HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-11-07, Page 1JUNIOR HOCKEY PLAYERS SIGN UP Vie tong-Wan anct Donald Kai 4Wateh as,Barry PTy signs Seine to, rights bitti Bennett, Trevor Malts, Phillip on ti; ateson the youngster's: for this season's htititty., 'The boys registering are, left Robert Beattie.' tl 14701?If PROGI? SSING ON NEW ADDITION • WINNERS AT L. ONS'" With which is amalfgansted th. 09rrie Vidstta and Wroxeter News ARTY oNTAR110 , Ni)a"103164 704 01$'11 REMEMBRANCE -HAy: • aRya ilEl~ AT 'SOWN tfA~L The. annuat Remembrance pay service Will be held this eenring Sunday, Novernher 11th, in the Wingham town hall at 11 a,rn.., fol- lowed by the laying of wreathe at the Cenotaph.. The'Wingham Corps of the Sal, vation Army has charge pf the service this year, which will be erenducted by the local commander, 2nd, Lt, I3, V., Goodridge. Taking part in the parade to the hail ,and later to the Cenotaph will be war veterans and nierribere of the Win,g- hem Branch of the Canadian Leg- ion, members of the Ladies' Ama- lie-Or to the Legion, the Boy Seouts, Girl Guides, Wolf Cubs and Rrown- ies as well as the mayor and meal bees of the atoWn council. • The Lionsa 'Club Boys' and Girls' Rand 'Wilt lead the parade, LIONS ENTERTAIN TOWN YOUNGSTERS. prize-winnere in •the undue-ten ,'groun wearing national costume at the Lions' Hallowe'en Party are„ . . • Patsy Walker, Rae Gurney, Anne asicHibbori, and Mary Cistriria. The children ate seen here )6e - alter'_ the judging" on Wednesday evening, „ • INJURED BY , TRACT rOlOting.itt*Od As Child IRRETCR MAN Drops Info Open Sewer .Td111( Tragedy was narrowly averted on Monday afternoon ,when Cather- ine Taylor, aour-year-old daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. 'Bill 'Taylor was rescued from the sewage celleoting VVeik,t6 the new addition, of 'the Wingham Public Scheel is progressing rapidly, as this piettire clearly stroWs., Walt started on the site only two weeks ago and already the base of the outer wall -has "been constructed. Council 'Handles Month't -Business- .• In • Recoi...Fotty fhreH Minute Seilon. WROXETElt— Jack Harris, son of Mrs, : Jennie. Harris,. suffered Painful injuries on Saturday after- "noon when the tractoene was .driv, ing overturned. His ',life WEIS pro- bahly, ,,saved ',by: the protection of forded by the steering, Wheel, He;• Suffered 'a broken nose and frac:- titre of both• jaws but was able, to. tree ,himself. • Mr, flarria was assisting in draw- ing manure at the farm of Wesley ; Paulin. Mrs. Paulin saw the trac-' tor overturn from the. house and gave the alarm. He was rushed to the Wingham. General 'Hospital and on Monday, was takers to Lon--' don for 'further, treatment. t • cent bereavement. Included in the communications. Was a letter from the Department of Highways enclosing a cheque 'for .sornewhat over 0500.00, being the Departments subsidy for street work to the end of August. A second•letter from: the same 'department, acknowledged -.receipt, of the council's: request for per- By Falling Tree Jake de Boar, 54, of . ELK 3, Brussels,, had a narrow escape last Saturday when he was cutting wood on the farm of Lloyd Michel. As a tree was felled he was caught by one of the heavy limbs and pinned to the ground by bhe left leg. A hoist was required to lift the tree befOre the man could be freed. . • Examination at the Wingham General Hospital disclosed that he had suffered a severe fracture to the leg and ankle. A cast was applied and the man's condition is described -as fair. mission to erect traffie signals at the intersection of Josephine arid VictOria, Streets, The writer stated that the request had been pasSed on to the department's •planning division for approval, but ,pointed u. a lire 1E7 our lights at an interesection. are The balance of a bank accoent bold by the forMee horse shots: of- ficers has been offered to the town for 'the purpose of erecting traffic signals at the interseetion, men- tioned above, but it 'had been hoped that permission. weak. be granted for the erection;, of two.' two-way lights., Scenting Fig-urea Councillor Sack Alexander,. chair- man of the' street committee' 'said that'seveaal of the former members ' of theherse'show organization 'had made inquiries about the• progress on the signal lights and that he had explairied that letters had gone out to neighbotiring towns to' learn, if possible, the• best and most •eeo- nomical way of installing