HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-07, Page 10WINOS DRIB ESCAPO ,INJURY IN 'TRUCK CRAW Keith ..,fehliStna, who, .drives a log truck for WinghatO $awoill4 fortunately escaped 11*.lry when his loaded truck crashed into a bridge west of liarriston on Thursday night, ; The clrWer of the truck stated that an oncoming ear, travelling on the wrong' side of the road fool- ►ed him over to the shoulder of the road, where he crashed into the side of the bridge, Damage to the truck was esti- mated 1)Y Police at $1200 with an additional $800 damage to. the bridge. Felice Chief Ted ',Zimmer of Harriston, investigated the iteei, dent, ALL OFFERS AREARANTIEED FILL IN AND MAIL TODAY! , •-•-centrat press Canadian he has come up With fall forecast much above normal temperatures I which will bring joy to even ;the for the next 30 days with little most pessimistic. He. calls, for nreelpitation. . Although the weatherman's predictions all summer have left little to be desired weatherwise. HURON & ERIE .t11, .f oRr.HATION TbfP CANADA TRUST Head Offite Lpndon, Ont. Digtrict, Representatives 10'01011 k 14. WittlfE, WIt014/1E,pt J W. 11010.111111111,41), WIL144341.6.1* COMPANY BUYS $2,006,000 COMPUTER usEp, CARS, TRUCKS TRAcrrces., 1954 Meteor, 2-Tone Special Niagara Sedan, -a real buy. 1954 Ford Mainline Coach -a real buy 1954 Ford 2-Tone Tudor Coach, extra good 1953 Meteor Black Fordor Sedan, like new, very low mileage 1952 Dodge Panel; newly overhauled and painted 1951 Dodge Sedan - a snap 1951 Consul Sedan - cheap transportation 1949 Meteor Sedan -- thoroughly., overhauled and painted 1947 Allis Chalmers WC Tractor, A-1 shape. All above-units guaranteed, thoroughly overhauled and winterized. HURON MOTORS Ltd. A. D.• MneWLLLIAM FORD - MONARCH Wingham Phone '237 OFFER No. 3 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A 1 MAGAZINE FROM GROUP B $5.50 SAVE THESE O N NEW LOW PRICES! Any Magazine listed and This Newspaper, Both for Price Shown O Chatelaine • Popular Science q Canadian nouns 'atirdent; 4,00 0 Leek » 4,98 Family Herald and Weekly Star ,, • 3.1;5 0.14unti5g it in Canade , 4.25 0 Child Cite 4,85 q FinWer. 0,'oWer 0 Redbook 3Irtgrftine 4.60 q Celkieet; (htlecelrly) .... , . 4:85 Iltnepty Inimpty's (10 INsacs) 4.85 1104taira 6,90 q Outdt;at tits 4.15 O Sereen Steries 4,35 U.S.q Camera Magazine 4.00 Scq , Sinned' :(ffend') 4.15 q ArgoAy (Man's Alegailne) 4.15 0 Christian octant ......... 4.05 Mayfair „5.90 q Wninen't; Companion 4.95 tj McCall'*muguitioc .......,, , 4:90 0 Wee IWO Weekly Prairie Vernier ......... EVirrue Story .,.„ ..... „..,. q 'entente' ... . 4-S13 • t:f American dirt ... , .. ...... 4.46 Connmet, (Id Woes) ,.., ::4,58 0 Dollar airamang 4.85 Ohadretes Moat (le Issues) • 4:88 Newspaper and Mageginris 1 year; Onlets ferny shown THIS 'NEWSPAPER FOR ONE FULL YEAR WITH . . . . . , OFFER NO. 2 I MAGAZINES FROM GROUP. A $4.95 OFFER No. 4 4 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A $5.60 6 Mos. 1 Yr. 2 Yrs. 1 Yr. ▪ . 12I YY Yrs. o Farmers' Magazine J Canadian Poultry Review - 2 Yrs. 2 Yrs. 0 La. Revue Populaire 1 Yr O Rod & Gun in Canada O Modern,,Sereen Mark an "X" before magazine' desired and GROUP B O Ftech,00lt• Magazine 0 Hunting & Fishing, in Canada ...0.4...4.6...4.4 .1m.6b...o.W1114,1. 1 Yr. q ,Saturday Night (31-4recklY) ' • 53.90 q 3taciean's Magazine (26 'issues)4.40 0 Canadian Itome 4ournal,, 3.110 O American 51agazine 4.85 11.90 4.95 Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with order. GROUP A 0 Maclean's Magazine (13 issues) tJ Canadian Home Journal , liberfy, Magazine ▪ Family Herald & Weekly Star ID Free Press Weekly Prairie Farmer O Saturday Night (1d.weeitly) O Country Guide o Chatelaine , • ..... I Yr, I .Yr: ▪ I Yr. I Yr. Yr„ AG I Yr:. I, Yr. Yr. Parents Magazine .... . .,„ yr* 0 American Homo . . ' I Yr. Theq Ensign . . odmild1.4164 Yr. '0 American Girl YO, Christian Life (For Conservative Christian Leaders) 1. Yr. 0 ,outdoor Life .. - .. ... 