HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-31, Page 6GORRIE—Don't every say' that life in the smaller places is dull or boring, During the month of Oc- tober Gorrie ladies have been the busiest ever, 'serving church sup- pers, lodge suppers and catering for turkey banquets, There has never been a dull moment, as many women have helped with at least three or four large gatherings and some have had , in teight days. As one, man expressed it, "Gorrie is the eatingest place," It began October 2nd with the Junior Farmers' and Junior Insti- tute Family Night, when W.I. members catered for 110. How- ick Lions had a father and son or daughter banquet, when chick- en was served by Group 2, Gorrie United Church W.A. On October 12, Anglican ladies had a smorgas- bord, when over 160 were in at- tendance. The L.O.B.A. had a tur- key supper on October 19th and a large crowd was fed. The "Friend- ly Fours" of the Gorrie United Church catered for the Huron County road employees (160) ban- quet on October 24th and on Oc- tober 26th the Fordwich Concen- trated Milk Producers held their annual banquet , when the eom-' munity hall was filled •both up- stairs and down, 207 'being served by the Gorrie W.I. and helpers, Scotia. At the age of nine she fin- ally settled down in Toronto where she joined the Oakwood swimming club but, unsatisfied with Mort distance swimming, a few 'years later joined the Lakeshore Swim- ning Club. Marilyn gradually work- ed hei Way to the top and in 1952 won the Barker Trophy. Inspired by Cliff Lumsden„who was her idol, forty-eight hours after her victory she decided; to turn ,professional. Thus, in 1a54 Marilyn 'dived into Lake Ontario td'eompete 'against such winners as Florence Chad- wick and Winnie Roach Leuszlcr. A mere teenager, she started un- known by everyone, but in twenty- four hours became Canada's sweet- heart of Canadian Sports.- • To reed "Salim to Glory" /Is 'a thrilling experienee that will glad- den your heart and make the' swim life-like even though you missed witnessing it in person.' `O 0 - 0 „, A 1'1'nm:olive Subject Should girls wear jeans to school? This question has 'caused, a great deal of controversy around school, 'especially striae September and the coming of our grade Mee, The answer, in •ityrnind is definitely riol Do girls look nice in jeans at. school? Of course riot, Where is Your feminine dignity/ HaVen't yeti any left? You don't need to think the boys like you iri. Jeans, especially levies. They chill laugh and 'make fun of you behind your back, They • say the age of chivalry Is dead, /0 it any wonder? If girls insist on droceing and acting Hite boys, why shouldn't they be treated as boys? You ean't be the lady in jeans that yeti' are in 13,„skirt,no Matter hOW you try, Jearo area wonderful thing In their, place, hut I am Milian the designer of Oita jeans never itie ,tended for thorn to be Wei% in the The first literary meeting of the fall term was held. in the s.chool auditorium on October 19. The newly-elected president, George Webster, acted ea- thair- man, The meeting opened with "0, Canada", followed by the pee.sie dent's remarks. The secretary, Helen Haines, reported on recent executive meetings, The most im- portant coming event .is the annual commencement which was held last Friday"' evening, October 26, in the high ,school auditorium, Jack McBride, a newcomer in our.;school, introduced the program with a piano solo which was en- joyed by The grade thirteen students then presented a humorous and original number, With. Bill Martin as eon; BIRTHS' LOUGHRAN—In the Palmerston Hospital, on Thursday, October 25, 1956 to Mr. and Mrs. Les Loughran, a daughter. EDGAR—In Mount Forest, to Mr. and Mrs, Len Edgar, formerly of Fordvvich, a daughter. Rev. McClure Is W.M.S. Speaker BOJEVALE—The * W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church held -its Thankoffering meeting on Sunday evening. The president, Mrs. R. J. McMurray, Conducted the meeting and Mrs. William Mundell and Mrs. Bernard Thomas also took part The guest speaker was Rev. Mr. McClure, of Molesworth Presby- terian Church,'" Mrs. Glen Galley and Miss Elean- or Smith sang a duet. L.O.B..A. Meets FORPVVICH honing Star L.O.B.A. met in the Orange Hall for their October meeting with Worthy Mistress 'Mrs. Freda O'arcy in the chair, Deputy Mrs. Susan Gibson. The report on the tea and bake sale was very gratifying. It was decided to hold a card party on Nov. 9th, draw, for the satin cushion to be made