the sig- nals. So far several inquiries 're- main to be' anawered. Finance corninittee chairman Elmer Wilkinson. read the accounts. which were ordered paid on regu- lar motion. Reeve Roy Adair sought the as- sisiance of the council in the pay- ment of one account for the arena commiSsion in the amount of $128.. He said that several accounts con. front the commission at the pre- sent time and that their bank bale ance stands only slightly over -$100. The one acceuht in question was for calcium ehloride required for the Ice-making machinery before afrsesune the freezing can.be undertaken for the current season. Connell agreed to Street Widened obligation. Streets Chairman Jack Alexan- der reported that a seetion of Car- ling Terrace fronting the TV stat. ion had been widened on the west side, Gravel had also been applied to the easterlystetrulyrn to end pat of John rtohii4 )treet What must have been one of the shortest.council meetings on re- cord opened promptly at -eight o'clock on Monday evening and just as promptly concluded its work in' time for adjourannient 45 minutes later, Mayor R. Kinney presided, and expresaed his thanks to the council members for their ..thoughlfulizess dUrinehis re, Dozens 'of local youngsters took. part in the contest for the best Hallowe'en costumes which was held on Wednesday evening in the town hall, A large number of them had marched from the town' park led by the Belgrave Pipe Band, to the delight of spectators who lined Josephine Street. The party was organized for the children by the Wirigham Lion's Club, - The 'judges had a difficult time handling the great variety of cos- 'tames, but' after a careful consid- eration of. the merits, and the orig- inality of the dresses, gave the honors to the following groups of children, Winners in the boys and girls under ten Wearing, national cos- tume: 1st, Patsy. Walker; 2ncl, Rae,, Gurney and Anne 11/101 ibbon; 3rd. Mary Joan Corrin. Under ten, best comic costume, 1st. Len Johnston; 2nd, Paul Tiffin; 3rd. Janice Green. Best fancy dress under ten: Nancy. Wood, Debbie Grose and Nancy Ducharme, OVer 3,0, national costume, 1st. Gorden Rintoul; 2nd. Joan Chit- tick; 3rd. Jane Poyton, Best;" comic 1st. Sandra Cameron; 2nd., Bar- bara Cameron; 3rd, Julie Cruik- shank. Fancy dress, 1st, Jane Sal- ter; 2nd, Terry Merkley; 3rd., Ruth and. Helen Hotchkiss. Winners of the most original couple contest Were, 1st. Sonja Ross and 'Butch' Smith; 2nd., Bill McKibbon and Glen Madill; 3rd., Bonnie 'Bacon and Barbara .Bacon. The judges were: Mrs. A, D. Mac- William, Mrs. Gordon MacKay and Mrs. C. B. Armitage, Johnny Brent acted as master-of- ceremonies for the evening and as the children left the hall each was presented with a Halloween treat. Farmer Pinned' ' tank at the feet, of. Carling Terrace, The aoVer of the tank ainnellear had been shifted out of 'placearals' lowing Poem, for the. Can sign body to ,througkIt'is supposed; that she leaned over to peer into the' tank:and then toppled in. Thesewage in. the tank Was at V. loW level ,at the 'tine singe Ole pump. which -empties it had juit shut off Mothers id the immediate"' neighbourhood' turned *in a rescue alarm, 'but' hefore other .helP could be found Bell Telephone' eiriplOyee Gerald Downie of ListOwel, was hailed 'as he 'passed in his, truck and he hastened - to the child's aid. He was able to sqUeeae thrOugh thga ppening and .graap the.. ' little girl as .she Clung to. the ladder on the side of `the tank. " Removed to ' .ihome, medical. aid was sought and' precautions against• infection were taken. Town workmen had checked the pumps at noon the same ,day and had seen nothing amiss With the tank cover at the time., It is not known how the hetivY cover was• shifted out of plane. Works' Chair Jaele Alexander'has stated that steps will be taken to place a new ,and foolproof : lock on the tank. The present ;cover is the one which was placed on the tank when it was -constructed a few :years ago and was kept in place with a loci and chain device which had ,previciusly been considered completely safe. HOSPITAL TREATS VARIED INJURIES BELGRAVE EUCHRE A euchre party will be held in Belgrave Community Han on Wed- nesday, November 7th. Everyone welcome, Time 8 p.m. F7* Beverley Newton, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Newton; of • Wroxeter, suffered injuries to her right leg last Wed- nesday when she fell off a tractor. The leg was strapped at the hospi- tal