HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-17, Page 3i AVILLER, McINTO. ' .. W, RI] CHARTERED ACCQU T4NTS ,BELS TELEPHONE BU,lI, LOIN , 1 Walkeito'nr Ontario ��ebirds timid •. TheyY They don't go out of a Bulb for the first .new par'` they, see. That figures. Because it jiist naturally takes a little longer to bring out a car that's sweet, smooth and sassy, Like the new '57 'Chevrolet. It's. new 'r'ight ' clown to the wheels it rolls pr - with a ,daringnew design, a new nothing -like -it automatic drive and a new V8 besides.. Longer and lower, too. 'No wonder wise birds are waiting; Are you one? Bide your time till National announcement day for the EyR Only franchised Chevrolet dealers this famous trademark; Bee Your Authorized Chevrolet. Dealer .0-157D HIGH aCI;iQ(?I, Another school Year has begun with the usual medley of feelings, 11 ive Years of joy` and sorrows,. laughter and, tears separate the apprehensions. of the grade nine .students from the casual sureness of those students who reaeb grade thirteen. Aernong the new faces around School. this year are three addi- tions to the teaching staff. We wel- come back to W.D.H.S, Miss' Mary Anne Cleland, who graduated:frent here a few short years ago. Miss Cleland teaches social studies, Eng- lish and guidance to lower school.. Mrs. Menzies, who comes' .from ,Bowmaravflle, .teaches, physical edu- cation to all ,grades, and lower school French. Mr, O'Brian comes to us from Gederich, He teaches lower school mathematics: Thiss year,'as in the past, we are planning • to .take part in the Maclean -Hunter magazine cam- paign, The money derived . from selling these magazines serves many .worthwhile purposes in the school„ i -t is to be hoped that our student salesmen will be welcomed in the, usual manner as they have been in past years. The rugby season ,is now' in. full swing, From all reports it appears that Wingham is well on the way .to' making this another successful season, In the opehing exhibition, game Wingham defeated Listowel by a score 'of' 1d-13. In their first inter -collegiate game Wingham. trounced Clinton 21-12. ' The Clinton game initiated our six new cheerleaders. These ' are Gail Colvin,' Catherine. Leach, Velma Stapleton, Marlene Mahood, Madeline , McKinnon and Joyce Moffat. Vera . Sharpe and Alison Webb, membeits' of last years squad, complete the octet. • We again look forward to 'an- other wonderful year at W.D.H.S. by Alison Webb, XIIB 0-0-,0 The Wingham football team, plus the' able cheerleaders, journeyed to Seaforth for the second game in their schedule. Wingham ddminated the. play, from the opening kick-offand in the first quarter Telford Struthers took .a ;hand-off from quarter -bade Bruce Robertsonand easily cross- 'ed the goal line. for Wingham's first •touchdown, but the convert wasblocked, no the score remained 071). . The socam l quarter was listless andinoamplete passes anti+ fumbles seemed most common. Whighain gained new zest dur- ing the halt' tbno intery'al and came haclx with a touchclown, by Doug Murray, rrnd a thir'ty.yarxd run by Bruee • Robertson far .a second toucll,dawn,. but neither were: conn verted, "leaving the score at 18-0 Or Wirighatil.• In .the fourth :quarter, a third down look by Struthers landed and was tlsrrlblt'd in th.e' Seaforth r. end sone, and Ronny t',.ane was "John - n -on-tho-s ot, to recover for r. Wingham's fourth and last touch down whiclrwas.converted by a Lease' to the end zone. ,When the final Whistle sounded, Wingham; proved victorious by a score of 20-0. The boys aro off to a great start, so let's see that they keep . it up by' giving them our full support; by Tom Er'ydges, XIt, 0 o O The. 