that night. Plans were also made to pack an orphanage bale. Meeting closed in due form. Institute Members Visit Listowel Mill FORDWIC-H—The October meet- ing of the Women's Institute was held aeethe home of the president, Mrs. Clare Harris. From there they journeyed to Listowel and visited the Spinrite mill, The trip was enjoyed by all. After the trip they returned to the home of Mrs. Harris. Roll call was a product of wool. Commun- ity singing, led by Mrs. Lorne Siefert was followed by the report of the conference at Guelph; given by Mrs. C. Harris. Members were reminded to keep in mind family, night to be held in the community hall November 20th. It was de- cided to hold a series of novelty teas. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Wm. McCann, Mrs. Harold Pollock, Mrs. Larne Siefert and Mrs. A. Dernerling, and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Harris were Mt. and Mrs. Art Harris of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore visited Sun- day with Mt and Mrs. Alvin Denny in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witmer and children of Waterloo visited Sun- day With Mrs. Edith Witt/ter. Mr. and Mrs. E. At Schaefer visited Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gownian in Goderich, Mrs. Gowrnan is a daughter of ' Mr. Schaefer's sister, Mrs, Hugh Mit- ten. Mr. and Mrs, Eimer Harding and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harding attended the Wray-Raycroft Wed- ding in. Toronto on Saturday re- niained for the Week-end to visit With relatives, Mrs. Cecil Wilson also attended the Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Guy of Mitchell visited Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howe, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Fraser and children of Toronto visited Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Howell; Fraser, Mrs, Wellington Hargrave, ,ace compahled by her father, Mr, Bort Reid, are spending a few days in torento with Mr, and Mrs. Alec Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Deng McLean of 'T'oronto spent the week-end with Mr, Mid Mrs, Art A/rester, M. arid VIM Wred Harribly Were ireiretitti visitors one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. .Dick Aldrich of Oalt visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Stan. Bride, Mt, and Ws, it Siefert and tarnily of Gait visited Sunday wit).`. Mr, and Mrs, torn Siefert. Members trent here of the, How,: lek Legion, actorripariled by their Wlveir and families, attended spec. lel church 6erVite held Sunday morning in the McItitash United Chitral, NOTICE Dr. G. F. ,Mills will be closing his office in. Gorrie, Ontario on Tuesday, November 13th. All outstanding accounts are to be paid, , or 'arrangement for payment by that date. Dr. Mills is re-opening the office of the late Dr. J. M. Ca:aham, on 1 Nelson Street East,• • Goderich, Ontario on November 19th. NOTICE s. Monday, November' 12th has been pro'-' claimed a public holiday in the Town. ship of ,Hbwick by the council. 'All good citizens are requested to attend the Memorial Service at Trinity Anglican Church, Fordwich at 10.30 a.m. H. Gowd3r, Reeve. 91111111111ms.,-"Illaw .4,410".. 4SV el Ali,it. I *V . 41 *MS "11 As •,•,••••••44;(3-11.--- ►.1,....1,0•••.** *if • ***V ••44, 4' ..._ • • • ..k•-•.dlitip, •• • • to %law -AND Mail SEE SOME OF TN" /WEST USED CARS AT Tlif LOWEST PR/CES 0/AIABLZ7 WINGHAM MOTORS Phone" 139 Wingham Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association OF •$1111R-CAIN • PERFORMANCE. WHERE IT COUNTS. MOST YOU "G E T DOLLARS . AND , CENTS PROOF Ore Milk in the pail Bigger Milk Cheques Don't miss out on better milk production by feeding STRAIGHT GRAIN along with your Hay and Silage. • . 1(our grain .is good feed• but, it lacks sufficient proteins, minerals and vitamins for top milk production; B A L A N C E your grain with SHUR-GAIN MILK PRODUCER to build Pp the levels of these important nutrients. Thousands of farmers have found that SHUR- GAINMilk Producer added to their grain means greater milk production at less cost. Cont •e in and let us discuss a plan to BALANCE your grain that will give YOU greater returns. 