here arid the little girl was al- loWed to return to her home. On ThUisday Evelyn MatherS, la-year-Old daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers, R,R. 4, Wingharn, Was admitted to the hospital, after ..she had fallen into a hole during Hallowe'en activi- Can. Packers. Erecting Addition to Plant ' Last week workmen completed the task oftearing down. the, office section be the Canada' Packers Plant on ...Tospehine Street South, to make way for a large addition to the building. r , The new structiire will' extend south ,from .the present mill and arsirehouieaaand. •:`occuPY slightly larger gaound area than the older section. Of eenient block construction, the new building will. he two storeys high and will pre- sent , a very modern appearance. Space has' been planned to include enlarged offices, shower rooms and warehouse space. The Street along the front of the building will be Paved and a loading 'dock will run along its front exposure,• above which a .conopy will extend the 'full' length of the building, The office 'section , which was torn. doWn last week is'one. of the oldest structures in the town and many years ago 'housed the print- ing- plant of the Winghara Times. The paper was first pablisheci in 1872, . but' for several months was produced hi Clinton and shipped to Wingham-each week. Later in the same year it Was purchased by Robert A. Graham and the plant was set-np in the building on Jos- ephine 'Street South. Workmen discovered several mementos of the early years as they' tore the, structure down, One of them was a book printed in Greek, which had been printed in 1884. ALONG THE MAIN DRAG' Si Tim Iredeatriaa 49SPS ' Si' IPA ELOOMTNO— RepOrts continue to eonie in. about ' the unusual profusion of fall ' Weenie. Constable Rob fseWAS had '' two levelY rOaea in full* bloom ,at the week-end with several harig on the same plant. Ma 'and. Mra, Thos. Fella' garden contained; net only; roses, but a beautiful display of pansies and several other flowprs, aa well 'as 4 good • Crop of late- Wanted Carrots, * 0 - 0 - 0 RIG SUPPER. CROWD -Ladies. of the Anglican Chuech • served ,a .turkey slipper to over 40 gileeta last Thursday evening, ra record crowd foe .this event,' • -0-0 , 0 TOP SCITOLAIrene Saints daughter of Mr. area Mrs, Fred Sala Was the Winner, of the. Lion's Club SehelarShip 0.5 the Wingham, District High Seheol student with the highest percentage last year, She. also won a proficiency award, 0-0-0 CREDIT WHERE, IT'S DUE-- The A-T failed to insert credit lines under wedding pietares ,last week, Photos by the Hammerton 'Studio were those of Mr. and Mts, J. S. Sinnarnon, Mr. and, Mrs, W. D; Simpson, and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lloyd., - 0 ..- „0 - 0 ARRIVING FROM SCOTLAND —Les Armatrong, reporter-phot- graphea with The Advance-Times left for Montreal, on Sunday Where he expected to meet his .wife and two children on their arrival Prow. Scotland aboard the S.S. Carinthia.' Les arrived in Canada in April of this year and has been employed in ‘Wifighain since- July. The family will reside in, an apartment at the home' of 3. J. Lewis. • 0 - 0 - 0 LOVE- MX' DOG--,,Mrs. Norman Cameron suffered painful lacera- tions to her head and One elbow last Fridey when she became en- 'tangled in. the leash on which her deg was runaing. She was thrown to.` the ground . and theSsinlutiee ,'resulted front the fall, Mrs. Cam- eron was treated at the, bo's'n/tali ,wheze, she remained over night. Irate Mother Tosses Helper WHITECHURCH-a-Ernest Bee- croft met with a surprise on Snn- day evening when he went, to rthe back -field across the road to in- . tigate the cause of •the contin-ues ual bawling -of, a, cow. He found 'that her half-grown calf' had push- ed through the fence and was un- able to 'get back into ,the home -field to its Mother. With the help of hisdog he was trying to corner it, not noticing that the mother had slipped through the fence in an- Other place and she 'came, up be- hied him and tossed him into the air. 