HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-14, Page 3BAKE TOUR OWN CNRISTNIAS cAKE GET ADELE •ilUNT'S RECIPE AT DOMINION ALL puilvoSE s LB. FIVE ROSES FL 1011 )37.G 410 AUSTRALIA';ASTBALIAN .— SEEDLESS SULTANA ramEsms230 Ihtv. 41 AYLMER — nEm AND GREEN Oft NATURAL PINE/12E1Z DU S AUSTRALIAN--RECLEANED JOLLY GOOD PITTED CURRANTS 1Pkg?' 230 DATES ricg?' 230 J&DI.E11 — CUT . slurtEtwr,s PURE VANILLA 11/2 oz. pm PrE. I3/4„ EXTRACT BoItle CO10 AYLMER. flED 'GLACE CliEBRIES CUT PKG. 120 1E: 19 IM MED' PEEL 4 OZ. AyiNIER GUT MIXED 120 saa: 210 0.0 - % W$HP CP 104 Pa that.day 410110, Whila this OreWil Wae. het as large en Monday and TaeadeY, nailing ..`1r a 1 wO l',4e.t ., 011; aoraial.ted to he good, I3y Watinerir an t to o w .1,,i4,,, dal( 'aftOrJDOrk, a north-weer wind iptiect UP tile Waters and there gleimily a nutrIber or W4 ' ' i wall eVallY 1.110/0141041 that Or was 11a Itglera Ware Brest; IV the , the last reilltdup of the eeaSOla f9V Miff s ott St!ilAY and it isr, will:: ittle rilSoiplea Of Isaac Walton. A tAt. least, 10,000 Pere h Q0 clarleit Iiignal.$tar. • Trooper Kruger of the Canadian Army has two very interested young admirers in Gordon' Rintoul and George Rich, • as the boys are shown the workings ,of an armoured car during the special display at the town park on Wednesday night, , 'trivial one. GOLD BELL = DLEAcHEL/ 15 OZ. OLDIE 60 ISINS PKG. 2 Midis $3-21.10NG REDPATH ICING POWDER'. An a' 3B0 'SUGAR 2 lbs• 3c TINz. 450 I Gnion'S baked in a glaze of honey and butter are perfect to serve with baked pork chops. To make it a complete oven meal 'have baked potatoes and apple. Pan-dowdy: for dessert: 'bur hosts go to bed,'' • So yon gaily and vivaciously wander around looking for the bathroom and brilliantly converse with that repulsive thing that faces you in the mirror, thus: "'UhThiliisihego.1"umn was Promoted by my dismay one day this week, when I called one of the Provincial Po- lice Constables and got him. out of bed. It was about ten o'dlock in , the morning. He was a few minutes getting to the phone, and the minute he spoke to me I knew he had just crawled out of bed. It turned out that' he'd been, up all night on t' call. To give him his due, he was polite, but I could Sense the desire to murder under-. [heath, especially as my call was a knew -just how he felt. Every 'to often my telephone starts, ring- ing about 6 a,m. It rings and rings and rings until I' stumble down- stairs to answer, realizing that it Must be a long distance matter of life and death. A bright, hearty voice says; "I got some, pigs for sale. I want 'to put an ad in the paper." it's some metabolic farmer who has been up and around for ac ouple of hours, has the morning Chores done 'and is ready to tran-. sect business. It is with a great deal Of per- sonal pride, that I point out the fact that I have never yet told one of them what he could do with his pigs. HONES ITEMS — ....DE1c.ICIOU IN SANDWICHES, COLD RLATES SEr S AIM — CRISP •••-•-• FRESH 9111%111 FL RES NOritookilzrp UrEICEI SIErtyE..SALADs .oFTEN,— KRAFT SALAD DRESSING By Bill Sitiley I have' always admired people who get up early in the, morning. But if they happened to be in my immediate vicinity, there is a vein of deep hatred mixed with that admiration, They tell us it's 'a matter .of metabolism, whatever that is. Sonic people are at their lowest ebb in the morning, They can scarcely drag themselves out of bed, and, don't get properly warmed up until noon. By midnight there is no holding them,' and they want to keep everybody else up all night and have bacon and eggs at 3 am. In the opposite metabolic mess are those who can't sleep in the aan, They bounce out of bed