HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-17, Page 5ExecutIve Plans ,County-Rally FORDwIca-A, ,custlat, 0030,1, Live. Meeting of Ec,st Huron. Ti.i men's Institute was held SEttnrdaY' at the home of Mrs Stan Wide, siolpsnn of gniffsworith In- faltute chaired the meeting, which was held to make plans' ,for the Horo*n County Rally in Cran, brook, on 'November but, l'ARST CLASS WATCH REPAIRS AT IlIODunATE 1011044 Owing to lack of space, 5171 compelled to confine my repairs to watches only, Oeorge Williams Lo,,o.too in - MASON'S STORE 41301111111111111111111MENIENIMMILIONSIIIIIIIIIIIk REM BAKED FOR TASTY EATING ,tempossizimmoractaamair 2saiewasortosignssammammaview PROTECT YOUR POULTRY PROFITS with WIENER BUNS REIVIINGTON'S I.G.A. I ub rf 41 io Aceordingito, nurserymeny decid- uous hedges :should be planted. early in .the spring before the leaf buds burst, pr in October after the leaves have' Sixteen ears, or 837 "tons' of sugar beets ..were shipped out" of the coun'ty' between October '0 and 13. Indications are for a good average yield. E TABLETS Safely kill ROUND and CAECAi worms Egg production suffers when round worms rob birds of nourishment, limit growth, irritate mucous linings and lower resistance to disease. Cuecal worms may cause spread of Black- head when resistance is lowered. Pheno-tslic Tablets provide Pheno- thiazine and Nicotine 'iti correct amounts to completely destroy these parasites. • Try •Plieno-Nic Tablets, the positive way to completely rid your flock of worms. Make, sure- of every% worm - treat each hen individually. strohgl, ,Soterl, Extra it's made with tcolldsitaes,, exclusive 3-T Nylon COcle-- the prcicess that makes the most - durable tire fabric ,ever. developed. See it todoy! BERT ARMSTRONG PHONE: 181 WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN -•• t‘f.t16 . ................• • Don't Delay M Act Today NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE THOSE STORM WINDOWS REPAIRED AND THE BEST SERVICE IS GIVEN BY • Alexander's Hardware WHY NOT PHONE 27 NOW etL,r.•„. s.Y!IY 4 1.01.p,PY "N•000P. 4,004,041014, 10 '''' :14:4•%\ QA:' tf ‘' .:":T't: .: * ' • , e • \,:".,," e.,•,.-- i.,7,7 0'...C.C,/. ' 1`4•643...,. qr. *PI" 440.014ter tipleAttitoit tie 0.410.4int .441va • a; WeetniMgt 04. 414 • KiNETTE TEA BAKE. ,,S•ATV,RDAYi : the, • COUNCil# YOUR FAMILY - s..10,E:- isroat: Vkl,NGHA lvi le Osten ''tieing ether Store Wade Maga, PHONE 12 goo 04.44,(4.0, 0 0;40, "Htininty's (1104ssues) lifiriAilre, q chitmear tire El isateep Stories. q UA.,i;tclantera Hagagine 4.00 0 1!4'ifimeill (ironett) 4.70 0 .404isy (Hants Magazine, 4,75 0. Gttifsilan", Herald 4.95 El 0,,lit'ylalr 3.00 q Wherian's Home 0,144tenton , 4.95 1:2 aq-p5w5 itingazine 4.00 Ire:Press Weekly I, Atria Fanner 3.70 , q Piiroints' magazine 4.35 EAI4kican. (fir! 4.40 q Cliffi.0001; (10 issued) 4.06 q JP*Odar Gardening 4.85, 0 Children's Digest (20 !issues) Newspaper and ..Magazines year, unless term shown ielease4igow 4 to w,Weeks for '01,4eattne. to Any Nlagaritie Listed and This Newspaper, both for Price Shown El Eltarday littiv44'14)7. $3.00 0 SEtelettles" Magazine (30.r issues) 4.40 q tiinsitlart 'Home lournal„ a-90 A merican.q ,Magazine" 1.85 Chatelaine ode' 0 1fblmfar Science 4,05 0 Catjiallan Homes • ii.;,Gardens . • . . . . ... , "' 00 1, ile Ii05 IrAtelly Herald and-, 1 star , 3:1($4 ET40,4.6ng 4, Fishing' ') in:ficanadn 4.25, 0 4.85 GJ 11T,4iii;er Grower 4.85 4.00 4.85 4.81i 11.90 4,70 4.25 FILL IN AND MAIL TODAY! NO, Low PRICES! , :*ALL OFFERS, ARS,GUARANTEED, you want! Whateva, you want, saving is the surest.' way to get it. Add iv/3711a* to your savings account and watch your balance grow. Call in today la our nearest branch and Open an account. We'll gladly help yott, for the things 4.85 THE CANADIAN BANK OF 'COMMERCE Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with/order. GROUP B O Redbook Magazine O Cordnet I Yr. I Yr. O Maclean's' Magazine I Yr. O McCall's Magazine 1 Yr. I O Trle Story 1,Yr. O Canedian Homes & Gardens '' 1 Yr. O Sports Afield ' 1 Yr. . Ea Photoplay 1 Yr. .1 Yr. 1 Ir. '1 Yr., , 1 Yr.' O Christian Life (For Conservathie Christian Leaders) ... 