HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-07, Page 11The 'W n:ir,�u i RE'S SHOES , A fin selection of CHILDREN'S SHOES in straps or oxfords * to $4.95' erte .Congratulations " to Winglhaan School lo.otball team on th± success so' .far,. Here's hoping they go all the wayt W NcHAM VC US FAMILY sum sraRE PHONE 1.2 EAc "TheSe r0 upg will in cl do i .ore andprobably Mildmay, 11 SEASON °I" tor.ofbjunior unior and in term ediateUP D tearss ut winners, will mv3 on Two hoGlcey teams will be enter, ed in district loops under the auspices of the Wingham Booster Club. One Is anintermediate earn which kise been grouped with Port Elgin, Wiarton, Kincardine, Walkerton, Hanover and the Ches- ley.41/lore, The second team is composed of Juniors and they are scheduled to meet Palmerston, Lis- towel, Mt, Forest, Clifford, Miiver- tori, "..,Philipsburg,: St. " Clemente,: Into playoffs (n their own cleeeifi- catipns after the repletion of the group schedule,' Wingham iuveniles'+'lli be group- 'ed with M. Forest, Listowel, Thin cardiae, Hareiston, end Sereforth, The midgets will ,meat teaMsfrom Mt, Forest, •Herriston,.'Pa mereton, 14 towel • and Miidrriay, The ban- tam loop -•includes Listowel,; 'MC Forest, Palmerstonand Harrieton. as;Well as the Wingham team, NCPTICE Dr. G. F. Mills will be closing hisoffice in Gorrie, Ontario on Tuesday, November .13th." All outstanding accounts are`; to be paid, or arrangement for payment bythat date.' Dr. Mills is ` re -opening the office of .:the late Dr. J. M. Graham, on 1 Nelson Street East, Goderich, Ontario on November :19th. anammiiimmempii aturday, November Sale of poppies in Win harp ' i11 ..be P pP $ n led `the BoyScouts on Saturday • had by y of this Week. Revenue from the annual' sale of poppies is used oto aid disabled veterans of both World Wars. itizeni of 'this community are urged . to be generous with their assistance. Sponsored ' by Wingham Branch Canadian Legion. We111nDtoiNNuron liberal ps$0.ciatian ANNUAL MEETING ; Nomination Cooveution: IN THE •. TOWN HALL • THARRISEON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 1956. at 8.15 pm. Guest Speaker The Non. •Robt Winters r , J veyone Cordially Welcome ... Goal Save The Queen J. G. McQueen, President D M. Ait'chisof, Secretary venire GOING EYES,., `Ib WEIGH ; ,NS LOOKS $lIM $ OVERWEIGHT TO ME! i' 1 4.3us-r A5i r THOUGHT:,,HE'S GAINED "THREE POINTS) OFFICIALS OF THE LADIES1 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Commmmittt thet hall onee members df the ,Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary, pictured�'before the meeting which was held in Friday are, seated:' Mrs, C.. H. IIinde, seese, Mrs,. W. J.. Adams, treas. St nding, Mrs, Norman, Keating,. 2nd vice-president; Mrs. W. A. Crawford,, president and Mrs.. W. J. Grey, recording secretary. LGRA BE� V Mrs. David Armstrong of Dun- das, spent a..'few days lase week. at her' borne here, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tasker of Hemiiton spent, -the week -end With Mrs, 'Elizabeth Campbell Mr: and Mrs. Jesse Christensen and} family of London; visited with Me.- and Mrs, Robert :Grasby and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs:' Bill;:VanCamp and, Kay and Mrs. James Taylor visit- ed ' on Sunday with the latter's daughter, Miss ' Lille Taylor at Preston.. Mr, and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler. and family of London, spent the week -end with • the former's par- ents, Mr: and ' Mrs. herb Wheeler. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Cort and family of Brussels visited on Sun- day with Mrs, Robert Nicholson, Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie Bolt and Lorna • and. Mr. and Mrs, John Nixon and Calvin, visited on Sun- day•With Mr; and Mrs. John Stokes and. family, Belniore. ' Mr. and Mrs, Jack Bowman and Jim of Brussels visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walsh. ,Mr. and, • Mrs.' John Spivey and family of Ingersoll, visited . over the '(week -end with'_Mr=.sand Mrs, Har- old Procter. roct r Mrs Stanley Cook and Mrs. Cora McGill visited with friends in London, last week, Mrs. Margaret Lowry, of Dundas is spending a few days and Mr. and Mrs. Corey .de Vries of Gode- rich and Mrs, J,. de Vries of Am- stc rdam,'t-Ioliance,: visited' on 'Sun- day with Mrs. Cora McGill. • Mr, and, Mrs. Edgar Wightman and •family and Mr. ,and 1VMrs. James Walsh and nimbly+, visited onuncy with : r. , andM rs. S lM M Harold Elliott and family, Bluevale. • The Begeave Women's Institute will meet on Friday, Nov.. 16. Further notice next week.', Mr, Alex