with the:sun, full of beans and ginger, bustle about singing and rattling things,' have no patience with the sleepyheads, and do a full day's work before noon, By 6 p,m. they're getting a bit grey, in the face, After dinner they drowse over the paper, yawning till the tears spurt from their eyes and totter off to bed at ten, full of warm, milk, and virtue. • • Nothing will make a marriage so horrible as when these two ex- tremes are represented. Sad part of it is that it doesn't show up until you've been married a few years, When people. are courting they arc young and strong. So the early riser is able to keep going for some timeafter midnight even though his • eyes become a bit stary and, his grin a bit fixed,, as he fights off the arms of Mor- phone. And his girlfriend, who de. tests daylight If seen befere noon, by a supreme effort drags herself out of the, sack in time to get her face fixed and meet him for lunch, When they've had a couple of 1 Years of that holy wedlock, thin& are different. He wouldn't trade the, arms - of Morpheus for 'those of the celebrated M. Monroe. '7 He' thinks his wife is a lazy lump and Snorts when she tolls him it's her l metabolism, She hates him with. deep ferocity- until noon, and tells! him he's getting ..old just because he inns out of. steam early in the. evening. • • Don't ask me for a solution to this grave problem, which threa- tens to wreck. more homes than liquor does. All I know is that • I could take a hatchet to anyone who wakes me early in the morn-1 hag, including my dear children, the shrieking little horrors. Nor is the situation helped by the caustic remarks of friend wife when she's used everything but- dynamite to get You out of the. pit and off to work. "Come On, Prince Charming. Let's see a little • of that gaiety and vivacity we saw at 2 am, when you were dancing with all the women at the party, Let's 'hear; some of that brilliant . conversation you were promoting at time, when everyone with any - Manners "had gone home and let MAD NEW 01$0,01011 0 vii It .$41.1.440,AN URA* The- H11110VOtt VONA has 1004 .011. Oiled' by the Popartment of ways Of the Provlactai Oovarn- meat, that We re locating 1st the road and re-building •of bridges, 9Vor the fiaugeon River and MR tracks at the west end of ,Hanever is now ,assured, and it is just a matter of time before the wog* will begin,. PlatiS and specifications will net be completed until neat year, but are now in the Planning and 499. ificatiens Board's hands.. It is ea- petted, completion will be made bY next summer, and tenders for the work ealled for in tbe fall. These bridges have 'been the scene of a number of accidents, and the sharp •curve on the road corning Into Hanover, adds t9' ,the danger, There is heavy traffic both ways, as this_ le a thro4i1 Provin- cial Highway, Residents in -Hanover and throughout Bruce County will cer- tainly be pleased •to knoW the government's intentions.—Hanover Post. MD is the abbreviation for Medi- cal Doctor to Most Canadians, but to several thousands of people in this country it stands for the mys- terious diSeaSes muscular clystro- Phi, Which is sapping the strength from their muscles and will even.. tually kill thorn. MD is not a new disease, but little was known about it until recent years, and little was done about • it in Canada until a. national organization was formed in 1054 to lead the fight against this heartless killer, MD strikes anywhere, and its victim may be anyone, male or female, young or old, Its symptoms may resemble those of polio, cerebral palsy or flat feet. Semepmes it was called creeping paralysis, but even when recognized as MD, doctors held out no hope for