HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-07, Page 4VOA SUE MAT VOAA S 4100.0 13E14F for sale bY the Onar, ter, poet killed imder licenae :from tM Deportment a Health. Cholea Hereford 'Yearlings, RAY - Nam A0Krzi9, -101Yron, 4, Phen9 2440, Ripley, 1403 M. 1 and NO, 2 COB CORN for solo, Also No, 1 kiln -dried shell- ed corn. Delivered by truck in 9 to 15 tens per load. Por fur- ther particulars Phone Herold COolt, 61, Myth. • 2431714* O. and NO,2 CO3 corn for sale, Also No, 1 kiln -dried she)/ corn, eIelivered by track in 9 to 15 tort loads. For turther particulars contact Teel Newton, phone 9r3, Wroxeter, 247,14,21u SPARMasS, sauerklcraut, served Overy Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights at Commercial Hetel Formosa. ce 31142/12* CHESTERFIELD SUITE, sofa bed, Cengoletim rugs, 9x101/2„ 7144x9, all in good condition, Cheap for • quick sale .i Rhone 430M after 6 o'clock, Si* 154 BELVEDERE hardtop Ply - 'Mouth coach for sale, exeellent condition. Reasonable. Will ac- cept trade-in, Apply to Sam Bondi, phone 668. 31,744,21b BROADLOOM SALE 'Due to special agreement we are in a nesition to sell you Axminster, Wilton arid twist Broadlooms at far below tevera.ge prices. A power- ful carpet stretcher has been purchased, the only one of it's type In the district. So now no instal- lation can be too large. Church installations our speelalty. CARPETS ALSO REPAIRED SATIETTIt's SHOPPING CENTRE MI, HANOVER 31,7b 1952 METEce SEDAN for sale. Mechanically 100%. Well cared for. Extra tire. First $1200 takes it Apply R. E. McKinney, phone 799, 7b SUFFERING FROM Backaches, RheumaticPain, Sciatica, Lurn- bago is over if yeti let RUMA- Caps help you to relief, Ask your Druggist. 7b USED EDIXA II 35 man. coupled range Finder Camera. Adjustable lens apeiture, f/2.8 to f16; Prim - to -SV shutter, speeds from 1 to 1/300 second or time exposure or delayed action at all speeds "B". Complete with ever ready carry- ing case, Flash and Plash Shield. Phone. 557W, 7b TIED PIPELESS FURNACE or sale. Choap fos quick sale, Apply Don Robertson, Bluevale, phone 424W4, during the day. 7:14* BOY'S NAVY flannel blazer and gray worsted trousers size 12-11 for sale. Good as new. Apply to -Mrs. T. P. McKibben, phone 117. lb THERMOSTATIC draft control for woodcoal or Sawdust fur- , mace for sale. T.Jsed one year. Phone 4103. 7* • DONT buy a heater by guesswork! Get our FREE HEATING. OLIN- , IC- SERVICE, Fits the heater to the space—assures comfortable heat in cbldest weather, 011 Duo-' Therm Models for every need.-- Pattison's Radio & Electric, Wingham, phone 171-1 7b GIRL'S 3 -piece greerl snowsuit with grey fur trim, size 3, for sale. Phone 745312. 7b WINE VELOUR Chesterbed for sale, 'good valte. $25,00„ R. A. Currie & Sons Furniture, 7b 44.i CORDS. of dry hardwood for sale. An Maple. Apply to LaW- rence McLeod, R.11, 5, LucknoW, phone 46r22. • 7b GOOD COOK STOVE,- white cis - me); for sale, Price $5.00. Phone 43gW. 11) KITCHEN BUFFET, kitehen cab- inet, Western Foundry Windsor Mil heater; MeClary Coal heater, baby carriage for sale. Call Wghtun 7* gNTkit.MIZt coal Or Wend range for salt, in good condition. Phone, ASOM atter 6 p.m, 7* , • GUM SUIT and Ski pattsi slie 1244 tor sale,. Phene VA in; the •OVeninga; 1* FACTOKle MILT .SaWst burner hi good entsditiOn for sale. Phone 551ArV, SAVE up to Zire on tuelh1116 With 'OIL ItAIO-TEMM Horne Heater With, PowerAAir Blower, Models to every need. EasY tct' ttdi� & Eled* trierAMOrie 1114. pisaosilininisseseinseseessieseivisinieesq Box Holtleie Names Not Given Out I *4Tktytitithitit 0* tufo 'kw the b woe ,or tiAE.: ltreasi ifititertitier mite* A IffrAtAllineii Stet iktuMber. it do ii6t, ititie US Id" thiS linfOrMistiok paaaiithialooth0000soioaath000aso4 LIVESTOCI QISALE PUREBRED- ANGUS .B.