HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-5-6, Page 3Save Yoar Money Our clubbing rate for The Signal and The Toronto Star $6.75 You save 25 cents and the Dost of sending a money order, A similar saving on other publications. The Signal THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LiMITED, Publlahera GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY' MAY 6, 1926 Collections Abroad owl 800 branchi% in Canada and 120 d abro, we are able to offer direct collection facilities for both domestic and iordgn business. A highly oepnis l Exchange Department and a note= of direct wires between the chid commercial centres in Canada and the United Statin are features which appeal panic:de* to exporters and Mush valuable iaioneetion covering date on markets. tariffs and confidential credit reports is furnished through our special departments creased for this purpose. Our spa:Win d service is at your diapoaaL The of W.Id.8. 07 UNITED CHURCH 1 ORGANIZES AT OLINTON Wessels mid leausurat Presbytery b)1e An intetesting meting an. held in Outarlo 'street United church. Clinton. April '•7tl whets the I Your Office Stationery Now is a good time for you to look through your stook of Office Stationery and plans your order for new supplier(. N'e can meet any competition in quality and price. The Signal Itecordil+g se•n4ury. Mrs. \\'•..I. Greer. WingI ham. 'orrespoudlm& secretary. Miss ('oneitt. Hr11sa/11. '1'r4,,surer.' Mrs. Gardiner, Myth. Secretary of young peoples work. Silks flume. tImt- erl/-It. ae•retary• of ehtldreu's work. M's. Mooney. God.•rieh, Aswr•lal,' h,•Iiw•rK secretary, Mrs. Juhut,, F:Iim- THO),LAS 111/11M-T.AN UPHOLDS THE BUDGET wiser:meet Must ('onidur Interest, el the %Tule People tittawa. April 'Sr.- An auti-pneec- th.0 speech front old Ontario. ttlth ar- I1• stntietles. on Tuesday, pr i. tv to ;•IIIc. Supp4y secretary. Mrs. \'Immo. gement re i union of the women inb.•ilnare work- Clinton. Missionary Monthly 'w•m- 4011011,31 111 language . as vigor.ut* as en of the former Methodist. ('uugre- tary. Mrs. Fowler. Clinton. Wrretar 1•;.'1' was heard from a i(askatehew'au gatlonal and t'resbyteriun churches of ;Christian stewardship. Mrs. .\,:111- • repress lca(I1e. a11w1 with dw•luwatluus was formally tonsumwated and tow bald, y4aforth. Stranger; seeretarF'. against the nututlfs,*urers who ,.ought Huron Presbyterial of the United Mrs. 1 Ree.) 1`. F. 1'Iarke. (:Iwtrrieh. "I.. obit their hands a little further lu- Church of Canada was set up. Mrs. TYe rrpreseutrtives upp.int,•d to at so the peeked:, of the consumer ...- was J. E. Hogg. of Clinton. convener of teed (he ('orlfcn•I1o' bruin•. in Lon. ; pruvkletl in the 'tense of i'muwolls to - the interim iuwmltte•. presided al tyro nn May 13111 are: --Mrs. (:caw.41.17. Thomas, MCMi11au 11.ils•rai. the atasions slid an, amen' sly' ('llntof: Mrs. Smith. 1►ru.s4.l.: Mr..; tlulldi utiote ,. Ibe tl d...she 4.Iii. chosen president of the new organise- Geo. Telford. Illy; h: Mrs. W. s.. clow hu141 that has gar• ed Prow across the tion by t114 400 women present from lo. Exeter: Mrs. will'. 1-1..1. tying. alit." that n.; upfrotun t with u all parte of the county. ram: Mrs. J. F. Irwin. 14,-iforii: es'. . toward &r. M.lIlla benches. The Scripture reading was taken. by Mrs. McKrnate, Eirmouah'i1l.-: Mrs.. gesture it would Col be tltr Conserve. firs. (Itis., e. Calming of :(t. Het- 11t.•r.1 i.Ivingstoll.•. I3lmvill.