HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-10-10, Page 8WE CAN GIVE • YOU THE BEST TRUCK Mit DEAL IN TOWN Mrs. J. Burchill,• one,"of the ladies responsible for meals at St. An- drew's is loaded down with a supply of McIntyre's bread to satisfy hungry young appetites. W. R. Smyth Dies At Nelson, B.C. Word was received last week of the death of W. R. Smyth, of Nel- son, B.C. Mr. Smyth a CPR conductor more than 40 years was born in Wingharn. Surviving are his widow, the former Lulu Hemphill, of Hensall; two sons, Dr. Harold Smyth, Nelson and Frank Smyth, Vancouver; and three grandchildren. 'Service was held last: Saturday at Nelson, B.C. -Mr. 'Anti Mrs. a A, Coats and Miss Norma 'cleats spent the holiday week-end in Toronto With Mr, and Mrs. Ornitts raid. family, --Mrs, Harry McGee, 02 Frances. $t„ has been a patient in the Wing- ham General :Hospital Aver' the. week-end, .TREATED FOR FIVE . ACCIDENT INJURIES Douglas Murray, 18, son of Mr, and Mrs, William Murray, of Wing, harry, injured his right leg while playing football at school. He was admitted to the Wingham General Hospital, where his leg was band, aged, He was later allowed home, In the same football game, Wil, ham Martin, of Brussels, was also injured, His right foot was bruised , but there were no bones broken,, He was examined and treated at Wingham General Hospital. An elbow injury, to' /4.-year•old Barry McDonagh, son of Mr, and Mrs, John McDonagh, of R,R. 8, Lticknow, caused at a. football game at Lucknow High School, Was treated at Wingham Hospital on Thursday last. The boy had his elbow N-rayed and had a sling Tap, plied before being sent home. Edward Findler, 0, Kitehener, was treated at Wingham- General klesPital, after he had accidentally discharged a gun while duels hunting at Silver Lake. Some pel- lets from the gun had struck his face but fortunately Mr. .9'inther did not appear to he seriously in- jured, After an X-ray he was al. lowed to return to his hb•me. Ross Nicholson; 14, soil of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Nicholson, R,R, A Bluevale, was found ,on Monday by his parents lying' besido. the farm tractor. The pardhts had no idea what had happened,', but it was thought that the boy liad,been thrown from the machine. At Wing- ham General Hospital, he, \ was found to be suffering from '''f.rac- tured ribs and bruises. His con±: dition is described as'satisfactdry..4 PET27:$0..NALtS: • #11111111.111111.111111111111111abillIONSMISMI* GYCEU Theatre. Two shows :each night First at 745 Thugs„ Fri,, Sat„ Oct. 1142.-13 Burt Lancaster Jean Peters in "APACHE" This is Outstanding entertain- ment for action tans and deals With a one-man war waged by a, rugged and uncompromising Apache brave, against the V.S. army. Mon, Wed., ' Oct 15-1647 Gary Cooper Charles Bickford • in -"Court. Martial. of Billy Mitchell" This is the dramatic account of the stormy career of Billy Mithliell, a leading exponent of air-power in the early clays of aviation, who deliberately risked disgrace and dishonour in a court-martial to • bring before the public the serious defects in the nation's small ignored air- force in the 1920's. • , , Ai MarpareaNethery 1.1,1arriea at Qs:towel' Margaret Jane Nethery, daugh- ter of. Mr. and Mrs, 4gibiter. Nati- erY, of 'Wink** and' 'James wonder ..Smith, .son of Mrs, Bar, ve,y ,4inith; and the late Mr. Allah? of LtatQWel, were .married by. the Rev, AJbert Motchntan at 'the 1UP-, .tilt parsonage, Listowel, .on the af- ternoon of •Satorday., .$ePternher The bridesmaid was.. Miss Beverly Nether,, • of Wingbam,. A slater of the bride, 'Me .,P000#4.01,04 was 4Ohn: Smith, of Listowei, ,bro- ther of the.