HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-24, Page 6'PHONE: 181 :,WHERE YOU NEVER 11P44.01Low YOUR HORN NOUSEHOW FINANCE t. tlotfotd, Monevoi St West Street, iseond 01064 phone 1301 GOR1II1CK# OKI! reer":.•71— wee...7‘77,mtimprEorr• • /.7 •4. Don't dare ill \ laugh at Mrs •MuOgeridgel ; You may not lose money I like this unfortunate lady, I but you probably lose I small sums just as quickly. 1 Why not set aside these small sums—they can so easily grow into a sub- stantial cash reserve for your future. An Investors Syndicate plan will help you. Call, or write: 1 invematctreg sysekaiceite, OF CANADA, LIMITED diiiI16 OFFICE:WINNIPEG. ornc4q IN PRINWAL VTIES Thos. A. Jardin shone 117 WINGHAM, ONT. John W. Waines R.R. 3, LISTOWEL. Phone 1042 ADULT MGM FILM ,..TRIPS_ _SHOWN MN: BE EXTENDED,. H.Y. MRS. fiALLAIIYS3puoR. BELIVIORE--The Thankofferth4 YOUR BEST WINTER TIRE BUY FOR LIGhtT TRUCKS Of the Wenteres. Missionary 'Seee elety of Knox Presbyterian .Ctillreh. was held on Friday evening of last week with the president, Mrs. Ross McgagIle, in charge. The meeting opened by ; singleg "Sing to the Lord of Harvest", Mrs, Nen Dickson read from the fifth eimpter of Matthew, the passage on which. Miss Lillian. Darling based her meditation, "The- Second Miss Jean Inglis reviewed the current Glad Tidings, including. missionary now of local interest, Mrs. It Dickson was appointed as delegate to attend the Children's Work Conference to be held at Langsidc on October 25th. letter from radio station CKNK was read explaining its new policy on re- ligious broadcasts, Mrs, Glen Ap- pleby sang- an- appropriate sole, "Thanksgiving Hymn", Mrs, H. Ballagh *then presented two film -strips, one a graphic ac- count of the life and work of Wm. Carey, pioneer missionary to India and the other, "Not Worth a Chicken", an Interesting story of a little African girl. The meeting coneluclel with the singing of "From Greenland's Icy Mountains" and. prayer by Mrs. E, Jeffray. Mission BandMeets At United Church BELMORE—The Happy 'Helpers' Mission Band held the first meet- mg of the season on Wednesday last in the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. West and Mrs. Doubledee supervised the meeting. Games were enjoyed, followed by an interesting story read by Mrs. Doubledee. Lois May. Fitch offered prayer and the Scripture was read by Merle Fitch. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Janet Hor- ton; vice-presidthet, Dianne Fitch; secretary, Merle Fitch; press re- porter, Jennice Merkley, World Friends secretary, Russell Press. The meeting came to a close with everyone repeating the Mis- sion Band prayer. GOOD, VEAR SUBURBANITE FOR TRUCKS (GRIP TRED) JAM,4KOFM—The -monthly: meek,: ing .of the Pelmore Women's atitlite was held in' the. Qohnminity' hail on Thursday afternoon with. the president,. Mrs. R. T, A.PIdebY in the chair. The meeting opened in the Weal way, A very interesting paper on "growing Old 'Successfully" was given by Mrs. Thomas Abraham, The roll call, "Something I .haVe that my grandmother didn't have" emphasised the conveniences of modern. living, After community singing Mrs, H. West gave the mot- to, "qod gave us memories, that we might have roses in December". -She told many of her experiencept which brought back memories, some of which, like roses, were thorny, but mostly like the beauti- ful moss roses, free from thorns. -Mrs. Lloyd Jasper was the guest *mice; and chose for her subject "Education for Social Living". This talk showed various ways in which. adult education can be extended, by travel, by books and by friendly re- lations with our neighbours both near and far away. Mrs. Jasper was presented with a gift of ap- preciation, • • Gifts for all the grandmothers' present, a' contest 'and lunch ended a very interesting meeting. Au xiliary Holds Thankoffering On Tuesday evening, October 16, the Evening Auxiliary of the Wing- ham United Church met at the home of Mrs. G. W. Tiffin for their Thankoffering Meeting.' Mrs. Alton Adams, who was in charge, conducted the worship ser- vice, the theme of which was Christian Worship. After a call to worship and, an opening hymn the general thanksgiving was read in unison from the hymnary. Mrs. Ad- ams then read an article on "Thoughts on Thanksgiving". After the singing of another Thanksgiving hymn Mrs. J. A. Bur- den gave a very fine paper on "Ser- vice", taking