HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-24, Page 10"00 Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Henry of cagigekawnt spank the Weeltend , with his parents, VictOrla St. --Mr. and Mrs. WM, Stones Sr. and Mr. and IVIrs. Wm, Songs Jr. and baby Mark of Hamilton: visit- ed on Sunday wlt,ti Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charlton. Mr, and We, Gordon Scott 'of Ripley,'Visited an Sunday with Mn. t4,11-0 Mrs, Wallace Conn. and Mr. Edward Waddel of T.eesysiter visited with 'Kiniess. friends on Sunday; Mr. Leroy who has been working for SaYeraj weeks at the borne of his uncle, Mr. Aklin PUrdon, left on Monday with Mr. ,Angus Mc- Donald to work with the Kerr Ctia- struction Co, at London, Mrs. Ezfa;Schultz, leader of the local a.g.vw, group, and her group of girls attoded the rally held in. Ontario St, United Church, Clinton, on Sunday. Two hundred And forty-five girls, with their leaders, and, assistant leaders, were PreSent. Miss Elizabeth Patterson from Fordwich was the delegate to the national camp for the 0,aur. . girls, and ' Showed slides of the 'camp ,FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Seconds of a Regular $5.95 line White with coloured, borders Size 70 x $5 • 29 ONLY: Seconds of a regular $6.95 line White with coloured borders Size 70 x 100 ONLY . ........ $5.89. FLANNELETTE Our new Fall stock of top ,qual- ity Flannelettes have arrived.... see all the attractive new, floral patterns and stripes.' Children's and, Novelty Patterns PRINT A good selection of smart Cotton Plints. Reg. 49c to 69c yd. SPECIAL .. . 39c •Central Press Canadian Like an illustration from a child's book of fairy tales is this picture of Prince Charles and Prineees Anne, as they gaze from the window of the royal train carrying thern back to Rueking- ham Palace from Balmoral Castle to end their summer holiday in Scotland. Prince Charles' bangs- like eye-level haircut here — which is the opposite of a crew cut—became a subject of public discussion on their return to Lon- don. One newspaper remarked 'the prince's hair was even closer to his eyebrows than usual." The prince gets his haircuts from a barber named Crisp, who calls at the palace every two weeks. "We never discuss the heir's hair," Crisp's sartorial salon an., flounced when prodded fer a pro- fessional description of the style. BISHOP FROM CEYLON SPEAKS OVER CKNX A very distinguished visitor to Wingham last week was the Right Rev, Jacob de Mel, Anglican Bishop of Kurunagala, Ceylon, who made a stop-over stay with the Rev. H. L, Parker and Mrs. Parker. The Bishop, on a twelve-week tour which includes a month's travel in the TJ.S., spoke over CKNX on Sat- urday evening, stressing the im- portance of a world outlook in re- ligious matters. Earlier the Bishop, accompanied by the Rev, Canon C. J. Queen, had dined with the Rev. Parker, Mrs. Parker, Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Cruickshank and DeWitt. Miller, who had spent some time in Cey- lon. Over tea, Bishop de Mel spoke informally about the Suez crisis and also about the material aid A which Canada was giving his coun- try through the Colombo plan, SUEDE JACKETS Shades - /1"11' NtiVY .$18 88 Another very outstanding amtiver- Sary offer • in fine Suede Jackets. Reg. MOO SPEclIAL MEN'S JACKETS A group of Jackets including Melton Cloths, klabardittes, Valivetie etc. Values to $1.6.03 y SPECIAL , I960011 MEN'S HATS A group of men's slightly daniaged Hata, ritiltable As it $19. scuff or- viorlc Hat • • 5 - UPHOLSTERY Ends A good selection of Tapestry Ends -In very ATTRACTIVE Shaklee and designs suitable for Covering chairs, etc. IWHEELING YARN CLEARANCE pt g & x ply All Wool Wheeling Tarn in Black Orey Only. SPECIAL 39 c skein 3 skeins for $1.00' NYLONS Ladles' 51 Gailg4 igt 14041ItY lsrAdtto 'lit mum* 'eluttlesr ltir SPECIAL 89c pr. Every Item to the Store at REDUCED Prices During Sale Days i4r9esis ors* -taii gisslt fragments anti ths clear, Huge Blast twEnd Great -Shipping Peril 00,, of the greatest dangers to navigagog in Canadian, waters, says the Hook of Knewledge ntud, is Ripple Rock Jp the Sey. Wingbarn Ally tOS Taking se in Sewing Ct"Te° ed r,114 °at 24. "OSS -$11110, Again HEM'S HAIR Named as Figure MAKES. HEADLINES Skating Instructor SONALS7 -444l1t 'Rotting:Or, :son :of end Mrs. Cletus Rettinger, TurnberrY,.