Thohapson, Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. • and `"Mrs,' Geo. Maeleay and Mr. and Mrs. Torn, Huntley of Toronto called. on Mr.. and Mrs, Albert Vincent of Bel - grave on Saturday. The three ladies are cousins of Mrs, "Vincent, Huron President Will Be. Speaker B3 LGRAVE-The regular meet- ing of the . T3elgrave Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening. with El- eanor Walsh ,in the chair. The minutes of- the preidoes meeting were adopted followed by the roll call. Mice Scott was in charge of the worship, followed, by the Bible study, led' by Bill Coulter, Next Sunday at 8 p.m; the Y,P.U. well hold a special ,meeting with Stan McDonald, president of•Huron. Presbytery Young People's as guest speaker. Neighboring groups are invited. -Ari wiz SEEsong-oF 7ie1 y' aseo CARS A7 //E LOWEST P /OEs /41,40/4441914/ WINGHA VI MOTORS Wingham • Phone 139 - Boys' Hockey League Backed by Clergy A new and needed venture in the local sports scene appears to be shaping up following a .meeting of Recreational, Director, Vic' local Lough - lean a a ocal c]ergy.Th original The suggestion was that a Church league ,be -formed but atter di's- cussion With Father R. Durand, the Rev.. D. 3. MacRae and the Rev. H. L, Parker, Mr. Loughlean decided that a league open to all boys, of all faiths in thetown and community' would make sure that every; boy had a chance to play on. a well pa,lenced:team►. The one,;.re- qui'rement for participation in the league is that each boy must be a regular 'attendant at Sunday School is his own Church. The teams, made up of boys front 7 to 12 years of age are to be drawn up i' by Mr. Loughlean. Registration Was held last Wed- nesday afternoon with the follow- ing lads signing up Trevor Adams, Philip Adams, John Bennett, David Crothers, . Lonnie Boucher, Tom Chettleburgh, Tom Deyell, Bob Lunn, David. Wenger, George Rich, Eugene Skihn, Paul Walker, Ron Vegan, ' Jim Lem, Bill McKibbon, Allan Leggatt, Len Houghton, Martin Garniss, Bob Lewis, Keith Scott, Paul Strong, Rodney Hickey, Fraser Strong, Lynn Rickey, Bob Crowson, David MacRae, Bili Mit- choir, : Jim Mitchell, . Robert, Beat- tie, Jon Bateson, • Terry Merkley, Norman Corrin, Charles Sangster, Dennis Callan, George Kerr, Darryl Gibson, Douglas Campbell, Glen S`kinn,Paul Jardin, Tom Ellacott, Theodore Saint, Ronald •DeyeIl, Brian Caslick, Robert Skim; Joe Vanstone, Donnie Woolie, Michael Fleury, Barry Thompson, Dick Scott, Wilfred Caskanette, Bruce Gauley, Don Caskanette, Bruce Machan, Terry. Gardner and Bill Kietter, Any boy who has not signed May do so by contacting Mr. Loughlean. All that is needed is a hockey stick ane a pair of skates and the desire to be a good sport and play the game fairly. Further plans, including the times the arena will be available I will be made essoon as the recrea- tianal director ebmpletes 'arrange - Meets, ►1 GRANDMA OUGHT 1T, GUT 'OUT HIS SNACKS BETWEEN MEALS! SAS/, pON'T VeN1 MENTION SNACKS 'SETwaeo MEALS ro GRANCMA... .SHE S LIABLE • To ASIC You' ANCA ME To STIP oN THE SCALES"! 4,44 P1 44. k9; UUFSTIONSAPOE1T G�IVG�N SQCIE'flf ANSWERED • Several questions .and answers of interest to the ;general ;public were asked at a meeting of the Wingham and District branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, which was held in Wingham} on Monday evening of last week. Here aro some of them. Q. What is the Canadian Cancer Society?,' A, The Canadian Cancer Soeiety is a national organization of volunteer workers with provincial groups in all of the ten provinces, The . Ontario Division of the Society has thirty-six Units which are administered by • a democratic- ally elected board of directors representing all of the unite. A maintains ,a bead office h Toronto through which, the efforts of, the units .are co-ordinated in the fight against cancer. Q. Does the Medical Association approve the work of the Society? A. Yes. In the eight against cancer the Society has several: definite jobs to do -- education, service, "welfare .and fund raising. The Society seeks the advice of the medical profession in all of these'endeavours and maintains a continual liaison with the Can- adian Medical Association. Q. What assistance does the So- ciety give to needy Cancer suffer els? A. In . some ' parts of Ontario local cancer units have done 'and are doing much to provide com- forts. Refreshments are servedto patients waiting at clinics. Loan cupboards are maintained in some places. Monday night's S meeting of the Wingham unit was the third ?fleet- ing to be held since its formation and it was expressed at the •meet- ing that not enough