HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-31, Page 4ritiee Ferri: The lintighain AihnueesIlmee, iVedaeridey, sOet, 3 001 FOR SALE • MEAT FOR SALE VOOD BEEF for sale by the (mu- ter. 'Beef killed under license •frern the Department a u,an.n. .ohotce Hereford yearlinga. NARD ACKERT, Holyroo St pleme 2440, Ripley. Ithrb N9. 1 and NO. 2 COB CORSI for sale, Also NO: 1 ki1Z1-441i'd •ecl. corn. Delivered by hawk in . .9 to. 15 tons per load. For 1111 tier particulars phone Parol Cook, 611 Blyth. 2411.714 N0,1 and NO.2 COB corn for salt • Also No. 1 kiln -dried shell corn, delivered by truck hi 0 to 15 ton loads, For further particulars contact Ted Newton, pbone 0r$, Wroxeter, . _ 4R4NN SUIT, ski pants size 12, 'blouses, sweaters, strati for Good as new. Phone 70811 in enings or noon hours. Slb .S SVOilk WD ANTE Uijfl1tLDY Awould. like part me tilight house duties- or baby sitting, for pereonal Interview write reer 87 The Advancer Tunes, 31* Slit el SisaleSit SISD widow would like lieueekeeping, preferrably no other Wt1111111i. in charge. Apply to Vox 88 The Advance -Times. 31* N' SALESMA'WANTED • .11.e.S1 TO represent well known firm hi Wingliam and district, Salary and commission. Steady unielsyment and chance of pro- motion. Car necessary, •APP1Y 3.i urines. 'I errace, Wingliarn, or phoilt. 665. 31b SPARERIBS, sauerkkraut, served every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights at Commercial Hotel Formosa, ce 3.1.142812 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, sofa Iasi. 2 .Congoleurn rugs, 0es.101e, 7'sx0. • all in good condition. Cheap for quick, sale. Phone 430M after 6 o'plock. Z14' OUTS/D11 Cb.ryeanthemum roots for sale, 50c a large root. In coloirrs, white, red, pink and yellow. Phone 101. 31b SAVE up to g in $4 on oil bills. Duo -Therm Oil Herne Heaters with automatic Power -Air Blow, er circulate heat by fore', put '• lazy ceiling heat to work. Slash fuel bills up to 25%. Modele styled to fit your room, priced to fit Your budget. Apply at •Pattiocin Radio & Electric, Wing - ham, phone .171-J. 31b '54 BELVEDERE hardtop Ply- mouth coach for sale, excellent condition. 'Reasonable. Will ac- • cept trade-in. Apply to. Sam Bondi, phone 668. 31,7,14,21b 50 RHODE ISLAND red pullets • , for sale. Laying. Registered • Yorkshire boars, all ages.Itobert Wood, Lakelet, phone Clifrord, 306r7. • als •:ROSELLA, the ernhosaed pIasitic carpet for sale; bonded to felt. 'available in 36 44" Width. Comes ba,sie sbades, Red, Rust, Biege, Green, Grey and Mush- roorn. Durable and easy to Call, tor, The .carpet for every morn. The Floor Covering Dept. at The • Wallpaper Shen. COLES/LAN OIL space heater for sale. Small size. Good shape. Apply' Walker Home Furnish- , 31p REFRIGERATOR for sale (Leon- ard) capacity 8 •rm. ft., reason- able; also ell• space heater com- plete with pipes and tanks. Call 295 . for particulars. • 31b COMPLETE Brownie uniform for • sale, chrome high chair, habn bath, carriage like new, white goloshes size 5. Phone 1361J 31b FUR COAT, size 16-18 for sale. Call 615, 31b COAL HEATER Harriston new air circulator, in good condition for sale. • Apply to Jos. Ifortoa, 13luevale, phone 30433 Wingham. BROADLOOM SALE , Due to special agreement. we are in a position to sell you Axminster, Wilton and twist Broadlooms at fax below average prime. A power- ftil carpet stretcher has 'Nein purchased, the only one 01 it's type in the district. So now no instal- lation can be too large. Church installations our speciialty. CARPETS Aies30 REPAIRED SISIITEY'S SHOPPING CENTRE LTD., HANOVER81.S7b 50 FEET OF SNOW isENC.E and stakes for sale. Phone 259. 31b 226 LEGHORN PULLETS, 5 - Months old, for sale. 1)0 !eying pullets, Phone 608J4, 31-* LARGE DOLL and buggy, hi evial coxidition, for sale, Phone 608:I4. • • sitriAao POTATOES for sale. Phone your orders eollect to •Gercion. Smith, telephone Blyth • 10IS27. 