•. • vas, who read and explainer the first Willi effective ceremony. Mrs. l, lire party If they did Lott indulge 111 chapter crow,. listatt.d the new of&•er.. 11a- i that kind of thing. And • (tee very. lowThis withh Joshua. prayer by Mvs.itis alas tl- Mallard of pressing respective with the Itspworrauw• ll1 ibekwl smeuduseut1 that the). ff'red shoWwlti s ti 'het Exeter, their n•spad t[ce oflfw•.. after whtrh I they un• not slntd rr in whet they are The roil call was rr'sp,1,4,4 to by Mr. Ite.bt. Kydd of Thames tined 4•1 , saying. 1 I1 li.•ve that we t t y 410 re over 70 Auxiliaries, Circles. t'A;.I.T. h1 n ronsrcrnflou prityrr. Thr na•rlhlg .Ine.1 with a vote of I per cent. of the piotde to favor the decided and Mission Rands. '!t was thanks to Mrs. Crowe and the ladles 1 budget proptlslls• decided to hold the annual meeting in of Ontario street cern., followed "LId you crer herr n[ a ma11ufn0- t„.ltarbu, war at,. tai'••," Le ever heaclof out n gel eepted from North street church. Grab wi 11 a prayer 1.•v Mrs. 11..n.hr ..•f t ret • hn. things "r wants 111 t to g l- - - ill;th. 1 a dud 01 thingH$ a slants wIly nd' rricG, to when There nese April. Mrs. Moorehottse of Clinton gave MEETING OF BLUE WATER °r"n 1'he4 weal to get tee hilpetW an addri•ss of welcome our behalf of brit, possible fur what they have to the ladies of Ontario street church. HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION sell. and they want a tariff that will Bei. 1' Telford of Itlyth chairman ✓ -- Rhee them the consumer. of Canasta )angry ty has at least me • SALT TOR FARM A/IDEALS no-leebe wbo can Owe,. get I �r aoAsbody 10 I$U Lir note. (Experimental Farms Note) ' Experience and science alike have - Sales -$1'233 Cost -$27.15 The difference between a successful year and an unsuccessful one is only about 15%. Think how easily you can increase your sales 5%, 10% or 15% this year by plan- ning to go after business systematically, by Long Distance! Every day we receive new evidence from mer- chants in medium-sized towns, who have tried it for the first time arid are surprised at their sue - cess. ' is a recent case: - "Number of sales, 17; number who subsequent- . 'ly bought, 27 ; total amount of sale... $1,283; a- _ total cost of 44 calls $27.1 , percentage of •sellin cost, 2.2. ' - T ' Long Distance ling -y and con- ce yourself. • shown that salt Is essential bo the 1u 4 omen. , sad thrift of farm live stack. 1t is hot a food, nor dors it directly increase the dlgeetibility of food. but it nevertheilt's playa an im- portant tart in the work of nutrition. Very briefly, Its chief functions In rite animal evonome are: As an appetizer and a sulwatance which make the feel more palatable; as a stimulant and tonle, when takers to moan amounts; as a sourer of hydrochloric acid. a normal constituent of the gastric juice• its use therefore !nub. to a ;Geo. of tire Huron Presbytery. which met lioderieh Represented by Reeve Ilan- entirely to themselves: And that is the same day In Wesley church. CI(n• nines at tarn. teal Gathering what we will have if or allow itent11- tonbrought tit. Presbytery's greet. I /6 CP Mnuning•• represent..[ Gal- men opposite to .swmpy the Treasury • hat we are going tugs and a resolution of appreciation of the work done by the Women's MissionarySoelrlly. Mrs. Crowe, 6f Guelph. former president or the W. M. S. of the Con- t March._ dealt with the erk•h at the anunul sleeting. of the gtenehc' s That Is w 1a Blue Rater Highway .o,•tnio tu. to prevent.- .' held Welneoulay. April 14th. at Car- Automobile tariff reductions. Mr. nia. (lf leers for the year wereeleetel -Mi-Mitlalt Waisted. were in the Inter- I as follows: I•restdent. 