Mark 2:3, whidh reads, "And they came upon Him bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four", as the basis for her subject. In her re- marks Mrs. Burden pointed out that it would have been most fortunate for the man sick of the 'palsy if any one of the four had let his corner doWn, and impressed the importance of everyone keep- ing his particular corner in life up. She concluded hek talk by reciting a beautiful poem bearing out this idea. Mrs. H. Burrell, president, took' charge of the business of the meet- ing, calling on the various officers for their reports. Miss Alice Heard read an article on the drinking of alcoholic beverages, which gave startling statistics on the increas- ing ,number of alcoholics in Can- ada and the United States, The meeting closed by singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpah benediction in unison, 4 A tasty lunch was served and a pleasant social 'time was , spent. Father of Mrs. Kay Dies at Windsor Gordon Harris passed away in Windsor, Ontario, on Thursday, October 11th, folleWing a heart seizure, He had been treated for a heart .condition for a short time and suffered, the attack while in a restaurant. He was dead on arrival at hospital. 4r. Harris was in his 70th year and had been a resident of Wind- sor for the f it 35 yeaFs having gone there from Toronto, He was born in. Gananoque., Until quite re- cently Mr, Harris operated his own butcher shop. He was a member of the Church lcif ° Ascension (Angli- can) Windsor.. He is survived by his second wife, Georgina; one daughter, Mrs, Stan Kay (Marjorie) of Wingham; two brothers, Garnet, of Garianoque and William, of. Kingston; three sisters, Mrs, Maude Andrews, Gananoque; Miss. Laura Harris and Mrs, Gor- don Willis (Helen) both of King- ston; one step-daughter, Mrs. Wil- liam Olson, and four step-sons, Gus, Lucien, Romeo and Ernest La. Pointe, all of Windsor. A son, George Osborne Harris died in 1946. Funeral' services were held from the Jas. H. Sutton funeral home in Windsor, on Monday, October 15th, with the Rev. W, B. Cunningham officiating, Burial was in Victoria Memorial Cemetery, Windsor. 0 MEETING: ..G1INCEUEI Of UNITED '11.P11,.. The regular meeting of the Y„tA, ,of the Wingluun United Oltureli Was held on October 22, o.pening. with the sing-song led by Merle. Gowdy. The worship, ln. charge of Margaret Meehan, opened With the singing of "Unto the fol- lowed by the Scripture, taken from Exodus A read by Marjorie Foxton after which the offering was taken. Francis Walker read a poeM and Margaret lVfechan . led in prayer, 'followed by the singing of "Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah". -The topic, "The Purpose of the YOU110, Peopie, was taken by Margaret Xechati, The worship service was closed with a Bible quiz, Business was .charge of Helen Haines.Ferne Vanstone opened. the business with the reading of the minutes of the -last. meeting. Eyeryone. was asked to take notice that there will be . no -Young. People's meeting at the United Church on Monday evening next on account of the Youth for Christ rally to be held at the Wingham town hall, commencing -at 8 o'clock. Recreation was in charge of Nancy Hutcheson and *the meet- ing 'closed with the singing .of "Taps".. Former Wing4am Resident Dies A 'former reoont. of Whighapl, Mis, Ida Andertrt, widow of Alfred W, Anderton, died; at, the Alexan- dra Marine and .,qerierui Hospital in Ooderich last week. The .foriner Ida Kano, Mrs, Anclerten Wes born lit England. Her husband died two years ago. Mr, .Anderton was . .organist and . choir leader at the 'ingluun Unit-. ed Church for several years. They had .also resided at - Clinton and Exeter prior to -the removal to goclerigh, MT, FOREST INK TAKES 'WESTERN fOUNDIIT TROPR, J. Barnard's' rink from Mount Forest captured top bailors and the Western Foundry trophy when the annual tournament was play- ed off at the bowling club in Wingham last Wednesdqy, The winning rink stacked up 3 wins and a plus of 24. In second place was a Coderich rink skipped by fa, Sperling, with 3 wins plus 22, A Wingham rink, skipped by Ceorge Williams, oc- cupied third position with 3 wins plus 18, followed by.P. /3issit'a rink ofGoderich 'with' 2 wins plus 24; H. H, Hawkins, Clinton, 2 wins plus 18 and W. DowneY, Herristen, 1 win plus 3. Twenty-two rinks 'participated in the event, • Husbands! Wives! Get Pep, Vim; fee! Younger 111101PATtft of vooplos. Are woke, pexteoet.,-.040 lowstod jest because body 401 non.for .eroe. youeox .ioeuee- .after 40,. try owpx .1ronie lablee....Ceetion IMO, lot peps supplooicie doses vieuran1)4. 