-grocan, • Mr, Paul. Dodd, of Pstowel; was the The 'bride wore a grey tweed suit with peacock bine and Week accessories, and a ,eoreage of red rosea,- The bridesmaid Wore a, tan suit • with- green and brown -',P4•• cesegrick and .Corsage 'of ,yellow roses, 1. The wedding reception WAS Iheld at the home- of the bride's par- ents, , Where... the .,bride's mother ,and theSgrOnia's-.*iither ;,received the *nests, -Mrs- .Nethery wore dress ot ii4Vy'filtid•erepe With, black r:OSTI HALL Regular Sunday SerViClea Sunday Scheel 1045 1441.1. Remembering- the ,Ord at 11.15 Gospel MeetitiK. ot 7•$0 p•m• ' Bach 'Thursday evening at 8 p.rn Prayer Meeting and Bible Study AMEN WIN AT DISTRICT:FAIRS . WILITECHURCH-Leroy a n d Oar)/ Rhiteul have been busy this •, fall' showing their ,Hereford -*Yea in the 4-1-1 groups at Seaforth, Lucknow, TeesWater fairs arid 1.40n- don Interclub competition on Sat- urday last, At Tees.water they won 1st and 2nd prize in the 1st prize group, in the .Hereford, section for. their baby beef steer, Tice Lucknew4 Club at TeesWater in the group of • four calves, led carry McQurl- lin, Jim Lyons and. Leroy and. Gary Rintoul, placed second and at Lon., don, the Rintoul boys and I3arry Meguillin, in the group of three calves, Waxed third, Leroy and. Gary's (Alves placed 8th and 9th in the Hereford section. Gary will. show his calf at the Walkerton .Christirias. Fair on November I., and Leroy will take his calf to the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, We. congratulate these boys in .our community and expect to .hear more from them as they have far- . ther experience, will appear in Wingham day of this: week at the ,Winehank. District High School. Collins, raised in -Chicago, enter- ed Moody Bible Institute upon his graduation from high school, While At Moody be became active as a. leader in the Hi-Crusader Clubs of Chicago. These are Bible clubs: among the high school: 70444' people.. Upon completion of his Work at Moody, he was called to start a city-wide high school ovAngelism program in Milwaukee, Having seen the work grow under his lea- dership, hp was later asked to add to his 'responsibilities the director- ship of the Milwaukee Youth for Christ Rally, .At the same time he was appointed state director' for Wisconsin youth for Christ by the. International office. In 1951 he resigned his position to make his second evangelism trip to guxopo, sponsored - by the Youth for Christ International. This trip took hint to Holland, Bel- gium, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden. and Finland, He has preached to many hundreds on for- eign soil. Upon his return to the States Collins took up the ministry of directing high' school Bible Clubs and YFC rallies in Montana, and Wyoming,' Ile is widely recognii- ed as a. specialist in his work with high school age young people. His present duties call upon him to counsel with teen-agers all ,ovex• the country; conduct youth evangelistic campaigns and high school as- sembly programs. NEW PROPRIETORS • AT TEESWATEli, The "Three B's" restaurant in Te_swater, formerly operated by Mr.'' and Mrs; H. Feagan, who 're- cently moved to was opened under new management last week. The new operators are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Love of St. Thoinas, whO have had •conSiclerable expetir, ence in restaurant business. -Mr# Bob Burns and Miss Jane AnacAingnie of Windsor spent the. witelP,onti with Mr, and Mrs, Geo,. Tervit. Miss LOttle Hammond, ,TIA„ Port, Elope , Mg. Mil., Hammond and Mrs.' X,O Letheren, Toronto, And,, Mr, and Mrs. 0. 