HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-14, Page 1of Veterans' Work a Annual Banquet 0W4-Looks as 'aler • decorating itt the work of a see .,::: o, g the inain„drag 13( i..%ar 41611, hop now anifiLat , Christmas parade, Vait.VBanta Claus, The w; will hely to set the rd Pletured at ,'the head table before the orrimencemont of the,Remembrance "Day. banquet which was held in the Login!), Horne in Wingham on Friday evening; are left • to right: Dick Burbriclge, Bari Grey; Col Rider, jehn'Pattison, Herman Yonng al-!11+4*dr McKinney of •Winghand. The banquet was attended by more then 100 yeterans. HURON Tpix . The ilnron 'County Judging team 'which on the .:On tario Veterinary Association' Trophy for the highest team score in judging Beef Cattle at,the Royal Whet er Fair consiSted of (left to right) Bert •Pepper, R.R. 3, Seaferth; David Kirkland', Lucknow'and (far right) 'Murray,. Gaunt, Lucknow. With them :is Arthur S. Bolton, assistant agricultural representatiie for the County who entered the team in the com- petition and coached. them. The above ,photo was taken.at the OAC where the boys were brushing up. on the• fine points of judging Swine.barcasses. Judging competitions ,were in beef, dairy, swine and sheep classes. , (Photo Courtesy of P.R. Dept, GAO) , pleasure to be among the veterans and said he felt sure that this year's banquet would be among the best that the Wingham branch had ever held. He said, that he was pleased to see such a fine turn-out of members and wished the branoh continued Success for the future. President of the branch, .John Pattison, in a few well-chosen words of welcome told .the com- rades that the success of the even- ing was in their good hands. He felt,,sure that everyone was going to have an enjoyable time but re- minded his audience of the solemn- ' (Please turn, to page three) ENGAGEMENT Mr. and •Mrs. C. McIntyre of Whigharn wish. to ,announce the engagement of their only daughter Connie Gail to 'Gerald Nelson Gerrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gerrie of Wingham. The marriage to take place 'Wednesday, Novem- ber' 21st at 3 o'clock. F14b • He entered the Salvation ArMY Training College to t;ain.• as an officer In 1922 and held corps; 'and. divisional appointments for 18 years. In. 1641 he was appointed accountant for the. Canadian War Services, later proceeding overseas as chief aedearitant. Upon his return, to Canada he was appointed territorial anditor for the SttiVatiOn Army in tam ads, Rernitida and 'Newfoundland itt ,Whieh caPaelty he served for four years. He spent two years in. men's social service work in 'Vine feria, )3,04 .'and London, 0 tad°, fell:Wiling which he 'was n • pointed, as Immigration and NV* servide •AteitetarY at , the Natithi Headquarters, TorontO, which t' him to England And Europe o a year. Recently the 11itajor has hgen pointed as Chancellor of Southern Ontario •Division o Salvation Army. He is and lids two •song and two' tem the eldest daughter vied-Leal doctor Mid the aides a, Salvation Army caPtairi. IVECBEA,TIONAE The annual Meeting'td Recreational Wined wilr on NOVeMber 218t, •At 8 ti tentieil Chamber, come* eld the %WHAM ON'VARii), WE11100,441140; REA D tAs,44e AT LEGION BANQUET ?