--UTT.4L, for sa118, months old, g'.00c1 01.0 ,Purhein cow with g weeksr old toil coif, Any ociffers for £10: rod of aU fence? A-plAy to. Harvey Bluevale, phone 4r1, Wroxeter, 7* 2 IVIILKING COWS ter sale, 1 heifer due to freshen November 27, 1 pony, 3 years olel, Apply to Jas. Wilson, phone 711W13, 7b Tg3= YORK SoWa due t� tor. row ,gbogt Nov, 20th, for sale, Photo 698J4, Friday 'evening or SattirdaY, WANTED ROOM er boarding place wanted. Phone 403W3 atter 6,30 pan. 7* 100 LEGHORNxRED pullets, lay - wanted. Apply to Herb Char- les, -Carrie, Phone 2642, Wrox- eter, OLD STA/3LE, BARN. or garage Wanted to buY, APP1Y to Camer- on's Billiards, •fib • FEMALE HELP CITY BANK requires elerieal help. Igachine operators preferable, but net essential, Apply in per- son or in writing to the Manager, The Canadian Bank of Com- merea, Waterloo, stating age, ex- perience, references and salary required. • 24,11b RELIABLE domestic help wanted, • Phone 167 Blyth or Bo, t 155, Blyth. • 7b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE AT ONCEI--Good Rawleigh business, Selling exper- • ience ,helpful but -not required. Car necessary. Write at once far particulars. Rawleigh's Dept. K- 453 -TT, Montreal, P.Q. 7b , DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your ,farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone collect: Pal- merston 123W; Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. • * rrb MISCELLANEOUS FOR REPAIRS to all makes of TV and radio call Dunkin Television and Radio, Teeswater phone 27 or Wingham 70331. 19rrb CS YOUR TELEVISION .properly • insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb STEVVART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are • available. Spode) rates for fanners, For further • information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb 3ANITARY• SEWAGE disposal septic_ tanks, cesspools, cellars, ete„ pumped and cleaned, quick *service, all 'work guaranteed, Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb NATER• LOO cA.raim Breeding • Absociation "Where Better Bulls Are Used''. "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from eill breeds of cattle, phonb the Waterloo Cattle Breeding AssOciation at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 or IVOldmay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 am, We have all breeds available — trip quality at lessr cost." 251•rb 6, btOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS IP YOU ARE planning a building project this slimmer, We are in a position to gitre you first class service for your :cement work. House basements and floOrs., barn walls and floors (coin/gated In one pour, Contact Mads Christengen, phone 11r7, Blyth. • rrb FINANCING, A CAR? Before you buy aak about our Low Cost Financing Serviee With tomplete TrIsurante Covel'age, STEWART A. SCOTT 293- Winghion 26rrb - STRAYED 2 IIZA,D OF yearling battle stray:, ed to tarM of Clarence Shaw. 81h 'Itirnberry, since first of August, Anyone proving owner, Ship- and paying expenada may have Sante. 31,7* , LOST in WingliaM,-Pareel 40/Stain- ing, a blay's drafting gown and Seeks. Pinder, please phone 42r11 IAlekrioW eeilleet ReWard, 7b rot SALICOotettENT- 011AMID tenet for -tate, Alt c�vfene thae, dp. board#, bath And 4hower, • able'nOW, rent Or sale. Rea* ionatio. Applyi to tox tlit Ad. .VaktetAllirte*,• REAL E'STATZ 100 ACRES, 2 miles from. Wing - halt. $5 acres under cultivatiOn end the balance Mixed bush. Bank barn 50 by 60 .with eon- nrete Silo. Six room insui brick house with bath, Both buildings hydro equipped. Pull, priee cagy $14500 with $4,500 ,clown and the balance en 'Tied at 5%. Cell or Write Paul. P. Siegner, Realtor, • phone Walkerton 520. 