31s' BOY'S GRAY 3-1lece station wagolt outfit for Nide, size 6, • good as new, Phone 'MIMI, 31* • TWO USW, oil spnee healers end -tvvo rairgette8 in good condition • for Sale. Ilaegetten $10 each, AlSe •50 -ft. 6-ineli wide OldIPS3 drive Wit. Apply at chambers HardWate, Wroxeter, phone Ms • . lab IIIISIALE 11111L1 ° CITY BANK requires clerical help. Machine operators preferable. hut net essential. Apply in per - Soil Or in writing to the Mariuger, • Vito Canadian Bank of Com - meted, Watcri0o. stating izge, • perience, references and ;galaxy •required. • 24,01b gofiallizazzaiii4",,,v...fiimiram.rmoszaimasemo.4 Box Holders' Natries • NOt GiVert 16 strictly against bill rules! 'divulge the /untie i/oldressi tow 'alleortleee using alit rderstieesIllibes ISoe Nurnberg lsc itle ask us for this itzforMatidit, autesizzainazeloazio aza AVAILABLE at once Good Raw- leigh business. Selling experience helpful but not required. Car neteseiery. Write at once for particulars. Rawleigh's Dept. J -453 -'IT, Montreal, P.Q. 31b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DROVER AND TRUCKING BUSINESS ISOIS SALE The Drover. and Trucking, Busi- ness of the late Edmund C. Pollard of Elyth, must lie sold tocomplete administration of his Estate. In - re three trucks. The late Mr. Pollard bad Claes "0", and P.C.V. licenses. Also offered for Sale is the warehouse and stets age yard in Blyth, For further information; 'contact Donnelly & Donnelly, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the personal representative. 24:31b THE SELLINCS field pays most. Want to become a member of a progressive company and make BIG MONEY right from the beginning? Interesting open- ings in your surroundings. FAM- ILFIX, Dept. D. Station C. Mont- real. 31b DEADSTOCK WANTED.- . DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. S2.00 service charge for each eail. Telephone collect: Pal- merston 1:13W; Durham 398 or Wingham 378, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. rrb MISCELLA.NISOUS FOR REPAIRS to all makes, of TV and radio eall Dunkin Television and Radio, Teeswater phone 27 or Wingham 703J1.. lerrb IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. For further Information phone 293, Wingharn, 29rrb 3ANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks' cesspools, cellars, etc., pumpedand cleaned,. quick service, all work guaranteed, Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels, 15rrb WATERLOO CAriLE Breeding Association "Where Better 13ulls Are Used". "For artificial in- eemination information or ser- vice from afl breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clintoti I -Tu 2-3441 or Mildmay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 am.. We have all breeds available — top quality at low cost." 25r rb NOTICE TO HOME DIIILDERS 01 YOU Aam planning St building project (hie sumMer, we are In a position to give you first class ,• service for your cernent work. House basemerits and Boort', barn walls and flOors (completed in one pour, Contact Mads Clui4ensen, phone Blyth. ' trb FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about out Low Cost Pinaricing Service with coniplete Insurance CoVetage, STEWART A.*SCOTT Oliorie 29S Wingbanz •25rtb • LOST %HI11i11X 1iIU xbout 900 lbs,, hist. Anyone knowing the whereabouts contact Milo Case. more. $1* von, !sam: BXB KENWWOD COAT, brown velvet trim,' sise 10, !lir sale, in good .condltion, Phone 773W2. • 31b STRAYED 2 1111AD OF yearling cattle stray- ed to farm of Clarence Shaw, 8th Turnberry, since first of August. Anyone proving owaer- strip and paying expenses may have Same, 81,7* REAL ESTATE 8 -ROOM MODERN frame house for sale. Reasonable. Apply to B. J. ritSeatrick, pbone 611-R, 24,31b REAL ESTATE 100 ACRE FARM located near Luelmow for sale. Large bank bans, 8 room house, large imple- ment shed and henhouse about 1340 are the main