• accepted a .positlieti ii1 the Toronto branch of. the . Toronto-Pominien Bank. fIe left last. week to stark his nest work.. WHITICHURCII in. NarrOWS about 120 Mlles northwest of Vanveuver, Yt rieeS McMillan, of Luck. Itiqvyt Mrs, Stewart Forsyth and, their father, Mrr gooh-...0.npapsm. Wore in Niagara Fails on the Week-end and attended-the funeral of the latter's TAWS, Mfrs, Wm, 34IFETRIE iiiE01/411-rt Csoisibi, Lite OPee* Ailgt Providing Life Immrands l'onsion Option *11 lig ottO, ' gYallable train 140 u to COT/AULT-- FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative, Canada Life WINGHAK ONT. ..,-.44;WWW*110..g41. GOSPEL HALL 4 ARRImpolii Replier. SandaY Oetvicei Sunday School 1.0,10 RPhiPmbertng the Lord at 415 . Gospel. Meeting at'7,30 Hach Thursday evening 44 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, r . ViWetub,a from North nuren' fity 'began a two-day training 41090.1 in sewing in Winghein yea- .. Nay at the council chamber, 47%9: 'school, Part, t)f. ti, 441 home- kaiting Project organised; by the , apartment of Agriculture, toaeh- ilia Club leaders how to, Wake gleePing garments and gives In- formation and instruction on how to choose materials and how to MAO pettarris, nub. Members from Dungannon. ..takkelet, Delmore, MOleawOrth, St. Helens Ethel. Wingham$ Gerrie, Rtntai; and 13russels are takinc tile two-day course of instruction under the direction of MISs. Lulu ROW, of Toronto, who is assisted by Miss Shirley Bullock, from a depth of ;0Q feet almost to the Surface of the Water in the middle of the narrows, a busy and important water-course, Two' rialeon the summit of the rack threaten the hulls of most•passing Vessels. Normally the danger could be averted by careful manoeuvring, but the .ships are buffeted about by swift tides, eddies and , cross- currents, Now the Canadian gov- ernment has arranged for a go-lesi sal explosion" Windh w111 blast this menace oat of existence. Engineers will tunnel uncier`the narrows, then up inside each pin- naole to within fifty feet of the water. Each pinnacle will be hon- . eyeomhed by a system of smaller tunnels, called coyote holes, Each of these will- be filled with' 50.1b. Metal eontainere of high explosive, until GOP tons of 'the explosive is ready to be touched off by remote control. It is edpected that this -LMr. and Mrs. James Mair and Norms. Jane and Mrs, •Clara Scott are Visiting at Play ,„Centre and Topeka, Kansas, —Mr.. and Mrs. John Falconer. of Kitchener left this week to spend the winter in Florida and Dallas', Texas. —Mr. and Mrs, Robert .Sinna- mon arrived home from their honeymoon through Northern On, tarlo and Algonquin Park, op Fri- day and have taken up residence on Minnie St. —Miss Julia Thornton of Blue- vale visited over the week-end With her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rat. Golley. --11319,So attending the 40th wed. ding anniversary of -.1V.fr, .and Mrs.. Harvey .Niergarth which was iheld et. their sores home in .Kitchener were -Mrs, Irlima Jenkins, Mr, And Mrs, Harvey Jenkins, MrS. FkiWin Chandler, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mc- I3urney all of 'Tgrnberry end Wing-. barn, Mr, and '1,fra, Hilly _Jenkins of Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. 'Charlie, Aitken Of _Kincardine. • and Arthur Edgar. of Winghami, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse of Relgrave, Mrs. Chas, Johnston, Blyth, were in ben-. don Friday attending the gradua- tion of „Maitland. Edgar. of .Clinton, Who received, his Bachelor of Arts, —Mr, and. Mrs. Glen Golley and. Clarence .Colley visited ' over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leeson, of Toronto, • LYC E UM Theatre Two shOws each night First at 7.10 419n 1410.11.0,41100.1111•0 10.104=10.0.1000.H.M.4 AnVlVors*py 4th LL SH A At a recent meeting of the Wingham figure Figure Skating Club ex- ecutive It was decided to leave, the fees onohanged