21,213 GOOD GRASS PAag for Sale. 60 acres Werkable land, all seeded, Good bank barn, spring, creek, quantity of cedar, North of Wingthani. Geed terms, Apply to Cecil Wheeler,. phone 88, Blyth. arno• DWELLING, located nri Minnie Street, Wingham, 2 storey frame. InViden upper and lower apart- ments, Bathroom ort lower float., Good garden. Apply to H. • C. IVItteLean, Realtor, Wingham, phone 115, • 7b DWELLING' Corner \ Leopold and Patrick Streets, 11/2. storey stucco. • Living room; dining room and • kitchen. Oil heating furnace. Cook stove with oil burner„ 3 bedrooms and bath: On this pro- perty is one of the rnost desir- able, building lots in town. P'cir immediate possession apply to H. C. MacLean, Realtor, Wing. bum, Oritaria, phone 115. 7b SEVEN-ROOlvI HOUSE for sale or rent. 3 -piece bath, Isst water, cupboards, Possession immed- iately, Phone 159, Teeswater. 14. 7* POE, RENT 3 ROOMS UPSTAIRS for rent, side entrance, no children. Phone 502312. 311, CENTRALLY LOCATED, newly, decorated three-room self con- tained apartment for rent, soit- able for business couple, reason- able rent, available December lit or earlier. Apply to Box 89, The Advance -Times, 71, ALL NEWLY DECORATED ern home for, rent, garage, pos- session immediately, Rent $50.00. Apply to Box 92, • The AdVance- /Times. , 7b NEW FIVE -ROOM ;house with all modern conveniences' for • rent. Phone 445 Wingham. 71, 4. -ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment ,with bath for rent, No children. Apply at the Wingharn Fruit Market. •7b FIRST FLOOR of bause on Shu - ter St. for rent. *Inclusles bath, hot water, garden. Available Nov. 15. Apply Box 90, Advane'e- Times, ONE ROOM for rent; or lady pen- sioner for room and board; or business couple for board.' No drinkers. Phone 562R. 71, • 'CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who contributed in any way to my com- fort and well being while I was a patient in Wingharn General Hos- pital; 'also those who visited me and sent cards, gifts and hewers. They were deeply appreciated. — Mrs. Leonard Ruttan. TENDERS WANTED On Bank Barn 18x30 on half acre ot land in E. Wawanosh Twp. Few fruit trees and foundation of house. Apply GOrdon Rogers, Vit- toria St, Clinton. Highest tender accepted. 714b CLERK'S NOTIICE OP FIRST POSTING Or VOTERS' LIST Voters' list of 1956, TOwnShin of •Turn,berry, Connty of Huron notice is hereby given, that I have com- piled with section 9 of the voters' list act, 1951. I have posted up at my office In Blnevale, on the eighth day of Cieteber, 1956, the list Of all persons entitled to vote In •the said intmicipality at municipal electiOn and that such list' remains there for inspeetion and I hereby call upon, all :voters to take an int - Mediate proceeding to have any emiSsions t)t errors eorrected ae. cording to 'law, The last day far appeal being the 10th day a Nov, ember, 1956, Dated Ulla 24th day of October 1956. Geo, Tbcitilsott, Clerk a Turnberry ToWnship 7b NOTICE The voters' list of 1956, Teivn Wing/lain, County ot Huron, notice Is hereby given that f 11aVe coin - plied with section g of the voters! list act, 1961. / have Pasted up at my office in the Wingbarn TeWii Hall on the 24th day of October, 1956, the list of all persthla eirt, titled to a vote iri tlie said Muni- cipality at municipal election and that, -Stich Hat Wistaria there for Inspection and X hereby call upon all Vetere to take an linniediate proceeding to have any 'omissions or Orkers corrected according to the.hut day for appeal being the lOtli day of November 1966. Dated tlite 3ISt tit.? At October 1956. W. A. t4aibralt4 Clerkrneastirer Aith COMJNO 141,..ENTS W011efEN'S 11NISTITUTE meeting Will be held en Thursday, Nov. 16th in the ceuncit chambers. 