'Wingham Town Park was the scene for the schedule_ opener for the Wingham; Mustangs, as they played host to the 'Clinton team.: Wingham took a lead of, 14-0 on touchdowns by Doug Murray with Robertson kicking the converts, "Clinton tightened the; score by making two . unconverted touoh- downs making ,the score 14=12, In the fourth quarter. Wingham scor- ed what proved to be the "clincher"' touchdown,_ which was converted making the final score 21-12. by Tom 13rydgea, XIXA Child Baptized At United Church.. WRQXETEli--Thomas Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, w,as received into the church through baptism.' at. Wroxeter Unit- ed Church on Sunday morning. Roil: W. J. V, Buchanan was,in charge of the service, aid spoke' from the text "He that helieveth and is baptized shall be saved", S. Mark', chapter i16, verse 18. The choir, under the direction of the organist, Mrs.. Rhame sang an, anthem. The minister anncuncec.0 there will be no service in Wrbx eter United Church on • Sunday next, October 21st. Gerrie TJnited Church anniversary will be held and a cordial invitation was given to Wroxeter members to attend. THE LONGER YOU ,MOLD THEIIII.;•TillE BETTER THEY GET' 0 i•b ;,.'•`f ••:rr••e••r•air.y. 'ELEVENTH SERIES . • CANADA SAVINGS 'BONDS INTEREST SCALE, 'tint two toupees pay, ........:.....„t s%%:• Nexttwo coupons'psy 31/2 % Noxi Imre coupons pay. 33i%, •' Last seven Coupons pay. ,,, ,,, A'% • Total interest raturn.for ouch $100 invastnient,if hold to maturitya.... 41. 8 • • i • • • • DENOMINATIONS • • • • • Coupes toms • • $50. 1100, $500, $1004, $SpOp • Frilly Registered • X00, pals b cheque) (inrere0 y $� 000,.$5000 6 'Limit to reglstkltfbo in any trio fiariirs s 050 • issiifdintery eathabie (et hill 6h00 Value Old ..Battled Interest al an Y WOO.• • ; • • • • • "iCity'll44'•i' •'iiiii'ra'y i.i104i 6 1.. xs. reSriSS�S;.Y,?aL1itfi' pM• • :'• • ia>: it�f H Un 4„A'AiPm+A?.10100 �'�•" �.�,XF..Sit4SgSYiiFi 0d iygit PUT IN T BACK7 . , that's big news in saving ! The Eleventh Series 'of Canada Savings Bonds offers a "stepped up': scale of interest payments which begins at 33 % and increases in steps until it reaches 4% . This means that one of the new $500 Canada Savings Bonds earns $236.8S in interest during its 121/2 years of life. So, if you hold it until maturity .you get back $736.88 for each $500 you invest. As always, Canada Savings Bonds can be shed for full face value plus earned idi nterest ab any time. Every dollar `of your investment is always available. Study the new "stepped up" scale of interest payments in the table on the left. Thenmake plans novo to sign ui for your now Canada Savings Bonds. There never was all easier ;,or safer Way of putting by a good nest -egg for the future. ANADA VI10.0S BONDS Poe cash Or b ztzstetlrirertis th "oug h:: our• inuestrn:ent'd'dal4� l '. bank) trust' or loft cornpatty, n o 'lb:e Payroll Salrrtrga. Platz where you tVork, est Around t € Fire Hall "ic'taa regular'' .monthly mating, of the fire brigade was held' oh the Wag ,of Monday, Sept. 24 a td thre'elcecutiye and .committees Wer drawn. up for the year 057 thief,' Jing Carr deputy chief, Pave Cry e tfrers, caprates, Bili Hahn Harvey' Taylrrr; see., S, Cowan;+?Ilce, X. Swallsuin; reporter, D. Crothers;. chairman, 13tH 13a14; welfare, !'red T.erilpioman; finance, J. +parr, pro- perty, :Harvey Mt -Wiesen;. hail, Har- vey Taylor; entertainment, A. Soli; drivers ,and maintenance A, Sell. O.Oi-O All hands ternec 34 ter ar gen.eral oleall•up of the hall with Rob Sin- rlanhorl, . Sie' .Gowan ;and ROY deOroot on the end of the mops. it wag' good experience for orle of the boys, After the hard work .ail were hungry and Hill Bain,' who is very proficient in the culinary arts,,prcR pared sandwiches .and coffee.: 0.0-Q. Recent smoke -eaters to join the brigade are Torn Wade, Bur. Tiffin, Clarence 1N;aChan and Rob Shunt - mon, • Q{0-0 There will be .a social night for the firemen .and their wives on the evening of October 17. All are ask - cd to he present or inform the eliairman of the entertainment committee if unable to attend. Q. 0. - 0' . 