HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-24, Page 7woloilt44 ADvANovrams, vnromsDAT,'
TO 1110 BAZAAR WROXETERngThe ladies of St,
James' Charcii niet on. Wednesday
afterneen in the ehtirgh' basement
to reorganize their Guild, Mrs,
Frank Atnisell was elected pre*
d'ent; Mrs, Aie* Petrie,'secretary-
treasurer. Discussion on future'
plans was led by Mrs. The
meettogs will he held inonthly the
neat one on Novemher Oth, at the
home of Mrs, L. Niliott,
Refreshments Were served by
Mrs, ItiisSell and a a pclal hor en-
BELGRA)M—The October meet-ing of the Ladies' guild Of Trinity
Anglican church met at the home
of Mrs, Robert Procter with the
President, Mre, Lawrence Vanillin
In charge, .
`X* Meetin,g Opened with a hymn
followed by Prayer by the
dent and General Cenfeesion Via
the Leeds' prayer in unison. Scrip?
Lure reading wai by yfrs, C. G, Mc-
Crea. Routine reperts were given
by the secretary . and treasurer,
The group has decided to pur-
phase a quantity of hymn. books
and prayer books for the church.
A cellection of articlee suitable for
a bale are' to 'be brought te the next
Plans were made for the bazaar,
to be held on November 14th, The
fees were paid at this meeting,
which clesed with prayer by Mrs,
Lunch was served by Mrs.,Proc-
ter, assisted by Mrs. Clark John-
ston and Mrs, W, Brydges.
J. F. McLEAN WAS Ladies Reoryanize
St. fames' Guild
Win. Campbell with his three children, Mrs. W. Crazier of London, Colin G. of Ottawa and Albert of
Auburn, as they gathered for dinner at Knox Church, Auburn on Friday Of last week to celebrate his!
100th birthday.
WROCETER-s$unday next, Oc-
tober 28th, W,111 he observed
throughout Huron Presbytery as
Layman's Sunday. Sam Scott, of
Seaforth, will be guest speaker in
Wroxeter United Church at 10 a.m.
I'm the evening of the same day a
special meeting for elders will be
held in Wesley Willis United
Church in Chinni at eight o'clock,
when Dr. Laurie Craig, of McMas-
ter 'University will speak. Dr.
Craig is the author of a booklet
"Let's Look at Elders". All elders
wishing to attend are asked to con-
tact clerk of session, who will are
range transportation.
Mission Rand Rally
field at, 13elgrave
The moon NO Rally of Hu-
ron PreshYterlal Was held last Sat-,
14rdliy at Helgrave with the
byterial V Aeret4thrgo Yr,g
'Wellington Good,, In
The Meeting was opened with the
Lord's Prayer, followed by the
hymn "Lord, A Little Band and
Lowly" With Mrs. Bruce prneldMg
at the Piano. The roll call was
answered by six Bands and two
Explorers' groups, Representatives:
were present from Auburn, Goder-
ich, Seaforth, Clinton, Hensall arid
Beigrave. Goderich won the .honor
Of, having the most present, with
&them second.
The devbflonal period Was ins
charge of the Ida White Mission
Band 9f Auburn with Marie Leath-
erlatid reading the story of creation
and Margaret Haines and Janet
Dobie illustrating on .the flannel-
graph. Each band and group sup-
plied a number for the Program..
After singing "Jesus Levee Me"
thesisusiness was discussed. An in-
vitation was accepted to go to
Clinton in p57 on the third Sunday
In October.
Mrs, 0. Anderson of Belgrave In-
troduced the guest speaker, Mre.
Leslie fortune, of Wingham, who
told the children a missionary story
of a little African boy and showed
pictures to illustrate her story,
The mission band pledge was re-
peated with Mary and Margaret,
Sanderson, of Auburn, the only,'
twins present, holding the flags.
Mrs. D. J. Lane thanked the guest
speaker and also everyone who had
taken part. The offering was re-
ceived by Ronnie Nicholson and
Reggie Purdoneof Belgrave.