buildings. Rooms on main floor of house have been remodelled and decor- ated recently, and modern built- in cupboards installed ft kitchen. Pressure system supplies the water to house and barn. Hydro throughout. Stable has high ceiling with conerete Beer arid litter carrier. About 90 acres suitable for cultivation and 6 bush: Land is medium clay loam and has natural drainage and is all seeded. Priced to sell at once to settle estate at $12,500.00. Apply to Bernardi -Mathews Lim- ited, Real Estate Brokers, Kin, - muslin% Ont., phone 410, ask for Mr. J. McCallum, 31b 100 ACRE FARM for sale, close to town, good buildings, silo, hydro and water in house and barn, Terms. Apply S. Kay, R.R. 4, Wingham, phone 642W2. 31* 100 ACRES 2 miles from Wing - ham. 85 acres under cultivation. and the balance mixed bush. Bank barn 50 by 60 with con- crete silo. Six room insul brick house with bath. Both buildings hydro equipped. Full price only $101,500 with $4,500 down and the balance carried at 5%, Call or write Paul F. Sicgner, Realtor, phone Walkerton 520. - 31,7b 100 'ACRE FARM FOR SALE * Level clay loam. soil *New tile drainage * Spring creek, flowing well * Barn 40' x 60' , * Implement shed, pig house. * Cement veneer house. All enquiries should be addressed to Mrs Richard Kilpatrick, R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ont. This advertisement published free by ALLIED FARM SERVICES 243Sts Dundas St, London, Ont. 31b GOOD GRASS .VARM for sale. 60 • acres workable land, all seeded. Good bank barn, spring creek, quantity of cedar. North of Wingham. Good terms. Apply to Cecil Wheeler, phone 88, Blyth. 31714b Seven -room HOUSE with 8 -piece bath for sale. not water, cup- boards. Full price OM. Phone 159, Teesvvater. 31* FOR RENT F0UR-R001VI modern apartment for rent. Built-in cupboards! Phone 404J3. 24:31b CENTRALLY locatect newly dec- orated three room self-contained apartment for rent, suitable for business couple. Apply to Box 89 The Advance -Times. 31b 3 Booms 'UPSTAIRS for rents side entrance, no children. Phone 502312, 31b 5-ROOIVI MODERN apartment for sent, possession November 20th. Apply to Mrs. Bertha Lott. 81* ItOOM AND BOARD ROOM and board available for two gentlemen Co share. Town loca- tion. Phone 1071W. 31h CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' JUST Voters' list of,,1956, Township of Howlek, Cottety of Zuren notlee Is hereby given, that I have win- plien with section 9 of the %esters' list act, 1051. 1 ha,Ve posted up at my office st Gerrie, eri the 24th day of October, 1956, the list of all persons entitled to Vote in the said • minileipailty at municipal, election and that midi 1at temairie there for inspection and .1 herebe eall upon all voters to take an immediate proceeclinga to have any omissions 01. erten% corrected according to law. The last day roz appeal being the 7th day oi November 1956, Dated this 24th day of October I956. 1 Harold Pollock, Clerk of llowick Township 31b NOTICE The voters' net Of 1956, Town of Witgliart, County ot Enron, hotiee is hereby given that 1 have mini., Piled vvitli section g 'of the voteisf net ext. 1951. X have posted up at my office in the Wingbani Ten% Oti the 24th clay of Oetober,' 1956, the lid of all persons en. titled to a, Vote fit the said Mun1. oil:ditty a.t onitiitipal election and that such list rernainS there for inspettioti arid X hereby call UPOu nit voters to take' an iininediate proceeding to have Any oftisSions or Otters eetteeteci ,atiderdifat to lew. The last day for tipped being. the 10th day of, NOVetabot Dated this gist day of October W. Oalbraftit • Clerk-Aria:met CARD OP TRIPTIKS Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Douglas, 1, Gorrie, wish to thank the friends and neighbors who Made the recent ,50th wending:a:mirrors sary of Mr. and Mrs,' Denglea aleph a success. CARD Or TifiiNK$ I wish to tbank all the people whe visited me er remembered me during my sreceut iliness.