HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-17, Page 11Bride; When you married me, I
thought you were daring and cour-
Groom; "Name one person who •
Slightly impeifect Sizes 6 mos, to 3 years
Sale Price
WS, Wro, Dawson, Mr —and Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin arid Mr, Tilos, rug.
don, who left four Weeks ago 'for
. 4a West, rettirned home on Wed.
. esday last, They went by the
. Xackintte Straits, and visited with
friends in Millaiteba, and with Mr.
Purdon's relattveS at Mitesinain en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kits-
and other places in Saskatchewan, sell. Gatint. Mr. Alex McKenzie, Of
M. DaWaon Nand Mr,. and Mrs.
Tiffin travelled. from there by bus
, to Utfinenton, Where they visited
with Miss, Kdith peddle and Mr.
• and gra, .Lowls Beeeroft. Cmningi
home they returned by the Soo,
arid visited with Mr. and Mrs,
1.4nwreneo Henderson and f their
'familY .at,North Bay, They report
,SPleridict harvest weather, grand
crops, but little Market or sale for
the grain.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCreight
'and children, of Atwood, visited on
Sunday with his uncles,' Mr. Thos.
Oand Mr, and MO. A. MeCreight.
'Ur. and Mrs, Ben McClenaghan,
Miss Margaret . 'Gallen and Carl
..Meelenaglian 'viSited on, Sunday
I ▪ Once again ladies,
for 10 days Pnly, we
• give you the best bar-
gain in NYLONS
First Quality
. - all the lovely-fall shades
- Ladies, you deserve the Bed.
•- That Is why *0 suggest you ▪ always buy WELDICEST.
l.,angside also visited, there,
Mr, Adam. Mci3urney of Kingia-
ton lids been spending the past two
weeks at Mg home here.
Mr, Bernard Munro of Centralia
air Wiwi Spent'the weelt:ena with
lvfarneeit friends, •
Mr, and Mrs, 'Robert Mason and
Brian, of Wingham, viiiited on Sun-
day 'at, the home of. hi bretber,
Mr, Kenneth Mason,
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cameron and,
children, of Ashfield, visited on
Sunday with Kribi»sen relati'Ves in
Blast Wawanosli.
Mrs, Ilfaagrove and son, Mr,.
Stewart Musgrove, of' Wroxeter,
vt8ited, on Sunday . at the home of
the former's daughter, Mrs, D,
Willis. A
Ur. wid 141,140t-3Ol8tat and
Christ:end 0 Newmarket visited on
'Sunday 'with Mr. aria Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Forster and
family, Of Ripley visited on Sunday
at the home of ,hi Sister, MPS, Aim;
'Robertson, and With his father, M.
*Tames Forster in Wingharn
Rev. 0, Krug, had charge Of the
anniversary services in Prosscls
United Church on Sugclay and
Rev, Lane of Brussels had charge
f the Beigrave-Pric.k services.