After singing "Jesus Tender
Shepherd .Hear Me" Rev. McDon-
ald of Hensel' spoke briefly and
closed with prayer, Lunch was
served by the Belgrave ladies.
served cookies and birthday cake
to nearly 100 guests.
The Kinsmen Club and the Octo-
genarian Club of Goderich were
represented by D, J. Patterson and
Dr. Such, Who presented a certifi-
cate of greetings from these or-
ganizations. '
Friends were present from Sea-
10th, Walkerton, Goderich, Wing-
ham, and variens other places.
C.G.I.T. Meets .
BELGRAVE—The regular meet
big of the Canadian Girls in Train-
ing was ;held ,on Friday evening,
Oct. 19. Fourteen members 'answer-
ed the roll call. .
The meeting opened with the
worship service with the hymn "The
Lord's My Shepherd". Scripture
was read from Luke 2:40-52. Mrs,
Ted Fear; leader4 read "Touch on
Invitation'? and led in prayer and
'told, the. story about "The Man
with. the Height": The worship
period closed With the hymn "Tell
Me the Stories of Jesus" and the
benediction. .
The business period followed and
the groupedecided to have stuffed
toys to se at the bazaar and to
use the proceeds to bay equipment
to make baskets. It Was also de.;
cided to hold a Hallowe'en' party
on October' 27. for the children of
the community. Reports were giv-
en by the secretary and treasurer.
The meeting closed with Taps.
WRONNTPR,g'At Winghant Gen-
eral Fronnitail, an WednertelaY. 00-.
Ober 17, 'Pail Fredertek Me Lean
•entered into rest in his g5th. year.
The late Mr, IVIPLeari Was born
in Wallace Township, In 1-904
• Was United In marriage With Mins
nie Wilson and they took Op farm-'
lug in Wallace, Startle years later
They ;MVO to? Listowel and there'
to Whitechureh, where tbee" Ware
• in the 'general! stere bueiness, Ow-
ing to ill health M. and Mrs. Mc-
been retired in MI • Wroxeter.
Iri '1954 they celebrated their geld-
en *CildiPg• ,
Besides, his wife, four children
tharviyet Ira of Wroxeter.; Earl Of
ja St, Cathariees; Mrs. Stewart (Jean)
W Crosse Walkerton and Mrs. W. A.
(Pearl) ,Gibsen of PundaS. Four-
teen grandchildren and four greats
, graodchildren ale() survive, A sen,
Jack,'. predeceased 'him in '1.942,
Mr. McLean .was a faithful ,
Member of the Peeebyterian Church
in Whitechurch :and .a member of
the, Canadian Order of foresters
for over 81) years, Although he
had not lived long here, he was
highly esteemed by neighhors and
friends. •
Funeral iteevices Were held from
the Edgar funeral home in Gerrie
on' Friday afternoon
With Rev.
Nornelie • Caiwell of Whitechurch
PresbYtertan Church in charge.
The graveside service Wes conduct-
ed by members of Wallace Town-
ship Canadian Order of Foresters
No. 90, who acted as pallbearers.
Few grandsone carried the floral
tributes; .Beb Cross,, Murray Mc-
Lean, AJanies and Raland Gibson.
Interment was Made in Listowel
cemetery. •
Y.P.U. Accepts
W.I. Holds First
Euchre Party
wRoxETER wroxeter Wo-
men's Institute held its first pro-
gressive euchre in the community
hall on Thursday night with six
tables in play. Mrs. George Day
won first prize for ladies, Mrs. J.
Main second. Bill Brown held
high score for men, J. Main sec-
ond. The special bingo prim was
Won by Mrs, Herb sPatterson and
was a relish. tray, Mrs. Gilbert
Howes and 1Mis. Thomas Burke
arranged the party. Proceeds from
a series of euchres arranged by the
W.I. will go to the community hall
United Church W.A.
Met at Hai tie Home
GORRIE—The United, Church
W.A. met at the home of Mrs, Ken
Hastie on October 18, Mrs. W. 5. V.
Buchanan led in devotions, The
meeting opened with the General
Thanksgiving and Psalm 100. The
hymn. "Come Ye Thankful ,People,
Come" was sung.