1'01. C. S. \W,wul- rets of the great muss of the people. t(r(aatioaa -sow. Karate : Ono._ _eleele...kiess ,,:however--_ numb the r*n11utacturl•r suggested' constitution and hytaw•a, ex- aberiff J. S. Wilson. towel, rt, t: might protest -AEU -the interests -of plaintng clearly mast' qucetions asked ...end elle-president George J. (fiver- the great body of the people shuutd M• by the delegates and drawing atten- I and, 4Willa ; secretary. Geo. 1'. Frame. uppermost. Any Government worthy tlou to the strong palliate cath•ll each pglruln : Irdtstirer. .Intik Nentoi. Sar 01 the naive shltullt take the: notional 1 church had brought intotthe DOW ctrl- nia 111141ror. F. F:. Packard. iiartlht. rather Onto the parochial point of stltution. The morning w«soon was The audited n1111001/11 ,ellen of the tic". Ile c,uelutkdt. clotted with prayer by Mrs. Andrew of I Ass.w•Iation for operation, front Jan- 11 was ridieuluus to suggest. he RS MIXEDUrllmlted Quantity of Goderich. nary 1. 10'2.1. to date. showed total said. that the farmers should be given GOOD WOOD FOR BA At the Opening -of the afternoon *es-' rhr'pts -tit tt4?I34..(" 'and disburse- ••4,tu4,d1I1a" (runt ikc I'ult,d} `ttatrs at 1)s per single cord. delivered. m1•ut% of $4.37:,.655, all of which was . for their [cults slid c, getablev. spent dlrw•t13 for the pnrp.se of se -Why.- lie exeluime.I. -car ship now,- ( -tiring tourist trnftie to rhe l'rtivitt .• vegetables to the States Ilion they are of 1bib' rlo via the Rine Water route.' sllippilttt 10 0s.'• who the Cuu',•rv11- The representatives 4.S pr.ssr•d them -,live party w -as lryl11g 10 441 to 1114• fryers as highly pleased ;With for wen - 11111111 -r6 w'as to hire• them into the ar- derful Mork .hens on flet1 li flunky cepteuler of a pals+• protection in order amount uf..muuev and- uniformly ,:x• , glut nwrtber. Ansi. - might.be u,lt1111- 'r.«/40d1 pleasure -at the mltlitter Ill usedto vwt.t. r.al_tar_if (1(11.11 1114 filtame- of the Association fii0,(4 at tin, ..m..11.,..m..11., of (b.• 1.,,,,,,,„ at heel b.em hpndledc- barge. It was n great mistake to at - 111 the roars,• of the tweeting: u nlLItl 1 Iempt- to 111/0341111460.11110131111101131her of the ,llr.retors took oecnsion to "'Min extend very' e:,mldimrntnry .n•tearks. Mr. mrminau cin-t.1*-,tmon. 'nntomo- regarding the work of the seerl•tary. biles would Is• sold :.s n re.nit of tile eulmiuuting in a presentation 3111.1 :I lowva•lu14 \\'n rd.,, '1/. J. 1 y,rs, of Itrue; ,ono- o1 the rest n, tow people than re-e4(1t1a1- 0t_ attpaerlalr n movedd ley_ -erre lrforc, yl"are _Ilya It w ul 1 serene emplenvueut ultimately in. the industry. ty. and wr..11.I..I In' William Patter :\le ihr King t:o.,,•...,., 1,1 - tt„old IR run. or Collhytwood. the resulntionhei obi.• shortly h. 1lo'ott hark nt 110. 1.00 SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 1S A 6001) AD. FOR GODERICH "Pportllfe" is a New fork palblle$t1M1 ctevotvd to uW•nt- itoor sport and adventure. The May number devotee a great deal of space to l'altada. and olio of the articles. "Notaries( 1r1u11 Welcomes Tourists." by William Gilbert. ie d ei,4)lptIve of an automobile tour In 11n - tart.). The run over the Rine Water Highway rwleives due at- tention. and (iudertela is gives a good advertisement in the fol - towing paragraph: We went clown the trail by Port Elgin. a due stretch lit Nark Is.ttom (mud fields of la•r- r1141. ....Ivry. fine orchards.. A hog evergreen arch welcomes motorists to Kincardine. /k•- easionally we followed the in. tiling signn out to the take shore. and by nightfall we had leafed down the eighty milts