1 ▪ Coronet O Maclean's Magazine O McCall's Magazine q True Story •22. O Canadian Homes & Gardens O Sports Afield , q Photoplay enclose list with order. I Yri OFFER. No. 1. MAGAZINES FROM GROUP 'A $4.45 The Whlghans Advance*Thalea, WedueNday, Nev., 101 .f..stIttoterFetele,lt"t.4.44110 01.41*.4•414.0141!"...440•91"1".114494.444.^ fv BOWLING LEGION FIX DATE FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY Legion Auxiliary Met ,Wednesday The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary' to the. Legion} Branch 180 was held,• on Wednes- day night. The president, Mrs. S., Forsyth, opened the meeting with the regular ceremonies, followed by the secretary, Mrs.` T. Gauley, reading the minutes of, ,the pre- vious meeting and , roll* call; ;the accounts for'the month arid corre- spondence. Treasurer's 'report was read by Mrs. L. Hingston and was adopted. It- was', decided to diinate $25.00 to the Christmas Tree Fund .and $10,00 to the Christmas, Cheer Fund of the Byron Sanitorium. The• various committees their reports for the, month. Mrs; T. English and. Mrs. J. Strong were appointed• to serve on a' isperts committee for the local Auxiliary and the initial meeting' is to be held in Wingham on. November 29., The captains for the Poppy Com- mittee were appointed to' canvass the town starting. November 9: Mrs. L. Hingston, Mrs. J. Orvis, Mrs. V. Ducharme, Mrs. S. For- syth, Mrs. T. Gauley, Mrs. G. Hall. President ,Mrs. S. Forsyth was appointed' to lay the wreath on the Cenotaph on Sunday, Nov- ember '11. Vice-president Mrs. D. Carruth- ers :gave a very interesting report on the conventibn Which was held in London. District Commissioner Mrs, G. Cameron and Mrs. 1VI.- Mc- Phail spoke on Girl Guides in Wingham and asked, for ten. Legion members along with ten Kinettes to serve on a local associ- ation to help the Guides in their programme. Euchres are to be held in the Legion Home on November 12 and 26th and Mrs. H. Browne Jr. and Mrs. E. Lewis will be in charge. The 'meeting closed with 0 Can- ada and the lunch committee served lunch. ' Our Prices Are Lower Free We Keep Down the Upkeep *Delivery Miracle. Whip SALAD. •DRESSINfi 32 oz. 73 c 16 oz. 43 c 8 oz. 25 c KLEENEX Regular or Chubby 6 for $1.00 ?No* York 'Fancy CORN 20 oz, 6 for $1.00 Purox TOILET TISSUE 9 for $L00 In order to have more room for Christ- ?has merchandise, we must clear our stock of Ladies? Wear and Hats. Save money on New Fall and Winter styles this week. DISCOUNTS. OF 20 AND 25% ON EVERY DRESS AND HAT IN THE STORE. OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN IS AN IDEAL WAY TO DO YOUR SITOPPING,EASIER. You select your gifts now, make a deposit of 10% and pay the balance in easy instalments when you wish. Select NOW, when the range is complete - avoid the rush and disappointment of late shopping. SPECIALS' THIS WEEK Men's Plaid SPORT SHIRTS $2.95 2 for $5,50 Kiddies' Plaid SHIRTS - $1.00 ea. Fancy CUPS and SAUCERS $1.00 Boys' UNDERWEAR, all sizes 79c to $1.09 ea. Kiddies LINED JEANS $1.98 pr. (2 to Ox Sanforized) Decorated China TEA POTS $1.10 ea. (WONDERFUL VALUE) • . TOYS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS OF ALL AGES DOLL PRAMS $1.98 to $16.00 CROKINOLE BOARDS $4.49 ea. DOLLS $2.98 to $9.00 Train Sets, Trucks, Electric Toys, Books, Games .. all displayed for your easy selection . . . AT POPULAR VARIETY STORE PRICES Use our Christmas Lay-Away Plan. A Pattern for All H.allowe'ens to Conie It was a trick for Miss Janet Thomson to heft the big jar of Trick or Treat coins %after the collection by Wingham CC-XT. girls on Hallowe'en. But it was *- treat for the girls and their -lead- ers to see this evidence of the sue, cess of their efforts for' the United Nations Children's Fund. The funds will be used by ILN,I,C.E.F. to purchase food and