HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-17, Page 4Firm Receives'. •AdvertiSing Award ponninion ,toros Litalte4 keen awarded Socrates hen sward cortifieate "for ,consistent enelionPe in nowspaPer advertising . during tlfe past 12 months, in .celn- potition. with aeveral htindred other pempanies in the Chain IOW store bhainese, The awards.. are ninde annUally..by Food Ad-VloWS Maga.,• pVIALtd mitEronne cow strayed. from the Whiteehtireh area. Missing allied October 9. Any,. ,011.b. knowing the whereabouts fifeaSe Aerie .eolleet 20i13 Wing- ;lain. •17 • •Et BOi-Holders'•Names .. Not Given Out • : Strte,it" agisinSt• Mir rtlines ld ditudge the. Milne on addreilsi, of any 101VertiSer Using dna'. AilVitherisTirries Hex Nnother.A. 1Pleatie Ae not ittik 'Mb' - • IllifOrtriatiotr,mg 000lowooessionoaerotoaeemortinee.w000l L. TENDERS FOR SNOW PLOUGHING Tenders Plainly marked 'as to contents Will be received by the clerk till 12 n'eloek neon On Fri- day, October 19th, 1056, for •snow' ploughing In the Township of Hewlett , for the year of 1906 and 1957, lTenclerS to state price pet hair and kind of equipment, standing tittle to be given oath- Mending neeenibdr 1st to Mardi 31st, Per further particulars eons taet the road enperinterlderit, Arr- sen Galbraith, Gorriek,\Ontarlo, The lowest Or any tender not neeessars lIss accepted, 1, Harold Pollock Clerk, TOWtialtip of Ito ek, ClOrki4 OntarlO, 101117 DR. W. A. SOENCE DENTISi OFFICE HOURS: 10 a.m. to PHONE MN Brussels, Ont. JELLO • 3'i packets for 27c Habitant PEA SOUP 28 nz. ting 2 tor 35c , Velveeta CHEESE 1/2 lb. pkg. 29c 1,EL, rAcK BLEACHED RAISINS FANCY QuAtrev oz, package 24c wooDntinvs TOILET SOAP 4 cakes 3ip , NEW Olitli* fRIP ' Australian Seeded ,and Seedless Rstabies417 now in 'Not .too Plentifill ;Ids Year) A. II. McTAViSH BARRISTER„ SOLICITOR and NOTARY I'UBLIC TEESWATER = ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswator Wroxeter—Every Wednesday , afternobni 2,-4 p.m., 'or by appointment. ...Frederick F. Homuth Carol E.' Homuth, R.O. Mrs? Viola H.Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston,, Ontario :110NAID, McCANN. Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank KIdg, ttesidence: Rattenintry Phones 561 4,6 465 CLINTON oNtAnto CRAWFORD & HETHERINfiTON Barristers, Solicitors,. Etc, Winghain, ' Phone 41 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., R. HETITERINGTON, J. IV. BUSIIHELD Q.c.„ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Money to Offiee—illeYer Bieck, .WIngham WELLINOTON FIRE Ifitrairttnee Comptiny Est. 1.849 An an Canadian CoMpitity *MA MSS sell'Ved: Its 10 1 hoidera foe over ' eenttitrYi Head (Wee Toronto it II lititeLeati Insurance Altenet WhtghaM 4 • ^ seess1ass, aseS . OUST OM MADE slip covers made to order. Apply , to MM. Harold • Elliott, phone 709.w4, 26,3,10,17'1' r FARM EQUIPMIENT SUGAR, BEET Harvesters for me- dium and light land, 'Can be converted to turnips, Only $600. BUDGIES FOR SALE, 8 weeks old, just right for training, $5'.05 each. Alexander's Hard- wares Wingham. 10b BABY'S YELLOW NYLON pram snit for sale, girl's 3-piece blue coat set, white fur trim, size 3-4, Good condition. Apply to Mrs. Wilfred Warwick, phone 31r15 Brussels. 17* DON'T BUY A HEATER by guesswork! Oct our FREE HEATING CLINIC SERVICE. Fits the heater to the space— assures comfortable heat in cold- est weather, Oil Duo-Therm models for every need, Pattison's Radio and Electric, Wingham, phone 171-j. 17b HEALTHY CANARIES for sale. Guaranteed to be ,in full song. Yellow, splaSh, green. "Phone 351. 17b TRACTOR MUFFLERS for most • tractors carried in stock. Can- adian Tire Corporation. 17,24b TS-ittEE-PIECE winter set, fits 1 to 2. years, two sport jackets, size 38, in good condition, for Sale. Phone 603w. 17'1' DARK GREY winter coat with ,,fur collar' for sale, size 14-16. • .Good condition. Phone 663w, 17b SMALL WHITE enamel cook stove for sale, burns coal or wood. In A-1 condition. Apply to Earl Heywood, phone 4971, Wing-ham. 17b FUMED OAK buffet for sale, in good condition. Phone 47. 17b PRINCESS ROSE Cook Stove for sale, new grates, excellent con- dition. Apply to Wroxeter But- elier Shop, phone 85r3 or 43. 