and try to meet the inereased cost by, securing more pupils, It was announced that three: and a half .hours .of group lessons. and as .many pri- • vats leason.S, as. time permits will be given on Tuesday. afternoons' and evenings. Ross. Smith, who: was the first .figure'.skating pro- fessional In Wingham and who now serves ..Guelph, Fergul, George., town and Kincardine, will. again instruct the Winghani pupils. He will be assisted by Harold Rooks, of Wingham, who will also conduct the Saturday morning practice periods unless a ,change in time pc, curs, • All private lessons. with, either pro should be booked with Mrs. Wild or Mrs. Burrell as .soon as possible. Thursday, Cietober. 20th from .3.30 to. 5.30 will .be day - in the Wingham council chamber, and ehildren of Wingham and surrounding :towns are urged to See that they are enrolled and dine. half of their fees paid. Applica- tion forms. will be provided and must be signed by a parent before Skating. Those who are interested -in se- curing further .Information are re, quested. to see the Wingham pub- lic and high school bulletin boards, The Advance-Times or Mrs. Har- old Walsh,, in Beigrave; Mrs, Bert. Gray in. yth; G. T. Eathwell in • LucknoW; Mrs, Marie Douglas in Weoxetcr; Mrs. Russell Hutcheson in Teeewater, Mrs. Wild, Mrs, W. W. Gurney ,or Mrs. Burrell in Wingham,. Any associate members are wel- coMe but Only parents of skaters will be Contacted. If interested,. please call the above officers. If Ottawa decides to leVy a 25c per member fee, it will have to be collected from each Skater at a later date.. Mrs. Gerrie was appointed to se- cure subscriptionS to the skating magazine at U.50 each or $200 if 15 eiegtore subscribe: Mrs. Burrell has rule • books for sale at $1;75. These give diagrams .of all the • dances. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 25-26,-e7 Robert Taylor, Stewart Granger Tdebra Paget ixx "THE LAST HUNT" An exciting out-door melodrama centering around the wanton annihilation of the American buffalo. Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct. 29-30-31 Victor Mature Janet Leigh "SAFARI" This story is set' in the Mau Mau country in Africa and centres around the activities of a white hunter. Sale Ends October 27 Sale Ends October 27 Here is your opportunity to buy New Fall and Winter Merchandise at Real Savings ! ! ! Drastic R.eductions are offered throughout the store with discounts on all merchandise not specifically advertised. Laymen's Service At United Church ...en's: Topcoats:: 0 • lr Nylo-Gab zip-in lining . topcoats for year round wear Zip the lining in •for cold wea- ther protectiOn and remove it during mild weather. ' OUR NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SMART: FALL and WINTER 'COATS In Tweeds, Fleeces, Alp Cloths and Strauss Fabri at • ••• SALE PRICES $RGo 3er9g.5.14 1. ' $39.50. for Group 2,, R $4e9!5. 0 for $3930 rt Shades of Grey and Taupe. In sizes 34 to 46 HERE IS EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT AN AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE Reg.-- $29.50 Special Anniversary Offer - ONLY $24.50 'A speciil service was held in the United Church on Sunday morning, the occasion being Lay- men's Sunday, held once a year throughout the Presbytery and conducted completely by laymen, A choir of men led the singing and sang the anthem "Rise Up 0 Men of. God". Hugh Carmichael was in charge of the service and Stewart Beattie offered prayer. Jack Woolfrey was scheduled to give the address but unfortunately had met with an accident on Sat- urday eOening. Rev, D. J. MacRae substituted for Mr. Woolfrey and delivered the message to the lay- men. At'this service the Sacrament of Baptism was , administered to James Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stapleton, and Kevin Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs: Allan Walker. Group a. Reg. $59.50 for $•49.50 Bzazil has,been testing portable aluminum irrigation systems to increase the coffee crop. Results are startling: yield per tree is snore than doubled. Even if ap- plied only to half of -Brazil's 'coffee crop, production would be