HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-14, Page 9The high-styled choice for ail your hailing needs , or•••••••••••••••••4. Cec . Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER Telephone 260 Tioe W$400.404 Advoesmoroloo4 WednoidoK Vita hoped to got at least ono point the roll 04 riefore the final gun. the ao new -ohaigs laic( had been ligItalle91. Tile following WOoda nominating .corrimitt41 Vintent and Mrs. 1,00 The annualkeflAiintr and to held ,on November ?A 0.0,r,T„ .baby' 13and and Band will have beetles at following will be in Obargei and boos,:5th of gorr,4o; table, 91:11 Mae 'East WriWanWiN aprons, '3rd. line of Walla; viv., tables and produce, :north village4 afternoon 'ten, south Viliinge 41.1 6th line East' WeVonaell; /W* ise laneous table, dth. line goPrig, A provkding free use Of the .1.144e.a. for the •C,KNX tour, At this tune the council force:ad The following general and •read accounts were paid:. Accounts paid A, Green, sanding. floor, $23,76; 149,00; $1£3,35.; }3.94e ,damp,, ,4pos; Relipt, • $00,09; Geo, Th0401011, part salarY,. $49.00; County Of Duren, bot.51)1411.1"' xatient .$1,92,30; Teribel MaeTaviSil. printing.. voters' lists, $$0,00, John MaeTaVish,, salary $300.00. postage 0,40, $355,40, • -Geo, labour, Mundell drain, IPA; Grant drain; John MacTavish, allowance, $100.001 Eldred N1C1101, •allowance, $1.00; Harold Grant, allowance, $85.00; Eldon, Kitten,. .allowance, .$0591); Jae, J. Jiliott,. allowance, $3Si00; Township. of TurnbeaTy, allowance, .$30.00; pedlar People, $10548; W, Jack Willits, :porn; $19.90, !toad quo, Greenaway, $38,20; Geo, Galloway, $221,00; Wm, Mundell, $235,00; Bruce Montgomery, $16,20; John Mundell, $6.38; road accounts, $1350.56, Willits - Foxton—That we do now adjourn to meet again on Dec. ember 15 at 10 a,m, John V. Fischer, Rbeve Geo, T. Thomson, Clerk VIE CAPTAIIN'• TAI IX • This bOok Of fiction was written by Richard Gordon, a thirty-three year old British doctor :who lives. In Oxford, England, He is also author of "Doctor in the Rouse" and "Doctor at Sea" both of which Were filmed and proved very sen- sational. • "The Captain's Table" ,is very humorous and portrays the. life of Captain Win, Ebbs, master of the Pole Star Line freighter, the "Marl .tin Luther", a .very deplorable ship. He was later promoted to captain of the ".Charlemagne", a passenger ship. Ca1.4. Ebbs made his home with a maiden sister who believed was in the adolescent stage, Before each voyage • she gave him advice about washing his neck and Chang- ing his %Nita, It must be remembered that the sea sometimes has a peculiar effect On people, and Ebbs Amon diaeover- eid that female passengers would pursue him to his • cabin; strong men were getting drunk, and children sick, • • . In spite of these. • interruptions Capt, Ebbs found time for romance with Mrs, Edith Judd,. a charming widow of only two months, who was .considered the ship's good sport, She had peculiar,habit of sleeping in her bed socks while Capt. Ebb's pecularity was an in- grown toe-nail. For this reasOn. he avoided matrimony as be felt he Might meet someone more attrae- tive en the yeturri'voyage through the Mediterranean. consider this book to be very cleverly written, packed with traditional. English humour and in roa$91414121Y large Prink it lacke OW' illustrations 'which tend to rusk. any boolt .tirWre Itlitereeting, 0111 :Kennedy XUA 0.9 .9 trOcrritstuf, • The day was Noveniher, The shining sari it warmed, We saw the Wingham Mustangs, As to the field they sWarmed. Official whistles sounded, Clinton Melted the bull, Wingham tiled to run back, But staggered and did fall. Clinton teak possession, Wingham boys did moan, Clinton threw a long pass, Complete to our end zone, The convert was