The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-17, Page 1•
WW1 which is emeligeme ,d the Gorrle V deet, and. Wroxster News.
off, , wixonsm samorositows, larsonsusiq, ovrole
a� Tha E!'d i$•1.a
APPLE DAY UP --Boys ,saoucs
and Wolf Cubs were busy :as the
traditional bees on Saturday when
they .sold apples to ah and sundry.
Receipts this year totalled .about
$340, leaving, :a net :of 5,235. The
lfigures are ,somewhat .higher than.
ast : year,
TOOK :THE P.R.17-4114—Winners
of the 'Lathes at the Catholic Wo-
men's League draw held in connec-
tion with a recent bazaar were R.
p'. I3unr,inel, of Sarnia, who won
the automatic roto*broil and Alex
Reid,. 'Wingham, who • won " the
r electric mixer.
0 0'"0 -
a noticeable „increase. In aggregate.
avordupois in ;this district, a sure
sign that ,,,the annual• fowl suppers
are ija,full swing. It's:•very handy
for the fellow ">who, .lime the bear',
•;Wants" to start the winter:In: good r
0 - 0 0•
-Frank "Red" ifoughtan,: who =;is
stationed withithe -Air Foroe- at
St.:. Jean, .Quebee, was horne,tfor'
the week end:. ^Rea says
the life"; and isn t even weeping
too hard over the loss •of .60 per
cent of his curly red locks: • He'
has his fingers crossed for a post-
ing C
tea. iintgn when Initial train:
ing has' been competed.
p 0
r Rainbows at Owen
Sound :last.
eek 1301' Henderson local barber
witnesseda one -in -11, -million freak.
Sitting to one side was his: brother'
and on the other side an outdoors
write u, r for the -Owen So nd. paper.-
a er.-
Both. men suddenly Thad'' strikes
and began -to reel in. When the'
fish was surfaced" , they found it
had taken thebait on `bot `lines
at the • same time. i I`4 addition it
'Carried the hook:,and like of a
-*former'ilnsuccessfui• angler: The'
two. men flipped 'a .coin for the
0 'Y0 } 0
FOR: ART'S SAKE -=Art in Wing-.
ham, seems to:.+,have•. suffered a
•set -back: this "year .• for there are
no `registrations rin' the adult' paint-
ing' classes at the` High School.'
Adult classes in art, ; introduced
about two years 'ago, proved ;to
popular and attracted a good
umber of amateur paiiters. This
year, however,the • are class" is
-conspicuous because of, its ab -1
• 0-0-0,
ARTS AIM•—Three ducks with
one shot is the claim made by Art
Furness this week. Art was' more.
than 'amazed when three duck$
dropped out of the sky -when ,:tie
fired a shot at one of them, `.:'Titis
is • a one -in -a -lifetime shot !for
m" e,said the, . triple -marksman;
who still doesn't seem: 'rliiite sure
where the other' two ducks: came
from:. isti,t-that juse:duGkyl.,
ll or - notto-burn,
b n
seems •to' -be
the question : around town these
days. Folks 'just 'don't•: seem to
know whether they should wait
until all:' the .leaves fall" before'
setting fire. to thein," or tq burn
them "up itt gradual' , stages:, We
have heard that some of the
members ' of the streetzt:,leaning
squad are -already gathering piles
of` leaves on •the beek ,Streetg and
setting them' afire. •
All parents and friettda :of stu
encs and graduates O the Wing
lean% District.Iiig1t School e"iii
vited. to attend :the annual Conti-
inencentent Exercises in the school
auditoritiln beginning pronipely at
8,15 on the :evening of Friday,
October 26th;
There Will be the presentation' bf
Certificates, diplomas, a iifetie and
proficiency awards' and prizes,' a
short .tnuslcal pr'egrattjnio, aridthe
eeledietery address by (sally Sips -
set, James 'Cdultes of •Strd.t>~ord
Teachers' College is .the • rieekei
for the evening, filo acimisl8Ion
eharger no teeek•ved 'deating), , 'in
Wroiteter7 Woir>;en', Institute will.
bald a. .: progressive euchre' 'on
. Tii'ttradayr October 18tihS 1316' p;rn.