Mrs. C. Michel gave a reading
"Thank the People, Too". Mrs. H.
Ferguson led in prayer.. Mrs.
Buchanan gave two dl Edna Jac-
ques' poems, telling of the drought
in Saskatchewan and of the thank-
fulness of folks for the carloads
of food sent from the east. Mrs.
Buchanan told a story concerning
a' family who was very discontent...
ed when the harvest was poor, the
first one in many years. These
people did not appreciate their
blessings until their -father turned
off the hydro and they spent the
evening in tbe light of an old coal
tohilirs P w •e atre Wesahd( have
pr appreciate be the in e
continually grasping for more.
Mrs. T. L. McInnes, vice-presi-
dent had charge of the business in
the absence of the president. A
spice contest was enjoyed. Lunch
was served by hostess and commit-
Shower Held for
Mrs. C, McCutcheon
GORRIE--At a gathering of the
ladies of St, Stephen's Church held
on Thursday evening at the rec-
tory, Mrs. Clarence Harvey Mc-
Cutcheon, of Brussels, the former
Marie Harris, a recent bride, was
presented with lovely miscellaneous
gifts, The parcels were brought to
her in a' decorated clothes basket,
carried lsy Leone Harris and Judy
King. Mrs. F. E. Russell read an
Marie was a: fernier choir mem-
ber. She, expressed her apprecia-
tion to the ladies. During the
evening euchre was played, prize
for high score going to Mrs. Jack ,
Bennett and coneolation to Mile
Bert Harr* "
.A bride's' book was also .mage.
Dainty refreshments were served
including bride's cake.
Invitation Blyth
l3ELGRAVE—The regular meet-
ing ef the Y.P,U. was held on
Sunday evening ,with Eleanor
Walsh presiding. Following the .call
to worship the roll call was ans-
wered by each member naming a
Lillian Smith, missions convener,
was in charge of the worship and
topic. The group accepted an in-
vitation from I3lyth, to attend a
Hallanieen social on October 31;
After a. 'shah' recreation period the
meeting closed with Taps.
Anglican Church-.
A tl 114117-Mr. William 'it
casopholt, one pc 0141P0, OeantY'e
grand old men, celebrated hio 100th
bir(444V on flid&Y, Oereber 10.
Bern at Hrooltlini Ontario, in
1.800, be moved with hlo parents to
Hiallett Township at the age of 1.4
years, Later they moved to ka$t
Wawanosh, four Miles north of
Auburn„ After teaching school for,
Several years he married p'unny
X. Harrison and commenced
milirtt-f y
'to hl son,,
ao ,r.liAlgerthe , x ie Ininihpi
one acre of this farm, on which he
built a litiMe and tiVed there until
17 years ago when gra. Campbell
passed away, Since then he has
Made his home with his son, Albert
and Mrs. Campbell;
He has another son, Cohn. of Ot-
tawa and a daughter, Mrs, W. I",
Crozier of London, also 31 grand-
children and gn great grenci-child-
A man of sterling character he
has always been interested in his
church and the better things of
life. For over 50 years he was Bible
glass teacher at Donnybrook Unit-
ed Church, Mr. Campbell's eye-
sight is failing, but in spite of this,
bgart: wonderfully smart for his
On Friday the family gathered
in the Sunday School room of Knox
United Church: When WA. mem-
bers served a turkey dinner, The
V-shaped tables were attractively
decorated with roses and autumn
flowers and the head table was
centred with a beautifully decorat-
ed birthday cake flanked on either
side' by silver candelabra with
white candles. .
Mr. Campbell was eecorted to
the place of honor by his sons,
Albert and Colin, and a grandson
Arthur Speidelburg. Grace was said
by Rev, R. Hiltz.
After the dinner Mr, Campbell
welcomed his guests and' voiced his
pleasure at having so many present
to celebrate the occasion with him.