'Pet-WittrunlerMxe cost., little. Be wise, set pep, aow health, gmteit tjukfty war, W4.04trox today. 41 44110, Here's the one winter lire you can depend on to cut down delays caused by snow-clogged roads. Let us prove it today! BEAT STRONG Now.. New King-Size ... fast right for a -king-size thirst! in joins the world's mos famous bottle ! U. ALAN WILLIAMS* Optometrist Patrick St,' Phone 770. —AMP YOU& SEE SOME the rite NNEsr use') oherig Laves,- powars omai/v04.811" The world's niostfanibid. bottle by far... for the pause that- refreihiS wherever you are. • :Pay old bills today'... sleep better tonight Often a loan from RFC call help preserve your peace of mind, You can borrow from HFC, pay outstanding bills, and repay your loan on a businesslike, budgeted basis. When the need for money arises, more people come to HFC than any other company a its field. Leans are made promptly, in privacy, on terms you approve. You can.,borrow With confidence from HFC-4-Canada's only consumer finance company backed by 78 years experience!. aP,11$1.'S TAMA ,,. . eAtil MONNLY Hilellite eV Yeti imesisit PAYMEN7t NICitriliS $103.74 $1 o.ori 11 • $01,31 24.00 is 110.6i ' 27',o6 24 75644 40.00 24 Coca=Cola Offers King=size Bottles It was announced today that Coca-Cola Ltd. is introducing a mew 'package in the area now served by the contract bottler, Esbeco Ltd., Stratford, Ont. The king-size bottle for Coca-Cola had its first appearance in retail out- lets last week. The new bottle• preserves the familiar lines which have distinguished one of the best knoWn and most readily recogniz- ed commercial packages in the world. The new bottle bears the trade mark "Coca-Cola" in bright white character fot quick and ready recognition. , At the same time, a new six- bottle carton hal been introduced, incorporating attractive features of modern. design. The new carton will enable housewives to keep mere ample supplies of Coca-Cola on hand with greater facility. This is the fitat major change in. Coca-Cola Ltd's package in over 40 years, The new package, Is larger, containing 10 4ounces of , this soft drink. In commenting on the new` bottle size, F, Renter of Esbeco Ltd., local bottler, said that the speedy development of TX, and the very rapid increase in population, have corhbined to ()mate sonic great Changes in liv- ing habita of people, He felt that consistently flue arid unchanging quality has always been'a primary policy of the company, which had proven a Major factor in the public confidence and acceptance. The new bottle will contain the identical fine beverage, the same unchanged quality which has Won acclaim for coca-0)1a: With so muth more time spent at hornet Where beverages are tete, sunned at greater leisure, Coda-bola is „Moving to meet the aver-grow- iris demand for more soft drinks' The new king-size bottle, for Coda-Oola will be Sold In addition to the &Miller regular site,'thus Ce411-0610, now aVailable tWO ObriVeiltent . The same fine Quality . . . with the Mste that makes Coca-Cola outsell all other national brands of soft, drinks . . . combined ! You'll really enjoy this new convenience of Coca-Cola in two sites—the brand new King-Size, and the familiar Standard-Site you've always known. Both with the same fine quality you trust ... the same sparkling taste no ono has eves Matched. Try Coke today in the new Niug-size .. just right for a• king-size thirst or for serving two. toiscover the extra convenience of haVirto Coca-Cola at Bonne in two sizes to fit every occasion. Almost everyone appreciates the best . . get some cartons in both sizes, • today and be well supplied with the real thing. 50 MILLION A. DAY! "There's nothing like. e4TCoke" Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company Now you cab buy cartons of Coke in tzeo convenient sizes for every home Occasion! C • 61:Boilltigi;S:, 4eic tatidarpl-Size 6 Bottles 345v rats N+4Mi • .*:*10M:i:M4,:nfe.1Xnr...VSZIKWN..:•'''':+.V. *:**.f&W,,04110=04•AM.,.4:Ualigi4WegrianWWi•UYAMMO..Ub.MdaYMO.:Zaggang.411***WOMPOOMagadiq00 • Authertzed bettleo of Coed-Cella undei contract Witt, Coca-Cole Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED Stratford, Ontario Phone 78