from Owen Sound to Goderich. when. we eamp.t in the city et* en-ilw--1 4Rli- aliorw la 11@d- to_ see nue of those wonderful sunsets, • a great 1a11 of Qtr hanging over the waters. *eon- !ugly drowned out 14y the end. leas btue water. If there are two model towns duplicated on the continent they are (lode elicit. (Inutile. ttnd Sebring. Fla., both tieing^ of about the �Il ttlr population and area, lath set on the shores of charming waters, both built hubltke from a rleettlar central Orr, -ntreeta. ratdiattng like spokes of a plu- nk whe4. Give a Diamond In all the realm of gifts 1 what can compare with the peerless Diamond THE GIFT OF GIFTS Typifying beauty and endur- ing love, its brilliance never fades, its message never falters, and its beauty endures forever. E. C. Robertson Diamond Stardust sad Jeweller Mune 136 Weida, Oat. I The ArelstrNg Real Estate J and laseraoce Agency cion the inaugural service which was observed in Toronto last June was learned out. With the organ leading larger consumption of fork and. fur- is the hymn "Thr Church's One route titer. by stimulating digestion. parr- dation." the former Presbyterians. mit.. the animal to make a larger sal Odd by ytrs. Jae. Hamilton of Goderich, more emendate return In fl, sit lir milt[ the former C'ongregatlonalists. led by pi..xlvtilon. Mrs. John Wilson of Wingham. and 01 all farm, animals. cows in, milk the former Methodiels. led by Mrs. J. regnire the largest amount of salt. It H. Colborne of (t,wlerl.•h. entered the may he given at regular interval* or church from different sides and mixed with the meal at the rate of mingled together in the auditorium. half -pound 144 100 pounds of cornett- I which was filled to t•also:ity. The 'rates; or the cows may be allowed hymn was followed by the inn...atien tree swings to it ate rw•k or libel wait by Mrs. Willis of \Wiugllant and the in the manger. One ounce per head devotional service- conducted by Mrs. lw•r dry if used as barrel salt. will Hogg. The I1104lgr6 of the 111E44. so - meet the requirements of the 1116111011 eloties were brought by Mrs. Hain- sati.fnrtorII: . 1t Is only when the Ilton. )Ire. Wilson and dors. Colborne, supply is Irregular that any fear need each of whom spoke briefly ..f 111, l Itlg sps,kl•n to by lirete Muuning nsuns kuLl nl pl.sd ih•,1 1 I entertained of the animal taking work in her farmer eharrh. The mise I ing .1t, , X. F. \t'.Itrg of �H.l1mu I. .1„nnl..'Ifol, vete aiou,lry address w'a8 given by Mrs. 11,!1:1.1 t" .ITe1 in. more �se14 litho ueo'sanry- or H fhortnlr% of ('I:11;:-bat•^.311:11,111 awn 1 ru,a-_tele (lir.u,.ihu;t.nal Imlpl,u1!•u1 in. sluttish Uwe mde11, resulting hr srutlr ('row,•. who picture.? won 11dd i11•tilly [ht• work (door by the women in. the vuriaius stir I t(osw•nb4.rry tit e:ruu,�T:.ahL ehlsn'y, whir II. \11 \I \IiC•nl .'.Ifn.rd. 11c. \ 4.omprr•he OAVt. retail Of the pleb-, �h.rp rwpdn• salt and there should sins grids of the 1'nitwl 1'bnrch. She n,•rk ..f tit,• A.m'-18T1'.t for the had gone forward by leaps and bound's. K no neglect in snpplrimg it either by strongly streswdl.U1.• work among the year 1ll'2', to14-'h i 11111 n p:nn of the eomt•'•ti r1at 1 11 1114- untfu'•tll41 11111`14.4- with rrttl[h_.hnrni salt) .,r 1.s ru,k Salt. youtlg 110411610he result Ril/.eel how great 1 .11114. Work for 1t.2.: was _iven h1 the 1 wt I a• ret ry. \i r. Freilw .suiµilem101111-_ 1 1:11 1•/.111,, wlr.it t11. '41'iliau it allont,► Lr available to thorn at all would he the re a lit ,.vert woman In „Ititr, t*.ar •,•b.»t times,_ the chnrell were a missiannry worker thy• with lire rlalw.rate•display ..f the ih0n14ht i 7.1 fin 1 „c.