people suffering from' muscular ,dystrophy until 1950. „, However, research commenced in the United States in that year and'in Canada in 1955 has indica- ted that its cause may be found arid that a cure may be developed to save the incurable, even as in- sulin gave life and hope to the sufferers of diabetes. Funds raised in two campaigns by the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada are presently financing eleven re- search projects at such institu- tions as the Hospital for Sick Child- ren in Toronto, the Montreal Neurological Institute, the Univer- sities of British Coltimbia,, Sask- atchewan and Dalhousie, but more, money is needed now to speed tip the program. Clinics are being established across the country in order to find and help victims of MD. Many community service organi- zations, led by the fire fighters of Canada, have helped the national association raise almost • half a million dollars in two campaigns. 1VIDs and laymen working together can fight MD• successfully. You may contribute to this cause ' by sending a donation to Box 462, Terminal A, Toronto. Those individual polythene dishes for ice cubes are ideal jelly moulds for summer salads. Coat the inside with a drop or two of, salad oil before filling and the contents will pop out easily. The oil will also make the salad shiny and appetizing. (Continued from page one,) gy. a the .00caeloe, It wee, after all the Rennembrance Psy banquet anci. thoughts were once again about to be sharply focused on those conirades who had made the, supreme sacrifice, who would al- ways be remembered and their memory held forever snored, Col, Rider of the Department of Veterans' Affairs was inti;odneed as the, guest speaker by Zone qohlmaader lier-Man Young, COI, Rider said that Canada had grown up and had taken her place beside the mother country during the year* of war. Canada's cost was heavy, he Said, Some 028,000 Canadians had served during Worid War I. with almost 425,000 open going overseas. There were nearly 198,900 casualties and almost 60,000 of these were either killed in battle or died Of wounds. , "Eleven iead ago the second of these world-wide conflicts ended„ Perhaps to say it ended is a ralS* use of the word, Rather the fight- ing stopped, Ostensibly World War II was a war against totalitarian- ism, militarism, and aggression, as exemplified in a small man wear. in g a mustache," Col, Rider said. Fra/14V FOR 77/ArAWNTIWO 7V/P 84/Y/I 6:00Z) 40 W PAYChZ) arkint 4theart odteritarvarkem enaha" The "WA 'woo the 1, en14/441411-1-60:174eO, 4'‘ how in 1910 the Veterans' Was erected and deSerthert Woritiug of that erganiSaticnt, main ,purpose of the Burma ryvrr advise Veterana and to attaim$ tle tilla.iitm, Col , hes PrePa Rider ration of spoke f ipttaslon . .g5roa,otgoiotleyttacad rari4Sa wid teroliaats.nlsisOtT: hdt...ur; der The Veterana' Rehabilitation:" Act. " At the present tttlati he told his andience, the Department o( Vet- erats' Affairs remains one of tbo four top spending departmenta of •t he et Fl s d4eirlla 1 a pOpervoex iimmx ity. Int% 0 b mu 4c1: lien dollar's Year, The speaker coneluded by saying OM the job of , the department would pot finish as long ap. a vet- crab remained aliveandth awayat:re- gardless of how Many years from actnal, war we were, the ra- sPorisibility placed upon the De- partment would be just as great as it Was in the immediate, post-war Years, Col, Rider was thanked for 'his He wont on to detail the causes .W1:113oeinsilihltbeyrPesr:131:14ht-i)aelrilfeClitdliiene4fot rLeniPfagtitoihvnee, of war and the failure to arrange Comrade George Williams, 11111111rommouliiiimilsowitimor2 BUILD THAT GARAGE Oo • AFArsOD: AD SURE' CAN \\ STA RT Ai: rArAIE NOW R Wn w a -ti i 1 Playwoods = Floor Tiles = Arborites = immieima...mes• 1111 -•-- — ------ -_-_--. — , ._.