HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-5-6, Page 2'4.••441%. �:.. 2- -Thursday, May ft, pelf. THE SIGNAL -- GODERICH• ONT. Apt 4 acbraillks•-- tema tls'I'AHLISIIED 1848 GODERII'H . : CANADA Member o1 Canadian Weekly N•wi papers Association Published every Thursday morning. Subscription price $2.00 per year. To pitted :States and Foreign Countries, t1.:O tw•r year. strictly In advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTLNG CO.. LTD. Telephone 35 Goderieh, Ont. W. 11. Robertson, Editor and Manager Thursday, May 4 lieu;, EDITORIAL NOTES • The merry month of May. • • • Will the situation In Britain pro- duce a Muswdtat? • • • I4lst week folks had the weather and the beau hall bylaw to talk about. This week they Have the weather. • • • A Salem (Mos.. 1 paper «totes that more Americans have been killed by automobiles since the Great War than were killed in the war. ▪ • • • With Chicago'. crime record grow- ing worse and worse. bow lung will It be before civility(' pople will he sending missionaries to the Ienighted city? - • • • From The Pet rid is Adverti.,.r-Topto: So lire that you need never come run - ding lido the newspaper °Mee to ask the editor to keep y inr nano- out of the paper. • • • • There will he syttlistthy, wit hoot distinction of tarty politic.. with Mr. .1 W. King M.I'. for North Huron. In the loss of his wife. who di.vl Monday sutnlut after an Illness of several .oaths • • 0. The Honae of ('omtn(ms has before it a proposal to limit she length of speeches to forty minute's. Why nut rank- it a little stronger anti prohibit some of the members from talking a all—Tommy Church. for Insanes?. , • • • Some people are still unaware that the excise stamp on receipts of $10 aml over is now unnecessary, the tax having been abolished In the recent. Ottawa budget. _Stamps are mill re qulred, bowever,_od-ebegPell for over e Fresh Flavor they procrnhwl to tk•ilver their gra, Slows u14wrsoge to him. They were not merely- p oo.lis�f traveller's In nerd of entertainment : they were heavenly Xuest«. Solve eonimeutstors thank' of delicious they were all crated angels. other's. LA�� that one 4ofI tt? out the Son of bOW the Angel ,y� the Iuceuttut. show {hrutaw dl.tluy:ul+h-d 1(410, the real as "lily lord-•' They cease ,.a4 10 , muff rut the. promise preci.psl. made rel°rx to him that be should have a son and should raft bis name Isaac. » Miring dralwtc•b.•d one port of their buaIiva. they unseeeded to Indah their mitriwn. They rose to go and Abra- ham art out to go with thew a part of is preserved in the air -tight SALADA ' the way towards S,dtm- He was utr packet. Finer than any Jap an or L willing'to'sepaeatenrete himself from oh Gunpowder. Insist upon SALADA. honorable guests. \\'e find tett its eIt P P 'honoring Gesl's note.*•ogre's he Llme:rlf was lluuoret. The sins of Sodium GREEN TEA hours its five workshiy, the miners went on strike. In tele they ere b - hug ,II P reed by the transport work- er, and the workers Ip other import- ant trailer. *e than Clic ruuutry's In- dustries are in a mutation approach- ing - aaraiyels. Volunteer worker,. have been <awaited in great numbers to maintalu the vital s twits* of the country, and it Is too earl yet to come tO *Ay tollelUaloa as l• why! 111e end of the iottlfle( will be. Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMILTON, Ooderlch, Ont. Ye servants of the Lord. Eleb In His ot&e wait. Otwervaut of His heavenly word. .dud watchful at Hie &tyle. ACROSS ('ANAD.% AND BACK && happy s-rvut he e In such a posture found' He 'hall his lord with rapture art*. I An41 1e with honor crowned. —Philip 1k4hfidge. Marvellous beyond conception in- aptly describes the gtoriee orf Canada's Rockies. To be fully appreciated they most be son. To wart oub on a trip by one's self Into this unfamiliar but far -fame( paradise -on -earth, to many appears quite a task. Realising 1h1s,'Dean Sinclair Laird, of Macdon- ald College, an experienced Rocky -Mountalml traveller. for the thlrc year in attcr•sslon, has undertaken to conduct a party through title glorious wqnderland. special train of dining. stand. rd