17* SHERLOCK-MANNING PIANO fOr sale in good condition, com- plete with bench. Reasonable. Phone 800 Belmore, 17b GARS FOR SALE 50 VANGUARD.'. SEDAN for safe, in excellent condition, good tires, 'actual mileage 31,000. Apply to Bert Harris, phone 30r9 Wrox- eter. 17* 1948 MONARCH SEDAN for sale, Maroon color, In good condition both inside and out. Four new tires, Priced reasonable, Apply Win. Kelly, BelgraVe, phone 634W21, Wingham. 17s LOST A TEN MONTH old C011ie, black With brown and white ring part- •ly around -neck Finder please phone Tom Inglis, phone 43r22. 17* PIG around 140 lbs about a Week ago, Anyone knowing where- abouts phone Norman Ross, Wroxeter 18r5. 17* WANTED TO BUY USED OIL SPACE-HEATER. Ap- ply to J. l r DeVitt, Wordwich, phone 21r4. 17* STRAYED 25 TEAR-OLD HENS for sale, Apply to aim Sanderson, phone 6r2,„ Wroxeter, 17* FEMALE HELP MALE HELP WANTED PART TIME LOCAL, MATURE person to make .credit investigations, and serve as local correspondent in Wingham area for a national credit agency,. Work is part time on a fee basis. Write to T. D. Alderson c/o Wingham Advance-Times, 10,10b A GOOD RELIABLE single, man for year round dairy farm. Good home and good wages. Four miles east of Brampton on No, 7 highway. Apply William McKen- na, R.R. 1, Nfalton, 1713 SALESMAN WANTED IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS you can make good with a Rawleigh business in Huron County. We help you get started. No experi- ence needed to start, Write Raw- . leigh's Dept. J-453-2, Montreal, P.Q. 17b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE MONEY easily 'selling fin- est line of household necessities, full or part time. Wherever you may live write in for free cata- logue and details. FAMILEX, Dept. E, Station C, Montreal. 17b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone collect: Pal- merston 123W; Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. rrb MISCELLANEOUS. FOR REPAIRS to all makes of TV and radio call Dunkin Television and Radio; Teeswater phone 27 or Wingham 703J1. lerrb IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingbarn, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are .available. Special rates for farmers. For further information phone 203, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic, tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc,, pumped and cleaned, quick service, ail work guaranteed Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels, 15rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding AssdciatiOn "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in. semination -Information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 or Mildmay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. • We have all breeds available — top quality at low cost." 25rtb NOT/CE TO HOKE BUILDERS IF YOU ARE planning a building project this summer, we are in a position to give you first class service for your cement work. House basements and floors, barn walls and flocks (completed in one pour. Contact Mads Christensen, phone 11.r7, Blyth, rrb FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service. with complete Insurance Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT phone 293 Wingham 251'6 8 ROOM FRAME house on Mill street, in Wroxeter for sale. Also one lot for sale op Anne Street, Phone 98 Wroxeter or the WrOKs eter Post Office. 26,3,3„047* DWELLING Corner Leopold and Patrick Streets, 114 storey ,stucco, Living room, dining room and Kitchen. Oil heeting, fgrnace. Cook stove with oil burner. 4 bedrooms and bath, On this property is one of the most de- sirable building lots in Own.. For immediate possession apply to H, G, Ma'c'Lean Realtor, Wing- ham:, Ontario, phone 115, 10,17b INCOME PROPERTY for sale, choice residential location, all newly decorated, priced right, For information write to Box 82 The Advance-Times, 17b WHITE BRICK House for sale. Apply to Bradley Galbraith, phone Wroxeter 31r10. 17* WHITE BRICK house on Victoria Street for sale, two apartments, good location, possession Novem- ber 1st, Phone 341W, 17* 2 STOREY building containing apartment and work shop in Bluevale for sale. Newly wired, Possession immediately. 