The W,U.S. of the, Presbyterian
Churn. .is holding Its Thankoffer-
ing meeting this WednesclaY with
the ladies ,Of the Senior Auxiliary
of the Wingham Presbyterian
Church and the ladies ef the United
Church W.M.S. as ',glIerits. 'Miss
Rothe, Mackay will be the special
Mrs, Dawson Craig, Mra, James
Wilson, Mrs. Earl Casliek, Mrs,
Prank Conker and Mrs, Albert Mc,:
Quillin attended the W.M,S. Aux-
iliary meeting of the Western Piir;
Won of the Maitland Preabyterial,
held at Kincardine on Friday afte'r-
noon laalt*Raf ViaekaY
was the special allealiar, Ko Ad-
dreseed the Eastern Pivisiall at
Cranhroolt on TintrsdaY and was
called ,to a meth)* at Montreal
this week, while Mrs. Maelw ad-
dresses ,naCetings at Sarnia,
The ladles of the virx.S„ of the
United Chtireh, are holding their
Thankoffering meeting en F400
afterriaen, at 3.49. with the ladles of
• 'Binevale and Winghtun Jnited
church and the ladies from the
Presbyterian ,Church here 'invited
to hem, miss Edith clarke, returned
missionary from Africa, who js tho
• Special speaker, Ali the ladies of
the community are cordially in-,
,viteel to be present,
Mr. and Mrs, William 'Pardon and
daughters of St Helena and Mr:
and Mrs. Calvin llob,risori'and'
Sons vNited on Sunday Mr,
and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Bev. Timothy Tam, of }long ,
fcong, who is studying in Toronto,
spent the weele=end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Gillespie.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and
her slater, Mr. Lawry of 'Jurgen;
Mr. WIWI= Vlst
Kitchener, Mr, niber, who 9
been employed in the llault of
CoMPlereei Kitchener, leaves next
week to take a similar position at
Timmins. Mrs, John Carruthers,
tochnow, stayed at the Fisher
home here during the week-ad,
Mr. and Mrs. Thee, IVrorrieon and
Kenneth visited on Sunday with,
Mr, and Mrs, Janes StatileY 4)f Kin-
Mrs. Walter Loft left on Monday
to visit at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Orval Newby, of Pros,
Mr. and Mrs, Gibson Iiareilton
and sons, of' Ienoknow, visiteol on
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. 13uckton,
Mr. Harald Litt, of Formosa, was
busy last Weeic harvesting his grain
on the Garbatt farm,
Fred Colter of Marltdale, has
been hired by Mr. Alex coulter for
fall work. Mr. Coulter haS been
under the, doctor's care,
miss Marilyn Morrison visited on
Sunday with Mr. an.c1 Mrs. John
— The regular
meeting of the Women's Institute
waS held on Tuesday evening last
with the president, Mrs, George
Fisher, presiding. After the op',
ening exercisea Mrs, Gordon Mc.
Burney was appointed to give a
report from the material that
comes to the Institute from the'
Canadian Association of Consum-
ers. •
The ladles of the InStittite were
invited to attend the tea, served,
from 3 to 0 p.m. on Saturday, Oc-
tober 27 by the Ladies' AUxiliary of
the Wingham General Hospital on
their fiftieth anniversary. This In-
stitute has also aceePted an invi-
tation to be present with the Eel-
grave Institute on Tuesday eve*
Ping to hear their special speaker,
Judge Fingland of Coderich. They
also accepted, an invitation to at-
tend the Institute meeting in the
council chambers, Winghazn, this
Thursday afternoon,
The ladies were asked to remain-,
bee the potluck
to be held
at the November meeting, when
Dr, W. A. McKibben of Wingliam
will he the special speaker, Fifty
ladle's were present, including
guests from St. Helens and Eel*
more Institutes.
Mrs. Chester Taylor played ,a
piano solo and all enjoyed com-
munity singing. Mrs, Albert Mc-
Quillin gave a reading, Mrs. Gor-
don McBurney gave an interesting
report of the two days she spent'
at the 0.A.Q., Guelph, last week,
Mrs. Wallace Conn read a paper
on the motto, "A pint of example is
worth a quart of advice". The pa-
per was prepared by Mrs. Evans.'
Mrs. Reuben Appleby was the
guest speaker and spoke from the
book, "13ruce Beckons", telling of
interesting places and the history
surrounding different points in
Bruce County, She was given a vote
of appreciation.
The roll call, *1-Iow to, Keep
Young", was answered hunioronaly,
The committee, Mrs. Gwen King,
Mrs, Russell Ross, Mrs. Frank
Ross • and M.A. Thos. Metcalfe,
were in charge of the penny auc-
tion and the meet ing was closed
with the National Anthem: Mrs.
Robert Ross and Mrs. McInnis
were in charge of the lunch. All
enjoyed the social get-together.
youth rally of the 'iroung Adult
group for this district of the Un-
ked, Church was held here on Sun-
day evening, when a splendid crowd
gathered in the interest of mission-
ary work. The church was decor-
ated with autumn flowers and
loaves for the occasion and the
pastor, Rev. R. A. Brook, con-
ducted the service. Harold Pocock,
Wingham, with his piano accor-
dion, Garnet Farrier, with saxa-
phone, accompanied by Mrs. Far-
rier at the-piano, played musical
numbers and Mrs, Ezra Scholtz,
Mrs:, Dan Tiffin, and Mr. Farrier
sang "I'm a Child of the King".