elteptng. and observation compart- went cars has been chartered. t0 leave IToronto on July 11th ala the Canadian Pacific Railway. Stops will be made at Port Arthur and Fort William, which together form Canada's greatest grain port: Winnipeg Beach. the popu- ler_ entajn r resort for Winnipegera' Winntp g Ca dale tbfnl -1 clty; Indian Head, the chief tree -dis- tributing centre of the Federal For- estry Branch; Regina, the capital ot, Saskatchewan; Calgary, Allerta's Ilargest city ; Banff. the world-famous mountain resort ; by automobile for 104 miles over' the Hauff-Windermere Highway; the most sos•ta1•ular drive 'In Canad.C; throughKootenayI.ake to \chum, the commercial ...entre of Southern British Columbia ; then through the Doukhobor country to i'entletom; along lovely Okanagan 'Lake, sad to Vancouver, thence by steamer to Victoria. Returning. the trip a ill be by the main -tine of tko Canadian PROM:. through the great canyons of the Fraser and Thompson Rivers. and through the Selkirk.. and Rock -lea. af- fording scenery such es can to found nowhere else on earth: bake Louise. the Peart of the Rockies, the most perfect gem of scenery in the world: another day, at'Banff ; Edmonton, the capital of Alberta; Saskatoon. the city of optimism: Devil's Gap Clamp. on the Lake of the Woods, near Senora, thence to Fort William. where one of the fine Canadian I'aeiflc steamers will to used across Lakes Superior and -Huron to Poet-[o.\kro8, then rail to Toronto, where the trip will ter- minate. Everything la Included in the price of $33u-ttn, from Toronto; tranaporta- thm. sleeping runt. accommodation In hotels and bungalow campus, meals in diners, hotein and on steamers, and sight -weft tours at {aunt's visited. -Thr telp - H appBca•- &lona for aerommodatlon are befog received. Fares from other prints than Tor- onto will be named, and descriptive illustrated booklet meat on applfc'a:ior to Dean Sinclair IaIrd, Macdonald College Poet Office, Que. - 0t MARX were very grievous and (.od bad de- termiued upou its destruction. but he now moulted to confide to Abraham •boa purpose. Paying, "Shall 1 hide, p. from Abraham the thing which I dor - Ile then gives his reasons fur thus 1 placing his t * lidetwe its Abraham. He Is the one mit.. whom he had promised the land of (''soman for a p sa.aslou to • hint and his punter ty and SndOW dieing a city within Its borders Ht. would not destroy without_ giving him an opportunity to inter- cede fur the righteous living there. God knew Abraham's ebarac'ter. He feared and worshipped the one living and true (Nd and taught his house- hold to follow In his footstep. that •'religion might I..urlsh its his family when he was in his grave." tied in resolving to make a confidant of Abra• ham gave proof of what the Psalmist meant when he wrote: •'Tie secret of the Lord Is with them that fear Him" t2( •14l Almighty Got. our ll'eavenly Fatti- er, we how before Thee humbly and reverently, waiting for Thy mnre- eages of 'grace and truth. 1\'e plead the worthiness of HIni who gave Illm• self a ransom for sou. Accept this for Ills sake. .tmi•n. S. K. LESSON FOR M111 16th, 1926 Lesson Title -Abraham and (h•• Strangers, lesson Passage -Genesis 18:1-18. 11-10. itst..6!!1 111-r • 1 • 1 The smuggling inquiry at OHaas's is beginning to have concrete results. Two mashers of the (lell Server ('..Ire ttissiOn Here resigned no the r.» atalt of dlu•;0..urem in evidence before the committees of inquiry that they had n..epted 'gifts of Goverment liquor from a custom's °Metal At Montreal, • • • The ratepayers bare again voted down the tytaw for b new town tall. this time by a decisive majority. The Signal regrets that advantage ice not to 1e taken of Mr. MacKay', tiger of $1 21100 towards providing n munici- pal building suited to the need* of the -Town (Goderich ter mit---in the era cissa as Walkerton. after all►, but the people have 'spoken and the. majority rules. • • • A writer in The ()wen Sound 8taa- Timer .enggesta that the jokesmith$ are too hard npou the fru: a1 Sent. He need not worry; the to rt •doe*n t mind It. For one thing, teras stories of the Scot's regard fox the bawbees have established a tradition which ell - :hies him to nave his none without married Is that they s14 women too lu the .preceding chapter we have the se -count of the Lord appearing to Abram and making a euveuant with him and dre•larha that his nam: would le changed 10 Abraham; "flee. it father elf mans nations have 1 made thee. And I will make thee rxeeed- ing fruitful. and I will give moo thee. and to t6 wird after thee% the aI alwrein thou art a .