HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-07, Page 7Nicholas T Cooke Dies in 82nd Neat Institute Arranges :•-• "At Houle" Nov,• 30 ST, HELENS—The meeting of St, Helens Wornen'a Irmstituta was held on November 1st , in •st. Helens community hall, There were 12 members, 2 visitors and 1 child present, The roll call Was answered by "One step I can make towards world peace", It was decided tp have 'a mem. oriel service at. St. Helens on November 11 at 2.30 p.m., 'With Rev. Mr. Green In charge, The ladies of the Institute are to • meet in front of CKNX on Novem- ber 22nd at 1,30 to have a., visit to the studios and also to go through the, high school. There will be an "At Home" on the 30th,.November, Those on. the program committee are Mrs. E. W. 'Rice, Mrs, Wm. Rutherford, Mrs, Fred MeQuillin and Mrs. Frank McMillin, Those on the lunch connnitaae ,are Mrs, E. )3er- biittr, "Mrs. -Chenter • Taylemr, Mrs. Wm, Humphrey and 'Miss W. D. Rutherford, It was decided to have the meet- ings at 2 o'clock for the Winter Months. The ladies Were remind- ed of the Institute Rally on. November 19th at Cranbrook. "Juanita" was sung. Mrs. 'Fred McQuillin had the topic, ',The Future Is Now", by Padre Young of the O.A.C. Mrs. Win. Ruther- ford played an instrumental, Miss W. D. Rutherford had, 'the current events and spoke on 'the Middle. East'. Mrs. Harvey Webb read two poems, "In Flanders Fields". and "Indian Summera. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt gave theare- port on the .Area, 'Conyentioa London. The Meeting closed with the National Anthem arid a deifity lunch was served by the hoStesses, Miss Annie latirnin and Mrs. E. W. Rice. — • St. Helens W.I. Plans Service You are invited to the memorial service at the cenotaph at the community hall on Remembrance Day, Sunday next at 2,30. Rev. B. F, Green will be in charge of the service which is being arrange- ed by the St. Helens Women's Institute.' Belmore W.M.S. Mel Wednesday BELMORE—The Woman's His. sionary Society of Belrare United Church was held on Wednesday afternoon, Oeteber 31, at the home of Men T, Abraham with seventeen ladies present. A hymn was sung. Mrs. J", Simmons was leader and followed the theme with Bible readings from Ephealaris. • Mrs. Newarma gave a, reading, "The Dollar and the Cent", and Mrs. John Rutherford a reading, "Something to Give", 'Mrs. Harry Mulvey gave the first chapter in the study book, "East from Bur- ma". Mrs. Abraham and Mrs. Mr-. per each gave a ghat reading on temperance. The roll call, a verse on faith, was well responded to. Mrs. West then took over the business pat -of the meeting, after which Mrs. Sim,. Mons closed with prayer. A crisp and valuable piece 'of advice is included in, a recent Oda. torial in the Sarnia 'Observer; "Every delver should burn it into his brain that the little red light on the dash was hot put there for decorative piirPoses, It is a vional, w'ar'ning that your' ights ,are 'en the high beam and they May blind, the oyes of all. oncoming drMr,i Lunch was nerved by Marie' Hrown, Margaret McCann, Ruth Hibberd and, Bonnie Inglis; The next meeting will be held at the home of Patsy Harris. The .ineet= ing closed with Taps.' Miss M. Brown Dies in Hospital • • . vofizyncEr—A native of alow- ick Township, Miss' Margaret Brown passed away on Wednesday, October 31st in Listowel Memorial' Hospital. She had been ill for only short time. Miss Browla was' a, member of the Women's Institute and the Un- ited Church. She !had been • a dressmaker all her. life: Born In Howick 78 years ago, she Was the, last, surviving member of her family, fpur sisters having predeceased her. Funeral service was held from the Edgar funeral home in Gorrie 'on 'Friday afternoon With Rev. J.' W, Bird officiating. ' Interment was iri Fordwieh cemetery. , • MTs. ThoS,.. Nash Marks '89th Birthday GORRIE—Mrs, Thos. Nash cele- brated her 89th birthday.on Satur- day,, Nov. 3rd, et he? home with members of her family spending the day with her. Mrs. Nash is the wife of the foa- mei editor of The Gorrie Vitiate. Many friends will join us in cell- gratulationsa and beet wishes. Mere' for the -birthday ,celebration were Mrs. Rose Patterson of Mt, Forest, Miss Alma Nashl Mrs.: R. P. Nash and Mrs, Bruce Horn,e of Toronto, United Church Notes Mission Band 'GORRIE—The Mission Band will meet Thursday` after '4 p.m. 