'Fires have been numerous dur- ing this month to date. On Oc- tober 9 there were two, one chim- ney fire at Charlie Robinson's and a barn fire at Tod Foxton's in Lower' Wingham. October 12, H. Roctcisoender, wall and roof.. of Ansa on Josephine SE. north; Oc- tber 19,, Gordon Rogers, E. Wawa nosh, home destroyed;. October 15, leaves burning at bowling green, 0-0-0 Thanks are. in order to the good people of the Salvation Army and the neighbours of a fire victim for refreshments. "f Cf�i 'wanted .a, film of fire- men la Various states et •diress, the krest time wool he ;in the hedtin,e' bogus, Some aortae barefooted,, eth* era without Shirts, and, wtr :aiwarys See a 'var'iety of the •ghOst color'ftri'. pyjarTlars. Real cute, The ppb of running and' holding the pants up at the same time is thti roughhart. . p. A 1-0 n ua' Shine, - mon, �tulaa.tional to Rob .aS .n. mon, wha joined the ranks a the. married men, We wislr. iris Bride: find himself a long and happy wedgy ded life. • tl p,;p Tont Wade, after .several fruit, ,less tries to get to the fare hall and catch the, truelc, finally made it, Maybe he has :been .taking practice runs around the block, -0• Don't ,let it get you .down, Norm Cronkright. Vve can't save these. all, but at least it Is a good try. Q40-0 Fred Templeman and Wiif Gan- nett must sleep with ono ear open, ready for that siren to blow, or else they are jet propelled. Always right en the job. Q - 0 „ 0 Morris Swanson is looking for a motor bike to run the convoy of traffic that fellows the fire trucks and rather cdnjests the area of a fire. . 0-0.0 Just wondering, Do all the fire- men answer the fire alarms? Why be a stranger? It's a duty that must ,be done and if you take the job, remember your application: "I will serve to the best of my ab- ility". b-ility" 0.0,-Qf. Roy de Groot has a real short cut to the fire hall. It has its ups and downs, even, he goes down at! times, but medical attention would not be far away. ' 0-0.0 Remember the social evening on October 17. Meeting night as us- ual on October 29 at seven o'clock sharp. CLIFFORD LADIES GUESTS OF Y.M.S. WROXETER-The W o me n's Missionary- Society of Wroxeter United Church held its meeting on Friday evening in the churchwhen ladies of the congregation and also members of the Clifford Auxiliary Were guests;•,r The \meeting opened with organ music by Miss K. Hazelwood. Presi- dentthe Mrs.•D: S. 1VIacNaughton pre- sidedworship. to worsp The opening hymn was, "Unto the Hills", Mrs. George Gibson read the Scripture lesson with a com- mentary. Mrs Ken Edgar' led in prayer. Mrs. Frank. Earls read some choice verse from the writings of Patience Strong. Mrs. • Harry Williams, Clifford, gave a reading entitled, "The Stone that Rolled. Away" and a ladies quartet from the Clifford Auxil- iary sang a number. Taking part were Mrs, Bell, Mrs. Petherick, Mrs.` McLeod and Mrs. Fulton with Mrs. Taylor organist. • Speaker for the evening was Mrs, Gilbert Howes, whose subject for an inspiring acldress was,aPrayer". "O` Master, Let Me ' Walk with Thee" was 'sung. Mrs Buchanan closed the meeting' with prayer. A letter was read from. Miss Laura Collar of Nigeria,' formerly of Winghafn. Mrs. Stuart Higgins and Mrs. .Tim Sanderson ushered, and Mrs, J. I.I., Wylie ,and Mrs.' Allen Munro convened the luneh, which Was served in the :school- r•oom ,and a social hour was en- joyed by the sixty ladies in attend- ance.. W.I. Plans Card Parties 'for Winter WaOX}r,TEa--.MVIore courtesy on the highways was the motto dealt with by Mrs, Harvey Timrn when Wroxeter Institute held their October meetirig in the coniinunity hall ori Wednesday, Mrs, Allen Munro gave an interesting 'address on highway