HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-07, Page 12Radio and Electric Serving ou since 1935 01,1H PHONE ?WM' BEE lin- • ,Ait ..ithirstnitod, Ions blower SPECIALS 60-41,.5011. 0 " Output 479:,95 1-4184S,000."1-1 Output ONLY .'$89.4 95 0.•••071,.•07'.*:•• • ...•• • - • ,•• ••• . 'HOPE .70-PERFORM: -At .sowt. AM/ 11)0.1040 Ar Olitlftr 0.3.t every.' I/411 0A pay the, knitMg PoSt reirktelect. MtICh, 'commercial, hotiey ths OW, 411$ irtintif0d11.114 14 blended front, several hinds. (break-away sow/ and outgo Honey tatigeS in color from If the Iamb Is °aught to hr fire '1(11\1411a" •concerned." Mr. er Vat `*that this iS teaching mission Or the_ sc-of the Perish, and any Others who -care liOSPEL Aco.r.OuPaRT lehe.et 4%, Remembering the' ,.1.0 et .106 qospai Meeting at 7,30 Each Th‘irPday eveningtVp,lii, Prayer Meeting and Bibi*Stuely to attend, rather than an evangel- it r gEieh Night of the Ise° Mission where the emphasis Hod" is the theme of the is plagod upon. conversion. The Mission to be eondgcted .171111la,414 'eeknreitment to 'Os Angli etm Church, lay !Christ will come through a better understanding of the one service P. T. JOnleri, rector of the that the Lord Jesus cOMManded to f the ReSurrection, 1-tent- COMmencing this coming be -bola. pudgy evening, November 11th, at the Rev, F. T. James, whose 7.40, and, continuing each home town is Walkerton, is in the tOrtilday Prening, Monday through midst of 4 very successful ministry as rector of the Church of the Reshrrection, ',tendon. tinder his directlon.the parish as grown and in 1904 a beautiful new church with on adjoining rectory, was built at the corner Or Oxford and Front streets in London, Mr. James ,is known for his humility and sincer- ity far beyond the bounds 43f, his present pariah. A graduate 'of , Hur on Colleget Mr. Jamey is a brother of the Rev,, X. II, James, who was- rector of St. Paul's Church li Wingliont at the close of the war, weitelr clarity to that et4 red WI"' can Pull free :from the coat 'ben the .comb, extracted •and. creamed. •"'° '44" groVirs 'Mentioned in the Old and .New automatically hrea4 :H.WAY 00%. Testatnentir, the Reran and the the 411101(111 body or it can be, Je'f . Scandinavian Sagas, honey ,moved and (saved for future 'use,, centuries, It is the only natural sugar hccia important to Arnooe:smocondbcedoypb:40,:rogyi4;:htoo. coat 14 place on the Aultrieri body, exploiting , ,the honeybee,. 1401b,- The Scent of the lamb' then AftPr 1111 years has been ITO) the ..c04 over the. peWborn. t. .1I0, boos, 91 11..1:11P4r Fore f'.:chtle:rytcla produce if Zc etso.a' e9ft:At'nWile.°1 ewes.1he permeates the coat; ift 'h s employed e insuring ib403",, the on which tobeveespvtob,rive--but :it is by sheeprrou to help, the ewe accept poisonous gtherithleir obZeltlgt11 rennin,them The, California Wool Qrowers,.: and is sold In various farms—In t oast, 31.,:riday, I,3Q p.m, the people of 1lt, Paul's will study the Sacra- ipent of Holy Communion under Ina direction, Commenting on the mission the kector of St,, Paul's, the Rev, R. L. Parker, said, "It tapes a SPeob?3, inert to give up one hour of -17ery evening for a whole week :along with the rearrangement of one's plans, Yet the benefit derived frolli this discipline, Phis the )111eWledge gained at the serViceSt will be -of great spiritual value to SLIPS— Beautiful lacy lingerie styled for every figure. See the ,ntany, , fancy designs in the fabric best suited for YOU, Available in. nylon, satin, to dacrons toad Gr -- 7-- tri.cicoet. Sizes 02 to 44 Price .