—Roes Nicholson. THANKS. The 13elgrave Arena Board 'an- preclate the way , in which the community provided and served at our annual turkey supperwithout this cosoperation it would be ims possible, Thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make our supper one of best yet.—Orval E, TayloS, Chairman Arena Board. 31b CARD OP THANKS We vvish to thank our friends, neighbors, seningharn fire brigade, Salvation Army, and all those who came to help at the time of our fire. We also want to thank those who loaned their machines to complete threshing afterwards, and all who came and helped clean up' the debris. Arid. then to all wbo came and helped so well the day of our sale., very sincere thank you to everyone.—Wirs and Hilda Bolt. 31* CARD OF THANKS w s o expiess My sincere thanks and appreciation for cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Special thanks to doctors and nurses.—Ernest Harris. 31* • CARD OF filIANKS Many thanks to Dr. W. .A. Mc- Kibben, Mrs. Money and her won- derful staff of nurses, for the splendid care, I got while a patient in the hospital and I assure you if you are sick and need the very best of care, then go to Wingham Gen- eral Hospital. --Henry Matheresa 31b IN MEMORIAM COULTER—In loving memory of William John Coulter who died November 3r6, 1053. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memorieS linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near.- -Sadly missed by wife and family. 319 IN 111E1VIORIAM THOMPSON—In loving memory of Mrs. Ida May Thompson who passed away November 6, 1955, and Floyd Thompson who passed away October 29, 1939. Take up thy cross and follow Him, Nor think, till death, to lay it down; Fes only he who bars the cross, May hope to wear the glorious crown, In thet bright eternal city, Where no tears e'er dim the eye; In the home of ;many mansions, I will meet them bye and bye.— Lovingly remembered by a lone- some husband and fathers—R. H. Thompson. 31* IN MEMORIAM GALBRAITH—In loving mernory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. Anson Gal- braith, who passed awaY Novem- ei 2n6, 1952. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind, Por the days we do not think of you Am very hard to ifind. If all this world wee ours to give, We'd give its yes, and more, • To see the face of you, clear IVIOther, Cosine smiling through the door.— Always in our thoughts' and sadly missed by her husband arid family, 31*. NOTICE TOWN OF WINGIIANt Ratepayers tire reminded that taxes for the year 1056 are due at Novereber 15, 1956, After that date interest at the rate of .6% will be added monthly. W. .4., Galbraith, Clerk -Treasurer 21,7,14b • PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical • chimney cleaners To ELIMINATE SOOT AND • SCALE PROM VOtIlt STOVES AND PIPES, For Use In °it coil and wood fired units rou SALE AT • Machan Hardware WiNaitAlOt 114COOLIgall'S Grocery • LOWEU WiNGHANt McKercher's • General Stove ItatESTOWN , Bruce .Chamber 1-larclware witoxvitia 26:0:10 BIRTHS PURDON—m In Winglia;General • gill, 1950, to Mr, and Mrs. Archie oenital, on Thursday, Getober Pura:Ions 11.11. 3, - Winginun, • a daughter, HUMPIIREY—In WingliaM Gen:, oral Hospital, on Thursday, Oeto- ber 25th, 1950, to Mr, and IVIrs, Lloyd Humphrey, 11,4, 2, Luck- I now, a daughter. FONTON—In Wingharn General Hospital, on Friday, October 26, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Prodbri, Wingharn, a son. PAYNE—In Wingham General • Hospital, on Saturday, October 27th, to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Paype, Ext, 2, Bluevale, a son, COOK --lis Wingbam General Hos- pital, on Saturday, Ocrober 27111, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, Itle; 1, l3elgrave; a 'daughter, BACKETTe-In Winghain Generio Hospital, on Monday, October 201:9, 