comptecca, Clintonian joy, it grew, For over Winghain zero line, Crashed touchdoWn number two, The Clinton score it mounted The convert added much, And on our error, Clinton Scored a safety-touch. A Clinton touch and convert Put Clinton way ahead, And so the half it ended The Wingham boys half dead. Then Clinton kicked a field goal, A rouge it added one. Then Wingbalin t0.04 a new life,„ Doug $urray ire caught Are, lie scored a Wingham touch-00M, To lift our. Writs higher, But, OW we were defeated, We still have one more game, And let us hope for oar sake, It went turmout the same, by Tom Brydges XITA, • MORRIS... C.011NUIL PASSES ON .DRAINS Tile. Morris Council met hi the' township hall on November 0th, with all the members present, The minutes of the last regular meeting and the meeting of October 9 were read and adopted oh motion by Ross Duncan and Stewart Proc- ter, srodn Elston o . Shortreect—That t h e the Spivey Drain be paid, The engineer's report on the, Murray-Lamb Drain was read and considered, Shortreed Elston—That the engineer's report on the Murray- Lamb Drain be provisionally adopt- ed and that the clerk be instructed to prepare by-laws, Carried. The engineer'a report on the Nichol Drain was read and dis- cussed. Elston - Procter—That the en- gineer's report on the Nichol Drain be provisionally adopted and that the clerk be instructed to prepare by-laws. Carried. Procter Shortreed—That the, road accounts as presented by the road superintendent he paid. Car- rieDcinnean - Shortreed—That the meeting adjourn to meet again on December 15 at 10 a.m. Carried, 'The following accounts were paid: Jas. A. Howes, superintend- ence of Spivey Drain, $75.00, Jas. A. Howes, superintendence of Saw- yer Drain, $100.00; B. Parrott, sel- ecting jurors, $4.00; A. Fraser, sel- ecting jurors, $4.00; G. Martin, set. ectini jurors, $4.00; S, Procter, Sawyer Drain, $6.00; B. Parrott, Sawyer , Drain, $5.00; Advance- Times, advertising $1.44; Municipal World, supplies, $8.48; Relief ac- count, $15.00 ; ' F. Kirkby Spivey Drain contract $1349,00; G. Martin, clerk's fees, Spivey Drain, $40,00; Jas. Spivey, Cole drain, $11,00; A. Fraser, supplies and postage, $26.00 A. Fraser, balance of salary, $150; S. Fear, brucellosis, $3.40; O. Campbell, brucellosis, $1.20; B. Par- rott, court of revision, $5.00; S. Procter, court of revision, $5,00; W. Elston, court of revision, $5,00; R. Duncan, court of:revision, $5.00; W. Shortreed, court of revision, $5.00; B. Parrott, Cole drain, $10.00; Geo. 'Radford, Sellers drain, $40.00; Geo, Radford, Cole Drain, $2,260.00; W. Shortreed, grant to Walton lib- rary, $15.00; Mrs. J. Johnston, grant to Bruevale library, $15.00; Geo. Johnston, grant to Belgrave library, $15.00; Mrs. Chas. Johns- ton, grant to Blyth Fair, $75.00; Norman HooVer, grant to Brussels Fair, $200.00; Stewart Procter, grant to Belgrave Fair, $25.00, Bailie Parrott, Reeve, Geo. C. Martin, Clerk., BELGRAVE.---The first progres4 sive euchre party vvria held in the community centre on Wednesday evening of last week, with the new officersririzes ifirchtat:geh Thhe:ipprreesidweearte, treasurer, George Grigg Fredwori bCyoaolt". and B. C°Cuolotseosiataionnd is Mrs, TThward Wilkinson and the prizes went 4) Mr. .and 11frs, Leslie Bolt. Tla - you aro using the mortgage plan of buying your "home. XOCI should know about our saecial mOtaGAGE INSUR- ,A,N0g. Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative:-- Canada Life . WINGHAM, ONT. .1711.0.1-1 ,SCHOOL following appeals: Jas.. Stevenson The Turliborry Township fli)wiell LP4u-kimd inish exemption of $399; Pet in rSgalar session on Saterday, Wm, Holt, barn burned, assessment NQrn.nlber 3rd, with WI members reduced (1, j3rYeet dog pre4enc.'1'lla mintaet., of the ,last killed, taken off; Mrs, j, Lewis, 1, Meeting were read' and adopted on -deg billed, taken off. motion. pf ger') Foxton and W. IL Those appeals. were .granted • y Mativey; Motion of Smith and Mulvey, Those objecting to the. 