1 Yr. O Hunting & Fishing in Canada 1 Yr. O -Outdoor Life ' I Yr.. Marlean "X" before rhagazine desired arid enclose list .with ,order. GROUP A .111115 .PIEWSPAPER FOR ONE FULL' 'TEAR CHECK MAGAZINES DESIRED AND ENCLOSE WITH 'COUPON I Gentlemen: I enclose $ ' Please send me the offer I checked, With a year's subscription to yo'ur newspaper. 1 Name . • , 1 Street or R.R. Post Office O Parents' Magazine q American", Home O The Ensign O American Girl 0•Maclean'S Magazine (13 issues) q Canadian Home Journal O Liberty Marg;gine O Family Herald .& Weekly 5tar O Free. Press Weekly Prairie Farmer. O Saturday Night (bi.weekly) q Counfry Guide • O Chatelaine' O Farmers' Magazine O Canadian Poultry Review O La Revue Populaire O Rod & Gun in. Canada O Modern Screen OFFER No. 3 2 MAGAZINES 'FROM GROUP A 1 MAGAZINE FROM`GROUP B Mmr.1 Moan_. mon ••=1 OF ER No. 1 MAGAZINES FROM GRoup A' •• $5.50 $4.45 :OFFER 'No, 2 . 3 MAGAZINES FROM • - GROUP A . $4:9S • OFFER No. 4 4 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A $530 '6 Mos. ,I Yr. 2 Yrs. 1 Yr. IYr. I .Yr. 2 Yrs. I Yir 2 'Yrs. 2 Yrs. I Yr. „• I Yr. '41/ I Yr. I -Central. Press Canadian The little red schoolhouse. hasn't earned the approbation of modern psyehblogists, but, here is one that they might say' is an exception. its 'in Esquesing township near Milton, Ont., and it cost $1,419 to build in '1l91, It has nne teacher and „2(i piipils, and these will find it hard to jive up, to the record of their prede- cessers.- Scores of professional men and Women obtained their first lessons in, the school where one classroom holds students'• of several. grades. Costs little mare than, a'" standard -tire bY'GOOD;#,IYEAR • NYLON TUBELESS Super-Ctishion ti• SWAY .SCH001.; ELECTS OFFICERS FORDWICH----The following ricers have been elected iby, Ford- with United Mira ..S.-S4 Super-' intendent., ,Glenn P. Johnston; • As- sistant Superintendent, Harold lock, Wm, Campbell, Warm .Zu- :brigg and Austin .Stinson; 4ec-, Treas.., R, Connei; assistants, Stan- ley Zubrigg and Laverne Stinson; M M Treas., Mrs. = C. Wilson;' Pianist, 1Virs,K. Graham in, charge; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. G. (Rich- ards; Missionary Supt„ Ivirs, Hi rd; TeMperance- Supt., Mrs. W. •C001)- er; Teachers: Beginners, Mrs. IL Deig and Miss VanVelsor; Jr. Primaryo Mrs. K, Graham. and Miss Ruth Hibberd; Primary, Mrs.. W, Zubrigg, Mrs. Wm, Edgar; Jollier Girls, Mrs, S. Bride and Mrs, A, .Ruttan; Junior Boys, Mrs., Wm. Wilson and. Harold Pollock; Intermediate Girls, Mrs. .117. •Camp-. bell; Interniediate Boy's; Anson.' Ruttari, Laverne Stinson; Senior Class, Mrs, Pollock, Austin Stinson; Junior Bible Class, Mrs,' C. Wilson. and Harold Pollock; • Senior Bible .Class; Robt. Hibberd; Reserve Teachers;' Miss Elizabeth Patterson and Miss Marilyn .Coop- er. Anglican Ladies Cancel Supper FORDWICH-The W.A, of. Trin- ity Anglican Church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Crosby Sothern. The president, Mrs. Stan Forester, pre- sided and opened with the hymn "The Son of God Goes Forth to War", followed by prayers and Scripture reading. Mrs. Frank Russel was in charge of the study book, speaking on the Province of , Newfoundland' and 'bringing forth many interesting facts about Canada's newest provinea• Mrs. Nellie Gamble an IVIrh. Lloyd Jacques gave readings from the Living Message. The- ladies decided to cancel the chicken pie supper that was to have'been held November 12. The next meeting will be held in the Sunday School rooms when. the bales will be pack- ed. Members are reminded to have their, names. in by November for the Living Message, The roll call was answered by 13 members with a verse on "Thanksgiving". The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Nellie Gamble, FORDWICH Misses Annie and Violet Cun- ningham of Harriston visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Matthews. The ladies of L.O.B.A. Fordwieh held a very successful tea and baiting sale in Devitea store Satur- day afternoon. Mr. Tom, Moore , of Thessalon, Ont., visited one day