1056, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hackett, Lucknow, a son. IVIcSSUILLIN—In Wingliam Con-, eral Respital, on Tuesday, Octo- ber 3019, '1058, to Mr. and. Mrs. Carmen MeQuililas R.R. 6', Luck - now, a son. About 900 People ' At Turkey Supper BELGRAVE—Another • success- ful turkey supper was held on Wednesday evening of last week, when approximately 300 people sat down at once to a sumptuous din- ner in the coinmunity st,rena here. Proceeds of the supper are used (0 support the arena. ' A short program followed the dinner with Rev. C. A. Krug ,as chairman. Ishunbers included vocal numbers bse a girl's quartet from Auburn; Clark Johnston accomp- anied by Mrs. Elaine McDowell; numbers by the Belgrave Pipe Band; pupils from US$ 17 Morris and East Wawanosh and iSsS 7, and 13 of East Wa.wanosh formed a chorus and sang ewo numbers Ac- companied by Mrs. Elaine McDow- ell. Accordion, numbers were given by girls from Auburn and by Mrs. Elaine Nixon. Short speeches were given by the ebairman of the supper committee, C. W, Hanna, and by L. E. Cardiff, MP. and joha John Hannai, M.P.P. A. dance followed at the Fores- ters' Hall with Bruce's Orebestra supplying the music. BELGRAVE • Mrs. Annie :Rac of Wroxeter is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Wightman, Mr. Wightman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea vjaited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Manning and Keith at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Shaw, of London speht the week -tad with her parents Mr. ancl Mrs. John d4oniVrridlestsssp°Menntd"taheTilw(eki;°-Ilof • Lan- end..sivith Miss Joan Brydges. Mr. and Mrs. Bill VanCamp and Bay and Mr, and MI's. 'Clare Van - Camp -and Nancy and Keith visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lierniah Davidson, and family of Glencoe, .. Mr. and -Mrs. George I'Vrartin visited on Sunday With .Mr. and Mrs, Cecil. Armstrong, Itita and Kenneth at Thornclale, , Mr. and,Mrs. Bill Schrieber and family of Streetsville, Keith. An- derson, St. Thomas and jainea Anderson, Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Earl •A nderson. Mr. and IVIrs. Wilbert BOyers and 'Mlsa June Dryers of Royal Oak Michigan spent the week -end with Mr.sand Mrs. Cari Procter. IVfts. •Carl Procter vented With her brother, Mr. 1.1, W; Bell, who is it patient la St. Joseph's hospital London, last week. Mrs. Laura Johnsten and George spent a few days with Mr. and Mia, ‘George Johnston, Wingham. Mr. and 1Vrrs,. Aloe Styles, Billy and Patsy of Mimic° spent the Week -end with Mra. Cora McGill. C.G.I.T. Provides liallowe''en Party BELGRAVE—'llie Canadian Girls in Training hold a Hallowe'en par- ty Saturday evening in the cern- inanity arena here,. There Wore over anCS children In, attendance. The following prizes Were awarded: Best dressed lady, Lorna Boit; best dressed man, Sandra Chain- ney; best dressed couple, IVtatie Coultee and Lila; Black; best Hallowe'en costtirne, Lols Kinti; runniest costume, 13a1bara Krug and Carol Walsh, An enjoyable time was spent Playing games, The Members of the ca,:tir. Wettld like to take this opportimitY 'to Say thanks ttheveryonp who do.. hated so generously with; candy, apples and things that made tiffs party such a great succeSs. WHITECOURCH Mr. Thomas AfeCreight and Mr, and mar Alfred MeCgeight visited on Sunday with Nfr. and Mrs, jazz, Wilson and TO. arid Mrs, Lester IVtcOtefght of Atwood. • Mr. toid Urn, 10 f$611rwift vlel. fed on StInclay With reIative8Ibm Ottclefigh, 4 Mr. Henry Mathers returned hoine 'Sunday from the Winghain General NosPital after being there sixteen. days. • Mr. and 1VIrS,,kliarry Dates of Detroit spent the week -end with her nother Mrs. Prank Anges who was celebrating her . 