Mr, Brook introduced the spec-
ial speaker, Rev. Timothy Tam, of
Hong Kong, who is taking a post-
graduate course at Emmanuel Col-
lege, Mr. Tam delighted his aud-
ience with his rendition of musical
numbers on his fife, made from
bamboo and brought from South
China, where he waS preaching,
He played both oriental and our
own Canadian music and 'then told,
of Christianity, as he found it in
Canada, where, to strangers; ft
seems to be a legacy from one gen-
eration to another, a splendid in-
heritance., In contrast; he spoke
of :Christianity in China, where it
cuts one off from family and com-
munity. There each Christian 18 a
worker, and is known to be on
duty 'continuously for his new faith,
throwing out a challenge for Chris-
tian workers to take the responsi-
bility that true Christianity carries,
He told how China, with her 500
million people, has only one mil-
lien Christians,
Rev. Mr. Green of St. Helens
elosed the Meeting with prayer.
vorsatY of the
John Walker of
speeial minister far the occasion,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Russell Pardon and
Srlan, Mr. Min Pardon, Harold
Casemore, Mr. Alex Coulter, lamest
Seecreft, Russell Ross and John!
Gaunt te(* in the International
Pl4wing match at Brooklin one
day last week.
Mr, end Mr, ,Chas. Cengrata of
Lueknow spent the week-end at
tlie home of their daughter, Mrs.
Ci.as, Shia,
Mr. and Mrs, fleiison Falconer
and children, of Sarnia, spent the
week-end hero, and Mrs. Cell Fal-
coner, who WAS in Sarnia last week,
returned home,
Mr; and Mrs. Bert Jackson and
Mr, and Mrs, Archie Montgomery
of 13lyth visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Fal-
Many in this community extend
Sympathy to M. and Mrs, Gordon
Rogers and family "whose house
was burned down on Sunday morn-
Mr. John McGee was among
those Who attended the annual
meeting of the Huron-Bruce Has-
()Pie Lodge in Toronto on wears-
day last,
Mr, and Mrs Harry Snell, Hea
then and Harris, and Mn. Grant
•Snell, of Lonciesboro, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Geo,
Thii ied Church
meeting at
)),;th 71;01:411,
CooPer, with a zo,toito
*inn, followed by . the '
thanksgiving And 110
The roll mil ';141; Us Olharo,
Blessings", Was answered htr ,
members and visitors. no lidn.,;`
Mos, were read by the eaeregeni
Miss Malwan. 'pm+ IOW
study will begin on Nov. let, ytio
shut-inPn; the ,incitith is Miss:
Margaret PrOkvii, Mrs. W. Cooper
an4,iheM Arsu. Dn o,ligmtanroccotrirl,eerivrlir
vice Is to be held November 19
at the morning service with 'Mrs:
B. Palethorpe, nal7790.-
furlough from Korea. It was cie.%
Cified to collect used clothing-for
another Vale, The Christian
4enshiP,, secretary, t Mrs. 'S., Bride
gave a reading on, Racial Brother-
hood. Mrs. /Miner Harding and
Mrs. Worre,, zurbrigg gave their
reports of the sectional meetings
at Brussels. Mrs, Penn johnston
lad in a shed 'worship service
based on FiphosiaM Miss Violet
lesson, Mrs. Scott' Clarkson um-
Lieswitherielt read the 'Scripture
seated 'Um study "Conversations
on South East Asia", with special
emphasis on Korea, Mrs. B.