--_-_- 111 - A HAMSAW 0. ro • NA.42040 PC0cOCK, I S w I --- il =- Clf.iz_-s:-•t;37r.:a_isl=-------;------ i si .-. 411111MMIAMMAIWOMIIMMAIMMAIMMAIWOMOMMMEMOMMAIWOMPffi . Spruce 2 x 4's, Cove Siding, Roll Roofing Elm STRIPS = Steel Berry Steel GARAGE . DOORS • iii We are taking orders for STORM WINDOWS Order yours TODAY -PANTRY. SHELF LIGHT MEAT FLAKES VALUE! STOCK DP AT THIS. LOW PRICE! T IS SUE wkigrow. ticss Tzssus ROLLS 250 I/NC" 14 " iNtrarri A LEMON PIE '11-/ES WEEK-ENta- 1(40YAT... INSTANT ., — ST018. VS riwil.t.rr PRODUCTS -..sTOKELY'S HOMY POD •13111TCY • PEAS .Laterplals CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 2 2g:: 250 15 OZ. TIN PIN°Z.110 TIN 49,OZ 360 1111GuLATt TULIP MARGARINE 8110111`EnTHIG. DOMESTIC Axi.EAEln -- CHOICE DESSERT PEARS 2 Vig:350 p1kLg.b. 310 brw* Cal SWert tinting,. Rod chormolii. *toast Size zaktis ORANGE' . — Doz. 37c Ontario Mild Flittrowed WAXED TUNIPS VISIT TOUR I 011/4404I014 pOil POLL •DETA/LS ABOUT • 2 lbs. 29c ALL vALuts strE4tIvE izi VOINOTLISI TJnala ClarRid 'rime sat., WV. 6011 rAt1AYIA1.11tE 11 -iiierdfiaroliko tOltl. Si your 'oralttion Sloro any viatineatoill to give yott 100 76. iiailifactioit, . ,..„ „., ,.• ,...„ • ,..„. NEW ARMY EQUIPMENT Notice Whereby given that the Annual Meeting for the Nomina- tion of Candidates to fill the offied of Reeve, Vow Councillors and Three Members of the ti;chool Board of the Township School Area. for the Township el Turnberry l'er the year 1951 will be held at The Community Hall in the VILLAGE OF BLUEVALE In the Township of Turnberry, from 1 to o'clock in the afternoon, on .,RIDAY„ NOVEMBER 23, 1956 That in case there should be more than the necessary number of candidates proposed and a poll demanded,' polls will be open from nine 'o'clock ;Lino until five o'clock p.m., on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1St, 1956 AT THE FOLLOWING PLAcEs, TIIAT IS TO SAY: • Polling Sub-Division No. 1--at Lower VVingham School: Don Cleghorn, Data; Mrs. Les Mc-. Dougall, Poll Crerk, Sub.1)ivision No. 2—at the Community Hal! inuevale: Alex Corrigan D.R.O.; Mrs. Alex McCrackin, Poll Clerk. , Polling Sub-Division Plo, 3—At Powell's School: Gordon Wray, D.R.O.; Harold Grant, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 4—At Muir's School, Glenarinan; Sara Marshall, D.R.'0.; Clifford Hafer, Poll Clerk, Fitfilirrir 5711:01(ELY'S F,',4CY TOMATO' JUICE BEE IHNIK CORN SYRUP '111 13' 10 • REGOT.A.11,MATtO,A11011i' MARGENE 1,14f!' 330 01,110 110XLSE PEPPER Bh.lor 150 GOBLIN Wriqr. OtatttiV' .MEAT HALLS Vift°' 390 Clerk's it) Ttiritberryf ,November 19 5, one man tells another More Canadians recommend Household Finance CM: any other consumer finance company because they have found that HFC puts forth a special effort to help them, solve their money problems. Whether they desire adVilis or a cash loan, HFC's highly trained staff is ready as serve them. If a loan is needed for a good purpose, whey may borrow up to $1000 in one day, with up to 24 months to repay. So, if you have money prOblems, visit ,HFC—the first and most recommended in its field. CASH MONTKLY NUMBEN OF YOU PECEIYE PAYMENTS MONTOs •-• $105,75 $10.00 12 308,38 24.00 11$ 510.68 27,00 24 756,56 40.00 • 14 It F. Nedforet MOnorma, 33 Vifoit Strieto soconteillo44.0,000. 13011 GOD Rini, Above, a giant, mobile hoist lifts a panel truck bc;r1ily without apPareat effort, Below, radar eqUipnient locates enemy aircraft as they Pp- proaeh. TheSe two Units Were among the Many displayed at 'the pa* last Vvdtitsday. MV0,110ekTirrie6 PlititoS • ,