'and members are asked 'to hring their thankoffering envelopes. The eon- gregation • is • reminded that the Mission Band is- again aelling Christmas cards this year. 0 - -0 -0 . Gorrie-Wroxetei Y.P.U. is inait. ed to attend the Wingham. United Church service on 'Sunday, •Neva. 11th at 7 p.m. Members are asked to mtet at the church at 6.30 p.m. for transportation. , , special 'meeting in Wingham Unit- edmChurch on Sunday evening next at 7 o'clock. 0o-0 • The Woman's' Association, United Church, - will -bold ...their November meeting on Tuesday, November 13, at 1.30, o'clock. Members please noteachange of date. MRS. LW. TIFFIN IS SPECIAL SPEAKER WROXETER—Late a u t,u m n -flowers in basket arrangement gave a seasonable setting for tte Autumn thankoffering service of the Woman's Missionary Society of. Wroxeter United Church which was held in the church on Sunday evening. Members of the Cana,dian Girls in Training, with their lead- ers, formed the choir. They chose for an anthem, "We'ime a Story to Tell to the Natiots." Miss Corinne Rhame, of Gorrie, played a violin sore, "Chanso Triste" by, Tschai- Rovsky accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Harry Rhame, organ- ist of the church, President Mrs. D. S. MacIlangh- ton conducted the meeting, assist- ed by Mrs. W. J. V, Buchanan, Who read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Gilbert Howes, who led in prayer. Mrs, Allen Munro and Mrs. Ja Wylie received the offering which was dedicated by Rev, 'W. 3, V. Buchanan. Guest speaker was Mrs. Wilbur Tiffin of Wingham, who based her remarks on the parable of the talents., The speaker said as Cana- dians we have so much, while in other parts of the world many have no little, Until a church reaches out to help others its own life will not be carolled, As members of the church, we should wit n os wherever we are. To whom much has been given muck will be re- quired. Hymns Chosen for the special service were "Jesus Shall Reign Wheraer the Sun;" "I Need Thee Every Hour" and "0 God of Bethel." The president spoke words of appreciation to all who had taken part in the meeting, es- pecially Mrs, Tiffin for bee blear- ing address and Corinne Rhame for her violin .solo. All UNITED CHURCH WROXETE11.--•-A special Arial. atiee Day service wilt be held, in 'Wroxeter United Church on. Suit- day, November 11th, at 3.15 in the afternoon. Rev. W, ,T, V. Buchanan minister of the church, will be aassisted by Bev. Frank. Russell of St. James' Church, Following the church service there will be S. short service at the 'Cenotaph In Wrok- eter Ceinetery, Anglican Church GORRIE—Service on • Sunday • next, November 11, will be at two in e the afternoon, 'onhalf hour' earlier than the' regular time as the rector is to assist at- the Rearm- brapee service at • Wroxeter. Sun- day Sehoel will be withdrawn. - 0:- 0 - 0 "'Tie Guild of St. Martha will meet on Wednesday, evening, Nov. 7 at 8.30, at the home of Mrs. Earle King. ' hORRIE Mr. Harold David had a sale of livestock .on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs,, Vera. Gregg accompanied ' her non, George, to Sarnia, ancSat- urday, where she 'will spend the winter, •• extend sincere ,sympathy to the Cooke family in their .bereave- Ment. `1)1,Ns. Wia. 