•r tin• ru.Fina with 40 upta•nl for such Ivo -I (141Alit1 on :w illumina1.11 bla,k bF IIt t ol.rtt..111 early' Horses thrive..la•st when regularly mllu 1.. ,4. -her part. saying that (:•'d board,.After ,la;st.!ernl.l,. dtsetisslote -poor farmers. • \Ir. 11..JIi11 ul 11.. supplied- ly. 1% . it l say, _mann • 111dd14 I.nt n-Ti"�.. u 1 s s wd•rm't1IiT x,11 the . i 1 • T of 1114141 hit.. Mil milli- -a41rel t3 11 i1_ 111••• 4.,.11,4'r1 114 r tow.• dryly. 1\'heli .seri at work the,, 1 1 1 I l and i t the sc.•retnrc In could o1 41 tiu:,l tlu'uls Ic4.s on to tl.,' - 1 r r wt• for the redo- I i l rrc walk i ill tl 1.,..„.„„,„ on Iin..l nam Lib (San life). Aetidmit sad *walk_ - msttlb iasw'aass F'sr Sale -Farms and Amuses and IoM in Goderich and vicinity. A large number of properties lister to select from. Many of them very cheep and easy terms for payment. J. W. ARMSTRONG. • Reel Estate and Insurance Agaaey. 1'. O. Be: alk Oederisl4 Oat. J. W. Craigie Real Estate ad laserasce THE GODYRICH MANUFACTURING CO.. L1MITiCD. (root of Anglesea St. Phone 41.1 HOUSES - HOUSES ALL KINDS FOR SALE . Several beautiful red brick houses, tm.tn,ting. twee bungalows._ modern i4 every. r,-Plae'r. -Four nice- -fraise cot- tages. nwdent, priewi at 512410. $1300, $21(sl and $23011. A namis•r of 7 and s room frame houses; from woo np. (44114' real good bargains at the present lime: 1f you Intend buying come In and give me an opportunity of show- ing 1.111 the• peaces 1 .ny0 for salt. r P, J. RYAN - Real Donte and Insurance_ 'Phone 1i0. • work. out u' needs, lulu res $ ere t)' . was 141(111 �elpltlm 211111 • 1 taH 71 , tho,tR:l cal'. 10 .:11 his or loll , 1 t,i- . - . r w 1 le.T . 1't Iso.. les w it11 11:11•.. the door sou that s+11) is excreted in the per- Followingi the whdr.^vl, \Ire. .1. (:.'' Iuvitaitous were eiice.l•-d to War- of this 11.0.4. world 1.1.i.,,Itii. 11 Inky ill { %Oration. • chosen of Clieton rend.•red the very , 114'11 Ityers of \\'i•lrton to ;111 (4nrni a less time than it .takes I.. tell'(.'. 1'iil. and poultry regaire less salt suitable solo "There is a Greell 11111." bit, for the lir-'u trip. it,• .',• Ila; Mr. M, \1iil:111 , n o Ilz,.1 1l•,• effor1- I Ili_. I'••nnuialourr o I Iain wan- S t'om.t :'xt.•nd.»I au iucit .ti m le and for sm.., > , is supplied I Point. U.cte.11nnunt,. than ...her farm animals. hat t tt ton. Th, r, pn t of the 11 m to g cured regtiherl3. Brood .sews litter 14118 beard 411111 tIiT t•hd•tioli of orgauisntioll to vigil' F.ir �! 1,• 1'. i.arki11 in '••: are the rcmoyni of I 6lu,op/p not Iw• without salt. wht''tl °Mases resultwl js fnllntts.-iluunr- and Kett rrho reillr rnllutr14o. h or w•I:- • ry ,rr idruls, Mrs. lin 111111,011 God- T Coderlrh, expressed his ( 111111 he glien h1 15.5. tro11g .1 I f,rd -r. erirh : Mrs. Wilmot'. Wiuglnum; Airs. l 11•.11 of Villi v'sits of I.e bikers to God- erich '111.1 extruded :111 ll(liln(i0l to the nho1.• ortra,iz,ltiotl is t•isil (..'.)-. crick again. either 001 the trip of the Starlhl hiker or the so11theri trip of I k t N•Itl Ally with rbl► un.- 11'‘...11111..1.:114%•‘..1111:1:1110.11:4•11m. l're.nl.•ut. \Its. Al flys. w s renins'. fiddl exhibit n cra;'1ng for linton. Wlw-pr,•side•mts. salt x1111 ,his .(1 ,.111.1 t' n0•t if good Mrs. W. '4lod. Es, -ter: Mrs. 1T. 11. 14.•.Mh n,id IIIrIt1 yr.• to la tnalntalne+L' rx Atulr•w I'. T. Niton. 