be the •comtttintity ha novelty
Ws, Admission
cents,' La
date,bring Irwedd tot
dbmrttliitY deli iiiid'i ;t1,711
V,E''T; l'1lC?1, 1 . 1r Poi? ' )2'•i/ M.AGO ► ,
Young or aid, male or female — there's something ,he
ceivable kind of merchandise' hriag =buyers of all ages:
e for everyen.e.,Tables heaped
with every eon
M . FI r
Mr a e A
v. y flares,
of Wroxeter, :Ontario, announce
the—engagement of theirdaughter,
Margaret Rosemary to. 'William
James Struthers, son of -Mr, and
Mrs. Jas, Struthers, of Beimore;
Ontario, The wedding to tape place.
in ".October. F17*
The`;en a Ment is announce �
gee dOf
Mary /Augusta, daughter M &' ter of the g
late Mr.-. and Mrs. Adam ohnston
to. Rkr>i,g
ic ,d . xl i 1. tAn L
lard ;of ;?ing-
hate, son of the late Mr, and Mr's.
A.' 1+,'.' Lloyd, The marriage will
take place the end of October..
The annual . "Christmas sale and
tea • sponsored by thee : Woman's
of Wingham that-
ed Church 'will be held Wednesday,
November 14th;. 1175
Theu94tii•`anniversarY of St.' An--
drOti're, Presbyterian Chtt'rii, Wing -a.
hain wIll;.
be marlced on: Sunday,
October '21 With service at
11 ann." and:'7 :m. ' " ',
p Itev. T:. IH:
le r
Fowler, of Ha ustorn will be the
`est , speaker. Solo st willbe
. P., i
David Stewartof `Se forth' The
a i
choir wil •special.render.
under theirection of the or anist.
d l;
acid- choir leader, Harold, Victor
Py,'m. F17b
be' head: in
the :Connell
„Chamb r, Saturday, October' 20th,
3 to5p.m. Draw to be made on
electric-fiyah• k10,17b
Turkey Supper -1n Iaueknow Un-
ited Church oli Tuesday, October
23,, Supper'servei from; 8;30 to 8,
Adults $1:25, children 10 years and
under, "75d, All you can eat, F17*
The, Whig rani; Brownies, ' Will
Open their• pall oil' October 24th to
welcome new reerilits.. Flee,sc
nete':that all Perspective• 13r'awrrles
roust he 8 yearssold before that
date to qualify,'' , . Pen,
,Mr., and Mrs. Ted siiiith of
Wroxeter,wish to anl'rotillee tile
engagement of t'helr dailghter.Eisie
Marlene to Jbhn. Stewart Biline-
man of Wingham,son of Mr, and.
Mrs, Mgt Sinnambn, rhe wed-
ding "to take• place '.October` 2tth:
Z#OCKLr 1l;LA I tis >
WILL ntott.
A meeting eat all hockey players
With the i obstdr '011ub IS to be held
hi Witlehtrti tbwnb i11 tit ,8, p.m.
oti'p'riday, betober 19th,
i Atr'MEi�tyS :SER'it1Ci.E
Winghath United i;hutch Lay-
men's Sunday Service Will be (held
Sunday, Oetbber 21st at 11 am,
Bpeakei`, Mr, tack Weeifrey, of the
Wingliayek bistriet" ilib1t School,
rfaymen s choir, All welcome,
Winghanr den. Hospital#000.V.f.a04
A. D; 112aeWilliam
i ma of come wi3s to: balance
Outgoing ex-•
the finance committee of the'Wirig-
ham. General Hospital Board; said
at the -monthly =meeting Thursda Y
night, that the hospital would hare:
to in reale eke. Tate for' patients,
oret'more patients,if ;the cash in -
Night; Classes "Still
Open £or Registry y
l;vening classes." for thin winter
were begun -at tile; Winghiam Dis-:
trict High School on Wednesday,
October ;10th,` Classes • have,` been
foimed• in Ai•t Metalwork; Shop
work, Typing e,nd gookkeeping and,
possibly , Sewing. There is still
room in the classes for more •stu-,
dents, -;and, it Is,:hoped- tfiat from.