'Corbett has returned hone after a ten-day visit with re- latives at Fordivich and Harriston. Mr.' and Mrs T, C. Vittie, Jack Stafford and., Bob Steurnoi, attend- ed the" wedding la the Baptist Ch.., of Miss Shir- ley Hall aad M. 1301 Stafford on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Bill Baines of Kitchener and Miss Betty Doten . of Windsor, who Spent the week- end at "the Vittie home, were also guests at the wedding. • Mra,and Mrs. Walter Hermiston Af N'orinanbi.'"apetit Sunday with Mr. and Ml's', ET Strong. Miss Marlette Feigel of Kitchener anent the week-end' at hers home, Mrs, -Bob Edgar returned Thurs. -adkaatroin the VV,ingharn. .General. Hospital; where she had undergone an. appendectomy. Mr. Bert Wright has returned to his home ' here after, spending several months with ',relatives and friends. in the West. • ..Mr. and Mrs. .Lewitt, VVingham; and Mi, and Mrs. William Taylor of Salem,. visited Miss Emma aIr- win en Wednesday atternadn. Mr. and Mtn. Leslie Cridland of Toronto visited with the ReV, P. E., and Mrs, Russell'. from Thurs- day to Sunday,Mr. Keith Cridland; their son, sPerit the week-end at time same honte. Mr. Glenn Austin had a clearing Sale Of farm stock, and implerents on Monday; October 20, Glenn~ left Thursday. morning for British Co- lumbia, where he, plans to enlist in the Canadian Army. Mr. Wm. Ben- , nett, has purchased'the north .fifty of the Austin farm, lot if, .con. 11, Mr. and Mrs, Boyd 'of Kia- cardina, Miss Mary Gordon and Mr. 'Joseph .McInnes ,of Teeswater, Mrs, and ra. John cInnes, Winga liana spent Sunday' with Mr. and: Mrs. T. L. McInnes. . • Mr. , and Mrs. Fred Hyndman and Mrs, John -Gowaly, Were supper gueata on Thursday of Mr: and liarry Gowelv; .. • Mrs. John Gowdy Spent last week atthe hume of her brother, Mn joieph Vogan and Mrs. arogan;lof • , • Mra and Mrs. Norniarm Woodley of Tyrone and Mr, 'and Mrs, D, Rieke of Harriston visited on Sat- 'urdity' ith Mr. and Mra. A. L. Stephan. ,, • Mr. and Mrs; Tell, Montgomery and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mont,' gothery, of London spent Sunday. With friends here and Mrs, John Mouton-hay returned honne With therd. • , Ma area Mrs, Elgin Fulton and Richard of Galt spent Sunday with Mr, and Maia Robert Harrison. Nita, Bella Greaves has retained hoine from Tamara Mr., and Mrs. Fred Hyntlinah spent a few daYs in Toronto last week. . Mr. mi.() Firs. Vaal Lloyd of Pontiac, Mich., 'Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Higgins of i3lyth spent a day; recently with Mrs. W. J, Gallagher and Miss Maude Higgins. Mrs,' Robert Higgins of Pilot -Mound, Man., also paid a short visit at the same IMMO, Mr, and, Mrs, Ronald Short of Guelph visited with Mr, and Mrs,' Thos. Short and Miss Myrtle 'on Mr. „and, Mrs: Wrn. Morris of Brussels, visited With their' 'tlittigh.. tor, 'Mrs, Floyd Hutton and Mr, Htitteri oft Thaiday, Mr. and Mra, Arthur yield, tarn-, both, aPent lad .Sunday with and Mts. OttitiOltdili tdgEile.., • Mike Edith McCallum and, Mrs, /fiat dallittici, of Mount /tong, Mrs, Alex, Hill oil Trenteri, Mr, tti Hislop-Sanburn laLUEVLE—On October 27th, the wedding took place of Mary Isabelle Sanburn, of Turnberry Township, and George Charles His- lop off Howick Township. The at- tendants were Miss Evelyn 'Louise Hislop and Charles Robert Sanburn, The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. R. A. Brook in the United Church-man: Se. Ladies of WA. Hold Bagaar )31411WAL;11---The Woman's As- sociation of the United Church held a very suceeSsful hataar arid ice on Oenber girt, when. the attendance was large and salts brisk, iteti. A, Brook opened the Wear' with appropriate Words, • Urtited Y.P.U. Elects Officers • BLUEVALE—The Y,P.U, met in the United Church on Sunday evening With Bob,'Fraser president, presiding, Kenneth Johnstoe had charge of the study program amid Joyce Hoffman give an interesting account' of her summer camp ac- tivities at the 1 United Church camp at Goderich. The election of officers for the 1056-57 season resulted in the fol- lowing: President, 'Joyce Hoffnum; vice- pies., Marie Johnston; see.