'Fedora. the motion og October 10: 3,10", ticm of Agriculture levy were killing of' truck since the engineer granted exemption by motion of did not ,aPnreve of renting sam e, i 1), Willits 4 Mulvey--That the court Smith nod 'Herb Foxton, Voxton-Willits—That the clerk ' be, instructed to write a letter of '3.1 re‘qs1"rt he apprec•iation to theLhaevalr. Wo- men's Institute, thanking them for catering. to, the Huron. County Municipal Qtficerte Assbelation dinner, also, to Mr, Gee. Cameron, John Lane, sheep lulled, Mr. R. Pearson and Mr, II, Basile. Miller Wholesale, supplies, FOUR APPEALS AT RT f e''x :for tine REVISION ,sszntgsizres,0 FLOOR WALL TILES BUILDING w — Aluminum SASH DOORS CUPBOARDS Wingham GlittEKV PEANUTS AT TARA • According to the Tara Leader, Mr, George Neil of Arran Twp„ has grown peanuts in his garden. Last Week brought a root into the header office on which were quite I a number of mature nuts attached. i These are the first seen atound this district, CING...HIGH-ST -iwsay.V.a7 • AULERS FOR '57 I with new ife power First Enchte. POW:, • Heht:WedneWay .. and she was crazy about Downie's. The friendly service has a way of winning friends. 09'11'4'4 • New Dodge D100 6 or V-8 Express, 8,000 lbs. Pax. G.V.W. Plus these other new reasons for making Dodge Trucks your choice! • Advanced Forward Look styling, full wrap-arOund wind- shield for bettor visibility, better eye appeal! • New hooded headlights add modern touch of distinction .to Dodge trucks for '57! • Big V-8 engines for all models. Economical'6's, too, for low- and medium-tonnage models. • raellusivel 2-position Alligator. hood, opens to full 90 degrees for, complete engine accessibility! • —xtra-roorny cabs with new adjustable seat-back as well as seat cushion provide now driver comfort. • Push-button automatic transmission---;nOW proved in millions of miles of driving! Available on 34-ton models. • Mjustablo hand-brake lever on all models. You can adjUst cable slack from inside the cab. • New pull-type door handles with self-tightening Life- dUard latches. Phone III) Watch 1MAX • •Ws.,, .A0•0M3.:13;:•.;...• Dodge presents a completely new line-up of trucks with new Forward Look styling new high-compression 1/-13 engines for every model... new comfort and safety improved handling ease and dependability! combustion, and less carbon, build-uri. You dot peak performance on regular- grade gas . . . plus the extra power reserve of the industry'S, most effi- cient V-8's. There's much more that's new, too. Right from the ground up, Dodge trucks are built tougher and better ... with dozens of new Work-saving fea- tures. Whether you need one truck or a fleet, your Dodge truck dealer holds the key to all your hauling problems. See him today! See why the. smart new, powerfully new Dodge trucks are the best truck buys of the year! CKS '4P•M•f•ftnial...M 4" FROM 1/2 TON TO 65,000 LBS. G.C.W. New Dodge D190 6 or V-3 Panel, 5,000 lbs, Max. G.V.W. New Dodge D300 6 or V-8 with Stake Body, 8,800 lbs. Max, G.V.W. • New Dodge D400 6 or V-8 with Milk Delivery Body, 15,000 lbs. • Max, G,V.W, New Dodge D500 6 or V-8 With Dump Body, 17,000 lbs. Max. G.V.W. COMMITTEES SET UP FOR ANNUAL BAZAAR BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ings of the Woman's Missionary Society and the Woman's Associa- tion of Knox United Church was held on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The president of the W.1VLS., Mrs. Edgar Wightman, opened its meet- ,with a hymn and prayer. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. George Martin; the gift fund report and the visits to the sick and shut-ins were read by Mrs. Jesse Wheeler. The group voted $10.00 to Dr. J. Mooney for trans- portation charges on the fall bale toTIhieorefaci lowing• were named for the nominating committee, Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler and Mrs. Walter Scott, It was announced that the group Would meet with the members of the Mission and Baby Bands and their mothers on. November 17 at 2,30 o'clock, for their graduation exercises, The Christmas meeting is to be held on December 12, in- stead ,of the regular date. It waS decided to remember the mission- ary for prayer Miss Hedwig Batt- ling, with a gift at Christmas. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. Robert Coultes and was opened with meditation, a hymn and prayer, Several passages were read from EPhesians followed byTiaie discussion, periodsion' was about. Kotert, with the following reading: MrS. Harold Procter, Mrs, M. Conites and Mrs, Stewart Procter, This meeting eloSecl With a hymn and prayer by Mrs. R, Coulter, The thettWe, A" of Mg' The Meeting Was "A Deeper Note than Victory", With the president, Mrs.. George Altebte opening With 'prayer letwecl by a, hymn, Psalm 40 was. read by Mrs, W. Seat. Meditation,. "'Petted Tritrit Perfect Peace" Was read by' Mrs. Mlehle,. felleWed by prayer and a reading, "That Would De Telling". gOutine reports were given, also Q°40...e, .3 8 J • WHERE ELSE DO. YOU GET OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE? • HEALTHY OUTDOOR LIFE? • GOOD PAY? • EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW AND USEFUL SKILLS? • DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? • A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? • ,FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? • THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army? If you are 17' to 40 years of age., and cable to meet Army require, ments, the Canadian Army offers you these and other advantages of Army life. You enlist for a 3 year term, At the end of that time you may return to civilian life well fit- ted for the future, or continue iM the service of your Country. Mail the coupon below, teiepnorti or Vidt your local recruiting station. WAY Retrulthie itatItin, 90 tIchmond Street West, Torooto, Tot. EA 64341, Lot, 276 Army nonniing ststion, 184 King it, Ent, Hooligan, oat. Tel, IA 2.8708 Army Semi lane Motion, 211 Welland St., St, cathartics, Ont.—Tel MU 2452/ Army banking Station, weluloy torment,' Elizabeth & oxfOrd its., tendon, Pit,* Tel. 4.1601, too, 115 Army Reerultine Station, lit London it., Windsor, Ont.... Tel,IL /463' Army notching Station, Old Post Office Bylining liltenentr,, Ont. — Tor St 3-461 oniire-vit ••••••• *Ai yyt 010180 sendMO. W10100 °biking I full information on Army enienrs., 1. I Aokiteot ryitv~Tdwn ..-••, •-• sew dina %Or WA *Arr.,* • New giant rear wrap-around window is available. to pro- vide a safer, panoramic view behind the driver. Also complements new, modern Dodge truck appearance. . '• 1.**•...S.,%,, A Now Dodge takes to the highway with the handsomest, .molt modern trucks ever designed! They're styled to give your business • a real lift in price and prestige! And this all-new look h1 truck styling is .only the beginning. Today you can get big, high-Compression V-8 power in any Dodge truck you choose and still enjoy the kind of economical perform. ante you want! The ,.exclusive dome-shaped combus- tion chambers of Dodge Power-Dome V-8 engines assure more complete fuel LEN CRAWFO Y It ,e it t) A T IN OP CAIIAL)At 1,, 13 oroszem.;' New Dago D700 V-8 Tractor and Trailer, up to 45,000 lbs. G.C,W. with the Forward Look MOTORS • Wingham SHOWER OF STA R5, Thursdays, 8,30 p,to„ over Channel 8 4