84..th birthday, --Visitors a thQ home :of Mr. and Mrs, R. .1, McMurray over the Weeksend were, Mr. .arici Mn, B. Dean, Kingston; Mr, and Mn, ciVr, 7irna,u,D aYe' T°cPet0 nrt91cin ;t Mn,cand .4., and Mrs, P. C, Onapman, Stratford, and Mrs, Hugh Jones, of Sarnia, haVc Suet returned from their wedding trip through the northern states where theylvisited with Mr, and Mrs, Pierce) Jones and familyc. of Pieton and also with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Harnilten and fa,milY, of Wingham, —Mr, and Mrs. Clarkson 1VIartin of Galt and Mr, and IVSrs. Donald Stuart, of Waterloo, spent the weelisend with his narents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Martin and other relatives. ,--Mrs. Swan Howard and son, Robt, Chettlebergh were in Lon- don on Senclay to visit A, M. "Scotty" Forbes who is at present a patient in Westminster Hospital, having iinclergene an operation. —Mr. and Mrs. W. a )3411W, London, epent the week -end of the 201.9, et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacLean, Shuter St„ and other relatives. ' • —Mr, and Mrs. C. E. MacLean, Sarnia, and 1Vf1ss Agnes MacLean, Toronto, spent the week -end of the 20th with their sisters, Misses Mar- garet and Sara IVIacLean and other relatives. Fatnily Gathers for 37th Anniversary • BELGRAVE—A fainily.. gatber- ing was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coultes, Who were celebrating their 37th wedding anniversary, An en- joyable time was spent playing progressive euchre. Guests included the irnmediate family and Mr. and IVIrs. Fred Reid, Mr. and Mrs. George Cantelon and' family and ' Mr.. and IVIrs. Eugene McAdam all of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keyes and family and Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon am and family all of Varna; Mrs. Luella McGowan and Robert and Gordon Charters, all of Blyth. BODMIN FORUM HOLDS FIRST SESSION. RHLGRAVB—Bodmin Tram For- um met at the horne of Mrs. Cora' IVIcGill.with 22 adults and six chil- dren in attendance. The topic for the first meeting of the fall sea- son was "Scheer Milk". This group answered the ques- tions as fonows: 1. That them should be milk available in all the Schools. S. That the dairies should deliver the milk to the schools arid 3. That the costs should be divided by the government and the muni= elpality. Recreation was in the form of progressive euchre with high prizes going to Mrs. Clarence `ruin and Richard Procter. Consolatipn priz- es went te lefrs. Stanley Cook and Charlie Wilkinson. *Lunch, of tea, sandwiches and cookies was serv- ed. The next meeting will be held again at the honie of Mrs. lefcGill. UNDY'S Free Delivery- Phone 82 Q,!..tality and Service since 1915 New Crop Raisins now in stock ' for your Christmas Baking Save. pn these Week -And Specials CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 10 'oz. tins 2 for 23c CLOyEllt LEAF Salad :WHITE TUNA' 7 oz, tins 39c sasseassesseasesses • Habitant PEA SOUP 28 oz, tins 2 for 35c irowwww.)....A.A.kAAArkiir1/4Ww Carnation MILK tall tins 2 for 25t • 1,110/VS New 'ficokthru' Tea Digs 48 bags, 49c per pk. 100 bags, 98c per pk. aseessesases..ssees. Frozen foods - Fruit & Vegetables —Mrs. Murray ,Tohnson of Dion. ingilani, Spent the past weelc With Mrs. Frank Sturdy. Fred McGee spent last week in Toronto attending the Part nesinagere' meeting' at the Canadian Tiro Store. Miss Greta Harris spent the, week -end with Mr. And Mrs, A...T. McDonald, Guelph, e44r, and *Mrs"; Pavia Benedict spent the week -end in Kitchener with thel•r daughterend sonsin-law and family. --Xi, aMwfi,s, WM. Westney of West Hill, spout the week -end with her slater, .IVIre, Robert }Wenger, —Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Gannett. spent, the week -end in Kitehener With Mr, and Mrs, H. ivl. Justason and family. • DIED KITCHEN—Vreernau Kitchen, ill in Wingham: General Moo on Friday, October 213t1i, at the age of 54, Ile was ,a resident of Brussels. The funeral was from • WENCH- .Dr. William' A. Spence, oji Tuesday, October 