1/1, acre of land. Cheap. Apply at Super- test Service Station, Bluevale, - 17,24 6 ROOM HOUSE in Lucknow for sale, 3 piece bath, good location. Apply to Box 81 The Advance- Times. 17,24* FOR RENT RED BRICK house for rent, mod- ern conveniences, possession im- mediately. Apply to Bradley Galbraith, phone Wroxeter 31r10. 17* SMALL DWELLING on Josephine Street for rent, running water, heavy stove wiring, single gar- age. Available November 1st. Lovell McGuire, phone 593. 17b HOUSE for rent in Lucknow, oil heat, hardn nod floors through- out, modern I kitehest, laundry, garage. Reasonable rent to tenant who will keep home in good condition. Apply to K. Cameron, postmaster, L10717%. now. FURNISHED or unfurnished home for rent, with bathroom, lights, 4 bedrooms upstairs, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, coal and oil heated, price $25.00 per month. Possession immed- iately. Mrs. Charles '.Elliott, Lucknow, Ont. 17b , NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll, will be held in i3luevale Community Hall, at 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 3rd. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk 17:24b APPLICATIONS Applications will be received until October 25 by the undersign- _ psi for the position of caretaker- manager for the Wingham Arena; also for the booth privileges. Com- bined for separate applications will be considered. ' Applicant must supply references as to experience and ,.ability. Some knowledge of refrigeration preferred. Duties to commence on or about November 1, 1956 to April 1, 1957, Wingham Arena Commissiork, Jack Gorbutt Jr., Sec. 17,24b 100 ROCK x Hampshire pullets for sale, 5 months old. Apply to Gordon Hall, Bluevale, phone 610112. 12b NOTICE COURT OF REVISION A meeting of the Court of Re- vision to consider complaints against the AsseSsrnent Roll of the Town of Winghern for the year 1957 will be held at'°;the Town Hall, Wingham on Monday evening, October 29th, 1956 at, 8 'o'clock. W\ A. Galbraith, Clerk 17,24b PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical chimney cleaners TO ELIMINATE SOOT AND SCALP, FROM 'YOUR STOVES AND PIPES. For Use In oil,• coal and wood fired , units FOR SALE AT Macho) Hardware WINGIIIAM McDottgall's Grocery It WIMIIIAM 06 i6:i.Orrb THE REGULAR Saturday evening Bingo under the •stilapreeli of the Canadian Legion will be held at the Legion Home on Saturday at 9 • e'cl pelt, Good prizes, . CE1.2r.rb CARD 3,14ANics I wish to, exprpss my sincere thanks and appreciation for cards, gifts and visits while I Was a, patient in WI-110am General Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. -W, A, McHilsbOri, Mi'a. Morro) and her staff.—Jayne English. , 17b IN MEMORIAM 'IVIOFIPAT—In loving memory of a - dear lusaband and father, John J, Moffat, who passed away five years ago October 13th. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife and family. 17* IN MEMORIAM ROBERTS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Charles Anthony Roberts, who passed away October 18th, 1951. —Remembered by wife, Lloy and ,aons, Jack and Richard. 17b IN MEMORIAM .„ TEMPLEMAN—In loving Memory of a dear husband and 'father, Frederick A. Templeman, who passed away . October 16, 1952, They say time heals all sorrow, ' And helpS us to forget But time so far has only proved How much we miss him yet. —Sadly missed by wife and family. 17* AUCTION SALE of Implements and cattle at South half Lot 48, Concession 1, Turnberry ,Town- . ship, on Thursday, October 18th, at 2 p.m. Terms cash. 1. C. 'Hig- gins, proprietor, L. G. Bryce, auctioneer. • 17* Births GREY Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Grey (nee Grace Bailey) en Thursday, October 11th, 1956, in Victoria Hospital, London, Ont- ario', a son, Mlehael Gordon, WILLITTS—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, October 15, 1956,, to Mr, and Mrs. Ja.eic Mi- nt:to; R.E. 1, Wingliam, a daugh- ter, McCUIRE—In Wingham. General Hospital, on Monday, October 15, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Lovell MC- Quire, Winghain, a daughter. SHIELD—In Wingham General Hospital, on. Tuesday, October 16, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, James R.K. 1, Teeswater, daughter., DIED