safety and Mrs. Gil- bert Howes gave a report on 'the recent area convention, The roll eat `"A li,esolntion X would like to send to F,W.X.O." included scholarships to aid stud- ents 11t tlicir edticatipn, also ways and means to prevent accidents. Plana were made to hold euchre parties fol• the winter season mid, menribers voted to Give .all proceeds to . the cominulitty hall fund, rtobe re- n t .: a set Om 1 tCeJ C C i wup sponsiblo for the parties, Mrs. Herb Patterson .presided. Hostesses were Mrs 1i''rank. ]�ar1s, Mrs, Harvey R.eidt and Mrs. ;T, ]Doig, Tho Babylonian regions in ancient' lifesopotania were .s'uppos'edly the first regloitg to niso water systems fol` drinking liuiposts., CHILDREN PRESENT MRS. GRAINGER BOX 473 4.34 Ave. 15;S• Saskatoon barsk„ October 32th, lisaa To the Editor: The ii'ederal Government has for tine firth time within u' year raised • .the interest rate ,charged by the'Dank of 10' other: banks. The announced Intention utlos being to Curb inflation, The result:4 the peeple are led to i!xpeet from this increase in intent:St rates, arc. hardly what the producers get that of it, The cost of living in+ic?zs shows that . for July 19ti41 s'+t4.4i1 prices are the highest in our hts tory. • Higher interest rates'' mikes' things More difficult for shall and: middle-sized farmers, city Workera and young people generally, arc often more or :less compelled to'. operate on horrowed...furds, l•Slg business gets rich out ;of.' higher lu tcrest rates, They leave in their in- dustries financial reserves they can use to expand when that iH pro- fitable, The control of inflation by our government should be clone m such a way as to put tile burden on .those people who are best able WROXETER-The • Buds ; of Promise Mission Band, United Church held a meeting ,on Tuesday afternoon in the church ` school- room..President Helen Magee was in charge and opened the meeting with the hymn, ','Can a Little Child Like Me". Brian Sanderson read the Scripture lesson, choosing, Psalm 95 verses 1-7. Others assisting in the worship service were JoyceHeimpel, Elaine Sanderson, Sharon Elliott, Cathar- ine Edgar. and Gail Statia. Mem- bersrepeated the Mission Band Purpose and joined in the hymn, "God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall", Birthday pennies were given by the children. 1 Mrs. Lloyd Magee read the story from the study book "Fire at the Mission House". Twenty-three' imembers and two visitors answered the roll call. The hymn, "Hear the Pennies Dropping" and the bene- diction brought an interesting meeting to a close. ` Following the meeting Mrs. Merwyn Grainger was called to the platform and an address was read by Helen Magee. Larry Chambers, on behalf of the Mission Band, presented a corn popper. • ,Mrs. Grainger, who has been: a faithful fader of the Mission Band for some years will be leaving the vil- lage to take up residence in Exeter. She spoke words of appreciation to the children for their gift. rich, who attended National Camp;` will show pictures. taken of camp life. Miss Berva Gallaher will as- sist Mrs; M'eMiehael as lewder for the coming' year Meeting closed with Taps. C.G.I.T. Holds First Meeting WROXETER--T h e Canadian Girls Irl Training held their first meeting of the season on Tucsday, October 10th at the home of their, leader, Mrs, Glenn McMichael, with fourteen in attendance, seven of them new members. The meeting opened with the repeating of the Purpose. Catharine MacDonald and Gwenncth Gibson, who attended C.G,I.T. camp during the holiday, gave• an interesting account which they titled "A Day in Camp". They taught the girls songs and games they had learned while at camp, Eight chevrons were won by the members last year. This honor, is based on church at- tendahce, Sunday School attend- ance and weekly meeting,'The rules call for