3/19tto, guest speaker?Mrs, 2 S. XentNallgliton, UPeteaSes, Mrs. Butte)), conv, 0071) BIRTOS Winghant General Hospital, on Wednesday, Oetober 1956, to Ur. and Mrs. Leo Murray, R.R, 3, HolYrood, a son. ELLACOTT—In . the Wingham. General Hospital, en Wednesday, October 31, 195Q, to Mr, and Mrs, Reward plleeott, Brussels,. a son ((stillborn), • HOFFMAN—In Wingham General Hespital, on Wednesday, Clete- ber 31, 1956, to M. and 'aVirs, •Gordon Hoffman, •Teeswater, daUghter, de BOER—In the Wingba,xn. Gen- • eral Hospital, on Thursday, NoV-, ember 1 1.956 to Mr, and Mrs Peter de I3oer; R,R. 5, Lucknow, • a daughter. • THOMPSON—In Wingharn Gener- al Hospital, on Sunday, Novem- ber 4, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam ,Thompson, R,R 1, Belgrave; a son.. CHRISTENSEN-4i the Wingham Gen‘ral Hospital, on Monday; November 5, 1956, 4;t0 Mr. and Mrs. Meals Christensen, R.R. 3, Blyth, a seri, IVIOGGACH—In the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, Nov- elnber 5, 1956, to Mi. and Mrs. Gilbert Moggach, Wingham, a daughter., HOLMES—IN St. Mary's HoSpital, kitchener,,,,on Tuesday, October 30th, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Rus- sel Holmes, Kitchener, a daugh- ter, a sister for Terry, Tommy and Timmy. • PAR FROM ALONE "So you don't like drinking. Well neither,do /I Next time something like this bapperis, sound - off. You'll find you are far frarn alone." . • An extract from the latest and one of the best temperance films, done in colour, by experts in Holly- _ wood. Tt is a fast-moving picture about, pressures and propaganda, acted by' young neople gripped by the message they are putting across. "Everybody is doing it!" That is all bunk. Today most people know drink as one of the deadliest social evils of all time. The abstainer is• "far from alonell in his stand. The picture provides a pattern. for „Christian opposition to the aleorol builiess and custom. It Suggests for youth a- way out a social embarrassments, and points up the attractive advantages of sobriety. A superb pictare With a positive approach.--Advt, 7b • FRESH_ ST. MARY'S tEMENT $1.25. PER BAG ,gAINTON. HARDWARE • PHONE 30 NOTICE TOWN OF WINGHAM Rathayers' are reminded that takes for the year 1956 are due 64 NoVernber 15, .195¢. Atter that date intereat at the rate of 6% will be added Monthly. • W. A. Galbraith, Clerk -Treasurer 31,7,14b PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical chimney cfeaners TO FiusuNsTE. SOOT AND SbAti }-110A1 Yotilt 'STOVES AND PitiimS, For Use In oil, coal and wood fired units OR SALE AT Machan Hardware 14%41111Am McDougall's Grocery towEn WINGHAM IVicKercher*t General Store 0140110W/1T !Nee Chamber Ilar4WAre vvitokiticts ze:sgorkb rs. George ()Wel, Died at HQspital The death of a respected • Winghom resident occurred et the hospital on Friday, with the passing of Mrs. George Olver, In her 77th year. Mrs. °Ivor had suffered za •lengthy illness. Bern in East Wawanosh Town- ship she waS a daughter of the late John McCallum and his wife, the farmer Mary McGregor. In 1908 she w,s§ married to Edward Nicholson!, who passed away three years later, In 1920 she married George Olver wbose death took place six years ago. She is survived by three slaters, Edgar (Sosan) Vineent, Sprinfielcl, Ontarie; Mrs. Chris (Margaret) Nethery, East Wawa, nosh; and Miss Mary McCallum Wingham, and two brothers, Dun- can McCallum of 'Saskatoon and John moo/mum a Bogravo. Mrs, Olver was a member