HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-17, Page 12regular 'SLOILIRY :Sunday SchOol 1010 1411i PerfleMbering the tiord it 1140 Gospel Meeting at 7,30 p.m, vact, Thnrsiiity evening at ARM. Prayer meeting itrid gible Study FAMILY' ezieellenttz,Ittit7 lisiving fiat afor rure in=ncift3 glartric FRAN 1c C. HOPPER ife I • RNe GPi Cana da 1:1 en :114:ONT W The fall sale Another view of the.rUmMage sale with rack upon rack of clothing in the background, was held ,Saturday afternoon's in the areta,,, 41. "400,1rinics, (10t, 1.11. 1NDAY MORNING BLAZE thosr;.-,this -)4114lne*alt.--ViriOn to b ,ippreoiatod„ • • tits paVilinn. a -00Intert station '19041 limestone and Wan,' ey aidtns w li. ll ,coestruoteti, toilets :will ing the necessity of keeping nil present earth. tollete, Nc(ater sltpply ,coolcing, etcetera, wilt he piped to various 1)0140 In the Park .frern three different wells, An. .extensive , road s y s t ern through the, camping .section pro- Ades easy access to •each of the One bOrldred ,camp sites that are being „prepared. Each cal psite. will be identified by 'a number and Its boaridaries..nlarkeil on aell corner with Pedal' posts, Coeking'grills and refuse containers will be -part ')f each unit. The size Of each unit will be -approSlinately 2,000 square Net, -A comfort - station, •ideriticiil in detail .;to the ope situated in the picnic area will be constructed in she centre of the camping.area. • . The many people' who were ,turn- ed away. last summer because of leek of facilities will be welcome nett year. Neighbors help save furniture from the blazing home of Cordon W. Rogers in. as WaWanosh ToWn- • ship, on Sunday 'morning. ,The two-storey home was completely destroyed by fire in two hours: 'The Wingham Fire Brigade was hampered in its efforts to - put out the fire by a strong wind and lack of a gOod water supply. rij uries Treated (Continued from Page one.) zrionald A. Willis, Brussels, re- ceived a painful injury to his left ankle when he fell over a fire hose while. out on a tire call. After tr,ea'tment at the Wi m ngha .tal ,he was allowed to return to dom e, :tin Friday Harry Gall, of Bid- Here is your opporfunity to buy New Fall and Winter Merchandiie at:Real'Sivingi ! Drastic ReductiOns are offered throughout the store with discounts on all merchandise not sPecifically advertised, Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 FLANNELE'rTE J.)! BLANKETS Seensids, of . a. Regular $5.95 White'!With coloured borders . : $i*e 70i x4'90 L .. . 152 ON grave, was admitted to the Wing- ham General Hospital with a badly injured arm. Mr. Gall caught the sleeve of his coat In a corn- har- vester and although there was no fracture, his arm was burned by friction caused by the twisting ac- tion of the' coat. On Monday of this week Short, an SO-'ea'r-old Carrie man, was admitted to Wingbara Hospi- tal following . a fall in which he received painful injuries to his right hip. There wore no fractures and Mr. Short was detained at the hospital where he is described as being in satisfactory condition. Ruth Michie, 1.1, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. George Miehic, of R.R. 4, Brussels, fell from a horse and. was taken to Wingham •Gerieral Hospital with a fractured shoul- der. The accident happened on. Monday. The girl is. still in hospi- tai but her condition is satisfac- tory. Nylo-Gab zip-in lining topcoats for, year round wear Zip the lining in fur cold Wea- ther protection and remove • it during mild weather. ' we shows each night First at 1.15 Fri., Sat., Oct 18-10-20 Bob •Hope Eva Marie Saint George Sanders "That Certain Feeling" This consistently amusing pic- ture from start "to finish is the • story of a popular comic Strip artist who becomes drunk with .success and causes appealing e.