increased by 3,700,000 bags! Our own Canadian farmers have found endless ways to use Canadian' aluminum: Piping for orchards, field crops and stock foil fir mulching ... roofing and siding for barns, brooders and silos cans and pails for dairy farms. Canadian output of primary aluminum is being further in- creased to supply the makers of theseand a thousand other prod- ucts 'rueful in agriculture, in- dustry, defence and the home. ALUMINUM COMPANY 0# CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) 111111111111511111111111P11111111111111111111111111111 S p ../1.e13;11$1 0 la" 1 argains Galore, Many Unadvertised Items Remnant Counter,v2Price tibia MEN'S SUITS MEN'S PANTS Our new rau stock of SMART • 11.5Sillaei dichlelessu Consisting rairi O it n snar e ne r 4°, f eta.,na9i. dii‘riaei5sai ..- d .weaves, ONLY ,,,,,,, • WE PASSED THE BUCK DON'T MISS THIS SENSATIONAL ' OPPER - - Select your• Suit from our Ottelt of, Gahardines„nnd All Wool Worsteds — a lull range of sizes from 8I to , 46 in. EXCELLENT Adders., and weaves. Reg, values $49.50 to $69.50 Aniiiverar Y ''$24 75 .Sale IA Pr . •ce , Illustrate Talk Dolts and Costumes: The fall Thankoffering of the Explorers' Group of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday evening of last week, The meeting opened by singing a hymn. The Scripture/was read by Dick Scott, followed by prayer by Betty Ann Lapp. The Explorers' purpose was gid- en by Helen Currie, and explained by Linda Clark, John Campbell,. Judith McFdbbon, Freda Lott, Charles Congram, Patricia Hey- wood and. "Joan Chittiek and the group hymn was sung. The, minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll called. The offerieg •was re- ceived •and the offertOry prayer was given by Mary Phillips, The following program was pre- sented: chorus, "Our Gifts" by Mary Phillips, Mary Sean Lapp, Sandra Cummings and Edna Mae Armstrong; recitation, Sandra Cummings; piano solo, Jane Ann Colvin; chorus, "Thank'Y'ou God", by Jeannie Gurney, Patricia Hey- wood, Betty Ann Lapp, Joan Chit. tick and Janette Henderson; reci- tation, Marilou Jamieson; piano solo, e Helen Currie . ' recitation, Janette Henderson; .ellorue, "Dare to Be a Daniel", by all the boys. A hymn was sung after which the guest speaker, Mrs. A, Mae- Kay, a missionary on furlough from /mile, was introduted Linda Clark. Mrs, MacKay gave a very interesting address, which she illustrated with dolls, costumes and coloured slides, Dick Scott thanked the speaker and a amall gift was Presented by Betty Ann lye. , The closing hymn was sung and. Mrs. Nimmo closed with prayer, A social hair followed, $34.75 t rip Top's new Fall Fabric Imports have everything! Ptom the world's finest Mills wine our all-wool Twist. Tweeds, Worsted Twist. WeiveS, Olen Plaids, Melabge 'Twists, Blitisfi Flannel Worsteds and Many, many Mord. Styled Tip Top's ' "Tritti 'Look, , t ty're terriael Ste them to day, tAlibiliD.TO-MEASURI "VP top" Clothe $59.95 2. pc. Exclusive with ' EDIGHOFFERS SPORT SHIRTS 4.4 WORK 'CLOTHING STOCK UP NOW on your require. ments in rail and Winter. Clothing LNOCRWEAR, .OVERALLS, • WIRT% SMOCKS, ETC. at Special Reductiops BOYS' MITTS Boys' lined Leather Mitts strongly triode for rugged wont 696 SPECIAL „„.., ,,,, , ,,,,,, FR. • " A terrific selection to obooFie from in sdine of the SM.ARTEST exudes and styles you could wish for $3.88 Regular $4.95 to '$a.95 SPECIAL ... 4 • 011 * : 0 0 • • • at going any'place e*cept to Downie's. The friendly service turns customers into steady customers. Buy NOW. and SAVE on Fait and Whitey MerthitridWei , Jimmy—You look as if you were all In. What's wrong? Harold—Last night t dated ore that node doll. I Was' telling you about. Her mother opened the door and lot Inc in---and then and there she demanded td know what My' in- teittions were. Jirnmy—that was putting You on the spot. :Darold Yes, hut that Wasn't the' worst or It. Just as the Mother- had finished speaking, tire girl aliouted down the stairs, '11fOtitet 'at isn't the oner • EDIGHOFFEIISI "PRE PRI8NDIN SPO vi Goodrich SERVICE WA,/ Of Yell/ n , .17 (soft , Wingham TIP TOP TAILORS D.104 6J 7 C71....c 3