HARRIS—Mr. Gordon Harris died suddenly on Thursday, October 11th, at Windsor, Ontario, He is Survived by his daughter, Mrs, Stan (Marjorie) Kay, of the Turnberry 13 Line, Wingbarri. In- terment in Victoria ,Memorial Park, Windsor, Ontario, REID—Mrs. Wilfred Reid, the for- mer Cora Brandon, of London. Died on Monday, October 15. Funeral will be held -on Thursday at 1.30 p.m. from the A. Millard. George. funeral- home. Interment in Wingliam ‘cemetery. Survived by two son, Creighton 'and Dwight and one daughter, Willa. W.O.A.A. NAMES NEW EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AT IMAM MEETING (Continued from page one.) I tions take a tremendous interest in.' the boys and it seems to me that the parents should share some ,of that interest. `!I go so far as to say;that if par- ents would wateh and encourage the boys arid girls While they are 'engaged in sport the parents would not havean.y.trosible lat7 on. Sport/ is One of the greatest' combatants' Of juvenile delinquency. Patents raust be brought to realize that our organizations are. simply not satis- fied with the Present half-hearted attitude of the parents to their children's sporting activities," he said.- Frank Buckland, president of the 0.1-IA, spoke on the introduction of a new rule, whereby a stspension of one year would be placed on any player who man-handles a referee. The new rule which has been in force for a year' is achieving its object. Bill 'Hanley, business manager of the 0.1-1.A„ was then called ,upon to say a few, words. Other guests included Ted Elmess of Galt, a member of the 0.M.H,A., also Nip Whetstone and Guy Emmerson, both promoters of Young Canada Week in Goderich. Executive mem- bers of tbe assdelation were also introduced by President Hill. The treasurer's report read by Alf Lookridge, showed receipts for the year amounted to $7,154.33. Ex- penditures amounted to ,$7,434.69; bonds in the bank, $2,900, leaving a balance aS October 1st, 1956, of $2,003.95, This report was moved and adopted as read by Johnnie Crewaon; of Wingham, and John Bell, Listowel. Manager. Alf Lockridge was' call- ed on to give a resume sq the ac- tivities since the last annual meet- ing. The hockey and champion- ships Were named, andyluring the past Season it was reported that the all-Ontario championships were won by Vi18.0.A.A. teams.i . The election of officers was the next item of buSiness ane Nelson Goderieh, Was returned to ' the presideney for the customary Second year; Harvey Langford, Liican, 1st vice-pres,; John Bell, Listewel, 2iid, ,Viee-esrea.S Young, arrIstoti, 3rd. vice-pres. Nelson Hill Was neuried chairman for the election of the exemitiVe With Guy trnmersort and Mike Weichel .acting as scrutineers. After a •s;ote wa'a taken the fellovt- ing Were named: Glen Johnston, Gerrie; Nornian Hill, New' Ham, burg; Herman Young, kineardine, and George Kroft, of Hanover. It Was teemed by Mervin' Hoard and seconded by Vsie Loughlettn that 0.L.H.A, end the o.m.A,A, rules' be adopted 100 per cent, Tim deadline for all hockey 'entries Was Med for StiturdaSs beteher 27tb. The' riseatino to group ati IlbelteY entries Will be held ,on Priciny, NoVetnber Mr. and Mrs, Hagan of sCOPIIS,- vine called. on Mr. and Mrs, David Outliers On Sunday, while -viekinea With friends In this district, —Mrs. Stan Kay of the Turn- berry 13 Line, Wingham, was in Windsor on Monday and Tuesday of this week ettending'the funeral ' of her father, Mr. Gordon Harris, --Mrs, Howard Johnston of Do- treit spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Harry. TOWin —Miss Anne Wilson of Ottawa is visiting 'with her,,brother, 1. A. Wilson and Mrs. WHOP, --Mr, and. Mrs, 'Ronald Murray of LIONS sEr PICTURES TAgEN IN EUROPE Lion Dr. Wilf Ora`wford looked after the entertainment at ' the regular meeting of the Lions Club in Hotel Briihswiek on Friday evening when be showed colored slides taken during a trip JO Europe during the past 'summers Dr. and Mrs, Crawford left Montreal by air in early May,: landing nine hours later at Shan- non, Ireland, Frey' there they continued to London by' air and -went en to Brussels, Belginni to continence their travels on the Continent. The pictures covered their tOur through Belgium, riots land, Switzerland, Italy, Sootiand and Ireland, L,ioni Bill -Tiffin, who expressed thanks to Dr. Crawford, voiced the general opinion when he asked that thc, club he permitted to :see, the remainder of the picture's" fat; a, later date. Photography anti color in the 'Slides were exceP- tionally fine.. Lion President Whitney" Grose presided for the meeting and Lion Buebananp was 'up to his usual hie]: standar9 in the .money- raising . department as, he nicked all and sundry with -fines. 