•Counter. all the Jail of ransom,, for an everlasting possession." In today's Lessor we have an are count of another ittrinirw between (N41 and Abraham, probably taking place own after Ste former, Abraham was r.sting at moo. 111141 as he sat in 11e door of his tent he maw thrust travc•tfera taming toward« ilia geuerou's hospitality Irt sewn 111 the quickness in which h•, a man mentioned ll► the Iasi chapter as Iw•ing ninety alai nine y.•nrs of age. welcomed them n,.l liesonght them 10 he his guests. As 8.0414 am he saw them In the all -lance he rats to meet them and .weld he would regard It as a flavor if they would stay awhile read- ing and refreshing themselves at Lla 4xpettme-Abram. was very rielt in cattle. In sliver and gold." • tele eontmentatof on this passage mays that "Abraham's entertainment.. though It was very free. yet It ware plain and !mutely. ant, there WAS nothing in it of the gaiety and Wee - nes. of thew times. Ills dining nom wean an *else nmMr n tow; no Heh table linen. 10 «ldeloarrl «et with lelate_l_h_la_leasl was a joint or tae ve,tl. *1141 Meme cakes hiked on the hearth. told both hnatily dresser) up; here n -ere un dailitles. no cartetlea.wholesomebut good plain wholesome fiwH. Ileand him etre were InHh'of them very attentive. nod lake, In aerommo- Halting their guests with the best they In the epistle , to. the Hebrew's re- ferener .1s . made ..to this event in the admonition given. to be elven to hospi- tality. "Benot forgenful to .nlertsin strangers; for thereby souse have en- tertained angels tlnowares." (13:21. .t IETTER mom THE LEPERS In a resent letter Mrs. Duncan Main wrote: '•1 eueM.v a letter which w,1.s put into my hand by .ter lepers. Mr.. Tsang. mother of Tsang Ze-en. wrote it at the lepers' dictation. err I have__put It tutu Emellshandyrnd-It-em -t you just as they lucre written 11-" Reverts! Friend,. of The isyers: We. the mot and women lepers. thank you truly for your help. be- cause slues. we became ill with this disease crud ran* to this home It ham •Iwu wtike life from death. NIMe hr. se Main built theLeiter homes the numlwr of -lepers *lin ie rear benefit and help are very many. o We here u w the enlightened me- thal of urs treatment by 'kits -tons of medicine whleh helps our bodiless to get strength ser{ healing. thus en- abling semi- of lam to 110 more work 'in the home. and to help our weaker brethren. We then are allowed to rear pigs, and the wuniei to look after fowls. Every Sunday we hart our Sunday Reboot deem. nod Alin, the afternoon s - air. Every morning and evening we Pro! and worshlp God. 1114.+e• of Cts .who hare been here :natty years are Able to tenet. mer brethren a-lio lay. loitm• later to the home, am' lead them to believe In the pard std to know 111.. doctrine. thus reeiring the happiness Is -stowed by the Holy Spirit its tlw•Ir hearts. toatl- fying to they ('res -nee of the lord to help no poor miserable atnnrre. We hare frothing to give In return for all the favors ref -eked. but can onlypray- to &Nal. for every one. that He. our Heavenly. Fethe•r. luny bestow on you in lady 111141 0(1111 His bl.•snting. and all arra.* and wiw4rm. %V,. ran - not reward you. but pray- that all that of ; Is Ione here may not be without re- f ward from God. ' We thank all our supporters and Dr. I at1e1 Mrs. M'aln, who visit 11. rnlotant- ly. for all their cart of ns. We, tet niers and trnmtn lepers. send greeting to 011. Please. when praying'. remember it and pray for ns. With the humble n-.lsets and grate- ful thinks ..f the men Anil women 'lepers of Hnnttrhow 1(omts. had. Ile waited upon them through- out the meal and then «Len they had Annie people are the salt of the finished partaking of Id. knottiest( earth. P.