He read telegrams of congratula-
tions including messages from Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Prinee
Minister Louis St. Laurent, Prem-
ier Frost, other members of Parlia-
ment and nieces, nephews and a
grandson who were unable to be
Mr. Campbell paid'in his remarks
that he realized not many had been
able to celebrate their 100th birth-
day and that he thanked the Lord
that he had been spared to see this
important day. Rev. Hiltz congratu-
lated the celebrant in a few well-
chosen words and said that rever-
ently and thoughtfully Mr. Camp-
bell was indeed a grand old man
Who was an excellent example of
the Christian faith.
',Menibeis of the family, made
short Speeches and Russel Roger!
son of Jamestown, New York,
showed a movie of the Campbell
family in 1932 when he visited here,
and later presented Mr. Campbell
with the film.
Everyone returned to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell
where four generation pictures
were taken, W. H. Campbell, his
son, Albert, granddaughter Jean
(Mrs. Stanley Abel) of St. Thomas
and great-granddaughter, Penny.
Honored by Province
A beautiful bouqtiet of mums
was presented from the Village of
Auburn and bouquets of roses and
fall flowers from neighbors, as well
as other gifts, Thomas Pryde,
M.L.A. of ,Exeter, presented Mr.
Campbell with a plaque from the
Province ,of Ontario.
Relative were present from
Jamestown, N.Y,, Cleveland, Ohio;
Welland, Ottawa, London, St.
Thomas, Belgrave, Dungannon and
On S'idurday afternoon and even-
ing Mr, and Mrs. Albert Campbell
held open house in honor of their
father, Tea was poured by Mrs.
John Graham and two granddaugh-
ters, Miss Lbrene Crozier of Lon-
don and Mrs. Donald Campbell
BELGRAVE—The ' Autumn
Thankoffering meeting of the Af-
ternoon Auxiliary of the Woman's
Missionary Society of Knox United
Church was held on Tuesday even-
big in the church' with the Evening
Auxiliary and the Auxiliiaries from
Brick and Westfield ehurches as
,.The meeting opened ,,with the
hymn "Come Ye Thankful People,
Come" and Scripture passages
from Psalm 107 were read by Mrs.
,A. Coultes and from Psalm 111 by
Mrs:, W. Scott. Mrs, A, Coultes led
in prayer.
The story of the first thanks-
giving was told by Mrs. K. Wheel-
er and a thanksgiving poem was
read by Mrs, W. Scott.
C.G.I.T. Girls at ,
Clinton Rally
WROXETER—Ten membera of
the Canadian Girls in Training,
with their leaders, Mrs. Glenn Mc-
Michael and. Miss Berva, Gallaher,
attended the World # Friendship
Rally at Clinton on Sunday after-
;neon. The programme included
worship service, sing-song, special
musical riumb,ers and skita,-recrea-
tion .and discussions.greups-sThe
main feature was • pictures shown.
by Miss Elizabeth Patterson of
Fordwieh, who represented Huron
Presbytery C.G.I.T. tit Internation-
al Camp during the summer;
•VVROXETER, Howlett Lions
Meeting, held, on Monday night in
Gorrie Township Hall, took the
form pf a father and son ot daugh-
ter banquet. The chicken dinner
was served by Group e2Northern
Helpers,.. of Gerrie United Church
• All joined in singing "Happy
Birthday" to Iodide Johnston in
honor of her aeveneh•birthday and
she was presented with a gift.
Davy Edgar and Harold Townsend
wen the lucky drew- , •Films •• were show* including
'Chimp the Fireman" and "The
Adventure th - of Willie ,Skunk".
Plans were 'made 'for a variety
• night to be .held • in''Wroxeters on
Friday, November 9th, also farm-
ers' night to be' held in Gorrie on
November 19th. President Harold
Townsend pre'sidect
United .Church News
GORPIE—Nekt Sunday, October
28th will be LsiYinen'e Sunday and
laymen•from the Huron Presbytery
are speaking 'on behalf of the ,
missienary" cause' 'of the,church. Mr.
Sam Scott of Seaforth will be the
speaker at 11.15 a.m.