a najority of meetings to fneipde worship; correct busitnoss procedure acid recreation, and the members must be interested in 13iblo study', iniissions service to church and comynunity,. An invite- tion Was received to attend a Hal- loween social in Gerrie,. The members plait to attend a rally at Clinton on Sunday tater- noon, October 21st. at Y,9J, when ,Mtss l lizttbeth Patterson, Vetd• to Wes it t`ttktt' Might r tux, wrlal to 't4 mint a temente tag cap 1ki can't Ottawa?.impale4.. •? Ciur making things. lilard who. work for a living, *aid ter these who are arlr' y all; of an c'aa; " living. Will kis•.aglt,►,a :Y help our country meat the plagsept,'ry Inflationary 'trend in the lea ifai p O• r w. 'tf'reH's our .Fir'rlt'aQ and le of � .� i ern? .RoY 'old 416tr'andpa, do yon thirsts $3 ak thi' world Is slowing down 1'' "Definitely,. Junier '-fork eita.niple, when ;f was a lad you .could hear ar record in three minutes and now it takes an hour:; KIDN'EYEIDS Rob yourRies .. Q �. y Many people never .seem'to 'get a poll night's ryes'-rest, -whetheny turitmn ay anbed tothei--Murarey ok'idneyu, Healthy .kidneys filter poisons and e; sss ;acids from the blood. If *hey tail ind i!npu rbies stay in the ay*lem-disturbed rest often follows. 1f yali don't rest wed' get and .use Dodd'! Kidney Pill.. Dodd'6 .h€Ip the kidneys so that you can red :Getter, -and feel better: i 36 Dodd'sKidney Pills Q -d a, BISCUIT FEATURE! PARTY TREAT - OLI7-FASHIONED �� ' CELLLB.O IT'S NEW! TANTALIZING FLAVOUR: ROYAL INSTANT LEMON NE. Fra J1i1 DELICIOUS SPREAD! ECONOMICAL SPECIAL MARGARIN 2E � Ph OZ. L�O' PKGS. , T U g2 plc -L. Brearcfasi Cereal - 5 Mirada II4urc�AqNT QUAKER j CREAM QF 28 05. G 7" OATS 44 . Oz 39,C. W�pgu r� ,i . , . ' ,Pkg:. T iiili.i : :rm.. iyj7. , o Salted Y+- •Prase r 5 Blue ii. Gold A'oI Fauicy; CHRISgTI�E'S PREsvIIUM aZanvz' r t°' SODAS , Pkq' 33 PEAS �� SOCIETY FINE ORgg. BROAD., C/ATELLI D ..: tnOz. -. g".. .NOODLES. isPkg:.25. D.O� FOO -k •. LT,F,d\ .t.I?AI1I ai E 'ES.rL3TAL.TIIN[ PANCAKE FLOUR AUNT:r BEE -HIVE - SQUEEZEtACI: +fin M STEM BEEI{IST-No. 1 WRIfZ LIQUID 'O' EVERYDAY EATING- Iz Oz, r CROWN BRAND CORN HONEY • . Jar .;azo SYRUP Tin b. . 31.0 E 26OZ. . PKG.• ■ 1 Ln:. 49�' HALLOWE'EN SHELL -OUT - McCORMICK'S HALL®E'EN ISS 1LS. • 9 BAG. CLUB HOUSE PICC*'6 . 39 PEANUTS IN LL a p WESTON'S HALLOWE'EN b ^� OF172 69 "SHELL OUT" S'ERS• HaOWES�HALLOWE'EN ' HOWES HALLOWE'EN GUMS Pkg.z 2 JELLY BEANS kg,z• 290 NATIONAL MACARONI WEEK . ECONOMICAL! MAKES 4 SERVINGS SPECIAL HinsindDEMACARONI & CHEESE pKGSI 3• 30 . 270 mit I'i "+ 7�2 OZ Caitel MAKES . AN ECONO1 CAL MEAL! READY CUT EOR LONG Plc READY TO SERVE = 31ia`r 1I1I Vr. SPECIAL CAT$LLI:. IN TOMATO SAUCE ^p a,. 2 15 ccs- 2• 50, Cooked r �'.Y.`<-a rr�tlrz lt TIN$ RICHMELLO Interleav¢d C'220 . ,.r .^,E BRAVO SPAGHETTI 4 � SLICES ' Pkgx 2 ` SAUCE Tim 27 ' RED ROSE TE t,r EMS SHORTENING DOMESTIC AUSTRALIAN CURRANT - ORANGE PEKOE OF 30 430 O 60 790 3 JOLLY GOOD PITTED16Os. Z3 P . a DATESPkg. (a AUSTRALIAN Sultana Seediess. PiRAISINS ca.e230 y kgO. z. 220 ,.'� 0 P SHELLED WALNUTS O' AYLMER --CUT MIXED PIECES tkg 10 FRUIT Pkg. " 210 cI.NRi 'S 1'RODUC'fS Tomato or Vegetable aCLIIRIC'S CLARK'S •- FANCY TOMATO SOUPS TlnOs, 1 bij 6 JUICE 2 2.(11171:310 IN CHILI SAUCE Lua�i . '5 •,� 2 TIIt33 Clark Bens itiu Pork ASSORrsr, VARIETIES �9� �� � �n s::oz+. gsD#1 .I1G'',a�l TINS ��./ Clark S • First of- the Season, tl'dirorni:n Sweet l+arising Red EMPEROR GRAPES i • lb,.... Local Grown - Large Greelt leads CABBAGE YY` l ♦' Y,.• rr Y Y r Y i Is i„ No, 1. Ointanrio w White, 1'"lnffy Cookers POTATOES r•i Yf i.Yi,V6 2 for 25c each lOc 15 lb. hag �• * • Y i . 1' i. 1. • $1.49. I ►I.L VALUES I t'ICECIISrE 1N and hnia d olso!Cu c lii •_ t euit naioitnitg,t„rstis 1 Until +looingri16 Sal.. del. 20 action. 'Wa' lt _.ED'' �Oiv;s�,�']Cq�' STORES LSMi; '