5- LIR-GAIN MILK. PRODUCER cANADA pAcKERs LTD • WINGRAM vosatatimaiimottalowicommonialimoilliftwooffie 11E7.7 1.7 Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacEachren, , of ,Clifford, Miss Louise and Gil- bert MacEachren and Miss Meek, all of Toronto, visited at the home of Mrs. R. F. °amiss on Sunday. Don MacLean was a visitor from Toronto for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Smith Robertson and eons, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Inglis and family, of Belmore, visited at the parental home with Me, and Mrs, William Robertson on Sunday, Misses Mary and Ruby Duff and Mrs. M. L. Aitken spent Sunday with friends at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston and family and Mrs. Harry Elliott Motored to Windsor for the week- end, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garnits had as guests on Sunday on the occas- ion of their daughter's christening, Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas, of Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Overend of Dunnville, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Aitchison of Wingham, • Mrs. John Garniss, of Morris and Miss Edith Garniss of Clinton. The WIVES. of Bluevale Upited Church will held its fall Thank- offering meeting on November 6th, Mrs. Edgar Wightman of Belgrave, Toronto 'Couple being the guest speaker. The first meeting for the BLUEVALE--A shower in hon- fall season was held in the United • our of Mr. and Mrs. Robt Mc- Church on Sunday evening. The Murray,, of Toronto, recently mar- president, Bob Fraser presided and ried, was held in Bluevale corn- gave the teatic.: . munity hall on Friday evening, when friends gathered and pre- sented them with a purse of money, 6 ALAN WILLIAMS and Arnold Mothers made the pre- George Procter read an address sentation The evening was spent in dancing. Optometrist The groom's parents, Mr. and attended and also present were the Mrs. R. J. •McMurray of Morris, bride's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. R. Bean, of Kingston, and Mrs. R. J. afeMurray's sister, Mrs. H. .1. Bowie and Mr. Bowie and family of Kitchener, BLITYAIE Mrs, Chas, Scott On • Wednesday the Bluevale, Passes in West Women!s. Institute catered for the BLT.'1UVALE,,----Word was received members of the Huron Municipal at Bluevale of the death of Mrs. • Association when a turkey dinner Charles Scott, a resident of :Roberts was '.enjoyed, Municipal officers Creek and Vancouver for 64 years. train the townships and towns of Prominent in Bluevale community Xteron • were pregent. Also present I before going west, .site attained the were Marvin iiowo,m,p, of Arthur, great age of 95 Yeere, New there gietien ..Cardiff, UP., of Morris.: are scarcely any to remember her. John. Hanna, M,L.A., of Wingham, Eldest of the late Mr, and ;Km J, Kinkead, I.P.S., of Goderich, John Robertson's 11 children, she ,• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall and• was married at Bluevale and her Mr, and Mrs, Will Hall and family four children were born here. She spent Sunday at Grimsby and visit- ha. Mr. and Mrs, Steve Biller, the latter formerly Evelyn Master, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher of l She was an active worker in old WroXeter, visited Bluevale friends ;St. Andrew's. church, Vancouver, Sunday, and a subscriber to the Vancouver Province from its first edition onn. March 26, 1898, Mrs, Scott was predeceased by her husband, her daughter, Mrs. Jenny McLaren, two sons, Sam and dames, and by all but one of her brothers and sisters. One son, John, survives and -one sister, &Jessie) Mrs. William Clare, who tenderly nursed her during her last illness. Burial was in Ocean View Cemetery. Fleming and Malcolm Black, Bluevale, are nepheweea' PIP $14 Wlegbein AdVenea-Times, Wedneeday, 'Oct. 3 t, TOM Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Grand Master' Addresses Knights FORDWICH—About forty Black -Knights met in the Orange Hall at Fordwich when Bert Harper of Orillia, Grand Master of the order, was the guest speaker. John Mor- rison of Sarnia, Deputy Master and E-Iarold. Watson of London also spoke to the members, Shower Held for lived for a short time at Wingham and Wallaeeburg before gong west, "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Daughters of our bulls are making news. Oakshadelemlnia Colleen V.G. a 4 yr. old daughter of Glen- anon Trademark, V.G. that made at 2y 305-2X-12134 milk, 400 fat, 2.79 test and at 3y-395-2X approximately 13,500 milk, 500 fat, AS% test. Sold in the All-Canadian sale on October 22rid for $1,950.00. Her two day old calf brought $200.00 or a total of $2,150 Which ieva,e the high price for this sale where calves Under three months are figured in with their dame, Brittany Dag Apple Lorenee Eiceellente