1lonlulton ('hrinie . erioh : aft. 1f, Ik,u;Ild. Egino1 div tit' . IT'S ALL IN THE BLEND lue Water Highway Cigars High-grade Imported Tobacco 5 and lOc. lines HIS ONE A TRIAL AND oast the Highway" • en.shleni and' to nerill iitallititer 01 the 'Midland Transpertatioa:Comitowy. .5 illip- oyd & Son 1Loy with a Heart stud Two Fists ..linl•over Post 1 What dews n s1111y 10114 amount 1'•. anyway'( 1Y doe. it mat ler U .t. .. to.ipl.•.s animal is ahnse.1 tool 1011111•e11 In u111k,• sport for 11 51111)4 of thoughtless boys '1 Who tares'( 1 m su1:111 1102 eared. :I Ipl. 111.1'1111.1 1,1' elyn.wliwT= Wig: fn. J,11411.1.n ft't,-nit a -fa icint who.1',111'1 (..rl4.1. Some years ng,. s kitullF-1ttau.LKlulri....fncoh Alter on. wytikiug aloe14 the hank of a river and ram.. upongrunt.n grunt. of boys who carr. w 101114161/t 11.1.11111., lir 111 !!//, lug 11 stilly pup Into the ricer lithe after time. 11. spite of the protests of .111e snt111 1.11u1pn1111111. F1111,11.1. the 441111. ,4•1r11dt•r 1.1111:11g/41th •1g..1 e 111:111r11111 11.41. combat to sa0e the wt•e14.tled 11 11 1 11111 1 :11'11111,(row ring. pre blottedso Ir111r- 11141.01114y that 111woe 111.• dot' 1111d i 141,1111the pap: Mr. Slier 1'11111'1111 ,1 ll1,,.11 II thrill ilIZ !AI 011 y -1C;-11-1* trip -tit -rough. the 30.111Ift lt on- felt that ilie the route paw.. slion1.1 beeroue better neetnaltitell with the work of. tourist development and to Gals end ati.invi- 1411101 was arranged for from the .0mities of limey and Iluron to the emoc•illors tainleet. tool the eve- , ohne of the ItIne 1Vat.r flighwny .%4 ,111111411. lit sifor mid left* S7.11111 lir 1111. frietillslilp sprang op. 11(......nitt fill.). Me- Aly 1 1 11r4.11 11 114i 4,01 11:141 le,r114-41 lie- poor 4110t1 Tots' hogs I fertmiate animals do 111.1 11 oh '.412. WM- malarial rewards such Hs came 104 the reward yr( an aptirnying eolaselen 27. whIeli grister P1111. IS ; nage shop and business of the M Hess eslate and is tom lat Otero. rotel gasoline pomp Jo front of then' 1 hantwnre !dere. This milker. silt goaseline plume. new in use In the vil 1 Mrs. J. Horner has 'Tenanted from Ih•troll. alien. *he spent the greater woo the triumphant response. piir 4.r the %Inter. smeeth.. 71 33 Light% and feeders. 411 711 , Tempted "I met oer nett minister on lbs. Wily to 'amain- 'Reboot. feltiskaos,- said WilHo. "awl he asked me if I plsyeil marbles on sumisy.- "What did you answerr salted "1 hsat malt 'Get thee behind me. scan.' and walked off and, left him." INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Fstabiiehad 1869. cleat! office, \1'ater1441, tlnt,ri,1 D. D. MOONEY, Agent. East Street. Phone 250 Goderich, Ontario. w Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada You carry fire insurance on your home but no Insurance on your life. Your home can easily be duplicated but your life cannot be restored to your rattaily. Be consistent and carry adequate Lite Ittaira110e. H. R. LONG, District AtomGoderich Phone 115 0. F. Carey & Son, Insurance and Bond Brokers West Street, Goderich. Ontario. Phone 230. Stock Brokers and Bond Dealers Direct private wire connecting with Toronto, Montreal, New York, Chicago and Winnipeg Stock and Crain Our board room is open to the public frorn 10 a.m. • Huron Investments Limited Royal !lank Buildinig - - Goderich, Ont. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Now is the time to insure your automobile against Legal Liability for Bodily Injuries or Death Legal Liability for Damage to Property of Others Collision Damage to the Automobile Fire and Transportation Theft RATES HAVE BEEN REDUCED - 'That which is not worth iti.uritig is not worth owning - Geo. Williams, Insurance Agent (Automoloile. Fire, Life, Kte.) and Bond ;Maier