'He fell heavily, receiving a "took shaking up but the dog the cow's attention, and Mr. ,T4etcroft escaped from the animal. ... CHRISTMAS TEA AT ENITED CHURCH The anneal Christmas Sale and Tea will ee "held in the Wingham United ChureK Wednesday, Nov. 14th. An apron skit will open the sale at t o'alock,. A bake table Will be 'featured.' Supervision for . - young children in the gyninasium. P3147b . DANCE IN WROXETER A dance will be held in Wroxeter Commtmity. Hall on FrIclaY, Nov- ember 10, sponsored by the Wrox- eter Junior Athletic Club, Reever'm orchestra. Admission 50e. Lunch counterain the ball, Everyone Wel- come. F7:14b ties, It was found that she had fractured her left verist. She was allowed to return home after a cast had been applied. Kenneth Gilkinson; 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. . Harold Gilkinson, was treated at, the Wingham -I-loss pital, on Thursday after he had suffered injuries in a, fall. It was found 'that his right shoaldar was aprideed and there Was a, small' fracture at" the tip of the collar bone • He was not confined '. to lithspital.. A fall was the cause of a frac- tured bone in the upper arm of Audrey Ann Collar, eight-year-old daughter .t Mr. and Mrs. Reg.- Collar. The accident occurred on. Friday and a cast was applied at the hospital, after which she was allowed to go home. Adam Robertson, 7'1, of R.11. 5, Wingham suffered painful lacer- istions to his right hand when a -truck ea which he -was leaning moved away pulling him to the ground. Several stitches were re- quired to close the wound and a cast applied. He also suffered In- juries to his neck in the mishap. He was allowed return home after treatment at the hospital. Stewart Sanderson. of Gorrie was treated at the Wingham 'General Hospital on Saturday for severe lacerations to his face, suffered when the car in which he was riding came- to a sudden stop, throwing' him Into the windshield. He remained in hospital where his condition is.described as satis- faCterry. sY, )8 rn Booster Club Baas Jo* And Senior Hockey ",Teams iIUIiON TEMPERANCE. PEPERATION TO MEET The annual Meeting of the Ilar. oit County Temperance Federation will betheld lit the Winghant ited Church on Tuesday evening, NoVerriber 18, at 8 o'clock, Speak- er, Rev. A Nimmb, Mint, "kar item, Alone", in color, First shbw. Mg lit Western Ontario. 'temps; people; don't miss this;' rib MOWN MEMBERS AND VEtERANS Annual Remembrance •bay baiv. quet bd held at the Legion. HOMO„On Friday dire/1111 g, 110V. at 7. eeloCit. Otteat speaker, Col. Rider of the Dept, of Veterans' Aftalra, Oahe° to follow; ?7b [id of the fifteen local Mttlrett at a flat pried of $5.00. PurelleSers of season's tickets will also have a chance at the MOO draw 'which will be held at the end of the' hockey season, and will haVe first choice in reserved seats at any playoff game. Regular admission to the games will be 40c for adults and 20c for children, 1.1110 14014011 tickets Will shortly bo. Owed on Salo at the Red Profit grocery, 'Lock-ridge "Meat Market an aiqetibbohil Drug ,Store,' Mrs, Orval Struthers Was /Active Worker Mrs, Orval Struthers, vvife of the manager of the Wingham Branch' of the Canadian Bank of Corn- mere; passed away at the Wing- ham General Hospital on Monday, following a year's illness. The former Anne M. Brockic- bahlt, she was a daughter of the late Ma and Mrs. Robert Bookie- bank of Walkerton. Prior to moving to Wingharn in August last 'Year, , Nirki, Struthers had been an active worker la the. Red Cross' And In various church organizations. She was a, past' worthy matron of the Order' of the Eastern Star at Paris, °Mario. She le survived by her husband and one son, Prelford, at Mime; tWo sisters and MSc brother, Mrs, hildoft Fates, Walkerten Mrs. Bert Nightingale, Niagara, Fella, and David Brocktobank, of Walker- ton, The funeral serViee:'takes place at the Tanner & Pearaen funeral harm in Walkerton On. Wednesday:, at 2,80 Pala with interment in the Walkerton eernetery, The synipathy of this centnianity ektended to Mr, truthers and his 'soil, W. A. ANNEAL RAtAAR, The Woman's Assoelatitill Wit*. 0,ter United 'Chard' Will hold a ,baartar in the elitireh SelMoireena klatirrdaY, Neveinhet 10th',. At a p.M.1 Vegetables, home baking, aprons, liddillewOrk, 40114 Okreol Post for Sala, Tett Will be Servett PAO The Wirighain Booster Club ilea undertaken the sponsorship of two hockey teams for the eerning win- ter, One is an interinedlate team end the second a junior squad. Groupings in which the teams will be playing are listed in this issue of The AdVance-TimeS. A total of fifteen home games will be played in the Wingham arena, by these two teams, which will operate on a single schedule In each rase. 111 order to gtiaran- tee a Certai'n definite support for the tea.MS the Booster Club will s.111 season's tickets 'to cover all sae