a 0 yr, old daughter Of Glenafton Rag Apple Aladdin, sold in the Brubacher. Anniver- Miry Sale for $2,225.00 She was never on test. Her new owner has written stating she has freshened with a nice heifer calf and is milking So lbs. per rimy. Her "V.G, maternal: sister by Matdonald Supreme Ajax Wag Sold privately to the same lever for $1,000.00 so that this progeny Of dam that stood first at the C,N.16. are Owned lit one herd. Zane &telt Deacon, a daughter of Brampton B. Violet's Beaton Was Res.. Sr, and 'tea. Grand Champion at the recent Chleag0 International Show. IAA year she was first prite three yr. Old hi Milk and 'tea., Sic arid Iles. Grand Champion at the Royal Winter Fair where she Was said. in the Sale of Stars for 0;10.00. She luis a daughter, Zane Ileacen Dreamer 911, sired by Jester's Mierttner, that is outstanding and will be ehoWti at the loyal and sold In The Sate Of Stars, We boldly predict head line news, barring accident or sielettese, These are examples that are oUt of the ordinate, and We ate not intimating that this Will happen on a v01010010 heels, We are, heaver intimating that If you have a purebred herd and care , for mil feed your cattle properly, offspring of Our bulls will hit the top their share of,the times If you have grade Cattle, these sable ;qualities wil be bred into your heiit GitAbt OR priitimitflti, time Olt iMitirtY, ihwilatir) ou)t"COWS AitttrintlAttit Ting Ii TIT I,S wr. MVP: StilZVlietf Por service or more information, write or 'bone collect to Clinton H1111.340 Mildmay 3002 between 7.30 and 10 cot week dolt 740 mkt 0.30 Sumitys or 1-1011dopi Child) Baptized At .Urate&Chiach BI.UHVALB—In the Un it ed Church an :Sunday morning, Rev. R. A, Brook preached e fereetail sermon, urging the responsibility of inembere in the work of the church, especially in the plahs. being carried out by means. of the Missionary and. Maintenance Fund,. A baptismal service was held. When Mary ladith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert .Garniss was bapt4ed, Many Attend U,C, Anniversitry ST, HELENS—Ideal autumn weather prevailed, outside and baskets of autumn flower; be auty and African violets added beauty and grace to tlid anniversary ser- vices held on Sundey in. the United Church. Large congregatione were in attendance at both services, At the moving service Rev. C. A. Krug. of Belgrave gave a forceful message in keeping with the occas- ion. -Tile choir sang the anthem, "0 Come Let Us. Sing" and Anne Todd sang the solo "Then Jesus Came", At the evening service Rev. C, C. Washington of Ashfield United Churches, chose as his subject "I Must", The choir sang. the anthem "The Power of Prayer" and Mrs, W. Joynt, accompanied on the organ by Mr. Edwin Umbach, sang " A Light Along the Way". ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd and Andrew of Southampton, Mr, and Mrs. Neely Todd, David, Janet and Mary of Stratford. were Sunday visitors with Mrs. D, Todd and at- tended the Anniversary services in the United Church. Mr. John Allen of North Bay son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen, former residents of the vil- lage renewed old acquaintances in the community on Saturday. Mrs. Alex hurdle ane Beb were tip fromKitchener for the week- ' Mrs. Hendrick Kragt and little daughter, 'Verna Margaret return- ed to their home at Holyrood after spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon de Boer. Miss Margaret Miller was home from Stratford for a few days last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd. Humphrey on the arrival of their little daughter, Bonnie Jean Marie, in the Wingham General Hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Humphrey and Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Cle- mens of Hespeler were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Humphrey. Married 40 Years ST. HELENS—Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Humphrey, who were forty years married last Thursday, were pleas- antly surprised on Saturday even- ing when their family and other relatives, numbering around 35, gathered at their home to honor them. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey were the recipients of several gifts includ- ing a platform rocker from the family. Best wishes go to them for many more happy anniversaries. Hallowe'en Social Held by Pupils ST. HELENS—There was a good attendance at the Hallowe'en social held by the pupils of S.S. No, 3 and their teacher, Mr. Ross Errington, innighthte community hall on Friday Mrs. Jas, Wilson, Miss Isobel Mil- ler, Mr. Gordon MacPherson and Mr. John Durnin, reeve of West Wawanosh were the judges and made the following awards: Girls' comic, Linda Snowden; girls' fancy, Diane Chamney; boys' comic, Jimmy Moss; boys' fancy, Betty Smyth; ladies' comic, Mrs. Bert Moss; ladies' fancy, Marlene Hun- ter; men's comic, Joyce Little; men's fancy, Albeit Taylor. Lunch and dancing to Bruce's Orchestra brought an enjoyable evening to a close. FORDWICH 11/65. George Baker spent last Week at London and Orkona. Mrs. Winnie Rtlinple returned home last Week front Listowel Hospital, Where she underwent a major operation two week ago. , Mrs, Ruby Forester of Toronto Visited over the Week-end here,,, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and Karen of Orangeville visited Over the week-end with Mrs. Dora Ride ley. Mr. and Mrs, E. Hargrave spent Sunday with; Mr. and Mrs, Ron Deed in Listowal, Mrs, Win. Bennett of Timmins visited relatives in the community last week, Mr Harry Saritom brought a inch parsnip to allow us the other day, which he grew lie his garden, Anyone beat this? Mrs, Olive ahem, of tiorrie, is this week spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metierinitt, 'Sunday guests at the same borne were Mr. and Mit. Clark ReriWick of Belinere. Mrs. John Etirlg visited with relatives last week at Hamilton, number of Orangemen arid sleek knights attended a church service km the: United Chureli at teigrave, G. Adams,: an eioriunik of StouffVille Was the guest speaker, Miss gall Johnston. and Ann Lindsay Of Toronto spent the Week-end at the home 'Of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Iehnstori, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Perrin and family of the telitiri line visited Sunday with Mr, .atid George Holland, Week.eltet and Siniday VialterS With Mr. and Mrs, lieweed Hattie ductor. This was dedicated to Mr. O'Brien, who is a new member of the W.D.H.S. staff, They were se eompaniecl by Helen Haines at the piano, • Another humorous number was a dialogue.,by Bev, Stewart and Mary. Lou Dunlop entitled, "Oh, No John", Next, we were entertained by a -duet, "To-night You Belong to Me", sung by Ruth and Vera Sharpe, Their encore, "Carolina Morning", was else very enjoyable. A tquch of Variety was added to the programme by an interesting monologue, "Gold Is Where You'll Find It", given by Agnes Lane. The journal, read by Marg King, gave us a thoughtful editorial„ and the enlightening gossip column which .everyone always enjoys. Bruce McTavish' delighted the audience with his rendition of "Twelfth Street Rag", The encore was also well-received. Something new and different on our programme was, a tap dance by Sylvia Alexander, who ably, die- played her talent. Judy Lunn and Karen Swanson in suitable costume sang "Tennes- see Wig-Walk". They too, sang' an encore. We were also privileged to have with us the popular young singer "Elvis Presley"s who was imperson- ated by Danny Stueltey in an ex- cellent performance. He was ac- companied by Bruce McTavish at the piano along with Barry "Mc- Winn, Jim Foxton and Dave Slos- ser singing in the background. Two more serious numbers by these boys were, "The Mocking Bird" and "Green Door". These numbers showed exceptional talent and we hope 'to hear from the boys again in future meetings. The critic's remarks were given 'by Mr, Hall. The singing of "The Queen" concluded the meeting. ' The students agree thaL,,much credit ,is due the programme com- mittee, who was responsible for the most original and interesting lit- erary meeting, that has ever been presented by the Wingham District High School students. , by Allison Webb XIIB ' 0 - 0 - 0 On October 24th, Wingham play- ed host to Goderich in a grudge battle resulting from, the previous rather stormy meeting in Goderich, The ball never left the Goderich end in the first .quarter, and fum- bles and penalties kept Wingharn from scoring, until the last play of the quarter when Bruce Robert- son kicked a thirty-yard field goal to set Wingham in front by a score of three to nothing. Wingham fell apart in the second quarter and Goderich easily march- ed for a touchdown, but the con- vert was missed. Struthers put Wirigham ahead in the last play Of the first half by scoring a touch- down, making the score at the half, nine to six. The convert was block- ed. Wingham took to the air in the third quarters and kept Goderich baffled, but again fumbles and poor play prevented Wingham from scoring, Goderich then scored a converted touchdown. Wingham again dominated in the fourth quarter and Struthers dross- ed for a touchdown. When Robert- son attempted a field goal, the ball missed the goal posts but went for a safety touch which offset the con- vert's being missed. Thus, the final score was 16-13. As the sun set on a cool evening, the Wipgham team again was vie- torius bringing its string of wins to five in a row, Only two games are left and both are important to Wingham, so we shall need the support from the fans again as we had on last Wednesday. 