' 0 - 0 - 0
. GORRIE----On Sunday, .0etober
nth, a gift to St. Stephen's Church
from' the White family in memory
of their Parents the late Mr. and
Mrs Robert White and also gifts
from. the Guild of Sts Martha will
be 'dedicated.
CC- 0 - 0
The Brotherheod of Anglican
Churchmen .held its annual: meeting
-in Trinity Church, Fordwich, on,
Friday evening When the following -
officers " were 'elected: President,
Emerson. 'Ferguson; 1st. vice-presi-
dent, Gordon Underwood; 2nd...
Vice-president, Harry Kings sec.-
tteas., Wm- Austin,
, - 0 - 0
Next Sunday will be Bretherhood
Sunday and a special servite will
be held in Trinity Church, Ford-
evicts at 11 'anis when members of
the Brotherhood. will conduct the ..
At 8.30 p.m., October 28th, in
Wesley-Willis 'United Church, Clin-
ton, there will be 'a sPecial service
for elders. The Huron Men's akin-
cil is aeranging, this service and
has secured. Dr. Laurie- Craig, pro-
fessor at s McMaster ,Pniversity,
author of the booklet "Let's Look
at Elders".
After the address there will be
group disciission.
0 - 0 - 0
I Choir praetice will' be Thursday
,eventng. •
Citizenship Theme
Of W.I. Meeting
BELGRAVE-.A veig interesting
Meeting *of the' Belgrave Women's
Institute was held on Tuesday
evening in the Foresters'. Hall when
there were. over 100"ineittericiance.
Gueets were the Institute, greups
from Whitechurch, Brussels .and ,
Wingham and. the Junior Institute.
The meeting was Opened with
the singihg of ,"0 Canada'. Mrs.
Walter Scott president, expressed
a word of welcome to the visitors.
The Beigrave group received an
invitation from the Wingham Hos-
pital to attend, I tea on .October
Miss Edith Procter and Mrs.
Herb Wheeler expressed their
thanks for cards sent, to them.
There Is to be a shower. of, Clothing
and •Christmas, gifts fair the Child-
ren's Aid Society.
Convener el's the' citizenship pro-
gram was s, -El AnOirson, and
the roll call Wils'anaWerk by "One
Way in which I cnrild .he .a better
citizen." 'Mrs. Santee Michie gave
a reading and Mrs. Clarence Wade
sang a solo aecompanied by Mrs.
J. M. Coultes.
The' address 'Legal Facts that
Every Woman Should Know", wa,s
given by Judge kingland. Com-
munity .singing. was, led by Mrs.
George Michie and Mts. K. Wheel-
er tondncted a contest.
Conveners of the lunch were Mrs.
S. Procter and Mrs... M. Taylor, as-
sisted, by members, served lunch.
Mrs. Edgar Wightman, President,
Welcomed the Visitors and remind-
ed the Members that' the subscrip-
tions to the Missionary Monthly are
due. She also asked that members
collect Warm articles for a bale.
, An invitation was received from
the Blyth Auxiliary to meet with
them on October 17. A card of
thanks was readifrom Mrs. Herb
Wheeler. Mrs. Gordon I3osman told
about Leaderdhip Training Sehool
at Alma College.
Mrs. Carl Procter. and Mrs. Geo.
Johnston sang "Have You Any
Room for Jesus?" The Thanksgiv-
ing address was given by Mrs. M.
Dennie of Brussels. Mrs. Kenneth
Wheeler conducted a social hour
and Mrs. C. Procter and Mrs. S.
Cook„ conveners, assisted by the
members served lunch.. I ,
GORRXE,-eThe Rally
was held cai Sunday at Ontario St.
United Church, Clinton, There Were
235 girl's present besides leaders.
The rally was opened with regise
tration at 1.45 p.m. The worship .
service was led by Winthrop girls,
Four Goderich girls favored with
two numbers "When you Wore a
Tulip" and "Bless This Hotiee". Ex-
eter led hi a sing song,
Elizabeth Patterson of Fordwieh
who attended National Camp this,
year showed elides of the camp.'
Clinton led in recreation. Whigham
girls had a Short skit as a group
of girls discussing what they would
be in later years.