'Lloh Floyd Elakely presided at the piano and Lion Jack Reavie was the song leader. The Tail Twister ' produced a shiny , McIntosh .apple„ which he statee was the largest and reddest 'Of the apples purchased by tbe Scouts for sale on Apple Day. An . auction for the apple was opened, with the club itself finally putting in a closing bid of $5.00 to aid the Scout fund. ,Llon Barry Wenger was thanked for the pnblicity given the Scents and Cubs Apple Day, and was' presented with', the - $5.00 fruit. ° Donald Kai, who recently joined the staff of the public school was the guest introduced, by Lion Stewart 'Beattie. ,- Notice was given of a meeting of the Crippled Children's com- mittee in Clinton and delegates were appointed te attend. Ten della:11-s was voted to laid 'in the work of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Once the canes are defeliated by frost, they should be taken -'down from their suppests, tied together an,d bent down as close to the ( kronncl, as poseible without. break- ing, Toronw Fent the weeit-end with parenU, '+.71* and INTrs. W, Murray, —Mrs, Harris Ttes rettIrnee last week after spending :Ivo, wealts' -Vacation With reiatives t)etroit, —,mrs, Stewart 01W411 ret, rned homo this week,After spending- tN,.o weeks at the home of her dallghter and. son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. lioy Wilson, of Toronto, ney spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Salter, —Miss. Ruth Showers, Reg, N,, of :Sarnia, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. .Chas. Showers. —Mrs. Charles Roberts is visiting\ with her son, Richard in Toronto for a week. —Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gathers, Colene, Elden and Murray of Ft. Eries were visitors over Thanks- giving holiday with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. David Cnth- ers of Minnie Street.- Douglas 0. Colclough Dies at Woodstock The death Ocenrred suddenly on Saturday, Oct. 13, of Dosag.la woo) coleiougli of Woodstock. *fr. Colciough was the husband of Mabel Buteher, formerly of Wings ham, end the brother of Mrs, Ogl e Miller, Goderich, • side, )3rArktf •amid. Norman tiol. dough of CiOclerich. The funeral service was held oil MI MN 11111 Ira I LEE'S TAXI ; I 24-hour Service I PHONE 185 'I INsoRED WHILE YOU RIDE ano og as IN rou Vie, Wipgimin A4lealteesTilneat WeffsseSda Oct, 17, 1956 1, I roxt s4,74m. POIXTRY FOB SALE. REAL ESTATE co lriNG EvNNTs MEAT VOII, SALE !ROOD BEEF fin' sale by the 'rfilar- ter- Beet killed under license Pram the Pertinent of Health. -Choice Hereford yearlings, RAY NARD ACKERT, H 0 ly r o o. d, phone 24-30, Ripley, l6rrb . TWO STORM doors with glass in; one screen door;. one chest of, drawers; one trunk for sale. Phone 50:$w, 17* APPLICATIONS will be taken at • thelYfaitinne Creamery office for SAVE UP to 25.% on fuel bills with feinale help to he trainee as 'an Oil DU0sTISERSVEHerne . egg graders, fob Heater :With Power-AirBlower'. • Models for every need, .Easy ,termesPattiSon'S Radio and Elec- tric,. phone 1714, 17b Root lifters at bargain prices. WANTED • Ben P. Corbett, Paris, Ont. 1017* AUCTION SALE Of 55 Read of Ontario Cows and Feeder Cattle at the farm of Albert Nesbitt, Lot .3, Concession 8, ;Morrie 'lavp. 11/4 miles north, 1 mile east of ' Elyth on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 at 1 p.m. , CATTLE--Durhain cow, '7 years I old, due Nov. 20; 4 Holstein cows, bred August and Sept.; "6 Dur- ham, steers, 8-900 lbs;" in --Hereford steers, 5-600 lbs.; 6 Hereford steers, 7-$00 lbs..; 6 black steers, 5-600 lbs.; 6 Poll Angus heifers, 5-600 lbs.; a Poll Angus steers, 5-600' lbs.; 2" Durham steers, 4-450 lbs.; 3 black heifers, 6-700 -lbs.; 8 Hereford heif- ers, 5-600 lbs.; 3 Durham heifers, 4-500 lbs. I i Terms Cash l George Nesbitt,. george 'POwell, Auctioneer. , Clerk. 