-47CP.,), , r a, Sc?. laasie fz'1,1 • had paper - sold 'ri , vp Mrs. ngham, -or Sit The ,tednen- '4.0,. at an a lifinflort lani114 041%4 :tte roimine0A :,..110.,°;$4111 0* lot this, *lent will mu* 000 an pointing 01 the 4019 4019044 11,,W111"b0,)4140g w he mat to 0410Yriir,iervaairlooeiv.tig;,;;44pirl:mrdoMmmi.mswili.dbii. the. Wingham town hail was crowded on Sunday" rnr the iCivic remembrance service held, 'under the: auspices , of the Salvation Army, spormred' by ','the Winghapi Branch of. the Canenliari Legion, BE,S.L., NO, 1,80. and 'conducted by 2nd ,TA', P.. V. Goodridge of the sevetion Army, *" • On the itlatform together with Men-theta of Salvation Army were Mrs. Rheatha Forsyth, presi- dent of .Ladies' Auxiliary to the 'Legion, and John Pattinein, president.Of ttie Wingham Legion, After a 'piano, prelude by Mrs. toMpanied by"the Argyle Thabrel B rIgade and 'the Rayment VateilY, both of whieh will present Out- standing musical munbeis at the eorteert61, Cameron, of Owen Sound, was sev- erely injured when he was felling trees for Robert Gibson, of Wrox- eter, on Friday. Cameron was skidding logs when one of them upended and struck him in the back, He was taken to Wingham General Hospital for X-ray and iminediately transferred to Victoria ' Hospital, London, where officials described his in- jury as serious, Mr. Cameron is suffering from a fractured spine. At the time. of• the accident he was attended to by Dr. Mills, of Wroxeter, Ronaid Lane, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lane, Brussels; was injured in the rugby game between Wingham and' Clinton High School; On. Friday, The youth had his shoulder X-rayed at the Wing- ham General Hospital. There was no fracture and he was allowed hotne, Little Milton Purdon, the 3-year; old son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Purdon, of R.R. 2, Wingham, fell out of bed and fractured his right shoulder on 'Saturday. Ile Was treated at Wingham General Hos- pital, where a Cast was applied and he was allowed home. Eleanore ibil:KIngf.,with the CKNX On: *Onelar night, stacked .h i 011-0. g- „4 g e ic ever.. register- pPoning of the She.Was high triple Oek9171P--eThe Busi- eleViieds "disappointed that the. eWdeer, proMised to eter•l..the.. deinniunity be pparehtly arrange- 0010140d but the tier 40,tAirlder :•,?geot his dates &cr.:. they re. ' headed for anntoi= ope Banta has.better" k neenitier 25th. t e r. -: • '101,1RE.SKA.TING-It is hoped ftgAr'e weikating'will start at tile 0044„er .:Siktir !day ••Merning, •with niae•evirianek .on• Tuesday. Skat- are advised °to ivatch the bid- n -hoaed at the 'post office. .ERS: GATHER GHAM - - : . than 175 members of •• the e? Mehool Teaehers'. Fed- '1--)ii3telat' 5' gathered at the Mtr-Distriet High School on rraSt. .P .: ' fi, .the features of the . con- ire *ifis's the presentation of .4..' eMbePShiliS to Miss Jean siii020t ' Fergus, a former 1.4"1,,qt Wingham, and to Pat ) 11.0tifrAithur, The presenta- t.f .wer.-g-made by Don Patterson, dritatilfrie the ,retiring presi-, • • , Robinson, "Secretary Of the pointed Out in his some action must be en at :•once' • to encourage - a tat number of promising high a students.. to enter the teach, 5Profesilion. if the growing iihm- df>„•Setit/liger stiidentS is to be :1),efly.'edtierttedi; ) 'elected at 'the gather- ..., „ere: Miss Jane Craig. of Fer- fL 'lliat • vice-president; J C. , • myers,„Of Shelburne. Second vice- Wilient; Arthur Kdniunds, of ifireentore •:third vice-presideng of Arthur, secretat'y- egfirW:I. 13: Sharpe; of Dtir!. . Criiinenot, delegates 'to ,:the i'i-16t.'Ustle1111)1 Y, tlichardSon, Craig: 41.,n,g ; at the meeting was` cb .,PatterSon, of • Kineardine, ,ANTir X P ETER 'VVOinen't Institute Will riregressiVe' euchre oft NOVetriber 15th, /4.15 parr. ti novelty firites. AE:10116- Ladiel teat* bring *t1 your r14h EESIVAT R AN DIES .TER CAR ACCIPENT John M, Case, 65. of R.R. 2, Teeswater, 'dies early' Sunday morning as the result of, injuries suffered in a car accident at the intersection- of