of, St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church and of the Order of the Eastern Star. Funeral service wasconducted on Monday at 8.30 p,m. at the Currie feneral home by her Inn -l- ister, Rev; Alexander Nimmo, assisted by Rev; D, S. MacRae, With barial in Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were StilattlVieBurney, George Robinson, Gordon Robin- son, William 131acIn James McCal- lum and `William Nethery, Isaac Stokes Funeral Monday Death claimed a Well-known resi- dent of 'I'urnberry Township on. Friday with the passing at the Wingham. General Hospital of Isaac Stokes. Mr, Stokes had farm- ed all his life in this district. He was a respected nsember of the, Presbyterian Church at Belmore. Surviving besides his wife, the former Mazy Lane, are, one son, Thomas on the homestead; three daughters, Mrs. Carl Nickel, How - ick ToW"nship; Mrs. Mitchell Elliott, Parkhill; Edith, at home; three brothers, James Stokes, Howick; Oliver and Omar, Turnberry, and two sisters,' Mrs. Margaret Ballagh, Teeswater and Mrs. James Austin, Howick. ' • Services were conducted at the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home in Wingham' on Monday at 2 pm., by Rev, Maurice .MeNabh, with interment hi McIntosh Cemetery. , Pallbearers were Lance Lincoln, A. Lincoln, , Douglas McPherson, John'VVooleock, Jarnes Paisley and Sam Marshall, Colin J. Kennedy Dies at Seaforth Colin J. Kennedy, 77, syhO died in Scett Memorial Hospital, Seaforth on Sunday 'afternoon spent his early .life in Wingham. When' a young man he operated a meat market in 8eaforth arid later went to Manitoba, and then to Fort Williarn where be had a general store. Six years ago he retired and moved to Seaforth to , live. Be was a • member a St. James' Church. Surviving besides his wife, the former Elizabeth Lamb,- are "one brother, Angtis, Gladstone, Mario one sister, Mrs, Elizabeth Bur- gard, Regina; a daughter-in-la.w, Mrs. 1Vionica Kennedy, Fort 'Wil- liam and . a nephew, K. Stephen Kennedy, Yorktort, Sask. Resting at the Cleary funeral bome, Requiem. High Mass will be sung on Wednesday, at 9.30 ani, in St. James Chttreh, by Father F. E. Weber, Interment 'will be made le the parish, 'cemetery. REVOLUTION IN Pi IN NEXT. TEN .YEARS • Vtithin. the nett ten years and perhas intich sooner, Canadians tan expect a complete revolution in., television viewing and television sets, aecording to Barbara Moon, writing in Maclean's Magazine, Betbre 1065, she prediets atter exhaustive- studies 1 TV's future, there will be tour million sets ha Canada, mere than "half of then coldr Sets and all ptograrning in major pities and on stetWOrks win 'be in color. „, Your television Sereen Will hang On the we'll like a mirror, and you'll be able to buy it In any size up to that ofg billboard and bang it anyvvhere, inelliding on the ceiling% What's mere, you'll central it re- inoteiy from wherever, , you happen to be in the room, , • The pilide will probably be about OW for the henna model, but you'll also liaVe 130rtle seta about the sla of a Plenie hairper Mid' Sets you ban plug in at your office or while you're Ironing in the kitchen If you're a housewife,. • With videotape, you'll be able it) Stint WM' PrOgrallia that catch #oar eye and play theta bitek when you have 'time or Want to 'Joe them again. —WS, Jas. TaylOr. \tidied on, PUllflaY with her de:lighter, Lilla Taylor. of Preateri, MrS. Hagh Sinnernen,..,of Min- nie Street., is visiting tins week 4 •the home of .her daughter, Mrs. Amino ertel, of Kitchener, • —Mr, and Mrs. Harold Penning. ten, Brenda and Brie,n, pf Sarnia, spent the week -end with Mr. and mes, Earl Hamilton /Md. Mr, and Mrs, Perry pennington, 4Teeswa. ter, and