1.7b, CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Livestock anti Implements at El1/2 lot '27, con. 6, 'Weet • Wawa- nosh, 4 miles north of Auburn on' Division line TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 commencing at J. The following:- HORSES-1 roan gelding, bi-Olr- er4 3 yrs. old. CATTLE-2 coWs due in. 3arra- ary, 4 cows due in early spring, 1 roan cow, 2 steers and 2 heifers, 2 yrs. old, 10 steers, 1 yr. old 7 spring calvei. • HOGS-1 young sow with litter (Landrace), 7 Chunks around 100 lbs. IMPLEMENTS 1 Allis-Chalmera W,C. Trader, 1, .k Allis-ChaimerS double disc, 1 Allis-Chalmers spring tooth harrows, 1 two furrow Fleury tractor plowl, 1 Cocksbutt hinder, nearly neve, 1 International 13 disc seed drill, 1 New Idea mow- er 6' cut, 1 walking plow, 1 Massey-. Harris grain grinder, 1 rubber tir- ed Wagon with rack, 1 gravel box, platfom scales, 2,000 lbs., Seed re- cleaner, 10-foot horSe rake, 'two- wlieelfd trailer with racks, set of double harness, McCormick-Deer- ing cream Separator, log' lifter, 2 pig crates, eelonY ' 16x12, jamesway" Oat brooder stove, bet Stewart power clippers Some household furniture, ete and numerous .ether articles, TERMS---CASH / No n.ntrt.1,it ROBERT ICHASINEY, Prop. nma-Lt MeLti\IXAV, 4iet. ' lib Wonderful Opportunity Ontario Automobile Association There is an opening available for lit aggressive salesman de- sirous of earning better than nYoroge 'earnings with security and hospitalizatiott )idan. applitatits carefully seremiett Car Mi. evict. Apply lit notiti- &tee stating stg4 eXperirtice and phone muninst to BO 811,1,0N-DpN, CANADA UND Free Delivery - Phone 82 Quality and Sertiee since 1915 Hi Neighbor! , Here's real Value BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Was Mary Leuise Town is non- daying for two, weeks with .rela, t4srei in Detroit, • Stan, Halliday of ,London, spent a day last week with Mr and Mrs. Robert Higgins, and Mrs. John Hopper, ef London spent the' week-e4d with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. j, Brown .and Mr, and Mrs, Chas. HOpper. Arty Higgins of TorOnto, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and MrS,,Robt. Higgins, --Mr. and, Mrs, Ed. Marsh, Mrs, K Shoebottom and Alex M'Cl3urs Monday of this week, Accelleration' is Weight-to-Power , The Mercury people call their car "The Big M" this yoil which is meant-,te remind us of the 'great improvements, Al pecially under the hood, that have been engineered into :tin high-price car that sells at the bottom of the middle-price . bracket. ,. The Big M refers especially, I think to the bigness of .'the - new Mercury engine. Two figurca stand Out in my. mind, As you pronably know:, a figure ealled the weight-to-power ratio is the real. test 'Of Atha kind of performaece you can expect .from a ear. You cans shout aboutherSepower figures, .but if a car is pulling areimil u- lot Of • deadweight steel, that ,extra horsepower isn't' going te. help you' any in. passing -on the higliwaY• . This' year, the Mercury's- ;weight to-power ratio has been improved by almost -two - pou'ride, 'that's'. a - real -"AcCoMPlishment. Mercury iwiter- 16:,/s pounds fpr every horsepoWer, unds-I know tWo' roughly competitive • .cars that :nave 'to lug •1 around 18 to 24 pourids., • This is.. an Immediate' advantage. Big • M. here means Big Mileage_ per gallon of ga&• , Another Measure of a ear's' potential_ •is the total number of cubic inches in all the cylinders. Last year in the Mercury it -Was .292 inches; this. Year' it's 312. \ Mercury's consistent built-in. value .oyer the LORNE MeDONALD yeara has 'established its- reputation ae .a go ; • , buy in a 'used car; fees That, ••of eourse, belie .the original owner who. can expect higher trtid in'values. . The lligM this year, I think, is' Money ear — • • -more money is put into it by the -mannfactneer lege hy you) to make it the- best value on the . market, and the oWner gets more money Out 'when he trndes.• • tc.0Yeetra s•Ir i9ge c..aotSert OM earafrffE AfaiOISI 5,9LE,.5 ( ,56eV/CE 4,7 459