the second conces- sion and. 20th sideroad in^ Culross township on Thursday afternoon, tiriv.er of the second car was Donald Ireland, of the Teeswater district, who had as passengers his own daughter and ' other school children whom he had picked up on the way home, Mr. Case was alone in his ear at the time and his car was rolled onto its side in the crash, The Ire- land car was severely damaged about the front. Taken• to the, hospital in addi- tion to Mr. Case were Donald Rit- chie, 10, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Ritchie,' R.R, 2, Teeswater, lacera- tiOns to head and face; Allan Rit- chie, a brother, aged 7, Minor in- juries; Sandra Ireland, 12, injuries to left arm and leg and to her head. Mr. Ireland suffered injuries to a shoulder and facial lacera- tions. Shirley Ritchie, 9, Myrna Ireland, 10, and Keith Ireland, 8, not seriously hurt. Mr. Case's injuries 4 included' a fractured skull, chest injuries and broken ribs. The funeral was con- ducted -at Teeswater on Tuesday afternoon with interment in the Teeswater Cemetery. Honoring The Fallen a Laying a wreath .on behalf Of Witighalten Town Connell; Reeve 'Rey Adair a stands in the silende •of grey Xoverriber day betel* plate trig the Wreath at the base of the War Memorials "It is quite &risible to go into a' veterans' honpital and find in beds not too far:apart the young man who served in Ahe • Korean conflict and the aging , veteran who served in World War ,L -This is indeed a monument to theldlocy of war." COl. 'Rider& OfIhe Department of Veterans' Affairs, was' addrens- ing a gatherineof, More than 100 'veterans and 'inenibers of 'the. Wingham Branch Orthe Canadian Legion, at the annual Remembrance Day banquet heltt'ein the:. Legion Home, inWinghani, on Friday , • , evening. , 'At the 'heart Col,. Rid- er and john Pittischi, president of the Wingham lireneh, was Mayor R, E. • McKinney, of , Wingham; Zone. Commander 'Herman Young, Kincardine; Karl Grey, Deputy District Comillanderi Walkerton and Richard /3urboridge, 1st. vice- president, of the Wingham Branch ofthe Canadian Legion, Mayor 1VIcKiriney voiced his ,r• • Santa Claus 'Here S'aturda'y 'Next 'Week • The annual Banta Claus parade and Christmas' treat for the child- ren of the district Will be held on Saturday of next week, November 24th, The event le sPOnsored by.the Business Association of ,VYingharn. It had been announced a ' few weeks ago that a team of live: rein- deer would be brought in for the parade, but the oWher of the deer has Made other plans in the in- terval, So the live animals Will not be Seen, Merchants of the dornmueity will gather the preVititia evening. to bag the candy for 'the treats. Escape Injury When Car Rolls Dalt,. age t arrionnting to $500 ,,re: Milted when' a: ear' driven by Alex Fairish, of Inieknerke skidded on slippery pavement • and rolled into the ditch neer niiPtit on 'SaturditY night, Passengers in the car Wete Robert MadDraigally of Lower Wingham and Gerald Reynolds of Clinton, Neither driver not pan- sengers Were injured. The driver or the ear said that he was blinded by the lights of an oncoming' Vehicle, The regular meeting of the Winghani General Hospital Board was held on Friday evening with H, C. MacLean, president of the board, in, the chair, It was decided that the purchase of an dlectro-cardiograph, an in- ,strunient that registers graphically the duration and character of the heart's movements, 'will be •pur- chased 'for the hospital at a cost of jest under $1,000, The hospital has never had this type of appar- atus and has had to depend in the past- on haying cardiographs made out of town, it