Mr, Lorne Poig et Drayton vialted On Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Keating. Ur- and Mrs. Lorne Warwick,' Mr. and Nfra. Raymund Ashton, and Mrs, Idantae Egleston a Lomiort spent Sunday with Mrs, Martha Warwick, 'Leopold St, —Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Schneld, er attended the Hutchison-tudy wedding On Saturday at Whitney. , And is. James Henderson a BOMpton, and Mr, and Mrs, James TattrY a Brantford, visit:. ed with Mrs. R. Henderson on Sun- day, —Mrs, g. 41oan,, Leopold St„ WM: the week -end with members ;of her family at Braritferd, CAUSES OF BICYCLE ACCIDENTS ANALYSED Many of the bicycle accidents Which cost abbot 600 American lives yearly, two thirds of them among youngsters at 5 to 14 years of age,. would be eliminated if traf- fic regulations and safety rules were observed by cyclists, accord- ing to et report from the Metropoli- tan Life Insurance Company re- ceived by the Health League .of Canada. Common factors in bicycle -motor collisions were revealed to be' these dangerous actions; swerving into the path of a,' motor vehicle, coming out of a driveway Witb,ont exercising caution, entering a traf- fic lane behind a parked car, and racing with other cyclists, , Some fatal accidents were attrib- uted to disregard by the cyclists of stop signs br, other safety regula- tions at street intersections; and to riding in darkness without reflec- tors or lights, This latter' hazard becomes currently more acute be- cause of the shortened hours' of daylight. . • • Las of control of the 'bicycle throngh carrying an extra passen- ger of through some mechanical detect, for example, a broken pedal or a loose front wheel, also was blamed for fatalities. 'Much' has been done to make children aware a the hazards that attend cycling, and to teach them safe .riding habits by the National Safety Council, the Bicycle Insti- tute of America, and by schools, traffic authorities and other groups, it is noted. "There is continuing need for parents •to stress to their children 4afe riding practices and the need for observing them," • the report concludes. Free Delivery. Plione82 Quality mid Service since 1915' Nosno.....A.....ce.4,04,04^..."0‘/NAO•ona"AhAlo. New Crop Raisins ,now in stock for your Christmas Baking • PEEK MEANS and HUNTLY & PALMERS ENGLISH BISCUITS ,,-.311 beautiful gift this 79c to $1.75 ea. nriwOuNow;how.nni Sove On These Week -End Specials - Km -Lobos RICE CRISPIES 9 oz. pkg. 27c tocars • SAUERKRAUT • 28 oz. tin 19d "AAo'41sAao0.,e4rSAoie,,A. • JAVEX 324,oz; bottle 23c won* TOMATO CATSUP II ot. bottle 20c rite Delivery 1 • :ivfm L, .1-XO.dder, ker fievghtvr, Mrs, Wm, Pinlayson, of Lendonl were oteats o.0 lslonday with Mrs. Martha Warwiek, • Mr. and Ws, Pave Jewitt, TOriphatle and Mr. ani Mrs. Tqlor*of .Sitlent, vialted 111 Gerrie. IRA Wecinescitiy WAth 11444 EMMA, Irwin. —Mrs, Pr,' R, q, Pocimonq : Spending this week with her daugiu tgr jrt Terenio and' then leaving to Spend tbe winter at ber home in Pt. Petersburg. —Mr. and Ivtre,' '.nnd family left os:Saturdey for their nit new home In 'Sudbury. —Mr, and Mrs. Norman Doyen and family spent Sonday 41 Teber- mory witly4fr, and Mrs. Mei .134eni and ,Paith,• ° —Dr.' and Mrs. .W, Davis visited on Sunday with Ur. and Mri jack Heney and family of Mitchell, •-•••Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneklei attended the Iiistchison-Rudy wed- ding on Saturday at Whitney. • , . 4tolos .00 Wonisfi soturdor After, ideittolos :her floOshte1';104 sgo.O0 :nett 4Xngerscii, whore. .conva.100410 .after Cp.orotion Viet9rlo Hospital,. 1o0ncion lei,••••• li.• ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick $t., %ileum PICond 770, .111 1 LEE'S TAXI 1 24-hour Service PHONE 185 ,N RS IUDRE) E WHILE YOU Ls az au! la as sor, Hullo Folks! White shirt. engine block, wipe it off and put it back in again to check the oil levet Its a messy job and an easy way to mark up a clean Most of ns let the gat'ageman take out the.dip ,stick from the I usually 9eave it to George" too, but ,in looking over a used car, the oil en the dip stick and the dip stick itself can toll you a 14 about what tha 'ear looks like Inside. • H,ern's one simple test that's effective; \vine the oil off the dip 'stick (after getting your shirt sleeves out of the way) and notice if Ilse outface. a the stick Is pock -marked or etched On the part that is normally/below the surface of the oil. 14 '.t is, that's a sig -n of acid. Most fuels con- tain a tracn of acid and if the engine is running cold, or a cylinder is inissing, unburned fuel, with this acid, makes its way into the itranItease- and vinll eventually attack polished steel surfaces, . suet', as the crankshaft journals, the cams, the -- links and pins in the timing chain — and, of course, the dip stick. And while we're about it, this is the time to point out the importance of changing oil fre- quently.• This acid action against the car's vital insides is the penalty of letting old oil work its LORNE NicDONALDworst against your engine. hese are some ol, the simple „tests anyone can perform when shopping around for a used car. Before a ear comes en to our lot, of course, trained people make sure that it's a good buy' for the owner to whom we'll pass it on But while you're shopping around, we want you to satisfy yourself about the car you're looking at Look it .99r hive .the kids jump up and down' on the seats if you want; the take it out far a test drive. , • eressEiiihfoio,* eepyrkto,wr lege. • • , cat? awry° tev•ro.7 ("1'"resczia9 Fq-lo.,-.1 (57/9LE-,5)a SERV/Ct. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ' The party we are looking for tn this area may be a farmer, • *office or factory worker or working at some other trade. You Must have some- spare time, be ambitious and eager to make extra money in a high -profit, cash business. You will be handling.narne-hrirnd nroducts.made by a leading Canadian company an calling on established retail store • acNbunts in your area. You will not be eXnected to sell, but will replace stock and • • - collect OA. '1! 4A cash investrneat. of $800.- to, $400o. is required. ; ,or information Write • '• , ItiEG4oNAL 8-Aixs DIRECTOR 47 ELME ST,, TDRONTo 2, ONT, BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY •A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PERM) TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater,„. Wroxeter. -Every Wednesday . afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by' appoliottnent: ,Frederick, F. Hannah • Phm.i8., R.O. Carol k. 1-lomuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Hama& R.O. • ortosittnisles ,PHoNZ 13.8 Harriston, Ontario RONALD k. McCANN Public Accountant (511.1te: R/53;a1 Bank Bid, ReSidence: itattehbuiy t. ' Phones 561 & 435 CLINTON ONTAktO 'CRAWFORD & • HETHERINfiTON • Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Whig -ham, Phone 48 CRA'WFORD, Q.C. S. BETIIVIIINGTON, 40. J Yt BUSHFIELD Q.C. Mittleder, Senator, Nlotary, Etc - Monty to Loan CiffleeMoyer Block Winglintri WELLINRION FIRE 16,..tance Coropititty An kit Cat iidi oh 'company whiell bnM falthfufly serVed its p011ny: 11611ers .tor Over a 66000: Head Wien T , eronte 111.11 MacLean Insurance Agent), Vt'inghein GAVILLE,R, McINTOSH & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BELL TELEPHONE BUILDING Wincerton Ontario L.