30th, Sur - Alma Kann. The funeral is from viving is his wife, the former the Rana funeral home, Brussels. ZOO NI OW WA PI NO IP ; LEE'S TAXI I• 24-hour Servige 1 • PHONE 185. INSURED NVIIILE YOU , RIDE' ION INN MI OM Mr MO A. Hullo Folks! When quiz shows were the big rage on the radio, one of the. best was loformation Please. It set the pattern for a lot of the "panel" programs that came along later. vot more whether it's still on the 'air or not, buy 'When I used to listen to it they ha,d four of the brainiest: peonle in the 'States on tlie .how every week to answer the most difficult questions people coUld send in, eseseseess there was an automobile accialeot come that Was blamed on Information Please. It was a .minor accident, a man went through a red ,light ancl struck -another car..When it got to court, lie explained It this way: Your Honor, I was listening to information Pleltee oa the car radio and after A lot of difficult questions they' asked 'the Icor • experts to suddenly close their eyes and tell what color of necktie they were %veering." , . -"Franklin. Pi Adams and Sohn Merman and the others closed their eyes and they couldn't re- member what tic they had ot." "I was playing along •Witb. them trying to answer the questions and I .closeif my 'eyes Just as f got to the corner. And, you know, 1 didn't know what tie.X was wearing either." He lost the court case, too. , - Radios, I guess, can be a distracdien When youere driving, sonic people refuse to have them LON NE MsDONALD on I like the radio oft for long drives., I think it helps keep you alert. Pin not One in „dose my eyes as 1 reach an intersection, anyway. When you're shopping for a used car, the Met that seine ears • are already equipped with radio can be a big COnsiclercitIon. When you're looking them over at our place, take the car of 'your clmice out for a test drive first, and try the radio, too. COPY0.6 Ile 1956 CB 01.SITT foNwlua I VIVA erosrsEiLfiakAv Fmc?!.tia, .4-59 S'E;eViCE .UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY The party we are looking for in this area may be a farmer, office or factory worker or working at seine other trade.. You must have soine spare time, be ambitious and eager to make extra motley iza a high -profit, cash IntSilleSS. Itton will be handling name-hrand produets Made by a tending Canadian company arra caning on established retail store accounts in your area. You will not be expected to sell, but will replace. steel( and . . • , collect cash. • A criah. investment of $800. to *$4000. is required. For information Write • REGIONAL SALES 'DIRECTOR 47 ELM ST, TORONTO 2, ONT. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL " DIRECTORY A" fi. McTAVISH • 13ARRISTER, SOLICITOR and .NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone SS Teeswater • Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., Or , by appointment.: iwkwomwdlww.whomiww.wInimmiliwWw.wwww.m.w. Frederick F, Homuth * Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homutli R0 • • :Mrs. Viola li. Horimih R.O. • orTommusrs PHONE 118 Harriston, Ofitario RONALD h. McCANN Public Accouutint Office: tioyal 3iik 81t1g. •tesidenee:: Rattaributy St. •Fildnea hot 455. trANTON" ONTAIttO OIL W. A. SPENCE , *DENTIST • OFFICE HOURS: 10 oars to 6 Pan. 'MONIS 91 ,Brusels, Ont. CRAWFORD It FIETEIERIMION Barristers, Solicitors Etc. I Weigher -le J. IL citAwironn, (la R. S. DETIIIMINGTON, (SA intone 48 MuliwwwwwwWwWwwWwW0Wwwwwwwwwhon*Www6Ww.i41.W..4."' J. W. BUSIIFIEIT Q.C. ISarrister, Solicitor', Notary,gio, 1x0;iey to Loan Offiee—aleyefBloek, Si/Ingham WELLINOTON FIRE Clo • Est, 00 A» all Canadian Ceiripariy %%Sikh has faithfully served its PolleY • holtlets tor over a minty. irlead attic() — 9(701.010 114- C. littaitrtit lnsurante AgolioY Manton GAVIHMTFEj LLE.R:, McINTQS}...1 St -WARD- ACColATANTS AEU, TELEWONE WILDING. Walkertou,.. Oiliarto