-treas., Harold Johnston; pianist, Marie Johnston; assistant, Joyce Hoff- Man; le'aders of groups, 1. Doug- las Fischer; 2, Robert Fraser; 3. Lloyd Wheeler; assistant, Kenneth Johnston. The iltav °Meets will take charge at the November 18th Meeting. BLUEVALE Mra and. lairs, Charles Coulter spent -last week at Clinton, Mrs: .Charles Johnston and Mrs, Charles - -Bosnian motored, to Branniton 'for a holiday last week. Henry Mathers, „has returned home after hospital treatment in Wingham and London Hospitals. Visiting on Sunday at the of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon and Mr. and Mrs, J: K. McTavish were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKin- non, of Toronto and Mrs. Alex Armstrong of Brussels. - While taking apart the old house on the Ilockridge property, C. B. Hoffman found two -old revolvers, their age uncertain. On one all marks were filed off, the other one was marked "Bulldog". Mrs, Neil IVIeeEuehren of Clif- ford, spent the Week-end with her mother; Mrs. R. F. Garniss. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gaston and daughter of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brooks and, two daugh- ters of Galt, visited Rev, R. A. Brook and Mrs. Brook on Sunday, 'The Bluevale, Women's Institute will hold its November meeting at the horde of Mrs. Chas. Mathers, on Thursday, November 8th, The motto, given by %ars, Sperling Johnston, will be "Good health and good dense are two of life's greatest bleSsinge Miss 'Ruby Duff will give some simple health rules, Mrs. C. B, Hoffman will conduct a eon- test After Some weeks in Winghani Hospital, Mrs. Arthur ShaNV has returned 'to her home improved in health, Born In 1862, Mrs, Shaw spent her birthday in the hospital. Her Many frienda are pleased to see het resume her usual activities. Mrs. W, J, Johnston and Mr, and Mrs. Milton Watson' of Gorrie, spent Sunday at Fergus, visiting dt the banes 'of Messrs, Jim and Keith Watson,. eased train. Mr. Walter Horsburgh, Mr, and 'Mrs. Horsburgh purchased ,the home of Mr, and Mrs. Boss Coa,tes and moved in last week, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Wildfang Of Toronto vialtedSaturday with Mt. and Mrs. Roy 'Simmons and on S. morning they attended the aptisnial aerVide -for. the he. tant daughter ofMr, and. Mrs. ken Elliott In the Arthur' United biturelt, New Buildings Under Construction BLUEVALE—There is a build- boom an* Bhievale, A. D. 'Smith. is erecting a new post office bonding on land bought from Burns Mof- fatt a-C: B. Hoffman is building am. laige poultry house on the former Hoekritige property, Bluevale is conveniently located for anyone• ,wishing to carry on a business or for living in residence. It is a pleasant spa- to live beside our Maitland' River. Hallowe'en Party Held at Hall. 13LIIEVALE-7-Miss Berva Gal- laher arranked a pleasant Hallow- e'enparty held in the community hall for her pupils of. Bluevale School. Costumes were judged by Mrs. Gordon Mundell", Mrs. John Pscher and Mrs. M. McFarlane. Prize winners were: For best. comic, Mrs, Elmer Sellers; fancy costume, Nancy Taylor; best couple, Mrs. Ernest 'Pletch, Mrs. Armstrong, Sangster's orchestra supplied, music for dancing follow- ing the.judging. FORDIVIGII Mies Marjorie Ott of Listowel visited over the 'week-end with, her cousin, Miss Pauline' Sothern. Mr.. and Mrs. Carl• Stewart of Listowel ,visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. James Vittie, Miss Reita Harding of London visited over'the week-end .