medical supplies for some of the world's six hundred million under- privileged children. The expresses their ap- preciation to everyone responsible for making this second Wingham U.N.I.C.E.P. Hallowe'en such an outstanding success and to all those contributing so generously. If anyone was missed their coins will be called for if they contact Mrs. G. W. Tiffin. The final total of the amount received will be re- leased next -Week. DEVELOPMENT ASSOC. •MEETS IN STRATFORD A. V. Crate, Director, Trade and Industry Branch,' Ontario Depart- ment of Planning' and Develop- ment, will be the guest speaker at a general meeting of Mid-Western Ontario Development Association, to he held at the Stratford Country Club in. Stratford, on November 14. The meeting has been called by the board of directors of the as- sociation for,' the purpose of pre- senting reports to member munici- palities •in the Counties of Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington and discussing policy and proposals for future activities.. • Chairman of the meeting will be J. D, Oaks of Guelph, president of the association and the delegates Will be welcomed on behalf of the City of Stratford by His Worship Mayor W. P. Gregory, Q.C., of that city, Headquarters of the associa- tion in Stratford has also announ- ced that the ,County of Perth will act as joint hosts for this first general meeting since the associa- tion was formed and industrial development representatives of the chartered banks, the Canadian rail- roads and other organizations have been invited to attend,' in addition to municipal and business repre- sentatives of all municipalities in the region. A' meeting • of the Wingham branch of the • 'Canadian Legion was held in the Legion Home, on Tuesday, John Pattison, the presi: dent presiding. Guest speaker for the evening was Zone CommandeV, Human Young, who spoke about the Do- minion Convention which he at- tended' br,Vancouver. Plans for the annual banquet were-discussed and it was announ- ced that the guest speaker for the banquet, which is to be held Fri- day, November 9th, would be Col- onel Rider of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, London, Legion members were requested to attend the Remembrance Day parade on -Sunday, November 11th and to be at the . armouries by 10.30 am., Two' new members, Lee Vance and Norman MacDonald, were in- stalled, Herman Young, perform- ing' the Ceremony. The Christmas party for the children was discussed and the date, December 19th, was chosen. As in former years the party is to be held in the town hall. Mission Band Holds Thank° f fering .St. Andrew's Presbyterian Mis- sion Band held its fall Thankoffer- ing meeting on Monday at 4.15 p.m. With many mothers and friends of the children in attendance, Mrs, L. Phillips chaired the meetipg, Mrs. Carl Hiltz presided at the piano, Noreen Nichol opened the service with prayer and Linda Chittick gave a recitation on pray- er. A goodly number of children enjoyed placing their birthday money in the artificial birthday cake as the children sang the Sun- day School version of the Birthday song. Everyone listened carefully as Bill 'McKibben distinctly read the 103rd Psalm: The 4 to 8-year-old roll call was read by Mrs. J. Carr and .was ans- wered' by 25 members, The 6 to 8- year-old roll call was read by Mrs. L, Phillips and revealed 21 mem- bers present. Carid MeIntosh ren- dered a well-played piano selection. The offertory ushers were Robert Campbell and David Carruthers, The dedicatory prayer was given by Brian' Clark. During sorigtirne, whith was dir- ected by Mrs, B. Corrin, three char; uses were presented, each preceded by a verse of Scripture which in- 'spired the composition of each, P. COUNTY MASTER INSTALLS OFFICERS Fast County Master Thomas Wheeler was W charge of the in, stallation of officers of the Wing, ham, Orange Lodge No, 794 held last