- work to take a nose-dive, OIlt:NEW 0MPLETE .. STOCK MAW"' PALL-Anil WINTER COATS In - Tweeds, Fleeces, Alaaris 'ClOths and Strauss FahrIefi Seetifids'cif a .iegular $6.95 line White with :coloured borders Size; 70 ;x1.00 .: Qn ONLY oct FLANNELETTE . • mew Fall 'stock of . top ity ,Flanneletteslave arrived, . . . see alt.the attractive pew/ floral patterns and stripes< Children's and. Novelty Patterns • Topss Chief Designer says-- "Moie than ever, it's the. • Trim Ltioltr'', PROVINCIAL PARK TO PROVIDE FOR CA PEA PUBLIC "We introduced theTrim Look' into Canada—now it's the most popular style? Men everywhere like its trim, natural lines and fit, It's right for.you, too." TAILORED-TO-MEASURE Club Clothes $49.95 2 "Tip TOp" Clothes $59,95 -2 pc. Fleet Street Clothes $72 .50 z pc. Exclusive with Sfiades Of Grey. Taupe. In 'sizes 34 to 46 HERE IS EXCEPTIONAL . VALUE AT AN AMAZINGLY ' LOW PRICE Reg. — $29,50 , Speciti 1° niversarif -:. O ff or4LY .gOo .ar.kction •of',3mArt' COtton ,Prints. , ' Reg. 49c to 69c' yd. SPECIAL . SALE PRICES Group 1." ;e97.50* for Group.,. $39,50 Croup 3. 'Reg.'tk sl $59.50 , for Vta.otr advertOed Items, Remnant Counter,1 Price Table Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct. 22-23-24 Sane Russell Richard E_gaa lit "REVOLT OF MAMIE STOVER" (Adult) This' has .Miss Russell starred as the hostess in a dance hall • 'Where she becomes the Star attraction. , Situated on the Sauble Myer, a couple of miles north of beautifiii Sauble huaeh, Sauble Falls Provin- cial Park is a hive of activity these- ys. Extensively used by' pictiekers" this summer, the natural beauty of this park. will be enjoyed by - amours as well next summer. Pro- jects designed to ,add to the com- fort and convenience of users of the park are now well under 'way, Id if the weittlicr co-operates, should he completed this fall. The park will be .divided into picnic and camping areas by a buf- fer of beautiful hard maple' trees, providing a measure of privacy for campers. On the picnic side, a rus- tic pavilion is almost complete, This will seat 'approximately one hundred people, and, provides four cooking grills as well. Constructed of local limestone and heavy fir TIP TOP TAILORS UPHOLS'T'ERY Ends A good selection of Tapestry. Enda hi very ATTRACTIVE shades And designs suitable Toe covering chairs, to. SUEDE JACKETS Another very outstanding anniver- sary offer in fine Suede' &diets, Shades - Brown, NikVy e i Q QQ Reg. $200 SPECIAL 0000 MEN'S PANTS Our now Fall 'stock of SMART Slacks Atonsisting •of Gabardinea, '31elbOunie Flannels, de, in plaiii ' shades and smart to Ac vetoes. ONLY tP if*" DON'T MISS THIS SENSATIONAL (MITER - Select your Suit from our stock of Gabardines, and. All Wool Worsteds — a full range• Of sizes from 35 to 46 in EXCELLENT ahades and weaves, s 'Reg. Values $49.50 to $69.50 Anniversary Sale 31/2 Price JAPKETS A 'Rio** Of 'Jackets, 'In'eludfng VveolV,:otti WHEELING YARN emiutANcio of 2 & plY All Wool Wheeling Yarn in Mack and ()trey Only, SPECIAL 39 c skein 3 skeins for $1.00 WORK CLOTHING STOCK lit' NOW en your ',Monti in rail aitcl Wintei Clothing 084110414.S, SWATS, S111:001t$, at Special Reductions A Ierrille selection to (*nese frOin achile—Of the ssirAst.ic!sT shades And styles YOU Regular $4.95 to $5.95 SPEEtIAL-, r "4 r 1. a '•• . 4 4 NYLONS. IleyS' lined •Lealliter 11111 is ettongly. Otadb for tugged weir. A. '0°1'0 otinen'S slightly 4 0( -d g 1 Hats, Minable 68 a Ai 95 h.. scuff ' oie work .....„„„ • Reg, ae Ladies' 51 Gauge, 1st Quklity Nylons to snuttt Nhodea fOr 1('OIL SPECIAL '89 c 0, Buy NOW and SAVE on Eall and Winter Merchandise. Every Item in the Store' at REDUCED Prices During'Sale D WIN&HAM • ry