60 registering the.first evening the
groups "wilt"tow "as+ the have.
g Y
clone in other Years.: 1 <a lea§ant : ver ,.inex en -
P. Y P
sive and "profitable way '.to='spend
one evening , a week , during the
.whiter months. 'liegistrations will
•still . be accepted at the class of
Wednesday, October '17th. Colne
and bring•sotiieone with you.
rIOS l ''! 11' N E
CR 1
A 'very, enjoyable evening, was
spent on Friday evening when the
Wingham Kinsmen held • .their
regular meeting • at • the Queens
Hotel. Twenty -ogle Members a:.
the '1Cineardine .club ' attended the
meeting, making it avery lively
affair. 'The good fellowship derived
from this meeting •ivas 'a' titre 'in-
dication that more interclub visits
'should .be held. Worthy 91 mentions
to is the faet2, that Itincarcline
Were the sponsors of the Wingham
club when it Pined the .family' of
Kinsmen. seVeral y€ars;ago.
Business was dealt with very
briefly end :• the meetingtook the
form of a socie,l affair. throughout,.
„It was found that Kincardine
I itisrtron are -very inusietilly
elieed and •tlirttilts :go to the trio,
Who rendered sweet htcrmon,r, also
the Kinsman, *ho gave ;his ithiw
pressibnS o& Al Jdieta singing.
A -heavy :Hite'session lasted
thtati h'aut ,the meeting and War-
rest. Callan treated. ,the . group to a
lovely basket of apples, donations
to be handed over to the Boy
Scout§. First,•v►ce-president of the
Kititariiiiie ''Club ',,ori the raffle,
after Which the rrleeting adjourned
nhdttiyts IttineardMe " boys teiok 'a
tbttr through tun Stttdiosr•
Inr' his report he showed 'a total
income for the month of September"
of ,44'1, against an expense ac'-
cou$nt17'of $1.7,936, :a deficit olf
It was: stated that atPresent =tire'
average daily chargefor. patients
is $5:50 and that the average rur�i
ber of patients needed . to+ break'
even is 82. During.: the month : of
September' there were 71 patientb
on the 'hospital: list, The hospital
superintendent, Mr•s, r E; .MVforrey,
said. :that ,$20,000- will, be, cl 're nixed
every month, to. balanee'the' budget.
the ab n e '
, a se c o of ,.tit s
e board
president, a C. MacLan, due', to
illness;, the chair was occupied by
Vice -President _B. Cousins.
11„ E...mita.Ae, chairman of the
}' g ,
property; eommit(tee,' said .that. It
liad•.;been suggested „that a railing -
extension be put up at the entrannce.
to :the 'hospital 'office, "After :a,'
short: diecussidiI on • the ; subject it.
.was decided to do nothing ab'out",it
at present and to go into the mat-
ter more'fully at a later date;
It was •decided •to have ff. guard
inade to cover an air-conditioning
unit ill` the hospital kitchen Th.
P e
unit .provided a certain hazard,
since it is possible for Clothing to
becorne ensnared :• in theopen
• R. Ii, Lloyd, • Chairman _ of the
building co
rim ttee Said. .tiii
that the SWitoh gear"for the
emergency pnW:er 'house had net
yet been fitted,,but was'expected to
be installed before the next meet-
ing of the board..
The question cif obtaining a
maintetian e•'greet from the 1lospi-
tat Cornxtrission : was discussed and
it was deckled to draw up a :re-
port to present to the commission
before the end. of, the year.
A special meeting' of the man-
agement committee, headed by R.
13, Cousins, nes nailed for Friday,
October 19th.
Cubs,,,S;outs Sell
32 ,Bushels Apples
Seventy Eby Scouts and Wolf
Citbs.swarined' over the ct nnxntinity
and district , centres all day Satur-
day •to dispose of s2 'bushels . 6f'
shiny `Mob-absh Reds: and thereby
raise •funds for their "brgantization,
A ' total of $240:00 WAS raised front
sales, - leaving .a net of $235.00 for
Sainting 'feuds, 'Tile' figures Were
•Slightly above those of last year,
Winners of the pi+lzes foto highest
salesi e'. Scuts pori Leo and
j'ohen Stroer@ng .s,nod Cubs John Beltt-
nett "and Brien Meehan.