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Harding. , Mr. and Mrs. John Craig spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs„ Allan, Castle in Toronto. Mrs. Win. Craig • returned home with them after spending a couple of aweeks ther'e. Miss Allison McCann of Strat- ford spent ; the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham Of St, Marys spent the week-end with' friends here. •. Mr. and Mrs. James Strong and Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay,- Galbraith visited with' friends, in Brampton on- Sunday. • .:Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride and Bobby visited, On, Sunday with. Mr... and Mrs. Jack Riddell at Teviot- dale., Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrsaltoss Doig,Were Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Doig, all of St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Schaefer were week-end visitors in Toronto' with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmott Craig of Toronto Visited. over '•. the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. John and Mrs. William Craig. Sunday • visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W.• Hargrave were Mr. and Mrs. Ron'' Reed, Mr.„"and Mrs. Earl HallnianaKenneth and Vivian, and Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Orth, Shirley and, Thelina,' all 'of - Listowel: Mr. and' Mrs, jack; Holtom of Hespler visited over 'the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Holland. Mrs. Gordon Yeoman and Mrs. Cecil Yeoman and Billy of Wroxe- ter visited on "Saturday with. Mr. and Mrs. •E. Hargrave, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. McClement and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cameron 'Stewart at Molesworth. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forester were, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Bender and family. of Gowarmstown and Mr, and Mrs. Earny Denny Of Palmerston. ' Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Baker were Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Giles and Gary, Jack Cooke and Gary Austin of Arkona. ' Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Wedzel of Detroit spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Adam. Zur- brigg, Miss Ruby Zurbrigg of Listawel is•aleo spending this week With her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Ries of Hanover,, Mr. and Mrs. H. Harms of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs, Willard Ries of. Hamilton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Noah Ries and Ethel, Congratulations to Ma, and Mrs. Paul Wendt (formerly Marjorie Schaefer) on the birth of a daugh- ter on Sunday, October 28 in To- ronto. . Mr. end Mrs, Everitt Allen, Mu:. Fred Iltanbly and Miss Aldythe Bait spent' one day last Week in Kitchener. Mrs, 'Ed Matthews. spent several days last week in Guelph, Mr. Bruce Giles of Delhi spent the week-end With kr, And Mrs. George Baker. CtiagratillatiOes to Mr and Mrs. Keith Ridley on, the birth of daughter at WhilidsON on Friday, November 2nd, a sister for 'Terry Lac and also to Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Holland on the birth a a son, on Monday, October 29th at the kit- afoot liespital, Mrs, Alvaretta Wallace Is this week enoVitha her haliablibld of feats to the home which 'she put- abbatitO#Zinis. VR1401144 01.NTAItio, WEDNESIDA*1 &O **HMI, 7th, OM lr d kii GORRIE MAN '.,HAAS -HALLOWE'EN HATS MEDICAL SERVICES JUNE!) AT CUT, P'QRDWJCH—The Q.G.LT, met at the home of Nano), Sothern with 28 members answering the' bfis served as Vice-President and alao as a direCtpr, He attended the Co-Operative Medical. Services convention in Hantilten on October 26 and .g7, near. Clifford, a son of the late Mr. anaml Mrs, Nieholas Cooke, IN farm- ea near Clifford, until retiri,g t9 Gorrie game seven',years age, . On December 26th, 1899, he:was married to Clara Hertzberger, who predeceased 11im. en Dec. lath, 1355.. Silrviving are two sons, Carl, of 11 Waterloo and Clifford, Gorrie; lir tame daughters, Mrs, Jahn (Edge) ,iusgre-Ye, Gorrie; IVrrs, Peter (Ad. elta) Merklioger, Waterloo and Mrs. Melvin (Florence) Greenlay, Clifford. There are seven grand- children and two great-grandchild- red. • The Rev. W, L V. Plichanarm of the Gorrie United Church emiduct- ed the funeral service at the Ede gar cameral home at 2 p.m. on Mon, day, with burial in the Clifford cemetery. Mrs. Arnold Darroch sang at the