0, AldersOn, Oak,. virile., were Thanksgiving ttisitersi at the ‘harne of Mr...and Mrs. -0ett, _Marron, Vietaria, Rutherford Reavie, Of 4a, burst Lodge; Toronto, spent the weelt,end with Mrs. Rea,* and farnily, -4#1m, woo Dodd saint 'Thanksgiving week-end with friends in. London,. -Miss Mildred Redmondt of :Tor, onto, was Week-end guest with her mother, Mrs. R. C. Redmond, _Mrs, Roy pattison aed 'Miss Margaret Higgins spent a few dayS last week with relatives in Detroit, -Miss Margaret Higgins has• ru turned to London' after' spending two weeks with her PArentS, Mr. and Mrs, Relit. Biggins. -1VIrs„A, 1\f, Elliott,: Miss 'Anne Geddes and Mr. and Mrs. Miller Davis anent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Ryan and Mr, and Mrs, Norman Geddes in Toronto. -Mary and John Rafferty, }tit, opener are the guests of Mr. and. Mrs, John Langridge while their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Rat'," forty, attend tho World Series in New York, # • -miss Mina Begley and Miss Edna Kolby of Port Dover spent the Thahksgiving holidays with Mrs. Martha Warwick. ' _Mr, and Mrs, Jack. Myers left, on Wednesday' for their new lame; in Stratford. " -Jack Elliott, electrician apPren-' iico with Ontario hydro at Fitz-' soy Harbour, spent the week-end With his' parents, My, and Mrs.. Harry Elliott, -Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'Sturdy, and family of Owen' Sound spenti;the week-end with' his mother; ..Mrs. Prank Sturdy, -Mr. and Mrs Brian drehh;ancl' daughter of: •GririaSby and Iffiss• Donalda MacDonald of St. George Spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. R, MacDonald. • -Mr. and tIVIr4: Jas. Scott and family of Blyth spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. R. Matbon•- , aid, -Mr. and Mrs: Robt. Henderson of Detroit visited over Thanksgiv- ing with his mother, Mrs. C. R. Henderson. , -Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Staple- ton sand baby Cheryl Ann visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stapleton'in Turnberry. .Mr,'and Mrs. Leander' Strath.:in of Toronto spent the 'holid0'#•Veek,, end with their daughter, Mrs.'"W. Loder, Mr, Loder' and•family, • •-•'=Mr: Allen. Charlton' and Miss Dorothy Broughton of # Hamilton; spent the week-end with his' par- ents, Mr.' arid Mrs. 'Walter Charl- ton. • „, • -Mr. Bill Irwin 'has returned to Northern Ontario after:' spending a couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. Thos, Irwin. -Mrs, Helen MeBurneY and •song! Patrick Street, spent, the w4ek-eiicl at the home of me and Mrs. 'Gor- don Mel3urney, tad Wawanosh, ' -Mr. ' and • Mrs:, lanville jiam- merton visited the' Master' Phhto Dealers' and Finishers' Aseociatidri, convention held on Tuesday hi the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Gifts Presented . To Milarect tones Members. nod wives .pt the OKNx staff 'gathered "Peursday even, Mg .at the I.e14ion fialL 4WiashatA to. honour Miss Mildred longs, The bride-to,,bcr was ,presonted. With 4' .junior mixer,: a steam and ## pair of sheets .And •pillOW„ cases, Games were.. ''nioYed. and. • a .4411.01; ions 11;110 was SerVecli A surprise ',party; • Was: held- on Friday evening at, the home of and Mrs, Reg' coltar,.1$## rohn,bers .and friends from 'he Wingham Baptist -0.1ntrek, hononr.. oi( Miss Jones, After an .en0yable. evening of games and si.ning, the bride-to be 'Was' presejtted.,with. a #liver tea service 'from • the Alehlbef4. Of; the phorph,„anci a beatulful ,tea- pot trom.Ilvt Sunday Solvol class, afterWards dainty lunch • was served, Kingston, was the scene of an :in- teresting wedding on St#turday,, September 29th, when 'Robert En- t gene McMurray, son of ' Mr. and Mrs. J, MOVIurray, Wingham,. and Miss May Xrene Muchmore, daughter of•Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Deane, of 'Kingston, exchanged marriage vows, The Rev. R. H. graham' el:inducted the ceremony. The bride, who 'was given in Marriage by her' lather, wore a dress of ChantIW • lace over blush Satin. Her Cascade benquet • was of red roses and stephanotis, •A three-quarter length veil of net fell from "a. Juliette hat of blue :pa. e matron of "honour was Mrs, befald' 'Bennett , of Smiths Falls. Mrs Donald McMurray,, ..Wingharn, was .ethb grooittiman. •C4don Me- Mtirr* hrOthCr'Pf ;the groom was, 'the• ' ring7136areri and Miss Carol Yeatman, of Morton, was the flow- er' girl, She . was dressed in white crisp nylon, embossed., with pink flpwers i'witti a wreath of .pink roses in her hair, and carried O. 'basket -of anttinan• fioWers, Miss Aileen- Pearson, Toronto, was the soloist, singing 4Wedding Prayer" and "I'll Walk Beside Yoe,' U.shers were Murray Chapman, Stratford, a cousin of the groom, and Harold, Bennett, cousin zof the bride, • The wedding reception was held at • Morrison's Lounge, 'Kingston, where the bride's mother, wearing a dress of, peacock, blue taffeta, received the ,gueits. Mrs, IVIcMur; ray, mother of the groom; assisted. She wore a navy ,blue taffeta dress With , accessories of turcinoise •blue and: a corsage of 'pink rosess, ' GueSts who 'had come from.a tits,- tanee ”ineluded,`Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, „Brussels; Mr. and Mrs, H, • erl ▪ S• f.,..!YCilt 4W roa 9:ty1/41.14): trAy‘ 41# r,i! and Imis„,Ohoptaan, Stratfos Miss Marie Ooltshauer, of i • , When she left for ter honer' Mrs, MeldurraY wore a green WO T"'h7e"dhasnue'ytn#Nvoitpbn' bwraTn.:01;40enCtP14.9$ taWa. and. the couple will • resin. a, in Toronto,. • ,#1111111.141111.11.1111.11110.1111.111.11111ltilitih.. . . . and she noted that Dtiwnie's was the place to go;for always friend- ly service and depend- ability: SPORTSMEN AWARD P11143 FOR FISH At the last Z'Ogular , meeting of the Winghairk, Spertmena Associa- tion, prises were awarded in the fishing competition, for ,trout en- tries, • • • , .• • • „TkeitrPh:Pxise4for ,speeltied, trent went ,to Charles, Thom for a 16%, inch, fish' caught in the Albs' Creek With 4 worm ,f bait. The second prize: went .to rDoxialti .Origgs14'for •la 15 inch ‘,4•41'. eaughtrprk Balihfirthn • Waters using:Worm, fOr bai0 The Brat prize! for brown trout vent to Frank •Caskanotte• for a 16 inch; .fish caught 'in the Zetland Cree,Ifi!iisinelt(tWOrm as .bait, • and the second prize wept _to :Donald Cook ofor;k4§448 -nfen fish, caught. the' Nine 'MOO. .River; ' using a, blood sucker :for bait, ' A ,Suacessfui ,shooting match was , peld on ;Thanksgiving, October 8, at tile sheath*. range on the farm of Murray Jenkins, • Teeswt ter Club Holds:Shoot TeesWater ,Lidifs Chit: sponsored a shooting., match on Monday at which attendance was good. Among. the high scorers iihitlit.f..29 rifle class' Were Thapker and , 111. Hislop; While ; Little' was top hi the shotgun class." " • • MARRIED NAMELY-SAUNDERS-The mar- riage of Miss Annie Gertrude Saunders and William Relison Humbly M.D., of London, was solemnized on Thursday,' Sept- ember 20th; 1956, at 592 Maitland Street, London, by Rev. A. M. Stuart. Many will remember Dr. Handily as a former physician in Wingham. DIED • 411.://..111M1.111011rslitistal Mill11131.1111111111111111111111111111112111Z111%11213411111111111511111 -0; ' • :1 Phone 37 for appointment • W. Re