-Cub and S'cotit leaders whb; 'tobl>
active :charge of the .Apple` . 'ay,
arran gc e'tin
nts;'verb :mill. 14,intoul,
Dave Cartierotr, 'Bob 1ifeCreight,
Tien Aefeteattt. and :Allen Walker.
17, irA
ll�[1TE� GN0R0YPl
'hd #fufi4Xr Pi'ea'bYtery X'oung
Peopie'S Union' of the United
Church: of Canada, held their are;
true! fah 'rally et the Winghanr
,i;)nite4• Church, on 'Tuesday, Oetrtr
be,; 16th, at 8,30 P.m. . Some 260
yqung people front Huron County
gathered for registration at the
church last night. e
DelQgates from 37'Young People's
:Unions were registered at the
church.doorby members"of the, group Preemie Walker,
Gwen Howe, Marjorie Foxton and
Doreen:' Burden. Tables were set
in the 'Sunday 'School room and
decorated by a committee headed
by Merle .and Muriel: C,rowdy.
Dinner was served by the Wo^
teen's i Association of the . cbn oh;
Guests at the head -tattle• included
the �1 ev.
Walton.' Tonge, of • the
Western'Ontario Bible Society, who
was lite: guest ,speaker; Rey, Glen
;Sage, o1 Clinton, chairman of the
Hurn Presbytery, United Church;
,piealdei t; •Stan. McDonald, of Clin•,
ton,'' Eileen Wray,; chairman of the
tally 'eoinmittee; Helen "Haines,
'irea,ident of the Wingham Young
Peglile'e,;ijniee; Agnes. Lane, sting
Ieader;,Mrs D. J, MacRae, and the
Rev MacRae, 'sinister of the,
W;rrgi}am United Church.
The 'Xoung People were Welcom-
ed by President r sident Stan McDonald
and the special .guests were Intro-
duced. `
Following the introductions and.
after a:' special singsong : at the:
tables :everyone: went; upstairs to
the cbw ch for the Special
Session;;,. where the features of `the
next; year's programme in Y;P.U,.
were..outlined by Bill Coultes mis-
and outreach convene;
Gail 'Lear, who spoke on..the coni-
ing YOung People's Week, and Stan'
TMIcDoiiald; who detailed the plans
for the: Evangelistic n'iisgion: of the;
esb terYr Which. begins onSun..:
Y . r t 1 ton
The shield for the :baseball
tournarnent was presented to the
Winghanr Union. Musical numbers
Were provided by Doris, and Joan
Johnston,; of Clinton.
An interlude ' ofrotpgames and
recreation was held- in the gymna---
ium . and: Sunday School rooms
tinder the leadership • of • Dennis
Waymouth and' Bert Pepper,
.-The Young People returned to;
the'dhurch Sanctuary fora hymn
singing led by ; Agnes Lane and
Helen .Haines: Worship. was con-
ducted by the St. HelensLI nion,
The evening of fellowship carie
to in' end in .the, theme address,
given'by the Rev. Walton Tonge, of
London,, secretary of 'the Western•
Ontario. Bible Society; and, former
missionary to ,China. The speak-
er's theme was' '"I Will Make You
Fishers of Men"
Fire destroyed the home of Gor-
don W: Rogers, in East Wawanosh
Township; about six miles south-
west et Winghanr, on ' Sunday
morning;, leaving three children
and their parents .homeless,
The blaze• was 'first noticed by
Me, Rogers at 8 o'clock When
he was awakened by the smell of
stiloke at 'the rear of the house.