service. Pallbearers were Walter Zeigler, Ernersoh Hooper,, John Dunn, E. Sehaus, George King enclqaecter Hamilton, q.ORRIE — Nicholas Cooke , passed on FeidaY the Lis' towel afeMerial 410sPital afi4r a short illness from a heart condi- tion. /fa was in • his tignd year, A resident of Howick Township all ninth annual meeting in Clinton roll call. The •worship service was his "fife, he was born on con. 17, on Thursday evening, Mr. Strong token by the two leaders, Mrs. H, Pollock and Mrs; C, Carswell, after' which" Elizabeth Pattersen :.gave a talk ani.correct uniferin find in- signia, During the remainder of the evening the girls enjoyed. a Hallo.' We'en party convened by Sharon, Pollock, Diane Carswell and Velma Eurig, games, contests and for- tune telling were enjoyed. A parade of •girls with their own HalloWe'en hats were judged, Eligabeth Arm- strong winning the prize, apKgim—noy Strong was elect- ed president of the Huron Co-ap- erative Medicai SeOlees at the Win Scholarships FoRDWICH— Marilyn Cooper, elder" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper and a student at Macdonald Institute, 0.4G., at Guelph, .'has received the Huron COunty Council Scholarship for girls, .Gooa (Bob) Winkle, seri • of Mr, and Mrs. Goeen Winkle, Who is attending 0.A.C., was awarded the scholarship' for boys. -Bah students Are from 'Ford-. with, Marilyn is a graduate of the ListoWel High School and .0oosi of Palmerston High School. Manor/4 Services Will Pe Held P'ARDWIC err Sunday, Nov,' 11th, a Plagaihial service will be held M the Wro*eter. Chlirch at 345 p.m Wreaths will be ,placed at the MonaMent. following the service; On Monday, 'NOV, 12, qt :19:4o aan, perviee will be held in the Angli- can Church at ' Pordwich and a service will also be 'held at the narpornaht after church. Those.tal lng part will be Rev, Pachanan, Hey.' McClure,, Rev. Russell and Rev., Hlyd, * United W.M.S. to Pack Bale GORRIE—Mrs, Alex Taylor eras hostess for the November meeting of the WM.S, of the United Church on Thursday evening, Mrs, W. King was in• charge of the devotional Period, Mrs. H. Hamilton read, the Scripture from parts of the second and third chap- ters 'of EPhesians and follewed with prayer, A reading,, "Young .'Eyes through a Window", was gi- ven lay Miss IVIargaret Dane. Before the friging of the hymn "0, Vali- ant }warts, Who ;to your Glory Came", Mrs. King gave interesting comments on the hymn and read the poem, aDestinyv, The chapter f rem the study book' Was taken by Mrs, W. V. Hu- dbalmani who with; questions and answers and the use "of. a map, made the country of south East Asia aria its people very real, President Mrs. Glad Edgar was in charge of the business and it was decided a bale of. clothing will be packed on November 15. Any- one 'having good used clothing id asked to leave •it in the Clarreh hall before that time. — , Miss. Palethorpe, of London, Will' be guest .'speaker at 4the autumn Tbartoffering• service on NOvern- ber 18th at 8 Buchanan reported on the. Presbyterial held at Brussels and gave many suggestiona that other societies were using .and whiela might be „used in any W.M.S. Mrs. 'A. Taylor, in a few well- chosen words, spoke'of faithful- ness and, duty well done as. she presented Mrs, Alert" Hamilton with a gift from her co-workers, In re- plying, Mrs. Hamilton gave a re- view of her early eaperienees the W.3,1,S.