•oph• Ilk,- %fr. Raney are tic• pepper,-11amilton BetaId.! - The • reason so few milkmen ore -twing regarded as niggardly. and ..r_ when the customary "Scotch joke" is 1111= polled .1 nobody enjoys it more than -- • • • Mr. Hocken. ore of the Toronto members at Ottawa. and. by the .way. the editor of The Orange Sentinel. propose. Gigernment action to cheek the floodlit of Canada with rotted States magazines. He dtrlared that if womethtng were not done to protect Canadian literature thio . country would be denationalised and would' drift into annexation. We do not know that it is ao merlons as this; hot at tiny rate Canada would not loo. much If about three out of every four n� w "�jsrpOTar" mage i.Tn�`it "pnblislost in the United States never crossed the line. • • • Britain's industrial situation no. graiunlly improving from the after war depression when n konerel strike wee declared this week As the Ontcrnm of a dlspite between the mine owners and the mine workers The mine own ero had for some time been In receipt of a Government 4(114•It1y which wn. given as A temporary- expetllent 1e eaIntaln th,• wages of the miners. 1'hls subwidtt- the (;overnm.•nt refuses to enn(Inne, and when the mine own. era nought to reales the rate of pay, with as iseresse prom seven to cleft eery morn ng.— r. The automobile may .Ie putting same railways out of liminess. het not r e r.oiwtng.— tran4nh icon. - - NS ANDl�T�HEI�yR WRRIIT��E�RS •tiettArch T Wallace Another trouble about cranks is that they're invariably self tomer.. 1 —Arkansas Casette. our -Yard -Wide Linoleums Heavy Printed Linoleums 4 yards wide. new designs. I floral and 3 tile patterns. running yard t b..71,tlf OILCLOTHS Stair or hall 1 tileluths, ''2'2 inches wide, per yard 40c Hoard pattern flour Oilcloth for around rooms, in width t yard, 30o, 3/.p yard. 45c, yard 60c i a MATTINGS Cteoa Mattings for steps and verandas; heavy tough quality. yard width 65c; yard width 86c CURTAINS Swiss applique Curtains of heavy Brus- sels net. Yard wide, 21,:2, yards long. Ivory, white or beige. Per pais $3,75 Marquisette Curtains, special- Sul pairs on sale. Four patterns. Plain with sleep insertion, lace and hemstitch. Ivory an,l White. Value $4.50, per pair • 82.95 A good wearingquality. Four to choose from. ood value at per $3.96 1111i' • Good BARRYMORE RUGS All sizes in stock in these famous Wilton guaranteed Kulp. New colorings and de- signs. 1'rices are surprisingly moderate this season.. SILK SPECIAL Yard wide black satin duehesse dress Silk, heavy quality and deepest rich raven black- (luaranteed pure silk. V alt' e *2.25. Per yard 81,45 W.Ac'JiESCN & SON N. Hurry About It One chilly evening In the early part of March. the sheriff entered the county jail, and addressing the eolor- eal person who oecupled the strongest cid. said: "Gabe, you know that under the hew my duty requires me to take you out_of byre tomorrow, and hang you. Ko i ie come to tell you that 1 want to make your final haunt on earth as pleasant as possible. For your last breakfast you can have anything to eat that you want, and as nitwit of it as you want. What do you think you'd like to have7" The condemned Man studied for s nute. "Mr. halm," he said, "1 I'd ink to have a nice wortermewon." "But watermelons won't be ripe for four er five months yet," said the 'sheriff. "Well, suh," wait... Feld Gate. -1 kin 1 •v on ono of the Gat Ships of the CCR U.• makes a pbaseet break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool awaeoee., • long. sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast in the mneme • Ssraws '$QANDBU^-"QTY OF QR" -"Qi? O 1WI/ALO" Dial'({. May Lt t. Nesaslker Lit* A w1'7 P. w aw+d.rd .. f Laos. t.*. 7 oil da A. 14. 14. 'susses " OP BUFFALO" sexiv.. 7,30 A. IL Ogawa',•. to. C.dr Tolat. Pued..B.r. Toledo. Detroit sail oder A.k .•..b tele. seal « swrYt yaaey fat this. vis C t al lea•. Now ?..clef A.rsoba. B.a est -$$77160.. re . OrSeed t �a 111W.ANDBIH�"�sal 7?