IVi r, ] tigers summoned the Wing-
ham rural. fire- department from
a nearby residence,
1+'irenien were hatnpered in :their
efforts by a strong wind and lack
of a good water supply. A bucket
chain- was termed by neighbors
until the well ran dry. Water was
then •bought i'roni the faun, Of' JIM
Coultes; Whielt helped save , the
barn near the 'dwellitrg;•
li'artunately 1VCi's. Rogers and her
three :children Were away from
home for the Week -end. Firetrren
and neighbors . saved most; of the
downstairs: furniture .'Damage ie
estimated at $5,006 but is mostly
coveted by insurande:The Rogers;
family haci•il"ed itt the house since
T!.• 111 0011W'S BA:74.8Attf
y,1riLA AND MO :SAj
Tho Ladies' Aid of St; Andrew's.
reSb ter1att rc will his Ohit h d'
y l a
bazaar", tea` and balto sain in the
ehbteli m Satuirday, t eeentbbr 8t1i,
capts . Top Alt Previous Recoul
• The ?.allies' .Anlnciliary to the
Wingbanxt General •flospital have
again pet Its runlxrtage sale ,;over
the top, 'Ori Saturday they 'realized
8ali.;o which Isgreater than in
;former years. The nearest was back
in the spring of um when ,$940.73
was ralsed, loth the hat and shoe
departments "showed higher' totals
than' aver before,.
The sale, this year was in the
Wrotham Arena 'which, gave more
apace .and freed'orn; :ef :action. All
day^ Friday, reenikers of the Aztxil-
iaryl were busy opening the par -
eels, sorting and, marking the arti-
eiee and putting them ing;: the
proper booths..
Long before the doare opened,
ark S,aturi6ay erewde of people were
Wetting Outside for . admittance,
Promptly at two o'clock, the 100
volunteer salespeople were in their
)?laces and the buying began.
,Around four e'e tech, the eager
buyers, had purchased nearlyeVery-
;tiring, and *other rummage sale
had passed into history. If seemed
incredible that somany articles
could be gathered together in two
days and sold eat ;tri two hours with
so ,little . e7Gpenee,
This Bele has become a, egmrnun-
ity event and is a great dennonstra-
.O.�.A�*Names £x�cntive
'Iwo, television stations operating
in. 'this area were 'Waited for the
fall-off in attendance at hockey
games played •lest, year, by the
President of the Western Ontario
Tom -Cassel o 1
s, 1 tai trucker, had
a harrow. esoape On Tuesday
morning when Lie
brakes on his
truck failed to hold. The Vehicle
was parked infront of the office
at. Western Ir'o iidrY As the driver
got back ,into the cab the truck
relied over',the brink of .the river
bank and Toni leaped to safety,,:
The truck went completely down
the bank and came, to 'restartl
p y
submer"g ed.1n the river. When. it
w" . :haule back to torr,firma it
ds 4d back fi �! ,..,
been scratched in the .mishap.
Minor 'Injuries
Treated at Hospital
As she was leaving home to go
on a holiday Mrs. Leonard Rut -
tan, of R.R. 1, Gorrie, slipped on
a mag and struck her right shoul-
der on a, cupboard, fracturing her
upper arni. She was taken to' the
Wingham General Hospital on Sat-
urday lastand detained there for
Barry O'Kraflra;. two-year-old
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom. O'Kraf-
ka, .i'orriel, fell and 'struck . his
head, ,cutting his . forehead. The
wound. required several stitches .at
the Wingham Hospital' on. Tuesday,
after which be was allowed to, go
home, •
Bernice Srnitlr, ,14, • of. R.R. 4,
Brussels, fractured her right fourth'
finger playing softball.. A cast
a. h:
was applied t t e Winn am :Gen-
eral Hospital and ,she was allowed
to go home. Bernice the r B e is laugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith.
Athletic .Association, 'Nelson hili,
at the association's annual meeting
held in . W:ingha i ,town= hall last
Wednesday evening,
Mr. Ilill. said that since two TV
stations had' opened in the locality
there had been a rapid decline in
the nu h
mere t
of sp cta ors, Ike 'felt;
however, ,that once the novelty
wore off .people would once again
come back to the games,
Speaking on the sante suoject,
M. L. "Tory" yy, Gregg,, of London, a
Iife member of the association said
that he thought that, now TV was
nq longer new, sport Pans would be
turning out for the games again.