last week with his brother, Mr. Earl MOore. They also visited -with their sister, Mrs. Gordon Saunders in Arthur, who had just recently returned home from the Mount Forest hos- pital. , Miss Ruth Gernhalder of Kitch- ener Visited over the week-end at her home here. Mr. anti Mrs. Stan. Bride and Bobby visited Sunday with Mr. R. H. in Preston, Miss Nellie Hutchison of Teron- to visited a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. , Alex Keith, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bride Visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bride at Elora, 'Mr, John Tudan and little daugh- ter visited Saturday with relatives in Port Colborne. Mr. and Mrs, Doug Wildfang of Toronto visited 'over the Week-end With Mr. and Nita. Roy SiMinons. . Mr. and Mrs. George Holland and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mm. Jack 1-1oltcrin in Hespler. MrS, ROY ParegiCr of 'Toronto Spent the weekend at her hOlne here. Mr, rind Mrs, Anson Ruttan, lvfr. and Mrs. Scott Clarkson and •fam- fly visited Stinday with Mr. arid Mrs. William, lVtarwood at Maple With' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clark. eon el Auroras Rtes417115.on .laws. Heard at .Hamilton • FORDWICH-In At double ring ceremony performed by. the Rev. Pollex • in Redeemer Lutheran Church, .Hamilton, on SaturdaY,. September at .3.30 queline Ethel Wilson, datighter of Mr; and Mrs. Howard Wilson of 3,R. 1, Viaemount, was united in marriage with Willard Henry Ries of Hamilton, only son of Mr. and• Mrs. Noah Ries of Fordwich, George Taylor of Hamilton pre- sided at 'the organ, The altar and front of the 'church were decor- ated witli The bride; given, in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a white gown of net over taffeta. with lace inserts. in the' ballerina. length Skirt and a long-slee\ced lace bolero. She carried p.whiteBibledecorated with an orchid and streamers, Her finger-tip- . veil was - held by a tier's trimmed with beads and rhinestones. Mr. and Mrs..Gerald Marshall of Hamilton were the attendants. Mrs. Marshall' was :attired in a mauve gown similar to that. of the bride's, She carried A cascade of pompom • mums, At the home 'of the- bride's par- ents, a buffet supper was' served to 'about fifty' guests including mr, and Mrs. Donald Tanner of Walk- erton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Gress of Kitchener, hr.. wid 'Mrs. R. C. Leach of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs, H. M. • Harms,, John and Dianne of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mullens and family of • Desehenes, Que., Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gale and family of Toronto, Mr. Ronald McMichael, Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs, Noah Ries and Ethel, Fordwich, The 'bride's mother received in a. blue lace dress with matching accessories and wore a corsage of red roses. , She was Assisted by the groom's mother, who wore a turquoise dress with beige acces- sories and corsage of red roses, 1-0a their Wedding trip 'the bride wore a gold dress with a Match- ing duster coat and black acces- sories: Home Economics Teachers 'Meet On Saturday the semi-annual Meeting of the Home Econonties Section Of the O.E.A. tor this dis- trict met in the Wingham _District High School. They came from both elementary and secondary ,schools in Ditch-ener„ Waterloo,. Owen 'Sound, Kincardine, Hanover, Walkerton, etap and from the Stratford. Teachers' College. In addition to the regular meeting they enjoyed a visit to CKNX-TV. W. S. Hall, principal of the lo- cal high school, -welcomed the 'vis- iting. teachers and made available the school equipment for film strips and sound filmS. A beauti- fully-appointed luncheon was serv- ed at the Hotel 13tunswick, NCE'S L.D.A. DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST PHONE 18 WINOTIAlit quismousommornaanommessimer COUNTRY SCHOOL SETS FINE RECC,RD , -efo ugh ay on no 0, Eit001;, tai Wing. Ogle I 701. 1cl on g 0 MORE THAN 725 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA TO SERVE YOU • WINCHAM . BRANCH W. 0, STRUTHERS MANAGER