A bus load of girls from rota-
Wich and Carrie -attended,
Sandra Chamney
Is C.G.I.T. President
BELGRAVE—The first meeting
of the fall season of the C.G.I.T.
was held recently in the church
basement. The meeting opened in
the visual mailer and the roll call
was answered ,be,. eleven members.
.The folloWing slate of Offiter§
was elected the 'coming year,
1966-57: President, Sandra Chem-
ney; secretary and press reporter,
Petigelly; treasurer, Mari-
lyn Perigelly; Piliniat, Janet Bee-
During the business, period, the
rally on October 21 was discussed
and it was decided ta Meet again
on October 19, With Dorothy Cook
and Florence Rime in charge of
the Worship service and Ruth Tay-
lor and Janet Beecreft in charge
of recreation.
The devotional Petiole was open-.
ed With the call to Worship fallow-
ed• by a hymn. The Sctiptitte, Luke
1711-19;.was read' by Marlene Our-
don, MO, Ted Fear led in prayer,
after Whielt She read a Story entit-
led' 'Bushel for Bushel". The Wor-
ship service 'Closed With the Iktizpati
.,The group decided On the craft to
be (torte thlit tteasen, and it 'was
eaggeeted that tieW itiernbeeth 4be
Initiated , The Meeting dotted with
Taps.' ,
• Mrs, Itity Cole, of Oshawa, *faked
wow* with 1,iott, and Mfa. 4aMes
Mr, and Mee, Albert I:haste:eV.
Mt. and Mrs. Thos. DoUglaa' visi-
ted with Mr. rind Mrs. ipavid. Thb
ehie, Teeswater oil Sunday.
Mr. Geo, Laekie, Wroketer, spent
Thursday at the twine of Mr. amid,
Mrs. Win, Smith,
Mr. Arthur Spottoii of Toronto
spent a day lost week with Mr.
'and Mrs. "E. H. -Strong and visited
his sister, Mrs. rtandes Strong li
the Witighain General Hospital. Mt.
and Mrs, H. BdWarcia, Misa V. Bann
and Mr. Sruce Mekimity, all of
Port Credit were recent Viattefil
the acilne heitie. Mrs, likiwardS re.
mattied for a longer visit.
Eltriet bowiley o wattio,
Wee a visitor here for a few days
lot week,
Mrs. George .Anger Of Whighant,
spent Wednesday with friends ht
Mn end Mrs. tritest Xing, Mr,
and. Mrs. Harry king and Judy
Spent the weelt.ond With Wends"ili
Mrs. Willard Peel, Mrs:". Andy
Edgar, IVIre, Harold Keil, Mrs. John
Baylor and Mrs. Glad Edgar at-
tended the short course sponsored
by the Molesworth Women's Insti-
tute and held in. Molesveorth Pres-
byterian Church on Tuesday after-
noon. "You and Your Family's
Health" was the subject of the
course given, by a nurse from. the
Mrs. 'Bertha Plant Visited last
week with relatives in ,St. Marys
and is in London this week,
Mr. H. V. Holmes and Miss Irene
Holmes returned on Friday from
an extended visit 'with their nephew
and his family in Moncton, NB.
Their cousins, Dr. and Mrs. Holmes
of .Etson, Sask., visited with them
at the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade were
in Goderich .on Saturday afternoon
and evening attending the Museum
Workshop of the Ontario Historieal
Society and the banquet.
Mr. and Mrs. C4eo, Galbraith were
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wes Strong
on Sunday,
Mr. and Mee. Chas. Black and
Mr. and Mrs. Wee Strong spent
Saturday afternoon in Goderich.
Me. and Mrs. jas. Wylie have
taken up residence in the Robinson
cottage on Highway 87.
Mr. E. H. Strong attended the
conservation tour and banquet held
at Hanover, October 17th.
M. and Mrs. Clifford Pyke and
Miss Jeannette visited from Tues-
day to Saturday with relatives
at Leamington and Wheatley.