Two presentations were made at
the meeting, one to Alf Loekridge,
business.. manager of the aseocia-
tion, and the presentation of a
hdckey . trophy to Cuilie Rocker, of
Listowel. This.resentatio was
p n
made by Mike Welchel past presi-
deht, of the 4:1161.1:1:A;, to Johnnieh'
behalf of Mr, Rocker, who was tine
able to attend.
The association's president paid a
tribute to Mr, Locirridge, who he
said, had been an " outstanding
business manager, Mr: Iookridge
had voluntarily offered to eat his
salary in. half- When association
funds were down and anyone who
would make such an offer was a
very fine-sportsman,the president
After extending a welcome to
everyone - present, Mr. HuII intro-
dueed the members of the execu
tiv the
e ,,oaudience, and they were
individually thanked for all that
they had done during the past
year. •
One of. . the most important, ad-
dresses of the evening was made
by Mike °Weichel, Of Elmira, who
asked ,for' an all-out effort by
every'member of the association to
get parents interested in the sport-
ing activities of their 'boys and
"We who are associated with
juniors; sometimes see only half•a-
dozenparents watching their boys
play hockey. Our sports organize.
(Please turn to page four)
Oen of public coRpperation, done:-
'Vona, are sent frgm both town and
strrmunding districts, The mar,,,
chants are very 'generous,: giving,
new articles. Of clothing :and other
Merchandise, Zvsrythiiig it tourld
there.,' from a spoa bed to :a pair
01 ae,ssopi and frere a pound'q,E
butter to an AM$iaah violet
;Soule ;heavy coals which were
not sold, were put in bogey and Will•
be sent to: Korea,
Tickets Were sold on a hamper
of apples and a chicken, which had
been donated by Mrs, Chas. Rob-
eras. The lucky winners 'were Mrs
W. W, Armstrong 'and Mrs. H.
The reeeipts., by departments
were. Adult clothing, . $254,95;.
;ek„iidren's clothing, $34,39," friiace1-
laneous clothing, $Z53 93; irate,
i47F4Qy shoes, $97:65 novelt!es,.
$94.17; : groceries, 360.6; furniture, •
$72:00; donetiotrs, ..e48A0;" tieketa
sold, $36.20; total, $03,20.
The•'Aax bar,` wishes to thank
everyone who. assisted in.. leaking
this s$le steal a srzceess.
At a meeting of the Windham,
Business Association held .an Mon-
day .evening,. -the 'Christmas pare.
ade was discussed and it ,was de-
cided to havea team of she live
reindeer to pull Santa's ilei h,
provisional' date for the parad was
given. as November. 24th, with t h: Dem
cember 1st as a second choiee.
The following committees for the
Parade were set up': Decorating,
Warren Callan, anti; °Claire Cantel -
on;, parade,Carmichael' and
WeI .o •
w dCandy„,,
gfi9ffiif, lardy' distribution,' thi
zt was decided that all the stores
in town would stay open until 6
p.m, on Wednesday Dec.'$, Wed -
sd ,_
g ay, 'Dec.;bet. 12, and " WednesdaY,
Dec. 19 for Christmas shopping.
Stores. will ' also be open' in the
evenings the Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Monday immediately
before Christmas.
The next meeting of, the Bust.-
ness Association is to discuss the
proposal to -change the open::even-
ing from Saturday. to Friday, It
has been suggested that nary
shoppers find it just as; cbxnyrenient
toshopFriday Fride, evenings as Satur-
day evenings and that• if a switch
coup o
d be made fr m the Saturday
to Friday shop workers would be- •
nefit. 'zinn iar plan was carried'
out for:thiee months last win-
ter. i
The, > i,aaies' 'Auitiliary o"1 the
Legion is holding a euchre on
2L, at 8,15 sharp
in the Legion ilotne. Lunch. Good
prizes. AdMission
e0c. a Evcryon
welcome, F17b
Cubs Robert "Joht"toppte, "iiiwaded"
:tits 'town olerleb ofictts
oli theftpplas to 1/tr.
Calb ith1Alt aatltday, When Cubs acdaesnis their AppitDay, Tho tewizt.ottixeii% rospoadod
the .jutiiob . tlds 'ietl .try' t11e time, of Oa