'wedding of .a ;eta- with. Barbara .3: an, daughter of We; in Owen. Spun Pli.Sattirtlay. Mr. and Mrs. JOF1n Smith, Handl- 'fir, and Mrs, George Tudan of 'ton., rim-cowl-4e visited onto day last Weak with Mr. and:, Mrs. John Tu. Don Schaefer and. David; of Kitchener; visited on Saturday • with Mr. and.Mrs. Ira Schaefer,. Mr, and 'airs, Cecil Lynn and Karen and Mrs. Dora Ridley spent ,.Saturday in Kitchener. ' '• • Mr, and Mrs, Willoughby Patter- son, of London visited over the week-end with. Mrs; Pearl Patter- Births Trethewey—To Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Trethewey thee Thelma Schee-, fer) in the Stratford Hospital on Tuesday, Nov. 6, a daughter. HUDSON—To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hudson, formerly of Fordwich, a son, on Thursday, November' 8th, in the Hanover Hospital, Trinity I/V.A. Packs Bale FORDWICH—The W.A. of Trin- ity Anglican Church met in the basement of the church for their November meeting with the pre- sident, Mrs. Stan Forester, presid- ing and opened the meeting with the hymn "Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult". Mrs. E. Hargrave read the Scripture lessen. The roll call was answered by a verse on Remembrance Day by 15 members. The ladies decided to hold: a. bazaar and tea in the church basement later this month. The annual bale for Cardston, Al- berta, was packed and a quilt was completed. Members of the congregation are reminded- of their donations for the fowl supper fund. The ladies would like to have these as soon as possible. The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. Jack Douglas and Mrs. W. Sothern. CUNNINGHAM M VrrIM einimithuunvoliwitimpluoutiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiLiclomptio a A HAMILTON . t • i w F OPTOMETRIST ...i. • , i . Thoroughness . , Ability 'Time toots" 'I. I; . .4 i Phone 37 for . appointment . . • U II,. :,TiociiiiimpuitiloiroticismosouniummorpoloortriSo000.. TORS Wingham, Ont.