Mrs. Chas. Lawrence attended,
the funeral of a friend in Ripley
last week and is ,visiting her
daughter, Mrs, H. Jennings at
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde and fam-
ily and Mr. Newton Schaefer Of
Hensall were Sunday visitor with
Mr. ancP Mrs. Manfred Irwin, Mr.
Schaefer Will reinalit 'ler a_ longer
Mtg. T, Short and Miss Myrtle
Short were guests, at tho Short-
Donald wedding: in Guelph On Sat..
urday .afternoon.
Sunday guests or Mr, and Mrs,
T. L. Mobiles were Ur. and Mts.
Frank Jenkins, Orangeville; Mr.
.and Mrs, Hugh Megillan Guelphi
Iva. and Mrs,. W. G. MeAtieS 'and
Will of Walkerton, 8aturdity visit.
ors at the same home Seete Mr. and
Mrs. Milee,McMillieti of Teeswater,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Sehntirr,
Pornaoeal Were reeent visitors with
GOPRIE—The Ilea. W. D. Mar-
tin of Listowel was guest speaker
for the morning service of the
United Church anniversary and
chose Isaiah 64:2, "Enlarge the
place of thy ,tent and Jet thein
stretch forth.-.lengthen thy cords
and strengthen thy stakes" as his
text, Which was used as an nines
tration of the mission wotk•of the
church. To Make room for a larger
fellowship it must be grounded
deep in knowledge of the Bible. We
cannot enlarge unless we strengh-
en and etistain, tia the cords are
lengthened and the stakes of a
tent enlarged. , -
The anthem's "Peace, Peace" and
"Take Thou My 'Hand" were ren-
dered by the choir with Vet, Harry
Rham,e at organist. Baskets' of
mume and 'glade Made the chttrch
At the evening' service Rev. W. 3,
McClure Of the Presbyterian
Chard' 'was: the guest preacher;
thooming as his theme, "Hope",
speaking Iran Petilin 146:6, "Heppe
le he that bath the God of Jacob
for his help, whose hope is in the
Lord, hie. God." lIestreesed the ins-
Pertance of lute in our lives, hope
iii ourselves, in our feilownlan and
iti '
A male quartette from Uthel,
Quest Dobson, Donald Dunbar, Ted
Bateman. and Goo, Pearson sang
"Tell Someone the Store.' and "I
Want I* Life to Tell for jesus,"
There Were large congregations at
berth SerVieeei
'This IS tine, of magician Ongis Pasha's least gruesome tricks.
ItiStead of pulling rebbite out of a het, he pulls S goldfish howl
out of a let, On ether betaelon 'he Pleees a girl Oh the Shorn Points-
of theee Swords, eing out hypnetiteci tongues, Or puts
a White thickens bead On a bleek obleketes no& Ito 'showed his
tricks to the CollVention of magi-thing in Toronto—hat even to
then', he is S magician. They ca'n't OXPlaili hoW he •deds its clogia is
Sikh kashitilty
Mr. and Mrs. John Andersen,
who had been- visiting with their
daughter, Mrs. Leslie Shaw and
Mr. Shaw, at London, returned
home last. Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Anderson, Nancy and
Richard, Who visited with Mr. and'
Mrs. Shaw on Sunday.
Mr, Martin Grasby, Mrs. Garner
Procter and Miss Annie McNichol
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Armstrong and family
at Thorndale.
Mr. Martin Grasby attended the
opening of the new Co-Operative
buildings at Weston on Monday of
last week.
Mrs, Howard Wilkinson and Miss
Annie Baker attended the trous-
seau tea on Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson, of
Goderich, in honor of her daugh-
ter Joyce, a bride of last Week.
Mr. and Mrs.. Edgar Wightman
and family visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Black and
Charlie 'at Britton.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilkin-
son and Miss Annie Baker were,
gnests at the Potter-Wilkinson
Wedding in North Street United
Church, Goderich On Saturday.
' Donaldi Vitightnien of Listowel
visited On Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs, James Walsh and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone-
house and Mr: arid Mrs; Lewis`
Stonehotiee visited. with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, WhItechurch
on Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Storsehouse will
celebrate her 90th birthday on Sat-
urday, October127. •
Mee, Margaret Field and Miss'
Pearl Penny 4:if Toronto spent the
Week-end' with Mr, and Mrs.