„,.. „ .. , . „,,,,„, • to • ' pAnsut'eolndoeorares, i OWNS selection of $2 98 5 9 rbilariAlzidt.A,01,Msa ItylAelsn.eS " sele ction in rare!' and nrotb in tallortell and Now It's Coats`foi New=born Lambs There's something neW under the sheepinan's sun—coats for new,- born lambs. LambcOnts first introduced lost year have proven their worth, SheePrnen declare, Newborn lambs frequently succumb to rain, wind and cold, in the first few hours of their lives, The coats, made of vinyl, plastic, have saved hundreds, especially where lamb-, ing is done out. of doors in all kinds of weather. The , coats, patterned after the famous lockets" for mature sheep (designed to keep fleeces clean and to protect newly-shorn sheep from 4111111111111111.1•11111.11.11•01111111111111M1111111k -`OUR MISS BROOKS' Like the TV, program the story centres around the high school 'teacher's adventures, 'romantic and otherwise,' and is chiefly made up of comedy situations. Honey, the sweet 'food relished alike by athletes .and babies, Is One of the world's most widely, diatribated agricUallral crops. There is scarcely a, country where inineybeea have not been kept. Honey has been produced In tropic and temperate scms, in desert and mountain regions, in Plains and swamps. lrronv ;Ctillopia, where, it may be servo in a rhinoperotis horn, to New Zeeland, where Mount Everest climber Sir 'Edmund Hil- lary keeps his bees from Alaska to Brazil; from Scotland's heather to Hawaii's carob tree;. from Peru to Japan, honey is known and prized. Because of its high contents of simple sugars, Olympic athletes since the original Greek games have eaten it for energy, It is used in many infant-feeding for- mulas as a readily digestible body builder, Honey, is, easy for,,Man to digest because the bees have done part of 'the work' fozi him, Flower nee= tar gathered into hives, is treated by the bees with enzymes„ which break down its sweetness content into dextrose and levqlose,, both simple sugars, Also present in tile honey are vitamins, minerals and ocher body-building elements. The bepa need all their well- publicized industry to produce honey, ...The .average worker bee will gather enough nectar for a teaspoonful of 'honey in its six weeks of, life, Production of a pound' of honey requires 35,000 trips froin, the hive. The Most Popular container of honey—the 16-ounce bottle—holds the essence of ?,000,000 blossoms.. ^ In the United States, some 253,, 000,000 pounds of honey' were pro- duced last year,. The crop came over with early settlers, astoniab- ing 'the Indians, who called them "white man's flies." Bees found' wild here, except for such natives as the bumble bee, escaped from their keepers,, Each flower produces, a distinct, type of honey. A dePartment store, once rounded up 169 kinds. of, honey from 18 . states and 12 for- eign countries. Most popular in the United States •is..clover honey, with alfalfa, orange blossom; sage, tulip tree, buckwheat, sourwood and other varieties alse highly ,-Central Press qanwitan This combined `, trumpet. and 'bton corps, the Youngest in Canada, has been ivited to perform at lithe Rose Bowl- football ganie in' California on -New Year's Day, They Want to go, and hope to gO, but there- is a matter of,.raising $4,000' to' finance the trip: Their parents 'and :the town council of Colborne, Ont., have their heads' together figuring out plans to raise, the funds, but ; 'so far they haven't. come UP with any guarantee the youngsters ' will be-able: to gp,,. They have perfected 10 routines that they are ,'•sure would be a hit'in the colorful ROse.RoWl parade:: —47— I you will be pleased with the beautiful greeting cards: 'We Tiovr 'have .111 'Snuggledown GOWNS 'PA-JAMAS. That soft cuddly fabric of' brushed :rayon., so popular for: :Winter wear. Gow.1113 • small, flied:, large & $3,95 & $4,9$ Pajamas $4:95 Ski Jamas $3.95.- DRESSING GOWNS'—' Lined nylon or quilted,satinlHouseeoats .in popuhir aiia assorted shailleS,' ", • - Sizes 14 'to 18 stock, 'with Christmas only a few weeks away, • you would'be''Wise choose `yours now We carry :Filitsto4dt and -Vollapd Cards McKibbons PHONE 53 WINGHMA ,pitUG STEM HOWidc. Township, Council Meets •, , ,A. regular Meeting of the'Howick TewnshiP Council - met in 'the , • .