- * The roll cell was answered by reporting calls made ,to, sick and abirt=iire•" Mrs. W, • Strong and Mrs. H. Ferguson were named a nominating, committee, • . • Lunch was served by the -hostess and committee and, a social time was spent.," ,November seems' a strange time of the year to be playing under the shade of` elegy tree, -Yet Mary Showers, Debbie Bennett and Lois Showers were doing just; that. on the Friday afternoon holiday from Wingham. Public School last week, Mary and Lois are the' children of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Showers and• Debbie is the daughter of Mn, and. Mrs. Glen Bennett, • WROXETER United Church Meetings Slated WROXETER—T h e November meeting of the Woman's "Mission- ary Society, United Church, will be' held in the church schoolroom,' on Monday evening, November 12th, at 8 p,m. Mrs, Harvey Timm is arranging the meeting and Mrs. -Gilbert Howes is in charge of the topic. Followirig the meeting mem- bers will pack the bale of good Used and new clothing which will be sent to a needy community in Northern Ontario. - 0 - 0 Members of the Wroxiter Gor- tie Young People's Union have re- ceived an invitation to attend a Mr, and Mae,- R. B; Abel 'and Janie, and Mrs, Bessie Jobb, Listowel, were Sunday visitors at the, home of Mrs. Reg 'Newton, Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley and Mary Ann of Toronto- • spent the week-end with Mr. 'and Mrs. J. IT. Wylie.. • Mrs. James Harris Is enjoying a trip • to the. Cermadian West, She was accompanied from Caperol by Mrs. IvIaaatee. 'Seven tables were in play when the Women's Institute • held a pro- gressive euchre in the community hell on Thursday night. The party was arranged •by Mrs., J, H. Wylie and Mrs, Frank Earls. Miss Verna Harris won first for ledies, -Mrs. A, Wright, second, Geo. Day and Wes Underwood won honors for, the men, Mrs. A Wright wen the spec- ial bingo ad, insulated tea pot, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Baxter of ,Till- soaring were week-end Visitors' with Mrs., D. SalVfaeNanghtorl and' JOhn, • Mrs. W. G. Gibson spent Satur, day at the hoine of, her daughter, Mrs. j. D. McGillivray of Paisley, Mr. and Mrsa Wm, Hart spent the week-end in Toronto t where they visited Lyle and Mrs, Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Doig, Dray- ton, were dinner 'guesti of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating Wingham en Sunday and ,spent the remainder of the day with Mr. and Mrs. James Doig, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Gal- braith and daughter, Karen, of Wrexeter North-were also Sunday -Visitors with, Mr. and Mrs. Doig. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Newton, 'Hata' riston and Mrs. Reg Newton of Wroxeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ron-Newton,, of London. NOTICE—The business places of Wroxeter will remain closed 'on November 12th, following Armi- stice Day—By order of the village council, 7b 3. Pritchard and Mrs. Mildred Bar- rons of Harriston were recent guests at the home of M. and Mrs, Flag ElYndmarr, • Evans •McKee and Miss Etta McKee, • Listowea visited on Sua- day with Mrs. John Wylie. Mr. E. H. Strong was 'in London. on Tuesday of last week for the Conservation Authority convention. Mrs. Walter Ridley, Arlene and Sandra a Whitby and Mrs. 'Her- bert Attwood of Uxbridge 'were week-eiid visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel, Sunday guests at the same' home, who celebrated abe second birthday of little Beverley Merrick, which was on November were Eric Little of &arbor°, Miss Barbara Merrick• of Wingharn, and Mr, Al 'Nicholson of Bluevale. Little Anne Nain, 31a-year-old daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nuhn undetwent an operation for appendicitis in the Wingham Hos-t pital on Sunday evening. Friends are ,Thiping ,she may make a• good recovery: • Mr: and Mrs. Frank. Earls, Lyinie and Leone spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.,W. C. King, In this June in November, ror-m'an Wade has a `crimson "rambler with several roses on it. :SIZING UP OUR OLYMPIC PROSPEcTSk . ,.-0010041 OreiMatiiiiedian • , When it conies "to 'site klaillatZen "Jackie,., Maeltionald, left End. tiny nriiestine ItirSaell ere poles apart, ttit In the beatify and aihictie departittenth,, the pair have .glamour and h'eptafor an Olympicmodal, in 'common.. They 'are pictured with •eitter4., tolfter DerinY Vaughan, who featured many of Olympia athletes, on hit' television 'show recently,