people . from the town were taking an interest in the• work of the unit. It was felt that another meeting should 'be called in the ,near future, at which the aims and ideals of the. unit and the 'Society' should be explained to the pair " Need More Research ToFind Cause of • Muscular Dystrophy Gus Ryder, word famous .swim- ming coach and popular ,mentor of the Lakeshore Swimming Club. in Toronto, has accepted the post of honorary chairman• for the 1956 Muscular Dystrophy national cam- paign, 'The campaign is conducted by the Muscular Dystrophy Associ- ation of Canada formed .in 1954 to lead the fight against this crippling and' e ventua11y fatal di- sease. Money raised in the past two 'years since the beginning of the campaign , goes toward re- search which alret'dy indicates' hope of finding the cause and through it 'a cure, to establish clinics and supply orthopaedic equipment' such as Wheel chairs for sufferers of muscular dys- trophy. "Mahy youngsterswho have come dystrophy co e to our classes for crippled children",, said Mr. Ryder. "We try to help than, but it's heart -breaking to know that the disease will win out, We can't let it, and we won't stop trying until we . Win the fight. That's the spirit that carried Marilyn and Cliff to victory, and I'm proud to lead this year's cam- paign to raise funds to ' eontinue the fight against muscular dys- trophy. We need more research to find the cause. The doctors working on the projects across Canada tell me there's hope and IA We find the cause we'll find a Cure and save these thousands of how hopeless people." Mr. Ryder pointed td the efforts of hundreds of volunteer canvass- ors led by the firemen in communi- ties both large and small. Inter- vtewed at tile Lakeehore•Swimming, ;Club, Gus concluded, "I hope that every Canadian, and they're all goad sports, will dig as deep as possible to help • us lir this fight". Contributions may be sent to W* 462; Verminal A, terantd. Pitoteetlee blanket According to nurserymen, a good eoVerieg of snow is 'the 'best protection against .winter injury to perctintallh. A iittilclt of straw T,tit tin perennial Meta 'after the grdtt d le feezeir helps to preVent beaVing dining periods of >s'teritata thaw. tftR sial #reezbig, Bruce County Deer Hunt Set An Open deer season has been ddei lered ` in Bruce County from Toveaiber 15 to 4.7 inclusive, An important change this year is "the newregulation which pro- hibite the tree Of dogs in this County. In foriner years any person who procured a. regular dog licence could hunt deer lti, any townsi 14z, unless a local by-law p:rehiilLtif the use .of dogs wars in force; However, any township ` having pasncd the dog by-law had to en' force the law' through , their nw.rl: loeai officer and In, many 4i1.sea township officials were 'loft-edst- ant to .enforce the Jaw,, • This year the AO doggy raw* ti kx. will heenforced by eonaervatlol'h; officers. • t�o uV�a>4't r potty ATr 'Well, actually, I'm trot rc*Ily palatine at anything; I'm merely here to point out the value of having a well-known trust company to adiizinister your estate. You see; your estate • is far too importantrto put away in the backgrounei."• He has a point, you know. If you were to take advantage of the coo exa borand experience e of The Sterling Trusts Corporation now, it could very well save a lot of inconvenience and trouble later. Write eodayfor our free booklet, ':"Blueprint For Your Family.' It Covers many of the aspects of estate administration; STERLING TRUSTS C 0 R P o R'AA r 1 O N HEAD OFFICE 'BRANCH. OFFICi 372 Bay St., Toronto 14 Dunlop St.,'8ar►le .s-5 SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO by 'C:NR LOW FARES, EVERY SATURDAY' (TO AND INCL. DEC. 151 rickets good going and 'returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM ALLENFORi1 $1.75 HANOVER, $1.30 PALMERSTON 43.40 BRUSSELS 4.30 IIARBISTON 3.75 SOUTHAMPTON 5.90 M SL EY' 4,75 INGERSOLL 3,70 SARNIA 6.53 'CLINTON 4.75 KITCH1 NI':,R 2.45 STRATFORD 3.45 ,S'TRATHROY • 5.20 ELORA 2.45 KINCARDINE 5.85 WAI.iiER'l.'ON 4.60. FERGUS 2.45 LISTOW1 L 6.00 WATFORD As.75 GEORGETOWN 1.20 Aurai111E':LL` 4,00 WINGIIAM 4.75 GOi BRICii 5.05 PAISLEY 5.20 WYOMING 6.20 GUELPH '1.90 OWEN SOi1NI14.75 . BRA11I1'TON .86 FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS 14.6 YOUR REST WINTER TIRE BUY FOR LIMO' TRUCKS 'SUBURBANI E FOR TRUCKS WHIP TRW) Here's the die winter tiro you can depend on to cut down delays caused by SHOW.clogged roads, Let us Drove it today! BERT ARMSTRONG " PHONE: 181 WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO !LOW YOUR HORN is