0 - 0 - 0 BOOK REVIEW MEirilyn DOI'S courageous swim across Lake Ontario as told in "Swim to Glory" is an epic story of a young girl displaying courage and enduranae in one of the. most dramatic,athletic achievements of Canaian Sports. "Swim to Glory" is the story of the Lake- shore Swimming Club and its kind- ness and care shown to thousands of handicapped children. Ron McAllister, free-lance Writer and radio sports editor, was born in Belfast:, 'Ireland, He was educat- ed In Belfast, New York City and Baltimore and served overseas with the Queen's Own Rifles, He televised the C.N„16, men's swim for 11.C.A. Victor in 047, but in radio is perhaps best known for his popular program, "Canadian Sports Album." He is also the auth- or Of several sports books, The author deals with the Lake- shore SWimming Club and Gus Ryder, a man Whom all Canadians May well be proud of because of h'is' amazing work With handicap*. ped children, Also included are George. Young, "the Catalina, kid"; Cliff Lunviden, a, fottr4inia World cliarnplerri and Marilyn Hell, a sit- teen-Year-old champion of the water. Marilyn born in Toronto, Ont- ario, led ari usettled life since her father Was an itecountarit in the StOrea arid Was trarisfer4 red 95 fat away et Nova 117 thirty-five miles every day, itnow there are only .at. few :Stich days 0 which even slacks are necessary, Oirls1 Don't let our 'beautiful, new W,A,H,S, be degraded by the wearing of 'jeans; let it be filled with the ladies. God intendbd us, to by Claire',Charrineit. 'HIGH, SCHOOL Highlights classroom, They are intended ,for You. may say that it is, gold tn.' work clothes .and Oertswear, winter and you need to wear jearis..; You bayerit Minh ..eatiee to, go and do such a, thing, A pain of clean slacks neatly Pressed are What, should be worn, Being a rntal stud- ent, and Tiding 'between thirty to NO DULL MOMENTS FOR GORRIE WOMEN RIRIE Mra. John .MOntgoinery of Lon- don, is visiting this week with Mrs. Etta Pay. ° Miss Irene Holmes and Mr. H. V. HolMea spent a Couple pi days the first of the week in :Brantford with their cousin Miss Margaret Holmes, Miss Irene Holmes is returning this week to Toronto, Mr., and Mrs, Jack Jardine left by train last Friday to return to their home in Tugaelte,, Sask. afre, Jardine has been since early in July, but was able to leave the M11014111 Hospital, sornewhet im- proved in health a few weeks ago. They came east in June to attend the Howick Centennial, Mr, Albert Heibein accompanied them on their 'return and will „ visit in the West. Mrs. Hilda Porritt and Harold of Gilford spent Wednesday with •,Mr and Mrs. Jack Toner, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Oldfield, Rennie and Linda, of Kitchener, visited On.Sun. day at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Haetie and. Miss Margie visited' Mr, acid Mrs, Walker Mastic at • Streetsville on Sunday, Officers Elected' . At Annual, Banquet GORRIE—The annual banquet of the Fordwich, Concentrated Milk Producers was' held in the Gorrie Community hall on Friday evening with members of the Gorrie W,I, catering', Following the.turkey slimier Ken Edgar put on his "Fun Show" giv- ing an hour's entertainment, War- ren Zurbrigg was chairman. The speakers" were , 'William Tilden, Harriston, from the Provincial As- sociation; Herb Webeter,' check tester, from Woodstock, and Jim Revell, Ingersoll. Election of officers was held and the following were returned to of- fice: pres., Warren Zurbrigg; vice- pres., Marshall Armstrong; sec- treas; Robert . Gibson; directors, Harold Parry, Alex Louge, Gow- anetoWn, Jack Stone, Britton, Jack Connolly, Brussels and' Walter Woods, Turnberry. The evening concluded with a dance, Willis and FarrIshe of Lis- towel, supplying the 'music. Door prizes, ,donated by the Borden Co., were first, a milk can, Norman Barnes, Brussels; 2nd, milk strain- er pads,-Mrs. Coultese,Wingham.