was explained. • The Ladies' Auxiliary to the hospital Wad granted permission to &tweed with the Installation of a special picture to be pladed in the waiting room of the hospital, The picture will mark the 50th anniver- sary 'of the Ladies' Auxiliary. Superintendent' of the hospital, Mrs. Iris B, Inforrey reported that the ptoblem of a staff shottage was no longer an, acute one and that at present the staff of litirses at the hospital was 4 very good one. . The re-roofing of the old build- ing Was completed and the work cost $400, 'the property committee reported. The cogs of the new Construct- ion projects Were reviewed and it Was moved that all outstanding accounts should be Paid Switch geat fot the new °Met- POO lighting Systent has not yet arrined but it is eknected that the equip me dante. t Will be installed at an CLUB Sweitzer, .Exeter was guest pealcer, at: the •regular. meeting of e •Olith .of Wingham ridgy evening ifs they gathered .t the kotel 33runSWiek with Pre- sident Whitney Grose 'in the ehair. g?Int;orluced to the." gathering by ;Deputy District ',overnor Hugh Carmichael, 'the ,sPerticer referred to the fine. Teceid, of ;accomplish- merit which has been set' by the Lions movement all over the world. Io particular .he dealt on the in- flumice and example' of the various presidents of Lions..,. International liaa;'knoWA 'Since .he tirit'began to .attdnd the international :eon- AcrericeF.,. of' the organinatiOn, member becomes arnan " said the Peyernor, ''when he grows into the' responsibility'. which Lion sin thrlists'apori him." "He'also inelud- ,ed;thk4iniah that those who re- main away from. meetings. on thin excuses itre not worthy of 'a, place iii. tills : gl'4t organization. The.;,appreelatleri • of the local . Liens Club was -expressed by Lion Who.,als,o presented tlieGnyerginr;Witha, gift from the, Winghani: „group. • . • Harold Victor Pyrn Was at - the piano for the...lively singing, led by Lion tBill Conroe. Lion.Don Na- sinith'sheceeded. • replenishing the:,teffers of the Chili as 'heYcar- rfeif'Otitt!the duties •er.the tail tivis ter;i::: •• .Onesis at:the nieetiegi were 'Reed. Montroy of, the Berry. Doer" Co.,.:, Lidi and Murray.: Rae; . ; • A latter ••Waai: received' fteni AiOnnnitt.PO don, requesting assistance in the raising of funds for the,construc- tion of a. new treatment.centre for, crippled children in that City, Lion Stan Hall reported on a meeting he had attended at Clinton recently, where the need for the new build- ing had•been outlined, and he ex- pressed the opinion that the centre would.be of tremendous service in the .treatment of crippled 'young- sters from this area of Western Ontario. After a full discussion of the matter it was decided that the money raised in the forthcoming sale of peanuts in Wingham by -the Lions Club will be turned over to the committee which is undertak- ing the erection of the treatment centre in London. KINETTE CLUB PRESENT CHEW TO W. INGHAM HOSPITAL The regular meeting of the Wingham Dinette Club was held at the home of Mrs„ Alan ' Williams on Monday evening, The president,, Mrs,' Jack Lloyd; was in charge, It was decided to form a local association in conjunction with the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Leg- ion to sponsor the Wingham Guides and Brownies. Ten mem- bers were named to join the as- sociation, The motion was made that the balance of $800 for a hospital room be paid immediately. A. prize was 'won by Mrs. Jack Bateson during the meeting and a membership pin Was presented to 'Mrs. Jack Gorbutt. Miss Janet Thomson, public health nurse, presented an inter- eating selection