Howard Wilkinson and attended
the Potter-Wilkinson wedding in
Goderich on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehauee,
Mr. and Mee. Arther Edgar and
Mrs, Charles Johnston, iittehded th
convocation at the University Of
Western Ontario in London on
Friday, when Me, Maitland Edgar
received hie B.A. degree,
' Nine Members of the OG11,
and their leader, Mrs. Ted Fear,
attended the rally. in Clinton on
The X3odmin Farm Forum. group
Will hold its first meeting of the
season On Monday evening, Oct°,
ber 29, at the twine' of Mrs. Cola
McGill instead Of at Ted 'ear's
,ria had been arentitMeecl earlier*,
'The C,G.I,T. greup iS SpOnsoeing
Halltieve'en party for the Yining-
liters Of the comitaitittY SAO-,
day evening, October' 27. In the
bititruhunity hill, Anyone Wishing to
donate candles or apples, may leave
the* at Hainrit'e Store, or a
her of ot the C,G.I.T. Will dell far the
• Members of the Woman's Miss'
. sionary Seciety, Wroxeter 'United
Church plan to pack as bale of new
or good used, clothing on November
1st. Donatiens will be gratefully
received, and may be left at the
The'"Woman's 'Misefonary Society
of the United Church, will hold its
autumn Thatikeffering ineetirig on
Sunday, November 4th at 8 p.m.
Speaker will be Mrs. G. W. Tiffin
of Wingharn. Members of the
Canadian Girls in Training will
lead in the singing, with Mrs.
Rhame as organist: .
'Mrs. Raymond Elliott, who has
been in Toronto visiting Rev. and
Mrs. Wm. Blackniote, returned
home, last week, •
Mire. G. A. Wearring, Concord,
spent the week-end sat her home
here. '
Mr, and Mrs. Jimmie Wylie have
returned from their honeymoon
and hive taken up residence in
Gerrie. '
Mr. Arthur Green, Hamilton,
spent the week-end With Mr, and
Mrs. George•Harrie.
Mrs, , Wm. Elliot, who has been
visiting 'friends, in Ailsa Craig, has
returned to her home.
Mrs. F. Taylor, ,Gorrien is Visit-
ing with Mr. Thomas and Miss
Beatrice Shearer,
• Mrs, Alonzo Sperling and Miss
Wecnteter, Mrs. Lou Hutton,
Paid and Linda, Of Winghams spent
sSaterilarwith Miss JOy Kochut of
Sunday Visitors With Mr. and
Mrs. JIM Wright were Mr, and
Mrs. Clarence Henning, Mrs. San-
et Walker and Mr, Arthur Wheel-
er, all of Whightien.
Mr, CloYne Higgins is a pationt
In 'Winginini General Hospital.
many' frieride hope for a return to
good ,health.
Miss Letitia P,obirition 'and Mrs.
Isabella Hawking, both of Wing-
bath, Spent a day laet Week With
Mr, and.Urs.
1Virth Bert Martin, of Handiton,
spent. the Week-encl. tik. her •herrie
here., • Pe. Bill and Mrs. Martin
and family of PerlytOn and, Mr,
tied Mrs. Cairieron Nelson and
ehildeeti:ef hiclgetowit,, spent Sun-
day W
with Mee, Martin,
Mr., and Mks, ken gar Skid,
Sunday with' "l'orotito friends.
bit., and Mrs. 01aretice White
Toronto, spent tho Week-Mid at
their iliethe here.
Mr.' and Mrs. ken. "'Collier and
Mies Wreath all of London,
spetit.the Week-end *ith,.thair 1304
slits, r, and Mrs. /tit McLean.
.Mr.: John Hilpfer, Mrs. AlOtiZe
Spatting and utito itotoi $patiling,
Wtoketer, spent With Mt,
and MA, Walter Eaton, Seaftieth.
Mrs, SPOON; teritaineil for a long,
Vikit with be 'daughter,