• clerk's office on 'November 5th. All meM.13ers were ' present and ;the Ree'Ye H. GoWdy in the- chair. ,The minutes. of tthe• last regular meet- ing,''.special meeting 'and,. Court, of. Revision were read and on-motion of McMichael arid ' Allan* we're' adopted as - read. Cairfed, Haskins-Allan That we renew the foriner Tracy No. '734933. With WeStern Insurance Co.,' ;re' rob- bery iirsura,nce, and also the' fidel- ity, hOinI re' treasurer and -tax cOl- fe4tor: berried. , Allan Haskins----That 'We,, grant the 'FordWrich ,Cemetery Board' a' grant of $300,00. Cariqed. Has ins = Gibson-That the Road acepunts as approved be paid. Car-' County of Hilton, hoS'pitaiiiation, $18.00; LiStowpi and'„ DiStrict Fire area, ',truck -services re E. Klinck, $25,09; World, office- 'supplies, $1(1.26;: GeStetner Ltd,, of- flee supplies, $32.31( Underwood Ltd,,, offide ,$22,.5p; A. F. 'Busby, oil heater, $100.00; Cordon pnderwood, ..cleaning.drain; $2,80; T.' Vittie and. J. Stafford, cleaning drain, $,*:•," W.- Strong, fox bounty,'41.00; gall Douglas, paint- ing shed roof, $385:90; W. E. Whit- field, .,port- salary, ;00.00; ,H. Dane, Valance salary and selecting jurors, $205.00; H. Gowdy,s'electing jurors, $5,00; „S. H.'. PolloCk, part salary, etc., $97.72; RoadtAccount; transfer, $2,966.36:' Wm Marniner, relief, $34.26; R. H. Caro & Son, hard- ware, $8.55"; W. E. Whitfield', post- age and exchange, $5.20; Fordwich Cemetery „Board, grant, $300.00; R. W. N. Wade, premiums,' $55.00,- Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 12-13-14 'Robert Taylor Dana iiiynter, q)'-DAY, THE SIXTH -OF. JUNE" (Adult Entertainment) A touching wait-time love 'tri- angle .set in England in' the hectic days prior to D-Day. total, $3,789,49. McMichael - Gibson—That we do now, adjourn to meet again on December 5th,.or at the call of the reeve, Carried.- H. Pollock, Clerk H. G'owdy, Reeve. Westinghousg 8 cu. ft. Push-buttori defrost REFRIGERATOR WITH TRADE. $189.00` INGERSOLL WASHERS • DELUXE WITH PUMP Regular $179.95 SPECIAL with trade $129.95 Amazing Value Compare and Be Convinced - WITH TRADE NAVONALLY ADVERTISED! NEW 1956 1, MODEL CD1 Westinghouse CLOTHES DRYERT A clothes dryer at a price you can afford $199.50 Don't miss this •unbelievable value. These Ranges are through and through up to the well known high standard of BEACH quality. The four new type All-Over-Heat Microttibe Chromalog Surface Elements are fast, efficient and guaranteed for 3 years. Each' ii controlled by a seven-heat intensity ,switch—just the right heat for each cooking need-- no Waste of electricity. The exira large oven is full porcelain lined • for long life and. easy cleaning. It is equipped with dependable oven •heat control, The• broiler pan. and rack are alto fully porcelain enamelled. The entire, exterior of the Range is in finest, icid- resisting porcelain: namel—wipes clean ins jiffy. 10111111' EL IRON K 4 1 . , $10.95 U. KETTLE- „ _ . „ _i _ $10.9 PROCTOR TOASTERS Reg. $19.95 $15.95 Many other items of merthandise at Reduced Prices. IP•C‘10 WIVEL•TOP Oben. iresnlly•lf,x lave„ 1.,The cleaner RATED NO. 1 BEST BUY by leading Consumer Reporting Group. 2. The cleaner with all the modern work. saving features. Reg. $9995 THIS WEEK 111111111111111111111 it4 201-044:g40 itY tbnibN ht if WWI' it'', CO$14 All that's modern in ONE tleahetw *3 re. set exaluslie • No bust Bog te env ty Ailacti.O.Motio Clip-en idea Pinto Filter 0 Sep* Power --14 II P. motor *Se light and quiet,- ir Annaing Rol Nozzle weighs 2 le 41bs. foOs I *0118860g brush, • Adjustable suctidn 1,11hoghig • 95 9 ••111••••104 toil a r0o. .0. YOU SAV L18666 i ' 1 ism rt, yet 6 6.1 live demonstration at our liter* at ono* eel ‘;. p..... t, ",, PHONE FOR 10 DAY HOME "IMAM . GE , „ Itetrigerator io cu. m Revolving helve x Alligrietie Door Litt Price $384.95 $299.95 SPECIAL