of slides depicting her • recent tour to Europe. After the program of slides lunch_ was served. Bateman, th WAN Ming bac . ye ,grav 'the ' 1-en %aye , the itnvocation prayer; sates which' the hymn "Onward Christian.Sol- diers" was sung: Payne read the Scripture, • and a vocal nolo, "Standing SomeWhere In the Shack:Ms" was beautifully sung by Mrs. A. Palsied. Tile . sermon was delivered by Lt. Good-' ridge who based his words on the Phrase• "Lest.' We Forget",. in' 'which an impressive ,tribute was paid to the fallen of two wars. Members of the Canadian Legion, , • the Y! moyedl,to Yelkewgrass,: *Ileetb",-theyi lartried',1Ore:fiVee years 'before veturning to St. Helens. Their three :children, two daugh- ters and ,one son, are 'Miss. Lila E., Humphrey; Mrs. George (Eva) Walker, of Wingham and William A, Humphrey of.St. Helens. Mr. Humphrey is 87, one year younger than his wife. Ile retired from active farming about eight years ? age. The couple have 11 grandchildren and 25 great-grand- children. - Fire which broke out early on Sunday morning -completely de- stroyed a 50x60 foot barn belonging' to W. B. Cruikshank in Turnberry Township, near the Lower Wing- ham section of town. The blaze, which was discovered when the owner arose at about six o cfpek, demolished not only the barn, but a, straw shed and smaller building near the barn, as well as a com- pletely modern Milking parlor of cement black construction which was erected in 1950, .aui 'The barn was located across the' road from Mr. Cruikshank's resi- dence, near the home occupied by his mother, He noticed nothing amiss when he came down stairs, but when he entered a room facing the barn he found the whole build- ing in flames. He was able to free his valuable herd of 26 Guernsey cows and get thein'to safety befOre the stable was engulfed, but 15 calves, 175 hens, 100. tons of mixed hay, 3,000 bushels of oats, a ham- llerlon:t.111, hay dryer and 'the equiP- anent in the milking parlor were The Winghani Fire Department answered the alarm, but the fire had swept through the building so rapidly that nothing could be done •to saVe' the main° struicture. Total loss is believed to exceed $25,000,00, whichurancei! fairly well covered by in- Mr. Crinkshank, one of the most progressive farmers in the area, is also treasurer of Turnberry Town, ship. By good fortune the direction of the win,l at tile time of the' fire ' was such that the flames were kept away from ally adjacent build- ings. Mr. john ,Hnin- plireY.OVStMelees-i:Celebratedethe-, 64th„Eurviversary of their. •Marriage quietly at the home of their. son, W. A: Humphrey, on Friday'.' and Mrs. Humphrey were married at Fordyce .b3; the minis- ter of ,the Anglican Church in the year 1892, - Mrs. Humphrey was the former Koala Phillips, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips of. Brockville. They have spent most of their married life in St. .Helens but •a few yeats after their marriage Special Events . Planned, .fok Salvation. Army, Anniversani. aiday the hi• hut it 11,1 .During -n• from avebeen Sts with a tnent, and gingy from aire. Arlo ... Arctic et`., up in •the ng • stand t q.get a: close- guinn 'and radio o'n;' Breciren- l'f .• ember of e.: Lurn.ber Com- relaOnre•Afline; lips beep efewn branch it fit 'fresident. MERGENT %/Art emergent Meeting A.F, r. • A,M. will he held 'Friday IN 6Vtmber 10, at 8 'stir ghests Will be Bruce A.F.