Harding and Mrs. Wm. MacDon-
ald assisted and 'told We self-help
projects for the Korean widow;
itahle alnxieonnwomf Spec-
was macic of
work of the Christian eheroh
with. Mr., ,A143 Mrs, Haw. 39:e4
210, and MPS; .Ciarenee McClen-.
lAghnn,,and children and his father„,
Mr, Robert McClenaghan of. Roth,-,
say, visited,"Qn" ,S-4.044x with Mr,
and :Mrs. 'Kenneth Dowling. .
Mr, And Mrs Wallace Ribey and
Miss Leis, of Port Elgin, visited
• For warmth foirw'ear, nothing can
, :cikrnpa re with Ibex.
Don't Miss This One!
Y:4404,4144*Y. (4.:' WcIstetn .R. ider , ,
waist 28 - 36
ONLY 44.95 m.
These are the famous Carhart Rhier ,Jeans and
only a Special •linrchase mItde this price possible.
Oat several pairs While we have stock, .
atia A REAL BUY !
In CO gauge 15 denier nylon seconds
1 doz. per package
For 10 days only $9.99
at Carthichael's fai doz.
; 69c 3 ,.. $1.98
The above items are only a fetv of the many
• during our lith Annual Fall Shopping Spree so
• shop at CARMICHAEL'S your /FAMILY
STORE, featuring quality al economy prices.
_A—. 4-
Wool Cardigans
Regular $6.98
SALE ... $5 50
to match above
Regular $4.98 e A
SALE — . tp#J.Ji.1
Buy NOW and SAVE
spent the week-end at the home of Barr of Kinlough.
"The Family Store"
OCTOBER 18th to OCTOBER 27th I.
Flannelette' BLANKETSI
70 x 90
• $4." wt, __He they last pr.
NQ SALE would be complete without
something for the man of the house so
here it is . . PENMAN'S famous 71
combinations $3.98
during, this sale r.
21/,?, lb. wpol and nylon 69c pr,
Ladies, here is your chance to get that EXTRA tddit you are waiting for. it:
One rack of $7.00, $8.00 & $9.95 beautiful
full skirts for ONLY . ; . .... ..... — .$6.00e..
Also skirts as low as $3.00
$795 - in 5, M. it L. for . Beautiful shades in Baby Chenille.
Plain patterns $5.95
Also ,Misses' and Children's •
, V I
Ladies' •
Chenille Housecoats
-M113. ft.APREBY
TELLS OF ,11111J,CE.
AT ti„. MEETINti
Rev, It„ A. Brook will preach at
the anniversary services at Iiippon
United Church next Sunday and
Rev, Norman McLeod of Itippea
will have charge of the service
Mrs, W. R, Farrier and Mr. Gar-
et Farrier, Re,,i/ arid Mrs, W. S.
Watt and Mr. and Mrs. j. I), Bee-
croft attended the special services
in Dungannon United Church Mi.
.8miclay, when the Dungannon
people Were holding the last anni.
are holding a
Pick The,Stars Of Tomorrow Contest
Wednesday, Oat. '31st, in, Lucknow Town Hall
8 to 9.39 p.m.
13 yrs. and under; 12 Yrs. 'to 11) yrs; 29.yrs and ote
Anyone wishing, to enter, please forward writtexi application tel
Secretary, Mrs. Eunice Reid, R.R. 6, Lucknow not later than
October 24th.
M.O. for the evening — Bali Secord. of CICNX Focus
Masquerade Dress will be order of the evening with pekes for
best dress
Come along and have a good time.
ADMISSION'— Children 35e; To Concert aed Dance, Adults 75e
1954 Ford 2-Tone Tudor Coach, extra good
1953 Meteor Black Fordor Sedan, like new, very
low mileage
1951 Consul Sedan — a snap
1952' Meteor Custom Coach, A-I inside and out
1950 Meteor 2-Tone Coach, overdrive and radio
1952 Dodge Panel, newly overhauled and painted
1950 Allis-Chalmers WD Tractor complete with
Hydraulic live power take off, hand
clutch and power wheel
1947 Allis Chalmers WC Tractor, A-1 shape.
All above units guaranteed, thoroughly
overhauled and wiilterized.
Phone 237
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