-ose koeiiL Clave euCo.lsassa. Onetime. Ohio Your Rol This& Goodall wt thm.ea. •' UPERTEST PREFERRED O SHARES ;' An opportunity to partici The investing public has watched with interest the h f Supertest Petroleums Corporation, Limi red. ciao% ie s a prow.- parcels rowparous and remarkably successful entcrprise,rated and controlled from London, Ontario. ,l ate in Pro wth and develo fifit In the past ten yearsthe gasoline requirements of Canadian motorists have increased nearly eight times, and the consumption of gasoline is now close to 300, 000,000 gallons annually. The splendid record of the J Supertest Company to date. is bound to be exce. in the future because of the constant increase in t number of ears in use and steady additions to Super test stations Jl4ch now number 67 "There Is a Green Hill Far Away" Iife was chiefly *pent in doing errant* This hymn was written by MIAs Ce- of charity Lind helpfulnewm. Although ell Fntnces Humphrey.+. who later 1►e- she was a woman of decided opinions she wait singularly tolerant of these ctuue the wife of Rev. William Alex- whose %lawn differed from her own. maker. Miss Ilnmphreys had come And respeetelt and loved earnest under the influence of the (oxford Christians of other denominations as Movement, n *erbium endeavor to mtu•h 4(111 (how• of tier own. bring the Anglican Church into more it It Interesting to notice that, al - intimate relationships with the pain- thought most of Mrs. Alexnnder'a elfdem of Catholicism. MIAs Hum- hymns were written for ehildr'n. phreys felt ttlnt. if the heals of the they have &prints) an abiding place In (oxford Movement were to prevail, the ,the affections of grown-up people. children must ' learn "sound ehnrch This hymn. whleh was intended to principles." And One of the first things impress,' children with the meaning of tobeHone ws« to provide them with the Atonement, has established itw'If suitable hymnsIn 1848 ' Me p1111- as a Manche, hymn for adults. No llshed jolt aneh a collection entitled douht tela la t*eauae—am ono writer "Hyena for !Attie ('hlldr.o.•• There „ham pointed oat—there 10 PO much of were forty hymns. moot of irilich were the child within no all that children's Intended to exploit' the teaching of hymns such a* thin cannot he hldd.'n the Church on such tiisctat an the away In the nursery or In tete Snnday Tile it3, the Apostle*' freed. the flnm-'school. mandments. and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs.' Alexander Peeing to have "There le a Gwen 'Hill P'nr Away" some very near to that most difficult was written to impreOO that 15Atagel of all virtues—wit-effacement. 4404,' the Apostles• Crewel : "Suffered nn- did not enjoy hearing her hymns der Booth* Pilate, was crucified, praised, mod If she could prevent It ,Mad and hnrttt" would not r eelve compliments. itut in 11+.',41 Miss ilumpl,l•e,. wpv mar- One lay her husband read to her A rte.} to Mr Alevateler He wan at tenet written by a non.roformiat thin• that time rector of an obscure country Interwhich told of m great change parish. He WAR a very able elan and which had been brought About In the ren eloquent. prtseher. In 11&07 1e 11fe of a man by his hmvtng heard a ons Appointed Bishop of terry and lady ming. "There is A Gre••n 11111 ''sr some time after his wires death he Away." The *ccnnnt of this incident was made ")Timate of All Ireland." gave her great. pI-Awlre She Mintier Mrm. Alexant-r was intensely inter- "prang from her chair. and maid: rotted in her hnabantte work and her "Thank God! 1 do like to hear that." • ■ An opportunity to participate in the growth god development of this important industry is offered through the 7' Cumulative First Preference Shares, wch be phd e attractive price of par. carrying an SO' �. burconusaseof Common Stock. A 7"6 return on your money is assured through an investment in Chu established business of proven earning power. and the Common Stock bonus affords further probability of Qt.' tractive additional returns - e suras.srmseaa•rssvadLl 'r Sesafi the (weapon for Partirulara MURRAY & COMPANY Metropolitan building Toronto. Ont. and HOUSSER, WOOD & C INN FSTM SNI BANKERS Royal Bank Building - Toronto, Out.