A'' ILTON' • OPTOMETRIST . Thoroughness — Ability — Time tested NDERSON4-In Windham General Hospital on Sunday, October 7, 1956, Joseph Anderson, 79, of Ltieknow. Survived by his daugh- ter,•Mrs, Blue, Detroit. Interment in South Kinloss Cemetery, • Rib by 961171EAFI • Larger sizes equally low priced See it soon! 11T RONG ,111 _ IT! NEVER W pin HORN TAO Wintharn AdVanee-Tlinen t Weilltiesdayi Opt, 1,0,, 1.104 y,Fe ci p pea:k er At Wingham lirgh Rev. wpkwy, field director of tpf :uhrlipl.Cig1144141(kl:i!):::911e1V, Robert Me: Vet Marriectat: accessories, 'and Mrs. Smith navy' • • .••: blue orepe with red accessories, St. Lake's . A.nglican Church, in The.couple will reside in LiStew- el when they. 'return frem a lion, eymoen which is being spent in Niagara and Buffalo. 1 . unci a • „ UTIFUL SEL,ECI1ON of •. • LANNEL1ETTES fugt -eirribed EdigtOffei'i Words alone • cannot describe the beatify of these freSh NEW patterns, :se do come-. in and see •for Yourself:" •Stripes, floraV .novelty •designs ,and 'children's: patterns in •a lironderftil array • , of bright beautiful-Colors; 69c )*Tcl. TLAI,N SHADES AVAILABLE_ 410 in Popular colours, of Btue, Pink, YelioW Red 4" 34.1 A ,,./De.)1.0 'STOCK OF FLANNELETTES alwayi on hand -in qualities of popular weights. 55c , -59c, 75c yd. 27". width 45c 49c A,. .„ ." *** ..,• Yu. • • • • 1 - • „ • . SERVICE ”Wil,e-Re YOUR MINIM]PaL.LAI2 coEs FURTHER' tD1GHOFF'ERS Mat 9Fleet : -Stiipee 9 Look: it's 'thee outs fahc(in g style, coin- ', baled with, exclhsivc all-wool fabric imports and meticulous Truly' a Fleet Street suit is one of the soundest clothing invest- ments you can make! • "'FLEET STREET" CLOTHES $72.50 - 2 pc. The Ivor/Ws/hien fahries, custom-tailored throughout Exclusiye with' "The .Friendly Shire". • ..7701.11011111103111111. 04111101.110.f11,11.41M11.1nip411.0•11111:”IMb 'illtri..f.I.INIM.411101,11M1.01M04111111.4•111•011011.3. . • Wingham D-107 TIP TOP TAILORS The ladies behind the sceneS, who under the dime- the large ininix of visitOr.s,attending the four-day tion of Mrs, J. Burchill, Prepared the Meals for on-.11ehentOret, . and gllarplyteed .11.tost:Collititate§4 .: "Want some help with your homework, Dad?" It's a good thing young.Tcd is only joking. His dad is studying the needs of families like yours for financial protection. If he took Ted up on his Oqdr, the hoy.would be overwhelmed by problems about man- aginglaml ly incomes, succession duties, protecting a business ageing* , Tosses caused by the death of the owner, add other matters, Ted's father is a modern life underwriter, Today, fife insuranc rcpt.& sentatives not.only study better ways to provide life insurance prow- tiet - they seek a real understanding of people's needs, and shape plans to meet these needs, which differ with every family, Von'll find today's life insurance man a good man to know, pro- gress reflects the many ways in which the life insurance business' has developed with the timer to meet your changing needs! • 334% ,for ape `and two years and ear TRF 'HURON & E IF CANADA' TRUST ,11,111, // / Head Office London, Ont. tiw .i . tctscitrienil hovt cr wititt thotte al life kiurteiev. }plans I .0,••••bffood by Mete ffico ad We trcivearkerzvorpanter, 006h:tibia in this topiary. u ittrict rcepresentatives tot,Vivrono otliiiitstr4t4Tox,'W*OHAMWv.r. waoxertit w. WINOSAM • 1.111::.aji.;(tidrit11.1 ,peritth,g'1tt break .in the Saturday olotning THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA tim Ant.. Alexander NIMMO and the Rev. Wayne. A, ;s1.,,,,Ith htivc, 0, word With Ruth 4560 r Arrirgii aPbdidg, Peter NIVKAglie4 and tIon. *1r ,