Friday evening. The master'ef the lodge, Earl Hamilton, called on the past PGIinty master to conduct the installation of the following; W. Master, Era, Earl -Hamilton; D, 'vfaster, Rro. Geo., Brooks; Rec. Sec„ pro, Harold 'Moffat; Chap- 14111, )31.0. Ivan Gardner; Finance `and Treas., Bro, Percy Hogg; 1st. Lect., Bro, Rant, Hogg; 2nd. Lect., Bro, Everet pustovv; Marshall, Bro, Hugh Sinnanloni Tyler, Bro, Grant McAdam; Committee, Bros, Casemore, Gardner, Chandler, Spot- ton. ,It was decided that the regular night of Meeting would be changed from Friday evening to the second Monday of each month. After the installation ceremony lunch was served by the lodge members and the meeting closed With the singing of the National •Anthem. These Scriptures were memorized and presented clearly by Peggy Rae, Judy Forsyth and. Bruce Gaul- ey, Ann McKibbon, assisted in dir- ecting the group , by holding the word-card. Mrs. D. V, Goodridge of the Wingham Salvation Army was in- troduced by Mrs. John McKibbon, as guest speaker. Mrs; Goodridge used flannelgraph assistance for her story which encouraged 'the children to appreciate the privilege of having a place of worship, using the Scriptu're theme "I was glad when they 'said unto* me, Let us go into , the' house of the Lord." Joan Riehl presented a small gift of appreciation to Mrs. Good- ridge following her message on behalf of the Mission Band. Mrs. B. Corrin thanked, all who had in any way contributed to the pro- gram, The worship service- was closed by the benediction given by Mrs, A. Nimmo. The gathering terminated with a generous lunch presided over and organized ,by Mrs. J. Carr, Mrs. R. McIntosh assisted by Mrs. Godkin, Red Cross Seta4'S. ARI to. filung4.17y This afternoon. preciou.s'oargo of .dru.gs and ,medical: supplic#, valued at $40,00,i, was loaded .aboard a North ,'Star aircraft' of the RCAF Air Tratispoit Colla- niand at 'Talton Airport, The des- tination of the 11,000 pound Air meat Was Vienna, The drugs and• medical supplies were sent to the Leagup of Red _Cross .Societies. in care of the Austrian no 'Cress.. The' relief ,supplies were turned over to th e Hungarian 13,0 Cross for . distri. bution to victims in areas affected by the conflict. The Canadian 'Red - Cross ship, merit .consisted. of sulpha drugs, penicillin, streptomycin,, anti-tetaus. us werurn, sterile field dressings, bandages, splints, hospital sheets and pilloweases, 3; Mrs. D. Na- Mrs. H. Spry, 153 smith, 1514; Mrs, C. Lott, ,13$4; Mrs, A. Adams, 1291; Mrs, 3„ Mac- Intyre, 1258; Mrs. D. Cameron, 1062. High doubles, Mrs. H„ Carrnigh- ael, 378. 0 - Q - 0 • Lloyd's R & W Club Shipping room,' 2575; "Machine shop, 2424; Veneer room, '2384; Office, 2303;. The Doors, 2063„ High single, Anne Todd, 290, high triple, Lorne Gardner, 606. Phone; 590 Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. 9 for $1.00 Clark's PORK & BEANS 20 or, 6 for. $1.00 • .6 6 for al 4i and 5 years j33,4% /or .one and two years on Debetntures and Guaranteed Trust Certificates diriaeten A $g ,f,),,00',006 tenet liter 'that ieiVe in Seconds deldistallOne that WOUld take WOOS by matherlistitiatis is being 1114i/tiled in the Confederatitin aaseeletien office in Termite. the 'domaah_Y expects it Will tairf five Steele ter the IttaChitte,t0 pay f or Melt in better' Service to ,..elletits lower ;hints ,;Arid in solving 6eturitial prehleint t itteingted 'due to high costs. Stenographer' Marty 'Martian' will net find the iiiiithine as thiigle II tAieWriter 'Ai. It Will teriyaki speolot ,Stiowissgs on the Pet s w . • Plekie likiitivir 4 to It Weelas 'tor ntst olgot. of Mittithit ul Ari• ve CHECK MAGAZINES DESIRED AND ENCLOSE WITH COUPON I G.nfl•menl l I enclose Pleas. send Me the offer checked, With.'Year's subscription to your newspaper, Sf roof or Ote?tr11igediryt*Ixtsolv.1.0,4441.4...1d1.;roi .. 1.4.111! . c***11414,.. YiC4,4040 Past Office..,,..