&A..11t 341' Tiverton, brethren 'wOlterne. F14b JN ti-d Mrs, Jonepit Sionnens eter annotinee the .crigage- : their daughter MUriel Oidfarolcl Albert dritinp, son Ored Crump of Wingham Ilt•4 4 ,. ,date Fred Crifirrip. Mar- take place the latter part 'bor. 14* , Hospital Plans Installation of Electro-Cardiograph Machine Second Lt, , D, V. Goodridge, ConiMandet of 'the Wingham Corps Of the Salvation Army has teen- pleted for an iinportailt week-end of activities Which edit- Mentes on F'rid'ay Of this week. T6, mark the '70th anniversary Gf the ..Salvation Army. Whighein the . Argyle Citadel Band, one Of INJURIES TREATED 'SUNDAY MORNING . : AT HOSPITAL BLAZE DESTROYS On* his last clay at work in the TURNBERRY EARN bush, twenty-e i ght year-old Walter High School auditorium. Sunday's activities include ' set- vice at 'the . citadel at 11 ens., a television appearance at 5 p.m, and atrivernarY service in the Wingham 'United Church at 7 p.m. A bend concert 'frill be presented In the church followleg •the evening set'- Purchase Homes vice', . the Most famous in the province, Special sPetdrer at the anniVer- John Cruiekribank him introtat,4„ will arrive here On Friday after. sary service will be Sr. Major .1,,A... eit the properly owned by Vin Ditt. noon, supper Will be screed at the Calvert; Chancellor of the South- rot on Catherine Street, The citadel on :Edward Street that em °Marie DiVirtion a tho &Ilya' Cruiekshank home on Vietorit( evening followed by a program,, tion Army; • The band Will be ae- Street ha been boil ,ht bTh On Saturday aftertioon at.4:80 a civic Welecatie will be extended to the band at the town hall and at eight o'clock Saturday evening 'the band will ,p'rehe'at a coneett in the Strong, who has, been residing in the Hilletent Seetiotf. The teal es- tate deals were completed last Week, WEST SPEA Sr.' iajor 1,Calverl, , he 'the 'guest.!iyealitei flfe7Sti'lliatiork Ai'th here this Week-end Was born in Or 'son of Salva- tion Artily officers Who later be- came Colonel ,and .Mrs. J'. E. Cal- vert. At the time of retirement his father was in charge of all the Salvation Army's properties and 1VIen's Social Service Work in the Dominion of Canada. Major Calvert spent the party year pf his life in Montreal, gradu- ating from high school in that city and later took employment with the Canadian Pacific Rear way in 'the vice-pretident's of- . fice and stridied for chartered ad- counta,neY. • by :t 0 434.04.4 . 011,1047 the "9119WIlig.-4 :Wired the . a C.',1343. lfer MgtelpLe Were. 3 devotions, the • cenotaph 'hp .oegaritaationir einee 9t 'dr?tgrlO lar.v/. Salvation . ,,I Rebekiib 1,4$11te#."B!Ifiln. . ation, Chapter District Ole*: School;,,.4(4 A,At., No, _g06, chipter !$A1,4 WitighEmn evbs,..$.6otAti :an Jeep ...LnYal Pranite, , ham _Lions. Club, ; ,100t.4:41;it G.O,P.; Kinetics, WiiaOrii Pi; Schnol, and the • canadien Speaking .to the gat. herinlift4tes,i, dent of the Winghs.vo."13F4 . the Canadian Legion ;Teihni ,rittitt son, •naid;,-"This ..Reptainto0,00;:. Day a day *.heir",wa• 'think war and peace, • of maptiftel: ;mad: fresdonl.. end' in •gratitnde .set; side 'few• moments freM the r routine of Wing to. tak.:h9timg0.. those who • died that we, May 1,1te,.,;,This ls: a .they when. • iin." anopurnents and •• cenotaphs parka .and town intiniares•we.„*Ol serable •;and aalate:the toile' k Theirs. is a duty . done. • • Onra the challenge to :keep faith; itn.hold'.1, the flag.' high• for treedoi.n:., ore.pledge for • this ,;is Xe,pai*ee branee Day." • • • . • The band then :played Vhd Our Help Ages Vast",-,:nrre 'Which a e.hort prayer' was 001441, the Rev. D. J. MacRae, , •TWO 214 •0.4 etas.' silence was. •Onserged,, . . the sounding •: of 'the, •141.4. •folieWed' by Reveille. The :service cloned .70.vith the. -benediction,. ; the ••Rev....,•11.. L. Parker, arid' • the National ...Anthem, .:the baML• •